The Exodus (Dead Freestyle RP)

For all RPs taking place in the world Gaera Main.
Angel of Fire

Re: Sorry for not posting; science fair's been unfair!

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Wed Feb 19, 2003 6:35 pm

Rai was finally waking up after a long deserved rest. She strolled along the corridor, carrying a bucketful of water in case her wings bumped something. She didn't know the directions around the inn and she ended up in the bar.
"Crud. Why am I HERE of all places? I guess that I could... just... leave, but..."
She decided to pass some time by ordering something "mild",
...... and ended up staggering out the door, trying to tell her confused brain not to hit anything.
Rai decided to just sit down.
"That bench looks nice..."
She fell asleep and woke to the smell of burning wood.
"Uh oh... what did I do this time?"
It was immediately evident. Some townsperson came up and started yelling.
"What the heck did you do to my bench?!"
Rai got up and looked down... at a smouldering rubble that didn't even resemble a bench anymore.
"Um...heh heh... I'll pay for the damages...." she told him.
"Forget it. Just don't burn down any houses or anything."

Rai inquired about a place to purchase weapons and set off down the street to buy a dagger.

Edited by: Angel of Fire  Image at: 2/19/03 5:45:19 pm


Re: Sorry for not posting; science fair's been unfair!

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Thu Feb 20, 2003 7:30 pm

Angel smiled at the goblins rude remarks to the counter-person. He stood, bruhing off alittle dust that collected and made his way for the goblin.

Appearing next to it, he looked at the lady, who seemed to ignore the goblin. She met his eyes and imediatly found the key for a room.

"Is this your friend...," She said checking over the shortsword and longbow, strapped to his back accompanied by a quiver.

"yes," Angel said before the goblin could respond.

Without response she handed the key to Angel, who in turn handed it to the goblin.

(OOC: soory, i realize that i might have controlled an NPC that the GM should have, but i thought it was an appropriate situation considering most people ignore goblin anyway >.>, but if you have a problem with it i can edit it)

Sobe Dragon

Re: Sorry for not posting; science fair's been unfair!

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Fri Feb 21, 2003 1:49 am

Kendil looked at the tall man, " Heythanks,mostjustignoreme thanksalot.WhatsyournamemineisKendil,isthatbeer?Thatlooks goodcouldIhaveasip,Ihavenomoremoney,Boronhasit,heyyour tall,canyoufightgood,Ilikeagoodbrawl,itsfunmaybewecouldfightsometimeIlikefightingmyfriendistallhesreallynicetooifheevershowsupillintroducehim."

Kendil took a deep breath, he was talking very fast.

"Andmaybewecouldsitdowntogetherandtalkyouknow drinksomebeerandlaughthenwecouldstartabarfightyoueverbeen inabarfightbeforemeandBoronhavebeeninplentywelikefightingin

(OOC:Yes i know its hard to read, but he is a goblin, he does talk very fast when excited. If it bothers you I can edit it.)

Yari Koneko

Re: Sorry for not posting; science fair's been unfair!

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Fri Feb 21, 2003 4:19 am

With a swift word and a hand to the sky, Tim let the raven fly. This time, instead of southward whence it had come, it flew northward, toward the area of battle.

One of his guards approached him. "Sir Tim, about the residents: shouldn't we gather them up soon?"

Tim looked skyward. "I don't think there will be any need. Those who wish to come will come to us."

Thomas, in a semi-haze, observed the goblin who was talking too much, too fast. He almost processed the thought that it was a goblin before he accidentally passed out on the table.

Or did he fall asleep?

Raishilliah was accosted by a tall surly-faced man, hairy and gruff. "Eh. You. Winged un. Boss says you're t' come wit me." The man did a half-turn indicating the direction of the outskirts of the city.

But, of course, Rai would have absolutely no idea who he was talking about.


Re: Sorry for not posting; science fair's been unfair!

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Fri Feb 21, 2003 7:55 am

Angel cocked an eyebrow at the goblin, catching tidbits about fighting and if he can fight good, and barfights.

"Why yes i would love to fight you sometime, but not right now, i'm still sore, being unconcious for days on end will do that to you..." Angel said trying not to sound to annoyed, "but here you can have a sip," Angel said handing the mug of rum to the goblin, expecting him to probably gulp it all down.

Sobe Dragon

Re: Sorry for not posting; science fair's been unfair!

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Fri Feb 21, 2003 2:48 pm

Kendil looked to the man and said " HEyThanksIWasThirsty!!!!"

At the Kendil took the large mug, and held it in both of his tiny hands, and drank heartily from it, leaving about half of it still there. "Wow, thank you."

He looked at the waitress, who set his key down to his room and grabbed the key "OkI'mGonnaGoToMyRoomNowAndWaitForBoronHe'sMyFriend"

at that the little Kendil patted the man on the back and took off towards his room. Upon getting there he saw two beds, one big and one little. He put all of his things on the big bed and started jumping on it. Then he sat down and started taking all of his stuff out, in his stuff he found an odd leather pouch with the name 'Angel' emblazened on it. 'Hmm, I wonder who I stole this from.'
(OOC: Every word is capitilized from now on when Kendil speaks fast, that should help with reading it.)

Boron watched the Raven fly away from the man, whom he now knew was Tim. He started walking in his direction and raised his hand "Excuse me sir, excuse me," the crowd started placing a path for him through the crowd. "Tim!" he cried and kept getting closer. He needed to get into the wagon train, him and Kendil weren't exactly the best at keeping a low profile, especially with Kendils problem with theft.


Once again, Angel makes himself to be an...idiot

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Fri Feb 21, 2003 8:10 pm

Angel finished of the rum in a few gulps, settign it down in satisfaction and whiping some rum from his upper lip.

"good stuff," Angel said reaching for his bag to get out some coins to tip the waitress, unfortunatly he grabbed air, lots of air.

Taking another swipe he found, once again, air. Figuring he put it on the othersided, he grabbedd there, but found his sword in it's sheth.

Thinking carefully, he tried to remember who he encountered, the goblin, being the only one, left him with no choice but to go met him in his room.

Angel remembered the key number, just in case he wanteed to take anything from the stupid goblin. Making his way down the hall, he scanned the doors until he found room number 13. Angel drew his sword and kicked down the door with great force.

A loud screech could be heard as Angel burst iunto the room, sword drawn. To his right was a woman dressed, ,in nothing but a towel, hair wet from probably a swim or bath.

Blushing alittle, Angel withdrew his sword, ,"Sorry, wrong room," Angel said turning beet red, "good day ma'am".

Angel walkeed over to the door and placed it back on it's hinges, then made his way to room 31. When he reached the door with the number 31 on it, he drew his sword and burst in, to hear only: "jesus christ, who the bloody hell are you!?"

In the middle of the room stood a man, dressed only in a towel, hair wet from either a bath or swim.

Angel recoiled in horror, wiothdrawing his sword, "ah, god," Angel said as he ran out the door, making his way towards, what he remembers now as, room 36.

When Angel approached door number 36, he opened the door carefully, peeking inside, and saying, "If your wrappeed in a towel, i'm sorry", at that he burst in, sword drawn to see the goblin disecting his pouch.

"You little green bastard," Angel said holding the sword tip to teh goblins neck and taking his bag out of it's hands, "the last time I let you have half my drink, taking my pouch like that."

(OOC: Couple questions: Is touami still an NPC? Is Blade still at large? And when is the next fight scene? <<don't really have to answer last one it's "filler")

Sobe Dragon

Re: Once again, Angel makes himself to be an...idiot

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Sat Feb 22, 2003 1:41 am


Then it dawned on him that it was his pouch. Kendil blushed. "HeyI'mSorry,ItsAnOldHabitOfMineNeverHappenAgain."

Kendil stuck his arm out in friendship and Angel shook it, then when he left, Kendil started counting the money he took from the purse, 'fool' he thought. Although it would be funny when he realised the next day that the money was gone.


Boron finally reached his goal and walked up to the man he thought was Tim. " Are you Tim? I'm wanting to join your wagon train as a guard, me and my friend."

Yari Koneko

Re: Once again, Angel makes himself to be an...idiot

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Sat Feb 22, 2003 4:04 pm

(Yes, Blade is still at large. Yes, Tounami is till an NPC. As for the other one, unless you and Kendil decide to get into a barfight, the answer is plot-related. ^_^Image )

Tim, noticing who was addressing him, raised an eyebrow. He quickly mentally processed the man's physique, probable skills, armament, etc etc. "Yes..." he said with a somewhat whimsical tone. "And who is this 'friend' of yours?"


Touami returns!

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Sat Feb 22, 2003 5:18 pm

Angel relaxed as he placed teh leather pouch on his hip, securing the lace tightly this time.

Angel yawned, raising his hands into the air stretching, When the yawn expired he brought his arms down to his sides.

Angel's eyes lit up with fear and anger as the sound of a creaking crossbow could be heard in the distance. Angel hit teh ground, hands in front of him, a crossbow bolt flew inches from the back of his head, imbedding itself into the wall.

Seconds later, Touami burst through the window where the bolt had come from, katana wrapped tightly in her hands.

Angel rolled over, withdrawing his shortsword and blocking the oncoming katana with ease.

"Touami, What the hell," Angel said getting up on his feet, sword in hand, held out in front of him.

Touami's red cape flickered parrellel with her scarf, " you didn't think you could get away from me," Touami said with her seducing, lovly voice.

Angel decided now was the best time to get the initiative of attack and brought his sword down on Touami, But touami easily blocked the pathetic attack.

"Gonna have to do better then that...," Touami muttered as she thrusted for Angel's chest.

The katana landed a hit in his shoulder, incapacitating his left arm for teh time being, it wasn't to deep of a wound, just enough to make it stop working.

Angel Charged touami, sword out in front, screaming with his arm flapping limply behind him.

Touami grinned and stepped aside letting Angel pass, he did and kept going, straight for the window.

"I hope that pile of hay is still there," Angel said as he reached the window, curling up and launching through the already broken glass. He fell about two stories before he hit a soft hay pile, back first.

Angel rolled off and limped into a back alley, escaping toumai's
watchfull eye as she brought looked out the window.

"You can't hide for long Angel," Touami said laughing sedistically as she made her way out the door and down tehehallway to exit the Inn.

Sobe Dragon

Re: Touami returns!

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:22 am

Boron looked at Tim, he seemed like a capable leader. "My friend, is Kendil, he'll be along later tomorrow. I'll let him speak for himself but you will find his scouting and wagon fixing skills more than useful during our trek."

"Do we have the job?"
Kendil heard the commotion and thought to himself, hmm what was that? He stepped outside of his room to see Angel jumping out the window, a person armed with a Kitana going after him. "BARFIGHT!!! With that said he charged the woman and tackled her knocking the Kitana away. Then he stood up and got blasted in the face by a huge bearded fellow who had been standing behind the bar. Right before he passed out he heard "Argh. Damn Goblins, should kill 'em and leave him but he is a payin' customer." He felt himself get lifted then passed out. The bar owner carried him to his room and threw Kendil onto the smaller bed, he knew that when the Goblin woke up he was going to feel that bop to the head, The woman, slightly fushed screamed, "Damn Goblin, I'll kill em, where is he?"


Re: Touami returns!

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Sun Feb 23, 2003 4:29 pm

[OOC:whoa lots of posts....i definately do not feel like reading all this..sooo...are yall still in a tavern?]

Sobe Dragon

Re: Touami returns!

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:11 pm

[ OOC: Ok, but maybe you should post your character in the thread in the discussion forum first, then post in. Yes we are at the tavern, at least some of us are. Also, sorry for being a dick, but you kind of surpised me when you posted in here. welcome to the group Dark]

Edited by: Sobe Dragon at: 2/23/03 4:34:32 pm


Re: Touami returns!

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:26 pm

[OOC:well...maybe cause i wanna rp duh]


Re: Touami returns!

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:29 pm

[OOC:and i was told i could come here]


Re: Touami returns!

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Sun Feb 23, 2003 8:13 pm

(don't spam the RP)

Angel made his way towards Tim, with him was a tall, burly man.

"Tim!," Angel yelleed raising his good arm in the air, "do you got anything to patch this up?," Angel said when he got closer, pointing to his arm.

With that Angel began to tell Tim that Touami was in town, she must have followed us, and about their little fight at the inn.

Sobe Dragon

Re: Touami returns!

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Sun Feb 23, 2003 11:49 pm

Boron watched the man approach. After hearing his story he had a question for him. He didn't want Tim to know his partner was a Goblin yet though, sometimes people didn't like it and denied them the job especially after a story like this man's, but he needed to know if the Goblin had done what he'd asked.

"I could help you with the arm. I learned a few things from my friend, he's a field doctor. I'll have that cleaned and dressed in no time."

He knew a little about field dressing, he'd seen Kendil do it a hundred times, he figured he could probably do it himself. It would give him time to talk to the man alone.


Re: Touami returns!

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:10 pm

[OOC:Ok this will be my first IC post]
As he flies high above the ground to where almost nothing can see him, his eyes spot a small building and he says, "Hah... I bet that's a tavern.. You cant walk..or fly a mile without seeing one of these." He landed on the ground a few feet away from the building and on there was a sign that said tavern and he then became engulfed by flames as they shrunk from 30'4 to 6'3 and the flames faded and a man with piercing red eyes, black hair with red bangs, black pants and shirt, and spiked gloves and spiked shoulder pads. He sheathes his black handled, dark grey bladed sword with a phoenix feather at the end of a chain. He walks up to the door and swings it open...


Re:The phoenix enters...

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:11 pm


Edited by: [url=>Darkphoenixfri13</A] at: 2/24/03 6:27:53 pm

Yari Koneko

Re: The phoenix enters...

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Mon Feb 24, 2003 7:33 pm

(OOC: Eto... have you read the entirety of the RP? If not, you prolly won't know what's going on, the world situation at the time, etc. etc. Just curious.)

Tim considered. With some skill as a field medic as well... "Yes," he said abruptly to Boron, "I do believe you're hired. You'll be paid once at the commencement of our little trip, just as everyone else, and again at the end of it... provided you live."

Tim turned to Angel and requested, "Now what could've given you that?" indicating the wound. "Surely most thugs don't have that kind of precision?"

"He" opened the door to reveal a tavern. A normal, smelly, mundane tavern. The air stank of stale beer and rotting meat, as numerous peasants sat drinking their problems away... children sent away to war, no decent food, constant threat of attack... and what was more, insurgents in their own city! It was a trying time, and enough to make a man take to drink. A waitress walked very cautiously up to "him" and said in a voice somewhat shaky, "Welcome to the Rusty Nail. May I get you something?" while a surly bouncer eyed "him" with a certain disgust.

Edited by: Yari Koneko at: 2/24/03 6:46:51 pm


Re: The phoenix enters...

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Mon Feb 24, 2003 8:04 pm

As he enters the disgusting tavern he goes up to the bar and sits...A waitress asks, "Hi, welcome, would you like something to drink?" Then he answers to her, "umm, yea...I would like a scotch on the rocks but not alot of it?" "coming right up sir!"
While he waited for the waitress to get his drink he studied the was one of the most disgusting taverns that he ever saw.. He then said to himself, "what a dump."


Re: The phoenix enters...

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue Feb 25, 2003 4:20 pm

Angel had one word to say to Tim as he pointed to his wound, rendering his arm useless, "Touami...," Tim certenly knew who she was...

Angel turned towards boron before Tim could say anything in reaction, "Sure, you can field wrap it, my healing spells are far to inferior for this kind of wound."

Angel of Fire

Re: The phoenix enters...

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Tue Feb 25, 2003 5:28 pm

(Mr.Phoenix, there may be a problem with your race for reasons that I won't explain.)

Rai did, of course, have no idea what the man was talking about, but she decided to play along.
"You better not try to lead me into a trap, or you're getting a wing to the head. Watch it."

Sobe Dragon

Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:00 pm

"All right come here Angel is it?" He set his bag down and went to work on the arm. It took him a while to get it done, he had never done it before, only watched. All in all he did it with Angel only getting pissed about twice and a decent job.

Once Tim walked off he asked Angel the question he had been dying to ask "Did you see a goblin named Kendil at the Tavern? He was supposed to get a room. Did he or did he get kicked out?"

Yari Koneko

Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:24 pm

Some of the people were beginning to trickle in to the area outside the city. Coming by twos and threes, they were confused and befuddled. Tim, superior organizer that he was, arranged them into their proper areas, helped them pack their own provisions, personal effects, etc.

The stranger led Raishilliah to a small house which was probably some sort of makeshift armory. With a simple "Wait 'ere," he went inside, returning with a small, black, ornate dagger, with a symbol of a dragon emblazoned across its small hilt. "Tim say 'give dis t' 'er.'" With no other presentation, he handed it to her.

Edited by: Yari Koneko at: 2/25/03 6:25:02 pm


Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Tue Feb 25, 2003 8:52 pm

When the waitress finally brought him his drink he drank it slowly and the waitress asked, "would you like anything else?" "No, thank you that will be all for today and I am not feeling very well...good day to you."

He left from the tavern and started to look around for somewhere to go...


Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:25 pm

"YEAH! I met that Goblin, I helped the bastard get a room, and what does he do!? Steals my pouch my money, the bastard! Say, did he steal from you too? Wanna hunt him down? I can tell you were he's staying," Angel ranted about and came to a stop when he realized he made his point.

Angel turned towards Tim, grabbing his attention with a, Hey Tim.

"Touami, being robbed, bad things are happening," Angel said seriously to Tim, trying to exclude Boron so he wouldn't worry to much and tell the other troops, "This is an albatross, we need to leave, we got new guys, food, and other good things, I think we shoudl leave now before something happens," Angel finished sitting on a wagon, filled with wheat.

Yari Koneko

Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:33 pm

Tim looked blankly at Angel. For a moment, he seemed lost in another world... and then his gaze snapped back into focus. "Hold one moment..." he said briefly. With this, lay on the ground and put his ear to the dust, listening. After a few seconds, he got up, brushed himself off, and spoke. "Yes, with the sound of things... I would say that before long, leaving will become a tactical rather than strategic or humanitarian effort."

Looking at the tops of a mountain range far to the north, he said quietly, "The earth sounds of many marchers, about half an hour away, maybe more. Too heavy and loud to be humans..." His view turned to Angel, as he said, "Angel, summon the others. We will need to get away as soon as we can."

Leaving the internal organization of wagon parties to another suboordinate, Tim headed toward the castle.


Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Wed Feb 26, 2003 4:37 pm

Angel nodded to Tim in recognition. Angel got up and began to walk down teh street, rounding up the nearby troops. As he got further down the street he began to yell, "Anyone comeing with the wagon party, come now, we are leaving in the next half hour or less."

After checking for anyone else, he started walking back to the wagons.

Sobe Dragon

Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Thu Feb 27, 2003 12:02 am

Boron listened to the two talk. He heard the order that would be leaving soon and thought to himself 'great another batch of money wasted on an unneeded room.' Finally he turned to Angel and said "Hey, while your at it, check your pouch, you'll find it empty, and don't blame the little bastard, he's a kleptomaniac, he can't help himself. Plus, he's my friend, so don't be talking like you want to kill him. I'll get it back for ya." Boron walked off, he had to go get the damned Goblin. 'I swear I'm gonna kill that little man, only a few hours apart and he's already gotten into trouble.' Upon arriving at the Tavern he asked where Kendil was. The owner, none to happy told him he was passed out in his bed.


Kendil woke up, his head feeling like someone had pounded it with mountain. "Ohhhh, my head." He said to himself out loud. He stood up and sat back down again, dizzy. He waited a few moments and then tried again this time with more success. He looked around and wondered to himself 'Where the hell is that damned Boron, he should have been here by now, and where is Angel? He was nice' then he started walking around the room gathering his things when Boron came in. "Hey you little bastard, you almost got us kicked out of the wagon train, that man you stole from is friends with the commander." He was yelling, and Kendil couldn't take it, he covered his ears "You mind, I got a bad headache."

"A BAD HEADACHE YOU SAY?" Screamed Boron into his ear. "WELL I GOT THE CURE!" With that he gave him a swift kick to the ass, and grabbed his foot, twisting him upside down and shaking out almost 600 gold pieces. " You get your head straight while I go give this to Angel."

Kendil, now sore on both ends, curled up and cried out " Boron, I thought we were friends?"

"We are, when you don't steal from friends, you moron." Boron turned around, "I'll make sure they don't leave without you, and make sure you put your hood on so no one recognizes that your a Goblin Kendil. We don't need another 'incident'" With that said, he walked out the door.

Kendil held his head for a little while more. and started getting ready. Packing his equipment and putting his cloak on and covering his face and hands so no one could recognize him, except Boron, who would recognize the sigil on the back as their private sigil so they can recognize each other in battle. Then he walked out the door, long after Boron.


Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Feb 27, 2003 8:55 pm

William just stood around and watched everything unfold He didn't care much and just let it all happen.


Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Sun Mar 02, 2003 1:25 am

[I'm sorry to sound stupid but I am probably the youngest one here coming in at 14 years old, and I read and read but I don't know where you people are and I really want to join in]


Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:26 pm

(OOC: it's ok, your not the youngest b the way, I think there's an 11 year old somewhere, we're at the gates, ready to leave, meet up with the wagon and ask what we're doing, when Tim explains it, if he does, join and leave with us, from there you'll be pretty much caught up)

Angel gave a grim look towards Tim, his arm still wrapped.

"Tim, you said there was troops coming right," angel said ina soft melancholy tone, " Well, I wanna stay and help these people fight, at least help rally their troops, I can't see it get destroyed, even when we know it's gonna happen," Angel paused for a moment then continued, " You can go, i wanna stay here and fight, i'll catch up when this is done."

Sobe Dragon

Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:13 pm

Boron finally caught up with Tim and Angel " Hey you, Angel, come here." He held up a bag of money towards Angel, "I believe this is yours?"

He handed it to Angel, who looked very surprised to see the contents of his money pouch inside the bag. "Nabbed it from a Goblin inside the Tavern, I knew him from before, little bastard won't do that again." He still did not want them to know the Goblin was with him, or was his partner.


Kendil ran up behind Boron, he had finally caught up. He stopped and strolled into Boron's field of vision. "Everyone, this is my friend and companion, Dagger." Boron motioned towards Kendil, who leaned up against the nearest wagon, his face and hands covered by his clothes. Kendil never moved during Borons little speech. He was trying to keep from laughing, this was always fun for him, playing the part of a human. He had to keep himself under control though, if he lost it he would be discovered.


Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Tue Mar 04, 2003 11:04 pm

William walked over to Angel.

"Hmm... to stay and fight to the death or run to fight the next day. I shall leave. A city can be rebuilt."


Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:16 pm

Angel looked sternly at william, giving him quite a nasty look.

"yes, a city can be re-built, but these people, these lives, everything they worked for, can't be re-built," Angel said without blining, not amused at williams idleness during this whole situation, "leave, leave like the coward you are! I'm gonna stay and fight, no matter what anyone says."

After that Angel stood off, and wonder for a moment, "why?", He had never before cared for other people, he cared more for the animals, they could help him anytime, and would never betray him.

Yari Koneko

Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:35 pm

Tim half-smirked at them all.

IM: Excellent, excellent.

"Very well all, I believe I have a solution for you:" Tim addressed Angel and William specifically, as few others were listening. "Angel, you shall indeed stay at the city with myself and what's left of the standing guard, until such time as the current invasion force is defeated... or we are." He turned to William. "You, shall help lead the wagon train out of the city, preferably before the orcs arrive." They passed the Rusty Nail, "and while you're at it," he said, looking through a window, "wake up that damn dragoon while you're at it. As for you," indicating Boron, "You and your friend can be best serve at the city... for the time being."

He turned once again to face the castle, all the time never breaking his stride. "As for me... I have some troops to organize. Go, William."

Passing the gates of the castle, he began to shout. "All right men! Maybe you've heard it and maybe you haven't: our scouts report an orcish army about twenty-five minutes away! Muster the infantry and report to the north edge of the town! Cavalry, to the west side. Magical and archers to the northwest! Now move it!"

The castle soon became a bustle of activity as official armories became emptied by infantrymen and archers, knights got into armor, and mages prepared their reagents.

T-minus twenty minutes and counting.

Edited by: Yari Koneko at: 3/5/03 5:34:55 pm


Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:03 pm

'Uff... He's gonna get himself, killed. I can't let that happen, drat it all.'

William ran after Angel. "Look here. Don't mistake tatics for cowardice. They worked for it once, and they can do it again. But if they fight and die, everything they worked so hard for before will all be destroyed anyway, and it'll all be invain."

William looked at Angel, an edge in his eye. "Your death here, will be meaningless. Let us live and fight them another day, where we have the upper hand. Come join me, let's fight them where they live. If the kingdom is in trouble their bound to return."

Sobe Dragon

Re: The Exodus (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Wed Mar 05, 2003 9:20 pm

Boron looked at tim, then looked at Kendil, and an idea formed in his head. "Excuse me sir, Dagger here, should go with the train, he's an excellent scout and can keep them clear of the orcish horde headed our way."

Kendil, hearing this news, was not excited. "Boron, umm, I don't think its a good idea for us to split up."

Boron, looked at Kendil, then looked at Tim "Excuse, me I have to talk to my friend here." He then gruffly grabbed Kendil and dragged him behind a wagon away from Tims view, and ears, "Listen, this way, you can get out of this city, and once they see how useful you are, they won't get rid of you. Here your a liability, you'll have to keep your identity hidden even in battle."

Kendil thought about it, then decided. "I don't like it, I won't go."

Boron looked at the little goblin and said "you don't go, and I'll wring your neck and leave you to that Angel fellow, he doesn't espically like you."

"Ok then, the wagons it is." Kendil knew better to argue any more, Boron was not joking.

They returned to Tim. "Is it a deal?"

Yari Koneko

An excellent idea!

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Thu Mar 06, 2003 8:31 am

As the super-ultra-quick suiting up neared its conclusion, the group began to see organized regiments lining up. Outside the castle, a large mob of peasents was being herded aside until the troops had moved out: only then could they enter its protection.

"Yes, an excellent idea." Tim agreed, noting the stature of "Dagger."

IM: Hmm?


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