Death and Despair RP [closed]

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Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:32 pm

The sun was setting on Beau Island and there was an uncharacteristic chill in the wind. Chillbumps raised on Champagne's arms as she stood on a pier overlooking Honda Bay. Month ago he and his twin brother would sit there and talk. Now....

Champagne sighed deeply and turned around to walk home. Standing on the end of the pier was his cousin, Ignes. Chamapagne seemed a little thankful that he wouldn't have to brood alone and invited the fire demon to a drink at Tropicana Rose's, a popular and lively hang out spot.

This is where are the tale of death and despairs begins; over a drink in Tropicana Rose's on a chilly Ashurarus evening.

"Ignes....I think I have an lead..."

Edited by: [url=>Nekogami</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/11/03 8:57:34 am

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby WillBaseton » Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:36 pm

The blue-haired demon stood quietly, listening to his cousin. However, his thoughts were divided. Part of them were focused on Champagne, while the other part was focused on Arnast, the girl he holds his heart for, somewhere in Doma. The mention of a possible lead, however, broke him out of his trancelike state in an instant.

"A lead...where?"

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:39 pm

Champagne leaned back in his chair and lazily toyed with the pink paper umbrella in his drink. "An island nearby....Some things have been happening that just don't add up....With a nexus to UnderRealm so close by it might be some crazy demon causing trouble but..." His light honey eyes peered into Ignes. "This reeks of Tsahassrla's doing..."

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby WillBaseton » Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:41 pm

"Tsahassrla...? Who's that? And why is his name so weird?"

The incubus-half smirked, allowing some of the fire to return to his eyes.

"He an enemy of the family?"

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Apr 09, 2003 11:55 pm

Champagne chuckled. "You could say she is.....No, I take it back. You don't have to say it. It's fact. She's a demon, very powerful. She's a Grimoire...Enemies to the Dark Fey

"...However, through an alliance of the most poweful houses of the the Dark Fey, we've managed to keep them as little more than nuisances....Somehow Tshassrala slipped through the cracks and rose to power. She serves Cyphilis, a master demon of the eastern kingdom to the UnderRealm.

"The recent death of masterdemon Testicles and the ascension of Barge Porte has caused a little bit of a stir so I hear. Barge is supported strongly by the dark fey and I don't think Cyphilis feels to good about that. He wanted his son to succeed Testicles but as things would go some archmage fell in love with his daughter and determined to have her.

"Anyway, the Tsahassrala and Cyphilis are in collusion to bring down the Dark Fey houses and serve their purposes....Ignes, you mother and family are in jeopardy as long as Tsahassrala is around. But we have to save Chardonnay first...."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Apr 10, 2003 12:00 am

At the other side of the bar, Zachary was in heaven. For Years, he had dreamed of coming to visit Argovia, to sample a the art and culture of this land he had heard stories about since he was child. To actually see an ink painting being made, to hear the language used by a natural speaker in the marketplace. To view a shrine garden, and walk among its serenity.

Without a doubt, this was the best diplomatic trip the king of Evringshal had ever taken.

With the actual work of diplomacy behind him, Zachary now had a bit of time to enjoy himself in this land he had always dreamed of visiting. Travelling incognito, a habit he was fond of at home, he tried to immerse himself in the local culture.

However, one could only do so well in a foreign land. A mid-sized pale man with brown hair, wearing a kimono, a floppy-brimed hat of Igala design, and a wooden-handled Katana, he stood out like a sore thumb.

Privated, he mourned that the duties of faith had kept Cincare from being there, and making the experience complete. However, he resolved to write down everything and tell here once he got back.

If nothing else, at least Reia was here to see it all with him. He idly ponders why it has taken her so long to find the cafe. His attendant's sense of direction usually wasn't that bad...


Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Thu Apr 10, 2003 1:30 am

Reia thought she'd never get out of there... Damn gossiping hens... Why did she have to be a SERVANT!? She'd been Zach's retainer for what? A few weeks? Reia didn't know why he had decided to bring her along on this trip anyway... But now she was late for their meeting and she was very irritated. Seeing the bar where she was supposed to meet Zach, she sighs and composes herself. She didn't want the guy to get suspicious... if he did, Reia may never get the chance to go home... Damn quest...

Taking a deep breath Reia walks into the bar and automatically spots Zach. Oh yeah.... he was eccentric all right... Reia put on a pleasant expression and went to join him. Well at least one thing is okay about all this... He likes not acting like a king and I don't need to kiss up to him all the time...

"I'm sorry I'm late Zach..." Reia says pleasantly, the nicety of it all sticking in her throat when all she wanted to do was scream from the rooftops... "The... uhh... girls at the inn cornered me..." The things those girls asked... Did I sleep with him? Yeesh! I'm so glad that that's over...

Edited by: [url=>AbbaTerra</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/10/03 3:55:04 am

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:58 am

The bartender, a thin man with dark skin and dreads walked over to Reia and nodded. "What can I get ye with, missus?" His accent was strongly Alahanan ((Jamaican)).


Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:24 pm

"I'll just have some Green Tea if you have any, thanks." Reia smiles. The Amethyst Tribe looked down on alcohol for it muddles the mind.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:32 pm

Zachary nodded to the Bartender, motioning for a refill of his sake. After all, what is Royalty without a muddled mind?

Pushing up his glasses, he says, "Don't worry about the servants. I am certain that gossip is like gold to them. It really doesn't matter what you say to them."

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby WillBaseton » Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:47 pm

Ignes nodded, letting the information sink in.

"Right. We rescue Char first. Besides, I'm sure a bunch of low-class demons won't be able to take down my father...right?"

He produced his Water Spear and grinned.

"Time to put their fires out."

The Duelist
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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby The Duelist » Thu Apr 10, 2003 2:58 pm

Rick Dwyer entered the bar. Adjusting his dress tunic, and his saber's position at his side, he plopped himself down on the nearest bar stool. He hated this.

This sort of thing just didn't suit him. It had been his fault actually, being the leader of his group of Vrainen Expatriates. He was the obvious choice as part of the trade delegation...

Didn't mean he liked it, or the damn dress tunic (Which was seriously beginning to chafe him) or the change in weapons to the heavier, yet more symbolic, saber. The legendary Duelist of Vraina was known for his signature Rapier. Oh well.

At this point, as he ordered his ale, the one thing he wanted most was adventure, something that didn't involve sitting at tables and repeating the same banter back and forth...and the chance to change his clothes. The negotiations were done, and he had somehow managed to score a victory on a battleground very, very far from his area of expertise, more from the verbal inspiration of Max Payneinear than anything HE had done. Half-muse bards were good for that sort of thing. Simply put, he wanted back in the field and out of the dress uniform. The idea of being careful of what he wished for was the last thing on his mind...

Edited by: The Duelist at: 4/10/03 7:08:58 pm


Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Thu Apr 10, 2003 7:59 pm

Reia scoffs at that. "Even if it might completely ruin your reputation in a foreign land? Servants can be excellent sources of information because they tend to work right under the noses of nobility and many don't even realize they're there. Of course there was never much intrigue in Spynxe... most of the rest of Nekonia kinda tries to forget the place exists." Which is why humans and nekojin worked well in the Amethyst family. "But gossip could make a servant some money if they get the right kind... that's for certain."

Reia sips her tea. "You really shouldn't neglect the importance and spotlight placed on nobility, Zach. It could help or hinder negotiations sometimes." And Shining in the spotlight is the reason why I'm in this damned role... Is it some cruel joke that I was assigned all the way out in Evringshal under this nobody king who has absolutely no respect for public opinion?

Uncle Pervy

Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Apr 10, 2003 8:46 pm

"If the rulers here pay that much attention to gossip," Zachary counters, "Then I fear they would have rather short reigns, for they would have no time for ruling. I would much rather be known for doing good than having a perfect reputation. If the latter was such a concern, I would not have Cincare, would I?"


Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:32 pm

This is cruel and unusual punishment.... Reia couldn't retort to that, but reallly.... How was all of this supposed to make her a better ninja? Sure Reia liked being in the spotlight, but it's really no trouble... didn't she have some other flaw that they could have sent her on a quest to better?

Reia sipped her tea. "Why did you bring me here anyway, Zach?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:48 pm

"Do you really want to be in Ervingshal during the thaw season?" Zachary replies, sipping his own drink. "And did you wish to be left with the Chancellor? Certainly you know what a grouch he can be. Furthermore, it did seem that you could use a break from the routine of Sarcodia for awhile."

Not to mention I want to see how exactly a "Simple Maid" managed to get all the way to Evringshal from Nekonia intact.

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:49 pm

Champagne smiled and stood up. His half-moon chakruns gleamed menacingly at his side as if anticipating battle. "It's good to have you here, Ignes. I'd hate to be doing this alone."

Just then some black crashed through the window. It was off to large, black rocks were thrown through the front glass of Tropicana Rose's. Champagne whirled around to see what had happened when it was apparent.

Two cerbies were glaring around in their fox form. One had a red tint then other silver. The silver sniffed the air and looked straight at Ignes and Champagne. A cruel lupine grin snaked across his maw. The red cerbie caught the air of battle and also grinned.

"IGNES! RUN!" Champagne flicked out his tri-wings and took to the air hovering on in the open air between the second floor loft and the tables on the first floor.

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby WillBaseton » Thu Apr 10, 2003 10:01 pm

The offworlder growled, letting his Infernal Devil side show through as a pair of wings that burned with white fire tore from his back.

"Why can't you just leave us ALONE!?!?"

He raised the Water Spear and growled.

"I'm not leaving without you, Champagne! We'll die together if we have to!"

And with those words spoken, he rocketed up into the air and brought his spear down on the neck of the silver cerbie.

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu Apr 10, 2003 10:13 pm

The cerbie scrambled out of the way and jumped like lightening onto a table. Blood dripped from the wound, an unnatural orange color. The patrons of the table shuffled back from the strange fox like hound. It hissed hatefull at Igness.

Champagne snarled, a vicious look contorting his otherwise beautiful face. "IGNES! BLESS'T! We can't fight here! The humans will be hurt!"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Apr 10, 2003 10:15 pm

"Hell!" Zachary shouted, raising an arm to protect his face from the flying glass.

Noting the Canine creatures, he realized things were going to get ugly. He also knew instantly that they were far, far from normal dogs. And his experiences with the Black Forest told him that they were not going to just run away at the first threat.

"Reia, get back! Help the people get out of here!"

With a hand on his Katana, he watched the Cerbies, hoping that his time with hounds that he had spent as a child would help him here.

(OOC: Trying to recall up useful stuff on hounds that would help here; will strike if one gets near)

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 4/10/03 11:17:27 pm

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:17 pm

The behavior of the cerbies were canine enough but it was apparent that they showed more intelligence than even the most clever of wolves. They could reason and they knew their marks were the two demons.

They were relatively unconcerned by the humans and other MiddleRealmers, but instead they contemplated how to bring down Champagne and eliminate the belligerent fire demon.

The silver cerbie barked and glared at Ignes from his perch on the table. His hackles were raised and he quivered with fury. The red cerbie gave him a look of acknowledgement and ran though legs of tables and people in order to stand right below Champagne. He looked up and growled. Things that flew were peskier than things that meowed.

Edited by: [url=>Nekogami</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/10/03 11:33:36 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:21 pm

Gods, we can't let these thing run loose! Zachary tells himself as he inches near the closer of the two cerbies. Hoping to take advantage of their obvious distraction, he aims for a quick slash to end it.

Failing that, he would take what he can get.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 4/10/03 11:30:23 pm

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:29 pm

The silver cerbie was not one to be bitten twice by a blade and skipped out of the way of Zachary's blow with a bark. The table shattered and the patrons scrambled out of the way and out the door in a hurry.

By this time, pride hurt, he wasn't opposed to taking down a civilian in order to achieve his goal. He whirled around and with speed expected of a small animal leapt up and big bit Zachary on his shoulder. His small teeth tore into the human's flesh beneath his clothing. Growling, the cerbie should his jaws mercilessly before hopping away to safer distance; about 5 feet off among the table shards.

He grinned at the warm taste of blood and made sure Zachary could see his own blood and the enjoyment it.

Edited by: [url=>Nekogami</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/10/03 11:34:10 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:34 pm

"T-that the worst you have?" Zachary says through the pain. I knew I should have brought The Weapons with me

He takes a stance, his blade sheathed again, while watching the cerbie, waiting for just the right time.

(OOC: Something of a counter stance here. Strike when the enemy does and hope to beat them to the punch)


Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Thu Apr 10, 2003 11:52 pm

Damn it! Those dogs aren't interested in anything that's not in their way and there is absolutely no way that I'm letting those mutts get out of here without a scratch made by me! Reia reached within her loose shirt pulling out 3 diamond-shaped kunai. She tries to remain unseen by Zachary when she throws her daggers at the hound still gloating over taking a bite of Zach.

I don't think the elders had this as part of their plan for this quest... I have to protect the guy and still keep him from knowing the true extent of my abilities... Reia slips out of view and hopes that neither the dog nor Zach had seen her throw but both seemed too preoccupied with one another...

Edited by: [url=>AbbaTerra</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/10/03 11:55:55 pm

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Re: Death and Despair RP [closed]

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:40 am

The silver cerbie yelped and skittered away as the kunai landed in the plank of wood underneath. It removed a part of his whisker and this would not do.

He looked around for the assailant but was unable to see who assaulted him. The silver cerbie was losing his composure and losing it fast.

Champagne watched the battle of the silver cerbie and the foreign tourists with some interest. Because he was not taking particular attention he did not noticed that the red cerbie had climbed his way to the second floor and was perched behing him ready to leap out and catch the incubus.

Just in time he looked down to see that the beast had disappeared and frantically peered around. The red cerbie took this opportunity to leap out, maw open. Champagne was no stranger to peril, having been raised in the cruel UnderRealm and unexpectedly spun around, grabbing the cerbie around his neck then propelling him to the ground.

The cerbie crashed into a table with a yelp. Champagne smiled sadistically and laughed. "I am a child of the same world, dog. And a mercernary in this one...Don't underestimate me."

Edited by: [url=>Nekogami</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/11/03 8:58:33 am

The Duelist
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Unread postby The Duelist » Fri Apr 11, 2003 11:49 am

Rick looked up at his drink. He looked at the wounded man in the Kimono, then to the Silver Cerbie. He snorted in annoyance. Well, he HAD wanted some action.

In one swift motion, he took the dagger from his belt, and flung it at the Cerbie. He had practiced throws from this range often, and he wasn't expecting anything less than a very unhappy cerbie...

Gulping down his drink, he stood up and pulled his Saber from its sheath. Turning his head to Zach, he said,

"Need anything?"

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Re: Striking.

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:20 pm

Rick obviously had not encountered the swift cerbies before for he had underestimated there speed. The silver cerbie again barely dodged the attack. He looked back as his comrade slammed into the ground from Champagne's counter.

He gave a bark to the red cerbie and attempted to escape this battle. However Rick, Ignes, and Zach had all escape routes covered, as far as the silver cerbie could see. So he slunk under a table in a feeble attempt to hide.

The red cerbie however escaped behind the party since they where focused on his friend. He found sancitity out the same broken window that he had entered. Outside in the streets people let out a surprised scream as the small demon ripped through the road away from the bar.

Champagne landed. "It's cornered...Be careful it might transform..." he warned to the others.

Uncle Pervy

Why does this remind me of Inu-Yasha? "OMFG HUMANS SUCK

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Apr 11, 2003 12:48 pm

Zachary didn't spare Rick too much of a glance, he was watching the hound. "Just help everyone escape," he says, waiting for the demon to make a wrong move. His shoulder ached fiercely, but he tried to ignore it. However, the tears streaming down his face proved he wasn't doing an excellent job.

If it transforms, I'll strike then. It'll have to be distracted.


Re: Why does this remind me of Inu-Yasha? "OMFG HUMANS

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Fri Apr 11, 2003 1:48 pm

Reia cursed silently when she heard the kunai thud into the wood (I'm surprised all three missed their mark.... that's kinda the idea of throwing multiples... harder to dodge all 3.) She peeks out onto the battle and sees the silver hound surrounded by that flying guy, some other guy and Zach looking like he was hurt pretty bad. The flying guy said that the thing might transform and Reia knew that if it did, she'd be ready to hit it. Taking three more Kunai out, she readied herself to strike if the thing started to change.

The Duelist
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Re: Why does this remind me of Inu-Yasha? "OMFG HUMANS

Unread postby The Duelist » Fri Apr 11, 2003 1:58 pm

Rick's eyes did not leave the beast as he quickly asked his question.

"Transform? What would it transform into?"

Whatever it could transform into, he had a feeling he didn't want to find out...on the other hand, it might be a challenge. He liked a good challenge.

He silently cursed at his clothing limitations once more. He couldn't try that last move again. If he was in his usual travel garb, he'd have three daggers, one at his waist, and one hidden up each sleeve. In this hellishly formal dress tunic however the dagger at his belt was the only one he could carry. Well, it was something he was going to have to remedy next time he had to wear something like this.

He had learned his lesson from the first dagger however. Whatever this thing was, it was very agile, and could sidestep most attacks. But Rick had a feeling that he could nail it into the dirt if it tried to get close, no matter how fast it tried to be. After all, he was armed with the Vrainen light-cavalry weapon of choice at the moment, and his speed with such a weapon was unmatched. The key factor in Rick's mind was that he knew they would need to force a reaction out of the creature before it did something dangerous, such as transforming. But before he tried to end a battle against a foe he did not know, it would be best to know what it was capable of. If only for future reference.

The key, in his mind, was knowing what the thing could transform into. As he waited for an answer, he would very slowly, very cautiously moved forward. With any luck, the creature would be teased into striking...and he would cut it down.

Now, it all depended on the creature's mettle...and the stranger's answer.

Edited by: The Duelist at: 4/11/03 2:19:07 pm

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Re: Why does this remind me of Inu-Yasha? "OMFG HUMANS

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Apr 11, 2003 4:47 pm

Champagne looked to Rick and smiled in a peculiar manner, as one with a terribly morbid secret might. "Cerbies are small and cute when they feel like they aren't threatened. But when the chips are down and they've got nothing to lose the transform into a wolfen beast the size of a mule...."

Champagne considered the cerbie. He didn't know what he felt like doing. Fighting a desperate cerbie didn't sound like fun....However...

"Move out of the way. Let it go."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Why does this remind me of Inu-Yasha? "OMFG HUMANS

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Apr 11, 2003 5:08 pm

"Are you sure we can just let is run free?" Zachary asks. "Surely someone has callled the guard by now; if we hold it long enough, it won't stand a chance."

I've fought and won against the horrors of the Black Forest before, Zachary tells himself, as he waits, ready to strike. I know I can stand before this!

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Re: Why does this remind me of Inu-Yasha? "OMFG HUMANS

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sat Apr 12, 2003 6:36 pm

Ignes snarled, raising his spear.

"I should kill you where you sit, mutt..."

His burning wings folded up behind him and vanished into his back.

"...but I'm not that kind of person. Go home, and we'll let you live."

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Re: Why does this remind me of Inu-Yasha? "OMFG HUMANS

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:45 am

Champagne kicked the table out of the way. "You heard him. Scat!"

The cerbie hissed and barked at Champagne before taking the same escape route as his cowardly companion.

"We'll follow him. Surely, he'll lead us to whoever is responsible for sending them." Champagne flicked out his wings and walked to the door waiting for the cerbie to get a safe distance away before following.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Why does this remind me of Inu-Yasha? "OMFG HUMANS

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Apr 14, 2003 1:00 am

"Right," Zachary answering, Sheathing his sword.

Although his shoulder demanded attention in that vocal way that bleeding wounds tend to do, the King of Evringshal ignores it as best he able to. "Was anyone hurt?" he asks, looking around. He hoped that the Cerbies wouldn't leave too much damage in their wake.

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I have control of Rick!

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon Apr 14, 2003 9:59 am

Rick walked over to Zachary and examined his arm. "Yeah, looks like you are." Half joking he looked around. "Is there a doctor in the house?....Guess they've been scared off by the mutts."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a potion. He poured it on Zachary's arm and tucked the cloth over it. "Might be a little stiff but....that should do ya."

Turning to study the inn, he noticed that there were some people hiding under tables and the second floor. "HEY! It's over now! Come on out!" The people were slow at first to venture out but they did so eventually and then with a roar of chatter.


End to Immediate danger is only a beginning.

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Mon Apr 14, 2003 1:09 pm

Reia hides the Kunai she had held ready, comes out of hiding and walks over to Zachary. "You aren't hurt too much are you Zach?" she kneels by him right near where her Kunai had thunked into the wood and tried to discreetly retrieve them. "We really need to get you healed..." Reia looks up at Ignes who hadn't yet gone to follow the Cerbie.

"I think we need a few answers here. And don't you DARE say we aren't involved because we GOT involved the moment those things barged in here." Reia wasn't dressed as you'd normally imagine a servant, wearing her tall boots and tight leggings with her loose hooded shirt. "So just tell us what's going on."

Uncle Pervy

Re: End to Immediate danger is only a beginning.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Apr 14, 2003 2:51 pm

"I'll be fine," Zachary says, though the pain in his face betrayed something else. "I'll live, right now we have more important things to worry about."

He was surpirsed to see the fury coming from his normally submissive servant. It was rather intriguing, and he decided not to comment on it, and hope that she would become more brazen. Perhaps, it would provide a clue as to who she really is?

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Re: End to Immediate danger is only a beginning.

Unread postby WillBaseton » Tue Apr 15, 2003 11:18 pm

He looked to Reia silently, sighing.

"If you really want to know, I'll tell you on the way. I'm in a hurry, so get moving quickly."

As soon as Champagne made it to the door, Ignes was beside him, smirking.

"Well, let's go. If my family's in danger, we need to move quickly. Not just me...damn, we're ALL in danger..."

As soon as the cerbie was far enough away, the demon began to trail it.

Edited by: [url=>WillBaseton</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/16/03 4:08:39 pm


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