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Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 5:49 pm
by Teh Kev
Megumi looked at Tiffi and shook her head. "No, sorry. Although if you want my personal opinion, I'd get the Silver robe. Magic defense is more important then Physical to a mage." She smiled at Tiffi, hoping she would take her advice yet again.

As Arlock tried to take said pendant off, it crackled a bit. He could get it up to where he could hold it level with neck, but the pendant refused to come off completely. Almost as if it was now part of his character itself.

Kazu looked down at his and took it in his hand, looking at it. "Wonder why mine is black and yours is green..Although I am more curious as to what that guy was trying to say..." He shuddered as he thought about that huge thing that was coming at them the entire time they were on that burning platform.

"Say you don't suppo..." Kazu suddenly jutted forward falling flat on his face in front of the Login platform. "Owowowow!" He slowly pushed himself up rubbing his face. He looked around and spotted Jin. He let out a heavy sigh and stood up. "Well hello there Jin. Come to fight again?"

Jin was now standing eye to eye with Kazu, and he managed to smirk a bit. "No... Business this time." His eyes looked at his spear, and then he noted the pendant. He stepped back a bit and arched a eyebrow. He then noticed Arlock had one as well. He grimaced and looked at them both. "You two, come with me. We need to talk about something..." He grabbed Arlocks arm, then Kazu's dragging them off toward the pub.

Kazu blinked a bit then got his hand loose and followed him as his own accord. Although Arlock was still being dragged more or less. Jin obviously wanted to get there quickly.

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 6:16 pm
by Dragon Sage007
Now THIS was interesting. Sure, it was none of Terra's business. Sure, this would most likely alienate the only high-level acquaintence Terra had. Sure, this might land him in something more dangerous than having your character wiped. Sure, he was likely to get killed later by Tiffy by running off.

That last was feared more than the rest combined, for those of you in the peanut gallery.

But this, now, this was interesting. A pendant that wouldn't come off? Sounded more interesting than a cursed weapon, if they even had them in the game. Terra decided to follow at a non-noticeable pace. Even if they saw him, s/he could quite easily say s/he's just checking out the tavern.

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:37 pm
by SALSAlys
Tiffi nodded slightly, biting her lip.

Lyle probably logged off already... she thought. He could have at least said goodbye!

She purchased the silver robe, and with that done, she equipped it...

And was mildly surprised when she apparently looked as though she was still wearing a bikini. More than mildly, actually.

"Megumi?! Where did it goooo?!"

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:45 pm
by Firnthuleien
Arlock wasn't liking being dragged by this Jin fellow. He could walk on his own, so he made it clear that he was not pleased, eventually getting himself free of his grip.

"I see chivalry isn't a strong value of yours." he snorted as he moved closer to Kazu.

The fellow was obviously in a big hurry, but that didn't stop Arlock from thinking about the pendants and what Kazu said.

"Hey Kazu. Know how you were wondering about 'you know what'?" he said, looking briefly at his pendant to let Kazu get the picture. "Maybe we're the sages of shadow and forest, getting ready to save princess Zelda." Arlock finished with a snicker.

He continued, lowering his voice. "And as for our speech impeded mystery man. Maybe he was a bound character? Who knows what the system admin does to bound players....That still doesn't explain these though...."

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:49 pm
by Teh Kev
Megumi giggled a bit. "Your armor doesn't effect your appearence in the game. Only your weapon visibly changes. I guess your stuck in that bikini for good." She smiled, amused by the Deysetsu.

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:54 pm
by SALSAlys
Tiffi was not amused, sadly.

"You mean I'm stuck in this for THE ENTIRE GAME?!" she asked, voice rising to a squeak as her tail lashed behind her in agitation. Then she regained some level of control.

"Myeeeaaah... silly, but whatever. Any nifty places to wander around until Terra logs back on?"

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:08 pm
by Firnthuleien
Arlock grimaced, fingering the pendant. From what Jin said, this little thing could get them into a lot of trouble with the admins.

"I heard about the summoner class....But I didn't know it had caused trouble like that. I'd heard they were removed because of dis-interest and glitches....I don't like the sound of "The Admins had to deal with him personally" line either......."

Arlock's grimace grew when Jin announced that they were to stay in the town until this Tira woman showed up. He echoed Kazu's reply to that one feverently.

"Well...What are we supposed to do if she can't log on for a few days? Sit here doing nothing? I say we leave member addresses for her. It wouldn't take me long to get back." he said, giving his little wings a quick snap. "Besides, I don't usually move far from this field when I'm alone."

Then Arlock's thoughts went back to the pendant for a moment, while he waited for Jin's answer. He tried to see if he could hide the pendant in his shirt, without removing it from his neck.

Edited by: [url=>Firnthuleien</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/26/04 11:10 pm

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:49 pm
by Teh Kev
Kazu chuckled a bit. He replied in a lowered voice as well. "Well, maybe Jin here can help us. He knows a Game Master... Well we both do, but she doesn't talk to me as much as Jin." He stopped talking as they entered the Tavern. Jin lead them both to a table where they took a seat. Jin looked around a bit before looking at their new pendants.

"I don't suppose either of you heard of the summoner class back in the old Versions?" The Knight asked quietly. Kazu nodded a bit. "Yeah, I heard they got removed due to people saying they were too powerful... Why?"

Jin eyed the pendants again. "Those things on your chest. They appear to be a item a summoner once used... Although they seem to be a different color..." He shook his head. "I'm not allowed to say much. But that player.... He got in alot of trouble. Let's just say that the Admin's had to deal with him personally." He looked around glaring at anyone who was watching them.

Kazu blinked. "You mean.. these things can be used to summon monsters? Thats pretty damn cool!" Jin quickly shot the polearm a glare. "It is not cool. That players Summon... it started to... Well I can't tell you here... But It caused plenty of trouble. So if you manage to figure out how to use those... things... Don't use them in front of other players. I'm going to contact Tira, then you can get those.. Things looked at. Until then I'd like it if you stay in town. And when Tira comes, tell her how you got those things."

Kazu sighed. "Are you serious? I don't plan to stay in town forever. So Tira better hurry up..." Jin shook his head some then started to look around some.

Megumi chuckled a bit. "Pretty much. You shouldn't have picked that if you didn't want it. But the Tavern is a good place to hang around. Players are always there talking about various things. Although its risky to, as some people go there to pick fights. But thats rare. C'mon. I'll show you where it is." Megumi then adjusted her hat and left the Armor shop, and started heading in the direction of the Tavern.

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:06 am
by SALSAlys
"I didn't mean to... I was just playing around with the costume, and accidentally got this as my final design," Tiffi explained, walking after Megumi quickly.

"The tavern sounds interesting though. How many people are usually there?"

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:18 am
by Teh Kev
She looked back at Tiffis outfit blinking when she said she didn't me to choose it. After a moment of silence, Megumi placed a hand to her chin thinking about the question. "Well I suppose on a regular day... and putting into consideration how many tables and seats there are... I'd say there are usually about Twenty or so people there..." She shrugged at her guess and continued to lead the fellow Mage.

Jin shook his head some. "She won't take long... If one thing Tira is know for, its her quick replies to things regard problems with the game." He glanced about some more, getting the feeling he was being watched.

Arlock would also find no trouble hiding the pendant under his shirt. Apparently it could move about freely, it just wouldn't come off.

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 12:41 am
by SALSAlys
Well then, there wasn't much else for Tiffi to do but follow, tucking her tiny green cloak about herself as best as she could.

Re: Booyah!

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 11:58 am
by Firnthuleien
Arlock grumbled a bit. Wether it was a few minutes or a few hours, he didn't like being told to stay put. Especially when he was playing Reyta. But if it helped keep him out of trouble, because of this damnable pendant, then he'd rough it out.

Getting tired of sitting still already, Arlock stretched his arms up and arched back, letting out a loud yawn. He then gave his wings a little flap, resting his elbows back on the table and holding his head in his hands.

"Sheesh....This bites...Maybe I should go get some dinner, as long as we're waiting....." he though with a bit of annoyance.

Then, without warning, Arlock began to stare off into no where, un-blinking.


Alison took the headset off, setting it on her desk. She stood up and started to head downstairs to grab something to eat.

"I won't be gone more than a few minutes....They won't miss me. And they can't get mad at me for logging off." she said the last, smiling a bit as she grabbed a glass and plate, and headed to the fridge...

((OOC: I'll assume that the character would freeze if one took the headset off....if not, I'll fix it ^^))

The places are set...

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 2:46 pm
by Teh Kev
Megumi and Tiffi were able to walk into the tavern, just passing the 'drunk' who was going about her own business. "Well lets take a seat shall we?" Megumi led Tiffi over to a table and sat down with her.

Kazu snickered as Arlock zoned out. He loved when players did this. He poked at him a bit, amusing himself. Jin simply shook his head.

A Pink haired woman with her hair in a ponytail, walked into the Tavern, looking about with her red eyes. She rubbed one of her pointed ears and smirked. "Hmmm... Ah there he is." She was clearly a knight, as she had a sword engraved with red runes at her side. She approached the table where Kazu, Jin, and Arlock were quickly.

"So Jin, you called for me?" She woman asked the brown haired knight. Jin looked back at her. "That was quicker then usual Tira... The thief appears to have gone Away..." He motioned to Arlock. "You should look at Kazu's first."

Kazu stopped prodding Arlock and eyed Tira. "Ah, Hi there Tira. Nice to see you again." The Gamemaster shook her head. "I see you won the Polearm contest. Congratulations. But let me take a look at it..." Tira went and sat by Kazu taking a hold of the pendant around his neck, she then started to inspect it throughly while the two boys watched.

( Teh Kev&nbsp; Image at: 2/27/04 2:49 pm

I'm back, baby... and I'm an ANIMAL! (Gr!)

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 3:07 pm
by Mechanisto
Landey spent a long time examining the mountainside where the pikeman had seemingly vanished. She't tried everything she could think of... and that was no small effort for her. The ritual of Colcavia... the secret password to the Clockwork Gate... the Eclipse Dagger, fashioned from the crude stone of a moon-meteorite... she'd even tried using the Rune of Divine Providence, which supposedly opened the star-bridge to the Thalassian City of Ghosts.

Landey crouched by the mountainside. Nothing. Nothing at all.

She stood up, tossed her head back, and howled in frustration."YEAAARGHHH!!!" she kicked the mountainside, then jumped on one foot for a second as she held her bruised toe.

She pointed at the mountain. "You'll never escape me, Pikeman... you can run to the five corners of the world! I'LL CATCH YOU NO MATTER WHAT!"


A few minutes later, Landey was sitting in the Moonstone City tavern, with a large number of empty glasses and bottles on the counter in front of her. She was waving a glass around, talking to whoever was standing next to her. To everyone else, the "Tavern" was just a place to recruit some hired muscle. She was the only one there drinking. And her "drinking" involved taking empty bottles from her pack, placing them on the counter, and pretending to be drunk. She hadn't actually drank from any of them.

"For months... MONTHS I say! And do you have any idea what level I was? FIVE! I was slaying Drake Wyrmlings when I was level Five! Most people don't even see them untill they hit TWENTY!!! I think I know a bit about tracking monsters... and I'm downright deadly! NOBODY expects a level eight thief to best an Axewielder... but *I'VE* done it five times! it's true they were all complete morons... but they deserved it for all the twinking they did! when you focus on one core strength, you end up with enough character flaws to drive a Stag Horse through! What do you say to that, Karla?"

Karla, the Bartender, nodded and smiled.

"Welcome to the Moonstone Tavern! Would you like to:
1) Buy a drink?
2) Hire a soldier?
3) Check the player run Auctions?"

Landey sighed, and slammed her cup on the table. "Oh, how would you know what it's like... I used to be the greatest tracker in all of Reyta... Now I can't even follow a stupid PC! Is he cheating somehow? Or... am I losing my touch?"

"Welcome to the Moonstone Tavern! Would you like to:
1) Buy a drink?
2) To hire a soldier?
3) To see the player Run item Auctions?"

Landey sighed, this time sadly. "Your right... I've blamed everyone except myself... but if he is cheating, I have to know! There's nothing wrong with wanting to keep people playing fair, right? Well... enough moping! I'm going to find that guy, and settle this once and for all."

Landey stood up, slammed her bottle emphatically onto the counter, took out a potion of Dalvo Bug Musk, and drank the entire poisonous elixer in one gulp. it immediately "confused" her, and a spiraling bubble appeared over her head. She walked out of the tavern, weaving back and forth like a drunkard who'd just gotten off a roller-coaster, her head wobbling in all directions. She slowly and chaotically made her way outside to look for the Pikeman, with an empty wine bottle equipped in each of her hands.

Places? You didn't say anyone was coming to dinner! :{

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 9:57 pm
by Firnthuleien
No longer than 6-7 minutes later, Alison bounded back up the stairs into her room, a granola bar in hand.

She sat down in her chair and popped the headset back on.


Arlock started in his seat. He noted that someone new had joined the group, and was looking at Kazu's pendant.

"Must be the woman Jin was talking about"

He smirked, "Gee. A guy can't fall asleep for a few minutes...."

"I take it that you are Tira?" Arlock said, stating the blatantly obvious on purpose.

He stretched back in his chair, waiting for the obvious answer.

Terra is in DEEP.

Unread postPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2004 10:22 pm
by Dragon Sage007
Meanwhile, the Terra-lylie-wylie-poo was making a show of inspecting her nice, shiny new hammers while in the bar. We all know she's really listening in on the conversation, of course. And Tiffy, of course, might notice him making a show with those hammers...

Re: Terra is in DEEP.

Unread postPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 2:09 am
by SALSAlys
Tiffi was about to take a seat with Megumi, but then her tail twitched, wiggling much like a cat's tail does right before a pounce.

"Hey, Terra's already here!" she squeaked, and went barreling across the bar to tackle the knight.

"HOW DARE YOU DITCH US!" she hollered, busily trying to choke her friend with extreme glomps. 'Twas a miracle that Tiffi wasn't snapping her neck.

Terra is i-GRK!

Unread postPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 3:16 am
by Dragon Sage007
"GAK!" Was all a surprised Terra could manage to get out before dropping both weapons in a vain attempt to release the deathgrip. Terra wasn't so sure her neck WASN'T snapping. And, in fact, was turning a rather nice shade of blue as he was choked.

Re: Terra is in DEEP.

Unread postPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 1:13 pm
by Firnthuleien
Arlock eyed the two as one loudly proclaimed her discontent at having been ditched. He chuckled a bit, then turned back to Tira, Jin, and Kazu.

"You know....Maybe the tavern isn't the best place to talk about this." Arlock said, motioning slightly towards the loud pair with his head.

He continued, lowering his voice a bit. "I know a few fields that are usually deserted."

Re: Terra is in DEEP.

Unread postPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 2:51 pm
by Mechanisto
Landey spent a little while wandering around the bar, trying to reach the exit. Instead, she was bumping into tables and chairs, and other people with regular frequency. Eventually, she tripped over something, and landed flat on her back.

Before she could feel particularly sorry for herself, though, she noticed an upside-down polearm weapon a few tables away... though it was only upside down because she was lying on her back, looking 'up'.


She eyed the enormous weapon for a time, which would have looked fuzzy and blurry if she'd actually been drunk. A moment later though, she let out a little gasp, and stood up. She drank a small green vial, and walked directly for the bar. She picked a seat where she could easly keep an eye on the polearm, without being too visible herself.

*Heh... looks like the hunt is on.* She tugged her conical straw hat down a bit, and smirked.


Unread postPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 5:09 pm
by Teh Kev
Tira eyed Arlock as he came around. She let go of the pendant that was around Kazu's neck. "Your right. This isn't." The Knight removed the sword from it's hilt, and ran her finger along the runes on the blade. The runes started to glow red and she then tapped the floor with her sword, the floor around the four of them started to turn blue, and then three blue rings circled around them. A moment later they were teleported away to a different location.

A few players actually noticed the four disappearing, and they started to ask each other a few things. However most of them ignored it, since it didn't concern them.

Megumi shook her head at Tiffi and Terra, she didn't get those two. She then looked over at where Jin, Tira, Kazu, and that other person had been. "Must be something important... I'll have to ask Jin later..." The mage then stood up, and started to leave the bar.

Kazu, Arlock, Jin, and Tira all now stood in the middle of a empty bar like area. It was a bit different. While the last bar had been made entirely of wood, this bar seemed a have a more solid make, like brick walls, and it seemed to have a bit more modern feel to it. There were a few booths with cushioning, and the stools at the bar had cushioning as well. The whole place seemed like it had never been used before, which was very likely. The three players could safely say they had never seen a place like this before in the game.

Jin looked around. "Ah. This must be something for that new town eh?" Kazu chuckled a bit, and then chimed in. "Yeah, the unnamed one thats being developed..."

Tira looked at them both, then to the pendant's. "We can talk about that later.... But for now I need to try and explain to you a bit about what those... things are." She pointed at the pendant on Kazu's chest. "To put it simply, they are a program that you can run like a skill. However I'm not sure how you can exactly use them. It seems like someone did some hacking when summoners were still around. As I see it those are like a catalyst. You use those to activate a summoning... However..." She paused and looked at the two of them. "Neither of you have a monster to summon. You see, back when summoners were around, they started off with a set summon monster. But as they gained levels, they could create their own, and that custom summon could be anything. In very rare cases, the monster could gain the ability to speak... In a way you could call it a virtual pet. It would learn how to act depending on it's Summoner actions."

She looked at the two pendants. "Although from what little info I could get from analyzing Kazu's, It seems it is programmed to summon only a specific thing. It also seems a part of it is missing, a important part of the program. I could investigate more, but they seem to be tied into your characters data. I would risk damaging it if I tried.." Tira paused and shook her head. "I can't do that mind you if I wanted. Only if I was given a order to do so from higher ups..." A shake of her head followed this. "Well unless you have any questions for me, I'll send you back to town. Also, if you come across anything else, You both have my Member Address now. I usually never give it out, but I feel that you will need it."

Kazu looked at the pendant arching a brow. "I see.... This could be fun!" He smiled a bit as he thought about the possibility of having a monster to fight along side him. Jin shook his head quietly. "Just don't go around flaunting those things. We don't want anyone else getting involved in this." The polearm chuckled some. "So any questions for Tira before we go Arlock?"

Mission failure. :{

Unread postPosted: Sat Feb 28, 2004 8:56 pm
by Dragon Sage007
"Let...go, Tiffy!" Terra finally managed to squeak, prying her arms off his neck. "Look...I'm sorry I snuck out. It's just that something is going on here...I know it is. And those people are the only lead I have, and...they're gone now. Crap." Terra added the last on as an afterthought, really.

Re: Mew.

Unread postPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 4:26 pm
by Firnthuleien
Arlock drank in everything Tira, Jin and Kazu were talking about. The terminology swirled through his mind.

Catalysts, hacking, the risk of damaging character data investigating the problem more, not being able to do anything without higher authority, flaunting power, not wanting others involved.

These things made Arlock shiver slightly, prompting him to think this "glitch" might be much greater in the scale of things.

He definitely didn't want any trouble with the system administration, nor any of the other players.

And when Kazu mentioned, for a second time, that having summoning powers was "cool", Arlock couldn't help but think they would be in trouble sooner than he might know.

"...There's only one thing I want to know....What if others do find out? What will the system admins do?" he asked tentatively.

Arlock prayed that 'Your characters will be bound' would not be the answer.

Edited by: [url=>Firnthuleien</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/29/04 4:26 pm

Re: Mew.

Unread postPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 5:54 pm
by Teh Kev
Tira looked at Arlock. "Well you would have to E-mail me, then I would come and tell them it is a special event of some sort, and they should move along. As long as you don't do anything in town, and make sure you are careful with who you play with, I shouldn't need to do anything to your character.... I shall send you back to Moonstone's login platform now... You all have my member address, so if you do have any other question's.... You can contact me right away. I'll answer you as soon as I can. In person if its really important." Saying this, she gave a brief bow, then the three players were met with the blue rings from a while ago. A few seconds later they were back in the town, in front of login platform.

Kazu looked to Arlock after looking down at his pendant. "Well then. This is certainly going to get to be interesting don't you agree?" Jin shook his head. "You two just be careful. I have things I need to do. You have my member address as well. So contact me as well if something happens." Saying this, Jin turned around facing the login platform, and logged off.

Re: Mew.

Unread postPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 7:11 pm
by Firnthuleien
"E-mail you. Right." he said to himself.

Then turning to Kazu, he continued. "I've no doubt it will be. Care to head out again? I heard that there's a fairly new field on this server." Arlock finished with a grin, awaiting the polearm's response.

Re: Mew.

Unread postPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 7:40 pm
by Teh Kev
Kazu looked to his friend and nodded. "Sure, I'd like that... Where is this field though? Are there strong monsters?" He asked this with a big grin on his face, also curious as to where Arlock was wanting to take him.

Re: Mission failure. :{

Unread postPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 7:58 pm
by SALSAlys
Tiffi rolled her eyes, finally releasing her friend.

"You're just too paranoid, silly. Honestly, what did you think you could have heard?"

Mission briefing!

Unread postPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 8:43 pm
by Dragon Sage007
Terra shook her head, and rubbed her neck. Never knew Tiff could choke someone quite that hard. "Like someone had managed to get a bugged item that even a GM couldn't take off? And that apparently that item was something from the old Summoner class that even the GMs had trouble dealing with? There's something afoot, Watson, or my name's Sherlock."

Re: Mission briefing!

Unread postPosted: Sun Feb 29, 2004 9:05 pm
by SALSAlys
"And my name isn't Watson either, you crazy coot. And what old Summoner class? You mean there was a class that they took out of the system? Why would they do that?"

Tiffi was quite oblivious to Megumi leaving them, and then the Deysetsu hopped slightly from one foot to the other.

"What kind of bugs could do something that even a GM can't take it off, anyways?"

Mew who? Mew-two?

Unread postPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 12:50 am
by Firnthuleien
((OOC: Well....Not entirely too sure about how getting to other fields works. I'll give it a shot though..(Only seen the first 5 eps of the show :{) So, correct me if I'm wrong.))

Arlock grinned, "It's not too far actually. And I heard tell that newbies can't even get anywhere near the place, it's so tough."

"So...Are you up to the challenge?" he said grinning smugly, taking out one of his daggers, showing off with an impressive, yet silly display of tossing and catching it, while he waited for Kazu's answer.

Edited by: [url=>Firnthuleien</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/1/04 12:53 am

Re: Mew who? Mew-two?

Unread postPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 2:26 pm
by Mechanisto
Landey crouched over the spot where the teleport spell had triggered; nobody else in the bar paid her any attention. She reached out, and softly stroked the floor. She sniffed a bit.


She took out a tiny bag, and emptied a bit of blue dust onto the floor; as it touched the ground, it grew a tiny bit brighter, and faded away into smoke.

She muttered under her breath, as quietly as she could. "Oh, great spirits of flux and anchor... fold the fabric of reality... deliver my sight to the end of this wrinkle in space... reveal to me the destination of my prey... show me the maker of this warp..."


In the bar, Landey was motionlessly crouched... but her operator was anything but idle. She skimmed through her computer's records at a vicious speed, but the research wasn't really nessecary. There weren't really that many group teleport abilities that worked in town. If it wasn's a simple Scape Scroll, then it was something more esoteric... something a more advanced character would use. She had to know who had made that portal; only then could the hunt begin. And with her connections, there were very few people she couldn't get information on.

An Instant Message popped up just then.

Landey's operator smirked. "My thanks, great spirits... now lets hope you have something useful for me."

Re: Mew who? Mew-two?

Unread postPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 3:36 pm
by Teh Kev
Kazu smiled a bit. "Sure I'd be up for some action. Whats this place like exactly?" He paused for a moment then looked around getting the strange feeling someone was watching him. "Hm... So is it within walking distance or do we need some Keywords?" He asked this while idly holding his spear at his side.

Re: Mew who? Mew-two?

Unread postPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 5:12 pm
by Firnthuleien
Arlock grinned. "It needs some keywords. Luckily...I know who to ask about that." he paused a minute, obviously sending a message to someone.

Then he waited another minute, tilting his head slightly to the side, smirking, when he got the answer.

"One of these designers either was a big HP fan...or is just totally weird..." he said with a laugh, leaning closer to Kazu. "The keywords are 'Fizzy Whizz-bees'."

"And as to what it's like? Who knows! Might have bees in it!" He laughed again.

Edited by: [url=>Firnthuleien</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/2/04 9:47 am

Conspiracy theorist, ho!

Unread postPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 9:52 pm
by Dragon Sage007
"You know, I was kinda wondering that myself. But yeah, there was an old Summoner class, that apparently they took out because one-not two, not a dozen, but ONE-player was causing a lot of trouble because of something he found, and the GMs were having a metric assload of trouble taking him down.. I'm willing to wager that someone just now found that single object. Now, Tiffi? If the programmers couldn't take that out, doesn't it sound...suspicious? All they'd have to do is delete all Summoner-specific objects once the class was deleted. Or, at the very least, make it so noone could use them. Tell me why they'd instead make it so that the thing sticks. Worse yet...what if the object still works? I dunno what it does..." Terra trailed off there, wondering on that himself. What exactly COULD the Summoner do, beside summon monsters? Why would that be a problem, really? It could be annoying if there were PKers that summoned them inside towns...but nothing really beyond that.

Re: Mew who? Mew-two?

Unread postPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:24 am
by Teh Kev
Kazu arched a eyebrow slowly. "Are you sure thats correct information? You need three keywords to get to an area by warp... those are only two. Besides, I don't really like that field name... It's... stupid..." The pole arm looked around some more as he waited for the Thief's reaction.

"If you want I know a good place to. Supposed to be a lot of Wind elemental monsters there..."

Mrar :{

Unread postPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 12:15 pm
by Firnthuleien
Arlock shrugged.

"The guy could have meant 'Fizzy whiz bees' anyways. But, it doesn't really matter to me where we go." he said with a grin.

"Wind elementals sounds good to me." he said, prompting Kazu to lead the way.

Arlock was a bit put off by the comment that his source was stupid.

The fellow he'd spoken to had apparently been there, and thought the field was rather interesting; that it in fact, had nothing to do with bees.

Arlock had dealt with this player many times before, and had not been mislead.

"But, to each his or her own", he thought to himsef.

Tiffi says: BAD Terra-lylie-wiley-poo!

Unread postPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 1:10 pm
by SALSAlys
Tiffi just rolled her eyes, lightly smacking her tail against Terra's knees.

"Y'know, you're just reading waaay too much into this. Seriously, I don't think it's that big a deal. And not like it's gonna be affecting us anyways. Megumi's probably going to think you're really weird if you tell her... about... this...."

Tiffi trailed off, glancing about for the mage.

"DRAT! We lost her now, and this is your fault," she complained, smacking Terra again.


Unread postPosted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 6:43 pm
by Teh Kev
Kazu chuckled a bit then nodded at Arlock. He faced the login platform, "Make sure you follow after me Arlock.." He smiled at the thief, then stated his keywords. "Hidden Emerald Wings." After saying these words Kazu was surrounded by 3 red rings, then was slowly warped away into the new area.

Megumi was indeed not there anymore. Tiffi and Terra might remember that they have her member address though, along with Jins if they feel like contacting either of them.

d00d, ha!

Unread postPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 12:42 am
by Dragon Sage007
Barely even budging, Terra calmly replied in a near-sneering tone, "And it's your fault I don't know exactly why that pendant won't come off." Terra quickly rethought exactly what he was saying, though, and it became obvious in exactly how apologetic he looked in the next second.

"Er...sorry, Tiffy. I'm just on edge...if you're alright with it, I'm going to grab a quick sandwich. Mull things over. You're right, I may be overreacting. Tell you what, you call Megumi while I eat, and with her a while. I'll be back in five minutes, ten tops. Alright?" Terra risked a brief smile. He really was treating his friend like a real crumb, and he needed as many of those as he could get...

Re: Dum de dum...plot, plot, plot!

Unread postPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2004 12:49 am
by SALSAlys
Tiffi stretched, leaning back against a table.

Dum de dum... how do you get the messaging thing to work?

She thought about it, like being how she used the magic, and reflected a bit more.

This is going to be pathetic if I don't know how to send this.

She sighed, and her tail wiggled behind her, slightly distressed before she finally 'clicked'.

Heh. Sorta like e-mail.

Megumi, sorry to bother you since we apparently lost you, but this is Tiffi. Do you have any further advice for a couple of new players?

Short, sweet, and stupid, she reflected. Looks like we're gonna be exploring again, at least for s'more of our first day!

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 3/3/04 1:38 am