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Damn j00 Kuro!

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:25 am

*Reium leaps back in just in time as the jaws close aroud the air he used to occupy. He imediatly pulls the gunblade out and attempts to counter the exact same way he attacked the Dire Wolf. His eyes flare a dark blue color as he brings the gunblade upwards at the T-Rexuar*


Re: Seed RP

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:12 pm

"I try to be polite," Jelai responded to Jojo. "Want to run with me, or have something else planned for now?"

Rina wiggled impatiently on Anjelai's back, but kept quiet. It was obvious that she wanted a ride, though.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/1/02 5:46:32 pm


Re: Seed RP

Unread postby ikozaedro » Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:31 pm

"me? run?....i...erm...ok"

Red Seph

I know the feeling, DM

Unread postby Red Seph » Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:45 pm

Rudolf sat down in the offered spot and listened as Deeum spoke. "Rudolf Altaner, at your service," he replied with a smile. "Yeah, I can understand why you'd prefer a spot like this, I guess." There was still the matter of the monsters running loose, but Rudolf figured that she already knew that. Maybe she just liked to take chances like that? He leaned back a bit. "Exams... exams exams exams. I'm glad you're looking forward to them, because I'm not sure if I'm quite ready, at least for the written portion."


Re: I know the feeling, DM

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 1:48 pm

"Come on, then!" Jelai grinned, going into a slow trot towards the track. She towered over Jojo by almost two feet.

Rina squealed happily, squeezing more tightly. Her red pigtails bounced with Jelai's movement.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/1/02 10:44:08 pm



Unread postby ikozaedro » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:00 pm

Jojo stood up and began to run after Anjelai, he said "i'll get you" in joking manner


Now would be a good time to turn to Sheen...

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:10 pm

*sheen was hiding in the top of a tree..waiting patently for Jelai to run under him..* -revenge shall be mine..- he though darkly, a small bag of itching powder in his left hand..

-How dare she!! It had to be her that put the fire ants in my footlocker...OH SHE'S GOING TO PAY!!!..we'll see how she likes this..- *He heard hoofs in the distance and got ready to pounce down on the centuar*


Re: Now would be a good time to turn to Sheen...

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:15 pm

Jelai laughed. "You need to catch me, first!" she teased, and broke into a full sprint, easily going over 30 miles per hour. She passed directly under Sheen, Rina still on her back and squealing happily.


Re: Now would be a good time to turn to Sheen...

Unread postby ikozaedro » Sat Jun 01, 2002 2:20 pm

just after Anjelai passed under the tree, Jojo came and stopped right there for a moment to tie his shoe...

Edited by: [url=>ikozaedro</A] at: 6/1/02 6:21:11 pm


Gah hah!

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 4:53 pm

Sheen dropped down right as Jelai galloped past. "Gah hah!" he yelled as fell, calculating the landing and everything ((I'll leave it up to you if I land on you or not o.o))


Re: Gah hah!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 5:25 pm

"Yah!" Anjelai reared onto her hind legs, giving a surprised whinny. Sheen nearly landed on Rina, who began wailing about the strange nasty boy who had nearly squished her.

"Who in blazes are you?!" asked Anjelai, annoyed. She twisted her torso around, turning to try and see who had landed on her.


Made it!

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 5:29 pm

Sheen began to apply the itching powder..then she bucked..and the bag bursted..covering all of them in the nearly-irremovable dust. Though he was covered he didn't seem to mind too much "I'm Sheen Alkaline..I'm the guy whose foot locker was filled with fire ants...BY YOU!!" he said, a bit franctily..not caring that he proboly made little to no sense


Ouch ouch!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 5:37 pm

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Jelai replied heatedly.

Rina began sniffling, scratching at the powder frantically. Jelai automatically carried her into her arms, rocking the child back and forth as she tried to ignore her own itching.

"If nothing else, can you get off my back so we girls can go shower and change into new uniforms?"

(OOC: By the way, you need to put information about Sheen in the OOC Discussion forum. Like his description.)


x.x bwah!

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 5:46 pm

((I did, its the example..though I did leave out the limit..))

"oh...that...wasn'" Sheen hopped off her back and bowed "oh man! I'm so sorry! >.< I thought it was you.." he inspected the kid, then the centuar. "I think I can get some of the dust'd be the least I could do.."



Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 5:53 pm

(OOC: No, I mean like how he looks. Or is he the winged guy that we all know and love?)

"Here, help Rina." The centaur passed the girl to Sheen. "Although you better get the dust off yourself as well, and we probably better sweep some of this area up as well..." she muttered, stamping her legs to try and shake some of the dust off her back. Jelai shook her head, her braids swinging about like a horse's mane to make small clouds of the itching powder.


Re: ACK! Way behind! o_O Starting without me! tsk tsk

Unread postby infinityjunction » Sat Jun 01, 2002 5:57 pm

Star sat in the infirmary reading a large book in strange writing. He heard those other people arguing, again. His hand was bandaged from a bad sprain. Things like that were always happening, but he had to keep training to pass his physical exams. These injuries never put him out of action for very long, but their frequency was the worst bit.


He looked up to see the doctor looking over him. He closed up his book and replied,

"Here are some pills for you. Take them every mealtime. They should help strengthen your bones."

"Thank you doctor." He lifted himself off the chair, pocketing the pills. He scratched his disobedient black hair and made for the door. He looked back over to the brother and sister as he left, and sighed.


thats a silly question..

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 5:59 pm

((course I'm that winged guy we all know and love! I'm my biggest fan ^^..))

Sheen holds the girl in his arms like one would a baby..o.O "um..hoo boy.." he set the kid down and took a few steps back. "kid...close your eyes and spread your arms out eagle" he said as soothingly as he could as he got ready to flap his wings at her. Thus causing some of the dust to blow off.


Just makin' sure. ^_^

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:05 pm

Rina giggled, flapping her arms like wings. "This is fun!"

Jelai gave Sheen a grateful smile. "After her, can you do me as well? We'll still need to change, but at least it won't be so bad. And you're..." She snapped her fingers, remembering. "Sheen, right? What made you think I put the fire ants in your foot locker? It's not like I have a rep for being a prankster, do I?"

Her voice didn't sound worried, but she was frantically wondering if she had slipped up on something.

Did somebody figure out that Shasti and I were the ones who jinxed the records? she thought.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/2/02 4:43:55 pm



Unread postby ikozaedro » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:08 pm

"ermm....arent you two forgeting about someone?" said Jojo, who was in the floor covered with the dust.



Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:14 pm

(OOC: Whoops! Thought we were too far ahead of Jojo for the dust to spatter him!)

"Oh my... I'm really sorry, Jojo! I thought you were out of the way!" Anjelai bent over, picking up the boy without much more effort than she had used to pick up Rina. She shook him gently, trying to get most of the dust off him.

"Sheen, you blow him dry after Rina, all right? I can wait until last... not sure how you can blow dust off yourself, though."


Re: thats a silly question..

Unread postby infinityjunction » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:18 pm

Star walked out from the infirmary, and for once, the place seemed quiet. He smiled, this place is never quiet. He walked on a little further, where he found a bench in a nice spot, and opened up his book again. He frowned at the writing and stuck his hand out, wiggling his fingers in strange motions. They started to glow, and he released his frown. He drew his hand back in and continued reading.



Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:18 pm

Sheen turned and looked at JoJo, he was covered in the dust worse then anybody else..Sheen bit his lip to keep from laughing "hmhmhm..get behind or in front of Jelai..I'll try to make this quick.." Sheen planted his feet as his wings spread out to their full wing span and started flapping slowly at Rina.. they began to pick up speed the wings soon blowing torrents of wind at the child.

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so many posts.. @_@ grurururu

Unread postby Deeum » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:20 pm

"Well i just want to hurry up and becomes SeeD so I can get dispatched allover the world." She comment upon getting out of her seat kicking the air.
"Besides.. the random monsters butt kicking is a plus"
Deeum flops back in her east, leaning back, enjoying the air.
Its odd that no monster has attacked them yet. She felt half disappointed at this fact. Ohwell... there is always the exam to acquire a GF to look forward to.

((OMG i'm the Zell of the rp XD))

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Re: Just makin' sure. ^_^

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:21 pm

Ash heard the Rex's roar. "Oh @#%$!! The students!!!" he hollered as he ran in the sound's direction. He was loading his blade as he ran.

IM: How could one get so far in here?

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Re: Just makin' sure. ^_^

Unread postby Deeum » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:23 pm

Deeum snapped to the side as the instructor ran by
"ALRIGHT! something has happened!" She shouted leaving her books behind and lept to the other side of Rudolf.



Unread postby ikozaedro » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:26 pm

the wind that sheen was making with his wingsslowly blown the dust off Jojo's body.
"thanks pal"


Getting hot in here!

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:29 pm

((I'll just presume that the attacked did nearly zilch..K jak?))

Reium was running for dear life from the presueing T-rexuar. He knew that if he slowed his pace a bit that he would be consumed by the large beast. He ran towards the sound of Ash's yell. Thinking with some help they could take it down..

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Re: Getting hot in here!

Unread postby Deeum » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:39 pm

Deeums stood back and looks at Rudolph with a delightful tune in her voice.
"Going to come or not?"
Waiting not even a second, she bolted off towards the T-Rexasaur rampage.


Re: Getting hot in here!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 6:43 pm

"I think I hear something from the training center..." muttered Anjelai, looming over the others. As soon as Sheen had blown the dust off her, she galloped towards the center again, warning Rina to stay away. "I think it's a T-Rexaur!"

She unslung Ol' Betsy, hooves pounding the turf.

Red Seph

Re: Getting hot in here!

Unread postby Red Seph » Sat Jun 01, 2002 8:26 pm

Rudolf grinned at chased after Deeum. "Heh, of course I'm coming," he called after her. "I wouldn't miss it for the world! This is how it should be, you know?" he said through slightly heavy breathing as he caught up with Deeum. "Forget reading and studying. This is what a SeeD is. A fighter!"


Re: Getting hot in here!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 01, 2002 9:56 pm

Jelai thundered past Deeum and Rudolf easily, passing Ash as she reached Reium. When he ran past her, she shouldered her rifle, aiming at the pursuing T-Rexaur's head.

Krack! went the rifle. Jelai felt very aware of her need to upgrade her rifle, or get better than standard ammo...

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/2/02 4:46:12 pm

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Re: Getting hot in here!

Unread postby Deeum » Sat Jun 01, 2002 10:19 pm

With Jelai trampling past them, Deeum nearly feell on her face. luckly using her hands to bounces herself back upright she and Rudoph Met up with the instructor and the centaur.
"Whats the big Deal? almost ran me over!" She growled deeply towards Jelai
But the Tiff with quickly stopped as another roar came from the T-Rexasaur..
"oh yeah? want some of this, eh?"
Deeum got into her battle stance, ready to pounce.

Red Seph


Unread postby Red Seph » Sun Jun 02, 2002 1:57 am

Rudolf arrived on the scene with sword in hand, gazing warily at the T-Rexaur before them. Damn, of all the things to run into... heh, maybe I'll get some extra credit for this.

He dropped to a fighting stance alongside Deeum. "How about you and I try a little flanking manuever?" he said with a glance towards Deeum.



Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Sun Jun 02, 2002 1:59 am

Reium was still running from the monster when a bullet whizzed past his head. -idiots...- he thought darkly as he kept running..he saw Deeum run towards the beast..without thinking about it his arm snapped out and wrapped around Deeum, taking her away from the Approching beast. He didn't even notice she was there until...



Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Jun 02, 2002 2:07 am

Jelai bit her lip as her shot missed slightly, striking the nose instead of the throat or eye. While it caused an injury, it seemed to only enrage the T-Rexaur further...

I can still run faster than it can, in a full sprint, she calculated. Then she pumped more lead at it, her rifle's discharge a continuous song.

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Re: Excitement!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Jun 02, 2002 2:20 am

Ash rushed up towards the Rexaur, passing the students, he turned to Jelai, pointing to the other students, "Get them out of here!!" he orderd as he turned towards the T-Rexaur.

IM: Alright... time to do something about this

Ash knew how tough a Rex was... takes more than a few bullets to take one down. He also knew it'd take more than one person to take it down.

IM: Now how am i... oh @#%$...

The Rex turned it's attention towards Ash.

IM: Might as well keep it distracted till more help can arrive.

Ash checked his gun chambers... they were fully loaded. He snapped the chamber back into place with a flick of his wrist. "Alright you overgrown Gecko... come get some." he said, hoping it would give the students time to leave and go get help.

With that he raised the Fallen One and cracked off a shot, it knicked the Rex in the jaw. This seemed to REALLY get it's attention. It's defening roar echoed throughout the training room.

IM: Now it's time to haul ass...

So... the Chase began...

*While Running*IM: Hope help arrives soon... I'm getting too damn old for this @#%$.

(OOC: Feel free to either help Ash or get help anyone... just doing what most instructors in this situation would try to do. That's why i left it very open for others to do something.)

Edited by: Ash Fanrico at: 6/2/02 6:22:24 am


Yay! Exciting chase scene FMV thingy! Sort of.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Jun 02, 2002 2:39 am

"We're staying, sir!" Anjelai said, easily keeping the pace with Ash. "We can do it if we're all together," she continued calmly. Then she snapped her fingers. "Shasti! She has an ice fox for a Guardian Force... ought to do some major damage."

A good fight might even cheer her up, since I heard her brother got injured again...

"I'll get her. I can run faster than any of you two-leggers." With that, she went into her fastest sprint, easily going over thirty miles per hour, although not until she had fired a few more shots with Ol' Betsy.

Then she burst into the infirmary. "Shasti, students found the T-Rexaur in the training center!" she said excitedly. "Come on!" She slapped her flanks, inviting her friend to hop on.

(OOC: I'm going to feel really stupid if Choark doesn't log on until the fight is over. ^_^)

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/2/02 6:42:56 am

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Re: Yay! Exciting chase scene FMV thingy! Sort of.

Unread postby Banjooie » Sun Jun 02, 2002 2:44 am

Navin saw Jelai run past, to the infirmary.
I really, really hope this doesn't have anything to do with that T-Rexaur. And I really, really hope this won't involve me in a minute.


@_@ Gah! posts, dizzy. . . Well at least I'm involved.

Unread postby Choark » Sun Jun 02, 2002 6:00 am

Shasti looked at at Anjelai in surprise. One moment she had been quietly studying, then next her friend had burst inside and called out something about a T-Rexaur. She unforantly knew what this meant and was about to do a "quiet" motion but it was too late.

"They found on of those things!?" Dane had somehow managed to wake up and jump out of his bed. With surprising speed he had rushed out of the infirmary and headed towards the training centre.

Shasti looked annoyed for a second, and was thinking of scolding her friend coming in with news like that. All she did however deeply sigh and shake her head.

She climbed on her friend. Now'd she have to fight that thing just to make sure her brother won't kill himself.

"Lets go Jelai . . . time to show these guys what a Seed's all about huh?" She beamed a smile at her friend.


Re: Yay! Exciting chase scene FMV thingy! Sort of.

Unread postby infinityjunction » Sun Jun 02, 2002 6:08 am

Star looked up from his reading, something about the training centre. Great, time to test out his own training.


He sprinted to the training centre, almost too fast for the sliding doors. He saw the t-rexaur chasing Instructor Fanrico. What could he do? More time magic!


The spell hit the monster and it lurched in slow motion.


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