Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

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Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby JasonAB17 » Wed Mar 09, 2005 3:10 pm

It's a fine, crisp morning in Doma Capital! Birds trill sweetly, and the first blossoms are popping up on the trees. Down at the market vendors call out, offering their goods to anyone who will listen, or even just anyone they can twist the arm of for a minute. Lots of money is passing hands, and this is where we find the Nezujin Tybalt Byron.

Tybalt, a rather handsome man(for a nezujin at any rate), wearing a fine looking white pressed shirt with a v-neck, and dark blue pants tucking into his flapped over leather boots. At present time, he can be seen, walking through the crowd, and accidentally bumping many a person as he goes... And with each bump, his purse seems to grow a bit.

(Toss in yer characters and have fun folks!)

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby pd Rydia » Wed Mar 09, 2005 4:56 pm

Oh, those rascally nezujin! When will they learn?

At any rate, there is a woman walking down the market street. Not just any woman, however! This woman is quite unique. She is human, you see!

Yes, yes. But not only that, but she is also a native to the capital of Doma! Shock and surprise!

This woman is, in fact, no other than Rai'm Tymisonn, for those who know her. That would be older, personal acquaintances of varying reputation, or of course anyone up on the city's recent history, what with the whole Mally incidentaboogle. For those who don't know her, Rai'm appears much as she ever did...a dark-skinned, dark-haired, and amazingly scrawny woman wearing oversized pants and shirt. Her ever-present, tattered red-jacket was tied around her waist.

A money pouch hung from her around neck--didn't appear to be enough room at her waist, what with the jacket and all. Rai'm herself, meanwhile, seemed engrossed with a book she was holding...she stared at it with great intensity, brows furrowed slightly. It was amazing she managed to navigate the crowds without bumping into anyone!


Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby SALSAlys » Wed Mar 09, 2005 7:14 pm

To toss further confusion into the lovely crowd, there is a tall, pale-skinned woman holding a cane, tapping it slightly as she moves. That, combined with the fact that most people can recognize her as being blind (due to the cane and a rather nice pair of shades, as seems to be the current Valthi fashion) keeps her out of trouble.


Despite her delicately sculpted doll-like features, she can sure curse a blue streak. She demonstrated that ability as she ended up thudding headlong into Rai'm.

Jason Sanborn

Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby Jason Sanborn » Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:02 pm

Arvad, the half-elven wanderer, had just arrived in the city of Doma. Most of the time, he tended to avoid the larger cities, concerned for getting lost in the crowd. On occasion, though, it became necessary. Today was one of those times.

Arvad drew his brownish-green hood further over his head, shading his emerald green eyes from the sun. His cloak wrapped around his body, which he held shut to prevent any pickpocket from taking the few coins that he had. He had just enough to buy some more supplies he would need to make his hides, and for a night's stay at an inn.

As he walked, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the woman reading the book bump into the blind person. Or perhaps it was the other way around. Regardless, he decided to see if they were both alright.

"Are you both alright?" he asked, approaching them.

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby KingOfDoma » Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:20 pm

<span style="font-family:times new roman; color:blue;">Sis! It went off in Rai'm's head.

Sis, where are ya? There it was again.

Rai'm might have been startled or surprised at this mental intrusion, but by now she was used to it. Her brother Daenj'r had been doing this for what seemed like years, and it had increased greatly ever since he started crashing at her place. His own stupid fault for screwing things up with the wife.

But anyways...

I'm getting groceries, and I know how much you hate long conversations...</span>

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=kingofdoma>KingOfDoma</A] at: 3/9/05 20:21

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby pd Rydia » Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:42 pm

"Thrie-curst fuckshit on th'king's silver dinner platter on Ishmus day! By th'pustulated, bloated, hairy--"

However, neither the blind Valthi nor the half elven wanderer would know by the pustulated, bloated, hairy what Rai'm was cursing by, exactly, as she cut off her words sharply. Alas, her frustrated uttering did her no good--down, down tumbled the tome, out of Rai'm's hands, onto the harsh street underneath.


How dramatic. Truly, gravity is a heartless and cruel reality.


"Ah, f'f'k'sake!" Rai'm gritted her teeth and squinted her eyes, grimacing most fiercely. Or pouting. Whichever.

"Yah, m'alrie," the last--slightly less irritated than most of what she was saying--seemed to be directed at Arvad, if added somewhat reluctantly. "S'wh'I get fer walkin' 'roun' 'thout lookin' fer t'--" the woman paused in her speech long enough to give a quick glance to the one who ran into her, before continuing in a more wry tone. "--Th'rampant headbutters loose 'erebouts. Shoulda got onna them signs, I knew it. S'ry 'bout that, miss."

She began to salute the other woman ironically, almost mockingly--then stopped halfway through the action, blinking as if to realize what she was doing. Looking somewhat confused and not the least bit disgruntled, Rai'm settled with heartily thudding the woman on the shoudler before swooping down to collect her book. Great effort could be seen etched across her face as she struggled to keep her frustrations as silent as possible, with mild success, at discovering the dirt and bent pages it had collected from its ordeal.


Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby JasonAB17 » Wed Mar 09, 2005 8:52 pm

Tybalt, never passing up a good oppourtunity, heads towards teh group. True, it's a horrible horrible thing to steal from the blind, but how much better an oppourtunity would he get today?

And so it came to pass that Tybalt bumped into Karin Vaza, and make a great show of trying to grab her for support whilst he tripped.

"Ack! Dammit!"

He hit the ground for this one, making use of a nearby pothole, coming to rest on his hand, facing the road.

"Ow... Sorry... Are you ok, miss?"

He smiled inwardly, almost certain that with all the stress the blind woman was going through, she certainly wouldn't have felt him lift her money bag... or, assuming that was what he's grabbed. He couldn't check right now.

(I leave it up to Lys to determine what was stolen, and depend on what that is, whether or not she notices!)

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:04 pm

From nearby to Tybalt, a voice taking a harsh tone called out- "You should be more careful, rat."

If anyone where to look, a young man stood nearby, with a long gray coat flurishing behind him, and a cane holding him up. He wore a green shirt and gray pants, along with light boots. His eyes were gray, fixed in a scowl on Tybalt, and a pair of gray nekojin ears had angled themselves back in anger through the boys light gray hair.

Erech De Fah made his way twards his somewhat-adoptive mother using the cane as he went. He continued to fix his glare on Tybalt as he tried to help Karin up. "You should watch where you're going. You'll never know who you're going to run into."


Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby JasonAB17 » Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:09 pm

Tybalt smiled in a very convincing impression of embarassment!

"Well.. Er... Sorry about that. I'm a real klutz. I'll just get out of your way..."

And he made a point of quickly getting up, half tripping, and then half running from the group, his tail firmly between his legs. Aparently. Nekojin bother him, or else Erech makes him nervous for some other reason...


Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby SALSAlys » Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:15 pm

"Sweet Ishtar on a pogo stick," Karin said resignedly, leaning onto Erech for support. "Just when I think I got the hang of the damned cane... And I'd WATCH where I'm going if I actually could, y'know, just WATCH."

As she regained her feet, she nodded slightly in Rai'm's direction.

"Sorry about that."

The apology would have had more effect if she didn't appear to be addressing herself to somewhere slightly behind the woman's left ear.

As for lucky Tybalt! Though the small pouch he picked up appears to have a nice heft to it, it also clinks oddly!

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby pd Rydia » Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:19 pm

"You should be more careful, rat."

Rai'm looked up at the sound of the new voice--Erech de Fah, she knew by reputation, if she knew anything about this city. And really, who didn't know everyone else in this bloody place? she was just about to turn back to setting her book to rights again when the nezujin took off, tail between his legs.

Now tha' dun set rie w'me..., she mused with a raised eyebrow. Muttering a semi-passable polite excuse, she strode after Tybalt, tucking the book into the folds of her jacket and oversized shirt, where aside from forming an unsightly lump, it nigh disappeared from sight.

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:20 pm

"He ran into you, Mom." Erech adds, watching the nezujin run away. "He should be more careful. I was two seconds away from beating him to a pulp...Anyway, you okay?"


Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby SALSAlys » Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:33 pm

"Mhm. I'm not the kitten here, after all."

One of her hands rose to give Erech's hair a rough tousle, then scritched behind his ears.


Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby JasonAB17 » Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:36 pm

Rai'm may notice that after a short distance, just enough to be out of Erech's sight, his pace changes. He walks with mroe confidence, and seems to be looking at something. He also manages not to bump into a single perosn, despite not looking up to pay attention to them.

A moment later he drops whatever was in his hand into his pocket, and turns off towards the slums.

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Mar 09, 2005 9:49 pm

"Hey, just who are you calling a kitten?" Erech said, allowing his hair to be ruffled- Not that it was in any order to begin with- And his ears scratched (That made the whole thing worth it, after all). "Don't forget, I'm technically older than you...Kind of."

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby pd Rydia » Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:24 pm

'If y'do, be m'guest--idiot. Between th'four--err, three a us, though, I'd say we gotta good 'nough idea a his looks t'take t'th'guard. Th'fucks can do their own jobs--I ain' gonna risk m'own damn skin. Sides, na'like I c'n exactly pull off th' "Nah, Ah'm onna th'gang still, really!" crap after th'whole "Hi, M'a big bad demon 'n I'mma take over Doma an' ARRRR, deaderated! Grrrck! Rck! Gah, erg, rrck!" CRUNCH! Godsdamned the unholy bitch that squ--'

Daen got the impression that his sister could go along this vein for quite some time. She was, however, turning around and heading back toward where she had left the others standing, as he would be able to pick up from occassionally transmitted images that came through between her colorful tirade.

Hey, at least she was willing to talk to him. At length, even! That was new. Even if it was primarily to use him as her sounding board for bitching. But then, what is family for?

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 3/9/05 22:39

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby pd Rydia » Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:06 pm

Rai'm half-snorted, half-grunted in vast irritation. Not being the most skilled in telepathy, or guarding her thoughts against mages more skilled in the area--for if she were, one could rest assured that Daenj'r would be painfully 'booted' from her mindspace in a most immediate manner--all manner of Rai'm's riotous thoughts began tumbling over through the 'conversation' to her brother. He was treated to a most graphic representation of her previous unfinished curse, unsual amounts of irritated frustration (even for Rai'm), and the image of Tybalt ducking into the slums. In the back of her mind, tangled archaic quotes danced ever-so-vaguely.

'D'y'know 'im?' Rai'm asked Daen, trying to picture the nezujin in her mind as clearly as possible, and "trusting" her brother's lack of decency to "pick up" the image. 'Looks as 'e nipped a bit offa blin' woman backaways.

'By th'flamin' d'niers a Ag'stic, Daen--[i]I
never as stole from no blin' woman as didn' deserve't...[/i]' Daenj'r could practically hear Rai'm grinding her teeth in righteous fury! Oh, these youngsters today! No respect!

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby KingOfDoma » Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:22 pm

<span style="font-family:times new roman; color:blue;font-size:small;">Daenj'r winced. Usually it wasn't QUITE so bad when Rai'm laid in her mental barrage, but today it was a little... spicier than usual. He sorted through it all, and responded, No, sorry. New guy to me. Which way did he go? I might be able to cut him off...</span>

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby KingOfDoma » Wed Mar 09, 2005 11:51 pm

<span style="font-family:times new roman; color:blue;font-size:small;">Fine, fine... I still need to know where you are, though...

That annoyed Daenj'r a bit. She went on and on about HER problem, and completely and utterly forgot about the need of FOOD in her barren house. Yeesh. Despite the strides she'd made, she still had some work to do on herself...</span>


Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby SALSAlys » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:03 am

"Technically my foot," was Karin's erudite reply. "You're still my kid."

Scritch scritch. She really did like scritching his ears.

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby pd Rydia » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:05 am

'I tol' you--! No I didn't. Wait, ye--b'fore I left! I think...eh, mebbe I forgot. Whatever. 'M at th'market place. Near th'stall run by that inujin, with all th'tilework. Passin' it now, actually, headin' along castleways. Left th'others near th'innersection a th'street that deadends into Bum Alley. Y'know th'one. Lef' that blin' woman, that Erech de Fah cat kid whatever, an' some Emcee with glowy eyes--not red, though. See ya?'

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:05 am

"If you say so..." Erech replies. "Say, you want me to take some of that crap for you?"

To those who hadn't seen Erech around Karin in the past, it would seem that the climate control in the underworld had gone out of whack- Erech was actually behaving himself.

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:12 am

<span style="font-family:times new roman; color:blue;font-size:small;">Oh, OK... Dae started to move swiftly. Well, as swift as he could. He wanted this to be funny.

I'll let you know I'm there byscootscootby doing something distinctively mescootpickupstonescootand that actionscootspotsherscootis this.

And suddenly, Rai'm was suddenly struck in the buttocks with a small pebble.</span>


Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby SALSAlys » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:24 am

"Nothing to take care of," Karin replied, though she reached into her pocket.

"Only thing is I picked up something I thought Kris might like. Guess you might like it too, but..."

She felt. And felt. And frowned.

"Crap. I lost my marbles."

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:26 am

<span style="font-family:times new roman; color:blue;font-size:small;">Oop.

With the grace of a ton of bricks, Daenj'r grabbed for the book, and obviously missed. But as he bent down for it, he realized he was dropping his sister, and held onto her hips for a soft but unpretty landing.

"Gah... you OK, sis? Didn't mean to..." He paused, and picked up the book.

He looked to her questioningly. "... Mithra?"</span>

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=kingofdoma>KingOfDoma</A] at: 3/10/05 0:28

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:27 am

"No shit." Comes Erech's reply.


Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby SALSAlys » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:30 am

The woman's hand shifted from Erech's ears to his shoulders, squeezing with vague menace.

"Ha. Ha. Seriously, had a bag of marbles in my pocket... probably dropped it when I stumbled. See anything?"

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby pd Rydia » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:33 am

"Ha-bloody-mother-fuckin-ha. Good thing y'lemme know it was you, else I mighta thought I'da gotten an admirer in 'is preteens'r somethin'." Rai'm rolled her eyes, suddenly reversing the direction of her movement as she ducked around and grabbed her brother out from his hiding place behind a nearby merchant's stall.

"Y'always did suck at th'whole hidin' thing," Rai'm snorted, having taken advantage of surprise to put her brother into a headlock. She continued her march forward, as if nothing were out of the ordinary, but she was chuckling under her breath. "If I disown ya, that mean y'd be less a fuckin' annoying brat?" she asked. "When y'gonna learn some real pranks, f'shit's sake? An' learn not t'piss off th'woman y'bumming shelter offa?"

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:34 am

Erech begins looking around, making only a half assed attempt to find the lost playthings. "Nope...Nothing, really. Though maybe it's better that way. Never know what kids can choke on these days."


Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby SALSAlys » Thu Mar 10, 2005 12:53 am

"Would've thought he'd have more sense than to try swallowing 'em..." Karin muttered, then sighed.

"Remember when I was a kid, I'd play with some of my friends and we'd try to knock eachother's marbles... or something."

Her eyebrows furrowed briefly.

"I really forget what the point of it was. Mostly just trying to bug the snot out of eachother."

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:09 am

<span style="font-family:times new roman; color:blue;font-size:small;">Grinning, Daenj'r grabbed both of his sister's legs in one arm, and lifted her off her feet, her back perpendicular to his.

"Eh. I'll get around to it."

However, in the back of his mind, he was whimpering. Don't let her know you hurt your back... do NOT let her know you hurt your back...</span>

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby pd Rydia » Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:13 am

Rai'm growled one word.


Or, at least she tried. It rather came out a bit more like "Do--godsdammit!" as the poor, ill-fated book once more came tumbling loose from her protection, again falling victim to gravity's cruel whims.

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby pd Rydia » Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:18 am

"Pitiful kitchen? Whaddya talkin' about? I was at th'shop buyin' food jus' th'other day..." Rai'm's eyebrows furrowed at the news of the strange and sudden disappearance of her foodstuffs, but the thought didn't seem to hold her attention for long. The subtle change in tone and flick of her brother's eyes drew her attention over to Yuji.

"'Ey, dun 'e work at th'castle? I seem t'recall 'im from--. Y'know. Seems long time after all th'shit, dunnit? Heh. Eh, dun look like 'e's guard, least not on duty...never hurts t'ask, though, eh?"

Before her brother could intervene, the scruffy woman was hailing down the blue-haired gardener.

"Oh, f'r shit's...that's th'Emcee from b'fore...'ope 'e ain' a nipper, neither."

She walked over to the tragic near-collision, left arm wrapped around her book with great protectiveness. "'Ey, y'alrigh'?"

(OOC: At this point I sleep, and note that I leave early tomorrow for a 3 day car trip with questionable internet access. Rai'm may shadow Daen silently, aside from that...adieu. *poof*


Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 3/10/05 1:46

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby FlamingDeth » Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:36 am

"What do you mean they aren't here yet?"

A voice could be heard from over by a small importer's booth not too far away. For those that bothered to look, they would catch a glimpse of someone who looked to be a somewhat bulky elf. With long blue hair and red eyes, Rai'm at the very least recognized him. Kinda.

She knew him to be Yuji Nakamura, at least. She recalled that he worked at the castle before, but couldn't exactly recall what he did there. But then he wasn't seen for Ishtar knows how long, and at this point it was fairly apparent that he was a gardener of some sort.

"I sent an order for them several months ago. Spring is coming, and those seeds have to be specially prepared. I suppose I can give you two more weeks before I find someone else..."

His business with the importer done, he began walking down the street, which by happenstance was in the direction that the crazy antics were happening. For the moment, he didn't seem too incredibly distracted by them.

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby pd Rydia » Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:40 am

Daen was treated to a string of curses to make the Tymisonn line proud! Or shamed. One or the other. One could judge by this state of affairs that Rai'm was either horribly injured, or perfectly fine--one would expect the latter, as she was soon on her feet and dusting herself and her bedraggled clothes off.

She gave her brother a look. One of those looks. With her head tilted down slightly and off to one side, so that her eyes were partially hooded and she was looking at him sideways. "Oy, y'c'n read, good t'know," she said. "'Parently, though, don' seem like ya pay much attention t'what's goin' on in th'house ya stayin' in. Y'ever hear me when I tell ya I'm out t'th'library 'r'temple? Y'think I was goin' t'Ashura's?"

Rai'm paused, face contorting slightly. Muttering something--vaguely resembling an apology, she then continued on. "This's been in th'house f'r while. 'M out t'return it t'day. 'Ve had others like it 'fore, y'know."

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Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby KingOfDoma » Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:05 am

<span style="font-family:times new roman; color:blue;font-size:small;">"Kay... want me to come with ya? We'll discuss your PITIFUL kitchen on the way..."

To be honest, Daenj'r didn't have a thing wrong with his sister showing interest in SOME sort of faith. It was certainly better than her OLD attitude. This was definitely another good stride.

... out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Yuji. He wasn't sure why, but his mind flashed back to a day back in a tavern...

Oh yeah.... he was hitting on Jazz... ...

... great. EVERYTHING made him think of her.

"... so we going, sis, or what?"</span>

Jason Sanborn

Re: Sweet Spring Air (Open CI/possible Mini-plot)

Postby Jason Sanborn » Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:17 am

Arvad watched the exchange with an expression of disinterest. The chaos and noise of the city was always bothersome. At times, he wondered why he even thought it necessary to go into cities, and this time he wondered why he chose the capital city of all places.

Arvad let out a sigh, realizing he was not needed here. Tugging at the top of his hood, he made sure that the hood was well over his eyes, and turned to continue on his way. As he turned, he nearly bumped into Yuji. His emerald green eyes locked with the Yuji's red eyes.

"Pardon me," Arvad said with a nod of his head, never once looking away from the red eyes.

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*steals Rai'm for old time's sake*

Postby FlamingDeth » Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:39 am

Suddenly, and for no apparent reason, Yuji found himself surrounded by a crowd. The fact that the 'crowd' consisted of two people was of little consequence, as he was woefully inept in social situations. Still, given that they were almost the same height, locking eyes was not a difficult task.

"I...er...wha..." Yuji stuttered, not knowing immediately which of the two to respond to. "Um. Pardoned, I guess?"

He merely stared blankly at Rai'm, given that he could only barely, almost make out what she was saying.

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Postby pd Rydia » Thu Mar 10, 2005 3:00 am

(OOC: Teacher, FD made a liar outta me! >:! )

Rai'm looked from Arvad to Yuji, from Yuji to Arvad. Fortunately, only briefly was a staring triangle completed, for Rai'm could not decide whether she was more weirded out by Arvad's staring at Yuji, or Yuji's staring at her.

"Eh?" She waved a hand in front of Yuji's face, eyebrows raised, before beginning to chuckle. "Ah, tha's th'matter! Sorry, I c'n slip back'n ta cant when 'M back home, y'know how 't is." She grinned widely, in a friendly manner--at least she seemed to be amused about the matter.

"I don' s'pose ya saw I was tryin' t'get yer attention afore? I seem t'recall y'bein' roundabout th'castleways. Dun s'pose y'do any guardwork, or know anysuch as does?"

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Joined: Tue Apr 23, 2002 1:54 am

No! It's not! It's...BATMAN!

Postby FlamingDeth » Thu Mar 10, 2005 4:42 am

"I...er...sorry, I don't mean to be rude." said the elvin-looking fellow, in what turned out to actually be a slight Nekonion accent. "But I'm afraid I that while I do spend a good deal of time on the castle grounds, I am but a lowly gardener. I hope I'm not imposing a great deal, but what would it be that you need a guard for?"

While waiting for a response, Yuji merely stood there, glancing occassionally at the hooded fellow standing near him. The fellow was somewhat disconcerting, and began to seemed fairly obvious that he didn't spend much time around big cities.


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