Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Feb 26, 2011 3:52 pm

Mithras gave a small, strangled yelp as suddenly and brutally the mansory around him engulfed the passive servitor. He'd almost fallen back, but the training he'd forced himself to endure whilst under the watchful eyes of Sain... no... no, such thoughts were heretic, but still, as their Inquisitor had guided him up until now, so would she give him strength, and with a roar he tore out of cover, running madly towards where the killer was hiding. He drew his chainsword and let it chug into action. Saw-blades whirred as the machine roared into life, vibrating in his hand as it sought a prey, its bloodthirsty, simple machine spirit seeking to gorge itself on the flesh of the wicked.

In his almost maddened state, Mithras gave little care to cover, hoping instead he would either reach the man to attack him, or at least reach the other side of the cover, from which he could defend himself until a moment to attack presented itself.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:21 am

Cryvus, meanwhile, sought cover, silently berating himself for once again neglecting to place himself firmly behind such to begin with. He would do the Emperor no good if he got himself fatally shot, after all. He did, in seeking cover, squeeze off another shot at Theodosia, hoping to at least distract the man amidst all of the pain sure to be unleashed in his direction.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:28 pm

This wasn't good. This whole place was wrong and it wasn't taking well to the concusive blasts of the grenades being thrown about. He didn't care to find out what was going to happen if the whole thing got too chewed up and reverted to normal physical space while they were all inside it. Time to kill Theodesia, fast... Which ironically meant taking things slow. He stood up from behind his cover and prayed to the Emperor for guidance as he took aim.

(Full aim, fire with the Mauler at Theodesia ASAP. I don't know if DH has called shots to the head? Fate point on a miss if I still have any.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:43 am

Mikolas and Cryvus ran for cover, seeking it behind the work benches to their right. Crisis and Masha fired from the doorway, their shots glancing off his armoured body as the cybernetic killer lined up his next shots. Gunner took careful aim, muttered a prayer and fired.

Part of the man's face was shorn away as the bolt detonated and made a bloody ruin of the rest of it. He tumbled backwards, clutching at it with one hand as a gurgled cry of pain escaped his throat. Mithras bore down on him, chainsword ready.

(No more need for maps now. Crisis and Masha didn't do much damage. Gunner's gambit, however, worked. Even with the -20 for a called shot in place he hit his mark. A bolt to the head took him deep into the critical and, although it's hard to tell, the man isn't quite dead. He's all sorts of messed up, though. Before anyone else acts, however, Mithras needs to complete his action.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:47 am

Mithras saw the man getting shot and let his thumb flick off the safety for the chainsword, the mighty weapon sputtering in frustration as it was left bereft of its bloodshed. He promised in his mind that he would satiate it with prayer later, but for now.

He grabbed the wounded man by the neck of his clothes, lifting his face to his and checking the damage before he yelled to the others.

"Throne, get me a medicae to ensure that this bastard lives for questioning! He's not getting away this easily!"

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Mar 03, 2011 11:56 pm

Mithras was right, of course. Theodesia was worth more to them alive than dead, but he couldn't quite convict himself of the sentiment. He had to admire the man's cybernetics... A direct shot from a bolter to the head and he lived. A normal man would be missing the upper half of their torso right now. He reluctantly repeated Mithras' command up the stairs when assistance didn't arrive immediately. You couldn't question and torture a dead man.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:20 am

Equally reluctantly, Cryvus moved over to ply his skills in keeping Theodosia alive. after making sure the man was thoroughly disarmed. He intended to use only mundane means if at all possible. There was no point putting the man back to something resembling fighting fit.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Mar 04, 2011 4:56 am

Mik made to pin the foe's arm's down by applying his mighty boot, taking care not to trigger any concealed weaponry.

"Watch out in case he's got like, a fire spine or bomb on him or some shit."

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:34 am

The acolytes swarmed the fallen heretic. He was a mechanical monstrosity, heavily augmented from the neck down, his limbs completely replaced with outlandish, double-jointed bionics prosthetics. Mikolas was right to be cautious; the blade that'd wounded him so gravely days before was still in place on the assassin's arm. Cryvus' questionable talents kept Theodosia alive until one of the stormtroopers rushed into the room with a medicae kit. He staggered to a halt when the dimensions of the room became apparent to him, stunned by the impossibility of them, but that didn't stop him for long. Theodosia was bound and patched up. He'd survive, if only to be brought before their master and endure a fate far worse than any demise he could possibly imagine.

Reality shuddered with the sound of splintering wood. The walls of the room lurched inwards, displacing and absorbing servitors and equipment with no consistency. Theodosia's disruption of the warpcraft at work here had not ended. The doorway they'd entered through held, for now at least.

(Theodosia has been restrained, the stormtrooper taking no chances and binding both hands and legs. It'll take at least two of you to carry him out of there. Everyone faces a choice; try and search for and grab whatever evidence, materials and paraphernalia you can before fleeing or head straight for the door before you become trapped in a rapidly contracting space. If you want to go for the former then let me know what you'll be trying to grab.

Also, sorry for taking so long to post. A mixture of laziness and a busy work schedule is to blame.)

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:26 am

Mithras did a quick scout over the room to see if there was anything standing out. Tomes, strange pieces of forbidden technology... anything that could aid them in their mission. If he could grab it, he would, but he'd not remain in the room longer than necessary.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:26 am

Cryvus, thinking a tad laterally, tried to maneouvre one of the servitors up the stairs. A tech adept might well be able to decipher whatever instructions or recordings might be imprinted into its grey matter. Of course, any sinister-looking tomes would take priority. As would any items which reeked of the kind of xenos circuitry which had infested the tarot card which had set them on this path.

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Mar 23, 2011 10:52 pm

There wasn't time to curse or gawp or panic. He grabbed Theodesia's legs.

"Mik, the shoulders! Let's move!"

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:20 am

Mik stashed Theo's guns in the bag, and attempted to hoist the mech-merc as well as he could on his own, then gestured for a stormtrooper to help. "Go an' help out Mithras and Cryvus, we got this."

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Re: Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Apr 04, 2011 8:40 am

Mithras looked around the tattered remains of the tent as Gunner and Mikolas hefted the heretic off the ground, scooping up a fractured and blood-stained data-slate lying next to an overturned table. Cryvus, noting a lack of dark and foreboding tomes, ran to a nearby servitor and tried to goad it up the stairs. It complied, no longer possessing a will or thoughts of its own. The chamber shuddered and the acolytes began to feel a pressure behind their eyes. They ran, throw the straining doorway and up the stairs with their captive and evidence. The sorcery gave way a moment later with an ear-splitting crack, the laws of the natural universe reasserting themselves. Any who looked back would see that the chamber was little more than storeroom now; one overflowing with splintered wood, stonework frozen mid-flow and dozens broken corpses embedded in the fusion of matter. Whatever had been left behind in there was gone.

The chapel was as they had left it, the confrontation with Theodosia only having taking a few minutes. There was a commotion outside, the local arbites having arrived in force only to be blocked by Inquisitorial authority. The stormtrooper-medicae began to tend to the acolytes wounds. Julius and the others made sure Theodosia was restrained, taking mono-blades to his augmetic limbs to ensure he wouldn't escape. A search of the rest of the chapel proved fruitless; any incriminating or illuminating evidence had perished with the drug factory, though its loss was by no means catastrophic. They had a prisoner, most likely a major player in the operation and one who would reveal much given the proper encouragement. The trail may have gone cold here but, with any luck, whoever commanded Theodosia would be found eventually.

As Cryvus inspected the servitor he'd recovered he realised that they had also fulfilled another objective; though she'd been mangled and augmented the servitor still bore the face of Saia Strophes. How Laurent and Julia would react to her fate was not something he looked forward to.


It turned out that they didn't have a chance to deliver the bad new to the Strophes. Inquisitor Skane summoned them back to orbit upon receiving news of their success, the [i]Verdant Glory[/] being just as they remembered it. Theodosia was secreted away, the skeletal figure of Interrogator Sand appearing as if by miracle now that there was a prisoner to question. Skane didn't keep the acolytes for long, dismissing them after they'd given her a brief account of what had transpired in Ambulon. They were told to get some rest, have their wounds seen to and, of course, prepare the detailed reports that the Inquisitor seemed to love so much. It was clear that the mission had come to its conclusion, however, and for the first time in nearly a week the acolytes could begin to relax.

(Sorry it took me so long to get around to this post. A number of things have kept me distracted but, at long last, we've come to the end. Post your final posts, whatever that may be. Emphasising specific things in your report, musing over the mission, bothering the others or just crashing into bed are all acceptable. When you're done I'll dish out XP, write up the final post and figure out what to do next, if anything at all. Direct your attention to the OOC thread.)


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