Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

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Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

Unread postby Tsiknus » Fri Aug 09, 2002 10:52 am

Rain poured down on his mud caked and blood soaked clothes. A sword lie at his side, its sheath on his bealt. Lightning struck a nearby tree with a great crash sending pieces of flaming wood flying everywhere. His eyes fluttered open, he stood.

"Wh, where am I?"

He looked around and noticed the sword. He reached to pick it up but as flesh touched cold metal, a bright light flashed through his mind, sending him images of a battle; his past. Suddenly, they dissapeared. He sheathed the sword.

He scanned the horrizon and saw a town in the distance


It was night so there were few people on the streets. He looked a the buildings most had their lanterns blown out. Soon he came to a large bilding, a tavern. A man stood nest to the door, a piece of paper in his hand. He made his way over to the doorbut as he went to open it the man spoke.


"Uh, excuse me?"

"This is a private meeting I need your name, so I can see if your on the list."

"M, my name."

His mind was clouded he stuggled to search the furthest depths of his mind. Finnally he looked up.

"Kriss Bryant."

The man checked his paper, then looked at the young man again. Go in. Kriss had no clue why he was on the list but maybe, he opened the door and walked in, hundreds of people stood and sat in this rrom each with their own weapons, maybe someone here could help.


He walked through the croud of people and soon found that they were here to discuss the recent appearance of demons throughout the area. He stumbled and had another flashback of the fight, his opponent appeared to be a winged demon. He regained his senses and sat down at a nearby table.

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Re: Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Aug 09, 2002 1:45 pm

(Good writing. However, you've really missed quite a few crucial points.

Where the heck is this?

What's expected?

Stuff like that.)

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Re: Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Fri Aug 09, 2002 4:10 pm

Something else moved through the town that night.

Actually, this being in particular did a lot of moving through this town at night. Everyone was sleeping, lights were out, and that was good. She didn't need to be seen--most humans had a tendency to react badly when they spotted her.

She could practically hear the voices of her kindred mocking and questioning her as she paced the streets. "Why do you continue to rely on the flesh ones? They are but animals, they fear us because they know they are weak!"

How wrong they were. Humans--and the other races that her kind called 'the flesh'--had shown themselves time and again to have strength that even her brethren would be proud to know. Yes, having a few reliable contacts with the 'flesh' was worth all this trouble.

She continued her quick strides in the storm, which thankfully obscured the sounds of her segmented legs on the stone roads. The tick of a small toothlike object against her exoskeleton blended nicely with the waving creaks of the branches of nearby trees as she neared her destination.

The tavern. It had a name, but she had long forgotten it, as this was the only one that had ever mattered. Dodging around a house, she strode around to the side of the building, out of the view of the doorman. She detected a good amount of noise from inside as she approached the side of the building, but less raucous than the usual bar crowd--the rumor was true, there was a very important gathering here this night.

Hunkering down, she allowed her two antennae in front of the window, waving in the breeze--a casual observer would probably think them a shadow cast by a tree in the night's tempest. And in the meantime, she could hear just what was going on inside.

Edited by: [url=>PriamNevhausten</A] at: 8/11/02 1:44:49 pm


Re: Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

Unread postby viator22 » Fri Aug 09, 2002 7:49 pm

Vas was hunkered down under a tree to wait out the storm. Not that the water bothered the Wraith but even when invisible the rain showed his outline in a way he didn't like. As usual the Wraith was deep in thought, at the moment philisophical ponderings about the nature of magic and divinity. He'd have to get moving again as soon as the storm cleared. He didn't like this part of his trek into the frontier areas, the Shuman mountains were always full of s, but on this trip he'd seen far more than usual. There was a town nearby and the main road was a mear 50 feet in front of him.

He was snapped out of his revery by the sight of a what appeared to be a large insect moving through the darkness towards the town. This was interesting enough to warrent investigation. Stepping up from underneath the tree and reappearing at the same time Vas set off to follow.


Enter Samen Andrill, pompous mercenary.

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Sat Aug 10, 2002 11:57 am

A man strides purposefully through the night towards the tavern where the meeting was taking place, his red cloak wrapped loosely around his shoulders, billowing behind him as he moved. The man, Samen Andrill, had heard about the demon's that had been appearing around the area, and had immediatly offered his services in whatever was needed.

Ha! Demons! Now there's a challenge for the great Samen Andrill! Samen thought confidently, he had never killed a demon, much less seen one, but he was sure that they would be just the thing to catapult him into infamy! Yes, you poor people! I shall save you from the evil demons!

He walked right towards the tavern door and was stunned when the doorman stepped in his way. He had expected to be granted instant acess to the meeting area.

"Excuse me sir, I need your name, there is a meeting going on inside and only certain people are allowed in." The doorman said, a hint of boredom in his voice.

Samen sneered and brushed back his long, silver hair, "You don't recognize me!? Well, I suppose it is too much to expect of a lowly doorman to recognize someone of my skill," The doorman opened his mouth to say something but Samen cut him off, "I am Samen Andrill, soldier for hire, fighter extrordinare! I..." suddenly Samen felt the now familiar twisting, tingling feeling through his body. He yelped and pulled his cloak close around his body to hide it and put up his hood, falling silent. Strangely his whole body seemed to have gotten smaller.

The doorman blinked and shook his head at the odd display, he looked down at the list then back up to see the hood of Samen's cloak completely hiding his face, "Well your 'mighty lordship', you are on the list, go on in and take care that your ego doesn't get stuck in the doorway."

Samen simply grumbled, in a voice that sounded a little too soft, and walked in, biting back an insult as he passed the doorman. Stupid witch! Stupid curse! If I ever find her again, I'll... Samen's thoughts drifted off to those of terrible vengeance as he walked towards an empty table.

Samen sat down lightly, his small sneer of contempt hidden by his hood, as he listened to the others discussing the demon appearances. Illusions of grandeur filtered through his head as his mind turned from thoughts of vengeance to thoughts of fame and demon slaying.

Edited by: [url=>CaptainCommando</A] at: 8/11/02 3:18:50 am


Re: Enter Sinistra, The Strange magic one.

Unread postby sinistrass » Sun Aug 11, 2002 1:03 am

Pulling the brim of her hat over her eye's and ears she walks towards the already crowding tavern .She had heard of earlier that a meeting was taking place about the random demons that settlers had been encountering.

"Why are demons in these parts?" confused by this question she stopped a moment in the rain. Searching for answers her mind wandered aimlessly among the possibilities. "Well anyway this might be fun. " smiling she decides to carry on towards the tavern.

While approaching the tavern she spots the man at the entrance checking names." What am I going to do now?" wandering if the man would let her in she approaches him in a casual manner.

"Sorry little girl there is an important meeting inside an I cannot let you in ." Explained the guardsmen.

Now annoyed Sinistra squints her eyes and manages to push the guard out of the way. Upon entering the tavern she notices the commotion and immediately finds a seat near the bar, shrugging off the glances of the guardsmen.

(ooc: if I overstepped my boundary's please tell me I'm quiet new at this)


Re: Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

Unread postby Tsiknus » Mon Aug 12, 2002 4:03 pm

He had seen her walk in and thought it peculier(sp) for some one who looked as young as her to fit in with the other's in the crouded tavern. He reached into his pocket and pulled out some metal coins, sud, he remembered. He stood and walk over to the bar and sat next to the young women in the hat.

Maybe she knows something of what is going on here. He thought to himself.

The bartender came over and Kriss ordered a drink, placing some sud on the bar. He turned and looked at Sinistra.

"What's your story?" He asked.


Re: Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

Unread postby sinistrass » Mon Aug 12, 2002 11:35 pm

keeping a straight face she turns towards Kriss , Her red eyes barely seen from under her hat."My story you say?". Acting as if she takes time to think she smiles as she puts her hand to her chin."Well i'd say im here to see about these suposed demons are about."

Ignoreing the man now she stares off into the distance,Her eyes seem to lock on a keg of ale as if she thirst's

Summoning the bar keep she places a coin on the counter requesting a drink.


Re: Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Tue Aug 13, 2002 2:15 pm

Samen, after listening a little to the conversations of the others around him, decided he needed a drink. Standing up very carefully, and pulling his cloak as concealingly around himself as he could, he made his way to the bar.

Samen sat himself down carefully and motioned to the barkeep after he was done serving a dark elf woman.

"What can I get for ya?" The portly bartender asked with a friendly smile. Samen, without raising his head, and mustering up a voice that was as deep as he could in his current form, ordered an ale. The bartender looked at him with a slightly raised eyebrow, but got him a drink anyway.

Samen payed him, and looked down at his ale cup. Taking a quick glance around to make sure no one was looking, he slightly lifted his hood, revealing the lower half of his face which looked very feminine, and took a drink.

The barkeep, who was secretly watching the odd display while pretending to wipe a glass, only shook his head. <This demon problem is bringin out all the weirdos.> He thought to himself.


Re: Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

Unread postby Koneko » Thu Aug 15, 2002 10:12 pm

"So this is the place."

A figure, nearly seven feet tall but skeletally thin stood near the doorway. Lightning flashed, revealing snow-white long hair, and skin nearly the same color. He was clad in a simple black robe, trimmed with gold. He wore heavy black boots, and a strange red dagger hung at his side, apparently lacking a scabbard. His green eyes gave the impression of simplicity.

There was one small problem with such an impression: his eyes weren't really green.

A simple illusion spell disguised his red iris and black corneas. If they could be seen, they would look like they were burning at the edges. They were also somewhat squinted, which would give the impression of a snake.

Approaching the tavern, he sights the guard.


His voice came out slightly whiny for all his somewhat overshadowing figure:
"They call me Koneko."

The guard, not really paying attention, checked his parchment:

"I'm sorry, you're not on the list."

The guard looked up in surprise as his visitor was not there.

Koneko slipped inside the tavern under his invisibilty spell. As soon as he was inside, he dropped the spell near the door to give the impression he had just arrived. Not too many would have been convinced of this, such a simplistic ruse, but he doubted any would care.

Overhearing talk of demons, he engaged in a quick mental debate: "Demons? What's this? Could others know? Or do they join me on my hunt? This seems to be a secret meeting... I should watch and wait... always a good solution."

For lack of anything better to do, he sat down at the bar and ordered an ale.

Edited by: [url=>Koneko</A] at: 8/25/02 12:58:10 am


Re: Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

Unread postby Tsiknus » Fri Aug 16, 2002 8:45 pm

Seeing he could get no more out of the girl at this time Kriss turned to the figure who had just taken a seat to his right. He noticed that whoever it was was keeping his, or her, face a mistery.

"Excuse me. You look like you've seen alot maybe you could help me. My name is Kriss and I was trying to figure out what all this demon buisness is about."


Re: Inner Awakenings (serious rp)

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Fri Aug 16, 2002 9:01 pm

<How embarrassing, the great Samen Andrill a woman! Gods! Why did that witch have to do this to me! A simple no thanks or buzz off would have been good and...>

Samen's thoughts were interrupted when someone sitting to his left asked about the demons.

<Great! Just what I needed!> Samen thought angrily. Without turning and once more mustering up a deeper voice she responded, "It's a mystery to me too pal, all I know is that demons are popping up all over the place and causing people to worry about their safety and such, and that someone said I would be payed for helping out with whatever needs to be done."

Samen took another sip of her ale and hoped desperately that the man next to her wasn't about to launch into a lengthy discussion.

Edited by: [url=>CaptainCommando</A] at: 8/20/02 2:07:46 pm



Unread postby sinistrass » Sat Aug 17, 2002 7:24 am

Smiling she istens in to the intent conversation around her,Her ears twitching slightly she giggles for a second before resumeing her straight face.

She now drinks her ale quietly lstening


Too many ales

Unread postby Koneko » Sat Aug 17, 2002 6:09 pm

After paying for his drink, Koneko recieves a full pint of ale. After sipping the brew, he promptly drains the whole pint.

"This is pretty good..."

Koneko orders several more, and a keg if available.

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Re: Too many ales, not enough speeches

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sun Aug 18, 2002 9:05 pm

The lightning flashed, leaving brief traces of Chk'Whr'tygan's yellow chitin in view for mere instants as she listened to the din inside. Humans were generally very good about keeping track of time, and they should have begun the more official part of the meeting by now--either these people were very easily distracted, or her source had given her an incorrect meeting time.

Judging from overheard snippets of conversation, and the incredible amount of liquid she heard flowing even over the roar of the patrons, she guessed that it was the former case.


Re: Too many ales, not enough speeches

Unread postby Aegof » Tue Aug 27, 2002 9:59 pm

Ravzi was bored. Very, very, very bored.
So bored, in fact, that he had been putting his pickpocketing skills to good use. The young thief had gathered a good amount of money in the last twenty or so minutes, and was hoping no one had caught him. An eleven-year-old, no matter how skilled he was at thieving and escaping, would not get away from so many men and women fighters.

Ravzi had gotten to the meeting very early, and hadn't been noticed yet. He was there on orders of his group, the name of which he was supposed to die rather than tell, in order to find out about these demons or monsters or whatever. Such information may alter plans to expand the reach of the group.

red dragabo

Re: Too many ales, not enough speeches

Unread postby red dragabo » Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:36 pm

Simrac floded his arms and leaned back on his chair.He sighed, he had been waiting a long time for this meeting of sorts to begin.Time was beening wasted on this, time that could be used making money.He glanced outside the window to remain sure it was still raining.a flash of lightning showed two stick things outside the window, He lept back out of pure instint and drew his claymore.
"Demon" he hissed in his native toung.
He smashed throgh the window with his gauntleted fist and climed out.A large ant thing was sutaling down the ally very quickly.Simrac ran after it.

((occ:sorry if I oversteaped my bounderies))


Re: Too many ales, not enough speeches

Unread postby Aegof » Wed Aug 28, 2002 9:15 am

The sound of glass being shattered caught Ravzi's attention, not to mention some of those around him.
Instead of rushing over to the window as many of them had done, Ravzi made his way to the opposte wall, and leaned against it to wait for the meeting.

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Re: Too many ales, not enough speeches

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Aug 28, 2002 1:25 pm

Dashing at her full speed as soon as she heard the battle cry, she was soon nearly out of sight--nearly. This warrior was fast, but her insect legs were faster. And she knew every place to hide in this town. She ducked around a corner, and made a mighty leap onto the roof of a rather short house. Her instincts to the Hunt kicked in--no, she chastised herself, she could not kill this one, he'd done nothing wrong.

But just in case, she grabbed at a small crystalline throwing star at her hip joint. Just in case. She couldn't afford to be caught completely off guard, especially in this rain. She hated rain.

red dragabo


Unread postby red dragabo » Wed Aug 28, 2002 5:31 pm

Simrac skided to a stop. He hated rain, and in this rain he had lost the sence of that demon.He roteded the sword in his hand and shethed it, those who had followed him outside had now passed him and kept runing down the street.He turned around slowly, the beast was here and its head would bring him a preety penny.He returned to where he lost the sent and resumed sniffing around....

The sent had been washed away,and there was no sing of the Simrac returned to the inn, many of the less pationt people had already there was only a about two dozen in the inn.He stroad to the head table and slamed his fist into it.

((occ, is anyone gona post??))

Edited by: red dragabo at: 8/30/02 4:10:22 am



Unread postby Aegof » Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:50 am

Ravzi sighed, feeling much the same as the screaming man was. Perhaps the entire meeting was simply a huge misunderstanding?
Or maybe the entire meeting was called by a demon. Perhaps the demons wanted all of these warriors here so they could be destroyed now. That wasn't a pleasant thought.
Ravzi wanted to leave. But leaving wasn't an option for him just yet. Instead he contented himself to stand near the door, and hope that if anything attacked, it would come from the other side of the inn.



Unread postby Koneko » Fri Aug 30, 2002 3:17 pm

Koneko watched the scene with considerable amusement. He sniffed the air several times as if trying to sense something.

"I doubt any of these could handle a REAL demon; I can't smell any other demon scents. Looks like it's just another thief..." he thought, remembering earlier when a pickpocket had made off with a bag of "gold." Well, he would get a nasty surprise, no doubt about that. After all, it's not every day that one finds the insect equivalent of pirahnas (sp) in one's pack...



Unread postby Aegof » Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:08 pm

Bored. Bored bored bored bored bored bored BORED.
Another person left the inn. Another potion of some sort found its way into Ravzi’s leather pack. That was when he felt something bite him. It hurt.
"Ow!" the boy cried, sucking on his hurt finger. "What was that?" he demanded of no one in particular. He cautiously opened his pack, finding tiny insects crawling all over his (stolen) things. He uttered a curse, and closed his pack again.

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Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sat Aug 31, 2002 2:57 am

Blast, she thought to herself. The window's broken, so I can't look in. I can't listen at a distance because of the rain. I can't get in for rather obvious reasons. And I neglected to prepare any scrying careless of me. She clicked her mandibles together frustratedly.

Demon... she almost chuckled, or would if her species were the kind to do something describable as 'chuckling.' Hopefully they're not all quite so amateuristic. Though I suppose at least they're vigilant.

Looking out her left eye, she saw the church in the distance. Maybe I can get someone else's help in scrying this meeting, she thought to herself. Another leap down onto the cobblestone road and she was off to meet with her friend the pastor. And maybe she could borrow a large cloak while she was there...the rain was softening her chitin uncomfortably.



Unread postby Koneko » Sat Aug 31, 2002 3:06 pm

Noticing the thief's little escapade, Koneko figured amusing himself a little couldn't hurt. Turning straight toward the pickpocket, he held out a straight palm like a stop signal and uttered in a loud voice, "ABRAN!"

The stealing weasel's pack flew open instantly, unleashing many aggressive biting insects into the masses of people.

red dragabo


Unread postby red dragabo » Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:44 pm

The bugs quickly invaded the bar devoring wood and left over food alike.each was the size of a mans fist, eight legs, and a thosand eyes.simrac was frozen for only a moment.Drawing his sword he cut wildly at the air before him.he hit fee and many got past him and tore at his skin.


Oh! I know! I know!... Wait, no I don't

Unread postby Aegof » Sat Aug 31, 2002 10:02 pm

Ravzi glared at the man who was apparently responsible for the bugs, quickly memorized his face, and made a mental note never to steal from him again.
In the meantime, Ravzi made a quick search of his pack, and realized that all the bugs were busy bothering the rest of the room, and there were none left with him.
He was simply glad that none of the warriors in the room had realized the source of all the insects.


Re: Oh! I know! I know!... Wait, no I don't

Unread postby sinistrass » Wed Sep 18, 2002 11:52 pm

Lowering her mug she smiles whipeing her face with her free arm.She twirls around standing on her feet."Well when is this gonna start?" ,After blurting this out she imeadiatly jumps and draws her hat over her face. Quite emberassed she smiles and resumes sitting on her previous seat.


Oh, we're gonna die, we're gonna die!

Unread postby Koneko » Thu Sep 19, 2002 2:59 pm

Then the demon walked in. A spiny red thing like a giant zergling, it proceeded to rip a gaping hole in one of the walls.

"Foolish mortals you are to defy me! You will all die!"

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Re: Oh, we're gonna die, we're gonna die!

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Thu Sep 19, 2002 3:19 pm

And thus countless warriors were brutally maimed due to drunkenness, bad preparation, and lack of a holy force or God to keep these demons in check.

500 years later...

At the demonic bar Cute Creatures Chopped Over Rice, there was a meeting of the local chapter of the Human Slayers...

((wee! ignore me!))


Re: Oh, we're gonna die, we're gonna die!

Unread postby Koneko » Thu Sep 19, 2002 3:25 pm

A 10 foot tall demon, big red and sporting huge wings, walked into the bar. Koneko had his sword drawn, as that was the only thing that kept him in demon form and thus alive. He proceeded to order a bloodmead.

IM: It's deja vu all over again...

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