The Next Crisis

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon May 10, 2004 3:09 pm

Kilisha took a moment to catch her breath, then walked back over to the edge of the hole. Peering down into it, she could see that it was about ten feet deep, with the sides cut smoothly out of the rock.

"It must have... been some kind of... trap," said Lisha.

Suddenly, the gravel that had covered the bottom of the hole began to move about. Then, something emerged from it, but Kilisha could not quite make out what it was in the shadows. Feeling a little unsafe now, she again backed away from the hole.

A moment later, the thing emerged. It looked something like a large spider. The length from the front of its head to the end of its abdomen was about six inches and its legs were about a foot long each. The creature was mostly black, but there was a bright yellow cross on the top of its head.

The creature's two front legs were not currently being used for walking. Instead, the creature was holding them above its head and was using them to carry a large piece of limestone gravel, about two inches long and an inch wide.

"What the hell... is that?" Kilisha wondered aloud.

The thing suddenly threw the rock at her.

(Rock Throw: d20-Roll 18 *critical*)

There was a good deal of strength behind the throw, as the rock slammed into Kilisha's stomach. After falling to the ground, the wind knocked out of her, she curled up and began gasping for air.


Order of Initiative
1. Spider Monster
2. Xiao Long
3. Seryntas
4. Jeshua
5. Kilisha

Spider Monster
Having thrown its rock, the giant spider needed more ammunition. The ends of its eight legs glowed a dark red for a moment.

(Break Rock: d20-Roll 17)

The rocky ground below the spider suddenly cracked apart and transformed into a pile of gravel.

So it can use Earth Magic, thought Jeshua. Interesting...

Xiao Long
(OOC: Your turn, Darknight.)

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 5/12/04 4:45 pm

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon May 10, 2004 8:53 pm

(OOC: Got it, yay, finally, a battle, and Spleen had to miss it =( )

Xiao Long saw the Spider monster curmble the gravel underneath it and figrued it could use Earth magic, so she made a mental note to avoid flying boulders. She instictively puled out her dual Jians and began running parallel to the spider. She ran aourn dthe spider to the back, jumped up, and tried to slash at the spider's abdomen, making an X with her swords.


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed May 12, 2004 4:44 pm

(Attack Spider: d20-Roll 16)

A crunch was heard as the blades broke through the spider's exoskeleton and sliced through its abdomen. Yellow "ick juice" began to run out of the wound.

(Darkknight again)

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Seryntas Attacks

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed May 12, 2004 6:42 pm

Seryntas pulled his sword out of his sheath and ran headlong into the spider, slashing at one of the many front pincers that the spider had.


<-- Not a spider

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri May 14, 2004 4:50 pm

(Attack Spider: d20-Roll 13)

Seryntas' blade cleaved through the spider's pincer, leaving the creature with one less useful part. Ick juice ran out of the stub that remained, but stopped after a moment.

The old mage, interested in learning about this creature and being content to let his mercenaries worry about killing it, focused his mind on the creature and astral scanned it.

(Astral Scan: d20-Roll 18)

The scan revealed the secrets of the monster to Jeshua.

"This creature is a lesser demon of the element of Earth," he yelled.

He detected a great deal of mana within the creature, much of which felt like it had once been within the mana pool. Perhaps, he surmised, this creature was created there. Perhaps more creatures like it were as well.

Finally getting her breath back, Kilisha rose to her feet. She glared at the spider for a moment, then took a running jump and cannonballed toward it.

(Cannonball: d20-Roll 20 O_O)

With incredible force, Kilisha's feet slammed down onto the spider, hitting it dead in the center. With a crunch, the spider's mid-section collapsed. Like a fountain, ick juice sprayed out of the spider's mouth and the wound on the back of its abdomen. The spider's pincers made a chewing motion for a moment, then grew still along with the rest of the creature.

As Kilisha stepped out of the puddle, she heard the crumbling sound again. Looking up the mountain, she saw three more holes opening up. Quickly, she grabbed the bow from her back and knocked an arrow. A few moments later, three more spiders had climbed out of the holes and were approaching, each carrying their own stones.

Order of Initiative

1. Spider 2
2. Xiao Long
3. Spider 3
4. Spider 4
5. Kilisha
6. Seryntas
7. Jeshua

Spider 2

Seeing its targets ahead, the first of the three new spiders chose to attack its smallest enemy first. It drew back, then hurled the rock it carried at Xiao Long.

(Rock Throw: d20-Roll 14)

The rock flew though the air and slammed into the girl's shoulder, leaving a bruise.

Xiao Long
(OOC: Darkknight's turn.)

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Re: <-- Not a spider

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri May 14, 2004 7:35 pm

"Ew, that's nasty," She said, remarking about the juice that gushed out of the spider and began to slowly pour down the mountainside. She didn't notice when three more spiders popped out of the ground, and was taken by surpirse when she was hit with the boulder. "Gr... what the hell is it with these things. I'm going to have nightmares for weeks," She said as she dashed straight up to the spider that had hurled the rock at her.

She pulled out her Jians again, which she had resheathed after seeing Lisha slam through the first spider. She ran circles around the spider, then, when it seemed a little confused, she jumped at it's face, slashing at the creature's many eyed face.


The Poste of Misfortune

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue May 18, 2004 5:48 pm

(Attack Spider: d20-Roll 9)

Apparently the spider wasn't confused enough. Seeing the girl slash at it with the jians, the creature sprang backwards. The blades cut through the air in front of the spider's face, just missing their target.

Spider 3

The next spider chose the largest member of the party as its target. With a mighty heave, the spider sent its rock hurtling towards Seryntas.

(Rock Throw: d20-Roll 4)

However, the spider could not have hit the broad side of a barn. The rock sailed past Seryntas, missing him by a wide margin, and bounced along the ground behind him.

Spider 4

The last spider again chose Xiao Long as its target, as she was the closest and, therefore, the easiest to hit.

(Rock Throw: d20-Roll 1)

Of course, this spider's rock didn't hit its mark either. In fact, the rock not only missed Xiao Long, but it slammed right into the spider next to her, denting the side of the creature's head. The unfortunate thing began to stagger around, having suffered a bit of damage to its brain.


Kilisha, with her arrow ready, had intended to shoot the spider that Xiao Long had attacked. However, after seeing the recent run of luck in this fight, she decided not to take the risk. Instead, she fired the arrow at the spider that had attacked Seryntas.

(Arrow Shot: d20 Roll-10)

The succubus muttered a curse as the arrow missed its target by barely an inch. All this missing was starting to get old.


Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 5/18/04 5:50 pm

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Re: The Poste of Misfortune

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Tue May 18, 2004 5:58 pm

"Man, you people have bad aim," he said, heaving his greatsword into the air, and running after the spider that had tried to hit Xiao Long. He ran up, and smashed his sword down onto the already dented head of the arachnid, hoping to smash the thing's brain to goo.


Re: The Poste of Misfortune

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue May 18, 2004 8:31 pm

(Attack Spider: d20-Roll 13)

Somebody finally managed to hit something. Coming down with great force, the blade sliced into the spider's head. While the brain wasn't exactly smashed to goo, it still received a severe level of damage. Unable to survive this last injury, the spider clenched its legs up together and moved no more.


Since Jeshua had already astral scanned one spider, he didn't see much of a point in scanning the rest. Therefore, he decided, it would be prudent of him to ensure the destruction of these monsters before he wound up having to dodge any flying rocks. To this end, he raised his staff into the air, magical energy flowing into it, then waved it around and pointed it at the spider that had thrown the rock at thrown the rock at Seryntas. With a bright flash, a large fireball streaked toward the spider.

(Fireball: d20-Roll 19)

The fireball crashed into the spider and then flashed out into a fiery explosion. Several of the spider's legs flew away, torn from the spider's body by the force of the blast. When the flash disappeared, all that was left of the spider was a crushed and burning corpse.

Order of Initiative

1. Spider 3
2. Jeshua
3. Kilisha
4. Xiao Long
5. Seryntas

Spider 3

The last spider standing, having seen its comrade utterly demolished by Jeshua's spell, decided that the mage was the target most necessary to deal with. Moving quickly, it darted over to the old man and bit at him.

(Attack Jeshua: d20-Roll 5)

The creature only caught part of the mage's robe in its mouth. After chewing for a moment, the creature released the cloth, realizing that it had not accomplished anything.


Again, Jeshua held his staff into the air. Its end began to glow, and he then slammed it down towards the spider's head.

(Magic Strike: d20-Roll 1)

The mage's senses must have deteriorated in his old age, because instead of hitting the spider, he managed to slam the staff down onto his own foot. By quickly pulling the magic back out of the staff, he was able to save his foot from total destruction, but the pain resulting from the hit was still enough to cause him to yelp.


Kilisha pulled back another arrow and pointed it at the spider. She hesitated for a moment before firing, almost certain that something bad was going to come of this move. Still, she knew that she needed to destroy the spider before it managed to bite someone. With that thought, she released.

(Arrow Shot: d20 Roll 20)

Kilisha gritted her teeth as the arrow seemed to fly through the air in slow motion. She just knew the thing was going to go straight for Jeshua. But, fortunately, no. To her great relief, the arrow drove into the spider's neck, causing the creature's head to pop off. And with that, the last spider was no more.

End of Battle

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 5/21/04 9:18 pm

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Re: The Poste of Misfortune

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu May 20, 2004 8:21 pm

"Well, that was an interesting battle. I'm going to be arachnopobic for awhile," Xiao Long said, then noticed Jeshua howling in pain after slamming his toe with his staff.

"Looks like the old geezer whaked himself pretty hard," Seryntas said, resheathing his sword. Xiao Long wandered over to one of the oversized spiders. It was easily three times her height and four times her width.

"I wonder where these things came from? And how did they get so big?" Xiao Long wondered aloud.

(OOC: I don't know if it's just me, but there seems like there was a lot of missing involved in that last battle. Perhaps modifying the roll equivalents? Just suggestions...)


Re: The Poste of Misfortune

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri May 21, 2004 9:33 pm

(OOC: Actually, what I think I'll try doing is to roll two dice instead of one and use the higher roll.)

"Jeshua said... something about... them being demons," said Kilisha, walking up to the spider beside Xiao Long.

She looked down at the thing.

"I do feel a demonic... presence... about it," she said. "But there's also something... else. Something I... don't quite recognize."

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Re: The Poste of Misfortune

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sun May 23, 2004 4:45 pm

"Yeah, being around these things makes me feel queasy," replied Xiao Long. Seryntas walked up next to the things liying on the gravel and said, "I'm just glad these thigns are dead," then gave a final smash wth his fists just to ensure it was dead.

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Re: The Poste of Misfortune

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Tue Jun 15, 2004 4:04 pm

(OOC: Hey Seethe, you alive? If something happened, leave a message on here so I know.)


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Jun 16, 2004 3:36 pm

(OOC: The trip I went on two weeks ago threw me off.)

Jeshua looked up to the top of the mountain.

"Alright, that's enough chatter," he said, then began to walk up the mountainside.

"Grumpy," Kilisha quietly remarked.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:00 pm

(OOC: Oh, no problem, just didn't want our favorite GM to hae fallen off the face of the Earth.)

"Yeah, sheesh, we just finish up with a fight for our lives, and up the mountain we go again," Xiao Long said. She resheathed her Jians and pulled out her staff/bow and used it as a walking stick as they traveled up the side of the mountain.

(OOC: Spleen should be returning to play as Seryntas again.)

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Jun 16, 2004 10:09 pm

"Live with it, kid," Seryntas said, sheathing his greatsword and starting up the mountain. "Welcome to the life of the hired get your money, you climb the mountain, you fight the monsters, you shut the hell up. Stop complaining." He turned away, then back again, to add a point to his speech. "And furthermore, you shouldn't need to know what we're doing here, or why. Just that you're getting paid to do it. Got it?"


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Jun 18, 2004 1:53 am

As Kilisha ascended the bald slope of the mountainside, now silently following behind the rest of the group, she continued to feel the strange presence she had sensed in the dead spider. The demonic presence had left her perception as soon as she had put some distance between herself and the corpse. But the other feeling, the one she didn't recognize, seemed to faintly stay with her...

Well, no. Actually, the entire presence of the spider was gone. The demon girl was feeling the same unknown sensation that she had felt from the giant arachnid, but the source had changed. It was now coming from... the top of the mountain.

But what was it? As Lisha thought about it, she came to realize that it was something she seemed to... desire. Something she... hungered for. Then, with a sudden chill, she realized what it was that she was feeling... Raw spirit energy.

Kilisha stopped and stared at the back of Jeshua's robe for a moment. For the first time on this trip, she found herself wondering and actually worrying about what the the mage was up to. Then she started moving again, deciding to keep quiet about what she felt at least until the group finished the long hike to the top of the mountain.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Jun 21, 2004 12:05 pm

Xiao Long, after being "scolded" by Seryntas, was again skipping along, as happily as ever. Walked up to Seryntas and saw his face full of concentration, so she fell back, frolicking along side Kilisha, but she saw that she also had a face of concern and tension. What's with these guys? They don't seem to know how to have some fun.


Laziness is fun.

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon Jul 05, 2004 7:37 pm

Kilisha looked at Xiao Long, watching as the girl frolicked along beside her. After a moment, the succubus finally began to feel a little less worried.

"It doesn't look like much bothers you," she said.

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Old people don't know how to have fun.

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Jul 07, 2004 4:31 pm

"Yeah," Xiao Long responded, "I try not to let anything get me down. The way I see it, nothing can be worse than my father's death." She then continued skip along, noticing that her naive not-a-care-in-the-world ways were affecting at least someone positively.


Young whippersnappers!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Jul 09, 2004 7:40 pm

I guess the worst part of my life is probably over with too, thought Kilisha as she continued to follow the group up the mountain. At the very least, now isn't the time to worry about it.


After a climb that lasted the better part of an hour, the group finally reached the peak of the mountain. The place didn't really appear to be anything special, just a place where the rising slope flattened out to form a circular plane about 10 feet across before beginning its way down the other sides. But then again, the fact that this mountain was just a tall, featureless bump in the ground without so much as a stone jutting out of any of its sides may have seemed a bit odd, especially since all of the other mountains visible from this point were covered by trees up to elevations much higher than where the group currently stood.

"This mountain appears to have been carved," Jeshua mumbled to nobody in particular.

Rubbing his chin, he walked to the center of the plane and stood staring at the ground, deep in thought.

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Re:Young whippersnappers

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sun Jul 11, 2004 2:59 pm

Xiao Long stopped her gamboling half way through the hour it took them to get to the top, and when they reached the top she exclaimed, "We came all the way to the top for this? It doesn't even have a good view," but then reconsidered her words when she heard the mage say that it had been carved. She looked around and noticed that there was nothing... No trees, no bushes, and no animals, minus the three gargantuan arachnids that had attacked them earlier. She promptly sat down to await Jeshua's orders, pulled out a branch she had been whittling, and continued to carve the wood.

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Re: Re:Young whippersnappers

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Jul 13, 2004 8:10 pm

Seryntas bent to examine the ground for signs of any strange marks, including possibly magical runes.



Re: Re:Young whippersnappers

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Jul 16, 2004 4:49 pm

Near the northern edge of the mountaintop, a tiny arrow was carved, pointing directly north.

While Seryntas looked around and Xiao Long whittled at a branch, Kilisha walked to the center of the mountaintop, next to Jeshua. There, she felt the spirit energy more strongly, but it still seemed faint. It now seemed to emanate from below her.

"You feel it too, don't you?" Jeshua asked her.

Kilisha was still for a moment, then nodded.

"I suppose you would," said the mage. "Given... the type of being that you are."

Kilisha looked up at the mage.

"So, what is this... and... what do we do... about it?" she asked.

"I do not the answer to either of those questions as of now," said Jeshua. "But the reason we came up this mountain was to find them."


Re: Re:Young whippersnappers

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:25 pm

Jeshua then turned toward Xiao Long and Seryntas.

"You two," he said. "Stand lookout. Tell me if anyone or anything tries to make its way up this mountain."

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Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Jul 30, 2004 8:10 pm

"Yes sir," Xiao Long said, saluting to Jeshua and grinning. She looked around and instrintively tried to jump up into a tree, but stopped when she noticed that there were none around. Boy, this might not have been the best idea Jeshua's come up with... Xiao long thought, then took up a position where she would be able to see down the slope of the mountain. Man, I wish there were some trees around here...

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Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Aug 01, 2004 11:30 pm

Seryntas grunted and moved to the opposite side from Xiao Long, folding his arms and staring in his characteristic grumpy way down the mountainside.


Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon Aug 02, 2004 6:12 pm

Jeshua returned to studying the energy source below.

After a few minutes, Jeshua held his left hand toward the ground and made a gesture with his right. Kilisha suddenly felt the spirit energy grow stronger. She was then able to tell that the energy was flowing away to the north somewhere. It died back down, though, after a moment.

The succubus, feeling dazed by what had just happened, began wondering towards the north edge of the mountaintop. Just before she started down the side, though, she noticed the arrow on the ground. Without thinking, she knelt down and felt it. When she did, it began to glow. She closed her eyes as she felt some of the energy flowing into her.

Jeshua happened to notice her activities just then.

"You fool!" he shouted.

Kilisha jumped, then snapped back to her senses. She bolted away from the arrow, looking back just as it stopped glowing.

A cold chill then came over her as she realized what she had done. It was the worst thing she had ever thought she could do. She had consumed a spirit. Already, she could hear its voice whispering in her mind.

What have you done? she heard it wail. Release me!

"I'm... sorry," Kilisha said weakly, closing her eyes again as tears welled up in them. "I didn't... didn't... mean..."

She fell down to her knees and began to cry.

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Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Aug 04, 2004 7:10 pm

(OOC: You mind explaining what just happened? I'm kind of confused...)

Xiao Long saw Kilisha crumble to the ground in a fit of tears and ran over to comfort her. "What happened?" asked Xiao Long as she patted the succubus on the back gently.


Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:33 pm

(OOC: I was meaning to explain IC anyway.)

It took a minute for Kilisha to calm down enough to talk.

"I... I'm not sure... what just happened," she said. "I touched... a... magical symbol... for some reason... and... somebody's soul... was suddenly trapped... inside me."

"You were probably intoxicated by the sudden increase in the intensity of the spirit energy in this area that resulted when I tried to scan the source," said Jeshua to Kilisha. "The symbol you touched seems to have been channeling the energy away to the north. When you touched it, a soul that was traveling along the stream must have been channeled into... you."

Jeshua became quiet, suddenly hearing a crackling sound. He looked back to the middle of the mountaintop and saw the rock beginning to split.

"On your guard!" he shouted. "It looks like we're about to have some trouble!"

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Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:21 pm

Xiao Long quickly spun around, hands instinctively drawn to her two jians. She watched as the Rock slowly crack down the middle and cursed under her breath, hoping it wasn't more spiders.


Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Aug 10, 2004 6:26 pm

As the splitting rocks began to crumble away, Kilisha stood up slowly, without much strength. She didn't feel like fighting right now.

The rocks finished crumbling, leaving another hole. Several moments passed with no activity. Kilisha began to wonder if there was even anything in this hole to begin with. She took a step towards it. Then, suddenly, a tentacle shot out of the hole, wrapped around her waste, and jerked back in, taking her with it.

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Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:04 pm

Xiao Long saw the tentacle shoot out of the hole and latch onto Kilisha. She faltered for a split second, then jumped to try and grab onto her legs, but her hesitation caused her to miss Kilisha's leg by a few inches.

"Damn," she said, then pulled out some rope, ran to the hole, tied the string around one of her daggars, plunged it into the ground near the hole, and jumped into the hole, hoping to see where it lead.

Edited by: [url=>darkknight61189</A]&nbsp; Image at: 12/23/04 15:41


Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Aug 13, 2004 5:19 am

After a drop of about seven feet, Xiao Long was at the bottom of the hole. In front of her was a tunnel, about four feet tall and three feet wide, that stretched down into darkness.

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 8/13/04 5:26 am

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Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Aug 14, 2004 12:47 am

Seryntas leaned down to look into the hole, then cursed, loudly, then called into the hole for Xiao Long. "Kid! You find her down there?" He cursed again, under his breath this time, and turned to Jeshua. "Any idea what could be down there?"


Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sun Aug 15, 2004 10:33 pm

"I don't believe that anything would actually be living down there," said Jeshua. "Except, of course, for that tentacle. I don't really think that it was alive, though."

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Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Aug 18, 2004 6:39 pm

"Not alive?" Seryntas raised an eyebrow. "It it's not alive, then what is it? A giant, undead tentacle?" He paused. "Wait, that's probably exactly what it is. I'd give the kid a hand, but I don't think I'd fit very well down there. Well, you're the big powerful mage, why don't you do something about this? Can't you get the girls out and fumigate the damn tunnel?"


Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby Seethe347 » Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:26 am

Jeshua looked down into the hole.

"That would be quite a drop for a man of my age," he said. "It would seem that the girls will have to get their own selves out of the hole. In the meantime--"

"In the meantime, you would perhaps enjoy having a little chat with us?" said a new voice.

As the voice spoke, three men suddenly faded into visibility, surrounding Seryntas and Jeshua. Each of the men wore a full suit of dark colored plate armor and held a two-handed sword which was also dark. They were quite muscular, though not as large as Seryntas, and seemed to have no difficulty bearing the weight of their weapons or armor.

What was most notable about them, though, was their black hair and their skin color, which was exactly the same as Kilisha's. Jeshua guessed immediately that these were males of the lilim race, incubi.

"Demonic knights of some sort, I would presume?" said Jeshua.

"That description would be sufficient," answered the incubus who had spoken earlier. "Now, I suspect that you have some reason to be tunneling into this mountain, do you not?"

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 8/19/04 4:27 am

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Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby Spleen » Fri Aug 20, 2004 11:26 pm

Seryntas began to reach for his greatsword. "We didn't do the tunnelling, but I'm sure as hell going to tunnel into you if you don't put away those ugly sticks."

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Re: Yessir!!

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sat Aug 21, 2004 11:44 pm

Xiao Long fell into the hole, but didn't realize that it wasn't very deep. She quickly grabbed onto the side of the hole, but screamed in pain as the rocks cut through the fingers. She finally slowed her descent, grabbing onto one rather large rock.

She slowly dropped down to the floor, and, disregarding her hands, took a good look around. Above her, she heard Seryntas and Jeshua talking to people, but she was sure they could handle themselves. Thankfully, she had gone down with her pack, and so she drew out the stick she had been whittling, ripped some cloth from her shirt, and tied it around the end. She then used some liquor she had "borrowed" from Seryntas and poured some on the rag. Then, using some flint she always carried with her she lit the end, illuminating the area around her.

(OOC: Seethe, could you post a description of what the inside of the hole looks like. It would help me a great deal in describing what Xiao Long'll do. Thanks in advance.)

(EDIT: Thanks Seethe. I modified my post.)

Edited by: [url=>darkknight61189</A]&nbsp; Image at: 8/24/04 7:31 pm


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