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A talk with higher up >> or Ash at least

Unread postby Choark » Sat Jun 29, 2002 7:49 am

Shasti had dissapeared from the cafeteria, which was still messed up by the damage Dane had done, with broken furniture and upturned tables. Groans of the students being looked at by the doctors could also be heard around the room, which gave a sombre tone to the area.

Shasti hadn't left because of all that however.

Taking in a deep breath, she finally knocked on the door after she could hear that the loud crashing sounds from the room had stopped.

"Sir?" She said through the closed door, hoping the instructor would answer, but dreading it at the same time. "Can I talk to you?"

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Re: A talk with higher up >> or Ash at least

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Jun 29, 2002 4:57 pm

Ash got up and opened his door. It was Shasti, Dane's sister. He opened the door further, to let her in. he looked around, and found an old box full of training books and put that in front of his desk. "Sorry... there's no chairs for the moment." he said as he gestured towards the torn up seats.

He sat on his desk, which still had his gunblade inserted in the top of it. He pulled it out and placed it next to him as he sat there. "What do ya need?" he asked calmly.

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DAMN you poeple post so fast..

Unread postby Deeum » Sat Jun 29, 2002 5:15 pm

"Whats with everyone wanting to prove their worth all within two days?" She chuckled, thinking she did the same thing the other day.
Knowing the cafeteria wouldn't be open for a while.. her stomach groaned as she walked out towards class.
"hm.. I wonder what happaned to that guy I met in the training center yesterday?"

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Re: DAMN you poeple post so fast..

Unread postby Banjooie » Sat Jun 29, 2002 5:32 pm

Navin sighed.
"I'll just pick a few things up, I guess."
He started to put back the unbroken chairs and tables, figuring he might as well score some brownie points, and beyond that, he was bored.


but of course we do! ^_^

Unread postby Choark » Sat Jun 29, 2002 7:45 pm

Shasti started playing with her hair. Despite having done this a uncountable amount of times before, she always gets nervous.

"Sir. Mr Ash I." Shasti stopped and started, she wasn't sure how to say what she wanted cause she didn't fully understand it, but it was important.

"Please. Please don't hate Dane or think him a bad person. I can't explain it but I know he's not that bad, he just seems it now and then."

It wasn't the most convincing speech, considering what Dane had just done and said.

"He just shoots off his mouth, he doesn't think thats all. But he really is a good person! Please!" With that Shasti grabbed Ash's hands and looked into his eyes. "Please, give him another chance."


Re: but of course we do! ^_^

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jun 29, 2002 8:50 pm

Anjelai's stomach rumbled, resembling a distant thunderstorm.

Dratted high horse metabolism. Shasti had left, and the centaur knew where she probably was.

Despite his threat about the dogfood, well... he just does stuff and doesn't think about it. She walked over to her friend, hooves gently clipping the floor with each step.

She was able to hear everything, but arrived in sight just as Shasti finished her plea.

"Please?" Anjelai added to Shasti's request. "She's right, y'know. It's just... Dane's got a temper."

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Re: but of course we do! ^_^

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Jun 29, 2002 9:21 pm

Ash sighed, "I will try... but his chances of getting far in THIS garden are highly doubtful. Specially after this incident. He also needs to learn control... it's very important that he does. Cause next time... he might even attack those he cares for... mainly you Shasti. He must learn control over his temper and not go into this insane berserk rage he gets into." said Ash as he got off his desk, and turned towards the window, "But if he ever tries this kind of @#%$ again... I'm gonna nail his ass to the wall." he said as he sighed once more... looking out onto the horizon.


*bows head*

Unread postby Choark » Sun Jun 30, 2002 10:37 am

Shasti looked down to her lap and played with her hair a little more. Sir Ash, to begin with, sounded almost concerned for Dane, but he also sounded like he wanted to fight him.

She gave of a small short breath, she couldn't understand why Dane did what he did, but she knew that he was a good person deep down. He had just gone through some very bad times.

"I understand sir." But I don't, not at all

"I'll talk to him when I can and explain everything to him. He'll listen to me." I can't even talk to him unless I'm angry, then all I do is shout, and he completely ignors me.

"But I don't think he'll ever hurt me. He's never raised his fist to me" . . . . .

Red Seph

Re: *bows head*

Unread postby Red Seph » Sun Jun 30, 2002 11:31 pm

Incredible, what a fight. It was occasions such as this that reminded Rudolf just why he respected Instructor Stahl, no matter how much he might hate his guts. And also the difference between a warrior and a punk like Dane. Some might call that hypocritical, Rudolf realized. Ah well. They didn't understand.

Quite an eventful day, and I haven't even had breakfast yet, he thought, reminded by a sudden growl of his stomach. He checked a clock, cursing as he realized he probably wouldn't have time to wait in the damn lines for food and still sufficiently prepare for his next class. This was crunch time, and he desperately needed all the chances he could get for last-minute cramming. Groaning, he turned and exited the cafeteria. As he walked through the halls he almost didn't notice Deeum in his downcast state of mind.

"Hey, you, Deeum!" he said as he recognized her. "Hey, we met in the training grounds yesterday. You left before I got a chance to talk with you more."

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Unread postby Deeum » Mon Jul 01, 2002 1:13 am

Ears perked back, as she tilted her had to the side. So it was the guy she met in the training center the other day.. what luck, she was JUST thinking about him. (not in THAT way <<;Image
Deeum raised her hand and waved to Rudolph.

"indeed we did" she greeted.
"Man today is starting to to be.. something else isn't it?

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Re: *yawn*

Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Jul 01, 2002 1:38 am

Navin decided, after noticing most of the tables were broken anyway, that it was fruitless. He made his way to where the exams in his class would be taken.'s got to be that...GF....I'm somehow unnoticed unless I say something, and even then it's not 100% assured...
He stopped by Ash's office on his way. He knocked on the door.
"Sir...may I talk to you for a minute?"

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Re: *yawn*

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Jul 01, 2002 2:52 am

Ash turned towards the sound of the knock, "Well hold on Shasti." he said as he walked over to the door. It was Navin, the student who he heard had troubles fighting the monsters... "Ah.. hello there Navin. Need anything?" he asked as he stood there in the doorway.

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Seeing as this is the only thing to do at the moment...

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jul 01, 2002 8:42 am

Dane, after walking half the campus grounds, was now in front of Stahls office. The door was closed, and no sounds came from within.


... I shall show you my dance number!

Unread postby Choark » Mon Jul 01, 2002 8:45 am

Showing the fruits of his bringing up in manners and respect for peoples privacy, Dane tried to open the door and walk in.

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*falls over*

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jul 01, 2002 8:55 am

Dane walked in, to find Stahl at his desk, reading something on his computer terminal, a small smile visible on his face. He looked up at Dane, and the smile quickly vanished.

"Sit" he commanded, indicating a seat placed in front of his desk. The other was still placed against the side wall.


Amazing... I never mastered that move O_O

Unread postby Choark » Mon Jul 01, 2002 9:11 am

Walking to the chair, he grabbed the other one that was placed against the wall and spun it around near him. He now sat, leaning back on one, and his feet resting on the other, looking at Stahl.

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Well, y'fling one foot up in front of you...

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jul 01, 2002 9:29 am

Stahl, retaining his mask of coldness, looked straight at Dane.

"Could you enlighten me as to why you attacked a good deal of the other students?"

Curiosity was apparent in his voice, and his tone was a little less harsh than normal.


Impressive, most impressive *nods* "Yo teh Masta!"

Unread postby Choark » Mon Jul 01, 2002 9:50 am

Dane ran through his list of reasons in his head quickly. A lot of trouble makers might of tried to find one that best suited the instrutor in front of em and find one that wouldn't get them in as much trouble.

Dane had no such thoughts.

Course, he'd never admit for starting it to get the attention away from his sister, not even to himself.

"If they were strong enough, like SeeD is supposed to be, then they would have fought me off and I'd be in the hospital wing right now."

Dane laughed mockinly.

"But o'course they couldn't. They're all more bothered with there hair styles and Written exam." Dane basically spat that word out. "I thought SeeD was supposed to be about being strong and all these weaklins do is hide behind the rules and @#%$ foot around into getting cushy jobs."

Dane continued, basically just shotting off his mouth.

"Hell, the ones that do fight or are strong, are only like that cause they junction those bloodly GF trash. Take that away from em and they would cower in the corner and piss themselves like some kid."

Dane sort of rounded up what he was saying.

"So, why did I attack em? Cause they're weak and they don't deserve the name SeeD."

Dane remembered the two SeeD's he had beaten to a pulp. If that was the elite of this school, then he was already better then all of them.

The "only" guy who beaten him on his own, was sitting in front of him, his face cold and unreadable.

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And that is that.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jul 01, 2002 10:16 am

Although Dane couldn't tell it, Stahl was grinning inwardly. While he didn't like Dane's lack of self control, his attitudes towards Guardian Forces had earned him more favour from Stahl than he could have guessed.

He nodded once. "Even so, there are certain...rules which have to be abided. You'll refrain from attacking fellow students and SeeDs outside of a direct challenge."

Stahl still cared about the safety of his students. A dead or crippled person had no way of improving, and a severe beating could result in a dire lack of motivation.

"Apart from that, dismissed."


Guess so

Unread postby Choark » Mon Jul 01, 2002 10:43 am

Dane looked at the man. He guessed that he was used to having his orders followed cause otherwise he wouldn't have just said that.

Cause now he was goign to go out and. . . and. . .

Follow his orders.

"Yes, sir" The word came out strangly from Danes lips and he sat up and left the office, confused at himself.

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Re: *falls over*

Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Jul 01, 2002 3:58 pm

Navin nodded.
"Yes, sir. I've noticed something odd about my GF. I'm beginning to think it actually has abilities to make me unnoticed. I was wondering if there was a way we could analyze it so we could know whether or not it was responsible."

Red Seph

Re: *falls over*

Unread postby Red Seph » Mon Jul 01, 2002 6:59 pm

"Heh, no kidding. First this," Rudolf said as he ran a hand through his hair, "and then that moron makes a fool of himself in the cafeteria. I just don't know what that guy's problem is." He shook his head. "And of course we still have the test to look forward to. I'm more worked up over that than the field exam."

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Re: *falls over*

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Jul 01, 2002 7:08 pm

Ash sighed, "Navin, you just got to be more sociable. Also don't expect everyone to want to talk to you. But... if you feel like your Guardian Force is to blame... then tell me it's name. Who is Navin? Carbunckle? Phantom?" asked Ash as he stood there.

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Re: *falls over*

Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Jul 01, 2002 7:21 pm

Navin thought.
"Hm...haven't summoned it in a while. Any way I can check without summoning it?

Edited by: [url=>Banjooie</A] at: 7/2/02 12:00:59 am

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Re: *falls over*

Unread postby Deeum » Mon Jul 01, 2002 7:27 pm

She nodded in agreement and looked forward. "Yeah. taking paper exams.. was never my strong point.. hope all goes well." sighed then tightened the leather gloves which she wore on her hands. But after the written test (assuming she passes) I will tottaly kick some AS on the field exam"

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A quick OOC note.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jul 01, 2002 9:22 pm

(OOC: Feel free to finish this little bit up. I'll then fast forward to the written test, and then probably fast forward after the students enter to afterwards.)

Red Seph

Re: A quick OOC note.

Unread postby Red Seph » Mon Jul 01, 2002 9:46 pm

"No worries, I'm certain you'll do fine," Rudolf said with a grin. "You have the spirit of a SeeD. Hopefully we'll be in the same squad. I'd love to kick some ass right along side you." Rudolf's friendly smile suddenly turned more predatory. Clearly he was looking forward to the field exam as well.

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Re: A quick OOC note.

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jul 02, 2002 2:17 am

Ash pondered it, "Well do you have it junctioned to yourself? Then you can check on the computer in your desk, they usually have the name of the Guardian Force that you were given." said Ash trying to help the student.


Let's pah-TAY!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jul 02, 2002 2:33 am

Anjelai listened quietly, the talk about Navin's GF making her think what hers might be if she got one.

I'm not sure about if it would help me or not, but... it'd be interesting, I think. Would I get a fighter, a healer, or just somebody that helps me out?

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Re: Let's pah-TAY!

Unread postby Banjooie » Tue Jul 02, 2002 2:37 am

Navin nodded, and checked the computer.
"Logging in..and..apparently, it's Phantom, you were right. So, it's the reason I'm invisible, hmm? Rather helpful to know that. I think I'll just...keep it on for a while. Thanks for your help, Instructor."
Navin saluted, and left.
I am so, so, aceing the SeeD exams.

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Fast forward!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Jul 02, 2002 8:45 am

A few hours later, at 10:45 am, the speakers throughout the school switched on, and the voice of one of the upper faculty spoke.

"All SeeD candidates should report to their respective classrooms to undertake the written test. Those who arrive after 11 am will automatically fail. That is all."



Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Jul 02, 2002 10:10 am

Anjelai swallowed the last of her large breakfast; she had probably eaten more than any two of the larger boys combined.

Here it is... She didn't feel quite the same thrill of excitement as when she had fought the T-Rexaur, but she could feel her pulse jumping all the same as she did a slow canter towards her class.

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filller.. yeah..

Unread postby Deeum » Tue Jul 02, 2002 1:02 pm

"Sprirt of SeeD? thinks so? Gosh, it would mean everything to me to pass the exames.. just to travel the world and to fight where there is to fight!" she said then stopped after hearing the announcement.. then thought.. what a ASS this guy sounded like..

"Well, good luck on the test!" the blonde shouted towards rudolph and headed to her respective classroom.
Well, time was gettinc loser for the exames, and more if not all the students partaking in the tests were as excited as she was.. but.. still.. she has yet to eat.. I wonder if she will fail if her stomach growled too loudly.. <<;;;

((damnit, depriving her of FOOD XD))

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Exam Exam Wai! ^_^

Unread postby Banjooie » Tue Jul 02, 2002 3:57 pm

Navin heard the announcement.
"It's crunch time."
Thankfully, he was close to the classroom. He needed to get there early.
He entered the classroom, and sat down.

Red Seph

Re: filller.. yeah..

Unread postby Red Seph » Tue Jul 02, 2002 3:57 pm

"You, too," Rudolf called after her. Well, his time for whatever last-minute review he might have gotten was quickly dwindling. Mentally crossing his fingers, he headed towards his designated testing room.


Getting to the test

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jul 03, 2002 5:58 am

Shasti, after excusing herself from instructor Ash's room, ran all the way to her class room and got ready for the test. Her mind was busy racing around other things, like her brother and the trouble she was in, that she wasn't worried about the test at all.

- - - -

Dane strolled into his class room, surprising everyone, including himself, that he made it on time.

What wasn't surprising was when a lot of the students back away from him and he founs himself in the middle of this void of empty chairs.

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More fast forwarding.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Jul 03, 2002 5:53 pm

As the clocks struck 2pm all throughout the school, the exam papers were collected in, and the students were released from their classes. However, no sooner than a few seconds later, Stahls voice projected itself from the speakers.

"The field exam will be at 6pm today. All students are to meet outside the front gate at 5pm, where they will be divided into groups. That is all."



Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Jul 03, 2002 6:50 pm

Anjelai grinned. She wanted to give a wild cheer, but the sedate calm of the teacher giving out the tests hindered her.

YES! A real fight! This is going to be GREAT! She gave a little trot-dance, like a horse tapdancing briefly when she was outside the classroom.

She glanced at the pinked boys.

Well... maybe not for them.

Red Seph

Re: Yay.

Unread postby Red Seph » Wed Jul 03, 2002 8:34 pm

Rudolf sighed as he exited his classroom, relieved that what he considered the most difficult portion of the finals was finally over with. He had a good feeling about it, but then again, he'd had good feelings about the last two tests also. Well, there was good news though. He brightened up a bit at the thought of finally getting a taste of actual warfare. Practice scenarios and combat training were behind him now. He headed for the cafeteria for a quick snack, whistling that same tune that had been stuck in his head since this morning. Now if only I could remember where the damn thing was from...

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Lina: Food, Food, Food, FOOD!! o_O

Unread postby Deeum » Wed Jul 03, 2002 9:10 pm

As soon as the announcement was over, Deeum was at the cafeteria toot sweet.
the mess was cleaned up, and some of the tables were shitty repaired till they could order some new ones. but the start of said place was the least of her concerns.. it was time for FOOD.
After getting a good size plate full of food. [sadly they were out of hotdogs.. rats] Deeum finally sat down, and gave her stomach the much needed attention.
"I almost forgot what food looked like.." she sniffed, then proceeded to eat.


Later that day, she arrived at the from where a small group of people have already joined. all she did now was wait for the instructor to come and pair us off into groups. Gosh, only time would tell to see what kind of battle rests before her.


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