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Ash Fanrico
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Re: Oo la la

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Oct 08, 2003 9:41 pm

Nash smelled himself. Yep, he definately reaked of oil, sweat, and grease.

IM: Ah shit...

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Re: Oo la la

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Oct 08, 2003 11:10 pm

Raphael gave Nash a strange look and rubbed his head.

"Uh. . do you mean to tell me that you. .don't know what I'm talking about?"

He put his hands on his hips and stepped towards Nash. He leaned close to him and smiled.

"Boy," he said shaking his head. "You got the blood of a soldier in you, unless I'm wrong."

He shook his head and then noticed Blue.

"A child. . .this is very strange. How can all of you be here. . if your not willing to fight? I mean you can't win the souls edge. . wait." He crossed his arms and turned to look back at the body he had been standing over, only it was gone. "Damn it!" He shouted.

"Blasted beast escaped, I was so close to getting it. That damn shadow!"


Re: Oo la la

Unread postby LostDreamer » Thu Oct 16, 2003 5:01 pm

"What on EARTH are you talking about? You are a crazy old loon ... wait a sec. what do you mean Soul's Edge? What in the world were you doing here!?" Sharon yelled into the man's ear, still wanting real answers and the old man to let her go.

"So what if we have a kid here, it's not like we could help it! It was that tent that brought us here. We just wanted a fun day at the carnival, NOT A TREK THROUGH WONDERLAND!!!" She was fuming now and didn't care for his actions and now endangering the small group by letting whatever, or whoever he was hunting to escape.

Fists clenched and ready to swing, she swung her head in the direction of Nash and said accusingly "Do something! Your the guy here!"

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: Oo la la

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Oct 18, 2003 12:16 am

Nash turned towards her, and with a confused look asked "Like What may I ask?"

Edited by: Ash Fanrico  Image at: 10/18/03 12:16 am

Estrella Y Luna

oh no...

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Sat Oct 18, 2003 2:51 am

OOC:: I got a global account now *smiles* so this is really Lost Dreamer... sorry for the confusion...

Sharon's eye's bore into Nash for a split second longer then she turned herself to May and Blue. Not caring what would come next she acted out her anger the best way she could think of...

"Like This !" she cried out as she swung her fist full force towards the old man's jaw as he was still looking toward the spot where his prey had escaped his grasp.

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Oct 18, 2003 9:29 pm

Raphael, caught off guard by the blow, stumbled back wards and landed rather ungracefully on his backside.

He stared up at her, his eyes blank and oddly amused as he rubbed his chin.

May grabed Sharons shoulders and laughed.

"Yeah, she wiped your face in it." She said with a proud grin.

Raphael stood up and bowed to Sharon. "M'lady as a wicked right hook." He dusted his pants off and drew his blade again.

"Time for some explanations I think." He said with a grin.

Estrella Y Luna

oh no...

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Sun Oct 19, 2003 2:08 am

The contact of her fist against the man's face caused instant bruises to form on her knuckles. Sharon shook her hand and backed away from the man. May's hands on her shoulders helped to calm her anger a great deal, but she still felt her ears burning ever so slightly.

"Thanks May," she said as she patted May's hand and walked over to where Blue was standing and seated herself.

"Please do explain." She said bluntly to Raphael.

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: oh no...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Oct 19, 2003 2:18 am

Nash stared dumbfounded for a moment....

"That's what she had meant?" he asked quitely to himself as he walked forward.

IM:Bah... I'm no damn hero... what did she expect? Me to suddenly fight a guy with a sword? I may be a Mechanic... but I'm not stupid...

He watched Raphael, in case this man was gonna try anything. But as he watched the older man, one thought kept going through his head.

IM:What is the point of us being sent here?

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Oct 21, 2003 1:11 pm

"Recently," Raphael said as he stood up. "Many dark shadows have started to Chase after the souls edge."

Raphael stared at there bewildered faces and sighed.

"Lets just say its a blade that can make your deepest, most wanted desires come true, for. . .a price." He rubbed his chin and reached into his pocket.

"I found a piece of it, and it has consumed me. My desire, and so I entered this dark competition to gain the other pieces."

"Uh. . .ok." May said flopping down next to Blue and Sharon. "But what dose that have to do with us?"

"Well, nothing I suppose." Raphael said. "Which surprises me, only people who have a piece of it can take part in the competition. And from the looks of you four, you don't have a piece of it. I'd know."

"Damn shadows, every time I get closer to the end, they pop up and attempt to steal my piece of the souls edge."

A jet of fire shoots into the air as Raphael shakes his head. You all suddenly feel a strange sensation beneath you, as if the land is shifting away from under you (no its not disappearing underneath you thats just what you feel)

To Nash: Who was standing. You do not feel this, but you do feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up. And oddly enuf your fathers Dogtags sudenly feel warm on your sking (they don't burn you, they just get warm)

(ooc: ooo)

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Oct 22, 2003 1:12 am

Nash was just standing there, listening to Lord Ramblelot's tale when he got this strange tingly feeling... like the hair on the back of his neck was standing up. To make matters more strange... Nash felt a warm sensation on his chest, like a hot pad was placed directly on it.

Pulling up his shirt collar, he noticed that the warm sensation was right where his old man's tags were hanging. Using his other hand, he touched the dog tags, they were indeed warm.

Touching the tags brought flashbacks to Nash. Flashbacks of being the only kid at school to not have a father-figure. Never having a dad there to teach him any kind of sport, nor a dad there to talk to about personal, male things. Never having a father there at the school social events, while everyone else(the other kids)'s dads were all there. Ready to support their child.

No, Bash never had a Dad. His bastard of a father... if you could even call him that... left him and his mother long ago. The only thing his mom kept of her former love's things were these old dog tags. His dad had been in some military operations, or so his mom said. He doubted it though, hard to think that his "dad" would be committed to anything.

He snapped back to reality, and held the tags in his hand.

IM: What could this mean?

Estrella Y Luna

on no...

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Wed Oct 22, 2003 6:34 pm

Sharon had been leaning back on her hands while she listened to the man talk. Her face bland at his ramblings, she was about to question him once more but suddenly flames shot up and she fell on her back in shock. Only she didn't' stop falling, at least that's what she thought.

"AHHHHH ... what's this nonsense!" she screamed. It seemed as if the ground was removing itself from benieth her, but she saw she was going nowhere. Shutting her eyes tight trying to block the sensation, she gripped the ground desperately, her sore knuckles cracking into place.

Just Damn Evil


Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Sun Oct 26, 2003 9:00 pm

Blue hugged Mr. Bear tightly and shivered as the darkness formed around him. He felt himself falling into the void, and it felt familiar... Maybe this is just a dream, he thought. Mr. Bear, save me from this monster!!

He curled up in a ball on the floor.

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Oct 28, 2003 12:54 pm

Four tall shadows shoot up from the ground right in front of you. They are all dark and appear to be wearing a strange stone around their necks. They have no eyes, no faces.

The one in front of blue raises its arms, as if to attack him.

"No you don't you damn bastard!" Raphael shouts and stabs the shadow with his rapier. The others turn to watch there alley turn to ash and blow away in the wind.

They then turn to Nash. They glide towards him surrounding him.

Raphael runs to help only to be knocked to the ground by one of the shadows who side track him.

*To Nash*

Your dog tags glow, and shift in your hand. They take the form of a shield and a very large wrench. They inscription that was on your tags is on the weapon and shield. In the wrench is a shining blue stone.

The shield also has a stone, oddly enough it is in the shape of a large red octogan. As you look at them they glow softly.

(see ooc for weapon use and explanation.)

The shadows back away from Nash and turn their attention to the others.


May screamed as one of the shadows took a swipe at her.

"Ahh, leave me alone!" She said ducking and falling back on her backside.

(ooc. Don't worry all of you will get a weapon sooner or latter. I promise.)

Estrella Y Luna

Re: oh no...

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Tue Oct 28, 2003 11:12 pm

"Holy Hell!!!" Sharon screamed and rolled over her shoulder and onto her feet in a crouching position. "Blue, May! I think it's time we moved on!"

Jumping backwards trying to dodge a shadows attack it caught hold of her shirt and ripped a hole mid stomach. Looking to find some place to run to she noticed Nash holding a shield and "A Wrench? Where on earth did that come from?" she called out to Nash.

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Nov 06, 2003 10:37 am

May let out a scream as she was knocked to the ground by the shadow.

"Ahh," She shouted as she rolled to the side just as the shadow struck the ground with such force that it she felt the ground rumble.

"Rahhh," Shouted Raphael as he plunged his rapier through one of the shadows, only to be knocked out from behind. He hit the ground and the shadows moved towards the others.

"Help!" May shouted as she clumsily dodged another attack.

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Ash Fanrico
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Need a Hero?

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Nov 06, 2003 12:47 pm

Nash couldn't hear what was going on, as he stared as his weapons. Then it felt like out of a dream... but it was a memory... one he had tried his hardest to forget...

He was all alone... on the playground. The other kids had left him there, after taunting and teasing him. It was because Nash had brought a stuffed animal to school, for Show and Tell. It had been one of the Christmas presents he had recieved earlier that year, and they taunted him for it. His stuffed alligator was lying in the dust, after being kicked and stomped on by the others.

Nash could only stand there and hold back his tears...

Anger soon welled up within Nash, as reality came back.

As the shadow advanced towards May, a brief shine could be seen from behind before a large wrench was brought down upon the creature.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: Need a Hero?

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Thu Nov 06, 2003 8:55 pm

Sharon could barely manage to dodge the shadow for long. She was happy about her defensive training she had a couple years ago. She was trying to get to Blue when a white blast went straight to the shadow attacking May.

"What on Earth! This is insane..." she cried out, but this little distraction was enough for her attacker to gain its ground and it hit a solid blow to her left shoulder, sending her backwards and skidding on the ground, stopping by Blue.

"Blue, you need to move!" she yelled at the boy from the ground as the shadow came steadily closer to the two.

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Nov 07, 2003 12:00 am

May covered her head with her hands and screamed just as the Shadow disintegrated over her.

There was a pause, the shadows froze. The wind blew over them.

Raphael groaned and pushed himself up. He looked up with a look of surprise.

The shadows looked at one another and then towards Nash.

May scooted back towards Sharon and Blue.

"Wha. . .whats going on. . ." May said in a soft breath.

what happens.

The shadows flee, disappearing into the ground, as they do you feel the falling sensation that you felt before.

To Nash:

Your Wrench and shield disappear, reforming into your dog-tags.

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: oh no...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Nov 07, 2003 1:41 am

The tags reappeared, his mighty wrench and shield gone, Nash was trying to make sense of this. How did his pop's dog-tags turn into a giant wrench and a shield?

Why did they is a better thing to ask, and what were those Shadow things?

"Now... *to Raphael* What the fuck was that about?" hoping the older man may yield some information.

Estrella Y Luna

on no...

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Fri Nov 07, 2003 6:54 pm

Sharon, shakily stood up, trying desperately to ignore the weird sensation. She felt the blood rush from her face as the shadows sank into the ground.

'This is completely insane. No way is this a reality,' she though to herself, feeling the after effects of the hit she took. Her shoulder hurt and she held onto it, massaging it slightly.

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Nov 08, 2003 2:05 am

Raphael sat up and rubbed his head.

"Not so loud," he said shortly. "Damn things," he said standing."

"Look, I don't know much." He said glancing over at Sharon. "Just that they came here a few weeks ago, they keep looking for something." He edged closer to Sharon as he spoke. "I've been fighting them, mainly for practice, but lately, they've been showing up more and more."

He reached out and began to rub her shoulders.

"Ah, ma lady, allow me to comfort you." He said with a grin.

"Eww, your like thirty years older than her." May said looking grossed out.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: oh no...

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Sat Nov 08, 2003 10:28 pm

Sharon leaned away from Raphael saying "I agree May. It doesn't hurt that bad." Stepping away from Raphael she added, "And I can always swing again."

Sharon wasn't sure what was going on, but she had the distinct feeling he was holding something back. Looking to Nash she asked "Where did those weapons come from, or should I ask where do you keep them?" Sitting down on the other side of Blue she leaned close asking "You okay kid?"

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Nov 08, 2003 10:56 pm

"Who knows?" Raphael said shrugging. "That wasn't anything I've seen before."

May stood up and crossed her arms. "Damn it" She said walking over to Raphael.

"Look, all I know," he said shooting a glance at Nash. "Is that they are searching for something. My fear is that they are seeking the Souls edge."

"What is that?" May asked.

"I believe I told you already." He sapped. "What a foolish girl!"

He backed down and put a hand on his chin.

Perhaps, if I can make it to the Crew field. . .then I can get it before them." He said. "Then the blade will be mine . ." he said looking crazed. "And perhaps, you four can find answers to your questions."

"I think that old lady was right." May said to the others. "This guy is cracked."

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Nov 09, 2003 3:45 am

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you so." Nash said, holding onto the dog tags.

IM:Hell... I don't even believe it.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: oh no...

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Wed Nov 12, 2003 6:37 pm

"What do you mean? After all of this I think it would be hard for me not to." Sharon said bluntly. She was getting a little sleepy due to the adrenaline draining away leaving her slightly tired.

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Nov 12, 2003 10:59 pm

Nash sighed, and looked a little annoyed. "Ok... *pulls up the dog tags that were still around his neck* see these? They magically turned into that big wrench and shield." answering her.

Estrella Y Luna

Re: oh no...

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Wed Nov 12, 2003 11:32 pm

He was right for about two seconds. Sharon held a face of disbelief for the those seconds but it faded into a rather strange grin. She had a sympathetic look on her face as she said "Why not, they must be even more valuable now that they are magical."

She fell flat on her back and stared at the sky. It wasn't right and she tried to wake herself from her dream ... it didn't work.
"So where do we go from here?" She asked to no one in general, still on her back, but hoped someone would answer. Rolling her head she looked at Blue. He still looked shaken up, and he hadn't given any response to her question. "You okay?" she asked again a little more concerned.

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Re: oh no...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Nov 13, 2003 6:11 pm

May put her hands on her hips and sighed.

"I guess this means we have to follow that pervert around." She said shooting an angry glance at Raphael, who returned it.

"This Crew field? What is it?"

"The final place, the ending, the place where the blade lies." He said.

May sighed. "Vague much?" she said with a frown.

(is blue still here???)

Estrella Y Luna

Re: oh no...

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Thu Nov 13, 2003 8:40 pm

Sighing heavily, Sharon stared at the sky while asking "What's with this blade you keep mentioning? Is it something like Nash's tools?"

(I don't know I was hoping I get a response outta 'em but yeah I think we were abandoned... :( )

Just Damn Evil

It's all your fault for posting a lot when I'm busy comicing

Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Sat Nov 15, 2003 2:15 am

Blue snapped awake. He'd lost it again... Mr. Bear wasn't pleased. Why couldn't he be stronger? Why did he have to be so.......


"I'm... fine," he replied.

Estrella Y Luna

hehehe... we run away you just need to keep up ;P

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:51 am

"Good to know kid." Sharon said as she sat up and ruffeled his hair about a little.

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Re: hehehe... we run away you just need to keep up ;P

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Nov 15, 2003 11:45 am

May smiled at Blue (ooc glad to see ya.)

"Look." Raphael said looking at Ash and Sharon. "You two and I will find the field, not the brats."

"Oh, I know you didn't just call me a brat!" May said glaring at him.

Just Damn Evil

Re: World Travelers

Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Sat Nov 15, 2003 8:53 pm

"Waiting around is boring." Blue moved Mr. Bear to his backpack and closed the zipper. "I'll come regardless of what you think."

Estrella Y Luna

Re: World Travelers

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Sun Nov 16, 2003 1:23 am

"I don't think you have any say in the matter. They came along for a reason and we will need them. This may be some whacked up dream, but my shoulder hurts like this is real. And I've getting those odd feelings like I do when I'm awake." Sharon grabbed both her shoulders and held tight as she shook all over a tiny bit. She didn't like admitting these things to complete strangers, but it was something they needed to know, at least she thought.

"So if this really is some waked up alternate reality we've somehow managed to slip into, there's a reason all of us slipped through together. They come, because they're supposed to." Sharon stood up and put her hands on her hips determined. "And who do you think you are you old fart saying May and Blue are brats?"

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Re: World Travelers

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Nov 20, 2003 10:24 am

Raphael frowned and then sighed.
"Very well," he said brushing his dirty gray hair from his face. "Let what happens be on your hands then, I tried to warn you, remember that." He said walking past Sharon.

May frowned.

"You know," May said walking up to the others. "That old woman. . .dosn't it seem weird that she would say this guys dangerous? I mean in his own warped way hes trying to help us. . .well Uh. ." She scratched her head. "I mean he hasn't killed us yet."

She then frowned. "Uh. . .don't you think?"

Estrella Y Luna

stepping on ****

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Thu Nov 20, 2003 6:23 pm

"I don't know. You are right. He hasn't killed us ... yet." Sharon said following behind May. Once she was beside her she whispered to her "Besides the old lady could just be talking about the way he tries to flirt ... it's scary" She merely stuck out her tongue and giggled a little trying to find something to feel lighthearted about once more.

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: stepping on ****

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Nov 27, 2003 5:24 pm

Nash wasn't really paying attention to them, he was still lost in what just happened a few minutes ago.

IM:Why DID these dog tags do that anyway?

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Re: World Travelers

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Dec 02, 2003 2:43 pm

(ooc: just getting things moving.)

The sky seems to change as you move though the dark land, it lightens and alters, the dark grass gives way to green, and as you walk time seems to slip by, soon the ruins of an old city, forgotten by time, lost to the trees, emerges to you.

You have been walking for hours, and before you Raphael seems undaunted as he moves. Occasionally he looks back, perhaps to see if you are still at his heals, or perhaps to flirt with Sharon.

"I who built these." May said leaning on a turned over pillar. "Look how big it is." She said climbing on top of it and jumping to the other side.

Raphael stops and glares back at her.

"Keep moving!" He shouted. "Theres no time for rest!"

May glared back at him.

"Hay we've been walking for some time now." She said crossing her arms and looking back at Nash. "I could use a rest."

Estrella Y Luna

Re: World Travelers

Unread postby Estrella Y Luna » Sat Dec 06, 2003 3:48 am

Sharon's legs ached and her mind was a blank. She was trying not to fall asleep on her feet but it wasn't working too well. The adrenaline rush had long faded and she was left with the headache and fatigue of the chemical. She just trudged on not seeing or hearing or feeling. She just moved one foot out in front of the other, following the familiar shapes of the three travelers she knew best.

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Re: World Travelers

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Dec 10, 2003 2:25 pm

May flopped down on the ground and frowned.

"I need to rest, my legs are hurting." She said as she rubbed them. "A few seconds won't hurt." She said crossing her arms.

Raphael stopped and turned to look back at them.

"Very well," he said shortly. "You wait here, I'm going to make sure the path ahead is clear." He said with malice.

"You Boy!" He shouted at Blue. "Make sure you stay with them, the shadows love tender meat."

"HAY!" May said angrily. "Your a bitch did you know that Raphael?"

He shot her a smug look and walked on.

"That guy is a jerk." She said laying back on the ground and looking up.


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