Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

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Re: Recall what I said when you kids aren't Archmages?:P

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Feb 25, 2003 11:39 pm

"I....umm..hold on...didn't you chase that thief? Didn't he use some sort of light spell, and disappear? What if the two events are related?" Talos looked over to the child again.

"And why? I think there's more to that thief than meets the eye...."

Talos was racking his brain. What kind of spell HAD that thief used? It was light magic, but that's all he knew.


Re: Recall what I said when you kids aren't Archmages?:P

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Tue Feb 25, 2003 11:47 pm

Kaili looked at Talos. "I only chased him for a bit." She shrugged. "A child is more important than a small amount of money."

She placed her hands on her hips and grimaced. "And don't you think its possible they could have just wandered off from each other? I doubt the thief would have a easy time getting away with a woman over his shoulder."

Kaili crossed her arms and sighed. "Listen, why not just ask around. It would be far better than just standing around waiting."

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Re: Recall what I said when you kids aren't Archmages?:P

Unread postby Deeum » Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:44 pm

After watching the Ferrests persistence, Sarya followed onward and saw came upon the struggle. She unsheathed her blade and took a few steps forward.
'OK now.. stop all these now.' Sayra grunted
((OOC: use that as a hold for me)

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Talos can be a jerk.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:45 pm

"'A flash of light, and she was gone' Does that sound like they simply got seperated? That sounds more like someone cast a spell, and did something...I don't know. It doesn't sound quite like teleportation, but I doubt it was good." Talos looked a bit exasperated by this time.

"Something else is at work here. Look, you can ask around to see if anyone else found her mother. Just take her back home before it gets dark if you don't find her, so that her father doesn't worry. I have a feeling our thief has a part in this, and I honestly want to know what it is."

Talos then looked over to the child again. "Can you answer one more question before I go? What does your mommy do for a living?"


Re: Talos can be a jerk.

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Wed Feb 26, 2003 10:51 pm

Kaili grumbled at the Talos under her breath and kneeled down by the girl. "I'm going to take you home if you will let me. Would you let me know where you live? I promise you I will find you mother once you are home with your father." Jet let out a mew at the girl, purring as he sat on Kaili's head.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Talos can be a jerk.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:26 am

The Cascade doesn't seem to care much for Sayra's Orders, as as he finishes his enchantment. Some of the water rises from the flood around them, Sealing away the windows in Ardiss' direction.

Kumenil dives at the thief in the meantime. His powerful hand clamping around the thief's arm, the Monster Hunter is easily able to jerk his victim off balance and ruin the thief's counter, a blow toward Kumenil's face.

(Kaze's Turn, Our Sayra can act whenever she damn well pleases)


The little girl looks up at Kaili and smiles sweetly. "I can take you to my house," she says, obviously sounding proud of it. "Especially since we don't have snow up to here!"

She holds a hand to her nose, not exaggerating the amount of snow that Zeal had to deal with in it's earlier days.


Re: Talos can be a jerk.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Feb 27, 2003 11:28 am

Kaze growled, regaining some balance upon hearing the sounds of newcomers on the scene. Also, it seemed that the older man he had been following earlier had grabbed hold of the thief, and doing anything to disrupt his hold on said person was a bad idea. His lightning plan had failed once, and he was not inclined to attempt it again. He made a mental note to start carrying around a weapon of some sort once all this was over, and turned his attention back to the person in the room who had irritated him the most since the beginning of this conflict.

He clasped his hands together, then began another chant. If the mage wished to mock his magic, let him do so after he had felt it's full wrath. Kaze halted himself as he began to cast another spell, realizing that what he had been planning would be unwise. He didn't wish to collapse the building, as he would get burried in the rubble. He also didn't wish to use any lightning spells now, as he risked shocking the man who had captured the thief. He couldn't move either, and he was therefore left with a limited number of options.

"Shadows of terror..." he began once again the incantations to cast Dark Tower.

In the mean time, outside the building, Kaze's ferret was very much disturbed by the wall of water that was now blocking it's entrance to the building. Not being particularly bright, it crouched down there with a dejected look on it's face, clearly worried about Kaze.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Talos can be a jerk.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Feb 27, 2003 2:02 pm

(The windows are blocked, not the entrance. Ardiss can get in, he just can't snipe from that angle anymore)

Kaze's mind grasps at the arcane energies, trying to shape them around the agony racing through his legs.

He can feel it after a moment, and directs the eldritch energies into a pillar of shadowy magic, Directing it beneathe The Cascade's feet.

It roars up to engulf him, enshrouding him in the dark energy for a moment. He makes no sound, and as the magic clears, he seems unharmed, save for a slight paleness around what little flesh he has exposed.

(Ardiss now, and Sayra can act when she wants)

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ME no write good :{{.

Unread postby Deeum » Thu Feb 27, 2003 4:42 pm

Being dismissed like that only seemed to piss Sayra off alittle more then she was.
taking a firm grasps of her sword , Sayra lunged forward shield first. Hoping she could knock the Cascade off balance before impaling him with her sword.

Uncle Pervy

Re: ME no write good :{{.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:59 pm

Sadly, waist-deep water is not the best thing to try and charge through. The Cascade easily side-steps Sayra's attack, and sends her sprawling into the drink with a well timed trip.

(No damage, just a way to demonstrate the nature of your miss)

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Here goes nothing... :/

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Feb 28, 2003 8:32 am

Praying that the thief have at least some value to the wizard, Kumenil lifts his blade at the throat of the thief.

"Cascade." He says, opening his mouth for the first time since he entered the building.

"Cease your resistance, or your little friend will be faced with more trouble than he could handle."

To prove his point, Kumenil slowly presses the edge of his blade against the throat of the young pickpocket, slightly piercing the skin enough for a small line of blood to escape.

<span style="color:fuchsia;">OOC - What? It works.</span>

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Trapped in Ice? FIX IT!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:32 pm

Seeing what Kumenil was doing, and deciding it was worth a chance, rather than attacking again he calmly walked to Kaze. He placed his hands on the ice, and...

"Gentle flames, bring warmth to that which has none..."

(Heat Object, in an attempt to melt down the ice holding Kaze.)


Re: Talos can be a jerk.

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Fri Feb 28, 2003 3:35 pm

Kaili smiled at the girl. "Well then child, lead the way. I will follow you." She then took the girls hand and nodded. "Lead on."

(( SO short.... ))

Uncle Pervy

GMing ahoy! :D!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 28, 2003 6:38 pm

"Alright," the hitherto unnamed child says to Kaili and Talos, "It's this way."

She then leads them down the street, and past the alley that Sayra and the rest had dashed through.


The Ice melts away gently under the effects of Ardiss' spell. Kaze falls to his knees immediately, his frostbitten legs refusing to support him. Luckily, he is still able to keep his head and neck above the water.

The Cascade turns to face Kumenil, but he does not speak. Instead, he makes a subtle motion with his hand.

Kumenil suddenly cries out, as sphere rockets out from the water and slamming into his side, sending both him and the thief sprawling into the water. The thief fights against Kumenil's grasp, breaking free of the stranglehold by jabbing an elbow in to monster hunter's kidney!

"Do you think you really stand chance," The Cascade hisses, "When you stand waist deep in the very element I control?"

With that, he raises his hands, and the water all around the group begins to writhe and churn. Washes begin to rise, Slamming into Ardiss and making sure that no one else can stand.

(All are prone at the moment. Kaze won't be standing for awhile, but he can crawl and not drown)


The little giril leads Talos and Kaili down the street, and around a corner, past a flooded part of Kajar. As they walk by it, Kailil glances over as she sees the water rippling around one of the abandoned buildings rather oddly.

Talos, a but curious as to what caught the cat-loving sorceress' attebtion looks over, and sees that the windows along one side of it are blocked by what seems to be a wall of solid water.

Neither miss the cries of surprise and pain that ring out afterwards.


Re: GMing ahoy! :D!

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Mar 02, 2003 3:31 pm

Kaili looks at Talos and then the girl. "Um...... Do you find that odd at all?" Kaili wanted to go see what was going on but at the moment providing this child with safe passage home was a bit more important to her then rushing into a flooded building.

"Why don't you go see whats going on in there?"


Re: GMing ahoy! :D!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Mar 02, 2003 3:49 pm

Kaze let the waves of the water carry him to the side of the building. Now that the chilling cold of the ice was gone, and it no longer supported him, he found that both his mind and body had given out. He could do little more than grab weakly onto a window sill and hold himself there to let things clear...

((Kaze passes on this turn, trying to collect his wits.))

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Talos=probably dead meat.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Mar 02, 2003 9:14 pm

Talos looked at the building for a second, then back to Kali and the little girl.

"Umm..right. Just get her home safe, will you?"

With that, Talos dashed into the building, looking for the victim of the scream.

Uncle Pervy

Talos=<strike>probably</strike> dead meat.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Mar 02, 2003 9:55 pm

"Another one?" asks the Cascade, as the young scholar charges into the flooded building. The water is rough, but it does not hinder Talos quite so much.

"This is pointless," says the water mage. "There is nothing you can do. You have no information the guard lacks, nor any reason to waste my time."

With that, he raises a hand, and urges the water to surge upwards around both him, and the thief.

In a moment, the water recededs and both are gone. All that remains is a small card, floating where The Cascade stoods.


Kaili hears the sound of onrushing booted feet. Looking over, she sees half a dozen Argent Guardmen charging from an alley and heading toward her and the flooded building.

"Do you think they found Mommy?" the little girl asks hopefully.


Re: Talos=<strike>probably</strike> dead meat.

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:34 pm

Kaili stared at the huge rush of guards heads towards her direction. She looked down at the little girl and smiled. "Perhaps they have...." Then she looked back to the guards. "Or maybe they haven't...."

Jet mewed as Kaili looked to the girl again, "Do you want to wait and see or head home to your father?"


Is 'stoods' a word?

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Mar 02, 2003 10:43 pm

Kaze dragged himself along the wall, floundering through the water until he was near where the mage had been. He reached one hand over and grabbed the card apparently left by the mage and looked at it, trying to figure out what it was, at the same time trying to stay above the water.

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No, it's not. ^_^'

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:38 am

Kumenil rose slowly from the water, shaking his head.

"<span style="color:navy;">This is not good...</span>" He mumbled slowly as he walked up to Kaze, trying to see what the little card said. "<span style="color:navy;">If those two are allowed to run free, who knows what'll happen...</span>"


They're coming to take us away, ha ha!

Unread postby besyanteo » Tue Mar 04, 2003 3:55 pm

Ardiss was by now considerably closer to the door than the rest of them, and was able to hear those footsteps. He ran the current situation through his head.

We're standing in someone else's home, casting magic like nobodies business, and the theif with the evidence of what relly occured is now missing.

"... We're in big trouble..."

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Poor Talos, the innocent bystander that goes to help!

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:34 am

Talos just looked at the two, then it registered in his brain what had just happened. It did NOT register that he might be taken for questioning by the guard as well.

"Umm...are you two alright? Anything worse than being waterlogged?"

~And later, I interrogate about the thief.~

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Re: Poor Talos, the innocent bystander that goes to help!

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:18 am

Kumenil looked up at the man that had entered and frowned.

"<span style="color:navy;">Hmpf... I'm alright...</span>" The aged man says slowly as he dries his blade on a piece of cloth hanging from the wall.

"<span style="color:navy;">I'm going to report this to our Queen and let her decide upon further actions. It is not acceptable that we have thieves running around in our lands.</span>"


Re: Poor Talos, the innocent bystander that goes to help!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Mar 05, 2003 10:26 am

Kaze grunted out a brief reply to Talos. "Can't feel my legs..."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Poor Talos, the innocent bystander that goes to help!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:27 pm

The card has a picture of a blue length of silk, resembling The Cascade's veil. On it is simply written "The Whispering Hands"


'They're in that building!" one of the Argent guardmen shouts.

"I'm sensing a lot of attack magic, sir!" Says another.

"Fan out! Cerik, deal with her!" says the one in the lead, as they run by past Kaili. Save for one, who break away and approaches her.

"Miss," the guardsman says as he jogs up to her. Kaili instantly recognizes him as the one from a few minutes ago. "It seems you were a witness to the events here. So, I am going to have to ask you to remain here, so that we can question you."


The building suddenly becomes very crowded as five Argent Guards flood inside. Within moments, they have taken positions around the room, ready to cast.

"Everyone in this building is hereby ordered to submit under the Queen's law," declares one of the guards, his cloak and breastplate decorations declaring him the Captain. "Resist and you will be branded as criminals and treated as such."

He then glances at Kaze, and says, "Sarten, treat the wounded once they submit."

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Re: Poor Talos, the innocent bystander that goes to help!

Unread postby Deeum » Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:06 pm

Sayra manages to pullherself out of the water from being knocked down previously.she leaned onto her knees hacking up some water and brushing some strands of red hair from her face, she had just noticed the argent guards stampeding into the room.
'Feh, of course..' She muttered and stood upright.
'Coming too take the credit for this, eh? well then, carry one.' Sayra snorted again sheathing her blade.

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:23 pm

"Well," says the Captain, glancing at Sayra and grinning "I suppose it isn't surprising that you're here. In any event, you're going to be answering some questions, so we can report this properly."


Re: Poor Talos, the innocent bystander that goes to help!

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:32 pm

Kaili sighed and looked at the child. "Sorry, it seems I can't get you home right away." Jet mewed quietly at the girl as well seeming to apologize just as Kaili did.

~At least they didn't say I was involved.....~

Uncle Pervy

Re: Poor Talos, the innocent bystander that goes to help!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:55 pm

The Guardman named Cerik looks down at the little girl, then says, "Don't worry, we'll help you find your mommy again."

"Thank you," replies the little girl. She then looks at Kaili and smiles, "Thank you for trying to help, Miss Cat Lady"


Re: Poor Talos, the innocent bystander that goes to help!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Mar 05, 2003 8:06 pm

Kaze, seeing the guards, had no thoughts of resisting. His legs were frost bitten, and his magical senses were still in a whirl. The card he had found told him nothing, other than the rediculous and contemptible name of the band of robbers who he had just met, and on top of it all, he was getting hungry.

With a soft sigh, he held up his hands to show that they were empty (save for the card in his left hand, for he was left handed), leaning against a wall for support and to keep his head above water. His ferret, having regained access to the building after the water mage had disappeared, jumped onto one of his arms and hauled itself over to its normal post on his shoulder, looking about at all the people in amazement and curiosity.

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Re: Poor Talos, the innocent bystander that goes to help!

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Mar 06, 2003 5:00 am

Kumenil looked with thin eyes at the guards that entered.

"<span style="color:navy;">"I'm not resisting, captain</span>" He growls, obviously recognizing the man. "<span style="color:navy;">But I demand an audience with her majesty the queen. This is of grave matter, matter which I have no intentions to share with the guard.</span>"

He stares at the guard captain, daring him to challenge, completely ignorant of what's happening around him.

((OOC - Had planned to play a bit on the age of Kumenil. He's been around for a while, so it's not impossible that he and the guard captain could've become enemies/rivals at some time))

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I post and no one told me to?! :{{ MY GOD

Unread postby Deeum » Fri Mar 07, 2003 12:56 am

Sayra shruged and walks out fo the building with a few of the guards.
She hopes to beable to atleast CHANGE her clothes before having to answer some questions. being wet and possibly infront of the queen doesn't settle with Sayra too well.

Uncle Pervy

Re: I post and no one told me to?! :{{ MY GOD

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:37 am

The Captain nods toward Kaze, and says, "Sarten, tend to him."

He then glances at Kumenil, and says, "Sir, perhaps you're recall that we are the Queen's personal guard. This is not a matter for the Queen, it is on for the Royal Guard of Kajar. Their duty is to deal with crime and public outbreaks.

"We deliver you there, then return to the festival."

A short man kneels by Kaze and says, "Hold still, son. This won't hurt you." Then he begins to chant quietly, as light gathers around his hands.

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Re: I post and no one told me to?! :{{ MY GOD

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Mar 07, 2003 6:38 am

Kumenil humpfs and nods. "<span style="color:navy;">Very well, lead the way then...</span>" He growls. He walks out the door, waving off the guard hasting to see to him.

"<span style="color:navy;">I am not wounded...</span>" He says with a scowl.

IM: "Except with my pride, of course..."


I post all the time without someone telling me to...

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Mar 07, 2003 9:58 am

Kaze watched as man focused his magic, taking mental notes on the chant he used, the way mana reacted, ect. While such things were beyond his own magical abilities, he still studied them as a matter of pride. Soon his legs began to regain feeling and the pain of the cold faded completely. He was able to stand, if only weakly. His physical endurance was not great.



Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Fri Mar 07, 2003 3:20 pm

Kaili looked at the little girl. "Miss Cat lady?" Jet mewed in approval of this name. "Oh hush you."

Kaili then smiled. "I'm Kaili, But if you prefer that name go ahead and call me that." She chuckled, "And this here is Jet." She motioned up to Jet who meowed at the girl.

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I post because it's been too long!

Unread postby Besyanteo » Sat Mar 08, 2003 1:31 pm

Ardiss stood waiting for them to start moving the group along.

"Of course, I won't resist."

I'm innocent, why should I?

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Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sun Mar 09, 2003 5:18 pm

Talos, stunned at the fact that they might arrest him had finally registered. He looked rather silly and unmenacing, really. A young scholar, holding a rather thick book that he had been reading when he started chasing the thief, and with his best clothes wet, usually looks rather humorous. Especially when he wears the 'frightened rabbit' expression.

~Oh heaven, this is going to ruin my reputation! I'll never work for the queen now!~

Slowly, he just nodded to the officers.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Above the Clouds (Zeal RP. Closed Freestyle)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Mar 09, 2003 6:11 pm

The Argent Guardsmen round up the aching, battered, and soaking group of Zealites. Those hurt by the Cascade's magic are aided by some spells from one of the guards, Sartan, that Kaze, and anyone else who pays attention, would know to be Light Magic.

Kaili and the little girl are collected as the Guard and their charges exit the flooded building, and are led through the mostly empty streets. The Guardsman called Cerik leaves the group with the little girl in tow, returning to the festival.

It does not take the group long to reach the Rather small and humble Guardstation. It does not appear vastly different from the homes around it; as life under the Eternal Blizzard did not lend itself to elaborate architectural endevors. However, the designs and decorations have been shaped by magic, and are much more complex than those of the homes around it. These little modifications to the basic blocky design served to deflect snow and redirect the wind. Neither are truly a concern anymore.

The captain of the Argent Guard meets with one of the officials on duty, while a helpful fire mage dries off the six Zealites with a warming spell.

Sayra and Kumenil are both quite familiar with this place. The former from her duties. The latter from the life he has pursued; for this is where he came to learn of monsters that were being problematic and collect the rewards.

Sayra knows that they are most likely going to meet with Captain Picke Lucens, who has lead the guard in their duties for at least ten years. She has spoken briefly with him before, but never in a situation quite like this.

"This way, please," says the Fire Mage, a face that Kumenil recognizes from his visits here in the past. She leads them into the front room, and directs them to a number of wooden chairs along the wall.

"Please wait here," Offers the mage, "We have to wait for the Captain to return from his home. This was meant to be his day off."

(OOC: Take this time to worry, Angst, and meet each other. I continue this tomorrow)


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