Elemaer: What is Lost (on hold)

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Unread postby The Dark Gun » Sat Jan 17, 2004 12:20 am

Keliel smiled.

"Well, aside from my rather unsual pursuit of the magical arts in general, it's a practicle application sort of thing. An object was 'borrowed' without permission from someone's room or something, and there weren't any witnesses. I opened my mouth and said maybe a divination spell could find it, so we got assigned to go get the spell."

Keliel shrugs.

"Hopefully it'll do the trick."

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Re: Postify!

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Jan 17, 2004 12:55 am

The sage nodded. "Well, this'll probably help, assuming the person's room was lit using fire. If it wasn't, this spell won't help much."

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And more Postify!

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Sat Jan 17, 2004 7:07 pm

"I figured as much. Will it work on smaller fires like torches and the like, or would it have to be a full sized blaze?"

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Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Jan 17, 2004 9:16 pm

The sage consulted the description in the book. "It should be at least the size of a candle flame. Unless that friend of yours has a room lit with matchsticks, you ought to be okay."

(OOC: Meanwhile, Spleen waited for Popo to post >.>)

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Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby PopoSujo » Sun Jan 18, 2004 1:45 pm

As they walked, Hiro made his countenance a bit graver than usual and stayed about a foot and a half behind Telerak to his right. He used his naginata like a walking staff and continually looked around for any signs of danger or assassins.

"I pray that they'll allow me to bring this in; otherwise we'll have to travel back. I'll be damned if I let some Earth fighter touch my blade."


Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sun Jan 18, 2004 5:16 pm

"I suppose we should practice this spell a few times now, to get used to it," suggested Khim.

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Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Jan 18, 2004 10:36 pm

"Just relax, Hiro. Nothing will happen."

The two pairs of hammer-wielding guards standing on either side of the main gate tightened their grips on their weapons when they saw Telerak and Hiro approaching. Telerak stopped on the sandy ground a few feet from the bottom of the short rise to the gate and spoke in a firm, clear voice. "Hail, noble followers of Earth! I am Pyral Telerak Zekail of the Order of Fire, and this is Flame Warrior Hiro Shu of the Order of Fire. We come in peace, and seek an audience with your wise and illustrious Gray Earthward Nantur Alavis, so that we may right a wrong perpetrated by dastardly foes and restore peace to the lands of Elemaer."

One of the guards, a stocky pug-nosed man whose wide-brimmed helmet almost covered all of his short black hair, stepped forward and spoke in a similar tone. "Hail to ye, Pyral! I am Daiam Eken Zendure, Captain of the Fore Guard for the Great Temple of Earth. What business does the Order of Fire have that they must consult the Gray Earthward?"

Telerak answered the man. "We have been charged by our Order to investigate the disappearance of the Seed of the Tree of Time, which the gods so wisely entrusted to the able care of the worshippers of the Earthen Sage. We seek to clear the name of our Order by finding ourselves the true culprits, in hopes of repairing the breach between the forces of Fire and Earth."

Daiam Eken gave a curt nod and motioned for two of the soldiers on guard duty to open the gates. "You may pass, Pyral Telerak and Flame Warrior Hiro. Er'kiirs Draea Elgath and Nao Chin will escort you to the antechambers of the dwelling of Gray Eartward Nantur."

Telerak inclined his head. "I thank you, Daiam. May the Order of Earth see prosperity in its future." He strode up the incline, Shu still behind him, and allowed the Er'kiirs to lead them up the hill to the main Temple complex.

Meanwhile, Keliel and Khim were having some trouble with the confusing procedure the spell required, which took some spellcraft that neither warrior had been taught yet.

(OOC: A Daiam of Earth would be equivalent to an Infernal of Fire, and an Er'kiir would be equivalent to a Flame Warrior.)


Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby PopoSujo » Mon Jan 19, 2004 11:52 am

Hiro was constantly on his guard now, though it didn't really look it. He nodded at the men guarding the gates and gave a murmured, "Hail!" but his heart was not in it. His ears were straining for the noise of a bow being nocked or foot steps, and his eyes glanced into every passage and nook. "I am glad we were able to get in, Telerak, though they should have given us a more thorough interrogation. Any common assassin or thug could make up a story such as ours."

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Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Jan 19, 2004 12:35 pm

"Sure. And if you think the Order of Earth has anything to fear from common assassins or thugs, than you have too much faith in crime. Believe me, a thug could come and say, 'Hi, I'm a thug,' and get less attention than if he said 'Hi, I'm from the Order of Fire.' Besides, there's at least ten other soldiers under our feet, ready to burst out of the ground and bludgeon us into a coma if we do anything suspicious. Or did you forget that Verites can do that?"


Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Jan 20, 2004 3:24 am

Khim read through the text for the seventh time. He was getting frustrated.

"I can't even make half of this out!"

He handed the tome over to Keliel.



Unread postby PopoSujo » Tue Jan 20, 2004 11:37 am

"I did not forget anything, Telerak. You should know, however, that there are things and powers out there that no mere warrior of an order can, as you eloquently put it, bludgeon into a coma, and that some of them lend their talents to others for money. All I'm saying is that security should be a bit tighter than it is." At this point he stopped talking and continued his vigilant search for anything out of the ordinary.

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Re: Pshaw!

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Jan 20, 2004 11:50 pm

"Well I doubt these are normal soldiers under our feet. There's probably at least one Earthward down there, watching us. Making sure we're not doing anything suspicious. Just relax, nothing bad will happen. Anyway, if they try anything they'll get a mouthful of whatever the hell kind of weapon that is you're carrying. But I still stand by my original suggestion to leave it at home. This is diplomacy, Shu."


Re: Pshaw!

Unread postby PopoSujo » Wed Jan 21, 2004 9:37 pm

"The Earth warriors are noble fighters, and respect fighters in kind. While parleying with words can get one far, sometimes a show of strength and fighting prowess can carry as much weight. Plus," Hiro smiled, "I'm your body guard."

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Hiro needs to stop arguing with Tel >.>

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Jan 24, 2004 1:11 am

Telerak shrugged. "What's done is done, I guess, but if they make you leave that thing before we get to the Gray Earthward's chambers, I am not going back with you."

The escorts, in fact, did not ask that Hiro relinquish his weapon, and the Kradites made it to the chambers of Gray Earthward Nantur Alavis without any difficulty. They sat on comfortable chairs in the anteroom while a Terenar attendant checked to see if the Earthward would accept visitors, especially ones from the Order of Fire.

About twenty minutes later, Telerak and Hiro were admitted into the lavish dwelling of the Gray Earthward. The walls were hung with rich tapestries of green velvet bearing the seal of the Order of Earth, complete with the silhouette of Kaentos, the Guardian Beast of Earth (a giant bear made of stone). The furniture was in shades of earthy brown and green and made of the finest rare woods with silk and velvet cushions. Books of every description lined a long wall of tall shelves, and that was only in the sitting room.

Nantur Alavis himself was seated in an old and worn-out light gray recliner that looked downright laughable next to the rest of the furniture in the room, but was probably much more comfortable. His appearance fit his rank well - he looked to be at least a hundred, his skin not appearing to fit right anywhere on his thin frame and his thin hair an unkempt and silvery gray. Only his eyes had any life to them, sparkling orbs of vivid green that seemed to burn with intensity like a flame among black coal. These eyes stared at Telerak now, who was standing a respectful six feet away from Nantur.

"I am Pyral Telerak Zekail of the Order of Fire, and this is Flame Warrior Hiro Shu, also of the Order of Fire. We are part of a commitee formed by our Order to investigate the disapperance of the Seed of the Tree of Time so that we can clear our Order's name. We are here now to request permission into the restricted corridor containing the scene of the crime."

The Gray Earthward dwelled on this for a second or two, then spoke in a hoarse and barely audible tone just above a whisper. "I do not see why the Order of Fire can do a better job of investigating the disappearance of the Seed than the Order of Earth. There is already an investigation under way comprising the top detectives in the Civil Guard and several of the wisest Daiams and Earthwards in my Order. I do not see the wisdom in conducting a second investigation, especially one comprised of suspects."

Telerak sighed. "If that is your will, Gray Earthward." He bowed respectfully to the leader of the Order of Earth and turned to leave.

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Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:22 pm

As they were leaving, Hiro and Telerak once again met Er'kiir Draea Elgath in the corridor. Nao Chin was nowhere to be found, and Tel figured he'd gone back to the gate.

"The Gray Earthward said no, didn't he?" the girl asked.

Telerak raised an eyebrow. "He did, as a matter of fact. Why?"

She pushed a long, silky strand of platinum blond hair back from her face. Telerak hadn't noticed how nice her hair was before; she'd kept it tied up under her helmet. "He's old and paranoid. Most of the Council are. We pick old leaders because they're the wisest, sometimes forgetting they're the most senile. We haven't picked a Council member under the age of 70 since the Council was founded."

Telerak nodded. "I can relate. They won't vote for you unless your god trusts you, your god won't trust you until you get a high rank, and you won't get a high rank until you're past your prime. It works the same in our Order, too. So you think we're innocent? I'm glad someone here does."

"Oh, I'm not the only one. Why do you think Eken let you in so fast? He's the one who convinced me that you were innocent."

"I see. Is there any way you can get us down there?"

The young woman shook her head, causing her hair to sweep around her armor. "Only Nantur can get you down there, and he's as cantankerous a geriatric as you'll find. No, you'll need another way to do it."

Telerak laughed. "Well, we've got two Flambars back at our Temple looking for a divination spell. We hope it'll work."

"Divination? I don't think the investigation we've got going has thought of that. And I don't intend to tell them. Good luck, friend Kradites."

"Thank you. We'll need it."

(OOC: EDIT: Because I always forget to double-space the paragraphs out.)

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The Dark Gun
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What to do with scrolls you can't use 101

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Wed Feb 11, 2004 10:27 pm

"Well, we have the spell, anyways. I'll copy it down, and we'll take it where it needs to be and have THEM figure out how to cast it. Much more practical."

Nods smartly, satisfied with his own idea.


Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:42 pm

"Yes," said Khim. "That sounds like a plan."

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Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Feb 23, 2004 9:20 pm

On the way back to the Temple of Fire, Telerak tried to figure out the strategy he and the others should use. There was no way they were getting into the corridor; Er'kiir Draea had made that fairly plain. The strategy, therefore, would have to rest on what could be discovered in whatever divination spell or spells Khim and Keliel could find. Hopefully it would work, and would be within the capability of a Pyral and two Flambars to cast - what little Telerak had heard about Hiro made it clear he eschewed all magic, so he would probably just be a burden if it was a multi-caster spell, which it probably was.

Ah, well, the Pyral thought, Any more figuring on my part'll have to wait until after lunch, I can't think on an empty stomach.

The horse-cab pulled up to the Temple in a little under an hour, according to the timestone set into the wall near the gate. Telerak and Hiro headed for the cafeteria, right on time for the lunch Telerak had offered the three others.

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Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Mar 29, 2004 8:33 pm

(OOC: Right then. SKIPPING AHEAD...)

Telerak sat at the table in the cafeteria, poring over the spell in front of him, his steak sandwich and Aesu vine beer all but untouched. After a few minutes, the Pyral nodded. "Of course. Neither of you would know Intari Standard Notation for multi-caster incantations. See this up here? Where it says 3-Flambar?" He pointed. "That means that it takes three spellcasters of at least Flambar rank to cast this spell - power-wise, anyway. It doesn't take into account the fact that no Flambar would ever have the time to study multi-caster notation. Basically, the grid thing around the syllables tells you when you need to say the syllable. Like here, while the primary caster is saying 'gaz', the secondary caster needs to say 'tors' and the tertiary caster needs to say 'ein-tir'. The 'tir' part would have to come between when the primary and secondary are saying their syllables - it's like eighth notes in music."

Telerak glanced over the parchment a little more. "Okay, here's the hard part: The spell requires a brand lit from the flame we want to divine from. Plus we need to find out when the crime took place so we can do the spell at the right time - it can only go in increments of days, so we need to do it exactly at the time that the Seed was stolen. Any ideas how we can do this?"


Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Mar 31, 2004 5:54 pm

Khim thought for a moment before finally speaking.

"Okay," he began. "We will need to do two things. First, we should search the library again for an invisibility spell. If we find one, we should then approach the Grey Earthward with a second offer to help with the investigation. If he accepts, good. However, if he does not accept, then that is where the invisibility spell comes in. One of us, under the spell, will enter the Temple of Earth along with the ones who are going to speak with the Grey Earthward. He will then make his way into the corridor where the crime occured and light a brand with the flame of a torch there. Hopefully, the flame will remain invisible. After that, our invisible man can escape as the ones who met with the Grey Earthward leave."

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Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Mar 31, 2004 8:43 pm

Telerak shook his head. "Too risky. Besides, if they find us, we're doubly incriminated - not only were supposed members of our order seen breaking into that hall in plain view, but people who've introduced themselves as members of our order were going in invisible. Plus, I'm almost a hundred percent certain that Fire magic doesn't include an invisibility spell. In order to become invisible, we'd need Light magic, and I'm reasonably sure that no one from the Order of Light would help us. But I think I have another solution...when Hiro and I were in the Temple of Earth, we found out that there are members of the Order of Earth that don't believe that the Order of Fire was involved at all. Maybe one of them can light the torch for us?"


Re: And more Postify!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:15 am

Khim thought about that.

"Maybe so," he said. "Of course, the person we ask may have some explaining to do with the guards of the corridor."

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I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Thu Apr 01, 2004 12:26 am

Keliel, by this point, had headed back with his companion in tow, and realized they hadn't really set a meeting place for after they found the spell.

Well... They have to show up at the cafeteria sooner or later. Preferrably sooner...

So, with document and companion he made his way towards the cafeteria, hoping to get lucky and run into the others there. Failing that... Well it was about time to eat...

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Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby Spleen » Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:07 am

(OOC: Heh...actually, Thram, there was a meeting point set, and your companion (Khim) is already there. Presumably, so is Keliel.)

Telerak nodded. "You're right about that. But I think the mechanics of the spell don't really call for a torch...if I'm interpreting this right, a candle will do fine. Plus, if our sympathizer does this at night, then what's really so strange about someone leaving the Temple carrying a candle so they can see a little better?"

Telerak picked up his beer and took a few hearty sips, then set the bottle back down and waited for an answer.


Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby Seethe347 » Thu Apr 01, 2004 11:17 pm

"Nothing," answered Khim. "As long as the guards aren't so contrary that they won't let the person light the candle in the restricted corridor."

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Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby Spleen » Fri Apr 02, 2004 11:28 pm

"Well, whoever we ask will need a plausible excuse for being down there...maybe they can take guard duty there or something."

Telerak bit off a chunk of his sandwich, chewed, and swallowed. "That settles it, then. We'll ask one of them. We can't do it now, though - by the time we get to the Temple of Earth, they'll have changed the gate guard, and the only two people who I'm sure are sympathizers will be gods know where. Fortunately, one of them is the Fore Guard Captain, which means that he probably has to sit guard duty quite often. I don't think they'd make him do more than one in a day, though, so we should come back tomorrow, about the same time Hiro and I came today. Sound good?"

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Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Apr 06, 2004 1:58 am

"It does," said Khim.

He then took a bite out of his own sandwich.

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Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Apr 06, 2004 10:19 am

(OOC: Shall we skip to the next day, then?)


Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon Apr 12, 2004 7:23 pm

(OOC: *votes yes*)

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Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby Spleen » Thu Apr 15, 2004 5:24 pm

The next day was cloudy and overcast, and the Order of Air was predicting rain.

So it was that when the four Kradites piled into a taxi to the Earth Temple after breakfast, Telerak brought along his favorite hooded cloak.

"Okay, so here's the plan: I'm going to have the driver let us off out of view of the main gate. Khim, take off your armor and your weapons, make yourself look as much like a noncombatant as you can. Go up to the guards, tell them that you're Eken Zendure's cousin, and that you have a letter for him. They'll know who he is. Give them this envelope to give to him. There's instructions for him inside. Okay?"


Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sat Apr 17, 2004 12:56 am

"Okay," said Khim after spending a moment taking in his instructions. "Eken Zendure..."

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Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby Spleen » Thu Apr 22, 2004 6:52 am

"Yeah. If you forget his name, just call him the Fore Guard Captain."

After a while, Telerak told the cab driver to let them off. The four of them jumped out of the cab. "Okay, Khim. I'll hold your things, you go to the gate."


Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:11 pm

Khim took off his armor and weapons and handed them to Telerak. Then he began walking towards the gate.

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Re: I exist... Maybe.

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:41 pm

(OOC: Sorry to bother you guys, but I need to tell you guys something concerning Spleen. Please take a look at the notice I have posted on the OOC forum. He is grounded, and the notice will explain everything. Sorry.)


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