The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Kyton » Wed Jan 01, 2003 12:46 am

Legends tell of a dark beast that wanders the Darroch forest; a thick and wild jungle that spans leagues, and is split by a deep gorge. Some say it is a great wyrm that breathes death, whose gaze renders even the most mighty hero unto stone. Others say it is a rogue mage that captures strong men to steal their essence and strengthen his own. There are also tales of a great healer that wanders the very same trees, that helps the injured and fallen only to be gone before he or she is seen.

This tale is a new one, told between drinks at the inn of the stag. A small but well kept refuge for journeying souls. The small brick and wood, two story structure lies in easy reach of Locdome's main thuroughfair. At its back is an equally measured stable of pine timbers. It is late in the year though, and harvests have been brought in. Now the small town is preparing for the cold days ahead.

"... Ah swear! I saw it wit' me own eyes!" A grizzled man was surrounded by several other townspeople. "It had teeth as long as me arm! At first they was all ah could see!"

He was sitting in a chair, leaning forewards,brandishing his uncovered forearm as if it were proof to the masses. "It's eyes... they was a blue colder than death itself, glowing unnat'rally."

A few of the crowd were mocking the seemingly disturbed man, while others sat in an expectant silence. Finally one of the patrons asked the question everyone was waiting to have answered. "So why are you still alive then?"

It was just the question to ask, and the man seemed as eager to tell it as the others were to listen. "It was fate lad!" He slammed the table with his palm, making drinks jump and wobble. "Now... I wun' lie to you all... I was scared pass' thinking. I threw my dagger at it, the one ah was using to dig up some herbs, and 'lo and behold the creature-who rightly wouldn' be hurt by such things- ducked! Well I ran like tha bejessus, the creature right behind me a thumpin and a crashin' through the bushes..." He emphasised the point by waving his arms hard, as if knocking aside branches. One of his swipes knocked an empty stine to the floor, sending it skiddering to a far corner.

"It let out that bloodcurdlin' roar again, an' I felt it right through my chest it was so vile! I thought it had me. I could feel it's icy breath on me neck... next thing I knew WHAM!" Again he hit the table "Ah was eatin' dirt and grass. I closed ma eyes, and got ready to go greet Siri..." The man was suddenly quiet and calm. "... but nothing came. For an hour I sat there, dread to move. When I finally did look up, there before me was an ol' thatch hut. It wus all broken and mossy, with an oak tree growing biside it. I can only guess it was some sort of holy sanctuary because the creature was driven off."

As is the way of most tales, some scoffed at it's conclusion, others applauded it as a tale well woven. But none openly considered it valid, and soon the man was alone again. He sighed heavily, rubbing a moment at his left ankle before taking the last of his drink in a single pull.

OOC: alright guys the stage is set! Drop on in! (For those who haven't already, please look through the OOC thread first. It's in the same name as this one)


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Wed Jan 01, 2003 7:26 pm

One of the listeners, Yrati Bodhi, who sat in the corner and had listened to the story with the utmost attention. He smiled and clapped at the end along with others and began to immediatly write down a few notes in one of his small tomes that he had always carried with him.

Yrati was 6'2" thin, and had short blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He wore white priests robes accented at the sleeves and along the front and back with blue, and carried a mace at his side. He was a priest, of sorts, and was currently on a quest, seeking knowledge of the worlds religions. Of course, for something this interesting, he could take a break and do a little searching of his own for the elusive beast that the storyteller had spoke of.

The beast however, was just part of his interest in this place. Tales of a healer in the woods also interested him. With a quick tap of his small crude pencil, he finished his notes and looked about the inn. He could wait a bit longer, the air already carried a chill, and the inn was rather warm, and besides, maybe he would find another adventurous (or foolish) soul willing to enter the Darroch Forest to keep him company.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Scyla001 » Wed Jan 01, 2003 8:56 pm

The doors to the Inn of the stag slowly creacked open, a short figure, about 5'4", shifting into the building, closing the door behind himself. He was compleatly covered from head to foot with brown ragged clothing which obsured his intire image.

He slowly walked though the centre of the tavern, keeping his distance from everyone, occassionally getting glances and looks of horror as the people he passed smelt the vile stench of his clothing. It now became apparent that the persons back was hunched, and swayed oddly as he walked until he reached a bench near the back of an isolated part of the room.

Raising his head he met the gase of every creature in the bar that stared at him, although his eyes burnt with an cold foresent green that could have frozen the meed in their tankards wore it not more then just a look. His face however remained hidden.



Unread postby Kyton » Wed Jan 01, 2003 10:43 pm

The sounds of shifting tables and chairs were almost in unison as the ragged newcomer chose his seat. When they faded, he found a large berth had been granted to his chosen table. A few more moments led into hushed whispers, and a pair of heads returned to their game of cards. Soon the noise had returned to normal, though the occasional eye glanced in the newcomers direction. The townsfolk were a simple lot, and even gave the man of the cloth his own berth as well; though it was noteably smaller.

"Mah story is true, you know."

The voice belonged to the man who was speaking earlier. He was standing across the table from Yrati, wringing his hands lightly as if expecting harsh words.

"An... I saw you writin' it in yer book there... someone woudn' do that unless they believed the story... right?" He didn't wait for an answer, instead plunging ahead in a stream of words before he could be sent away. "Ah feared for my life that day... an... an I still do. You look like a good man, an' an experienced one at that. I was a hopin' you could... help me."

A short distance away, easily within earshot of the man's words, a serving woman came up to the green-eyed being. She semed apprehensive, but her composure was sound as she asked if he was to be ordering anything.


Re: Prologues

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Thu Jan 02, 2003 1:03 pm

Yrati looked at the man standing across from him and smiled, "Experienced, not really, but good, I do the best I can at," He motioned for the man to take a chair before continuing, "now tell me, how is it that I can help you?"


Re: Prologues

Unread postby Scyla001 » Fri Jan 03, 2003 8:24 am

The cowled figures eyes swiftly moved to meet those of the barmaid, while he listened intently to the conversation between the two male humans.

"Beer manthing." He hissed in a high pitched voice, hesitating for a moment before ending the sentence with "Pleaze."


Re: Prologues

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Fri Jan 03, 2003 4:26 pm

Sitting at the bar was a man that carried a sword easily 5 feet long, wearing a red coat, and black gloves. The man went by the name of, Dante Alighieri. He downed the rest of his whiskey and walked over to the table where the man who had told the story was sitting. Dante grabbed a chair from a nearby table and pulled it up to the table with the man who told the story. He looked at the man writting things down.

"What y'a written'?"


eep! O_O

Unread postby Kyton » Fri Jan 03, 2003 10:29 pm

The serving woman flashed an irritated expression despite the 'please'. She held her tongue however, and after a moment nodded once then went behind the bar to fill the order. The noise of the bar had returned to normal, but with a small effort the conversation could still be overheard and understood.

The man who had told the story was surprised by the casual friendliness he had just been shown, and promptly sat in the offered chair. He hesitated for a short time, glancing from side to side. Once he thought no one else was watching, he swiftly rolled up the loose sleeve to his right arm and leaned forewards. The sleeve slowly unveiled what had to have been a bad gash, though now it was well on the mend. The red, jagged line began just above his elbow, and ran along the outside of his arm, curling around to disappear under the shoulder of his shirt.

"I've been mark-*"

The man frose as a chair skittered over the floor to the table, and was promptly occupied by Dante. He was left leaning forewards, his injured limb outstretched and plain to see. It was obvious he was overheard, and judging by the new arrival's countenance he was indifferent at worst. The man quickly recovered the wound as he waited to see Yrati's reaction to the newcommer.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Sat Jan 04, 2003 12:53 am

"Me," Yrati said and blinked, before nodding and smiling at the newcomer, "well I happen to have just written down some notes on the misadventures that this man had in the Darroch Forest with a beast said to lurk there." he said quickly and pointfully, gesturing towards the man across from him.

The priest nodded to the man again then turned to the storyteller, "Okay, please go on with what you were saying sir, I'm very eager to hear of what I can help you with," he looked over at Dante again, "you may want to listen to this too... if your interested in helping an unfortunate man out that is."

Edited by: [url=>CaptainCommando</A] at: 1/4/03 12:01:01 am


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Jan 04, 2003 2:58 am

"Me, I don't care if it helps him. If what I do ends up helpping him then he should consider himself lucky."



Unread postby Kyton » Sat Jan 04, 2003 3:19 am

Though he seemed unsure of the five feet of steel plainly visible on the newcomer, it did at least hint at what the man's profession was. The storyteller once again revealed the days-old wound, and began again.

"Ah'm marked... the beast did this ta me when I was falling. If I didn't trip, who knows where ah woulda been hit. It'll doubtlessly come tah finish the job one day." The man's look darkened. "I want it to be finished first. Afore it rampages through tha town to look for me, or takes mah son instead... while he checks tha lines we manage."


Re: erm...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Jan 04, 2003 4:15 am

"What makes you think that the beast knows enough to find you here, let alone your son?"


Re: erm...

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Sun Jan 05, 2003 9:58 am

Yrati frowned, "Maybe the wound magical somehow, right?" He asked looking at the man's arm, "Or maybe it's just a really good tracker?"

The priest's frown deepened, "I suppose you want someone to kill the monster, right?"

Edited by: [url=>CaptainCommando</A] at: 1/5/03 8:59:31 am


Kill ^_^

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sun Jan 05, 2003 11:28 am

The strangers ears peaked up as soon as he heard Yrati. It had been a while since he had hunted somthing down, he loved the thrill of the chase. He causiously looked around for the barmaids return, so not too look like he was evesdropping on the conversation near him.

All he needed to do now is wait a little longer before jumping into the conversation and hope they excepted him, otherwise, he'd have to utilise his Clan training until they saw the benifits of his skill.



Unread postby Kyton » Sun Jan 05, 2003 11:44 pm

The man nodded once to the priest. "Yes... kill it 'afore it kills me... or anyone else in these woods. An' I know it's following me. It's the sort of evil that woudn' leave a job half finished. ... At least -find- thah creature... find it's lair so others'll know where ta look."

The man's eyes were pleading as they leapt from man to man. It was easy to tell he had been turned down before. "I... Ah cin reward you... if it comes to that. You can keep whatever you find from the creature naturally... and whatever I have is yours as well."


Re: indeed

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Mon Jan 06, 2003 10:05 am

Yrati sighed, "I will search for the beast's lair, but I won't kill it, I have yet to shed the blood of any living thing in my travels and I won't begin now," the priest smiled and shook his head, "and I have no need of a reward of any kind, I will help you out of kindness."

He frowned over at Dante before quickly pulling out one of his books and opening it to a page fairly free of his scribbled notes, "Now, any other information that you can give would be most useful, so feel free to say whatever you think should be known."


Re: indeed

Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon Jan 06, 2003 12:33 pm

"Tweek'll kill it!" the robed figure declaired to the table, as he stood up and aproached them. "Mayhap be needing Manthing gold also. Me Tweek, me Kill's gud Image .I go do job if Raty and you no mind." He finished looking eagerly at both his possible future comrades.

Edited by: [url=>Scyla001</A] at: 1/8/03 6:50:26 pm


Re: indeed

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Mon Jan 06, 2003 11:39 pm

[OOC: I Have never said my name. No one knows it yet.]

"I will hunt the creature down," Dante looked at the priest, "Do not worry you will not be forced to shed blood. I don't want a thing. The creatures death will be enough."


Re: indeed

Unread postby Scyla001 » Tue Jan 07, 2003 6:54 pm

(Ooc: Eep Image , sorry)


Re: indeed

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Tue Jan 07, 2003 8:35 pm

[OOC: It's cool just edit your post.]


Re: indeed

Unread postby Kyton » Wed Jan 08, 2003 2:26 am

OOC:A minor thing... nothing to worry about ^_^

The man's relief was palpable as he wrapped his hands around the priests, shaking them before (trying) to do the same with the others gathered around him whether they answered or not. Apparently he assumed the others agreed as well, or was trying to fix it so they would through guilt.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Youve saved me... and who knows how many others!..." The man's voice trailed off as he realised he was making a display of himself. But still it was some time before he reached a modicum of composure. He sat back down in his chair again and straightened his tunic self-consciously.

"Ah'm... Ah'm afraid I dun' have much more information for you. All I cin tell you is that it dwells somewhere to the northeast. When ah saw it... I was the better part of a day's walk away from the town. There's a brook out there that empties into the crystal lake, and then continues inta the cannal days away from here. If you lose your way find the creek before nightfall and go upstream from the lake. Ye'll come across the hut that saved me. Mebe it'll afford you some protection." The man's downcast look returned briefly as he spoke. "As to tha beast itself... I dun know anything past that hateful glowing stare of it's eyes."

Somewhere near one of the few still open windows of the tavern a bird squawked, and took to wing outside. Any gases following the sound were suddenly interrupted by the bar woman, who handed the previously ordered drink to the man in rags. She seemed to be waiting for something as she stood, shifting her weight casually from foot to foot.

Outside the air was growing dark and chilled. It was going to be a cold night, and clouds overhead promised of rain on the morrow. There was the cry of a hawk as a shadowed form sat atop his horse. The figure raised it's arm as wings shifted slightly across it's back, and a redtail hawk promptly came from nowhere among the sky and landed on the offered limb.

The sky turned from deep orange to near black as the sun finally shed it's last ray over the horison. The darkness enveloped the sihlouetted figure like a warm satin sheet, his outline fading as he stroked the bird's chest feathers. In the darkness all that remained were the slight chirps and clicks of birds talking.

OOC: Begin... chapter one. *Wicked grin*


Re: indeed

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Jan 09, 2003 2:01 am

Dante stood up.

"Consider your self lucky if I come back to tell you the deed is done. I'll most likely go to another town."

Dante headed for the door. He passed a table with a man wearing jacket with a hood. Dante thought nothing of it untill he got outside and saw the sky. He walked back in and picked up the man by the scruff of the neck.

In a really low gruff voice Dante said, "Give me your jacket or die."
[OOC:I'll let the gm say what happens.]


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Thu Jan 09, 2003 5:19 pm

Yrati watched Dante leave, a frown covering his face.

Well, this will most likely be interesting. he thought before standing up, closing his book and nodding to the man he was helping, "No thanks are necessary sir, and thank you for the information you have provided, sleep easy knowing that I will not rest until have found the beast."

With that he nodded to the creature that had called itself Tweek, "As for you, I would be glad to have you join me in the hunt, and, if your ready to go... Tweek, then we shall be on our way." He turned and began to walk out then stopped himself.

"Oh wait, I should introduce myself, I am Yrati Bodhi, priest of the Order of Guiding Light." Yrati said with a small bow, before turning and walking towards the door. Noticing Dante, he made another stop and stood behind the man, "Excuse me sir, but is it really cold enough for you to rob a man of his jacket at this time of year?"


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Scyla001 » Thu Jan 09, 2003 7:03 pm

'Hmm raty, Good name methinks' Tweek though to himself.

He looked up at the woman by his side. "Arr yes, currency." he said quickly, droping 2 strange glowing green coins on the table top with square hole cut in the middle of them. Hw then promtedly drew his hood slightly back, allowing him to drink with what appeared to be a snout, a clawed hand, partially covered with a fingerless leather glove, holding the tankard by the handle. He then replaced the mug and follwed on behind yrati.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Jan 09, 2003 11:13 pm

"The sky fortells of rain, this man... Let's say this man has little difficulty in acquiring new objects."

Dante's face never looked away from the man's, nor did it move. "
He will find another coat. But for now, I require a hood."

Dante tightened his grip.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Kyton » Sat Jan 11, 2003 2:01 am

The barmaid took a step back as Tweek's clawed hand opened to deposit the clowing coin. Her eyes were wide as she tried to take in what she saw. "...what th.-*"

The woman took another step back, and once again the tavern was turning silent.

The voice underneath the hood turned out to be female, though the figure's broadness had been deceptively masculine. It was then that Dante came to realize his hand was crushing down on armor that rested beneath the cloak.

"You will desire more than this cloak for comfort before this night is through, young warrior." The figure's head turned, a woman's narrow chin showing from beneath the deep shadow. It was framed in long, straight black locks. Soft red lips curled into a half smile.

"That's right, things are never what they seem. If anything that is what you will learn before this is over. The white one has wisdom you all can use. And the outlander has a refreshing innocense. That too may save you if your broad arm should fail." As the woman spoke her head dipped down, and a free arm raised slowly to shrug off the cloak. The fabric rose and parted to reveal smooth, strong features of limb and leg. She lacked the definition of the most seasoned warriors, but her form was still lean and used to the rigors of travel. The revealed armor was almost piecemeal in its design, small plates of black steel strapped to strategic places while red leather straps covered her chest, abdomen, and thighs.

The woman's hair was mostly pulled into a tight ponytail behind her head. All save for the locks of her bangs that fell to caress her face. Her eyes were closed as she turned to face Dante. offering him the cloak. When they suddenly opened they met his own squarely. Her eyes were pure pitch black and sightless, their depths reflecting the local firelight like a miniature starry expanse.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Jan 11, 2003 2:13 am

"You have made a wise choice warrior." Dante took the cloak. He took off the sling that held his sword. He let the sword and sling drop into his other hand. He fashioned it over the cloak, so it didn't get in the way. With the cloak in hand Dante headed for the door.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Sat Jan 11, 2003 12:17 pm

Yrati bowed to the woman, as a way of a short apology, and followed Dante out.

"I don't see that it was really necessary to rob someone of their cloak like a common thug... and besides, what that woman was wearing looked a little... too scant, to ward off the elements," He mused mostly to himself, before speaking up, "anyway, I suppose we should hurry head to the northeast then, we have a lot of ground to cover after all."


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Jan 11, 2003 3:39 pm

"You are correct. If that lady has the money to wear the suit of armour there, then another cloak should be no problem for her. If you are joining me then let us go."

Dante headed northeast with a steady and rather slow jogg.

"If the monster is as far away as we were made to believe we will have one night of rest."


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sat Jan 11, 2003 5:02 pm

Tweek follow quickly behind the pair, easily keeping pace with them. Swaying as he moved, he looked about him.

'The big guy seems like he knows what he's doing' thought tweek to himself. 'A little brasen and I dare say ham fisted, but we cannot always complain when I comes down to working with manthings'. "Where wills us be heading to first then Manthings?"


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Jan 11, 2003 8:22 pm

"You are talking to me? Call me Dante... We are going to the shed the man talked about. There we will search for this... Monster."


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Kyton » Sat Jan 11, 2003 9:21 pm

The night air was cool and crisp, making their breath and speech show in stark white against the darkness. The inn's position made it easy for them to exit the town, and within minutes the semi-packed dirt rode narrowed, turning into one of many deeply rutted cart paths that ran the countryside.

The darroch forest was nearly a league away, leaving them to travel through a section of open plains this night. If it wasn't for the darkness of night one could have easily seen his surroundings in great detail. Either side of the cart path was hemmed in by waist-high grasses. It was likely an old farm left to fallow, left with game trails and the occasional half-dead tree to line its grounds. Those with better sight than average in the darkness could see a distant herd of feeding mule-deer shift and run in unison.

The night breeze hummed over feathered wings that glided just beneath the clouds. The figure was no more than a black speck against blackness, but it saw well what transpired below.

The hawk watched the three figures on the path impassively, and the moving shadows that stalked them. They had been followed since leaving the town two hours before. The shadows were stealthy, and kept below the grassline as they moved. The Yrrasi were always good at what they did, and tonight they hunted.

A forked, lizard-like tongue flicked out from a serpentine maw, tasting the air as it flowed through the grasses. The flesh was close, she could taste its stink. But there was a different scent as well, one she could not identify. It was what held her back, made her hold the others back.

The female turned it's head to look over it's shoulder, the long sinuous neck stretching with the motion. Her males were where they should be, some sinking their five inch talons into the soft earth in anticipation of the kill. None would dare undermine her though. She was their queen, every one of them belonged to her. Every facet of their humanoid forms told of an anchient animal, the kimodo. From their long, black, sharp talons to their hide that was as strong as chainmail, to the poisonous saliva that ran unnoticed from her mouth in a thick, near gellatinous slime.

Her tongue flicked out again, caressing the night air before sliding back behind her scaled lips. A moment of alarm marred her face, the wind changed directions and she could no longer smell her quarry. Her voice rang out in a hushed trill, subtoned with alarmed clicks as she dashed away from the path. They had to avoid giving themselves away for the time being.

Everyone had been walking at a steady, smooth pace for just over two hours, talking or lost in thought as suited the individual. Suddenly thought and word were disrupted in equal measure by a rustle in the grasses not ten meters from the road, and a series of clicks and trills that as quickly fade to nothing.

OOC: I'm not sure how sensitive your nose is tweek, if it is more sensitive than a human's then you'll likely catch a hint of a foul smell from upwind. It'll be gone before you get anything more than knowledge it was there though.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sun Jan 12, 2003 12:42 am

In Dante's ears the clicks were as loud as the last shrill cry someone makes before they die. Dante stopped in his tracks. He spun around.

"Anyone else hear that," Dante spoke in a hushed voice.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon Jan 13, 2003 1:24 pm

"Yess I hears it." Tweek said looking in the direction of the sent he had picked up moments before. "Smells it to. Hiding in the grasses. Here manthing, hold my cloak while I go flank them." He said while passing his robe to Dante.

Upon removing the hooded robe the group now saw their companion. If he had stood up straight he would be a 6'1" black rat. He adorned armour almost the same colour as his fur, Holding three throwing daggers over his left shoulder, a long sword at each of his sides, a third over his back, the hilt near the ground and a belt housing five of six black pots. The ear at the right side of his head had a chunk missing, like it had been bitten off and he now grimaced showing his sharp yellow fangs.

"Approach with caution manthings, for these aren’t of your kind." And he set off on all fours back down the track, before entering the grass, making no sound as he did. 'Time to put some of that training into practice now' he thought to himself.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Tue Jan 14, 2003 4:56 pm

Yrati stood waiting besides Dante as Tweek went off into the grass, silent as could be. 'Interesting, have seen many of those in my travels' his thoughts mused.

The priest muttered a small prayer to the forces of good for the rat man's safety and mentally prepared a few chants in case they would be needed, but didn't draw his mace. "Maybe now, we will get our first glimpse of the creature the man at the inn spoke of." He muttered to himself, trying to imagine what kind of monster it would be.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Tue Jan 14, 2003 8:11 pm

"I'm not a coat rack." Dante dropped the coat. He quickly unsheathed his sword. He walked in the grass, had he been any lower he would be crawling. He held the sword behind him with his shoulder pointing his way.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Scyla001 » Thu Jan 16, 2003 3:31 pm

Tweek makes his way silenlt around the unknown enemy until he is down wind of them, then slowly starting his aproach towards them. His tails lashed eagerly, though not as much as brushing the grass, then coiling around the hilt of the sword on his back.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Kyton » Thu Jan 16, 2003 7:28 pm

About thirty meters off the track, Tweek finally reaches their unseen foe's downwind side. There have been no tracks to reveal what it is they were facing, even in the places of parted grass where they obviously passed. Just then the feint sound of another body reached tweek's ears. That of Dante entering the grass.

The Yrrasi female came to a stop in a place where the grasses thickened, sinuous legs flexing as the earth below her shifted and waved slightly. She was unfamiliar with the land, and had stumbled onto an overgrown bog. The ground was thick over the water, but who told where it changed and how. This sort of land was treacherous, even for beings geared for the night.

The female let out a low, airy hiss as her males caught up and they all stopped dead, questioning looks on their faces. They faded though once the sounds of shifting grasses came to their attention. Their quarry was following, and close. After a few moments the female let out a whispered series of sounds, to which one of the males went wide-eyed. Even though their flesh was scaled it managed to pale some. Then his expression steeled, and he nodded once. They were only supposed to follow for the time, but their prey would be on alert unless they killed something.

Tweek had been motionless for only a few seconds as he listened, but his perceptions were rewarded by the sound of weapons being drawn. It came from ahead, a little farther than where Dante stood now and further from the path. A moment after a deep hiss crossed through the grasses, followed with a growl in challenge that everyone could plainly hear.

Overhead a bolt of lightning skipped between the clouds in a white sheet, illuminating the land for an instant. The sudden bright light revealed a serpentine figure, holding aloft a pair of hand axes. Its head turned skywards, another loud hiss joining in with the boom of thunder before it's serpentine gaze levelled. It was looking towards the only still visible people, Dante and Yrati.

(OOC) ok guys combat has begun... each of you post a single action IE; closing and attacking, repositioning, etc etc and I'll do likewise after ^_^


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Thu Jan 16, 2003 8:00 pm

"Ah, so it's snake folk that we are dealing with," Yrati grumbled, "I must be careful..." the priest's hands suddenly flashed through the air, carving a glowing symol that let out a low hum.

"Take not one step further!" he called out as his hand crashed through the symbol with palm extended, sending out a hazy burst of energies racing towards the creature that had spotted him.

(ooc note: Yrati's spell is meant to slow, or parylyze.)


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Jan 16, 2003 11:54 pm

Dante saw the creature and before the lightning had dissapeared he was running full speed at the creature, his shoulder still point the way. Dante passed the creature bringing his sword, in both hands, in a powerfull swing that could possibly cut a normal human in half.


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