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Unread postby Choark » Wed Jun 05, 2002 10:17 am

Shasti stretched and yawned. The summoning had taken a lot out of her, even if that was all she actually added to the fight and she had had enough for one day.

Trrying to forget the stress her brother had, and will, put her through she turned to Jelai and Rina.

"Hey Jee? You're heading to the showers did ya say?" Shasti grinned. Most of the time she was a good girl, following the rules, all of them and always doing what she was told but on a day like this. . . some rules could be bent to her liking.

She leaned in closer to her friend and whispered into her ear, as best she could given the height difference.

" I think I know how to have some fun with the shower system. . . if you're intrested that is " She gave a small laugh.

Right now, she'd break all sorts of rules to forget about her dumb brother . . .

- - - -

Dane passed by a strange student on his way back to his room.

"Hey? Would you like to have these cards? My dad brought them me but I already had em. . . its a really fun game."

Dane looked at him and at the cards.

"The hell? What sort of Seed would I be if I went around playing some sort of card game for kids!? Get outta here ya wimp! Go play with ya daddy!"

Dane walked off, shaking his head. God! They let anyone try out for Seed don't they?!

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/5/02 2:24:06 pm

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Re: *yawns*

Unread postby Banjooie » Wed Jun 05, 2002 12:34 pm

Navin sat back, nursing his sprain. Then it occurred to him.
Wait a minute. I have cure spells. What the heck am I DOING?
The tendons healed themselves, and Navin got out of the infirmary.
Still tired though, and....
"Hey! My dad just gave me these cards, but I already had 'em, would you like 'em?"

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Re: *yawns*

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Jun 05, 2002 4:02 pm

Ash was sitting at his desk in his room. Neither Nale nor Dane were there. He reached over and pushed the button on the School Radio/Intercom, "Would the students Nale and Dane please come to my office immediately?" blared over the intercom throughout the entire school.


egh shower scene....

Unread postby KraKeN » Wed Jun 05, 2002 6:12 pm

Blood mixed with water and flowed down the plug-hole, Nale pulled his hands through his matted hair as cool water cascaded down his face.

"Would the students Nale and Dane please come to my office immediately?"


His shower cut short Nale grabbed the nearest set of clothes, not bothering to put on his uniform and left the room walking dejectedly towards Ash's office. It wasn't that he minded the old man but he had things other than a stupidly expensive and excessive battle to worry about. Like revising for the Seed written exam which he was convinced he was going to flunk. He didn't mind using his werewolf abilities, they were bloody useful to be honest, but it reminded him of something about himself he had no control over and the uncontrollable and dangerous things that could result from it.

Edited by: [url=>KraKeN</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/5/02 10:13:27 pm

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A little character development.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Jun 05, 2002 6:25 pm

Kuro Stahl stood alone by the side of training centres lake, sword in hand. A man who believed in the ancient tales of "warrior scholars," he pushed himself both mentally and physically every day. Some thought him mad, but he ignored them. He'd let them grow fat, enjoying their luxuries while they could. He believed that his time on this world was brief, and he would make the most of himself during that time.

His watch chirped once. The only reason he wore one was for the practicality of it. He waded into the water, sword in hand, as some of the inhabitants of the lake closed in on him. This hour he would train his body.


I come! Finally...

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Jun 05, 2002 7:10 pm

Jelai raised an eyebrow at Shasti, then grinned. "If it's what I think... come on. Let's get outta here."

"Can I come with you?" asked Rina.

"Hm? Oh, sure... I'll find you after I shower, promise." Jelai made a quick, intricate movement with her right hand. It wasn't a common gesture, but when Jelai used it, it implied that she was telling the truth.

"'Kay," said Rina, mollified. She skipped out the training center.

"All right.... let's go."

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Re: I come! Finally...

Unread postby Banjooie » Wed Jun 05, 2002 11:48 pm

Navin had been playing cards for a bit, when he realized he was rather sore after the whole T-Rexaur deal.
"I'll be back in a bit, I'm going to take a shower."


x.x okay...We split into groups when the next 'day' comes

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Thu Jun 06, 2002 12:01 am

Reium glanced at Jelai and shouted after her "I can admit you've got courage.. that'll help you on the exam but you've can't expect to luck out next time..and try junctioning a GF. It might help your aim.." He thought a moment..and reflected on how much his GF has helped.. -Squat...- Reium knew the fight with the Rexuar had scared away all the animals in this sector..and he was pretty sapped from the fight..So he decided to go back to his room..with that one odd fellow who tore open the rex's tail.

((More or less Kraken, but if its taken I can edit XD))

meanwhile... Sheen wasn't tired because he didn't fight..So he decided to just exit the training room and wander the garden for a while, but before he went "Its no problem! Though the next time ya feel like dumpin' a tyke on me.. ASK!" he said jokingly before jogging towards the exit


Crouching Dane Hidden Shasti

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:59 am

Dane found himself outside Ash's room, waiting. Some students had caught him waking to his room and was basically dragged and pushed here.

He sighed and leaned back on the wall, his body still aching from all it had been put through.

Visions of what he had done in the fight came leaking through. Had that really happened? Just the idea of taking on a T-Rex seemed a little crazed but to have actually taken one on and won.

The pain of his body and lightness of his head confused Dane, it almost made all of this seem like a dream, something that will easily be forgotten and just passes you by.

Sighing he crouched down, occasionally poking the floor with his fingers. How long would he have to wait outside this guys office anyway?

- - - - -

Shasti looked around the corridor and thankfully no one could be seen.

She turned to her friend and the young child and smiled.

"The corridors all clear. . . so? What would you like me to do to the boys showers?" Shasti had several plans in mind, all of them rather childish, but she always let Jelai decide on what action to take. The girl seemed to have a nack for this kinda thing


Flying People Hidden Wires

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 06, 2002 9:27 am

Jelai grinned. If one didn't know what she was plotting, it might have been a NICE grin.

"How about... I think I have some pink hair dye. We could arrange for pink dye and maybe some perfumey soap suds to come from the boys' shower..." she suggested. Her smile, if any wider, could have swallowed her ears. "Although better wait until Dane is at least done with his shower," she amended. "He's kinda touchy that way."

But the image of Reium, or Instructor Fanrico... or especially STAHL with pink hair, made her giggle.


SeeD Wars : The only Hope!

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jun 06, 2002 9:59 am

Shasti smiled back. She wouldn't have thought of something that . . . well, cruel. But it was something she wanted to do.

She gave the thumbs up to Jedai.

"Sounds like a plan. And screw Dane, he'll just have to put up with it for a while. . ." Shasti was in the mood to do this now, and it'll stay in the system all day as well, so no guy whould be safe for ages.


Re: SeeD Wars : The only Hope!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 06, 2002 10:06 am

(OOC: OK... I guess Shasti and Jelai are roomies. And Sheen, I know they don't mention the plumbing in FF8, so if you have any objections, can you tell me?)

"I think they hold the water for the showers in two large tanks on top of the school. If we can get on the roof and find the tank for the boys' shower, we could just dump the dye and bath oil in."


Re: SeeD Wars : The only Hope!

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jun 06, 2002 10:27 am

( OOC : Well, she's meant to be actually staying with her brother. . . but I actualy think that wouldn't work cause they wouldn't let sexes mix in a school .. so maybe we should be : /)

Shasti grinned. Okay, but if we need to climb up there, the last thing we need is the camera's or pressure sensitive floors to pick us up. Jeesh, guess that means going to the Head Masters Office and apologise about my brother again and turn off the secrurity again. . . maybe for an hour. . . that should be long enough. . .

Shasti sighed The Guardens security is so tight for a school. . .

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Re: SeeD Wars : The only Hope!

Unread postby Banjooie » Thu Jun 06, 2002 12:29 pm

(Yeah, but this is a military school. You can't really breed any real difference between the sexes; that just screws up military operations. Selphie lived in the dorm next to Squall, after all.)

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Re: SeeD Wars : The only Hope!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Jun 06, 2002 2:06 pm

Ash entered the room, he saw Dane sitting there. "You do know why I called you here right?" he asked as sat on his desk and with a stern look on his face.

IM: Hope Nale gets here soon... so i won't have to repeat too much.


Re: SeeD Wars : The only Hope!

Unread postby KraKeN » Thu Jun 06, 2002 2:09 pm

Nale wondered into Ash's room a few minutes later and plonked himself down in a chair.

Red Seph

Re: SeeD Wars : The only Hope!

Unread postby Red Seph » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:07 pm

Rudolf glared at Reium's back as he walked away. "I don't remember you or your oversized bayonet finishing it off, either," he muttered to himself. He left for his room, thinking up many appropriate names for Reium along the way.

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Re: SeeD Wars : The only Hope!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:30 pm

Ash nodded towards Nale as he sat down. He got up off his desk and stood before them, looking very stern and a bit ticked. "Now you two were very impressive back there with the Rex. Just that... you need to get control of yourself. You could have endangered yourself, others and Dane, if I hadn't been up there too, we might not have gotten another chance to finish off the Rex with the gunblade. You both show impressive skill... but you must learn to control yourselves! *slams fist on desk* I will not have berserkers in the SeeD ranks. Got it?" he growled at the two.


heh heh

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jun 06, 2002 5:59 pm

The pain in his head and body had supsided a little and Dane's thoughts were a lot more clearer

Dane done the normal thing for a teenager being told off but being made to listen to it, he nodded his head and kepy his expression blank.

As far as he was concerned he didn't need to be here in front of Ash. So the old man didn't like berserkers, that was fine by Dane cause unlike the guy sitting next to him, he had been fully in control of it all.

The laughter, the slashing like a wild beast, it was how he fought, it was how he enjoyed himself. He didn't expect anyone else to understand though, not his father, not this instructor, not the headmaster, not even his sister.

He done the Seed salute to Ash. "Understood, sir " He didn't bother to argue today, all he wanted to do was sleep, he'll just store this up and get back at him later. . .


Re: heh heh

Unread postby KraKeN » Thu Jun 06, 2002 6:46 pm

Nale kept his eyes straight staring at Ash, like Dane he knew the best way to get through these situations was to roll over and play dead, they couldn't disiplin you for doing nothing.

He nodded, "Sir".

The fact that Ash thought he couldn't control himself was mildly annoying, but then again he had come up against that kind of opinion ever since his transformation. He'd only lost control a few times and he each time he had lived, he had won so it was fine by him. If Ash wanted to think he had no control that was his problem and if they ever faced each other, possiblely, his downfall.


Re: SeeD Wars : The only Hope!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Jun 06, 2002 6:56 pm

"You can disable the security, right?" asked Jelai. "I think we could do it tonight, since most people will be busy studying," she added.

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Filler till the next day,.

Unread postby Deeum » Thu Jun 06, 2002 8:49 pm

Rolling on her stomach, deeums looked at the clock on her nightstand. Trying her hardest to go to relax, but the events of the SeeD exams are just too exciting.
After a few seconds of layng on her belly, she flipped on her back, looking up at the ceiling.

" -_- Still though... I wonder who will get paired with who.. Surly hope i don't get that winged person" she uttered in a slightly annoied tone.

(( >_> oh do it just to spite me XD))

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Re: Filler till the next day,.

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Jun 06, 2002 9:38 pm

Ash knew how the students thought, these two weren't paying attention to him. He smirked, these two punks were the same as all the other little punks they get each year.

IM: That's great kids... go ahead and think you're the best. You're no the first or the last.

After they left he slammed his fist into his desk. "Little Shits, they always go off and think they know EVERYTHING. All the time, every batch breeds a handful of little punks." he said throught gritted teeth.

The fact that they believed he was too old to fight would obviously lead to them getting a rude wake up call should it ever come down to physical conflict.

But he was tired, having to run from a Rex was not fun. Having to cling to one while it shook and bucked wasn't fun or exillerating either. He went to his room to acquire some rest.


thought this problem might occur..

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Thu Jun 06, 2002 11:49 pm

((Reium doesn't have wings, Sheen does x.x))

Sheen wandered around aimlesly, though he was going more in the direction of the cafeteria. His large tan wings making him an easy target to spot, some of the hall monitors spotted him "What're you doing out? Its past your curfew! get to your dormitory..Don't you know the SeeD exams are tomorrow!?" Sheen shrugged and began to run, the hall monitor gave chase to him, yelling after him how angry the headmaster will be.

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Re: thought this problem might occur..

Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Jun 07, 2002 12:58 am

(Um, how the hell is it past curfew when people haven't even had showers yet?)



Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Fri Jun 07, 2002 2:45 am

((how can people be going to sleep right now if it isn't night? I swear, DM was right, you do like to bitch alot... If anything no time was actually set for the rp, so I'm set it. Happy?))

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Jun 07, 2002 2:46 am

(Well SORRY. Excuse me if this plot doesn't make any sense.)

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby Deeum » Fri Jun 07, 2002 2:59 am

((GAH i keep forgetting >___<++ sorry. besides i wasn't sleeping.. just "relaxing" >> <<))

Deeum got up from her bed and walked over to her pile of.. book and decided to study for the rest of the evening.



Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Fri Jun 07, 2002 3:09 am

((If you don't like it then get the hell out Banjooie, and make room for someone who doesn't bitch so much.. and I amistake on my part DM. so, as I was saying, if you want to RP with the NPCs the whole Rp thats fine, buit you don't need to bitch about it))


Curfew... ain't no thing . . .

Unread postby Choark » Fri Jun 07, 2002 4:29 am

( OOC : >>;; Just going to wing this whole hacking thing )

Shasti had told Jelai not to worry about the security problems. She spent about an hour revising for the exam then started on the fun task of hacking into the main security system.

She had hoped to do it from the headmasters office, but she hadn't relised how close it was to nighttime. She had been in the hospital ward almost all day. . .

"Right Jee, I managed to cut a few on the monitors. . . if you look here. . ."

Shasti displayed a path she had made for them. It was the quickest path she could make, though she made a detore in it around a office for some instructors who might of been up late.

Shasti would have been impressed with what she done but the simple fact was hacking was a hell of a lot easier when you actually knew the passwords . . .

"If we do it now. . . it might be morning until it gets through the system. . . course all that means is we'll have lots of pink haired boys taking the exam with us . . . "

Shasti looked towards her friend, seeing if she still wanted to do this as it wasn't too late to switch sucurity back on and forget the whole idea. . .

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 6/7/02 8:30:38 am


Re: double posted . . . blasted thing, I only clicked once!

Unread postby infinityjunction » Fri Jun 07, 2002 7:22 am

Star sat cross legged on his bed. He looked out the window, where the sun was beginning to set. He turned his attention back to the box sitting on a shelf on the opposite wall. It was a simple box, with the stereotypical woody brown colour. He got up off his bed and took the box down. Inside it was a somewhat ornate dagger. It was a leaving present from his family. He took it out and held it up to the light. It was a beauty.
He gripped it and swung it around in smali arcs. Reaching back into the box, Star took out the small scabbard and put in the dagger. He put it all back in box, to save it for another day. He looked at his watch. it was still relatively early, but he decided he would have a shower now for an early night. He got his wash-bag and towel, and made his way to the boy's showers.


Re: Curfew... ain't no thing . . .

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Jun 07, 2002 9:11 am

"Of course we are," said Anjelai with a grin. "Pink hair will improve our morale for the assignment! Maybe not the boys, but whoever's partnering with them."

She already had the bottle of dye tucked into a pocket near the back of her uniform, where the bunching up of fabric on her horse body would disguise it. The bottle of scent was also there.

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Re: Curfew... ain't no thing . . .

Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Jun 07, 2002 12:28 pm



Re: Curfew... ain't no thing . . .

Unread postby KraKeN » Fri Jun 07, 2002 4:18 pm

Nale walked dejectedly back to his room, to be honest he rather liked Ash even though possible it didn't go both ways. He found it funny how Ash seemed to be shocked at how all the students behaved, even though Ash wasn't that old he got the distinct impression that he would be the kind of person to say "wouldn't have happened in my day". Then shake his head and describe how, Nale mused continuing his line of thought, in his day they didn't have gunblades and had to fight of hordes of T-Rexaurs with spoons and then eat breakfast with them afterwards.

Nale looked up and found himself outside his room, he wandered in and lay down on his bed. The thought about gunblades though vaguely amusing had reminded him of his now bust glaive, he couldn't afford a new one so he'd have to fight barehanded not that that was to much of a disadvantage. "@#%$" he said under his breath, I should revise he thought, "@#%$ it" he said again curling up and going to sleep.

Red Seph

Re: Curfew... ain't no thing . . .

Unread postby Red Seph » Fri Jun 07, 2002 5:54 pm

Rudolf sat on the edge of his bed, his sword unsheathed. He held it in front of him, staring into his own face reflected in the steel of the blade. His eyes followed the blade down until it reached the hilt, a simple hilt, without triggers or chambers or barrels. His hands had held the handle of a gunblade before, back when he was considering becoming proficient with the weapon.

Anger suddenly rose withing him, and he leapt to his feet, slicing the air before him with blinding speed. He hadn't made the cut back then. Slowly he placed the sword on the bed, closing his eyes and running a hand through he hair. He had to relax. Tomorrow would be his chance to prove himself, and skill.


won't be here for the weekend x.x

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Fri Jun 07, 2002 10:08 pm

Sheen ran into the dorm closest to the cafeteria, without knowing who it is. "I'msorrybutIguessIhavetobunkwithyouforawhileisthatokay?!" he said in a rush.

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Re: won't be here for the weekend x.x

Unread postby Deeum » Sat Jun 08, 2002 12:14 am

(( i'm going to assume its my room ;p))

Deeum nearly fell out of her chair as Sheen on so quietly invited himself in.
"What??! Why?"

Then she noticed some people ran pasted her dorm door yelling out ro the one in her room.

>>; "So.. Hiding eh?" She closded her books and walked over to the door looking both ways then closing it.

"just for a little while then you gotta leave." Deeum sighed
"What did you do?"


Back! ^^"

Unread postby SheenAlkaline » Mon Jun 10, 2002 8:03 am

Sheen shrugged and extended a hand to Deeum. "Curfew. that little fight with big,red and smelly must've took longer then you guys thought..Though I didn't see you fighting..why not?" he inquired

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Jun 10, 2002 10:11 am

Stahl stalked out of the water, the floating corpses of the monsters left in his wake. He was tired, and rightly so. He walked towards the exit, looking to have a nice, warm shower.

(OOC: Because this guy needs to have his dignity smacked. XD Cho, is the dirty deed done, or should I wait till the next morning until Stahl gets pinkified?)

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Re: Back! ^^"

Unread postby Deeum » Mon Jun 10, 2002 11:45 am

"Why I didn't fight?" ... She bite her tongue and walks back to her desk to sit down.
"Well..People got in my way and the instuctor said to get away", Deeum said down and placed her had uopn some back.
"Besides, I don't want to be held back another year just to take the damn exams if the instructor assumes I'm reckless."

LEaning her chair back with her arms crossed looking at Sheen.
"How long do you plan staying in here anyway?"


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