by Endesu » Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:05 am
42 moved swiftly ahead of Kelne, taking a stance on the stairs. "Remember, though, our objective was to descend this tower. Perhaps, as that... thing said, to enter the very center," 42 stated, ready to run at any time. "As dangerous as it may be, it seems we'll need to take the more direct approach again... and still risk having that thing at our sides, as it stands."
The support was charged with energy, ready to be unleashed whenever Kelne wished it. The form, seemingly taking no notice, continued its slow, steady slither, tentacles still pounding at the walls. It was more or less in position for a collapse of the ceiling, whatever effect that tactic would have on such a being.
Stephen was beginning to see the futility of arguing with 32... really, he should've already seen the futility of such, but that train of thought hadn't occurred to him as of yet.
The Ducks were silent, making a slow, steady march, and maintained their hostile, fixed glare on the lot in front of them.
It was at that time, then, that the inevitable seemingly happened; from within the belly of the ship came a draconic roaring and the noise of metal being slashed and sliced. The ship shook slightly as this transpired, and there then followed a seeming silence.
Stephen paused, initially shocked, before facepalming. The Ducks, at this point, had stopped entirely.
The wraith was silent for quite some time, now. As they traveled onward, Greg would note that they appeared to be approaching more grassy lands; in the distance, a series of structures could be made out... homes of some sort, perhaps? There also appeared to be several markers of some sort, amidst said structures...
"... you have nothing to fear from me," the specter finally responded, croaking slightly as they began to approach the settlement. "We made a deal, and we both delivered on our parts of such. In a sense, we are bound by honor to that deal, and as such, I will not betray your trust." It mumbled a bit more after this, before pausing and speaking again. "Those who are left alive today... those who knew of me, whoever they may be... they may have reason to worry, but you are certainly not of them."