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Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Mar 18, 2005 5:47 pm

(OOC: Done by Sir End's offering, of course.)

The foyer of the Jade Dragon Inn had been left in silence, the anti-minions as well as the minions both gone from the area. The chair stood alone, almost ominously so, sitting outside in the street, as if just waiting for someone to notice it.

A good ten minutes after the team had all been cleared from Gaera, that someone came strolling by.

It had been a good day for Molokidan S. Tunksuu, he had gone swimming, and this time there were none of the EVIL, HEATHEN ducks that seemed to feed solely on young sushijin! He even found a nice fat orange in a tree afterwards, and was still slurping the juice on the rind as he made his way back into town.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw it. Had he been, say, an inch or a centimeter in the other direction, or even just had his eyes staring somewhere else, he would have missed it entirely! Yet, he hadn't, and there it was, sitting under the shade of the Jade Dragon Inn, partially obscured by a large barrel.

"What in the..." Molokidan crept over to the chair, his eyes running over this thing of which the likes he had never seen before. "I wonder...I wonder..."

Molokidan took a deep breath, and nodded his head. He made his decision!

"I wonder how comfy this chair is!"

He spun in a full circle behind himself, making sure no one was watching, in case this was someone else's chair, and then sat down on it with all his might! After all, beautiful chairs must be beautifully comfortable, right?

In a flash, Molokidan's world exploded around him, and he found himself in a very different place than he remembered being?

"Woo..." He stood up, and then fell immediately, totally off-balance. He rubbed his eyes and got to his feet at last, and took a look around the strange place in which he now stood.

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:00 pm

Molokidan found himself standing just at the base of what appeared to be an airship of some sort... he could just barely make out the basic exterior and shape of an airship. All around appeared to be the signs of a natural, pristine area... one prolific with trees, grasses, and blue skies, but no obvious water sources.

However, he might come to notice something bizarre about the airship. It was oddly... shiny! There were bizarre windows here and there, the wings appeared to be off, and there was no obvious form of propulsion. It seemed to be a mysterious creature masquerading as an airship.

There was an open door of some sort just near the tail, and beyond it, Molo could see a group of people gathered together next to two coffins. He could, perhaps, recognize what appeared to be two Kelnes, one standing and preparing to talk, the other sitting. One of the people at attention was a Kyle, along with a few other people Molo had never seen! Two appeared to be wearing overly long coats, despite the season, and another was a little angel girl, looking a bit small in comparison to everyone there... with the exception of another little girl who was next to her. Unlike the angel girl, this one had no such obvious angelic features... rather, she looked normal, beyond the wearing of a cloak of some sort.

It seemed as if a discussion was about to begin...

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Mar 18, 2005 6:28 pm

"Eh?" Molokidan squinted, and he thought that he saw Kyle, as well as two men that both looked like that scary Kelne guy!

Two Kelnes...? Molokidan gulped. Well, maybe they can at least tell me what's going on!

And so, Molokidan jogged over to the spaceship, climbing up the entrance to the tail.

"Hey guys!" Molokidan shouted cheerily, waving to Kyle and the Kelnes. "What's going on?"

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Mar 18, 2005 8:31 pm

"All in favour of melting that machine down for scrap as soon as the opportunity arises?" Kelne remarked, upon noting the new arrival. Quite aside from what had happened to Karin and Kyle, it now appeared as if it would randomly disgorge curious citizens at them. There had to have been a better way...


Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby JasonAB17 » Sat Mar 19, 2005 9:18 am

Maxwell grunted. This whole place was a damn zoo by now, in his opinion. The neko-half trio was dead, and now people who weren't even involved were appearing out of thin air? He wanted to shoot something, but that wouldn't help revive Kris, Kristoph or Erech.

So instead he would wait. Sitting indignantly in the chair he'd been set into.

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Mar 30, 2005 12:34 pm

Justin smacked himself on the forehead. "Bloody minions...! I told them to... though I know they wouldn't have..." Several moments of tense mumbling went by.

He eventually stopped and looked to the 'crowd'. "Yes, Kelne, that would be a fine idea. They've caused me enough trouble with their duck guns. The anti-anti-gravity chair has only added to the burden."

"Now. I would love to begin, especially since our dear companion here," Justin seemed to be indicating Maxwell, "is waiting so very patiently, but I would like to know just who you are, and why you are here." He now turned to Molokidan, and Molo could see that this Kelne did not know him. Or like him very much.

It was going to be a long day...

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:35 pm

"Hmm.." Molokidan examined the new Kelne, studying his facial features and the way he spoke. "You're a lot different from your brother, aren't you? Well, anyway...I don't know what happened! I found this weird chair on the side of the road and sat on it. The last thing I remembered was spinning around, you know? Because I had to check and see if people were watching me. Maybe someone attacked me and left me for dead out here? But what are you all doing here? And what's this strange structure you're all in? And Kelne, why didn't you tell me that you had a twin brother?!"

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:11 pm

"Possibly because you're a chance acquaintance at best, and I have no particular interest in telling you my life story." So far as he was concerned, Molokidan was one of a multitude of idiots who resided in the city, and he had no idea where the kid had gotten the idea that he was the least bit friendly.

"He's basically harmless," he continued to the others, "Though I'm not entirely sure what we're going to do with him." He sighed, "Let's just get on with this before half the damn city pops out of thin air. Start talking," he said firmly, dirting this last comment at Justin.

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Mar 31, 2005 5:33 pm

Justin proceeded to ignore Molo, and went right ahead.

"Very well, then. Some time ago, a single fencer-jin by the name of 'Escrime' arrived in the interest of hiring 'Kylitos', or, as you'll know him, Kyle." Justin simply pointed to Kyle. "As it would turn out, Escrime looked quite a bit like Kyle."

"He was sent on his way eventually, but he promised that two more of his kind, only stronger, would come. And so, they did. Two beings that referred to themselves as "Fencer-jin" arrived months later. Their names were Manta, and Scrum. Manta maintained a resemblance to Keir, an artist and fencer of some minor note in Doma, whereas Scrum bore a resemblance to James, a 'reploid' or humanoid robot, only larger. They were interested in gathering the crystals and selling them, in the interest of the money. They were also interested in finding 'Kylitos', but that was set aside for later. They went straight to Doma, naturally, and managed to gather together a group of people who either knew about the crystals, were involved with the crystals, or were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. The people involved were Ara, queen to the sister; Astrynax, the mage; Erech, who seemed to be somewhat handicapped; Janda, who is here today, and Pavel, an artist... and apparent werewolf."

"They were interested in battle as well as gathering the crystals, and sicced small creatures called "Sabremen" on them. For the most part, the creatures were easily defeated.
Erech, however, was taken offguard by a Sabreman he thought he had defeated. It exploded, killing him." He noted Erech's coffin.

"It was then that Scrum decided to take the fight to the rest. He seemed to be very... interested in Janda, to the point of possible pedophilia. None of his advances were successful, however, and the remaining beings held him off as best as they could. Manta still seemed interested in the nature of 'Kylitos', and gave them some time in return for calling Kyle to the spot. One hour passed, and Kyle did not show up. Pavel was unfortunate enough to lose an arm and gain a broken neck, and Astrynax decided to sacrifice himself in the defense of Janda. Not the most logical move, perhaps, but his decision just the same..."

He indicated Astrynax's coffin, and continued. "Kyle arrived on the scene as Scrum self-destructed on Ara, and he and Manta fought. What followed was a duel that Kyle eventually won... however, Manta decided to turn things to his favor, and transformed into his "Lizard" form. Kyle was nearly killed, but Janda intercepted and distracted the lizard long enough for Ara to get back into the fray. Janda was taken out, and Manta and Ara both battled in some sort of ridiculous "gigantic lizard" battle. Manta managed to overcome her, as well, and was predictably about to destroy the planet when Sorune, whom Manta had run into earlier, intercepted him and did his best to distract the giant lizard. Ara took this time to get back into the fray and cut Manta's tail off, causing him to turn back to normal."

"He then took on both Sorune and Ara until Ara took his attention as Sorune went to Kyle's side. The idea came about to generate a "Curo Bomb" of some sort and throw it at Manta. The intent was to blind him, apparently, as Curo is a 'sparkly' spell. Ara eventually found herself beaten, and Sorune soon followed after giving quite a bit of healing energy to Kyle's attempt, leaving Kyle alone and quite wounded. Kyle's own death, as well as the deaths of many others, was sure to come... had it not been for the intervention of 'Marie', a 'usagi-jin' fencer. Kyle managed to stabilize the attack as Manta battled Marie, and as she fell, defeated as well, Ara was slowly nudged awake by a voice. She came to understand the workings of the 'Curo Bomb', and how to manipulate it. She took control of it as Manta went to Kyle, and threw it at him. He dodged... and Kyle bounced it back up towards him."

"Manta was defeated by the attack, and would have been killed by Ara had Kyle not healed him when he did. Most likely swearing revenge, Manta departed the planet. Kyle called a great flock of birds to the scene as Neb and Spob, a 'cabbit', appeared on the scene, apparently involved in a teleportation accident of some sort. Bodies were tended to as much as possible, and this was around the time that I arrived. All in question were teleported back to Doma, though I kept the bodies here."

"That is, essentially, the story of what happened. If any of you have any questions on any of that, please do ask them. Otherwise, I'll continue with why I have called all of you here..."

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:16 pm

Molokidan yawned, looking around sleepily as Justin told his tale.

After it was concluded, he immediately spoke up. "So do you guys have any food around here? I'm hungry..."

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Apr 01, 2005 3:02 pm

Justin continued to ignore Molo and went on. "Very well, then.

The reason I have called all of you here is because I do have something to say both about the status of those who have died, the so-called fencer-jin, and my plans for the future.

Astrynax and Erech have resisted all attempts at revival. Astrynax, in particular, has some sort of connection with the elements that should bring him about again, but they have failed to respond to any attempts made by either myself, Cara, or her grandfather.

Which effectively means, yes, they are gone and cannot be brought back.

Now, there may be a way around this... but before I get to that, the nature of the fencer-jin.

As you can guess by their names, they are fencers. Fencing is apparently some type of swordplay sport which has risen in popularity on Gaera. Escrime, Scrum, and Manta all belonged to this 'race'. Why were they the only of their kind to come here? Why did they bear such resemblance to certain Gaerans?

To explain that, I should note that Infinity is well-known for using other races to asssist them in their own developments on other worlds...

One particular race they decided to take advantage of was a humanoid race by the name of the, ehm, 'Fencerjin'. Apparently, they worshipped the concept of the blade, and utilized it in all fields, going so far as to shape their customs and ideals around the nature of the blade, going so far as to worship it in some cases. They had a great natural strength as workers and warriors, an almost inhuman endurance, and the ability to pick up on and adapt to critical mistakes they had made in previous battles.

Infinity decided to take advantage of them, partially by treaty and partially by force, and put them to work in a separate, more independent wing of Infinity. This wing, in particular, focused on dominating and settling the various other worlds for the other wings of Infinity to establish themselves on.

... and in the face of current failures... particularly, dealing with some troublesome Gaerans... they decided to genetically modify several of the Fencerjin, in an effort to equalize them to several of the so-called 'terrorists' that opposed them.

While Escrime and Manta were both living beings, Scrum was a reploid, built along the lines of James but with all of the traits of the Fencerjin race programmed into his shell.

And as it so happened, these three were the only survivors of a great cataclysm that occurred, killing all of the other Fencerjin. Supposedly, this took place around the fall of the second branch of Infinity based on the planet Water, but I cannot be entirely certain. The Corporation was most likely involved in this extermination, but I cannot back that assertion up.

The trio themselves were still commanded by a very powerful Infinity leader whose identity escapes even me. However, if Manta and Scrum were acting on their own, I'd have to question how loyal the trio is to their current 'master'."

Justin seemed to pause, as if briefly reflecting. "Now, then! Supposedly, Manta's last words were a planned escape to a world by the name of 'Kamek'. Checking through the documents still stored on my airship, I was able to locate its coordinates. It was apparently marked for this independent wing to investigate and dominate some time ago. I've no idea if this has taken effect, however.

What is interesting is that it notes a series of crystals similar to Gaera's exist on Kamek. If we were to go there and try to make use of the crystals, it may be possible to override the barriers to reviving Astrynax and Erech.

However, Manta, Erech, and whoever else may be there as well... it will be a dangerous trip, but it may be worth it in the end, especially if a way to further undermine Infinity comes up."

"... if some of you wish to come along, that's understandable. Give me your feedback."

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Apr 05, 2005 1:31 am

"In other words, your typical idiotic situation precipitated by Infinity." Kelne swept his gaze across the group, giving the situation due consideration, "Very well. I will do this under one condition - We suggest to the crystals of Kamek that they seal themselves away as the crystals of Gaera have. I am sick and tired of having to go about fixing up the mess after people try to abuse their power." Kelne refrained from mentioning, in this potentially charged environment, that he considered this a much higher priority than resurrecting the others.

"Additionally, you," he said, extending a finger towards Janda, "Are not coming. I am uninterested in explaining to your mother that I let you come along on such a mission without a damned good reason."

He paused to let this fact sink in, before turning to the rest of the group, "As for you lot, the decision is up to you. But you had damned well better be able to look after yourselves. Anyone who isn't will wish they'd stayed behind, I guarrantee you that right now." From his tone of voice, it was difficult to tell whether they'd need to worry more about the perils of Kamek or him.

This was Kelne at his most typical. Intolerant of fools, and making it clear that he wouldn't be responsible for them.

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Re: Oh, How Unlucky We Are...!

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:14 pm

(And so! Since the other posters are apparently rather lazy, this will be continued in chat.)


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