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Re: Whoo... voices!

Unread postPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2002 7:10 pm
by ikozaedro
...this is the place...they took her away if i can find that ghost girl....she could help me....i hope..

Lime you fruit!

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 11:50 am
by Scyla001
Karcinogen pulled his horse up closer to limes. He put his arm over her sholder in a comforting mannor.
"That's ok, I understand. Sometime I wish I wasn't on the path to becoming a knight either. All this hard work and endless tasks just to become the lapdog of the king, your farther. It hardly seems worth it."

May felt somthing moving past he leg. She looked down startled to see a white cat, covered with yellow stains.
Looking up at her with two bright green eyes the cat spoke. "Look no further then beneath your nose. I am Kat, and you are May, so interductories over, would you be liking to get out of here?" Kat grinned (Imagin the cat from american mcgee's Alice in wonderland).

Playing Katty, eh?

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 6:30 pm
by SALSAlys
"Of course!" responded May, staring at the odd creature. "But WHAT are you? And why are you here?"

Re: Playing Katty, eh?

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 9:09 pm
by Molokidan
"Yes." Lime looked towards him. "I knew you felt the same. . .he's worthless. I don't even consider him as my father. . .he's a pig. We have to get rid of him. . ." her eyes gleamed. "Are you in?"

Re: Playing Katty, eh?

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 11:42 pm
by Spleen
Kanis's well-developed hearing picked up snatches of conversation. "Talking to herself, eh?" he mumbled, smirking.


Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:22 am
by Scyla001
"Why I am here or indeed what I am is of no importance to you human child. However, I will state that my home plane would proberbly warp your mind. About getting out of here, I can do it for a price." Again the Kat grinned, filling the room with a cold aura.

"You know, we don't really have to kill him." Karcinogen said to lime, removing his arm from around her sholders. "But first there are some things i need to tell you."
He diss mounted his horse and sat on a mound of grass, legs crossed. He patted the ground next to him and looked up to lime. "Humour me a moment." he asked, slightly scared of her reaction to what he was going to tell her, but also determined to get this out into the open.

Edited by: [url=>Scyla001</A] at: 8/30/02 12:30:33 pm

Re: yep

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:36 am
by SALSAlys
"What price would that be?" May asked warily. She already had a slight mistrust of a creature that wouldn't tell her its purpose.

...A trap, maybe? she wondered.

Time to die

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:48 am
by odin
"So you know what to do?" A mysterious character said to a black knight "...Yeah. Just give me my money and both will die..." "You know for a black knight your not that evil Markos." The shadowy figure said to Markos
"What ever just give me my cash and you won't have to worry about any rebellion at all..."

Re: Time to die

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 10:45 am
by Spleen
(OOC: Hello, odin. I'm the Spleen. Please explain who your character(s) are and what they do...and please, for the sake of all our minds, use good grammar. Commas make the world go round, you know.)

Evil little kitty :D

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 1:05 pm
by Scyla001
(Ooc: Yeah Odin your post dosn't seem to make any sence as I can't see where or how it fits.)

"You don't intirely trust me I see, still, hear me out first. I need a certain, marrage of convenence to stay on this plane, I was wondering if you could help me with that." Kat said in a much smoother tone merging with a purr at the end of his sentence. He rubed his soft, yet matted fur against mays leg.

Markos profile

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 4:42 pm
by odin
Ok it's like this. Markos is a former knight who was hired to kill the rebels by a shadowy character.
He lost his honor when his friends were killed by thieves
Hates faith and stuff like that and would rather destroy his family to pray to god who betrayed him.
works for any price as long as it is to his advantage
said to know some sort of sword skills uncommon to fighting.
So what do you think? He can enter the sceen when you want him to but make it soon. Please

Aw, the more the merrier!

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 6:18 pm
by SALSAlys
(Maybe. Sounds all right... but next time you make comments which are OOC, parentheses are nice. ^_^)

"... Marriage? Of convenience?" squeaked May. "Wait wait... you mean you? Marry a human?"

This can't be happening! she thought desparately.

Re: Aw, the more the merrier!

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 7:08 pm
by ikozaedro seems that im alone in this, but i'll not give up, i'll rescue may...
-said rigo as he was aproaching to the castle...


Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 7:52 pm
by odin
"Seems like the place. Ok men lets burn this place to the ground." Markos said to his troops each either holding a torch or a sword, "Hmmm? What?! Intruders! Intrud- urgh!" One of the rebles said before getting killed by Markos. Just then 25 of the village's strongest men came outside to fight the intruders.

"Hmmmm. Only 25? Come on! This is too easy! I can kill you all in one go! Reaper's Blade!" Just then Markos's black sword turned blood red before he rushed into the crowd.
Not much screaming could be heard do to the fact that all of the rebels laid lifeless on the ground while Markos was radiating an dark aura.

"Men head into town. Kill all the people, burn all the buildings and find me that girl!" Saying the black knight left while the building behind him were ignited.

So what do you think guess who the girl is?

Re: Burn

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:07 pm
by SALSAlys
(Just a note; it seems kinda god-moding when you do that he defeats 25 of the men expertly. And maybe a bit more detail on the fight? I mean, it's a battle scene! Coolness should abound!)


Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:15 pm
by odin
Think of it this way. The guys a black knight aka a death knight basicly holding unholy in markos's case evil strength and since his sword was a Dark sword it was either made by dark magic or fused with the under world itself. So the bodies that limped over have NO souls!

Re: well...

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:49 pm
by Molokidan
(OOC: Err. . .*Scratches his head* Odin. . .you seem to be jumping into the plot a BIIIT late. . .it's fine, I guess. . .but please have some kind of hold over your character. Him going around killing people really has nothing to do with the plot at all. . .sure, he's strong. . .you've established that. This isn't really an 'action-packed' RP. . .please don't try to turn it into one ^^)


Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:11 pm
by odin
sorry just thought the rp needs a assasian kind of guy sorry thats my weakness I love introducing plot devices!

Re: oops

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 12:02 am
by Molokidan
(OOC: Err. . .it's okay. It's just that this RP is far in. . .it'd be better for you to enter ones that are still just beginning. We're fine with our characters here, and still need alot of developing just between us. A whole new one to mix into the plot really creates more trouble than it's really worth. Not to shoo you away or discourage you from RPing, it's just that this particular one isn't really in the best position to be open right now. ^_^)

Re: oops

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 10:13 am
by Spleen
(OOC: Plot device? Since when is an evil knight who kills "25 of the village's strongest men" a plot device? *Stamps GODMODER on odin's head, spins him around five or six times and feeds him to the Apocalypse Cow.*)

Re: Aw, the more the merrier!

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 10:48 am
by Scyla001
"Yes" Kat said. "A human like you to be more precise." He skipped gentily from the ground, to karcinogens bed. "Arrrh what a soft bed." kat groned with plesure as he rolled onto his back and over to face may again. "You don't have to make a dission just yet, but the sooner you say yes, the sooner you'll be out of here. Until then we can talk and I supose i can answer some of your questions."

Yay, and arpeeness begins again.

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 12:42 pm
by SALSAlys
May sat down on the floor again, knees tucked under her chin.

I don't really want to marry him... or anybody... except if— With a blush, she thought of Rigo, but then poked the thought away. It made her feel too mushy.

"Why are you here, then? Why here with ME?"

Re: Yay, and arpeeness begins again.

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:12 pm
by Scyla001
The cat looked up at may solwly. "I was a sleep under this bed, you were brought in, it woke me up. Before then i just walked though a rip in space and here i am. I could always use illusionary magic to appear to be someone you like to make the process easyer you know, and like i said it's just until the paperwork comes though."

Apocalypse Cow: Moo.

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:10 pm
by SALSAlys
May shook her head, trying to think. "Why do you need to be married to someone here, if you want to stay? And what do you mean, until the paperwork comes through?"

Re: Apocalypse Cow: Moo.

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 8:12 pm
by Scyla001
"You read far too much into this." Kat replyed. "I need to get married to someone here so i can count myself as the spouse of an inhabbitant of this world. Because of this lots of paperwork needs to be done and as soon as it's all over I can throw away my currently void vesa and get myself a dimentional passport stating this place as home. Please don't make me repeat it as my head will start spining. Stright after this is over I'll devorce you and we can go seperate ways, thats it, no more, no less. do you understand now?"

The deal

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 8:34 pm
by odin
"Sir we found her! She is in a cart with the other!" A spy said to Markos, "hmm soon I will be free from this acursed sword and be able to do what I want to do for a change." holding the dark sword, "Sir you know that masamune is the best sword around with the strength to kill all you hate! But your a slave to there maker untill they say you are done with it. To bad that you use it to keep her alive! What a waist!" Markos was not happy with this and showed him masamune's sharp side, "I will bring you back after this job."

Re: The deal

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 8:59 pm
by ikozaedro
*climbing one of the castle walls*
this is too easy....there must be some kind of trap or something....oh a window!i'll use it to enter...
*the guards are waiting for rigo inside*
oh damn...

(ooc:i know this was lame, but im coming back to the plot slowly...)

Re: The deal

Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 12:04 am
by SALSAlys
(OOC: Odin, maybe it's true that you should stay out... your character doesn't really have much tie-in, other than the order to kill the brigands. Perhaps in another RP? Sorry about saying 'yes' earlier, but Markos has enough backstory to him to make a completely new RP, while we already have a set plot going here.)

May nodded, relieved. Though she still felt nervous about this, on the sole basis because she thought that marriage was something that ought to have at least some feeling to it, but then again...

"All right. I'll marry you, then."


Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 5:28 am
by Scyla001
(Molo can i have you post for lime so I can have karcinogen do somthing, also salsalys could you post in jiya cos no one else has posted in three days and i don't want it to die!)

Kat produced a sheet of paper form out no where, followed by an ominous looking pen.
"Although a verble contract in legally binding, I do need to back up our encounter for later reference. So if you just sign on the dotted line I'll get about freeing you." Kat said in his smooth relaxed tone.

Edited by: [url=>Scyla001</A] at: 9/1/02 9:45:23 am

'Tis... the PEN OF EVIL!!!

Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 11:38 am
by SALSAlys
(OOC: Jiya? EEK! I completely forgot about! So sorry... thanks for reminding me, though!)

"Sure." Somehow, May didn't like the look of the pen. "Just let me check over it a little, first."

The rebel girl read the paper.

Re: 'Tis... the PEN OF EVIL!!!

Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 7:04 pm
by Molokidan
(OOC: Sorry about that, scyla, I had originally planned to post, but Odin threw me off and I completely forgot about it.)

"Hm." Lime looked at Karcinogen skeptically, eyeing him as if he was offering her a mysterious box. She shrugged, and sat down next to him, a bit nervous. "Well?"

Do not eat the magic banana.

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 6:47 am
by Spleen
Kanis raised an eyebrow. May had obviously lost it, there was a conversation going on in there. He was leaning on the door, so no one could have gotten inside.

(OOC: Bumpage)

Re: Do not eat the magic banana.

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 04, 2002 9:48 am
by ikozaedro
Guard 1:we got another one!
RigoImage this was the stupidest plan ever, what was i thinking?!...)
Guard 2:lets take him to Karcinogen, let him do whatever he did to the girl.....

(ooc:humm...let me get into the plot again..please?)

Frutarians beware, this could get messy.....

Unread postPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 3:55 pm
by Scyla001
The contract was simple and easy to read. It cleary stated

I May, of sound body and mind, conferm with my signature that I will marry Kat at the next availble opitunity, in return for my freedom from this castle.

Kat stood up, looking expectantly at may.


Karcinogen gave Lime full eye contact. He would never do this in normal circumstances, but at this time he thought it best to abandon titles and concentrate on his role of a friend.
He took a single deep breath and began. "Our country isn't ruled by a king, but rarther a prince regent, the brother of the ex-king, your farther!"


Unread postPosted: Fri Sep 06, 2002 6:07 pm
by SALSAlys
May nodded. Easy enough. She signed the document.

Pie it is then

Unread postPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2002 9:07 am
by Scyla001
"Thank you so very much." Kat replyed, jumping off the bed and brushing past mays legs. "Now, about this door!"

From the other side Kanis saw the door expload and sheltered himself from the hail of splinters and metal components. When the dust cleared Kanis could make out the figure of a cat walking though the now open portal.


Unread postPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2002 9:39 am
by SALSAlys
"I'd follow, but I still kinda have this problem with the chains on my legs!" May called after Kat, then glanced up at Kanis.

"Ah.... hello?"

Re: Scrumptious!

Unread postPosted: Sat Sep 07, 2002 12:02 pm
by Molokidan
(OOC: What are you saying, Karc? I don't understand it. . .the country is ruled by the king who IS My ex-father, or brother. . or what? @_@)

Re: Scrumptious!

Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 12:49 pm
by Spleen
Kanis jumped to his feet and fumbled for the sword at his side, not quite recovered from the shock of the door exploding.


Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2002 3:56 pm
by Scyla001
"No Lime, the prince regent is a prince who rules during the absence or incapacity of a sovereign, and he is a prince because his farther was king before him, so he's only really acting king until you become old enough to rule in his eyes, which would be on your 13th birthday I'd think. His farther and mother were your grand parents, and his brother was your farther, so the acting king is your uncle. I know it sounds complicated."


"Dreadfully sorry!" Kat said to may and giving kanis a dirty look he went back into the room. He raised his right paw, licked his index talon (finger type thingy), and cut through the chain like a hot knife through butter. "That should do it." He replied in a smug tone.