Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:21 am

Chon-Marshak gave Skye a long look with both eyes, blinking slowly. "Please make yourself comfortable, and we will explain." The left eye scanned the room again before Chon-Marshak stood up and crossed to a corner behind the desk, where they dialed a few commands into a cabinet-sized autodispenser* built into the wall. "We have requisitioned a large pitcher of iced spring water and disposable cups; we are in agreement that it will be sufficient for your comfort, but please correct us if we are wrong. We understand that our environmental needs are not yours, and regret that our office must be kept disagreeable to you. We will keep this meeting as brief as possible, both for your comfort and because of the state of emergency we are in." The autodispenser chimed and Chon-Marshak withdrew a plastic tray holding the aforementioned pitcher of water and plastic cups, which they put on the desk. "Please, help yourselves," they said, sitting back down behind the desk.

A human might have, at this point, steepled his or her hands, gotten up and walked around, or shown any number of other tics, but Chon-Marshak remained seated with their hands at their sides, speaking as though having rehearsed. "The Precinct, as you know, monitors many different worlds in many different universes. Official policy considers iterations of Earth a priority over other worlds, and the Precinct as a whole is largely composed of beings from iterations of Earth, all those present included. Iterations of Earth with a unified worldwide religion are not unknown, though research indicates that this state of affairs is a precarious one, easily destabilized both by external events such as natural disasters and by forces acting on the system from within - social change, technological advancement, et cetera. Certainly, the establishment, from the ground up, of a worldwide religion would require a buildup of certain factors over a long period of time; if any Precinct-monitored Earth were about to experience this change, it would be well within the organization's abilities to predict it long in advance."

The Section Chief did move, then, to open a desk drawer and retrieve a remote. At the push of a button, the empty wall behind Chon-Marshak faded to black before displaying an image of a light blue wireframe sphere rotating slowly on its vertical axis. The lizardman turned slightly so one eye could check the screen before continuing. "Marshak recommends that you show discretion before sharing to others in the organization the possibly panic-inspiring news we are about to relate and the specifics of the mission you are about to be assigned; Chon notes that as you are all agents of the Precinct, such a recommendation is unnecessary, but has agreed to allow it to be pronounced without argument for the sake of Marshak's peace of mind."

Chon-Marshak cleared their throat in a particularly human-sounding way. "Sixteen hours ago, a monitoring center received an unencrypted audio message from a communications array on a Type 4A world**. The message came from an unauthorized user of Precinct equipment; in other words, a native, one who should not have been able to find nor operate the communications array yet was able to find his way past the security lock on the console to send this message. It is badly garbled for no easily apparently reason, despite all attempts to decode it. I will play it for you." They pressed a button and a burst of static could be heard from the speakers built into the walls, followed by a male-sounding human voice, garbled as promised.

"..........we have...........our god.....proof more..uncertainty.....rejoicing........the gray lights.....heaven..........away.........."

The recording stopped there, and Chon-Marshak continued. "The monitoring center originally attributed this to the work of an individual not in control of a new technopathic power - the world in question has a high rate of human potentiality phenomena. The monitoring equipment on the world could not be reached afterwards; again, consistent with the work of a powerful technopath, either one mentally unhinged or not in control of his powers. More disturbingly, neither of the two permanent gate portals on the world could be accessed at all. However, events like this have transpired previously and been corrected - there are other ways onto a world than gate portals, certainly - so had that been the end of it, the solution would have been quite routine.

"A similar situation occurred in twenty-four non-proximate realities between ten and two hours ago. The worlds were blacked out completely - no transmissions of data or personnel proved possible to or from any of them. The only clue came in a report given by a field agent stationed on one of these worlds a scant two hours before the array she transmitted it from went offline. Unlike the original message, this one was complete, if terse. The agent simply transmitted a short message stating that she was terminating her employment with the Precinct to live full-time on that world as a follower of the Holy Church of the Shining Gray. No mention of any organization by that name, religious or otherwise, existed on that world prior to two hours before that transmission, after which time the intercepted radio and television signals from that world became increasingly saturated with mention of the Church until the communications array ceased to function."

Chon-Marshak turned to the screen, then, pressing a button on the remote which caused small points of light to appear within the slowly spinning globe - an isolated blue clump in the center with about twenty-five or so red ones strewn around randomly, none approaching particularly near the blue. "This is a calibrated, simplified view of the possibility space for iterations of planet Earth. It is a common visualization tool. This view is calibrated such that the further into the sphere an undisturbed universe falls, the more factors on the world - cultural, historical, et cetera - exist to push it towards religious singularity. The blue is the area in which Earths sporting relatively stable religious singularity exist at 99.5% saturation or higher. The red dots represent the universes affected by the mysterious phenomenon of which I have just spoken. As the model clearly indicates, these worlds are largely poor candidates for worldwide religions to spawn. We are forced to conclude, then, that there is something else happening here. Something that is spreading between worlds, quickly.

"The jumps being made between these worlds correspond exactly to a certain quantum of energy into the gate portal system - the same leap distance, one could say. The order in which the worlds became unresponsive and the order in which the leaps would have occurred at this level of power match exactly. The speed of the leaps was erratic - three happened within an hour and a half of each other, yet none have happened in the past two hours, so the exact timing cannot be predicted, but all of the computer models agree:

"The force that is making leaps between these worlds needs only to make nineteen more to reach Planet Zero, and it is thus far on track to make the journey between its point of origin and Planet Zero in the fewest number of leaps possible. Whatever is doing this could use the gate portals to go anywhere in the multiverse, but it has chosen instead to forge a more-or-less straight-line path directly to Precinct Command."

*All employees of the Precinct have the authority to make requisitions using the autodispenser network set up across Planet Zero. It's a subset of the main teleporter system that is used to get around the planet (itself piggybacked on the multidimensional gate portal system), except it is linked to a fully-automated system of pocket storage dimensions and used to requisition items ranging from weapons to office furniture to medical supplies (Michael is extremely familiar with the system's use, and is accustomed to using much larger autodispensers capable of requisitions of large medical equipment). Each user's requisitions are recorded and monitored (and the items tracked), and the artificial intelligences operating the system will refuse requests it deems inappropriate - for instance a Medical City nurse requesting a firearm or a personal trainer requesting a circular saw. Field agents are rarely ever refused autodispenser requisitions - if they couldn't be trusted with something in the system, they wouldn't be field agents - except that the system stubbornly refuses to provide Rick (or, really, most everyone) with alcohol. The autodispenser system is two-way, and is also used for waste disposal.

**A Type 4A world is a world which the Precinct has deemed stable, on which the existence of the Precinct is not public knowledge, and which the Precinct monitors and occasionally subtly corrects through the use of their agents to ensure continued stability. See my newest post in the Precinct thread in the OOC Forum.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Kai » Wed Jun 17, 2009 12:55 pm

Kestrel had never taken much interest in the religious establishments of her own world, and while one had taken an interest in her, she was not particularly attached to their traditions. The idea that proof might have been found was largely untroubling. Someone had to be right, and someone not.

It was this vanishing.

"That... is... extremely disturbing," she commented.

What truly frightened her was the verified involvement of a Precinct agent. Agents were supposed to have seen more, to know more... to know better. That a field agent should terminate her own involvement in this group so rapidly to give herself wholly to another group...

It meant that knowledge and experience might not matter, that perhaps... even forewarning might not be enough. Even were they to encounter this phenomenon and be given an opportunity to stop it... would they take it? She hadn't, whoever she was.

Of course, perhaps they were not intended to stop it. Perhaps this was some sort of mass enlightenment and ascension to a higher order of being. But considering the fact that the source of this was moving along a set path to use the pre-existing portals of the Precinct... even allowing for a god with far less than omnipotence, Kestrel did not suspect a deity could truly be at work. Not as she understood the term.

But it seemed that understanding was irrelevant. If whole worlds could be converted regardless of diverse prior convictions, if a field agent could abandon her post to give her life over to worship of this phenomenon rather than study and reporting... resistance might not be relevant, either.

"If you know the path it's taking, then it is possible for us to intercept and observe the next occurrence, even if what can be done about it is unclear. Whether anything must be done at all is also unclear. I assume that your hope is that someone assembled will be able to do something more than convert and vanish. Is there anything more specific you require?"

If its next stop was in Chon-Marshak's jurisdiction, it would explain why they were simply pulling agents from the area. If they failed it was possible that agents from the next area could be pulled and sent, and the next and the next until finally there was only this place left to defend. Hopefully it would not come to that.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:18 pm

Rick listened intently and solemnly, taking in all the information and filing it away in his mind. He never knew when some nuance would be important. This is something experience taught him. Then once, Chon-Marshak finished, Rick did the only thing he could do.

Rick laughed.

"Sounds like we'll be fighting God himself," Rick said, chuckling. "The Precinct versus Religion. Nonetheless this is disturbing." Rick then composed himself before he continued, which took but a moment.

Rick turned to Kestrel and addressed her sentiments. "Well, we'll just have to hope that we can fend off whatever force is doing all this. I've never met a mystery I couldn't solve. Speaking of which, I imagine now's as good a time as any to get to know each other a bit better than in name. If we're going to be working together, and especially against something this dangerous, we've got to know all the cards we each hold so we can count on each other to drop a two of spades to help complete the flush, so to speak."

Rick looked at the pitcher, then closed his eyes. "I have a gift, beyond just investigative prowess. I can find anything, anywhere." Rick wound up his power and suddenly he could see the whole of Planet Zero. He then zoomed in on one of the continents, quickly flying down closer and closer until he flew through the wall of the trauma center in Medical City. The view was a bit blurry, almost fish-eyed, but the important things were always in focus. It had taken Rick years to learn how to focus his power and allow it to let him see the things he needed to see. "He" zipped down the hall and stopped in front of the door labeled Dr. Michael Holden, M.D. "By the way, Dr. Holden, you left your door open." Rick peeked one eye open to catch the good doctor's reaction. "I don't need to close my eyes to use it, but it makes it easier." He opened his eyes, then held out his hand. The pitcher of water disappeared from the tray and then reappeared in his hand. "The other facet of my gift is the ability to bring the things I see to me. I can't send things to the places I see. It's only one way." Rick then walked back over and put the pitcher back on the tray.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Christian » Wed Jun 17, 2009 3:18 pm

Dr Brearley had been quietly listening to the briefing of their superior, cup of water held in her hand, untouched as she had quickly become enraptured in the description of the events. A drop of perspiration travelled down her thumb, down the body of her hand and fell to the floor. She listened with eyes focused behind her glasses as the heat had long since stopped bothering her, frowning deeply at the mention of how one of the Precinct agents had delivered her message.

She listened to the others before she looked up at Chon-Marshak and bit her lower lip before she asked the question that she knew was on everyone's lips...

"Section Chief... if we fail... you are closing the portals?" she looked to the others, "It makes sense, does it not? I'd even close it behind us even before any results were clear...

"This could be a disease of sort, and the primary carrier may have realized the importance of Earth 0 to every other dimension... or perhaps he or she simply wants to eradicate the only organization strong enough to stop this?"

she spread out her hands, her face a mask of strained stress "This is a dangerous mission..."

Then she suddenly lit up a bit, "...On the other hand, that's what this is about, isn't it?"

"As I mentioned, I'm a doctor in applied mechanics, but I have studied a vast amount of different subjects, pathology happened to be one of my favorite subjects in biological studies. I'm familiar with the basic theoretic framework of Virchow and Cohnheim and I have made some advances myself in the applications of lenswork, microscopic included. If there is some form of technological, scientific cause behind this, then I am certain I will be able to aid in the study and neutralization of it."

She moved to sit down when a thought struck her. She curled up the sleeve of her left arm a bit, flipped open a very small panel and turned a small knob very carefully, a soft humming emitting from the arm, growing louder the more she turned.

"I am not entirely sure how useful this will be to our endeavour, but..." she walked up to the desk of Chon-Marshak, bent down to a crouch and reached in under the desk with her left hand and then, rather effortlessly, raised the whole desk, shifting only so she could stand next to it with her arm half-raised.

"I am able to lift at most up to about one thousand five hundred pounds, as that is how far I have tested it under controlled circumstances... I am not sure how well it will fare under extremer circumstances. There is also the risk of..." she winced as a groaning creak erupted from the area separating her biceps and triceps and she quickly put the desk down again, the humming from her arm now quite loud and strained-sounding. She quickly turned down the dial at her wrist and the sound faltered away. She gave the others an apologetic smile as she began to twist and turn parts of her arm, much to the complain of the internal machination. "It does get a bit cranky whenever I push it too hard. I have been thinking of constructing another set of limbs for other purposes, but...".

I have just realized that leaving behind her goggles in her own world was perhaps not the smartest thing to do. Would it be alright if she does have them with her, in a small pack perhaps?
Last edited by Christian on Thu Jun 18, 2009 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Jun 17, 2009 4:06 pm

Chon-Marshak watched the exchange before speaking, declining to comment on Rick's laughter. "To assuage your fears of conversion, Ms. Kestrel: You will be accompanied for part of this mission by one of the Precinct's foremost experts on forced mental interconnectivity, Benjamin James, at least until such time as it becomes clear whether his skills will be required for the whole of the mission. We trust several of you are familiar with Mr. James, at least by reputation; his involvement represents considerable insurance against mind control and other forms of mental attack against your group. He asked us to relay a message, as well:" Chon-Marshak's eyes scanned the room, looking from agent to agent completely different patterns. "He is pleased to be able to work with you on this assignment, and part of him will be meeting you at your dispatch point when you get there."

After Adannaya's demonstration: "All of your skills were considered when this time was assembled. You are each capable in several different ways, allowing you to form an ideal team. You are correct that your first object on the world to which you are being sent to will be to destroy the gate portal you arrive through. You will be provided with a portable tunneling beacon, to be used to return you to your dispatch point after your investigation."

(I'm so excited about this NPC. Your character definitely heard of Ben James if he or she was working for the Precinct eight years ago, when the Precinct used Ben to stage a coup on a Type 10 world that was threatening the safety of the whole multiverse. He's still pretty famous - as Chon-Marshak said, he's one of the foremost experts on mind control and such for the Precinct, and he likes Chon-Marshak so he's been known to hang around this building. Even if you weren't working for the organization eight years ago, you still might have heard Ben's whole story after the fact.

Addanaya will have time to go back to her world to get her goggles. They're close to her portal, right, so why not?)

Of all the forms that human potentiality phenoma can take, one of the most dangerous and difficult-to-contain forms is a spontaneous wild telepath, especially one as powerful as 16-year-old Ben James. His world would have been completely unprepared for him - he would have been the only psychic on his planet if he been allowed to mature there, and would have eradicated all thought on his world but his own with a single untrained mental action. Precinct sent six of its best psychic field agents - all men and women possessed of iron-clad psyches powerful enough to withstand even the unleashed power of Ben's mind - to ensure that Ben would not represent a threat to his world.

Riding his bike to school one day, Ben was suddenly attacking by three men and one woman, all wearing black, who jumped out of a white panel van and threw him into the back to be guarded by a man in a surgically-attached lead helmet and a superintelligent psychic jellyfish in a small tank. No one around him when he was taken could even see him being kidnapped. They brought him to a warehouse where they used a tunneler beacon to punch a hole into a habitable pocket universe they had prepared.

The agents explained what was going on to Ben once they were all in the pocket dimension together. At first Ben didn't believe them, but four days later he woke up with a splitting headache which culminated in an unintentional attempt to mind-control all six agents. They resisted him, and taught the willing Ben to restrain the urge to form a hive-mind while training him as a telepath-illusionist. When they were confident that Ben did not want to and no longer had to establish a hive-mind, they transported him to Planet Zero to begin formal field agent training.

The Precinct was training Ben for a specific objective. It was at that time devoting significant resources to resisting Type 10 world ruled over by a hive-mind calling itself the Singularity which, once it had learned of the Precinct from a field agent it had assimilated, sought to use gate technology to spread itself across the multiverse. No mind that the Precinct knew of was powerful enough to survive this world without being consumed, and so it had been principally using androids and remote-controlled robots to prevent the Singularity from gaining access to any form of interdimensional travel technology. The Singularity had been cloning an army for itself and the Precinct was losing the war.

The Singularity was powerful, but so was Ben. When he set foot on its world, it tried to assimilate him...and he tried to assimilate it back. Ben succeeded, and took over the Singularity's massive Central Brain. He had all of the Singularity's cloned host bodies destroy one another, single-handedly ending the conflict and changing the Type 10 world to a Type 1. The Precinct afterward allowed him to remain in control of the Singularity's world (which Ben named Benheim). They even agreed to let him refit the Singularity's clone factories to produce clones of his original human body, as long as the clones were assimilated by Ben before they were allowed to have any independent thought. They set a limit on the number of bodies he could have, as well: three hundred (not counting the Central Brain) operating Benheim, seventy-five on Planet Zero, twenty-five serving as Precinct field agents, and his original body at home, living with his parents.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:25 pm

Risk gasped when Chon-Marshak mentioned Ben James. When Rick entered The Precinct, he quickly caught wind of Ben James. One day he had been walking along in the halls when he noticed that he kept seeing the same guy pass him. He then saw two of the same guy talking to each other, so he inquired about it. That's when he learned about Ben James. At first the story horrified him. To have such a powerful telepath so close by that could easily wipe your brain and turn you into a drooling monkey was scary. People kept reassuring him that Ben was harmless, but he couldn't get past that idea that if he one day snapped, the entire planet would be gone.

He later had the pleasure of working with one of the Ben James's. Rick had been tasked to find a powerful telepath that had emerged on a planet and had set about destabilizing the dimension. Rick had only really worked alone before that, and so when Ben James walked into the office, Rick almost jumped out of his pants. Chon-Marshak got them acquainted, and then they were off. During the mission, Ben saved his life numerous times, and Rick soon grew to respect him and trust him, though he was still scared witless of the guy.

"Ben James is working with us? Whoa. Heavy hitter. Guess you guys aren't pulling any punches."

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby ElComodoro » Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:48 pm

Michael sat quietly for a long time, contemplating the news they had just been told. Religion was something that cropped up with fair regularity in his line of work, but it was not something the doctor considered often. He was something of an agnostic, his views on God and the afterlife amorphous at best. However, he did know that if there was a higher power, or powers, this was not it. Grand crusades of religious enlightenment always ended in the blood of innocent people. No--something far more sinister was at work, and it was powerful.

Kestrel was saying something, but Michael wasn’t listening closely. His attention had moved from the companions he had been observing, to the smattering or red dots on the screen. Twenty-five worlds. Twenty-five worlds full of people, whose lives were in serious danger if not already extinguished. All in the course of sixteen hours, without defense-or even warning. The weight of all those lives was almost too much to bear. So much for the Precinct’s supposed omnipotence. Then again, that is what this team had been assembled for, to begin to cauterize the wound. Or perhaps, to sever the limb.

Then Rick laughed. Michael’s gaze snapped to the man in white. He was not prone to being so easily antagonized; generally, Michael took things in stride. Rick’s casual arrogance had been tolerable before, even reassuring, and it blended well with his natural charisma; but this hit a little too close to home for the doctor, and Rick’s manner was poorly received. His display of power and mention of Michael’s open door was met with only an icy glare.

Michael shifted his gaze as Dr. Brearly began to speak, still seething. His mind began to turn at the possibility of a disease. It seemed farfetched, but not outside the realm of possibility. But a disease which caused technological failure? Either that, or caused the same series of exacting hallucinations across an entire planet in a matter of 90 mins? This would have to be a very intelligent, capable and tenacious disease to be capable of all that, but it wouldn’t be the first sentient virus the Precinct had encountered.

Michael allowed Chon-Marshak to finish speaking before he began. When they fell silent, he turned to Rick.

“Thank you for telling me I had left my office open. I’ll be sure to close it next time so that the sick people don’t get in,” he said, his voice very nearly dripping with sarcasm, “I wonder, Mr. Spade, if your….. talent…… is limited to one dimension? Perhaps you can look in on each of these twenty-five worlds and let us know if the millions, perhaps billions, of people on each are still breathing, and save us all a rather inconvenient trip.”

He knew that he had gone a little too far in his response, and that the man didn’t really deserve that. But Michael couldn’t contain himself, he needed to say something, and his patience was a little thin right now.

He turned, clearly not expecting an answer, and continued in a more reserved tone to Chon-Marshak, “What can you tell us about the next world this thing is supposed to jump too, and when do we leave for it?”

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:16 am

Skye made a hand gesture of a mouth talking, giving it a crude look herself. "Blah, blah, blah. Punch God in the face, right, I've fought a lot worse back where I'm from. Just gimme a few to grab my junk and tell my brother where I'm going and I'm totally gonna rock the socks off this whole thing."

To the observant, Skye seemed legitimately unphased at the concept of possibly having to combat an entire religion, as if her statement of having done more than 'punch God in the face' was actually true. After that, she excused herself off to the side, taking particular interest in one of the plants.

Occasionally, she'd mumble quietly to herself, and punch her hand, or strike a martial arts pose of some sort...All in all, it looked like she had completely stopped paying any attention at all.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Jun 20, 2009 12:14 am

Chon-Marshak dutifully ignored everything not directed at them. It wasn't their place to respond to Michael and Rick's bickering, nor comment on what they considered the irrelevant things Skye was saying.

"As for the world we will be sending you to...there are eleven possibilities for the next jump; so far, the force has preferred worlds with populations in a certain range. There is a team being assigned to each of the eleven likely candidates in its path. You will be stationed at universe coordinates five five one dash eight six dot one dash five zero, sublevel eight six. Your planet coordinates will be null and null and null; an iteration of Earth. The world is pre-industrial...pre-gunpowder, in fact. 90% of the surface is covered in water. Half of the population is human with a medium occurrence of human potentiality phenomena; the other half is a race of humanoid amphibians with a similar rate of potentiality phenomena. Your mission when you reach this world is to first destroy the main gate portal you will be entering through. Then you must travel a distance of two hundred miles to the world's secondary gate portal to destroy it as well, and then use the beacon with which you will be provided to return to Precinct Command. Are there any questions about what we have outlined?"

(Joe: I had a brief flash in which I considered making a female NPC among the amphibian race and calling her Womanfish, but after my head cleared and I cleaned off the blood coming out of my nose I realized it was a stupid idea.)

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sat Jun 20, 2009 9:16 am

Rick was a tad surprised by the doctor's quip, but not entirely. He knew his laughing at the situation would rub somebody the wrong way, but he had expected Kestrel to be the one to be offended, not the doctor. Now he knew that much more about the enigmatic doctor. Rick hoped that he had just caught the man on a bad day, because that kind of abrasive behavior was going to be a problem for the team. Still, he took the comment in stride and smiled pleasantly at him before Michael turned to Chon-Marshak. He was going to need to make a few calls to find out a bit more about his team. Especially this doctor.

Then there was Skye and her ramblings. Rick was very close to teleporting this girl's windpipe out of her. He had never met a more callous, unintelligent and rude individual his whole life. At least when Rick was being rude, he meant to be. This girl just didn't seem to notice anything about the people around her. She ran at her own pace and screw everyone else around her. She was going to be a major problem, Rick could already tell. Rick was going to have to get some information about her as well. Perhaps she has an existing mental condition.

When Chon-Marshak mentioned that the world was pre-gunpowder, Rick smiled. Rick abhorred guns, and the fact that the planet had not yet developed gunpowder meant that guns would not be a problem. He had always had a problem with guns, or rather, guns always had a problem with him. The three times he'd ever used a gun, the gun had either jammed at a critical time or, the last time he'd used one, jammed and then exploded in his hand. Yeah, that one hurt. Rick had no need to use a gun, though, as his gift and craftiness had always been able to get him out of a situation better than any gun had. Still, the lack of firearms would be a pleasant get-away from the tommy gun toting gangsters he had to deal with on a near daily basis back home.

After Chon-Marshak detailed their mission, Rick began to think. Was this really their only job concerning this? Rick sure as hell hoped not. Heck, he could have completed the whole mission himself without any of the others. Sounded like a pleasant bike ride to him. No, there must be a reason why they had all been assembled to do this job. He then reasoned that it was probably just a preliminary precaution. How could they catch something that wasn't there yet, right? They'd probably be held at Precinct Command until a planet had jut gone dark then be sent there. Still, like Kestrel said, why speculate when you can just ask the guy in charge?

"So, will that be the extent of our involvement in this? I assume that after that we'll be kept on premises for when a planet goes dark so that we can go to investigate."

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Kai » Sat Jun 20, 2009 10:39 am

It certainly was true that the Precinct had picked people with diverse functions. Dr. Brearly's strength was... intimidating, even if the woman herself was not. The soldier only hoped that she wouldn't damage--damage was the right term?--herself by overexerting those limbs of hers.

Kestrel was especially pleased by Rick's investigative abilities, and it was difficult not to wonder what exactly he could find out about her were he so inclined. Kestrel spared a moment to be thankful that she seldom inspired curiosity in anyone, because Rick's would be more difficult to thwart.

Ben James was a name she'd heard--it would be difficult not to catch the tone with which it was mentioned--but she'd never directly encountered the figure. Still... if he could help defend the integrity of their minds, Kestrel would be more than pleased to have him with them.

"Thank you for telling me I had left my office open. I’ll be sure to close it next time so that the sick people don’t get in."

Kestrel's lips twisted up into a smile she couldn't quite hide, and she covered a chuckle with a cough. Her team's bickering was a bit unprofessional, but as long as it was kept low-key... the amusement was worth it. At least they were lively. (She rather hoped that Ms. Macentyre in particular could be useful in addition to energetic, and had to trust that the Precinct wouldn't have called her here for entertainment value.)

The mission itself was odd, though. Why she couldn't be sent to accomplish this task by herself was... unclear. It wasn't such a long distance, two hundred miles. Depending on how long it took to destroy such a portal, she could have been there and back in relatively short order. This seemed an unnecessary expenditure of time and manpower, bringing an entire team of field agents to slow her down.

Rick's question was valid, and Kestrel couldn't help the feeling that they were not being given all of the pertinent information. "There must be something else," she commented quietly. "That does not seem like a job for half a dozen people. One agent--if they're fast, and careful--could make the trip more quickly without needing to risk others," she finished, puzzled.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Christian » Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:57 pm

Adannaya had, in fact, only heard the name Ben James mentioned once or twice outside of her conversations during the two previous visits to the Precinct's main headquarters, and although she had seen the man, three times in fact, it had never occurred to her that they were clones. In fact, as far as Dr Brearley knew, there were no such things as clones!

Thus, her reaction to the mention of Ben was mild at best, but when she saw how her new team-mates reacted, especially Rick. She was going to ask who this Ben was, but the ensuing discussion and comments from the rest of her team made her hesitate. She felt somewhat ill at ease around them all, especially considering the fact that they were all going about like ruffians, even the esteemed Doctor of medicine seemed to be losing his temper, and she felt that there was no need for her to further strain the fragile bounds of comradeship that they had formed, and were now testing somewhat roughly.

She perked up when Chon-Marshak described the planet they were going to. Two sentient species? Of course, she had somewhere along the line acknowledged that there were other sentients aside from mankind; she wasn't a completely devout christian, she had faith in God as a believer, but as a scientist, a Technocrat

"Will we be supplied equipment for underwater excursions then? I am certain I read something about Alphonsus Creed and his plans for submerged public transportations at the Strait of Dover! Perhaps the locals have devised a way to visit each other despite their obvious technological handicap? Ah, but I forget. We must meld in as much as we can, no? Then perhaps some form of w... no, that would hardly work..." she crossed her arms and looked over at Kestrel who'd just asked a rather relevant question.

"I would say that it stands to reason that we're this many to be sent. Whether the cause for this mass...mass... mass-rapture? Whatever the cause, the more diverse of a group we are, the more likely at least one of us will be able to withstand the potential enrapturement and report back regarding the matter. And of course, if they don't show up, at least we will have plenty of time to study the inhabitants of this planet. I myself find it a rewarding task..."

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:33 am

"The reasons for sending several agents are twofold," Chon-Marshak said. "First of all, as Dr. Brearley stated, there is safety to be had in numbers - we do not know what is causing this, and if you do encounter it, six agents stand six times the chance against it or them as one agent. Second of all, you will be transporting to the second gate explosive material powerful enough to ensure that it will never be opened again nor the advanced technology used to create it found and duplicated, and putting it under the strain of your considerable speed - with all of the forces that implies - might well be enough to prematurely detonate it, Ms. Kestrel. Chon remarks that you are likely not familiar with the substance, but those of this team with a better background in science will surely agree with us that conducting a sample of antimatter at that speed would be unwise."

One eye looked at Addanaya. "You are free to conduct any research you desire, Dr. Brearley, as long as it is within Precinct protocols of secrecy and noninterference and it does not overshadow your crucial mission. You may requisition suitable equipment for underwater exploration at any sizeable enough autodispenser, but as both gate portals are located on land, this should not be necessary.

"By the time your mission is completed, however long it takes, there should be more information for you. Or, perhaps, we will all be dead."

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Kai » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:00 am

Kestrel didn't buy that 'safety in numbers' argument one bit, since the more people they sent the more chance that someone would be compromised as well. But the comment about her speed was perfectly valid if she were willing to accept on faith whatever scientific nonsense they were jabbering about. Luckily, Kestrel was.

Her answer was to incline her head and shoulders in a bow of acceptance. She'd had concerns, but Chon-Marshak had answered them. Perhaps her gift would be useful for other, likely unplanned, contingencies. Most notably should they be attacked, she did not want to count on her teammates to aid in their defense until they made it clear that she should. It might mean an apology later, but it was the assumption with the least risk should she be wrong.

After all, was it not far worse to assume a man was a warrior when he was not?

So that would be her duty until her superior or comrades dictated otherwise. It was sufficient.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 12:33 pm

"Well, that's a pleasant final sentiment," Rick said regarding his Section Chief's last statement, "Thanks for the vote of confidence." He smiled knowing full well that Chon-Marshak was not prone to unfounded and illogical optimism.

Rick quickly began to run down the list of people that he could get in touch with to gather some more information about his teammates. He mentally sighed when he realized he'd probably have to get in touch with that weasel Jaspierre. He was dick, but he always had good information. He especially wanted to figure out this doctor. He needed to get on the man's good side or else this mission would be doomed from the start. Rick began to wish that the Precinct set up teams instead of just slapping together agents when they needed them. Rick missed the days when he could just blindly trust the people he was working with. Most of all he missed that little hellion Suzie. She always had his back.

"Well, if that's all, I've got a few things to gather up and prepare for. Any specific time when we should convene?"

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:54 am

"Chon advises you to gather what is needed quickly," Chon-Marshak said. "Mr. James is waiting for you. Dismissed."

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Christian » Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:50 pm

Dr. Brearley rather hurriedly got up, curtseyed to Chon-Marshak and to the others, giving a somewhat apologetic smile. "I... left behind some tools of mine in my laboratory. It will be a rather quick visit, but I shall consider bringing my tool-box as well. It is the one I use while travelling and it is unfortunately somewhat diminuative in size. I do believe we shall have to make do with it, however."

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:25 pm

Skye said nothing, instead choosing to turn and run out the door.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:03 pm

When Adannaya mentioned that she'd be bringing a smaller toolbox, Rick piped up. "Dr. Brearly, how big is your usual toolbox? And how much does it weigh? If it doesn't weigh too much, I might be able to stow it away in my coat. It's a lot roomier than it may seem." He reached into his jacket and pulled out the cube that was his motorcycle to illustrate this point, then put it back in. "Wouldn't want you to be working with a less than full toolbox. Just not my style. You can bring up to about 150 pounds worth of tools and it'll fit fine in here." He smiled, then tipped his hat and left the office, saying he'd be in front of the portal in half an hour.

When he left the office, he made a right down the hall and made his way to a small alcove he knew of that had a wonderful view and was relatively quiet, then pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and began making some calls. He called Jaspierre, hoping the man would give him what he needed without the usual hassle. As he talked with the man, he walked the halls, searching for an autodispenser. When he found one, he tried, though he knew the end result, to procure some alcohol. When the autodispenser beeped and told him he wasn't going to get what he wanted, he requested a couple dozen bottles of water and more than enough food rations to get him and his team through a few days, a week if well rationed. He made sure it wasn't too much to put in his coat and still have enough room to put all of Dr. Brearly's tools in it.

(Rick is taking a 20 with a Gather Information check to gain information about his fellow teammates, with an emphasis on the good Doctor Michael Holden, M.D. This takes 20 minutes with the Contacts feat. That's a 42 on the check. Also, in case you're curious, his coat has a dimensional pocket that can hold 200 lbs. His shrinked motorcycle is dimunitive sized, using up only 1 lb of that total. Throw in the other random things he has in there, I'd say he's got a total of 5 lbs of stuff in there, not counting the water and food he's now stashing in there.)

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Christian » Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:24 pm

The technocrat adjusted her glasses with badly hidden surprise at the display of the coat's rather unique properties. "Oh, hum, yes. It's not overly big, of course. If I neglect bringing some of my bulkier equipment, I could hardly imagine us having a need for a high frequence electrical current producing apparatus. It is quite harmless, I assure you, and the circumstances under which I came to claim the device are rather peculiar. There was this..." she stopped and seemed to mentally correct herself, "I believe I could get most of the tools I would need far below the capacity you can carry. And speaking of that, what material would your coat be made of? I am to understand that you are stronger than usual if you can carry up to a hundred and fifty pounds in there, but the material must surely carry some elastic properties to fit so much material in there." she got a strange glint in her eyes, "if possible, I would like to study it once we are done with this mission. Would that be alright with you?"

Once all manners of discussions were settled, she hurried back to the portal, going through the procedures of entering her own dimension, retrieving her rather large set of tools (certainly far more than she'd be using), cast a longing gaze towards the... what had the man called it...? The... something coil... It had been stored away, a failed patent with no possible buyers interested in it. She'd gotten it for spare change, and it was more of a curiosity than anything she had any practical use for. The purple plasma effect was an interesting matter, of course, but she was by now fairly convinced there was no need for alternating currents in electricity. It just wasn't efficient enough.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:24 pm

Before Rick left, he answered Dr. Brearly's questions with an honest and amused smile. "Well, it's made of heavy duty cotton and water-proof lining, it doesn't weigh any more than a regular coat despite how much is in it, and I'd rather you didn't take my coat and study it. I kind of need it." He ended this quick answer to her rapid-fire line of questions with a chuckle, then turned to leave.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby ElComodoro » Tue Jun 23, 2009 10:39 pm

Michael stood slowly, nodding to Chon-Marshak, his mind still turning over the news. He glanced at the remaining people standing in the room, and then stepped into the hallway. The film of sweat that had formed across his skin chilled suddenly in the cold air outside the office, making him shiver the moment he closed the door.
He walked to the teleporter, mentally preparing a list of supplies he would need to bring. There was, of course, the normal first aid supplies, plus an array of general drugs, which would also mean a syringe set. Perhaps an entire combat kit for field surgery? He doubted the general mission package would be enough for this particular assignment, but it was a good starting point, as it included the basics. He seriously hoped that even that would be more than enough, but it never was. The problem was that he had no idea what they were about to find, so had no basis to put together a comprehensive kit. As such, the doctor decided to just bring what he could to cover the widest range, and to hope that whatever they encountered, his skills, experience and gift would be able to deal with it.

He stepped through the shimmering portal, and hurried down the hallway to his office. As he entered the trauma center, a thought struck him. When he got into his office, he quickly made his way to the autodispenser and plugged in the code for the standard kit plus the wide range of extras. He expected that he would need to call for clearance on some of the equipment and drugs, but was surprised when the computer produced the items without a fuss. As he began organizing the supplies, he typed a code into the keypad attached to his desk. When he stepped into the center, he had realized that each member of his group had a rather unique gift. Normally, the Precinct kept detailed medical records on all the agents, although non-patient records were meant to be confidential. Only by special request or clearance could a doctor call up the records of any member of the Precinct not under their direct care. However, the autodispenser willingly giving up surgery supplies and even drugs gave the doctor confidence that he had been given clearance for the records of the agents in this team. He wasn’t disappointed. He requested hard copies, which the dispenser dutifully gave him. A few minutes later, the supplies and files were neatly organized into a black courier bag, along with his flashlight, camera, voice recorder and multi-tool. Having packed, he walked through the center to the changing room, and switched his scrubs for a set of slacks and dark shirt.

He was about to step out of the office, and paused at the door. He laughed lightly to himself, grabbed the handle and closed the door purposefully.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:48 pm

"Is there anything else you need to know?" The French and nasally voice coming over the phone sounded as if he had better things to do, like receive a colonic irrigation.

"No no, Jaspierre, you've been very helpful as always," Rick said, sounding as sweet as possible.

"Good. Consider my debt repaid," Jaspierre said angrily.

"Now, Jaspierre, I like to consider us friends. And friends do other friends favors. Plus, I won that poker game fair and square. Or do you want everyone to know you squelch on your bets?"

"I really didn't expect you to come back after your first mission," Jaspierre said in a low voice, more talking to himself than Rick.

"Love you too, Jaspierre. Stay healthy and expect more calls."

"Mr. Spade, you can take your calls and sho-*click*" Rick hung up the phone at that point. What a wonderful man. Rick finished picking up supplies, including some tents and flashlights. Afterwards he headed to the teleporter, wondering how best to use his teammates' abilities and how this mission was going to end. Hopefully not in anyone's death.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:36 am

Dispatch was astir. Teams of agents like the party's own (hastily thrown together by Section Chiefs, Category Heads, and anyone else responsible for telling who to go where), were being shepherded through the several garage-door-sized high-energy gate portals in the center of the room while several of the regular-issue door-sized gate portals around the sides were being worked on by teams of technicians. These technicians were being brought large carts full of large, metal cases covered in yellow and red warning labels (the largest reading "CAUTION: ANTIMATTER") and were busying themselves with sending them through the portals in a complicated fashion that apparently involved warping the normally-smooth surfaces of the gates into depressions and snapping them back into shape quickly with the cases inside, apparently to send the cases through all at once. It looked like they had done this before, which probably put a few onlookers' minds at ease. Each terminal in the bank of computers around the middle ring of the room was being manned by someone - not all of them looked like the normal casually-dressed Dispatch technicians, as a few were in uniforms or business suits or powered armor, so apparently Dispatch was getting extra help from some of the other divisions of Command. The narrow conveyor belts in front of the entrance portals were on, pulling those who entered the room towards the middle ring to ensure that two people who tried to enter at close to the same time wouldn't crash into one another due to the disorientation from using the portals - few agents present could remember another time when the conveyor belts at Agent Dispatch needed to be activated to manage the traffic in the room.

Rick was the first to enter Dispatch through the portal, so he was the first to catch sight of Ben James - a Ben James, anyway; he could see at least five others in his first visual sweep of the room. What made this Ben different was that he was waving at Rick. "Hey, Spadey!" the private investigator could just hear over the din of the room.

All of Ben's bodies looked the same. A hair under six feet, medium build, open face with brown eyes under a shock of curly brown hair. The only clue to Ben's nature was the fact that the pupils of his eyes, rather than being black, were in fact sky blue, and glowed very faintly in dim light. This Ben's body was outfitted in jungle camouflage cargo pants, a white t-shirt, a camouflage baseball cap, combat boots, and a large backpack. He was wearing dog tags, which Rick knew read "Benjamin James" followed by a number, the number being different for each body the collective controlled.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:02 pm

"Hey there, Ben," Rick said, stepping over next to him. He looked about himself in amazement. The place was abuzz like he'd never seen before, and he was thoroughly impressed. He didn't even know that the floor was actually a large set of conveyor belts. He'd always thought they were stationary, which changed the way he viewed the room. He'd only ever seen Dispatch mildly busy compared to this, and he thought then it was busy. He recognized a few of the people up on the center ring of computers, that he never saw in this room. A few of them he knew to be technopaths or individuals with computers for brains, probably making the organization in here a bit better, which also dazzled Rick. He couldn't imagine what this place would be like without these individuals.

"Wow... busy, huh? Looks like the Higher Ups are pretty worried about this. No jokes." He then noticed the anti-matter. Rick knew only cursory information about anti-matter, but the extra precautions and procedures the technicians were going through made Rick a little worried about traveling with the stuff. "Well, knowing you're coming with us puts me a bit more at ease, that's for sure." Rick opened his coat and made another quick check on the rations and supplies he'd stuffed in there. He then made another quick run down through all the information Jaspierre had given him about his teammates. At least they were going to have a good repertoire of powers and knowledge to keep their rears out of trouble.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Christian » Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:34 pm

One of the smaller portals suddenly flashed, the disoriented young scientist Adannaya Brearley stepping out with a few shaky steps. Her lips were tightly pursed as she readjusted the heavy-duty leather satchel at her side, a multitude of pockets with everything from glass-bottles to notebooks and even a first-aid kit (although somewhat archaic in look) poking out through the openings.

In her other hand, she carried a rather large, wooden toolbox, and she put it down next to her before spotting Rick and Ben. Giving a sound somewhere between a startled cry and jovial surprise, she once more took up the toolbox and hurried over at a pace that befitted a lady of her status, yet still indicated her excitement for their mission.

"Ah, mr. Spade and... mr. James? It is a pleasure to meet you." she held out her hand and smiled pleasantly, dropping the toolbox from a few inches height, the sturdy container rattling rather loudly, although with the going-ons around them it was somewhat drowned out.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:00 pm

Ben grinned. "Come on, Spadey, this is gonna be easy. We go in, seal an interdimensional portal using dangerous explosives, con our way across hundreds of miles of ocean carrying more dangerous explosives, seal another interdimensional portal, and then flee the scene. All this before some dimension or another gets mass mind-controlled or destroyed or whatever, hoping that we haven't been outwitted by whoever is doing all this. I am so excited."

He glanced to the side and saw Adannaya hustling up. He grinned at her and took her hand in his for a firm shake, not even glancing at her hand after grasping the cold ivory prosthesis. "The pleasure's all mine. Dr. Brearley, right? Call me Ben; I'll excuse the 'Mr. James' stuff for the first shot 'cuz I know you're just getting back from seeing Chon-Marshak, but don't let it happen again, okay, beautiful?" he said, smoothly, with a broad wink.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby ElComodoro » Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:43 pm

Before he left, Michael stopped by the nurse’s station, or medical city’s version of a nurse’s station. Since doctors on planet zero were pulled from across the multiverse, there was a wide range of conflicting methods of administration. To counteract this, the Precinct had adopted a give and take method of running medical city. In general, doctors were required to document all treatments and conditions in detail, although they were encouraged to do so in whatever way they were most comfortable or familiar with. These documentations were then uploaded to the main computer system at any of a large number of databanks, which were also the location of the majority of the autodispensers (save for the largest dispensers, which were located in diagnostic wards, radiological suites or Bio-psychic vaults). These stations were invariable manned by technicians akin to nurses from Michael’s homeworld, meant to assist in emergency situations and help with record keeping. Right now, he had a few loose ends to tie up before he left on this particular mission. He walked up to the station, leaned on the counter and looked at the androgynous android sitting in front of him processing medical records.

“Hey Alex, do you know who agent Reckail in bed 6 has been moved too?” Michael asked, entering his own code into the keypad on the counter and pulling up the aforementioned agent’s records along with the other patients he had been forced to drop.

“One moment,” Alex responded, as it displayed the requested information on Michael’s screen, “Looks like... Dr. Sillir.”

“Right, ok, well, I’m making a note here in the record, but could you just make sure to remind him to check the patient history. This guy was on assignment on Syndak’s world and he just got back from a world which is known for high levels of air-borne spore clouds…”

“And you think there is a chance of cross-pollination…”

“That would explain the twitching. That’s the easy answer at least. Remind him to run and ABG please? Thanks!” Michael smiled, grabbed his bag and headed for the door.

He stepped through the portal and found himself at Dispatch, a Dispatch unlike he had ever seen it. There were people everywhere. In the excitement, he didn’t notice the moving floor and combined with the usual disorientation, the doctor stumbled and almost crashed into Rick Spade and the assembled group, catching himself, barely, at the last moment. He straightened up, a little embarrassed, and his eyes fell on Ben James. He’d seen a few versions of the man, but had never had any call to meet him. He extended his hand towards Ben.

“Dr. Holden. I’ve heard a lot about you. You’re somewhat of a legend amongst my patients.”

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:00 pm

Ben took Dr. Holden's hand, and shook. "Awesome. Ben James. People talking about me behind my back, huh? Am I a good legend, or like that Mayan end-of-the-world one?"

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Kai » Tue Jun 30, 2009 5:50 pm

It was a strange transition, trading over one set of superiors for another. After all, in order to fulfill her obligations... she had to keep information about the potential fate of her world from the people who had sent her. For their own good, she had to obey another. It wasn't precisely a troubling choice, but it certainly was notable. There was nothing she needed back home, and no one she could turn to for advice. It meant she had only to wait for the others to return. So... being restless at the delay, Kestrel paced.

Through the halls, past empty rooms and office doors with people of all varieties inside who had nothing to do with her, she just walked. Thus did she manage to kill a little time, unmolested or accosted by undead extraterrestrial cheesebeasts or whatever else the Precinct was keeping contained and/or employed here. Pacing--and eating five sandwiches filled with some unidentifiable meatlike substance along with something curly and purple that crunched--kept her busy.

Also busy was the damned dispatch. Bored with her current location, she jogged over to meet the others as they arrived. Even Kestrel was somewhat hardpressed to keep herself out of people's way, and most of them were moving at sensible speeds. There were just so many of them. Team after team after team. Finally--not a long time by most standards, but a near-eternity by Kestrel's--her people were filtering back in.

They were with a young man Kestrel thought she'd seen around, but with whom she'd never bothered to speak. None of his business had been any of hers, so far. He did seem personable, though. That was good. Kestrel had never been particularly good at creating these connections between people, and it was a very good thing that someone so vital to their mission would so rapidly endearing himself to everyone.

She slowed her pace to approach the group at a rate they'd find tolerable, and gave Ben a curt bow. Unfortunately, beyond that... Kestrel had no idea what to do with this empty time. They were here, they had nearly everyone together, they knew where to go... except now everybody wanted to talk. Kes wasn't good at that. Wasn't her job. Someday she was going to have to figure it out, though. Seemed like everybody else had a handle on it. If even a child could manage it, how hard could it be?

"James, good to meet you. Kestrel."

There! That wasn't so hard.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby ElComodoro » Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:45 pm

“Oh, a good legend I assure you,” Michael answered. He surveyed the room, marveling at all the activity, and noticed Kestrel pick her way towards them. She seemed… well, it was hard to read her. She managed to keep herself composed and professional; very little betrayed her, save for the unmistakable sense that she was holding back. If anything, Michael might say…. frustrated. She approached, and Michael was surprised to see her give Ben a bow before introducing herself.

“Does anyone know if Ms. Macentyre here yet? From the look of this place I’d say we are a little behind the curve…”

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:22 am

Ben looked taken aback at Kestrel's greeting. He jerked a stiff sort of half-bow in return and gave her a wide-eyed, blank look. "Err, Kestrel, hi. Call me Ben," he said. "You're...enthusiastic. I'm sure that will be fun." He gave her a disarming grin and turned back to the doctor.

"No Macentyres here, Doc. Or...anywhere I've got eyes. Hey, you mind if I call you 'Doc'? You look more doctorly than Dr. Brearley does. Normally I like to be on a first-name basis with people I work with - except for Spadey and a few others - but I know another agent I call Mike and trust me, you don't wanna get caught up in word association with him."

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:56 pm

(Oh jeez, time to do some catch-up.)

Rick watched as Dr. Brearly stepped out of the portal, walked up to them, and dropped her toolbox on the floor in front of them. She seemed genuinely excited to be going on a mission, which was good. He bent over and picked up the toolbox, which was a lot heavier than he expected. "I guess, I'll be taking care of this?" he asked, smiling.

After a bit he saw the good doctor stumble out of the portal. He was ready to catch him if he fell on him, but thankfully Michael didn't fall on him. He waited for the usual exchange of pleasantries and "Oh my god you're Ben"'s to finish. Rick then turned towards the doctor. "Hey, Doc, I'm sorry about my previous outburst. It was callous and unprofessional and I did not mean to offend you if I did. I hope you'll accept my apology." He then extended his hand and smiled.

"You know, you're right, I haven't seen Ms. Macentyre in a bit. I wonder where she is." He opened up his mind and his eyes glazed over. The look was as the sort you'd see on someone who was looking at someone over your shoulder, or looking at something just a bit past yourself. Rick then began to search the immediate area around Dispatch and Chon-Marshak's office for Skye.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Thu Jul 02, 2009 9:31 am

Rick found no evidence of Skye, but he was able to see what was going around near Dispatch and near the complex in which Chon-Marshak had their office. About one quarter of the people in and around where Chon-Marshak's office is and about three quarters of the people in and around Dispatch seemed to be aware of the blacked-out universes in some fashion - he could hear snippets of conversation as his mind's eye (and his mind's ear) passed through, many of which proved that there were a multitude of different versions of the story going around among people who hadn't received a formal briefing on the subject. He observes multiple cases in which on one side of a wall, the problem is being discussed in up-to-date detail by the informed while on the other side of the same wall wild speculation reigns.

Malinda is manning her desk and managing the snippets of rumor floating around. Chon-Marshak have left their office and are walking to the gate portal on the first floor when Rick looks.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Christian » Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:22 pm

Addy got quite flustered from the off-hand remark of Ben; she was hardly used to it in her own time and hearing it from a stranger... She gave a very tiny nod, mouth almost agape as she tried to figure out what had just transpired...

When she gathered her mind again, others were appearing, but most noticably Rick, ah, mr. Spade, had offered to carry her toolbox...

"Th-Thank you," she stammered, still recovering from "beautiful", "If you insist, but I assure you that carrying it myself will be no trouble, let me just..." she took it back quickly and opened it up, revealing screwdrivers and monkeywrenches, small saws and carpetcutters, hammers, clippers, tape measurers and pliers. All manner of gizmos and doodads were neatly ordered up inside the toolbox and the doctor took out one set of rather small and delicate screwdrivers and a somewhat bulkier monkeywrench, "I believe these at least I will have to carry with me for occasions that might warrant our separation."

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Jul 03, 2009 6:50 pm

Rick watched amusingly as Ben's offhand compliments also made Addanaya blush. He wasn't the only suave one around here, and Dr. Brearly was going to have get used to that kind of behavior from men, especially around here. When Dr. Brearly said that she could carry it, Rick shook his head. "Nah, it's fine. Take the things you'll need if we get seperated, but as for the heavy stuff, I'll hold onto it. This'll keep your hands free for when we need that... special talent of yours." Rick smiled broadly, took back the toolbox and effortlessly shoved it into his coat. The coat didn't seem to mind. There weren't any bumps or protrusions that made it seem like there was something inside, and Rick surely didn't seem to be burdened at all by the weight. "I'll take the other one too," he said, grinning at the amazement that was no doubt showing on Dr. Brearly's face.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby ElComodoro » Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:12 pm

“Doc is just fine with me Mr. James,” Michael responded. He wasn’t surprised in the least that Ben James worked on a first name basis with people. Psychics tended towards assuming they had an informal relationship with people, probably due to the fact that they knew more about you in the first five minutes than your closest friend could glean in a lifetime.

Michael was surprised, but not unpleasantly so, by Rick’s apology. Perhaps his initial assessment of the man had been wrong? His willingness to admit fault, even if only to pacify Michael, was admirable. He took Ricks outstretched hand and shook it.

“That’s all right. I was out of line too. It’s just…. People seem to forget that we are dealing with living beings. It gets lost in all the numbers…. And…. Well, it just gets to me,” he replied. He waited as Rick searched for Skye, and looked around at the busy room again. He noticed how flustered Addanaya had become. Clearly Ben’s informal manner had gotten to her, or perhaps Rick had said something. He waited till they had finished discussing her toolbox, and then attempted to distract her attention from their attitudes.

“Dr. Brearley, I hope it isn’t it isn’t too impertinent to ask, but your arms, are they of your own design?”

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Fri Jul 03, 2009 11:29 pm

"Ben," Ben corrected, offhandedly. "Call me Ben." He turned to Addanaya, interested in the answer himself.

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Christian » Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:51 pm

The scientist shook her head as politely as she could, "I... I appreciate the offer, mr Spade, but..." she eyed the coat with fairly well-contained interest, but it was obvious that the dimensional-bending properties of it fascinated her. "I would... ahm, I would like to carry this myself. It contains field-notebooks, test-tubes, smaller, more delicate tools and my goggles." she readjusted the satchel on her back as she spoke, turning to Michael and nodding, taking a deep breath.

"Yes, I have designed these limbs myself, as well as my legs... However, I cannot take all credit as I based the design upon that created by my father. I was born missing all four of my limbs, but because of my father's hard work, I am able to function relatively normal." she smiled and tapped her left arm, the dense wood creating a knock knock sound, "the inner mechanism is actually fairly simple. I am using a very scaled down system of pistons and gears that manage primary muscle-functions and using extremely high-pressured steam "batteries" they can function for weeks without maintenance. I have a spare with me, of course, and the means to recharge them if I need to."

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Re: Precinct: The Godswallowers (closed M&M RP)

Unread postby Spleen » Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:03 pm

Ben looked skeptical. "You can store steam like that? How do you keep it heated? And how do you make sure it doesn't explode?"


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