Loake's kick, despite the creature's size, managed to go wide. Luckily Loake pulled up in flight soon enough to avoid retaliation from the creature.
Meanwhile, Kuriko's attack washed over the creature with surprisingly little effect. It seemed that taking this creature down would be an awful hard task.
Gregory's telepathy was met with the mental equivalent of scoffing. Apparently Greg had either been speaking in this manner too soon, or he hadn't faked the voice properly.
Meanwhile, the dragon started crawling toward Kumo, meanwhile breathing fire at the moogle. The creature definitely wanted its lunch, and it seemed to be fond of the idea of barbecued moogle.
Kumo, caught in the fire breath, was lucky not to immediately wind up the main course, but it was close.
(Loake [who I've permitted to go airborne] and Kuriko missed. Gregory's Fake Accent check failed. Kumo takes 30 damage, putting him at 5/35 HP.
Kumo's turn, and [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=divinegon2130>Divinegon2130</A]

at: 12/10/03 11:52 pm