Dynasty Warriors RP

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Geoff Ixure Aier

Dynasty Warriors RP

Unread postby Geoff Ixure Aier » Fri Jun 13, 2003 4:40 pm

(Note: This is not historically acurate. There are bound to be mistakes, errors and the such. We are starting with the Yellow Turban Rebellion, just when it was finally quelled..game wise that is. Make your entrance, perferablly using your ruler, Just this once, to do so. Even if your person was not around for this, he/she can still particpate. Which means, Qaios=Sun Jian. Dian Wei= Cao Cao. Jhang Liao = No one, one of Lu Bu's officers until later. Wei Yan = Liu Bei)

It was a warm summer day, in the year of 184. The Han emperor began to notice the gaining influence the leader of The Yellow Turbans, Zhang Jiao, was recieving. He finally found the need to stop this rebellion, before it gained too much momentum. The Han called out for help, to deal with this Rebellion. Little did the Han know that this was the begining of the end for them

Geoff Xiure Aier

Re: Dynasty Warriors RP

Unread postby Geoff Xiure Aier » Mon Jun 16, 2003 3:40 pm

Zhang Jiao stood alone, his head lifted to the clouds. He seemed to be in a trance, which was not broken even when two of his disicples approuched, both out of breath. They immediatly kneeled and relayed their information

"Lord Zhang Jiao! I bring terrible news!" The one on the left, Zhang Liang exclaimed "The Han, they've...." Zhang Jiao lifted a hand to silence his follower "They have began an attack, I know. I have forseen it" Their leader turned to them, motioning for them to arise. "Now, my children.. is the time. It is time to usher in a new way.. The way of peace!" He spread his arms out wide, as if embracing this near future

Geoff Ixure Aier

Third straight post, WOO!

Unread postby Geoff Ixure Aier » Tue Jun 17, 2003 5:30 pm

And so it began, Zhang Jiao led his 'children' of the Yellow Turban agaisnt the Han. Though the Han were not alone. They had the help of 'The villain', Cao Cao and many more. Soldiers from all around the country joined the fight agaisnt the Yellow turbans, for fame or whatever reason.

Meanwhile. Cao Cao and two of his officers, each mounted on a fine mare surveyed the area. The two officers were Xiahou Dun and Yuan.
"Brother Dun, this isn't war.. This is madness!" He exclaimed as the fighting raged on. "Indeed it is.." Cao Cao thought aloud, he looked to the brothers, then back to the fighting "Perfect.. in the midst of this chaos, I will establish myself as the one who quelled this rebellion." He turned and rode off with his officers. Unaware of that he was about to ride into a small cluster of the rebels

Darsis AlTanis

Re: Third straight post, WOO!

Unread postby Darsis AlTanis » Wed Jun 18, 2003 6:51 pm

((Notices that you ganked the lines directly from the movies in the DW4. Anywho, onward to business.))

Sun Ce's horse whickered and moved nervously. They were both getting impatient.

The impetuous son of the legendary Sun Jian spun his tonfa in irritaition.

"How long are we going to be sitting here?" he remarked to his companion, a young man with an undeniably beautiful face, and a mind to match it.

"Until Lord Yuan Shao gives the word to attack. These things can take time." said Zhou Yu.

"Hmph. Sure is taking long enough. These Yellow Turbans are no match for us. How much strategy can it possibly take?"

Their waiting was soon rewarded. Sun Ce spotted a messenger running towards his father, who was at the front of the column. They held a whispered conversation.

Sun Jian stood and turned to face his army, which included his son, his son's closest friend, and his daughter.

"Orders from Lord Yuan Shao! We will attack from the east. Cao Cao will attack from the west. Liu Bei will go up the center, along with the volunteer forces. Our present goal is to eliminate Zhang Bao, and then move on to Zhang Jiao at his fortress."

He turned, and spured on his horse.

"For the glory of Wu! Charge!"

Sun Ce charged forward behind his father, glad to be fighting already.

Eyes Within Dreams


Unread postby Eyes Within Dreams » Sun Jul 27, 2003 5:15 am

Da Qiao follows Sun Ce in his nervousness and through the worst of wars.... ((sorry, not much thought on this one, merely because I must be Da and no one else!!1 HAHAH!!! ))


Re: Qiao

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Jul 27, 2003 2:04 pm

(Dear Eyes Within Dreams (henceforth known as EWD, as I am far too lazy to type it):

In case you haven't noticed, this particular RP is DEAD. It's been unanswered to for a month. And even if it WEREN'T, you don't just jump into a thread like this without any thought at all.

Besides the lack of thought about character selection, other than must being a certain character, you are supposed to go to the OOC forum in order to sign up and learn about things. The GM (In this case, Geoff) has the right to refuse you entry into the RP.

In other words? Actually READ some of the links and things that people so kindly put up around the forum, regarding the rules and roleplaying guidelines.

All of the above has been included in OOC brackets on the offchance, no matter how slight, that Geoff is interested in reviving this.)


Zhang He

Unread postby Nduli » Mon Aug 11, 2003 4:09 pm

"The yellow turbans, shall be victorious." Zhang He spoke to his men with the wiff of a claw. "For the Han, shall be danced apon, in one gracefull attack."
"Begin preparations for the wind trap, we shall but blow them away." Zhang He smiled as a portion of his troops set off.
(I know Zhang He isn't in this battle, but he's on their character selection :P)


Re: Zhang He

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Aug 11, 2003 5:54 pm


Ahem. Dear Nduli:

From what I have seen of your speech, you seem more intelligent than the one who claims to have Eyes Within Dreams.

Except for one fact.



Re: Zhang He

Unread postby Nduli » Tue Aug 12, 2003 2:42 am

(Mostly because I don't read OOC statements in a RP forum, especially entire posts of them, because I came to roleplay, but anyhow. I can't even FIND the post under OOC. What amuses me is that I'm "trying" to help revive a fallen RP that could be very fun, and I'm getting flamed. So eXCuse me.)


Re: Zhang He

Unread postby Nduli » Tue Aug 12, 2003 2:58 am

"this particular RP is DEAD. It's been unanswered to for a month. And even if it WEREN'T, you don't just jump into a thread like this without any thought at all."--Fighting Ham

This RP is DEAD, and I jumped in with THOUGHT and I got flamed. Would I have FOUND the ooc post I would have signed up in it. (don't all rps have to have a ooc postage thingy?)

Anyhow, enough is enough.. I'm going to stop bickering and go play Dynasty Warriors. :P


Re: Zhang He

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Aug 12, 2003 3:23 pm

(*sigh* I am being a picky person, but that's mostly because I am currently easily irritated. You DID have thought, but sometimes you have to dig about for the posts in the OOC forum, or at least try to get in touch with the GM.)

Rainbow Fright

Re: Zhang He

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Tue Aug 12, 2003 6:03 pm

[I really, really doubt that this RP will be revived after however long it's been dead. Maybe one of the mods should just lock the thread or something to prevent more people from adding on to it without regarding the OOC or apparent deadness.]

Geoff Ixure Aier

Well, Actually

Unread postby Geoff Ixure Aier » Sun Aug 31, 2003 6:02 pm

(I do plan on reviving this, but I simply need to get a few kinks worked out. I sure hope, in all seriousness that I'm not yelled at for reviving this YET AGAIN)

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