Dark Heresy - Wisdom is the beginning of fear.

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:39 pm

Food seemed to still Cryvus's mutterings on death and duty and, after filling the others in on happenings, he outlined his plans for the evening.

"I believe there is a good chance that the culprit will return here, in the hopes that they will find the sister this time. We, naturally, should be ready for them. This would mean setting up shop in another apartment if possible, and perhaps positioning somebody to watch the stairs."

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:01 pm

"Fo' sure, but at the same time we gotta grab some rest while we can. An' I don't know how much the neighbours gonna appreciate us kicking in their doors and demanding to set up sentry guns. We could just go simple, couple sleep, couple hide down the corridor, and a couple guard the room. Three rotations. Sound like a plan?"

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Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Feb 28, 2008 11:10 pm

"Sure." Mik said, chewing on his dinner.

"Who's gonna sleep first?"

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The Night Watch

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Feb 29, 2008 9:09 pm

Cryvus deferred to Xerxes experience in such matters, and the group went about dividing itself up into pairs. Cryvus elected to stick with Crisis, and via a combination of careful deliberation and coin flipping Gunner and Xerxes paired up, leaving Jules and Mikolas as the final pair. Another brief bit of debate established the first set of shifts; Gunner and Xerxes would rest, Mikolas and Julius would watch the room, and the odd couple would keep their eyes on the staircase from the a little way up on the nearest landing.

(Hab Grid updated and stair grid created. The exit arrows indicate one turn of running (18 meters) to the other grid. Gunner and Xerxes are sleeping, everyone else is awake and alert to some extent. Lighting conditions in the Hab are normal, since I'm assuming you're leaving the lights on in there. The stairs, meanwhile, are barely lit, details more than a meter away being hard to define.)

The night cycle comes shortly after the group take positions, Jules watches the world outside the window plunge into darkness, save for a few dim, flickering street lights. People retreat into their homes swiftly, and soon the streets are emptied and a silence descends on the district, punctuated only by the muffled thunder of the vast ventilation system hundreds of meters above them. Hours pass, Crisis finding the occasional mutterings of his watch mate somewhat disturbing. The time for a change of watch is almost up, and Xerxes' chrono starts to beep, waking him from his slumber.

(Crisis, Cryvus:
Wait, what was that? A scratching, the sound of metal on stone, infrequent and below them, but coming closer.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:40 pm

Mik spent his time happily taking apart his his guns, cracking his knuckles, reassembling his guns, laughing to himself quietly, and doing whatever else came to mind to keep himself awake, as he sat guard so near the bed.

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:10 pm

Crisis spared no second in responding to the scratching; while it may be infrequent, it was clearly approaching, and the last thing that was needed was to be caught unarmed and vulnerable; he quickly unslung his rifle, loading a clip into the back of the gun, and then tapped the floor hard to get Cryvius' attention--once that was had, he'd motion with one finger in the direction of their room, and then all five fingers back to him...

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Unread postby Kelne » Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:06 am

"By the manner of their death shall you know them," Cryvus murmured, almost inaudibly, then shook his head, "Switch off your vox," he said, scarcely louder, "I'll vox them; Quicker, less obtrusive."

He didn't want Crisis's own vox crackling during the process. That kind of noise could carry. Nor did he want to leave Crisis alone. The man struck him as someone who all too often fought a hidden war alone in the darkness. On some level, at least, he might appreciate company this time.

He leaned his staff carefully against the wall, filling his hands with his own vox and a compact laspistol produced from somewhere within his clothing.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Mar 01, 2008 5:06 pm

The pair could hear the disturbance getting closer, Crisis spotting a flash of movement a few floors down through the handrail. Whatever they did, they would need to be quick.

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Unread postby Kelne » Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:46 pm

With Crisis's vox off, Cryvus keyed the transmit rune and spoke softly into his, "Cryvus here. We have company. Be ready. Do not respond."

The message sent, he carefully switched the vox off, lest the message be garbled and somebody try to respond anyway. That done, all there was left to do was wait and see what manner of low-life was climbing the stairs.

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Lili's Hab

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:26 pm

The four in the hab heard the message clear enough, the static burst waking the sleeping duo properly.

The Stairwell

The two voidborn crouched low behind the handrail, trusting the poor lighting to keep them hidden. The sounds came closer, the first of their quaries coming into-

Crisis reels backwards from the railing, instincts keeping his movements quiet and his mouth firmly shut. Cryvus simply freezes, eyes wide and jaw clamped shut, muscles failing to respond to the sudden urge to turn tail and flee.

A moment later it was over, the pair of....whatever they were lurking down the hallway towards the hab where the others were.

(Crisis and Cryvus: Check your board private messages.)

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:12 pm

Xerxes moves swiftly, grabbing his shotgun, checking the chamber is loaded, and then swinging it to aim at the door, waiting for the first assailant to reveal itself. With his firearm readied, he reaches for his club, and props it on the wall next to him, for a quick pickup if he needs to fight hand-to-hand. He stays in cover though, just standing out far enough to get a clear view of the door.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Sun Mar 02, 2008 8:23 pm

With a metallic clang Mik snapped the barrel of his lasgun into place, and spun it around so that it was held firmly in one hand by the pistolish grip. He motioned with it to the door; nodding Hellishly gleeful.

He then kicked the bed he was sitting by onto its side with a clatter, giving him a bit of cover. He then dropped to a kneeling position behind it, and placing his heretofore free hand on the forward grip of his lasgun, began staring down the crude but effective iron sights- right along to the door.

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Unread postby Kelne » Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:44 am

The others, was the only thought which came to Cryvus in the aftermath. The others had to be warned. Heedless of any insult to the machine spirit, Cryvus activated his vox once more, hissing frantically into it.

"Flesh of man
Given new form
Stripped of the soul
In madness born."

Whatever part of his mind governed the crazed muttering was clearly in the ascendance.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:11 am

As Mik rested his weapon on the side of the now overturned bed Cryvus' message crackled through the vox, his already disturbing tone distorted by the static background noise. A few moments later the group heard the sounds approaching, a mixture of erratic footsteps and the sound of metal scraping across rockcrete. Julius stepped to his left, lifting his lasgun and taking aim at the only way into or out of the room.

(Xerxes and Mik have delayed action and will shoot as something comes into sight. Gunner should declare what he's doing or I'll assume he's standing where he is, gun pointed at the door. Shini, meanwhile, has stepped aside, and Julius shall be NPC'd from now on. Map Updated.)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon Mar 03, 2008 2:43 pm

Gunner is favoring his Lasgun at the moment; He drops to one knee behind the corner of the dresser and holds the weapon with two hands, the left cradling the bottom of the barrel and the right gripping the handle, ready to fire. A counterpoint to Mik's aparent semi-madness, Gunner is the picture of meticulousness as he carefully takes aim on the door and waits calmly for the hell beast to proceed into the room.

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Lili's Hab

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Mar 03, 2008 9:59 pm

All sights are trained on the door, fingers resting on triggers, when the first of them finally appears.

One hand reaches around and pushes the door open fully, an arm made of waxy, pallid flesh writhing underneath the skin and ending in a mechanical clawed fist. The rest of the thing lies in the darkness for a moment, it's form pulsating as the flesh tries to break free from the heresy of the abomination of the divine human form. It's face is a blank facade, devoid of features save for two glowing red orbs.

Xerxes is mercifully spared from this sight, but the others get an eyeful. Gunner begins to shake, all attempts to prepare himself for something unnatural brushed aside. Mik goes white as a ghost, his eagerness for the fight suddenly gone and replaced by the urge to stay well away from whatever the monstrosity is. Jules flinches, clearly appalled by the vileness of the unholy thing, but otherwise keeps his cool. And the three let rip, a trio of lasguns filling the air with loud KRAKS and bolts of hot death. Two shots slam into the arm protruding through the doorway, charring flesh away, but as the thing moves forward a step it's clear that the limb is still operational. To make matters worse, another set of red eyes appear in the darkness behind the first.

The Stairwell

The other two, having had a moment to calm themselves, hear the din of las-fire coming from down the hallway. The others must have made contact.

(Mikolas and Gunner should check their PMs for the exact effects of fear. Crisis and Cryvus have recovered from fear, and may act as normal, albiet probably still a touch shaken. Xerxes hasn't seen the enemy yet, and they're out of his line of sight. Declare your actions for the next round. Map updated.)

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:09 pm

Seeing and hearing the others begin the firefight, Xerxes believes that any assailant will have their attention focused on the far side of the room, and will not expect anyone to be hiding around the door. With this in mind, and with the desire to have as clear a shot as possible, he steps out to his left, hoping to catch whatever comes through the door in a broadside barrage.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:06 pm

Mik was content to scream variant renditions of "That's no throne-be-damned wambler!", "Get back!" and "Kill it!" while trying to steady his lasgun and shine some more light on the issue, semi-automatically.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:12 pm

Gunner was having trouble aiming, what with all the shaking and shivering he was doing, and silently berating himself for being scared of this monster wasn't helping much. He could tell himself all he liked that he would be dealing with this kind of thing all the time now, but that didn't make it any easier.

His legs wobbly and his hands clammy and his hands twitching and clammy, he stays put, taking this chance to fire off as many shots as he could in as little time as was safe for the gun as possible. If it didn't drop the beast then he was dead, but then he couldn't do much else either.

(As many shots per round as he can get!)

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Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:19 pm

Cryvus's duty was clear. Snatching up his staff, he headed down the stairs towards the gunfire.

"We live for the Emperor, we die for the Emperor," he told Crisis firmly.

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:25 pm

Crisis, upon seeing the abomination, immediately regressed, backing to the wall in total silence, bracing his rifle close to his chest in the process...that thing...it was not supposed to be. It was, if anything, NEVER supposed to be...just like those weren't supposed to be. It couldn't have been...it shouldn't have been...

...but it was...

Teeth clenched behind an otherwise normal-seeming, if not slightly alarmed-looking face, he quickly composed himself; that thing...whatever it was...it would be unacceptable for him to let it live in any manner...the Emperor himself would damn him before he'd let it run off like that. It must die...

Just like those things should have...

And he was the one to kill it.

The voidborn activated his stummers, almost cloaking himself in silence as he started down the hallway--ready to get in position to aim and fire his rifle as soon as the abominations came within sight of him...

...He wouldn't let them hear him coming...

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The hab you wouldn't want to be trapped in.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:13 pm

Gripped by fear, Mikolas kept his finger down on the trigger, the KRAKKA-KRAKKA-KRAK of his lasgun providing some small measure of comfort. What was more reassuring was seeing two bolts slam into the chest of the thing, scorching flesh and igniting a patch of the rags it wore. But that didn't drop it. Julius dropped to one knee, carefully lined up a shot and added a third blast of energy to Mik's. The thing didn't even flinch. Gunner tried to bring it down, but his hands shook oh so terrible, with chunks of wall being blown away by off-target impacts.

Xerxes stepped out, lowering his shotgun and....froze. His finger was on the trigger, but his eyes were wide, sweat beading on his forehead as the two monstrosities charged forward, their movements sudden and jarring.

Mikolas didn't want to believe what was happening as the foremost one, the one that seemed to have shrugged off five shots, bore down on him. A metallic fist shot out, striking him square in the chest. He felt the force of the blow, even with his body armor between him and the impact. The thing didn't roar, hiss, or make any sign that it recognised a blow well struck. It's blank face just stared at him with those glowing red orbs.

The other closed with Jules, striking him in the gut and forcing the guardsman up against the wall, struggling to keep his breath.

Just Outside....

Crisis and Cryvus bolted down the hall, their sense of duty shaking off the remnants of the fear that'd gripped them so acutely a minute before. Looking around the corner they could see the corridor was clear and the doorway was empty.

(Mik is struck for 2 points of damage, while Julius is hit for 4. Xerxes should consult his board private messages for details about his fear test. Map updated. The next round is upon you, declare your actions.)

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:24 pm

Well, that wouldn't do at all. Suddenly Gunner didn't trust himself to try to take these things down with the Lasgun: Shooting his allies would be wholly unacceptable. He didn't like to do it, especially not in the middle of a fight, and ESPECIALLY not against something that seemed to have fucking metal work on it's body, but he quickly holstered his weapon and drew his sword. He was still scared as hell, but damned if he wasn't going to try anyway. He charged in and prayed for the best.

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Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 04, 2008 9:27 pm

Cryvus continued on, soft muttering reduced to utter silence thanks to the stummers. He intended to let Crisis take the first shot, since his was likely to be the most telling, before adding his own meagre firepower to the mix.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:44 am

A learned scholar may've spent a good portion of an afternoon pondering the intricacies of Mankind's blessed instincts, seeing Mik rear back, roaring in fury and fear. Despite his lack of coherency in his panicked state, he did what he could to get the horrible thing away from him- making to drive his lasgun's bayonet into the monster.

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Wed Mar 05, 2008 4:30 am

Come on, for the Emperor's sake, pull the trigger. Pull the trigger! Remember the litanies! While vile mutants still draw breath, there can be no peace! Now frakking kill that thing!

Xerxes watches the two creatures pass by his sights without moving, and sees that melee is about to begin. Not wanting to injure anyone with the scatter from his shotgun, he moves his gun to his left hand while grabbing his club and charging in at the one attacking Jules.

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Wed Mar 05, 2008 9:23 pm

Crisis likewise continued down the hallway, in what was now likely absolute silence--technologically augmented silence, but silence nonetheless...waiting to see -those- things again...and say hello with a well-placed rifle shell...

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Turn 2

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:05 pm

Mikolas panicked, swinging the blade fixed to his weapon and kicked out at the bed. The former tore through the chest of the terror, opening up a long wound across it. Mik struggled to keep his dinner down as he saw the flesh writhing inside, his foot connecting with the bed and sending it crashing over onto his assailant, pinning it underneath it. It tried to force it's way free, clawing at Mik with a free hand as it did. It's failure to do so was a telling sign. It was hurt.

Crisis crept along the corridor outside, rifle ready and silent as a ghost. The gunfire had died out now, which didn't bode well at all.

Forcing himself forward from the wall, Julius dropped his lasgun and drew his sword, a well made blade from one of the greatest realms in the Imperium. It barely scratched the thing as he cut it across a thigh, only drawing a thin trickle of blood. Gunner rushed to the soldier's aid, hands still trembling around the hilt of his own long blade of simpler construction. He didn't find an opening to strike as the thing flailed about with those dreadful fists, though.

Xerxes managed to snap himself out of it, limbs responding to his will again, though he now shook terribly. He moved quickly to join the melee, though wasn't quite willing to draw the attention of the creature yet, despite how reassuring the sight of Mik's luck with the other one was.

Cryvus moved forward, his cryptic murmurings barely audible, drawing a compact las-pistol from within the recesses of his robes. He stopped suddenly, feeling something wrong, as did everyone else. For a split second the lights went out, plunging the world into utter darkness. When the lights came back, full strength and without a flicker, Jules was sporting a nick on his right arm, the claws of the now-surrounded thing knocking a piece of his armor loose.

(Turn over, Julius having taken 1 damage and the first horror now wounded and pinned under a bed for now. Map updated again, declare actions for a new round.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:16 pm

Cryvus continued onwards, hoping to get a clear shot at one of the abominations. By the Emperor's grace, they would triumph. He could not permit such things to endure.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:24 pm

It may've been hurt, but that wasn't good enough for ol' Mik. He kept stabbing at whatever bits of it stuck out from under the bed.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Mar 05, 2008 10:36 pm

Gunner continued to look for an opening, trying to stab the ugly thing without being maimed himself.

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Thu Mar 06, 2008 5:20 pm

"Judgement is passed. Guilty." Xerxes says, barely able to manage more than a whispered croak due to his terror. He raises up his mace, and focuses his energy on ignoring the shape of the beast before him, pretending it's just another gangbanger that he's going to break the skull of.

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 5:16 pm

Crisis silently continued up, finally reaching the door of the room--surveying his surroundings, he noted a few things...namely that there were two of those...monstrosities...half his team was surrounding one engaged in close-quarters combat...and the other one was pinned under a bed; how strong they were...he didn't know...

But instead, he closed one eye as he began to aim down the side of his rifle, combination stock/feed braced against his shoulder, at the pinned monstrosity, with a look of disgust contradicting his otherwise cool and mechanical motions...

[moving to G3, half-action Aim at the pinned enemy]

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:07 pm

Mikolas knows this should be an easy kill. He should lunge forward and ram his blade into the neck of the thing. But he can't do it. He can't bring himself to come any closer to the monstrosity. Screaming in rage, both at the thing and himself, the man hacks at an exposed leg on his side of the overturned bed, muscles bulging as he puts his all behind the attack. The limb comes free with the sound of tearing flesh and splintering bone, blood pumping out over his feet as the thing begins to writhe and spasm, emitting a low, barely audible groan of agony. Crisis manages to catch this spectacle, noting blood splatter onto Mik as the amputated leg continues to bleed profusely. Not wishing to take any chances he drops to one knee and takes aim, preparing to finish the job.

The second, still standing foe lashes out with it's arms, keeping Gunner away and unable to land a hit. Julius struck again, but his blows simply didn't seem to be capable of drawing more than a trickle of blood. Xerxes took his opening, slamming his weapon down into a shoulder and tried to ram the thing off it's feet with his own body. A satisfying crack was his reward, though he simply rebounded off the thing when he attempted to knock it over. The walking heresy spun, red eyes settling on the arbitrator for a split second before a fist slammed into his left arm. His vision went white for a moment as his limb was wracked with indescribable pain.

Cryvus moved up behind his kneeling comrade, noting the way Xerxes' arm snapped backwards under the impact of the blow. The man was fortunate it wasn't mangled horribly.

(Mikolas takes a leg off, but the first thing is still alive somehow. Xerxes dealt some damage, but in return was smashed for 7 damage. He's now on 6 wounds and Heavily Wounded. Without medical attention he'll heal at the rate of 1 wound per week until he's within 2 of his max wounds. Any use of his left arm will be done with difficulty and a fair deal of pain.Map Updated, onto the next round.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:18 pm

"The Emperor does not want you to specialise in melee!" Cryvus shouted. Surely they weren't so far gone that they couldn't see the sensible thing to do was back up and shoot the damned thing.

For now, the close quarters the others were at meant that he couldn't risk a shot at the mostly unharmed abomination, so he was simply going to take aim and wait for them to take the hint and clear the line of fire.

Crisis might be annoyed at him for spoiling the stealth thing he had going, but at this point the abominations were far too preoccupied for it to matter.

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Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Mar 07, 2008 6:28 pm

Though Mik was too much in a horrified fury to understand or even hear Cryvus, his own actions showed that on some basic level, he felt the same way. He dropped his lasgun aside, and switched to his trusty shogtun. Then, leaning over just enough so that he could point the twinbarreled beauty towards the monster's face, he looked away and pulled the trigger.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:04 pm

Gunner, meanwhile, couldn't help but notice the pattern: He was trying to preserve himself while destroying the beast. The result was that he wasn't contributing anything whatsoever to the fight. It wasn't acceptable. The only thign worse he might do is harm his allies while trying to bring the thing down, which was indeed why he'd forsaken his lasgun for the moment.

So that brings us back to the use of the sword. He grit his teeth, and ignoring every natural instinct he had he leaned in with renewed fury, tossing style, technique and flair to the four winds.

(All out attack)

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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:05 pm

"ARRRGH!" Xerxes roars, as pain shoots through his left side. "You frakking abomination!" Furious at the blow he's suffered, Xerxes bring his club down repeatedly on the monstrosity, attempting to bludgeon the creature to death.

(All Out Attack.)

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:24 pm

Crisis grits his teeth in annoyance at the 'announcement', and furrows his brow in irritation, in his crouched and braced position--but regardless keeps utterly silent...even as the trigger finger pulls back in a smooth motion...not too fast, not too slow--perfectly timed to minimize jerking...before preparing to quickly move to a more advantageous position just in case the others are not quite done with acting like a bunch of Emperor-damned blood-furied Dregs with nothing more than lead pipes...

[Shooting once at the pinned creature, then moving to I4]

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:56 pm

The shotgun roared at the thing in defiance, the blast tearing an exposed arm off a split second before Crisis fired. No flash, no sound, the shot tore through the torso of the thing and it finally lay dead, the two hits being too much for even it to sustain. The androgynous voidborn moved into the room, giving Cryvus a clearer view of the room.

Julius, Gunner and Xerxes all had the same idea; they laid into the remaining abomination with wild abandon, desperate to kill it quickly. The Ultramarian guardsman swung too high as the thing ducked suddenly, but Gunner jabbed his blade into it's abdomen while Xerxes battered the bionics around it's left knee. The thing swirled to face Gunner, but fear sharpened the man's reactions and he quickly ducked a punch that may well have taken his head off.

Cryvus kept his pistol leveled, ready to pull the trigger as soon as he was sure he wouldn't hit an ally.

(The first thing is utterly dead, having lost an leg, arm and a good deal of it's internals, in that order. Gunner and Xerxes land damaging blows, and Gunner narrowly avoids loosing his head. Cryvus has +20 to his next shot against the remaining abomination. Map Updated and next turn comes now.)


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