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Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 7:27 pm
by Shinigori V2
Nobody is TOUCHING my SCARF. El replies sharply, as she hops down from the catwalk, landing heavily, yet still somehow gracefully, on the factory floor below.

As for the rest, they worked their way down the stairs, the armory to their left as they hit the bottom. As they enter, the kids notice racks upon racks of assorted weapons, enough to arm a small army...All scaled down to Wunderkind size at that. NEXT's Armory. Vi sends. Like I said, grab what you want, but try not to break it.

(Computer's working again. I'll have a map as soon as I'm back up to full working capacity here. For now, just assume that the armory has what you're looking for in terms of modern weaponry and I'll just use generic stats.)

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 2:47 am
by PriamNevhausten
Milton armed himself with a flamethrower, a narrow assault rifle with old-school style iron sights, a band of shotgun ammo, a wrench, and a single fragmentation grenade.

No, really.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 3:00 am
by ChristianC
Gene went bananas in the armory, acting like a kid in a toy-store, grabbing knives, a steel-reinforced bo, a pair of swords, nunchakus... like... everything. He seemed somewhat encumbered after grabbing it all, but he grinned at the others and thumbed his nose.

"This is awesome, yeah? What're you guys getting?"

...noticing the look he got from some of the others in the team, he kind of drooped a bit and put some of the stuff back, ending with a pair of knives and a staff...

"We get to grab more stuff later, huh?"

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:00 am
by Shinigori V2
(I hate both of you. I just want you to know.)

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:30 pm
by darkknight61189
James walked into his dream world. There were guns and weapons everywhere, and James wanted all of them. He walked around, gawking at all the different kinds of assault rifles, then giggled a little at all the different kinds of shotguns. He poked every grenade they had in stock, and he realized he was really going to enjoy himself. He walked over to the wall that was covered in different types of infantry-borne missiles, from Stingers to the ever faithful RPG. He started to grab one, then realized that perhaps firing off an explosive round in the confines of the ship might get them all killed. He put down the FGM-148 Javelin that his hand had gravitated towards.

Instead he headed back towards the shotguns and picked out a SPAS-12 semi-automatic tactical shotgun with a folding stock. He then picked up incendiary rounds, breaching rounds, buckshot and slugs for the gun, decking himself out in bandoleers that made him look a bit like a tiny Rambo. He then walked over to the grenades and picked out three fragmentation grenades, 2 smoke grenades, and a flashbang. In his head he sang And a partridge in a pear tree. He also grabbed night vision goggles and a motion detector.

Then a thought occurred to him. He was being incredibly lethal at the moment. So, he asked over the COMs Are we supposed to bring this spy in alive? As he said this he walked over to the submachine gun area and picked up a Kriss Super V and strapped it to his leg. After a few .45 caliber magazines he was ready to go hunt down this spy.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:54 pm
by ChristianC
Gene gave James a veeeeery skeptical look, then shrugged and set off running again, sending a message back to Rambo.

I'd like to see you move with all the stuff you're packing, compensator. You ain't gonna keep up with the Zaft clunking around with all that.

And with that, he was off, a streak of lightning running at pace with the awesome ninja-twin, the knives tucked into slots at his wrists and the staff held behind his back by an easy strap.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 7:57 am
by Shinigori V2
(CHANGE IN PLANS, YOU GET NO MAP. I will explain how to handle the ship when it becomes relevant.)

NEXT begins to mobilize, grabbing whatever guns they can, and preparing to step out.

As they do, however, there's a sudden change in weight and momentum, and everyone goes crashing to the floor with a series of loud metal clangs, another reminder of the children's new bodies. "She's on the bridge." Vi mumbles, before switching back to internal comms. Get to the bridge, NOW. If we don't stop her, we're going to be in a ton of trouble!

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:08 pm
by Shinigori V2
(I really hate how it doesn't bump on edits.)

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:54 am
by ChristianC
Gene gave an almost excited sound as the ship changed it's angle, and as he slammed into the side of a wall he gave a surprised yelp, then a loud laugh. That hadn't hurt at all!

But then he was back to business, all business. The bridge, huh? He'd be there, like, right now! He nodded to the others, especially El whom had begun to earn his respect. This scarf-chick could run, but could she handle herself? Only time could tell.

Right, the bridge. Anything more you guys know about her, like, how good of a fighter she is? I wouldn't want to break something. he laughed again and set off, having bounced on the tips of his booted feet for a short while while he waited for any further instructions. In a private message to El, he added. Race ya there

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:11 pm
by Shinigori V2
Does it MATTER how good a fighter she is? Vi snapped back. We're Wunderkind. You know, highly evolved? Supremely powerful? Go! We'll catch up!

El didn't bother responding, choosing instead to streak off towards the nearest bulkhead.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 2:34 pm
by darkknight61189
James heard the orders and began his movement towards the bridge. He ran along, and though he was quickly passed by El and Gene, it didn't occur to him that they might be outgunned. He just hoped he got there before any of these two speedsters got too badly hurt. There also wasn't any doubt in his mind that one of them was going to get badly hurt.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:37 pm
by PriamNevhausten
Stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp. Milton was highly prepared, but also weighted down. Heedless of his own rising fatigue, he marched dutifully onward behind the rest of the group, making up for his lack of speed with his profound noisiness.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:35 am
by ChristianC
Eugene Zaft was a lot of things. He was an excellent runner, could climb, jump and roll his way across mostly everything, and had a hell of a kick, but being cautious was not in his repertoir of impressive skills. So while the others took caution over risk, Gene was happily dashing around all over the place, turning every nook and cranny to see if he could spot the intruder.

He even seemed to be easily distracted, because an interesting noise, or a cool machine, could have him make a 90 degrees turn and dash off to who knows where, abandoning his original path.

Still, he was having a fun time, which was something... I guess?

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:11 pm
by Shinigori V2
At varying speeds, the children make it out the bulkhead..Outside, onto the deck of the Exeter.

The metal floor is iced over, and the tower that contains the bridge is on the far side. The speeders will have a hard time of it, here.

Everyone notices, as well, the heavy snow falling from the dark sky, and can actually feel the chilly wind on their faces. Interesting, given robotic bodies.

"What are you waiting for!?" Vi Shouts. "Move!"

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 4:11 pm
by ChristianC
Gene gives the area a look-over. Any cables, ledges, edges, tools or just about anything else he could use to cross to the bridge was searched for. He narrowed his eyes as he saw nothing, then the voice of Vi hit him and he noticed, for the first time, snow.

Bleh! Snow and ice. Nothing ruined his mood more. Snow was cold, made climbing a chore, and always hid a spot of ice where you least expected it. He could count the times he'd hurt himself, badly, when slipping on some hidden ice.

He huddled slightly as he considered his options, but... there didn't seem to be any other way but across the iced floor... so let's go! Easy does it!

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:38 am
by PriamNevhausten
Who brought a flamethrower? Oh yeah, Milton did.

This fact became all the more clear as he slung it to his back without having used it and began dutifully combat-crawling across the deck.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 8:37 pm
by Shinigori V2
Milton begins crawling across the icy deck, sliding every now and then. DJ and Vi look to one another, before looking back to what the others will do.

Meanwhile, from behind the group, there is..A clattering sound, accompanied by barking. Exey seems to have been uploaded, and is dutifully chasing her masters. AS she reaches the deck, her fingers- Long and very sharp- Dig into the ice, tearing it up as she simply runs across, and into the tower, barking the whole way.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:30 pm
by darkknight61189
James came across the snowed up area and smiled. He had always loved snow, the way it felt when crunching under foot. He was surprised by the feel of the wind, though, as he had not felt the wind in quite a while. He immediately began plodding through the snow and making it to the other side of the deck. The ice didn't seem to bother him nearly as much as it did some. The heavy combat type body he'd been put in meant that his feet had a much bigger surface area, and the extra weight of his body, plus all the weapons, helped to keep him upright. Combined with that an ingrained sense of good balance, James had no problems crossing, enjoying the sound and feeling of the crunching snow under his feet.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 9:48 am
by ChristianC
Now, Gene would've probably noticed the flamethrower earlier, had he not been so busy fiddling around with his knives and quarterstaff, but as Milton began to crawl across the ice he gave a hiccup like sound and began to almost dance around on his toes, trying to figure out the boy's name before he realized he already knew, his much more efficient computer-brain-thing having already figured it out.

"Hey, Milton, crawler!" he called out to the medic, "Why aren't you just flaming away the ice, yeah? Why else wouldya bring a big gun like that widya?"

He was giving the ice the kind of look that you usually reserved for a horse if you had a history of being kicked by them. A look of reluctant suspicion.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 12:12 pm
by PriamNevhausten
Milton stopped crawling, but only for a moment, and if one were the floor (and, if said floor had eyes), one would see a look of shock, followed quickly by disapproval and then urgency, before he returned to his crawling retinue.

For all the rest of them knew, though, Milton may have just suffered a petit mal seizure and perhaps just didn't hear Gene. Though he did find Exey's torn footprints to be good handholds, and used those to pull himself along once he discovered this property.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:33 pm
by ChristianC
Milton clearly had some kind of weird issues. That's fine. That's cool.

Now, okay... getting across the ice. Well, there was... a railing... he could hold on to that, so he did so... slowly, slowly sliding his feet across the ice.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:07 pm
by Shinigori V2
James takes one step, just one step, onto the ice.

Immediately, his feet have slipped out from under him, landing him with a loud clang on his not so shiny metal ass. Not really painful, but it's kind of irritating, after his confidence.

Jean has a similar issue, even with his grip firmly on the railing, his feet are just..Sliding around, giving him nothing.

Milton, being Milton, is cruising along just fine. He's already about halfway across!

El seems to have a good idea, taking a step back, and then taking a running jump at the ice, sliding on her hip across the entire span, jumping back to her feet on the far end, and following Exey inside.

"...Why can't any of the rest of you think of stuff like that?!" Vi screams.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:16 pm
by ChristianC
Gene gav El a sour look, not to mention Vi (She wasn't being any fun at all!) before he conceded. If he was going to fall from a huge airship hovering miles upon miles above the earth, he might as well do it in style...

So what he did was pretty simple. Since there was significantly less ice on the railing, it would serve as a better surface to brace against, and without missing a beat he grabbed it by both hands, curled up with his feet resting against the same railing besides his feet (the steel was groaning slightly, which reminded him that he had about as much lightness to his steps as a bowling ball made of concrete) and then he pushed off, the groan of steel bending accompanying his jump before he twisted mid-air and landed, just a little unsteadily, on the other side.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 9:09 pm
by darkknight61189
James got up and wiped himself off. Seems he wasn't quite used to his new body yet. Instead of crossing like a normal person, he instead took a few steps back and followed El's example, sliding across the ice.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 1:26 am
by PriamNevhausten
It turns out it's a lot easier to do those wall-climb activities when the wall is horizontal and the grips are concave and sharp!

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 12:06 pm
by Shinigori V2
Sooner or later, everyone gets across the icy expanse of the Exeter's deck, and begin making their way up the exterior stairs leading to the bridge tower. As they reach the landing at the top, there's a loud crash, as Exey is launched through the door, knocking the bulkhead off it's hinges entirely. Exey slides to a stop near the stairs, and whimpers a weak bark, before her system shuts down.

On the bridge, there is the woman from the security footage. She's shorter than the angle of the camera lead them to believe; standing only about a foot and some change taller than the kids themselves. Her hair is chopped short, and jet black, and her skin's a very pale color, other than dark circles around her eyes- her eyes themselves being a very vibrant, poisonous jade color.

Her clothes are simple; an Imperial military uniform, though chopped up a bit and more than a little ragged. She wears an Imperial officer's coat as a vest over a tight black shirt, and her boots are scuffed- Probably from kicking Exey.

Most importantly, there's a dark aura about the woman, as if the lights around her are weakening in her presence.

"Little super-heroes, huh?" She scoffs. "This ship is in restricted waters. You're turning around. Now."

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:17 pm
by darkknight61189
James saw Exey go flying through the air and immediately began moving. He wasn't fast enough to catch her, but she was agile enough to not need any help before sliding down the stairs. Instead, James positioned himself in front of Exey, between her and the lady. He didn't notice Exey begin to shut down, but he positioned himself such that if the lady began shooting them, he'd be able to block any shots that would hit the already wounded Wunderkind. James then leveled his shotgun at the woman and said," Yeah? Well, you're on our ship. Get the heck off!" James turned to Gene, who was probably already moving, and shouted, "Gene, grab her, but be careful!"

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:48 am
by PriamNevhausten
Oh shit, someone's wounded! Milton gets to be legitimately useful!

Scrabbling to his feet, he marched heavily to Exey's location, fiddling with one of the payloads of the shotgun ammo bandolier--flechette ammo, it seemed--and appraised the condition of his favorite (and so far, only) patient.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:27 am
by ChristianC
Gene didn't need to be told twice by James, but James had been right in his assumption.

With a grin that seemed to split his face in two, the young boy had set off towards the intruder, dodging and weaving in an almost curled up way to present a smaller target. He gave a small laugh as he ran towards the woman, looking as if he was rushing past her before he swirled around backwards, an elbow sent flying towards where her face was, the boy intending a dual-feint as he began to sink in preparation of delivering a sweep kick should the elbow fail.

He hadn't brought out any weapons yet, 'cause, you know, that would be cheating. He wanted to find out what he was up against, after all.

"I'm not a super-hero, I'm a mega hero!" he laughed at her, checking to see if El was on her way.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:52 am
by Shinigori V2
Milton finds that Exey's had a system shutdown! There's a pretty big dent in her stomach/chest area, caused by a substantial impact. This woman is strong enough to put a six inch dent in a Wunderkind's Endurium body.

The dent is easily enough that it hit and damaged Exey's main reactor, causing a power failure, and a system shutdown. If he can make a quick repair to the reactor, fix that dent a bit, and jumpstart her, she'll be right as rain! ...As far as Exey goes at least.


Gene runs at the woman! She seems to be pretty good at dodging his attacks- How could a human be almost as fast as he is?

Finally, she grabs his arm and shoves him backwards, towards the door again, as El, Katey, and Vi arrive at the top of the landing. did El JUST get there?

"Reinforcements, huh?" The woman asks quietly. "You two! The redhead twins." The woman points. "You've got pretty, green, green eyes. But they'd look better if they were a bit greener."

The woman snaps her fingers, and Katey and El grab their heads, both doubling over and screaming. That can't be good.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:56 pm
by ChristianC
Gene blinked once, twice.

Wow, that definitely hadn't happen before. He was usually able to get at least one hit in whenever he'd been in a fight.... and that had been many, many times. Only time he could think of was when he'd just started out his wunderoo-training, but that'd been 'cause he wasn't used to his new body...

Which meant that this woman, whoever she was, was actually going to be fun fighting! With a wide smile Gene bounced off a few feet, drew his staff and gave it a twirl. He was going to save the knives for last, no point in going full-out before he knew what he was up against.

She'd done something to those twins' eyes, and any strategic-minded person would've gone "Oh, better not look at her then", but this was Gene, and his thinking merely extended to "Wow, those ninja girls sure were all talk and no go!"

So, without further ado, he tap-tap-tapped towards her, running on the tip of his feet before bouncing off, jumping over the woman while trying to strike her with the staff from above, twisting in the air to land on his feet.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:25 pm
by darkknight61189
James figured with Gene in melee combat with the woman, his shots would be likely to hit Gene, so he held off on that. Instead, he turned to see Milton working on Exey. He assumed that he'd be able to handle her and moved on to his next objective. securing the girls. He ran over and once again placed his larger body between the girls and the woman, leveling his shotgun at her, loaded with slugs. He craned his head over and shouted, "Hey, girls, what's wrong?"

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:58 pm
by Shinigori V2
"You..." El hisses at James. "You think you're SO GREAT, being a heavier unit!?"

El looks up, her eyes glowing bright green. "I'm just as good as you are! And you can't touch my scarf! Nobody can TOUCH MY SCARF!"

Katey continues to hold her head, struggling. "She's..Doing..Something to our programming...I..Can't..Stand...Gene!"

...Well, she's done something to El's programming, at least.

Meanwhile, with the woman herself, Gene takes a large downward swing! ...That the woman blocks with one arm. With the other, she grabs the top of the bow staff, taking all 500+ pounds of Gene's body...And smashing it into the floor of the bridge with a loud CLANG. She then wraps her leg around the staff, cracking it and snapping it half with a single motion.

Vi runs in, taking wild swings at the woman, who seems..Underwhelmed.

How can a single human woman be keeping up with a team of Wunderkind!?

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:26 am
by PriamNevhausten
Having loosed a flechette from its delivery mechanism, Milton held it in front of him with the wrench and heated it with the pilot light from the flamethrower. Having now a hot tool with which to probe around, Milton went about comparing the damaged reactor in front of him to the one in his schematic memory. Seemed some of the power cores were ruptured, perhaps? If he turned off the power couplings to those particular fuel cells, the circuit would likely be completed again, having given the redundant failsafes a proper chance to kick in--the designers apparently hadn't anticipated severe blunt force trauma to the central power supply unit (how careless!).

Just a few fasteners to undo before the relevant pathways would be complete and Exey would, presumably, be back in action, although at a lower power output threshold since half her power supply would no longer be connected. It was all highly unorthodox, but the principles were sound and straight from the Wunderkind Maintenance and Repair Manual (Abridged Edition for Medics). And it would enable Exey to be up and running again until her shell could be returned to a proper repair facility, which was essentially Milton's mission in a nutshell.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:31 am
by ChristianC

Welp, that hadn't worked! The momentary confusion on Gene's face as the woman grabbed the pole and threw him into the ground was replaced once more by that excited grin. "Wow," Eugene Zaft thought to himself as he lay there for a moment, thinking (which, even though it was Gene, still only took a fraction of a second. Even stupid computers work fast), "that actually hurt! I wonder how she made Katey hate me... must've been some powerful magic. That's cheating, using magic AND fighting. I wish I could do that too, oh well, here we go!"

And with a roll of his body he bounced back up on his feet, cracking his neck and doing his best Bruce Lee.

"Hey, you're pretty good. Looks like I have to get serious." It hadn't yet occurred to him that this was a normal human he was fighting, so the fact that she could handle a team of wunderkinds only barely registered with him.

He entered a fighting stance, smiling confidently at the woman. "Rock... paper..." then, suddenly, he bounced forward, but aiming his jump to stop a few feet in front of her, planning to use the slick floor to glide towards the woman. "SCISSORS!" and with a *ktchk* the two blades hidden in the compartments in his wrists slid out, his fingers gripping the curved handles and his smile breaking into a huge grin as he aimed to put a knife into each of the woman's legs.

"Tell me if this is cheating, ok?"

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 6:12 am
by darkknight61189
James looked at El with a wide eye. "Are you kidding me?" He wasn't sure whether her hostility was just the woman's reprogramming, but he was still a bit dumbfounded. Instead, he just ignored the two of them, making sure that he was ready for the woman if and when she got through the two Wunderkind currently assailing her. Meanwhile, he put his mind to work. Clearly she wasn't human, probably some sort of rogue Wunderkind. Perhaps she was Thirteen, manifested in a Wunderkind body. Or maybe she was just someone else that was against the mechanization of children. James checked the chamber of his shotgun again to make sure that a slug was resting in there nicely. then leveled it at the woman, waiting for an opening. As soon as both of the wunderkind were clear, for any reason, he'd take a shot.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:21 am
by Shinigori V2
In being caught up with Vi, the woman doesn't get much of a chance to keep Gene off her legs, and her...Roaring(?) causes the windows on the bridge to rattle. With one hand, she backhands Vi away, snapping their leader's Indurium arm like a pencil. With her other hand, she grabs at Gene's shoulder, crinkling it up like a soda can, and shoving him backwards.

Everyone was clear, and that's when things got nasty.

James was dead on with his shotgun blast. A pipe breaks behind the woman, filling the the room with hot steam, blocking their normal vision, and their infrared.

AS the steam clears, there's a definite problem. The woman is still there. The wounds on her legs have healed already, and her eyes are glowing their dark, poisonous jade green. The horrific part is her arm.

It appears the woman instinctively brought it up to block the buckshot. In doing so, a device on her wrist was severely damaged- electricity arcs from a bracer type device. The arm itself is...Different. It's not human, that's for sure- Four long, sharp fingers, the entire limb covered in a combination of insectoid chitin and metal up to the elbow, quite a bit larger than it should realistically be for her frame.

"...So." The woman says after a moment, lowering her claw, "I'm perfectly willing to call this a draw if you are."

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 3:52 am
by ChristianC
Gene gave a surprised yelp as the woman backhanded their glorious and infallible leader and lifted the boy-wonder up by his shoulder, crushing it in effect. A large part of his mind was telling him, repeatedly, that this hurt like hell, but another, smarter part, informed him that functions of the left arm had been severely damaged and power was being redirected in an effort to prevent a potential shortcircuiting and further damage.

With his mind and body so occupied, it took everything he had to remain standing, and his eyes turned in wide-eyed wonder, and perhaps a hint of fear, towards the enormous, clawed appendage of the significantly smaller woman.

However, she was trespassing on their ship.

"Draw?" Gene's emotions bounced around in his tiny frame like crazy neutrons, "Draw!? I don't think so, not until you leave this ship!" He twirled the knife in his hand, his face a look of... concentration, the smirk washed away as he seemed much more relaxed, his fighting pose more subtle. This, his mind told him rather convincingly, was an opponent he most likely couldn't beat. And that was awesome.

Without a sound he dashed towards her again, his movement unpredictable, fast, mad. He wasn't going to let some bug-alien-woman ruin his first real fight as a wunderkind. He. Was. Going. To. Win.

The fact that one of his arms was dangling uselessly on his side, making his chances of winning even slimmer, didn't even seem to occur to the red and yellow boy.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:27 pm
by darkknight61189
James was about to agree with Gene about the draw but, as the little boy wunder was wont to do, Gene dashed off towards the woman before James could say anything. Instead, he kept the semi-automatic shotgun trained on the woman, a bit creeped out by her arm, and looked over at Milton's work. He then glanced over at Vi, then at the two girls behind him. Man, keeping these guys safe and in proper working order was going to be hard. "Milton, hurry up over there, Vi needs some serious help if she's going to give Gene a hand. Or two." He kept a close eye on Gene's fight, again waiting for an opening to let loose another slug at the woman.

Re: Child's Play: The NEXT Initiative

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:33 pm
by PriamNevhausten
Didn't the others see Milton was working, here? That thunderous rumbling, the hot's like they didn't WANT him to administer assistance to Exey. These are delicate procedures he's conducting! He hardly even had room for his 'instruments,' he had to get his face so close to her abdomen in order to see.