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Re: God laughs at Cerene.

Unread postby Kai » Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:26 pm

Somehow Zea had known that James wouldn't object to talking about himself for a while. If there was one thing James knew a lot about and had an obvious love for... it was James.

Well, then... keeping in mind that you must keep certain things to yourself so that you may remain suitably mysterious... shoot. She yawned, a face-splitting cat yawn. Go ahead. Like I said, I have no one else to talk to right now.

In the back of her mind, Zea was still worried. James could still be resurrected for a while after he passed on, but Zea didn't want him doing it. Even though James certainly had no shortage of the willpower necessary to stick around, keeping oneself attached to the material plane was a difficult task. In Zea's experience, every soul had a limit. If James reached his, they might lose him. It was Zea's humble opinion that such a thing might be bad at this juncture.


Re: God laughs at Cerene.

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Nov 10, 2005 7:19 pm

Alright, sure. Welcome to the secret life of James Silvar, where you get to learn all about me and my magnificent accomplishments. James laughed again. The situation was absurd. Here he was, recently deceased, and more or less inhabiting the mind of a female friend who had been polymorphed far as he could tell, an adorable, blue-furred kitten. He personally preferred her as a girl for a number of reasons, but Zea certainly made a cute kitten.

Anyway, I'm 19 years old. You probably knew that, or could have guessed. I graduated from Gunnir in my 5th year. I understand that's almost a year earlier than my father graduated and everyone seems to think HE's a great mage, but I've proven that I'm superior from an academic standpoint, at least in terms of talent. It's the demonic blood, I'm convinced. Makes magic so much easier if you're open to it and play to your strengths. Which I do, of course. It's just a coincidence that my strengths are the exact opposite of his. I like it that way. I'm good at things he doesn't even understand. I've got nowhere to go but up, and I'm already an impressive spellcaster. I've got infinite potential. Or I did, anyway. I died a few minutes ago. He punctuated that last bit with a dry, humorless laugh. I hope that it's temporary. It'd be a real waste.

Whatever. My mother's a succubus. You knew that, too. Her name is Sirvix, and she's a schoolteacher in her spare time. Why she married my father I'll never understand. I just don't get what she sees in him. He's a good mage, but I'm better than he was at my age. Seriously. He's nothing special. He's only famous because the royals handed him a seat in power. They like him for some reason. I bet he slept with the Queen or something. Then again, I don't know why she'd want him. James paused momentarily, apparently thinking about where to go with this line of conversation. But whatever. Mother says I should respect him. I put up with the bastard for her.

Shrugging his incorporeal shoulders, James continued. The best thing he ever did was send me to Gunnir. He was determined that I should be a mage. Never asked what I thought, but it's probably the only good idea he's ever had. Gunnir was incredible. I got to go at 12, but I understand that my father had to wait until he was nearly 15. His father apparently didn't know anything about magic aside from the fact that it was something other people that weren't him could do. He grew up in a frontier town out in the middle of nowhere, but he wasn't that far south of the Shuman, and he wasn't that far from Gunnir, either. A few days' travel. I never got to really meet my grandfather. He died when I was very young, not that it matters to me. My mother's family is more interesting.

Saying that jogged James' memory a bit. Hey, who's your mother, exactly? She's your demon parent, right?

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Re: God laughs at Cerene.

Unread postby Kai » Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:47 pm

Yes, she is. She's a half-succubus. She was raised by her human mother for a while before my grandfather realized that he should take care of his kids. That's why she has a human name, unlike my aunt Shillelagh. It's also why my mother has such a liking for humans. And Drow, I think. Though she must have eventually decided humans were better, because my father is a human. At least, that's what she tells me and I'm not inclined to disbelieve her. Enough about him. James probably doesn't care. He seems a hell of a lot more fond of talking about demons.

What else? I had a few private tutors, so I never ended up going anywhere like Gunnir. My grandfather paid for them, and besides that I think a few were friends of my mother's. I started up studying necromancy because of what was described to me as a kind of astral birth defect. My mother had it fixed to some extent. I basically was keeping way too much of my aura on the shadow plane. This makes it easier for me to cast that kind of magic, but for a long time I was living day in and day out with a head full of dead people. Eventually it got to the point where I wasn't responding to the living anymore. I stopped eating because no one in my head thought I had to. That's kind of where she drew the line. That and a couple of things I don't remember but she told me about years later.

Zea blinked a couple of times. She was getting used to her new vision, but didn't really like how hard it was to focus on things that weren't moving. The things that were, though... she could see every blade of grass in the area if a breeze was coming through. Each and every one, independent of all the others. She now understood why cats could sit and stare at things for hours on end.

The main thing that bothered her was apparently an incident when I was about six years old. One of her former lovers-- and by former I mean she killed him by drawing out most of his soul-- decided to use what was left of his aura to contact me. According to her, I attacked her. I yelled at her about taking my revenge for having been murdered by some demon slut, blah blah blah. I guess he thought that taking her daughter and not giving her back would be an appropriate punishment. One of her other friends got the guy out of me, but after that she had my aura pulled off that plane and bound more heavily to the astral like everyone else's. She sighed and curled up on the ground next to his arm. He wasn't as warm as he'd normally be, and soon he'd be poor insulation indeed. But for now the cat instinct in the back of her mind told her this was a good place to relax. The necromancer instinct in the rest of her mind had no problem with the decision.

So, I guess the point of that story is that having you talking to me in my head is hardly the weirdest or most invasive thing I've ever gone through with a dead person.


Re: God laughs at Cerene.

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sun Nov 13, 2005 2:52 pm

That's fascinating, noted James, although it sounds more a little inconvenient. He laughed, and this time, James' laugh echoed inside Zea's head, as though he were standing at the bottom of a great canyon.

Gunnir was a great place, by the way. I studied a lot of interesting things and met some worthwhile people. Some. Most of them failed to recognize me as the infinitely talented genius I am, but that was their error, not mine. James paused and grinned at Zea. There was almost a hint of the idea that James knew he was being a pompous ass. Perhaps, at least some of the time, he was doing it on purpose. Or maybe his latest adventures with death had worn him down a little. The last time the group was in combat, he had come very close to dying, and this time, he did. It was pretty clear that James was as vulnerable as anyone else.

But whatever. I went on to study Shadow and Malediction magic, mostly because they suited my heritage. I picked up a few other tricks along the way, mostly related to Enchantment, and Astral magic is fascinating. It's such a raw form of magic, so pure. Then again, practical lessons refined what I knew. Gunnir taught me many things, but I didn't really get a chance to figure out what many of them were good for until later. James paused, scratched the back of his neck out of habit, and continued. The fact that he no longer had nerve receptors to stimulate an itching impulse was more or less irrelevant at this point.

Anyway, I ran into this guy. A mercenary, specifically, and probably the most professional individual I've ever happened to meet. I've still got one of his business cards, actually. He taught me the variation on air magic that I use now, which he called Vacuumancy. Plus, he taught me a couple of Malediction-related tricks I hadn't previously considered. His name was Zeke. Zeke Mazuo. Good guy, really, although a little full of himself. I hear he has quite the reputation. Supposedly he tried to kill my godfather once.

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*le gasp*

Unread postby Kai » Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:06 pm

Zea was silent for about ten seconds.
Every hair on her little feline body stood on end. She was silent for another twenty seconds.

James knew both of her parents, but more importantly... he knew her own father better than she did.

....I've heard the name, she replied.

She was silent for another ten or twenty seconds.

She stood up and walked away from James. He was losing heat anyway. Zea took several steps in one direction and turned to look his body. She blinked a few times and attempted to focus on the astral form that was currently a much more relevant object of her examination. James was difficult to see, but not impossible. She probably had an easier time of finding him than even another necromancer would.

She tried to imagine him talking to her father. Working with him. He knew Zeke! Of all the improbable and confusing occurances, she'd been working with someone who knew her father. What would have happened if Zea had used her full name? Introduced herself as Zea Mazuo? Would that have changed anything, made a difference at all? Maybe.

The real question was this: Could James be trusted? Could she trust him not to tell her father? She didn't want Zeke to hear it from anyone but her. Even if James wouldn't say anything to Zeke, she still wasn't sure she wanted to tell him. It was hard, though. Zea didn't know if she'd be able to travel with James without trying to learn more.

...He... sounds like... he made a good impression, she offered slowly. She was lucky that she and James were more or less communicating telepathically. If she'd had to speak to him verbally she couldn't possibly have done it.

She licked one paw nervously, trying to appear nonchalant and knowing that it probably wasn't possible. It was much harder for her to control her body language when she was in a body that was still so unfamiliar. There was no way to control all that. The ears, the tail, the fur standing on end were betraying her and she knew it. Though that damned tail was the worst one of all. Privately she cursed it and had to hope that James wasn't very familiar with cats.

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Re: God laughs at Cerene.

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:40 pm

Cerene, of course, was paying about as much attention to Jessie as he was to her, which was to say none at all. He obviously wasn't good for anything other than getting them all into far too much trouble. Why expect that he could fix his mistakes?

Keros, however, had picked up a bad habit from his passenger - eavesdropping. Truth be told, he was glad that somebody else would be handling the resurrection. He honestly didn't think they could pull it off. He wasn't sure he liked the idea of being beholden to Ambrogino, but it seemed a small enough price to pay.

'It sounds like we're off the hook, Cerene,' he sent, relaying the gist of the pair's conversation.

'Well, be ready anyway,' she replied, 'We won't want to waste any time if they screw this up.' Her faith in Jessie and anyone associated with him was severely limited.

With the James situation at least nominally dealt with, she was able to calm down at least somewhat. Unfortunately, this left ample opportunity for her own woes to reassert themselves. The fight had left her feeling extremely drained. Keros's healing had left her able to function, but she still needed rest before she'd be fully back to normal. That and a bath.

But even if James was going to be alright, there was still Zea to consider. Not for the first time, she reflected that it would be handy if she could use telepathy with people other than family and summons. It'd sure as hell make communicating with Zea easier. By the looks, the poor presently kittenish girl was upset about something. As well she might be.

Well, she could at least talk to Zea, even if she couldn't make sense of any replies. "It sounds like our gracious host can bring James back," she said, easing herself down next to Zea. There was a modicum of sarcasm on the 'gracious host' part, which was only to be expected at this point. "I'm not sure what we can do about you, but somebody's bound to think of something."

She was feeling rather guilty about Zea's situation, since she hadn't seen it happen, and thought it was down to the blasted butterfly. Stuff like this happening to her she could live with - she was bringing the risk on herself, after all. But she hadn't expected the backlash to hit someone else.

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Re: God laughs at Cerene.

Unread postby Kai » Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:56 pm

Zea whirled around as Cerene addressed her. It was a welcome distraction from a highly awkward conversation. Hopefully James would see that she was busy and not press the matter of Zeke Mazuo any further.

Finding Cerene at an accessible level, Zea replied the only way she could. She couldn't speak or otherwise verbalize anything, but she did want to reassure Cerene that she was all right. Zea approached the phoenix and rubbed against her arm in classic scent-marking fashion. Zea pulled back and sniffed, noticing that Cerene did indeed smell more like her now.

Fascinating. This is so odd. I feel like I can smell everything.

It occurred to her that it might be important information for the rest of the group that James was still present. She made eye contact with Cerene, and then over to James, then over a bit to where James actually was. She looked back at Cerene and twitched an ear. She looked back over where she could faintly see James, then back to Cerene. She mewed pointedly, but couldn't do much more to communicate the information.

Playing kitten charades. Reshtaha. What have I gotten myself into...

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Re: God laughs at Cerene.

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:09 pm

With the rubbing, Cerene reached out absently towards Zea, with the intent of scratching her behind the ears. She managed to check the motion before it became too obvious, though. That would've been heaping indignity upon indignity for Zea. Though she was just so cute.

Cerene shook her head. Cute Zea might be, but she doubted she'd appreciate being scooped up and petted. Anyway, she seemed to be trying to tell her something.

Unfortunately, her expertise in kitten charades was severely limited. Something pertaining to James, that much was obvious. But what exactly?

"Your guess is as good as mine," she said, figuring it was a question as to whether James could be successfully revived, "As long as his soul's hanging around somewhere nearby, it'll probably work. If not..." She shrugged helplessly. If not, there'd be precious little they could do about it.

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Re: God laughs at Cerene.

Unread postby Kai » Tue Nov 15, 2005 6:44 pm

I should have known this wasn't going to work. Well, plan b. Entertain myself for a while. Calm my nerves...calm my-- of course! I've always been curious about this...

Zea sat next to Cerene and contentedly licked the pads of her right front paw. She scraped at the ground in front of her and attempted to bring a very specific type of plant to her location. Much to Zea's delight, the intended plant materialized, presenting her with a modest growth of catnip.

Now that's useful.

She gave the plant an inquisitive sniff, finding that the instinctive feline portion of her mind responded enthusiastically to the stimulus. Apparently it wasn't necessarily an acquired taste. It was just something that cats liked. She took a few experimental nibbles, wondering if the mildly intoxicated state she expected would carry over into her human form.

Pretty soon she didn't care. catnip was great. Catnip was fantastic. Everything was more interesting. Everything smelled better. In fact, she found that she didn't even really mind Jessie. In fact, he was obviously a fantastic guy... just a little misunderstood. Just as she was resolving to make friends with the strange taciturn elf she realized it was probably time to cut herself off.

Wow.... that's neat. I'm so glad I had this opportunity!

Edited by: [url=>Kai</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/15/05 18:45

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Re: God laughs at Cerene.

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Nov 15, 2005 7:43 pm

Cerene shook her head again. Under other circumstances, she'd soon be reduced to helpless giggles at Zea's antics. Even now, they brought a smile to her face. She wouldn't have thought that there was any way in which Zea could make the best of the situation, but she had.

There wasn't really much more to be said at this point. The rest could wait until morning.

Keros had managed to find one thing that probably shouldn't be left to morning - Bulworth was still sporting the wound he'd picked up during the fight. A bit of work soon cleared that up. Other than that, there seemed little more for him to do.

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Re: God laughs at Cerene.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Nov 15, 2005 10:09 pm

Bulworth rotated his arm, feeling if everything was back in place. "Thanks..." he muttered, almost to himself.

Some help I've been... All I've done is get in the damn way of other people getting struck by something. Great. I'm the meatshield they all think I am. But, at least when he's revived, I'll be able to stick it to that James guy over getting killed...

Better start thinking of insults now...

"So... yeah. There IS a healer close to here, right?"

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*brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kai » Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:48 am

(Copied and pasted from the OOC thread:

Jessie will be using a scroll to resurrect James, which will obviously be expensive and result in drastically reduced pay if not no pay at all. Ordinarily, Zea as well as other party members might wish to watch as this procedure takes place, but Jessie denies permission for unexplained Jessie reasons.

Jessie will also dispell Zea's kittenhood himself, since it's not really that big a deal, apparently.

Jessie will then drop the party off in the castle library using one of his crazy fucking omnipotent card dealies. He's a busy man, and not much for small talk as we all know. Not much hope for conversation with him unless he decides he needs us again in the future.

Beyond all of this, I'd like to RP the aftermath of this starting in the castle library and actually resolve it. Then we can just go ahead and board RP until people split up and go their separate ways for now.)

After Jessie left them in the library, Zea looked around her to inspect her current colleagues. It was safe to anticipate that there would be more trouble between James and Bulworth, as neither one could seem to keep from pestering the other. Zea was not in the mood to break up any fights, and while James was breathing and conscious, that was about all one could say for him. As much as Zea was willing to admit James could probably benefit from the consequences of teasing a minotaur, this was hardly an appropriate time.

As if to compound the situation, her catnip buzz had worn off a mere matter of minutes after she'd been returned to her normal form. Her wide-eyed amazement with all of creation had been a worthwhile diversion, but most of that was gone now. What was left was more accurately professional curiosity than a leftover from being a kitten. She had so many questions for James, but now wasn't really the best time for that either. Not until James was feeling better at least. Zea hoped desperately that it wouldn't fall to her to help anyone else. It was true that she was capable of healing the injuries of others. It was true that in certain cases she might even be willing to do it. Now was definitely not one of those times.

"Anyone here going to be able to pass around some healing spells? I'm fine but I know that you guys weren't having the best time of it."

Zea had not actually been injured in the fight, but there was a limit to how guilty she could feel abou that. Her recent invasion by the lingering spirits of the dead had left her shaken. It was a frightening part of her childhood that always came back to bite her in the ass when she least expected it. She hadn't gotten a chance to ask James what his experience with death had been like, and more importantly, how the hell he'd known she would be able to hear him. Maybe if she knew that she'd have a better idea of why the dead constantly seemed to crowd around her like thousands of insects around a single light source.

Edited by: [url=>Kai</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/10/06 9:53

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:34 pm

Cerene had been teleported in mid-rant about Wanting Answers, Godsdamnit. She was presently simmering like a volcano at having been foiled yet again in her questioning. At least she'd had time to change into an outfit not utterly ruined during the course of the fight.

Keros, being a bit more conversation-minded, put in an answer to Zea's question, "Already taken care of. Though I think we could do with a bit of a rest. Oh, hey," he continued, as his attention was drawn elsewhere in a manner not unlike that of a magpie confronted by a shiny object, "They have a copy of Sullivan's Travels."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:51 pm

Bulworth was just staring at James, grinning. He FINALLY had a leg up on the smarmy bastard. He didn't want to ruin it by speaking to him. He wanted to just see how he'd wriggle out from under his unyielding gaze.

Ooh, this is gonna be great...


Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Archmage144 » Mon Mar 13, 2006 4:57 pm

"I know I'm handsome, but you're really not my type, Bulworth," James threw out offhandedly with a wave of his hand. "So I would appreciate it if you would stare a little less. Didn't your mother teach you that sort of behavior was clearly impolite?"

The half-incubus flicked his wings and ran his fingers back through his hair. The latter gesture was somewhat like taking a comb to a patch of grass--it bent down, yielding to the pressure, and then promptly sprung back up where it belonged. It was evident that the young mage's hair was, despite its appearance, not likely to impale anyone anytime soon. He sighed heavily and shrugged with indifference.

"I have a feeling that that job was not going to go well. I didn't trust that guy. I'm lucky to be alive, so I don't care about the money or anything. Gil is no good to the dead." He glanced around at his travelling companions, nodding at Cerene and Zea. "My apologies if my untimely demise ruined the trip for anyone else, but I think we're all equally pissed off at Mr. Jesiah Full of Secrets Black. An employer doesn't always have to give you every piece of information he knows, but we were being strung along in a way I'm not too happy about."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:46 pm

"Exactly," Cerene said. She hadn't exactly gotten along with Jessie, and was by no means sorry to see the back of him. "I say good riddance to the arrogant pratt. The only thing that worries me is that he might be conning some other group of poor hapless sods into a new expedition even now."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kai » Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:19 pm

Zea shrugged. "Mr. Black was bothering me, too. I can't say I'm all that worried about his future employees, though. I mean... I doubt anyone will end up working for him unless it's already their time to die. No offense to present company," she finished with a nod to James. "Also, for the record. If it makes you feel better, James... your hair stays like that even after you're dead."

She sighed and took a seat on an upholstered chair nearby. "It's really a shame. I mean, I enjoyed working with you guys and that was all well and good, but I'm really hoping that my next shot at mercenary work doesn't involve an employer who won't give me the information I need to do my job. I think we really are lucky we weren't screwed over any worse than we were. It was a good experience, though."

Speaking of experiences....

"James, I'm really going to have to pester you about some things. I can't help but be curious. How did you know you'd be able to contact me? We didn't discuss the issue with anyone else, but I'm pretty sure they couldn't see you or hear you."

She looked around at her recent colleagues. "At least, you guys didn't say anything if you did. Sorry I didn't mention it, but verbal communication wasn't exactly my strong point while it was happening."


Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Archmage144 » Mon Mar 20, 2006 4:20 pm

"I guessed," shrugged James. "You're a necromancer. You ought to have some experience with the dead. I figured you might be able to talk to them. Besides, who else would I try to contact from beyond the grave? Bulworth?" The half-incubus snickered a little and winked.

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Mar 20, 2006 6:53 pm

"I'd have crushed your head."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kai » Tue Mar 21, 2006 12:43 am

Zea shook her head. "Bulworth, you wouldn't have been able to touch him and you know it. He couldn't touch you either. You'd just swipe at each other and make asses of yourselves."

Zea looked down at the carpet for a moment and shook her head. "You don't want the dead to be able to touch you. You should trust me on this." I certainly never wanted them to.... she thought.

She cleared her throat and forced a smile for the benefit of the others. "After all. Even if you could make physical contact, you could never defend yourself against him. When only one of you is alive and the other is a ghost, you're essentially fighting an immortal opponent. I've tried it. It doesn't go well."

There's nothing anyone can do. It's always been that way. If the dead want to hang around or talk to me or hurt me, there's nothing I've ever been able to do with any reliability. They just keep coming back.

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:05 am

"I meant his actual head."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 21, 2006 1:26 am

Cerene rolled her eyes, "Sure you two don't want to find an arena somewhere, go a few rounds and get it all out of your systems?" She'd almost made a snide remark about getting a room, but that would've just poured oil on the flames.

How quickly they'd resumed their sniping. It had taken James being dead to put a stop to it, and even then, she was sure they'd been thinking nasty thoughts about each other.

"Where are we, anyway?" she asked, both to change the subject and because she actually wanted to know. Jessie might have mentioned where he was sending them at some point, but if so, it hadn't registered. It felt like home, but then, so did most of Igala.

Thankfully, it didn't look like Jessie had sent them to Valth out of spite. Valth was one place she could live without visiting, given all the stories about how xenophobic and anti-magic they were. With a bit of luck, they'd be somewhere in Doma.

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kai » Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:28 pm

"We're in the castle library, or at least a really really close parallel universe with a castle library just like Doma's. This is where we met up before."

Zea scratched the back of her head. Too much had happened lately. Any of the events taken separately wouldn't have been a problem, but the whole string of bullshit that had been thrown at them was so unnecessary. It was no surprise either that Jessie's family was proportionally unpleasant to be around. Jessie had nearly gotten them all killed by withholding information, and Jessie's sister had been the one to do it.

Those people are a matched set. Screw them. I hope they're very happy together and kill one another at the next reunion.

"I assure you all I have no intention of repeating that nonsense. Not working with Black again unless there's a damn good reason. The only thing I regret is that if anyone gets to cut open Jessie's sister it isn't going to be when I'm around. Honestly I'd love to be there. She really was interesting. Her resistance to magic is something I'd like to figure out. I definitely could use that for something."

After all. I didn't say I was going to kill her. Clearly I could never do that on my own. All she has to do... is die. Everybody does, Zea thought with a small, private smile. All she has to do is leave that body unattended for a moment and I, or someone like me, will be there to take her before she's cold. No one here gets out alive, and I regret that she'll probably die far from my laboratory.

Zea shrugged. "Maybe another time. Who knows."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:30 pm

Bulworth looked at Zea, almost like she smelled funny.

"... you're weird. Interesting, but very very weird..."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kai » Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:17 am

Zea smirked. "Bulworth, if only you knew."

A telling me...I'm weird? Am I? Zea thought. No. I just do things differently. I'm sure if he were in my place he'd make similar choices. Maybe not. Doesn't matter.

"Besides, what's wrong with taking advantage of a research opportunity? I'm sure we could all learn a lot from dissecting her. At the very least, it would be nice to animate her corpse and force her to follow me around protecting me. You can not tell me that the irony alone wouldn't be worth it."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:20 am

"That's fair. Feel free to use me when I pass. I should be good even when I get old... if I make it that far. I'd be better than most at it."

He thought a moment. "Make sure I get a good memorial service too."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kai » Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:26 am

Zea looked a little surprised, but an expression of sincere gratitude replaced that. "Thank you. That's really nice of you. And of course you'd have a good memorial service. Heck, if no one else was qualified, I'm sure I could do it myself."

She nodded. "If I'm still around when you go, I may do that. I promise you'd be well taken care of."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:28 am

"Well hey. The prospect of fighting even after I pass on is... a good one. It's like doubling the amount of good I can do..."


Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:35 am

James looked at Bulworth oddly. "I'm perfectly fine with necromancy, and I like necromancers, and I have absolutely nothing against the undead, but I really don't want to be one."

"Your aspirations for the afterlife are very strange, Bulworth. But then, I suppose it would be no great loss. I've met as many zombies with culture as I have minotaurs."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Mar 23, 2006 2:37 am

"Your loss."

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Mar 26, 2006 7:20 pm

Cerene appeared distinctly uncomfortable with the present topic of discussion. Her father had once told her that necromancy wasn't necessarily evil per se, but that its practice necessitated a different sort of morality. One which, if taken beyond certain limits, could well be viewed as evil.

For the first time, Cerene was beginning to understand what he'd meant. She liked Zea, and was pretty sure she was still on the right side of the line, but there was something distinctly creepy about somebody who would patiently wait for people to die so that she could animate their corpses.

For all that Zea was creepy though, Bulworth was downright weird. She'd never heard of anybody volunteering to be reanimated as a shambling zombie before, and however long she lived, she doubted she'd ever understand why he'd done so. He'd passed it off as no big deal, but the very idea of somebody manipulating her body like a puppet when she was gone made her shiver.

"Well, with any luck you won't have that opportunity with me, since I plan on outliving you all. Except you, Keros," She added magnanimously, "You can outlive me if you want." This netted her an odd look from Keros, who for once had no great difficulty working out that her levity was slightly forced.

"I doubt the issue would arise anyway, since we as a species tend to be self-cremating," he remarked seriously, prompting a smile from Cerene. Which might well have been the intent.

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kai » Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:41 pm

Zea laughed. "Well, you know, unlife isn't for everyone. I've actually had people request that I not reanimate them, and that's fine. I mean, it's a body, and it was yours first. You should usually be in charge of what happens to it."

"Death-worshippers have a bad reputation, but if you don't want me messing with your remains, Cerene... I won't." Zea shrugged. "Most of my test subjects are people I'd have killed anyway. People breaking into my house and attacking me or whatever. I've kept some of them."

The fact that Cerene was so uncomfortable with her research stung a little, but was certainly no surprise. There was no reason to tell Cerene about half the things she did with her intruders. Hybridizing their remains with the remains of previous guests, animals, and even plants? Zea could see that Cerene's tolerance for her work wouldn't allow her to accept that.

She liked to think of herself as significantly saner than many of the necromancers she'd met and worked with, but what could she do when even they found her work bizarre and outlandish? Eventually everyone would see that Zea was creating something amazing, something the world had never seen before. Maybe then people would know why she'd dedicated herself to this.

"Anyway. I should probably be heading out pretty soon. Those harpies gave me an idea I'm kind of eager to try out. See you guys later, then? Let me know if Black decides he needs to scam us again. Maybe I'll be dumb enough to jump back on board. For now I have nefarious and horrible magical experimentation to be getting on with."

She headed for the door and stopped to wave to the others left behind. "Take care."

Edited by: [url=>Kai</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/27/06 17:46

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Re: *brooms the RP*

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:29 pm

"Will do," Cerene responded, "See you around." Keros gave a slight wave as well.

With Zea on her way, there weren't a great deal of reasons for her to stick around either. She didn't feel like playing peacekeeper between James and Bulworth, and libraries were definitely more Keros's scene than hers.

"I'll head home myself," she said, "get a decent sleep and all that. You want me to come drag you out of here in a couple of days, Keros?"

"I'm sure I can manage," Keros said, with the faintly amused air of someone who has heard the joke at his expense many times.


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