MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

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Re: MAC 3092: Igala Under Fire

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Nov 03, 2003 9:48 pm

Nick nodded once. "I think I'll engage in an important military activity now..."

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Re: MAC 3092: Igala Under Fire

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Nov 04, 2003 2:48 pm

Merwyn looked understandably confused. "Um, what?"


Re: MAC 3092: Igala Under Fire

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Nov 04, 2003 3:08 pm

"That is to say," Nick clarified with an impish grin, "I intend to gather some intelligence."

He began making his way towards the woman in red, his dazzling green tux acting as something of an optical battering ram, allowing him to easily grab people's attention, then politely move past them. He tried to both eavesdrop on the conversation, and move closer, so he could get an idea of who this person was, and what the topic of conversation was...

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Unread postby Taiar » Thu Nov 06, 2003 2:09 pm

Siyun backed away from his computer and sighed, spinning once in his chair's swivelly goodness before stopping it and leaning back against the rest. No one in particular was online, and nothing really interesting had updated.

"I guess I should just take a nap or something..." He yawned, putting his hands behind his head and looking up at the ceiling in his boredom.

"...Hey, I never noticed that burn before. Wonder when that happened..."

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Spiking the punch, like a good chimera

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Nov 06, 2003 10:13 pm

Meanwhile, over at the table, Zerev was standing there with a bottle of Volt Cola in front of him, pouring a glass of punch. The chimeraspawn closed his eyes, and hoping for something that tasted decent, sipped the punch...

....and gagged. Okay, I am confident that this punch is NOT ferior. And thus, as my duty, I will make it ferior... His eyes motioned toward the bottle of raw caffeine.

He took the bottle of Volt Cola, and started pouring it into the punch, expecting it to appeal more to his tastes, his expectations proving...slightly true as he doesn't gag, but shrugs after a cup of the changed punch.

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Re: Spiking the punch, like a good chimera

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Nov 07, 2003 2:18 am

Jamie's entrance to the ballroom didn't really attract much attention. Nice her outfit might well be, but it soon became apparent that she'd been outdone by a number of people. Oh, well. You couldn't win them all.

She soon fell in with a small group chatting idly on the fringes of the room. By and large, the topics covered who looked great in their outfit, which of the boys was cute, and could you believe those people who'd come in their flight suits?

Jamie chimed in with her own opinions from time to time, spending quite a bit of time just taking in the different outfits to be seen. Her eyes watered slightly as they passed over the original of the green tuxes, a true mark of its visual horror.


Mmmm.... punch.... 0_0;; *cough* x_x

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Nov 07, 2003 10:42 am

After several moments of trying, Nick decided to give up on his attempts to find out who it was that had pulled off such a marvelous stunt as upstaging his outfit that night. After all, he wasn't in competition with her and they could undoubtedly wait until later to exchange notes on tailors. As it was, his tux was proving as much a hindrance as a help in his efforts to get close, as it made it quite obvious that an outsider was trying to break his way in.

After a moment of diliberation, he decided to go to the drink table and aquire some punch. Which he managed to do with little incident. However once he got there, and tasted his newly aquired beverage... he nearly spit the liquid back out.

After a few moments, he managed to gag it down, then shook his head slowly. "Hrgh... someone put something weird in here..." He looked around, but all he saw was a few people in flight suits. He shruged, and tossed his punch into a nearby trash can. Perhaps something else would suit his tastes...

He began moving down the snack tables, searching for something more appetizing.

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Re: Mmmm.... punch.... 0_0;; *cough* x_x

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 10, 2003 6:06 pm

After Nick's departure to "gather intelligence", Merwyn sat back and watched Nick try to get through the crowd. Funny thing is, no matter how thick the crowd gets, I can still see him in that suit. The sudden thought of people saying, "Meet me at the guy with the blinding green tuxedo at 10 pm" made Merwyn realize that he'd probably had too much to drink, or, more likely, not enough.

So Merwyn headed back to the refreshment table, where he saw Zerev. "Hey there, Zerev. Enjoying yourself?"

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Don't diss the Volt Cola Punch! >:(

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Mon Nov 10, 2003 10:28 pm

Zerev replied to Merwyn's question with the comment of...

"This punch is cursed with inferiority. No amount of Volt Cola will ever make it Ferior."

He then reached toward one of the pieces of cake, napkin in hand, to grab it, and eat it by napkin, for there were plastic sporks.

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Re: Don't diss the Volt Cola Punch! >:(

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:19 pm

Merwyn thought about his comment for a second, then responded. "Maybe you shouldn't have spoiled the Volt Cola by pouring it into the punch."

He then also grabbed a slice of cake, as well as his customary bowl of lime jello.

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Re: Don't diss the Volt Cola Punch! >:(

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Sun Nov 16, 2003 6:10 pm

Zerev shook his head, stating "No. The punch just couldn't be purified. It most likely cannot be purified, and it never will..."

Taking a plastic plate, a spork (for they're so easy to make) and a piece of the cake, and then walked over to the crowd, and still being part human, admired some of the girls out of the corner of his eye...while eating his cake in delicate bites.


Re: Don't diss the Volt Cola Punch! >:(

Unread postby Archmage144 » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:33 pm

The MAC Igala A ballroom was abuzz with noise that evening, and most of the attendants had to notice that the faculty in charge of planning the event had actually hired a damned good band. Pedro and the Spaniels, or so they called themselves, an Inustani group with the talent to take requests and play songs from a variety of genres, was keeping the crowd entertained, amused, and on their feet. The wallflowers at this party were really missing out.

As the current song ended, Pedro took the mike in his hand, grinning mischeviously. "Alright folks, you've been a great audience so far tonight, and we really appreciate your support! For this next song, we're gonna bring the tempo down a little, so grab your sweetheart and sweep 'em off their feet!" he howled, stepping back to his usual position and picking up his guitar, plucking out a few slow, soulful notes that the rest of the band picked up on rather quickly.

Makura, in his traditional position, was seated at a table by himself, a glass of red wine in his hand. He idly glanced at his watch, wondering when this accursed party was going to be over, then resumed a pensive stare into a void that existed only in his own mind. He was, however, interrupted by a bit of movement out of the corner of his eye as a group of nervous looking girls giggled and appeared to be pointing at him. The drow rolled his eyes disgustedly and shifted his attention back to more important things, such as thoughts of honor, glory, and success at all costs.

After a moment, however, Makura found himself interrupted again when a fairly short girl with brownish, shoulder length hair, giggling nervously, tapped him on the arm in an attempt to attract his attention. The drow paused a moment, mentally calculating the precise length of silence to convey the proper disdain for any young lady who dared disturb him. The girl stood there, giving Makura a giddy look. Evidently, his calculations were off by a few decimal places.

He glanced up again, giving the intruder an annoyed look. "Is there something you want, miss?" the drow grumbled, irritating seeping into his voice.

"Um, um, well, er..." the young woman fumbled, playing idly with her hair and blushing profusely. "I was, well, um, you know, I was wondering if you might, well, um, if you might like to...y'know, dance?"

Makura stared blankly for a moment before wordlessly going back to his drink. The girl, on the other hand, stood around a moment longer, fidgeting and shifting her weight from foot to foot until she realized that she had gotten all the attention Makura Kuragari was willing to give. Her nervous smile quickly reversed itself into an angry frown accompanied by a seething glare.

"'re so mean! You should treat a girl with more respect than that! I hate you, Makura! I hate you!" she screeched, stomping off to rejoin her friends with a disgusted facial expression that matched the drow's inward sentiments.

Good, mused the pilot.

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Re: Don't diss the Volt Cola Punch! >:(

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:36 pm

Merwyn, curious now, went over to the punch bowl. "Hmm..." He picked up a glass of it and tasted it.

"This stuff isn't as bad as you say it is. Then again, people have different tastes."

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Re: Don't diss the Volt Cola Punch! >:(

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Nov 19, 2003 8:33 pm

Jamie didn't need telling twice. As the music started playing, she caught the eye of a boy she'd been talking with on and off for most of the evening. Letting the guy ask for the dance was a little old-fashioned sometimes, but they did so enjoy it.

Sure enough, Tsone didn't disappoint, offering her a florid bow which said he knew quite well which of them had been pulling the strings there. Returning a slight inclination of her head in keeping with the 'serious' tone, she allowed herself to be led out onto the dance floor.

Tsone proved to be a rather good dancer indeed. The evening was going wonderfully, Jamie reflected as they swayed to the music.

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Wed Dec 03, 2003 1:41 am

Zerev, hearing Pedro's announcement, looked about. Surveying the dancers, out of the girls he would've danced with, most of them already had partners. Not to be easily dismayed, he looked about the refreshments table. One of the females caught his attention, though.

One of the people who did bother to dress up in more than a pilot suit or green tuxedo, she wore a silvery two-piece dress, with long sleeves and a high-slitted skirt. The shine on the dress was such that one could swear she was clothed in a mirror...

The girl in question had the delicate features of a Grey Elf. Her green hair hung down in a ponytail over her face, and straight in the back. Standing a few inches shorter than our chimeraspawn, she was busy staring over at the food, taking small bites of a few things here and there. Her figure was, well, as typical for most PCs and NPCs, attractive, to say the least.

This will work beautifully. I know it., Zerev thought as he approached the woman. Opening his mouth to speak, his overconfidence showing as he doesn't seem to have any nervousness....

"Hello, Alyssa. I must admit that you look quite attractive today."

Oh look, it's that stupid Zerev bastard, out to try to take me to the dance floor. -V-

And she simply replied, with a haughty and pissy air emanating form her... "No, Zerev, I'm not going to bother to dance with you. You look like a girl, and a reject from those... "anime" things imported from Nekonia..."

Zerev interrupted, "So there's a problem with looking slightly androgynous?"

"I'm not done yet. You didn't even bother to dress up for the whole thing, you came to this dance in your INTERFACE COAT, and I don't even think you know how to dance anyway, you disrespectful freak." Alyssa turns her nose up and walking away. Zerev only sweatdrops, apparently having received his great-to-the-Nth-degree grandfather's misfortune with girls.

Edited by: [url=>NamagomiMk0</A] at: 12/3/03 7:33 am


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