Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

For all RPs taking place in the world Gaera Main.
Yari Koneko

Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Sun May 11, 2003 4:52 pm

It was a crisp, clear morning in the kingdom of Doma, near the villiage of Phoenin. It was a sunny, grassy meadow not far from a forest, with a paved road running through both. The birds chriped happily as dew quickly evaporated off the grass. Animals foraged, chased each other, and generally did what animals do. And travellers walked peacefully along the roads. Or at least they should have.

The road to Phoenin was totally deserted, except for one man, masked and dressed in black, who paced up and down the length of the stone street, watching and waiting. Looking at the road, and facing away from the town, he squinted as the evening sun hit his eyes.

This man happened to be a high-ranking Doman official, who was anxiously awaiting his contacts. Thinking to himself, he wasn't sure if it was the wisest of ideas to buy the services of mercenaries and adventurers to do this job. But his superiors wanted an investigation... without further loss of soldier's lives. And they wanted it done quietly. So he figured he had done the right thing, expensive though it had been. And it would mean a promotion if he succeeded, a thought which his mind processed with some anticipation.

As such, he continued pacing up and down the road... waiting and watching. For his contact's contacts.

(OOC: And off we go! Please remember that if you do not have a character sheet posted in Yari Koneko at: 5/31/03 11:07:32 am


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Sun May 11, 2003 10:23 pm

Mark stood on a tall tree wearing black pants, a black long sleeved shirt, a dark grey vest, and dual scabbards on his back which held his katanas. He was looking around for his employer. He saw many people but when he turned at the direction of the road that led to Yamae and saw just one person there. "Ah..That must be him!" He then leaped from tree to tree in perfect silence until he reached the road to Yamae. He was sweating a bit because he was wearing black on a sunny day. Mark is not used to going out in the day as Raven. He leaped out of the tree and landed behind the man, then tapped him on the shoulder and asked, " Are you the one in need of my services?"

Edited by: [url=>Darkphoenixfri13</A]&nbsp; Image at: 5/11/03 10:34:26 pm


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Mon May 12, 2003 6:35 am

"An assasin?" Langley said coming up behind the man who approached the Doman official from behind and placed him into a choke hold, knife held to the mans throat, "I'm sorry I need this official for the time being."

Langley observed the man and let him go almost as fast as he had grabbed him, realizing he was one of the mercenaries, like himself.

"Oh, sorry about that," Langley said to the man he just let go, and placing the knife next to a flint pistol he had holstered, "The name's Langley, quickkill langley."

Langley turned to the official, "so, are there any more?" Langley said looking around for anyone else approaching on the deserted road.

The Duelist
Posts: 450
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2002 4:09 pm

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby The Duelist » Mon May 12, 2003 6:46 pm

It felt good to be a woman again. Literally. After wearing an arcane disguise that made her look like a man for so long, Stephanie Markanth couldn't begin to count the benefits of being inside her own body.

Adjusting the shield that was temporarily strapped to her back, she adjusted the armor that she wore over her clothes. Running a hand through her hair, she quickly took a piece of string from her traveling bag. If she was officially on a job, then a battle could occur at any time. Having her hair get in her eyes during a slugfest could be a serious hazard. Quickly tying it into a pony-tail, she tossed her hair over her shoulder. Brushing off her armor as she crossed over the next hill, she immediately spotted the guy her contact had told her to look for. Immediately, her professional face came over her.

It was time to go to work.

Yari Koneko

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Mon May 12, 2003 7:11 pm

The official looked at Langey and Mark with a hint of disdain.

IM: Talk about overkill... well, it's what comes of being a mercenary.

"Trying to kill each other already? Really, I had expected better," he said as jokingly as he could manage.

"And yes, there are more. Several more. I'll explain when they all show up."

Noting a female knight walking down the road, he had to chuckle to himself.

IM: At least someone uses the roads. It's what they're built for, after all.

The Duelist
Posts: 450
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2002 4:09 pm

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby The Duelist » Mon May 12, 2003 7:46 pm

Stephanie came upon the group a moment later.

"My contact told me to look for a masked man on this road, and that he might be with a few other mercenaries. I'm guessing you're him?"

IM: Well...I'm guessing there will be a few others before this one starts off.


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue May 13, 2003 6:22 am

Langley gave an egotistical huff, then gave a soft whistle. From around the corner of a nearby building, a horse trotted up to Langley.

Langley outstretched his hand after grabbing something from a pouch on his hip. the horse quickly ate what was in langley's hand, most likly ground hay, or a special green.

"well, I'm gonna go grab a beer with what's left from my last job," Langley said jumping up onto his horse, bareback; saddles are to loud, "Anyone want something?"

Xealaz Pendrell

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Xealaz Pendrell » Tue May 13, 2003 12:50 pm

*Xealaz walks towards the man with a deadly grace, his right hand on the chain he wears coiled at his waist. His long dreadlocks are pulled together behind his head. He approaches the growing group, ignoring everyone but his contact.*

I believe you are the one I was told to look for?

Yari Koneko

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Tue May 13, 2003 4:47 pm

(OOC: We "are" in the countryside near the town, you realize. No buildings here... *shrugs* all right, it can be an outhouse.)

Quickly whipping around to face Quickkill again, the official said sharply, "I wouldn't suggest that, Mr. Langely. Please stay here until everyone is organized."

The last thing he needed was one of them disappearing on him...

Turning to Stephanie and Xealaz, he bowed slightly and replied, "I am indeed."

Angel of Fire

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Tue May 13, 2003 5:16 pm

Elonia walked up the country road nervously checking the area to make sure that there were no guards hiding there. She wasn't used to being in plain view, nor in the sun.
"This mercenary hirer guy better be there..." she muttered to herself while smacking her strawberry flavor gum. "He better!"
Coming over the next hill, she saw a man with a mask surrounded by several mercenary-type people. Elonia brushed her black hair out of her eyes to make sure that she was seeing clearly. He was still there.
She quickly dashed toward the group.
"Are you the ...*gasp*... the hirer person...*pant*...? I'm El Winfel... *gasp*" She was out of breath by then and could say not much more for now.


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby GameStar7 » Tue May 13, 2003 10:58 pm

(OOC Hopefully you guys don't have a problem with my unique style of posting in an RP, if so just tell me. I add italics to descriptions and actions. I also bold whatever I say. It isn’t confusing... I'll try to show you what all of them looks like. When other people talk its normal and surrounded by "". I like it and call it "story style" of writing. It's not meant to be a way to change things or anything, just something I’ve always did to make things look nicer IMO.)

Sune rode on with the speed of wind hastening her travels. She was traveling relatively light and Barra was running strong as usual. She was riding in her normal clothes because of Barras distaste for the feel of armor, and because she didn’t usually like being in her armor in normal circumstances anyway. She saw a group below her standing in the road at the bottom of a gentle hill, which she easily avoided. A few more minutes of riding and she started slowing down. Hmmm... wasn’t I supposed to meet someone setting up a team here on this rode? she thought to herself rationally. She took a long stare down the road not seeing anyone else down the road, it being pretty uninhabited for this time of day. Crap... she mumbled to herself in aggravation. She turned around and rode back in a slow run until seeing the group again. As they came into view she slowed down to a trot and stopped about 10 feet. She quickly unmounted looking over the group keenly.

She didn’t recognize anyone, but they didn’t seem to be the kind of people she figured would be here on a monster eradicating mission. They all looked to be the kind for a secret assassination, ones that she would have been hunting down and bringing to justice before her framing. They were all pretty mean and strong looking, dressed mostly in dark colors. There seemed to be some kind of sinister air around them, the air of death. She didn’t like it and didn’t want to intrude on anything to just end up getting mobbed. Especially unarmored and unarmed as she was now. Barra even seemed to be a little tense. She looked at the group staring at her as if waiting for her to introduce herself or something.

The group consisted of 6 individuals, the main focus being on a masked man in black. There were also five others that seemed to be waiting impatiently on the important looking man. One was a male human about her height and build, with green eyes and black hair. Then there was another, human male about the same build who also had green eyes but whitish hair. Beside him was a woman who looked like a guard from the knight like armor she was wearing. She had brown hair and blue eyes. After her, there was another man, with black eyes and black hairs tied together in thick strands that hung over his face. What interested her particularly was his weapon which he dangled in his hand, playfully almost. It was similar to her own, but different in its design. It was obviously intended to slash and cut while hers was intended to stab and crush.

Aside from the group of humans, there was an elf like herself. She had Black hair and blue eyes. She seemed to be the smallest member here and less physically developed than the rest. She stood breathing noticeably deeper than the rest as if she had to catch her breath recently for some reason. On top of this she seemed to be a little more nervous than the rest as well, which would be understandable considering the group she was with. The group was still staring at her most likely wondering what the problem was with her, just studying them all, which probably wasn’t the best idea in this case. She took a few steps backward heading for Barra again. Uhhh yea... sorry about the interruption guys. I'm just looking for someone and I thought one of you might be him. Don’t mind me, I'll just be on my way, I don’t want any problems.

Sune started making her way closer to the saddle on Barra. She walked backwards slowly not daring to take her eyes of the group, and they in turn, not taking their eyes off her.

The Duelist
Posts: 450
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2002 4:09 pm

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby The Duelist » Wed May 14, 2003 5:42 pm

Stephanie gave the newcomer a light smile, sensing the reason for her discomfort, "I'm not a contract killer, I'm a highly-paid mercenary with a conscience. You're fine."

Yari Koneko

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Thu May 15, 2003 9:28 pm

The official noted the arrival of the two elves with a hint of fulfillment in his voice. "El Winfel, and a sand elf on a horse? I believe that you two are the one's we're waiting on. Welcome; I've been expecting you." Taking off his black mask it revealed a pale, lean face, with black hair and green eyes. His lips were thin, but locked into a smile, for some reason.

"My name is Maglor Saralonde. Please, make yourselves comfortable, and I will explain your mission."


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby GameStar7 » Fri May 16, 2003 12:26 am

Aha... Mr. Saralonde. she said with a tone of reassurance. so I AM in the right place. I was starting to think I took a wrong turn somewhere or something. The worry on her face from before seemed to literally melt away revealing her beautiful smile. The contact you sent to find me told me about you. If I would have left a day earlier like I originally planned, I would have never made it here on time and he might never even have found me. So I guess this meeting was helped a little by fate. Sune was a strong believer in the arcane arts such as fortune telling, mind reading and fate. Oh Mr. Saralonde, what is this all about? The contact you sent after me wasn't too specific. Something about you wanting us to find and kill some kind of beast terrorizing a town. Something like that right? Doesn't sound too hard, why such a large group?


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Fri May 16, 2003 4:17 pm

Langley took a seat on the ground, next to his horse, "I'm ready," he said with a smile, "I was also told about this...beast,"

Angel of Fire

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Sat May 17, 2003 5:17 pm

El smiled at the newcomer and sat down.
"Okay, can anyone tell me WHY our services are needed? If this is an assasin's job, I'm leaving. I don't kill anyone for money," she said, taking another breath of air.
"If not, I am ready to take on anything, but it better be worth it. What is this all about? I know that it involves a "beast", so..." Elonia stopped speaking, and began to rock back and forth slightly. Anyone who knew her well could tell that she was thinking. She closed her eyes and said, "If this "beast" is what I think it is, this will be tougher than I thought..."


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Sun May 18, 2003 1:44 am

Raven jumped and sat on the branch of a nearby tree. " Yea, what is the deal with this beast anyway?" Raven got uncomfortable in the tree and just jumped down and sat on the ground under the shade of the tree, and waited for an answer as he polished his guns.

Yari Koneko

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Sun May 18, 2003 9:20 pm

(OOC: Informing here, too; town's name has been changed to Phoenin to avoid stepping on any toes.)

Maglor turned away from the group, his smile vanishing. “I have called you here, as you know, for a special sort of task. Down there,” he gestured, indicating the direction of Phoenin, “is the village of Phoenin. Or rather, what is still left of it.” The road on which they were standing on led down into a mass of sheet fog that started about a mile away… and covered a considerable radius. Dense, impenetrable mist. “The entire town is blanketed by that stuff, and all astral scans into the area have revealed nothing. Literally, nothing. It’s as if the entire town simply ceased to exist. We’ve sent several squads of soldiers into the town. It’s been a week and a half now, and… none have come back.”

Turning back to face them, he said levelly, “you may wonder what this alleged ‘beast’ has to do with this whole affair. Well, the day before Phoenin’s disappearance, a large shadow dragon was sighted near the town. It hasn’t been seen since. Thus, it is reasonable to assume that it played some role in the whole affair. As to our role… our mission is to investigate and possibly solve the problem that is causing this state of affairs. And to do so, there is only one option: we must go in.”

He paused, and continued, “You will all be paid an immediate 500 gil for taking this mission, plus 4,500 gil for a successful investigation, meaning that we find out the problem, and how to solve it, whether that involves bringing in an army or filing a lawsuit. Should we, instead, solve this problem, another 10,000 will be added onto that.”

Glancing at Quickkill, Raven and Xealaz and half smiling, he said, “However, nothing but the initial 500 will be paid to you if… I do not escort you back to Doma City when we are finished. Just to prevent any… accidents.”

Walking over to a clump of trees and coming back with a long, thin pack, he cocked his head to the side slightly and said quizzically, “So, who wishes to come?”


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby GameStar7 » Mon May 19, 2003 3:53 am

Sune listened carefully to Maglor's announcement. So we are merely a scouting party so no more soldiers are lost? I mean who would miss us anyway, that’s what’s your thinking isn’t it? But it is tempting... she said trailing off thinking about the money. So you think a Shadow Dragon might be behind this problem with the missing town, well that certainly is a possibility. She turned peering out into the fog covered valley. And it is eerily quite as well, quite disturbing. Do you think anything friendly is even alive down there? It does feel rather foreboding to me, like something doesn’t want us to enter. But 5000 Gil for just a recon mission sounds great, a little... too great.

You must not be telling us something. Why such a large amount? Especially considering how many of us there are. I’m sure there could have been cheaper ways to solve the problem. Not that I’m complaining or anything, just curious. Sune stopped for a second and thought about what he had said again. So I’m taking it that you’re going with us, and we shouldn’t let anything happen to you if we want to get paid after this is over. Shouldn’t be a problem, so what will you be acting as, team leader, or are you there mainly to monitor us? Or is it something else, maybe there is something you need to do once you reach the town. It just occurred to her that she was prying. Of course you don’t have to tell me anything if it’s confidential.

Sune walked a few feet more with her back to the group, looking out over the fog covered valley. I take it you brought a map with you right? she called out behind her. We should be able to follow the roads to find the town, but we could get lost easily with the low visibility. Night time is another concern of mine, should we travel during the night or do we make camp? Getting lost wouldn’t be the best of ideas, especially since we have no idea of what is down there. I haven’t been to the town myself, so I hope you have and know your way around, or at least you have a map. Then there is the problem of supplies... she stood silently once more to herself as in thought. But I’m ready to go whenever you are, you can count me in.

The Duelist
Posts: 450
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2002 4:09 pm

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby The Duelist » Mon May 19, 2003 7:11 pm

Stephanie's smile instantly turned into a thin line. A shadowdragon? If one was responsible, it would easily explain the soldiers' disapearance.

"Miss Sand elf, Have you ever dealt with a shadow dragon before?"


"I hope our 'friend'..." she looked to the Doman official, "Here doesn't get too offended when I say this, but any time a dragon gets angry enough to go on a rampage, is a bad time for everyone, and the government would prefer to deal with such a situation quickly and efficiently before word any means. After all, dragons are very formidable creatures, and not to be taken lightly. I might even say that the price is a tad stingy under the circumstances...but I won't complain."

She nodded to Maglor.

"And yes, I'm in. And if you're coming with us, just stay behind me, and don't do anything stupid."

Inwardly, she couldn't help but be annoyed. A file clerk with a sense of adventure, who happened to be their only way of getting paid the full was either that, or he was a government troubleshooter who intended to kill them all the minute it seemed that they had completed the job.

She wasn't too worried. If he was behind her, she could protect him in the first instance, and in the second, he'd be right where she could watch him the whole time...


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby GameStar7 » Tue May 20, 2003 3:42 am

Sune turned to the female human slyly. No one said we had to deal with the Shadow Dragon did they? Granted dragons are most likely very formidable foes, I would'nt actually know as I've never fought one myself. But the mission isn't necessarily to slay the dragon, it's to find out if the dragon is indeed behind the disappearance of the town. If so, we need to find a way to solve the problem. She was smiling widely now. So 5,000 Gil each for a spy mission, sounds good to me. The added 10,000 Gil is just an incentive if we happen to get courageous.

She looked back at the valley again. But... how long do you think this mission will take? Do we have enough supplies? What about food? I can hunt but that should be a last resort. I think I'd rather not have to worry about hunting enough to feed us all. Turning around quickly, she gave a thoughtful look at the group. Speaking of us all, I don't think we've introduced ourselves. You may call me Sune. She made a respectful bow and smiled slightly, then made her way to her horse. And this is Bara, I'll thank you to treat him kindly. She threw a questioning glance. Yourselves?

Angel of Fire

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Tue May 20, 2003 4:10 pm

"I am Elonia Winfel, but please call me El." Elonia said, glancing at Saralonde before continuing, "What do you think? Is there any possibility of...
Here she stopped and shuddered, but continued, "anyone in the village being... El stopped yet again before gulping and saying, "alive?"
She looked over in the direction of the shimmering mist covering the town.
"A shadow dragon, hmm? That was not quite what I was thinking of, but if there is a chance of anyone there still being alive, I will go," El said determinedly.

Edited by: Angel of Fire&nbsp; Image at: 5/21/03 4:57:42 pm


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue May 20, 2003 4:12 pm

Langley bowed slightly, then with a smile explained himself.

"I'm quickkill langley, you can just call me langley though," langley made a wider grin then turned to horse, standing next to him, "this is my horse, Gretchen, I bring her along on my missons, because normally she's the only one to talk to. not that I expect her to respond."

Langley gave a shy smile then sat back down.

"Oh one more thing," langley said, "I'm a professonal assasin."

The Duelist
Posts: 450
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2002 4:09 pm

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby The Duelist » Wed May 21, 2003 8:13 pm

Stephanie nodded, unimpressed by "Quick-kill", "Steph will do. My reasons are my own."

Yari Koneko

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Sat May 24, 2003 12:36 pm

Maglor noted the discussion between Sune and Stephanie with a touch of respect.

"Seems you ladies have though of everything... almost. I'm simply concerned with the completion of the job. If that means watching while you work, so be it. If it means leading, so be it. I've got a sizable amount of food in this bag," he patted his pack, "as well as a map, and a couple of other things. As for the mission, I don't see this taking more than a couple of days; Phoenin is a pretty small town. As for camping, it depends on the situation down there. As to the task itself, it depends on the problem. If this group can't handle it, that's a way of still getting you paid. I'd, of course, prefer it if it were solved... and I can throw in a bit of my own money, if necessary..."

IM: You're being stupid; it isn't worth your own savings...
IM: Yes, it is. They're more than enough.

"Something to the tune of... another 10,000 each? That makes it 20,000 extra for a happy ending to this sordid little tale."

Angel of Fire

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Sat May 24, 2003 12:47 pm

Elonia nodded, occupied with thoughts of her own.
"I am sure that we can handle it. When do we go?" she asked, scanning the fog to see if there was a gap.
"How do we get inside? Do we just... walk through the mist?" El was clearly full of questions, but kept most of them to herself.
"Who else is coming?"

The Duelist
Posts: 450
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2002 4:09 pm

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby The Duelist » Sat May 24, 2003 2:38 pm

Stephanie forced herself not to smirk, "No matter which direction we approach this, we'll be going through the mist...although I'm not too worried about an ambush. Not immediately anyway."

She continued, "While its true that whatever's in there has already dealt with several squads of well trained soldiers, AND is strong enough to create that strange mist, chances are that it will wait until we are too far in to turn back before it attacks. After all, if anyone escapes and gives others details about its existence, it loses most of its advantage. It'll be a bit before it tries to slaughter us. Until then, we ready whatever defenses we can, and arm ourselves accordingly."

It was tricky no matter how many ways they approached it, but Stephanie wasn't worried about the fog. After all, a man by the name of Rick Dwyer had never ceased to piss her off when he used his smokebomb tricks, and after some of that activity she had been forced to figure out how to fight in low visibility terrains. That experience was about to pay off.

Angel of Fire

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Sat May 24, 2003 3:54 pm

Elonia nodded.
"It will be hard to get through, especially because we do not know how far the mist reaches. The dragon could easily pick us off, one by one, in the mist if it is extremely far reaching."
She turned to Maglor.
"Unless... Do you know how far the mist reaches? It would be extremely helpful to know."
El was used to living in places where she could barely see, and having to fight in such circumstances. The fog would not be as much trouble to her as the others, she guessed.


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby GameStar7 » Sat May 24, 2003 11:27 pm

(OOC: Well... he never did say how thick the mist was, but I'm guessing we can still see at least to some degree in there. It shouldn’t be as bad as not being able to see your hand in front of your face. But Yari... how thick is the mist? I thought it would allow for around 20-30 feet of visibility normally myself. Also... I take it that elves in general are kinda like D&D elves... low light visibility, more observant etc right?)

The talks of all the mist interested Sune. She never had thought about the mist in particular. She had just thought about the mission and the safety of the people involved in the mission. She didn’t think she would have too much of a problem, as she was a skilled hunter able to survive in many environments. But this mist obviously wasn’t natural and she wasn’t sure of how thick the mist was.

Well, I’m ready to go as soon as everything gets straightened out. About the mist itself, I suggest we take every problem one at a time as it comes up. But let’s also try to be prepared a little to. It might not be the healthiest idea to just storm into the valley. So maybe we should get some torches ready.

She thought of the (2?) humans in the group. Maybe torches would be a good idea anyway. How are you all with seeing in the dark? And speaking of torches, I think you all know how to make some right? Sune didn’t feel like baby sitting everyone and going off to make torches for everybody. Surely they could all make a simple torch. Well if you think you need a torch make yourself a torch. I will make a few for the mist though if no one has any torches.


Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Sun May 25, 2003 9:19 am

"yeah, I got good eyesight...and i can fashion a working torch," Langley said standing up and observing the city, "Maybe we should send in a scout, or just somone ahead of the group in case there is an ambush right when we get in. we need to prepare for anything, since we don't know what's in there really."

Then langley looked back to his horse, standing in contempt. He approached the horse and opened one of two bags hanging from the horses side. Digging alittle, he came up with two simple torches, but they were damp, and probably wouldn't work well.

"These are wet, but we can save them for later," Langley said holding the torches out, then placing them back in the bag.

The Duelist
Posts: 450
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2002 4:09 pm

Re: Auric Confusion (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby The Duelist » Sun May 25, 2003 10:37 am

Stephanie took her sword and scraped it against the dirt...immediately, an incredibly bright glow formed around the sword. If anyone looked directly at it, they'd immediately turn away from its dazzling brilliance.

Stephanie said, "We could always use this."

Tapping the sword against the dirt, the glow vanished, and she replaced it in its scabbard.


Re: Auric Confusion (freestyle RP)

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Sun May 25, 2003 12:23 pm

" I have excellent sight in the dark, but a torch couldn't hurt." He then went though one of his many pockets and took out a dark blue pouch. He untied the string that was wrapped around the mouth and took out some powder. " This powder is a flammable powder that will keep a fire burning for a long time. I don't usually use it for torches but it would certainly help." He then put the power back in then put the pouch back in its pocket. " Actually I have a number of useful powders!... When do we go anyway?"
[OOC: Sorry I posted something but I guess I may have hit the wrong button. heh heh.]

Yari Koneko

Re: Auric Confusion (freestyle RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Sun May 25, 2003 4:52 pm

Maglor raised an eyebrow. "I presume then," he said to Mark, "that you will be coming with us?" It wasn't a given, by any stretch of the imagination...

"And you?" he continued, turning to Xealaz.

Xealaz shook his head. "Not this time; this isn't my kind of job." So saying, he casually strolled back the way he had come.

Maglor shook his head, too. "Well, it's his call..." He motioned for the rest of the group to follow him. "Come. The village isn't far; we can discuss the rest on the way."

And so, they set out on a quest to save little towns and vanquish evil in the name of making money. And there was much rejoicing.

Edited by: Yari Koneko at: 5/25/03 5:09:48 pm

The Duelist
Posts: 450
Joined: Mon Jul 01, 2002 4:09 pm

Stephanie's Got Problems.

Unread postby The Duelist » Mon May 26, 2003 1:08 pm

Stephanie nodded, her "game face" still planted firmly on...

Inwardly however, she was almost content.

"Finally. A mission I can perform without complaint...I get to do it in my own body...and I don't have to worry about a certain rag tag group of survivors...

"still though...

I do kind of miss Max...and Rick, as much of a pain in the ass he can be, he IS approachable."

She knew that even now she wasn't where she wanted to be. She still couldn't drop her guard, she still was not allowed to day soon, she would need to find a way for Max and her to reveal the truth about her. Until then, she would have to continue to be a paranoid bitch pretending to be a man, with only a half-muse to talk to openly about her problems......and having half the girls in the encampment giggling whenever she walked past while under the effects of the transformation juice...

God only knew that that was the largest reason for her vacation.

"No time for THAT now girl, because now you're going to have to go head to head with a dragon. Whoop-de-f--king-do."


Re: Auric Confusion~ Sune the analogist

Unread postby GameStar7 » Mon May 26, 2003 11:52 pm

Sune rode along on Barra slowly slightly ahead of the group, humming a tune quietly to herself. Her thoughts revolved around not the mission at hand, but the team. There was an assassin, a knight, and a thief, certainly an assortment of individuals if she ever saw one. One seemed like a loner, another seemed like they were hiding something. Then there was Mr. Quick-Kill. How’d he get a nickname like that anyway? She came to a conclusion that he probably dubbed himself that, but he seemed nice enough at least, and that was a plus. He seemed to be one of the more cheerful people in the group. Whether that was a good thing or not would be discovered later.

Then there was the "boss", Maglor Saralonde. She knew nothing about him at all, other than he was the one who they relied on to get paid. She had never heard of him before either, granted she wasn't involved in Doman politics. Any politics for that matter, but none the less he was a mystery. That mystery intrigued her, and she would unravel it. She disliked not knowing things, and she strived to learn something new everyday. She wasn’t a genius but she thought of herself as pretty bright, although she tended to over look some of the more obvious clues sometimes. Sune turned over to see Maglor walking along close behind her carrying the supplies over his back casually.

You know I can let Barra carry that. We have plenty of room; I just don’t want to mix our supplies together for personal reasons. Mr. Langley also has a horse, he could carry it if you prefer. She thought for a moment about the mysterious contents in the bag. That is unless you would prefer to keep a hold of it yourself. Very noticeably, she suddenly changed the topic. Who are you Mr. Maglor, if that is your real name. She giggled at her own joke and awkwardly stopped after no one seemed to find it humorous. Ahem... she abruptly continued. I don't know anything about you and I like to know who I'm working for. Her straight forwardness was starting to come through.

And frankly... I'm not sure I can trust you. I’ve been back stabbed by employers before, but you feel somehow different. I "think" I can trust you, take it for whatever its worth. She looked to the rest of the group and felt like she was leaving them out. She didn’t want to make them feel less important somehow. If you want to tell me anything about yourself please go ahead. Or if there's something about me you want to know, don't be afraid to ask. She smiled politely to everyone behind her. Don’t worry, I won't bite. Just some idle conversation is all. You seem so quiet... if were going to be a team we should start acting as a team! the happy words chirped out optimistically.


Re: Auric Confusion~ Langley, The idiot

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue May 27, 2003 5:21 pm

langley trotted up along side Sune, she seemed outgoing and up for a conversation.

"You seem so happy? Do you normally get like this before an assignment?" Langley gave a heartfilled smile and awaited Sune's response.

Yari Koneko

Re: Auric Confusion~ Maglor the Bubble Boi

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Tue May 27, 2003 6:15 pm

Maglor paused. Most mercs wouldn’t be that open, he had thought. Ishtar knows one couldn’t be in any other profession, including his. But something about Sune looked familiar...

Answering her first question, he managed to suppress a slight frown that would’ve been his initial reaction. Patting his backpack, he stated, “Thank you, but no; I have a few… personal effects inside, which I wouldn’t want to keep out of reach. Speaking of which, something I nearly forgot.” Reaching into a compartment on the side of the pack and coming out with a small bag, he dumped out into his hand fourteen 200-gil pieces, and seven 100-gil coins. Handing 500 gil each to Mark, Sune, El, Stephanie and Langley, he put the other thousand back. Half of that, presumably, had been for Xealaz. Replacing the bag quickly, he cracked a half-smile and said, “Poor employer that forgets his commissions, eh?”

“As for me,” he replied to her second round of questions, “I’m the head of a Doman research department. The hours are pretty crazy, but it pays well, and I get as much off time as anyone in the government. The Council accepted my request to head this mission… and here I am.”

"And now, a question for you," he continued, looking at Sune. "Who are your parents?"

Edited by: Yari Koneko at: 5/27/03 6:18:12 pm

Angel of Fire

Re: Auric Confusion~ Langley, The idiot

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Tue May 27, 2003 6:27 pm

El let out a small sigh.
Of course... I am yet again a loner... Why did I join a group of humans anyway?
She decided to start some sort of conversation, regardless of the fact that El knew no one.
That would be the best way for me to actually get to know them... At least there is another elf.
"Where are you from?" she inquired of the group, forcing a small smile.
Elonia was extremely glad that no one had recognised the fact that she was on wanted posters, nor realized that this was her first mercenary job...
If I make it out of here alive, I will have made honest money. Maybe I should give up the life of a bandit...


Re: Auric Confusion~ The most overuse of a subject :)

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue May 27, 2003 8:56 pm

Langley gave a sigh, as he examined the gold in his hand.

"I don't know where I came from," langley said in response to El's question. "I've been going on missons to figure that out."

Langley trotted ahead of the group then turned back as they neared the fog-city.

"i'll go in first, if no one has any objections," langley gave a half-hearted smile then turned to enter the town, he didn't care if they objected, for whatever reason, langley was just being polite and asking.


Re: Auric Confusion~ Bright eyed and bushy tailed

Unread postby GameStar7 » Tue May 27, 2003 9:38 pm

Sune looked thoughtfully at Langley, Happy... yes I guess I try to be happy as much as I can. Over the years I've learnt that if you are negative or gloomy, or keep yourself away from others, your world will take on a dark form. But if you try to be happy and look forward to things, life will seem more... livable. She looked away for a second then continued. I used to be depressed a lot of the time, after an accident that ruined my life. But after awhile I just accepted that I wouldn’t be able to go back to my former life and I strived to create a better one. I've certainly had a lot more fun over these last few years than from before. She seemed to be cheering up again. Sure I might not be making as much now, but maybe this mission will fix that. If not, I'll find something else, it's not really that big of a deal. As long as I can eat and stay warm, life is good.

She looked over to Langley in his awkward silence. Maybe you got more than you bargained for eh? She laughed smiling widely, her cheeks turning a little red. After listening to Mr. Saralonde she didn’t feel like she knew anything more about him than before. Maybe he was trying to keep to himself and didn’t want anyone to know. It was also possible that he was trying to cover up this fact with handing out the money. She looked at hers money carefully in her hand. There was two 200 coins and two 100 coins. She could only think it was a mistake. Maybe he accidentally gave her an extra 100 coin, or maybe he accidentally mistook one of the 200 coins for a 100 coin. Mr. Maglor... she slowed down slightly and showed him her share of money. I think you mistook this coin for a 100 Gil coin or maybe you just gave me an extra 100 Gil coin. Either way, can you switch this 200 coin for a 100 coin? I like keeping smaller coins on me, more convenient.

(OOC: I don’t know how easy it would be to mistake this. Just go with it, I’m adding something about her honesty )

She remembered Maglors and Elonias questions. But my parents you ask? Why would you want to know? She answered Maglors question first. Well... they were small unimportant people traveling with a group of the same. I can’t even really say traveling, as we always went to the same places. I got bored with them all soon in my 30's, and I left them to search for my own life. I think I'm happier the way I am now than I would be if I stayed with them, and in the end that's all that matters. She stopped talking and when she started talking again she was quieter. I still love them, and could probably find them again if I put my mind to it. She looked up at the blue sky, Maybe after this mission... I will stop by and say hello. God knows it’s been too long. Sune became a little less talkative and looked as if she was remembering something. Anyway Mr. Saralonde, about the coin? She got ready to hand the 200 coin and switch it for a 100 coin.

(OOC: Just noticed someone replied while I was writing)

Langley rode ahead of the group and said he was going in first. Well... if you feel like being the man or whatever, knock yourself out. I'd rather we stick together though, Langley didn't seem like he cared. or go ahead, whatever works for you. She said a little submissively.


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