A sorrowful music

For all RPs taking place in other settings.


Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Tue May 04, 2004 8:46 pm

Learner absently scratched his tangled black hair into what he hoped,was some sort of order.He smiled,"Hi Clerk,yes I have to leave soon for the Mountain Monastary,but I have to continue my work.I still have plenty of bolts for the gauntlet,but if you picked up a black crystal I will certainly purchase it,I also need some general supplies."Learner rattled of a list of gun parts,wires,and assorted tools,and dozens of other things.After thinking a moment he added,"How have you been?"


the Clerk

Unread postby sculptor85 » Wed May 05, 2004 5:47 pm

The Clerk began to get the items on the Learners list as she answered his question saying, "How have I been? That's a first, you usually just walk in and ignore me!" she spoke with a hint of cynicism. "But since you asked, well, I'm fine for now. Running my fathers shop is nothing easy but someone has to do it right?" her voice trailed off as she walked into the farther end of the back room.

"But as for the black gem and that little thing you said about the monastery well... all i can say is here and good luck." returned to the room and tossed the Learner a small stone, which seemed to be freshly pulled from outside since it still had dirt on the surface. Slightly panting she said, "Good luck." Then with a wink stepped over to the register and rang up the price on the items.

"That'll be 1000 dgens please"


Digs for wallet

Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Thu May 06, 2004 8:01 pm

Learner reached into his pockets and pulled out half a dozen metallic squares of various denominations and set them on the counter."I think thats 1150,"He said,pocketing the black gem and loading his arms with the other supplies."Keep the difference."

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Digs for wallet

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri May 07, 2004 10:29 am

'And why exactly do you need to get there?' Wanderer asked as he walked along with her. 'Who are you, Child?'



Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Fri May 07, 2004 6:22 pm

As the Learner went to the shop, she walked once again to the airship, reclining in one of the seats on the bridge, and laying back. She was eager to get the trip over with, as she was curious as to exactly what Li was planning. She thought about it until the Learner came back.

The Child looked up at the Wanderer, still smiling. "I've heard stories about the Lake Temple, how it is a wonderful place for children, filled with sweets and toys, not to mention many many children to play with." Her eyes sparkled as she spoke.

She then paused and looked up at the Wanderer. "Who am I?" she looked very baffled. "I wonder what sort of question that is. I don't know how to answer that. I mean i'm me, but i must be something else, right? No, that's not..." she frowned.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Meanwhile...

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sat May 08, 2004 4:37 am

'Don't worry about it.' Wanderer said to the Child.

'But... this Lake Temple. I have an odd feeling I should know it, and that some or all of those stories ring false. Perhaps I have been there before. I go to so many place, and see so many things, that all the old memories get pushed out to make way for new ones.'



Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Sat May 08, 2004 11:37 am

Learner thanked Clerk and with some effort,carried the mass of supplies to the Airship.It was a small miracle he didn't drop anything.He nodded to Artist as he struggled across the deck.
With a little imagination he managed to store all his new tools and materials fairly securely in his room below decks.
He came back on deck,rolling his shoulders to relieve the pain in them.
"Well,I think we are ready to go."He said,smiling and looking up at Heaven.



Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Sat May 08, 2004 2:37 pm

She looked at the Wanderer blankly for a bit, and then started smiling, skipping onward toward the lift that would take them to the bottom of the volcano.

Upon the Learner's return, the Artist said in a rather tired sounding tone, "It's about time. Let's Fire this thing up already."


All systems are go

Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Sun May 09, 2004 10:13 am

Learner nodded his agreement,and walked over to the controls,he placed his hands on the orbs,and smiled as the ship began to rise.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: All systems are go

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed May 12, 2004 3:27 pm

Wanderer followed the Child, determined to keep his promise, and to protect the girl as best he could.



Unread postby sculptor85 » Thu May 13, 2004 3:28 pm

Near the encampment of Kan

Quite some time had passed since the Sage had sat down under the tree to rest when a voice caught his attention and brought him quickly to his feet ready to attack the stranger.

"Sleeping again I see." said the Stranger as the Sage stood ready to attack.

"You?" the Sage lowered his gaurd and sat down once again.

"Why do you act so suprised to see me?" asked the man as he stretched out like a cat.

"I just think it's strange that you sent out your followers to attack me and now your speaking to me with no malicious actions planned." the Sage was covered his head with his hood to block the light from the Sky temple.

"Attack you? I didn't plan such a thing! Your the one who attacked them! Besides I don't control those men."
Kan soon took a seat near the Sage leaning against the tree.

"Can't control your own subjects? It's becoming obvious that your weak now." the Sage was speaking cynically as he slightly looked over at Kan.

"Why did you come out again? Are you also after her?" Kan seemed irritated by the Sage's comment and changed the subject.

"I have no need for that child or the young girl. I am simply collecting for my youth to return." said the Sage as he looked up past the sky temple and at what seemed to be a beautiful light blue sky.

"Youth!? Why don't you just let your body go and join my father in the Sky temple? You'd be powerful beyond your wildest dreams!" Kan now stood as he spoke and pointed toward the Sky temple. "There! I'll show you the true power of Kan when I take that temple back from that man! I'll be the most revered God in the world!" Quickly he turned and look at the Sage and with a grin he said, "Your here to kill me aren't you? After all the time we spent training under Lao Tse you want to kill me now?"

Without lifting a finger the Sage summoned tow roots from the tree and wrapped Kan's legs with one and his arms with the other. "I have no intentions to kill you or interfere with you in any way. So please just take a seat in your little thrown while I gather my youth."

"Bound by a human," Kan looked at the roots with utter disgust, "You dare scoff at me?!" Kan's eyes slowly began to glow a deep blue. "I am the God of the Sea how do you expect to restrain me!" breaking the roots Kan jumped quickly into the air summoning a pillar of water to stand on and anounced for all to hear, "Kan will cut down all those who oppose him! No human can stand in my way!"

Danger was imminent so the Sage quickly drew himself into the land and headed toward the monastery once again.

"Run for now but soon I shall kill you all!" Kan shot high into the air but slightly fell short of reaching the clouds and much less the Sky temple. "I'll come, you'll see! I'll make you love me again father!" As Kan spoke the Sage withdrew himself from the land near the monastery and from his position he could see an airship headed toward him. Drawing up his power he carried himself with the wind and swiftly took flight to greet the passengers.

As he flew the Sage heard a voice whispering in his ear saying,"Remember not to visit her. She'll surely kill you."

Slightly bothered by the comment the Sage spead up his flight so as to distract himself from the taunts directed from Kan.

"Sakura?" the Sage saw the airship and recognizing it he slowed his flight to ponder his next actions.


Joy riding

Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Thu May 13, 2004 5:22 pm

Learner was really beginning to enjoy this.He spun his hand across an orb a little quicker than he had dared before,while pressing forward on the other.He was amazed by how responsive the ship was,it was almost alive.Not to mention its speed.He realized he was quietly praising the ship,his whispers of exultance filled with awe.He stopped abruptly feeling ridiculous and dutifully scanned the sky.He blinked,shook his head and looked again.
"Artist.."He called over his shoulder,slowing the ship until it hovered majestically in the air.


Finally back (sorry guys)

Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Sun May 23, 2004 3:53 am


The Child led the Wanderer onward through the forest, deeper and deeper. The deeper they got, the darker the forest got. Suddenly, they could hear a ferocious roaring up ahead, and a slight rumbling, as something appeared to be coming closer and closer. The roaring sounded like both a large bird, and a beast at the same time.


She looked over at the learner, seeming a bit bored. "Whuh..." she said, her eyelids half closed.


Old flying guy at 3 oclock (welcome back)

Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Mon May 24, 2004 1:12 am

Learner took a moment to be absolutely sure he wasn't imagining it....hmm still there.He pointed to the approaching old man.
"Is that a person flying towards us?"He asked as nonchalantly as he could,he didn't do a very good job.


Re: Old flying guy at 3 oclock (welcome back)

Unread postby sculptor85 » Mon May 24, 2004 2:32 am

"Suprised to see an Elderly man flying?" asked the Sage as he drew closer and closer toward the ship.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Old flying guy at 3 oclock (welcome back)

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Mon May 24, 2004 1:53 pm

The Wanderer immediately drew his sword, head swivelling to face the direction of the roars.

'Child', he said quietly, 'stay behind me, okay?'


I just felt like naming this subject Cheese

Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Mon May 24, 2004 5:46 pm

The Child smiles, and obediently steps behind the Wanderer as a creature rushes at them, coming into view. It has the body of a lion, the a tail that is the front of a snake, including the head, eagle-like wings. It had two heads, An eagle's and a lion's. All three heads were facing forwards as it barreled toward the Wanderer. The creature leapt forward, the three mouths open wide.

"Well, Learner, I do believe that is an old man floating around, but I could be mistaken... It might be wise to open the side door and let him in."


Side door? Doesn't the airship have an open deck?

Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Mon May 24, 2004 8:33 pm

Learner laughed,due to his own nervousness,Artist's flippant reply,and the old man's statement.
"I am not used to seeing any man fly to tell you the truth sir,"he realized he was,at this very moment flying."Under their own power that is.Would you care to join us on the deck..unless you find the air more comfortable of course."He added quickly.



Unread postby sculptor85 » Wed May 26, 2004 6:06 pm

As the Sage drew closer he began to look slightly weary.

"Ah, the Artist. I knew i'd soon find you if not here then atop the temple of light." He now came aboard the ship and smile politely toward the young learner "You must be a follower of Li."

The Sage now took a seat on what seemed to be an invicible chair. "It feels good to rest again.


He's either a talented mime or that is more magic

Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Wed May 26, 2004 9:09 pm

"Indeed I am,"Learner said proudly."We were heading to the Mountain Monastary..If that is agreeable to you perhaps you would like to get some sleep below decks? Although if you are not to tired,I would love to know how you fly."Learner added,speeding the ship up again.


Rocky Mountain High

Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Thu May 27, 2004 12:57 am

The Artist sighed. "You know you really should watch where you're flying... the Mountain Monastery is just down that way..."

She pointed in the direction of a large, wide-spread moutain range looming up ahead. One mountain in particular towered high into the sky, with jagged, sharp peaks. At the foot of it could be seen what looked like a small rudimentary settlement. Glints of metal flashed from down the city down below.



Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Thu May 27, 2004 1:56 am

Learner quickly halted the ship,feeling more than a little foolish."Oh,so it is."He mumbled,and began a careful decent.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Rocky Mountain High

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu May 27, 2004 10:03 am

Wanderer stood his ground, determined to protect the Child to the best of his ability, even if it was to his own detriment.

'Child, run to the cover of those trees.' He said coolly as the beast approached, taking up a solid stance and holding his sword up to intercept the creature.


Re: Rocky Mountain High

Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:57 pm

The ship slowly descended, and the numerous glints of metal slowly became the weapons and armor of a small army of soldiers walking through the streets of the small, humble village at the foot of the mountain. The buildings were made of brick, and looked very plain. As soon as the airship landed, the Artist picked up her supplies, opened the side door (yes the side door) and hopped out. She stood and watched the city of Gen as she waited for the Sage and the Learner to exit the ship.

The Child chuckled, and did as she was told, albeit very slowly.

In the meantime, as the beast came closer to the Wanderer in it's leap, it had clamped two claws on either side of the Wanderer's blade, and pushed it upward and away from it, as it continued to ram into the Wanderer.


The City

Unread postby sculptor85 » Wed Jun 02, 2004 3:42 pm

"Back home already and I just left." the Sage slightly sighed as he looked up at the Light temple before vanishing without a trace into the Glare of the Temple' light.


Re: The City

Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:39 pm

The Artist looked up as the Sage flew upward into Heaven, and frowned. "Well that was a bit strange... he hitched a ride from us then flew away... rather rude, if you ask me..."

She walked toward the city of Gen at the base of the Mountain at a slow pace so that the Learner could keep up.



Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Fri Jun 04, 2004 8:27 pm

Learner glared at the approaching soldiers,and followed the Artist,adjusting his gauntlet and momentarily grasped the amulet of Li hanging around his neck.He didn't want a fight of course,he was here to visit the temple at Li's command,and pointless battle would make that a great deal harder to accomplish.But the sight of all that armor and weaponry put him a little on edge,he was already assuming they were primitive people by their simple houses,it was yet to be seen if they were prone to violence.If they tried to stop them from enter the temple...well..he wouldn't let anything stop him from following Li's orders.
Boiling with the confidence of the truly zealous Learner kept pace with Artist,though he let her stay in the lead,and eyed the soldiers with calculating,slightly amused defiance.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Glare

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Tue Jun 08, 2004 3:09 pm

Wanderer allowed the beast to tackle him to the ground - in actuality, there was little he could do to stop it, but at least he was prepared for the impact when it came, and he was already grabbing one of his daggers when they landed, having let go of the sword with one hand.


Re: Glare

Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Wed Jun 09, 2004 3:22 pm

As the Artist and the Learner entered the village, the Artist looked around. "I suppose these Warriors are of Zhen. Maybe if we talk to one of them we can come into contact with him and find out how we can help the attack on Kan."

The growling creature landed on the Wanderer's body with a solid THUD. It weighed much more than he appeared. The heads glared down at the Wanderer, unwarranted fury evident on all four eyes.

Suddenly he heard the soft voice of a young girl. "Stop." It was not the voice of the Child, either. This voice was like that a child, only cold, and hollow sounding.

The creature slowly backed up, and trotted slowly to a small girl of about 12, with long jet black hair and deathly pale contrasting features. She wore a pale yellow dress.

A faint, insincere smile flickered upon her lifeless face. "Sorry about that... the chimaera is usally rather good natured..."

The Child stepped out into the open again, and peered at the other young girl inquisitively, not saying a word.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nuklearbobcat>nuklearbobcat</A] at: 6/9/04 3:25 pm

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Glare

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Jun 10, 2004 1:53 pm

'Well lucky me, I've made a new friend.' Wanderer resheathed his weapons and stood up, dusting himself off. 'I must smell like easy prey...'

'Who are you, and what are you doing keeping such dangerous pets?' He asked of the girl, who for a reason he couldn't put his finger on right now, he didn't like much.


Re: A sorrowful music

Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Thu Jun 10, 2004 2:10 pm

With the same calm demeanor, she said softly. "Pleased to meet you, Wanderer. I am Dui, Youngest Daughter of Lake, and the Chimaera is not my pet, it is my Servant. Surely you know that all of the gods and goddesses have Servants, don't you?" She strokes the eagle head of the creature, and then the lion head.

The Child's eyes widened. "You are Dui?"

Dui smiled again faintly.


People skills

Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Thu Jun 10, 2004 6:18 pm

Learner nodded to Artist,and chuckled softly,"I am a bit suprised that the army of the thunder god wields nothing more impressive than ordinary swords."
Forcing the mocking smile from his face,lest he offend the approaching Warriors,he waved and bowed his head,very slightly.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: People skills

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Jun 11, 2004 4:17 am

Ah. Right, I've fingered it now.

Aas might have already become clear, Wanderer wasn't exactly a fan of the deities. Quite apart from the fact that they were all involved in that predestiny crap, which he had for the most part avoided for all of his life (he was of course aware of the irony of then wandering as his name would dictate - but that was just the way the world works), he didn't like the idea that they could somehow control him. Some might call Wanderer a radical, others a rebel, and yet others a heretic, but he had chosen his views and stuck to them, and that strength of will is rare.

'Dui. It's an honour to meet you, I'm sure. Perhaps I was aware of that fact once, though it doesn't seem important enough to have remembered if I did, which would oviously be why I didn't. Do you see? Now, it would be a boon to me if you could dissuade this Child from her delusions of the temple here. She seems to think it's filled with toys and sweets, when I can think of no reason for a temple to in fact be that way.'

Edited by: Blaze Yamato Spirit at: 6/11/04 4:18 am


Re: People skills

Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Mon Jun 14, 2004 8:23 pm

One of the warriors of Zhen happened to hear the Learner's remark, and scowled at him viciously. "Well what else would you have us carry? Certainly not those dainty contraptions the rebels use. A sword, a spear, a dagger, a staff... these and other traditional weapons best fit the way of the warrior. While the machines the radicals have developed may be suited for one who does not make war their true craft, they are but an insult to our people."

Dui tilts her head to the side. "Toys... Sweets..." She smiles at the Child. "I suppose there are those things. Yes, you could say that. Trust me, Child, there is much at the temple for you to enjoy." She holds her hand out to the Child.

The Child's face lightens up, and she walks over to Dui and takes her hand. They start walking closer to the center of the forest, away from the Wanderer. The Chimaera follows closely behind.



Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:12 am

Learner laughed,the way one laughs at the angry chattering of an animal."I apologize,I am sure you are all very skilled with your weapons of choice.It must be that skill,that 'way of the warrior' that makes the followers of the thunder god so powerful.Please forgive the foolish remark of a sheltered youth,master of traditional weapons."Learner bowed and smiled as he imagined blasting a whole in the idiot's skull with his gauntlet.
"I meant no offense,I was only making a suprised observation.Li told me that I would meet Zhen here.Would you perhaps be kind enough to direct The Artist and myself to him?"



Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:14 am

Learner laughed,the way one laughs at the angry chattering of an animal."I apologize,I am sure you are all very skilled with your weapons of choice.It must be that skill,that 'way of the warrior' that makes the followers of the thunder god so powerful.Please forgive the foolish remark of a sheltered youth,master of traditional weapons."Learner bowed and smiled as he imagined blasting a whole in the idiot's skull with his gauntlet.
"I meant no offense,I was only making a suprised observation.Li told me that I would meet Zhen here.Would you perhaps be kind enough to direct The Artist and myself to him?"

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Dainty?!

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:00 pm

Wordlessly the Wanderer followed. His distaste for the situation had doubled within the last minute, and he now considered himself responsible for the Child's safety. If Dui did anything to harm the girl, there would be hell to pay.


Can't think of a cool subject name due to chronic lethargy

Unread postby nuklearbobcat » Wed Jun 16, 2004 2:58 pm

With a grave face, the warrior nodded at the two, still eyeing the Learner a bit, and led them through the streets, which were packed with warriors wearing battle gear and armor of all sorts, and carrying weapons of all shapes and sizes. As they passed by, the warriors eyed them closely. "Something smells..." One of them said. "Yes, like something's burning..."

They eventually came to the small town square, which was packed with warriors, save for a small squarelike section in the middle. There sat a medium sized man, who looked no different from the other warriors. He wore only long pants made of some kind of animal skin, and simple dull brown leather shoes. Laid around him in a circle were various kinds of weapons. Soldiers stood around him in straight lines, facing outward. Only two faced him.

He stared at the ground, looking as if he was concentrating hard on something there.

The warrior whispered some words to one of the guards, and he stepped aside and let them through.

All the while, the Artist followed, smiling absentmindedly. She entered the square where the War god sat behind the Learner. As they approached, Zhen continued to stare at the ground.

Eventually the party reached a murky swamp. The tall, overhanging willows kept most light from getting in. The Child had to watch her steps so as not to fall into some of the marshier ground. She looked at the ground with a distasteful look. It was all so... dirty...

Walking alongside the lake, in the distance, they could see a small temple with many dome-shaped structures in the middle of the lake. Large bridges of dirt stretched across the lake to the temple. As they followed the bridge, the Child looked around, wondering why everything was so dark.

At the temple, the doors opened automatically upon Dui's arrival. Then the three stepped inside, The Wanderer trailing behind.

Inside the temple was dark, with only a few candles lighting the entire place. Now and then a child dressed in light blue and light green robes skittered through this room into another.

Dui turned to the Child and smiled again. "Allow me to take you to your room." The Child's eyes were now glued to Dui, and she beamed happily.


How do you greet a god you don't worship?

Unread postby FinsterDieTragik » Wed Jun 16, 2004 7:10 pm

Learner adjusted the shield on his back a bit nervously.
After a few seconds to many of uncomfortable silence,Learner smiled and bowed,much lower than he had bowed to the warrior but not what one would call devout or humble either.
"Zhen?"He asked the obvious,and ;sense it was obvious continued,"Li has sent me here to seek you out,she told me that you would explain what happens presently."He had almost said us,but didn't want to speak for the Artist."This is the Artist,"He added quickly,not wanting to fail to introduce her either.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: How do you greet a god you don't worship?

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:56 am

Wanderer simply followed in silence, taking in every detail about the place that he could, remembering the routes taken, and trying not to look too suspicious.


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