Things were not looking good, from Murray's perspective. Not only had three of his companions gotten themselves killed, the idiots! But also his precious golem was faring badly, and that complete dolt Larry was running away from a duck. He shouted across the arena.
"Larry, get your ass in gear, it's a fucking duck! A
The only response he got was a whimper, and his golem fell over... on top of Ali'da, pinning her and hurting like hell, but also yanking Murray off balance!
And then, it happened. Falchetta felt one of her arms being twisted behind her, locking into the secure and painful position usually inflicted by guards upon resisting criminals. Behind her was the steady face of Larry, and the one running from ducks had disappeared entirely.
There was still at least one more illusionist about.
(Ali'da gets fallen on by a golem, causing 23 damage, putting her at 34/60 including subdual, plus she's pinned and gets -4/-4 AT/PA. Falchetta gets armlocked, which makes Larry the only one she can target, and she gets the same AT/PA penalty. She'll also have to pass a check to spellcast.
Hexboard, and it's Virgil's turn.)
Edited by: GC130A at: 11/29/04 10:28 pm