Castles in the Sky: Closed Freestyle RP.

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Re: Extra exclamation marks = drama!!!!!!!!!

Postby Molokidan » Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:54 pm

"Ooooh!! Ooooh!" Molokidan ran over to Chantelle, ogling at the girl's hand axes. This girl just gets cooler and cooler by the minute!! "Can I do it?! Please please please? I'll promise not to break anything! Well, except the wall, of course."

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Postby Zemyla » Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:59 pm

Chantelle looked Molokidan over. "Hmm, you're probably stronger than I am. I'll let you try it, if you want to so much." And with that, she handed over her handaxes and waited for him to get to work.

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Re: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Molokidan » Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:04 pm

"REALLY?!" Molokidan's eyes opened wide, as if they were about to pop out of his sockets. "Wow! You are so cool, Chantelle!! Actually, you are probably the coolest girl here!"

He took the axes from her happily, marveling at the bladed devices in his hands. He looked back at the group once more before nodding. "Here I go!" he shouted, running forward towards the wall, winding up his arms, ready to do some major chopping.


Re: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby wkz » Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:39 pm

"You know..." Klaus said, still in the blank stare that indicated he was still looking at auras, "The auras here sure are interesting... I believe they argument magic in some way..... maybe if.... hmmm......"

As he went back to his mumbling, a shield appeared in his hand, changing shapes every so often...

(OOC: Note: SALSAlys, please note that "the Shadow Walkers" has been revived, and Nick's waiting for you to post. Sorry for posting this here, but it seems to have a higher-than-most probability of catching SAL's eyes.)

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Postby GC130A » Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:56 pm

"Whoa, kid! Hold it right there!" Winfred said frantically as Molokidan charged at a wall. He knew better than to try stopping someone running with an axe, so instead he backed away as much as he could. "The door! If you're going to break something make it the door!"

The Great Nevareh

Re: ...

Postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:51 am

The small shield that Klaus is in the process of producing forms perfectly. The strange thing is that the only auras he seems to sense are the ones in the cabin. Not all that odd since person's auras tend to overpower background influences, but there isn't any "background noise" aura.

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Heeeere goes!

Postby Molokidan » Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:49 am

"EH?" Molokidan stopped in his tracks, the axes wrenching to a halt right before he smashed through a random point in the wall. "The door, eh? Alright, if you say so."

He backed up again, apparently needing a running start, and this time went full-speed ahead, the axes each pointed straight upwards, to come crashing down through the door. . .

The Great Nevareh

Re: Heeeere goes!

Postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:19 pm

Molo's speed and ram-tasticness paid off, for he went crashing through the door, knocking it out of place and slamming it wide open with a big fat crunching sound. Sunlight streams in through the new hole.

However, that isn't enough to stop Molokidan.

He continues to barrel forwards blindly until he smashes into something that feels like wood and falls into a pile of soft crunchy things.

Outside is definitely not what you'd expect from the interior of the castle- unless you expect the interior of a castle to have no cieling, be filled with trees, and have a soft carpet of grass and moss on the ground. The party seems to have landed in a picturesque forest. The one thing missing for it to be straight out of a fairy tale is the chirping bird, which most likely was frightened away awhile ago by the loud crashing sound of a big squarish thing falling out of the sky.

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Re: Heeeere goes!

Postby Molokidan » Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:01 pm

"Owwwww. . . ." Molokidan recovered from his crash, standing up and blinking madly, rubbing his head. "Wow, that was fun!"

He picked himself out of whatever he had fallen in, and peered around aimlessly, taking in the surroundings. "Hey, guys, looks like we did it! But is this really what an evil magical castle should look like?"

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Re: Heeeere goes!

Postby Zemyla » Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:30 pm

Chantelle stepped out more carefully. "Well, if I were to venture a guess, I would say we missed... except for the funky magical colors."


Re: Heeeere goes!

Postby wkz » Wed Dec 01, 2004 9:35 pm

Michael Klaus started from his daze when Molokidan crashed through that wall. Noticing the doorway finally open, and not particuarly liking dark, enclosed spaces (as he mentioned earlier), he immediately stood up, and pushed pass Chantelle in his haste to reach open grounds, tripping when his foot stepped into the air at the enterence.

Outside, he stood up, patted himself off, and looked up into the sky a bit. He then breathed deep, not caring if the air around him is fresh, or from a putrid swamp, or worse. After all, he's OUTSIDE. Not in a confined area... like caves... which most likely will have dragons... or something that looks at Klaus as a food source...

Snapping back yet again, Klaus noticed the "ordinary"-looking forest for the first time. "So, either we missed the floating castle, or it houses a forest. That would make the land area positively BIG." Looking back towards the cabin door, supported in the air before him by the two displaced trees, he said, "Anyone knows how big the floating castle's land was when it appeared?"

(OCC Edit: Edited slightly to cater for the GM post....)

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 12/1/04 9:40 pm

The Great Nevareh

Re: Heeeere goes!

Postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:35 pm

Molokidan apparently rammed into a tree, and he's lying in a carpet of leaves.

The air is significantly different than the air in the cabin- very fresh, very clean, and it has a certain tang to it that is very difficult to describe. None of the party members have ever smelled anything like this air.

The trees, themselves, seem rather ordinary. They have ordinary-looking leaves, thick ordinarily-colored trunks, and are ordinarily tall as far as can be told, though they probably aren't too deeply rooted since the falling cabin must have knocked over at least one or two in the crash- some of a tree is visible under the compartment, but there isn't any tilt because another tree is just far away enough to also be under the compartment and to balance it flatly.
All the leaves on the ground are green, which isn't too odd in itself since they were probably knocked loose in the crash. There aren't any fallen leaves several meters from the crash zone.

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Re: Heeeere goes!

Postby Molokidan » Wed Dec 01, 2004 10:40 pm

"Who cares?" Molokidan shouts. "Where there's trees, there has to be fruit! Maybe even magical fruit!!"

Without any further ado, Molo scurried up the trunk of the tree he had just slammed into, leaving the axes on the ground, and began investigating for some food.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Heeeere goes!

Postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Dec 02, 2004 5:00 am

"It's estimated that this isle has a lesser radius of about a mile, a greater radius of three miles, with an ovoid shape. Taste that air! What is that, Magnesium? Interesting tang. Doubt it's toxic, though, since we're still alive. And bring me any fruit you find before you eat it so I can test it and see if its edible. You don't want to end up eating any mandrake blossoms or the like and then we have to scoop up your insides with a shovel after they've exploded out of your throat and mouth. Look at these leaves! Bivalve and everything, but nothing I recognize! I should preserve some samples before we leave. I think we're where we're supposed to be."

Warren is continuing to chew on his wafer- how long is he going to make that thing last? He has to have been eating it for the past five minutes. He then stoops over and begins examining one of the leaves more closely with an eyeglass that he must have had on him somewhere.

If the forest is indoors, then the structure holding the forest must have some kind of realistic sunlight device and a very high ceiling, since there is no cieling visible from where they are.

A light breeze begins to blow, bringing in more forest smells like damp bark and moss.

In the tree that Molokidan is investigating, he doesn't find any fruit, but he does find some kind of nut that grows profusely on the tree. It's easily picked, with a hard shell that probably can be opened with bare hands, but not without some difficulty.

Edited by: The Great Nevareh at: 12/2/04 5:02 am

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Re: Heeeere goes!

Postby Zemyla » Thu Dec 02, 2004 3:31 pm

Chantelle o_o'ed. "Wow. That's big. No wonder the Astral is all wonky here; there's a huge amount of magic keeping that island up." She paused. "Actually, I would have rather landed closer to the edge, so I could see where above land we are."

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Magical Nuts!

Postby Molokidan » Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:06 pm

Molokidan snatched a nut. "Not fruit, but oh well. It's still magical food!"

He tried biting the nut as hard as he could, only to injure his teeth. "Grr. . ." he stared at the nut. "This thing is too hard to eat!"

He grabbed another handful, and slid down from the tree, running back to the group, completely forgetting that he had left the hand axes at the base of the tree.

"Hey, everyone!" he shouted. "There's some weird nuts up in the tree! And they are hard to eat!"


Magical Nut grabs a Magic Nut!

Postby wkz » Thu Dec 02, 2004 7:37 pm

"Gimme one!" Klaus said at the mention of the "wierd nuts", then begin to examine it for any magical/reagent properties.

Failing to find that (?), he would proceed to try and open the nut...

The Great Nevareh

Re: Magical Nut grabs a Magic Nut!

Postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Dec 02, 2004 11:12 pm

Michael Klaus' attempt to magically scan the nut doesn't bear any fruit (hee hee!). It isn't that he can't see anything... it's that he sees literally everything- according to his senses, the nut is not only on fire, possessed by evil demons, a lesser diety, and a foul-smelling bit of cheese, it is also a series of bright primary colors and a nekojin disguising itself as a dwarf.

The shell comes off with a little bit of a struggle, and the brown meat of the nut is now open for perusal- it's a light brown and somewhat drab to look at, and has a vaguely walnut-esque scent, with a dicot structure.

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Re: Magical Nut grabs a Magic Nut!

Postby Molokidan » Thu Dec 02, 2004 11:34 pm

"Hey!!" Molokidan shouted. "You opened it!! How did you do that? Let me eat it while you open all the others, okay??"

The Great Nevareh


Postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Dec 03, 2004 1:23 am

"Remember what I said about mandrake blossoms? This thing might be highly poisonous. If you're hungry, there's food in the ship. Let me check this nut out before you end up killing yourself." Warren begins to unpack other tools from somewhere... where does this guy find pocket space for this crap? He opens his hand for the nut that Mr. Klaus just opened.

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Re: Erm...

Postby Molokidan » Fri Dec 03, 2004 4:59 am

"Aww. . ." Molo frowned, watching Warren grab for the nut. "That's not fair! You must just want the nuts for yourself!" he shouted. "They must be really good! Don't give it to him, Michael!" the kid shouted.


Re: Erm...

Postby wkz » Fri Dec 03, 2004 5:52 am

"You know, he's right...." Michael said to Molo as he passed the core of the nut to Warren. "Careful with it, there's something funny about the aura it has..."

He then procedded to grab another nut, and magically scan it again, trying to puzzle out the magical properties (or lack therefore) of both the nut itself, and the images that appear from the scan earlier...

The Great Nevareh

Re: Erm...

Postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Dec 03, 2004 1:31 pm

Upon further scanning of the nut, it also turns out to be made of steel, sexually aroused, reading your mind, meditating, pregnant, a greater water elemental, and a master of the language of the Inujin, in addition to being on fire, possessed by demons, a lesser diety, a piece of foul-smelling cheese, a stream of bright primary colors, and a nekojin disguising itself as a dwarf.
The second shell comes off fairly much like the first, though Michael is growing more experienced at opening these nuts- the process is becoming slightly easier with more time spent opening them.

Warren takes the nut that was offered to him, slices a small sliver off, and sets that sliver on fire below a sheet of odd-looking paper. He then rubs a strip of thin paper on the nut and looks at the coloration of that paper, he takes another sliver of nut and flattens it out on a third sheet of paper using a small rolling pin, and the rest of the nut is put on the ground in its shell for the time being.

"This might take awhile. Why don't some of you go exploring or something? And don't eat anything unless you're absolutely positive it's not poisonous."

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Re: Erm...

Postby Molokidan » Fri Dec 03, 2004 6:31 pm

"Okay!" Molokidan shouted happily, quickly forgetting the nut. "Good idea! Let's go, Michael!" he shouted, grabbing Michael's arm and trying to drag him into the courtyard after him.

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Re: Erm...

Postby GC130A » Fri Dec 03, 2004 7:34 pm

Winfred slung his pack, pulled his gun and followed after Chantelle in exiting the compartment. It was so typical of them to be treating this like an Ashurarus picnic. No sense at all. Why, there could be trufflers lurking in that very forest!

Looking about the place, he realized he would like to be as relaxed as they. The place was beautiful. The air was invigorating, even if he couldn't smell it fully, and it contained a sense of emptiness and peace. It simply begged him to let his guard down. But he wasn't going to be fooled, not just yet anyway. It wanted him to get at home and then the curtain would fall and he would end up rabbit food. He could see it.

If Damian had followed him out of the crash compartment, he nudged the Valthi. Either way, he gave a sidelong smirk and asked him, "So, want forward duty with those two or shall I babysit the kids for a bit?"

The Great Nevareh

Re: Erm...

Postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Dec 03, 2004 10:22 pm

Upon looking around the crash site, Molokidan and Klaus find two things that could very well have been paths awhile ago- both lead eastward, one southeast and one northeast. The forest itself wouldn't be difficult to hike through, but the paths would be easier to take. They're equally scenic, and both bend at some point down the road so there isn't a visible exit from the forest either way.

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Re: Erm...

Postby Molokidan » Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:35 am

"Let's go into the forest!!!" Molokidan said to Michael, tugging him along. "You like forests, don't you? Or are you a forest-hater? I really like forests, so I think we should go. You like forests, right? I. . ."

It seems as if he was going to carry on a conversation, even if the other person didn't talk back.


Still catching up on stuff. Grr.

Postby SALSAlys » Sun Dec 05, 2004 7:16 pm

Damian was walking out with Winfred, and rolled his eyes slightly.

"I'll probably kill those two if left alone with them," he replied, offering a faint smile that showed too many teeth to be really comfortable. "Mind if I stiff you with that?"

The Great Nevareh

Re: Still catching up on stuff. Grr.

Postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Dec 05, 2004 7:32 pm

"They'll be fine. I seriously doubt that anything bad will happen to them, since nothing bad has happened already. I seriously doubt that there are any animals anywhere on this island. No animals means no monsters and no plants that eat meat. No poisonous insects, nothing. I think we have an entirely producer-centric environment here. These nuts are good to eat." Warren then pops a bit of a nut into his mouth and chews it.

"No animals have come near us to investigate what happened, there's no spoor or proof of animal habitation, and these trees are entirely undamaged. Un-TOUCHED. If these trees relied on meat to survive, they'd be dead for lack of food, so I think we're pretty much safe. Though I do wonder what else there is on this island. SOMETHING has to keep it afloat."

Warren stands up, dusts himself off, and then begins a closer examination of one of the leaves.

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Re: Still catching up on stuff. Grr.

Postby GC130A » Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:33 pm

Winfred nodded to Damian, returning the smile as he did so and joking, "Understood! Probably do the same myself if I didn't have a policy of not wasting bullets."

Warren's comment caught him as he was walking off. He turned briefly, "Oh, I'm not worried about them getting eaten. I'm worried about them crashing the island, blowing us all up or releasing some long-slumbering dragon."

Witht that said, he hurried off after Molokidan and Klaus!

The Great Nevareh

Prologue: Part 2.

Postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:53 am

Molokidan and Klaus aren't too far, since they have yet to actually go anywhere aside from the far side of the crash site.

From where they are, there are two equally ill-used and overgrown pathways, one leading to the northeast, one leading to the southeast. The forest itself is for the most part easily traversable, laid out less like a natural landscape and more like a densely packed orchard.

(Since we look like we're splitting up, I'm going to keep a short list of who is where that I'll update every time someone moves to another area. Note that Warren Kane won't move anywhere unless you ask him to or make him, so he'll be easy to find.)

Molokidan: Crash Site East
Michael Klaus: Crash Site East
Winfred Whybrew: Crash Site East
Chantelle: Crash Site West
Damain Vaza: Crash Site West

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Splitting up! DUN DUN DUN!!!!

Postby Molokidan » Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:06 am

"Hey Winfred!" Molo waved overzealously at Winfred, who was now approaching Klaus and the boy. "Are you gonna go exploring with us too?"

He looked around the forest in wonder, trying to find something interesting or out of order. "There's gotta be some treasure or something in here somewhere! Come on, let's get going!" The kid was hopping up and doing, practically ready to explode or something.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Splitting up! DUN DUN DUN!!!!

Postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:29 am

The forest around the crash site isn't really all that interesting aside from the otherworldly order and tidiness of the rows that the trees are in. Ignoring the fact that the trees seem to have lined themselves up at equal intervals on an invisible grid, the forest is just a large number of trees.

Nothing particularly interesting here, honestly. Unless you're interested in botany.


Re: Splitting up! DUN DUN DUN!!!!

Postby SALSAlys » Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:54 am

Damian glanced at Warren, raising an eyebrow.

"Found anything interesting there?"

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Re: Prologue: Part 2.

Postby GC130A » Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:29 pm

As soon as he caught up, Win made a show of getting out parchment and pencil. He smiled pleasantly at Molokidan's comment. "Yeah! Valth back there stuck me with 'sitting you two, hope you don't mind. Oh, can one of you take take notes? I'd like to have more than one travellogue when this is over."

He offered some materials to the two of them, looking more at Klaus because Klaus was a mage and a magical perspective on things would be invaluable for the merchants back home. And because he wasn't as likely to eat the paper.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Prologue: Part 2.

Postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:19 pm

"Why, yes! This is some proof that even though there might be innumerable worlds that might stretch out along infinite dimensional paralells from our own, biological solutions are astoundingly similar! Don't these leaves just look Gaeran? Even though they couldn't be Gaeran? The solutions nature comes up with over time just stretch out and eventually all build towards the same optimisation! And these nuts! They look like nuts that you might find in any orchard, but they clearly aren't! This is astounding!"


Re: Prologue: Part 2.

Postby wkz » Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:07 pm

"Why, no problem" Klaus said a little louder than needed, finally having an excuse of some kind to tear his hands from the over-enthusiastic kid.

After a moment, and a quick bit of a scuffle later, Klaus took the paper and writing instruments from Win. "Now, what to write, what to... Aha!"

With that, he started scribbling descriptions and possible interpretations of the nut's aura onto the paper, while making a note to dance out of Molo's grip at every opportunity...

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 12/6/04 21:08

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His patience only lasts so long...

Postby Molokidan » Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:02 pm

"Oh, come onnnnnnn!" Molo whined. "We're in the middle of a magical forest, and you guys are going to sit here and WRITE STUFF!? Please!" he threw his hands up in exasperation. "Don't you guys know ANYTHING about exploration!?"

And with that, he began to excitedly skip down the path of the forest, his big blue eyes looking around madly for something of interest, no matter what it was.


What long? His patience did not even last "short".

Postby wkz » Mon Dec 06, 2004 11:14 pm

"Hey, wait a bit..." Klaus shouted, then hesitated. Chasing Molo would mean getting entangled in his enthuastic grip once more, and writing descriptions IS really part of the job of the whole group here.

Yet, if there's anything magical to be found, it has better be Michael Klaus, magic-fanatic, that finds it first!!

With that thought, he settled for a compromise of walking after the kid while at the same time writing his notes.... in a now almost illegible script due to the walking....


Re: What long? His patience did not even last "short&am

Postby wkz » Tue Dec 07, 2004 1:25 am

(Great.N., you'll have to ask Molo, as Michael Klaus is only following the hyperactive bugger....)

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 12/7/04 1:26


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