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The Monster of Really Muddy Forst (Silly RP)

Unread postPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 2:44 pm
Booted feet hit the muck, slip, slap, slip, slap. Dressed in what had once been a dazzlingly crimson tunic, but now resembled something that an ork might've coughed up, Rouden glanced through the forest. Though dark, his keen nose picked up the scent of.....

"My prey," he growled with satisfaction.

Before tripping and landing on his face.

The impressive inujin male was rewarded for his exploits by shrill, reptilian laughter. He growled lowly as his eyes caught small clawed talons walking toward him through the forest's undergrowth.

"Do you really think it'll be that easy?" His companion, a green and scaly creature about three feet long, with bright yellow horns and stubby little wings, scoffed, giggling. "This monster's been causing so much havoc here that there'll be hunters from everywhere trying to get it."

"Shut up, Clyde," Rouden growled levelly as he pulled himself up by his staff. "What does a squid know about monster hunting anyway?"

Clyde fumed -literally, steam rose from his nostrils. "I am a dragon you fuzzy flea bitten excuse for a zombie's loincloth," he snarled. "And I happen to know a lot. <i/>The Forbidden Plains are just north from here -the monster that the nekojins spoke of could EASILY have originated form there -it'll be STRONG! Are you SURE you can handle this?"

Rouden chuckled in a cocky fashion, swinging his staff upon his shoulder. "Relax Clyde," he grinned. "I can kill this thing in my sleep! Just watch me," he began to strut off, calling over his shoulder, "I'll kill the thing, get the bounty, and be back home before you can say 'How's yo-AAAAARGH!"

And Clyde watched with a slight sweatdrop as the young mage fell right into a creek.


((OOC: A note, Rouden is an Inujin mage who is handsome, determined, (perhaps overly) confident, but, as you may have noticed, INCREDIBLY clumsy:P))



Unread postPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 4:18 pm
by Just Damn Evil
The sound of an explosion echoed through the forest. A long strain of curses followed. Elyn, an oddly dressed man of slender build, adorned in many an electronic thing crawled out from behind a rock.

"Another failure."
A small red gremlin now sat on Elyn's shoulder. Elyn shook his head and replied with "Not a failure! The experiment worked perfectly."

"I think any invention designed to detonate dairy products is a failure whether it works or not."

Elyn rubbed his head. He couldn't help but agree, even if the design was pure genious (being as it was made out of swamp gas, sticks, mud, and a bird's egg he had found), it was a really stupid idea. "You can blame that damned gypsie curse then. God damned gypsies and their curses..." Elyn struck as dramatic a pose as he could. "She was simply jealous of my brilliance!" His expression suddenly changed from that of egocentrism to one of enlightenment.

"I've got a great idea - a ray gun that makes tree roots really big! I've gotta build it!"

The small gremlin on his shoulder sighed angrily. "Why!!?"

"Well... because it shows how smart I am!" With that, Elyn began to collect reeds poking out of the swamp.

OOC: Only Elyn can see, hear, feel, or in anyway acknowledge the red gremlin's existance. He himself is not yet aware of this.

*rustling leaves*

Unread postPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 4:54 pm
by Divinegon2130
Meanwhile, the sound of rustling leaves could be heard fairly far off in the distance. A silvery form moved through the trees with some difficulty, cutting through some of the trees with a pair of sharp objects.

More specifically, a pair of small, sharp swords.

"I have a feeling I'm going to regret hunting this... thing," a decidedly male voice spoke, a hint of fear in his voice. Whatever it was, it was speaking to itself. "And something's telling me that I'm not the only one."

The voice and the form could be attributed to what at first resembled a silver dragon. The fact that he walked on two legs, however, was unusual for his type. His wings were not only folded on his back, but bound to his body with tightened leather straps - he didn't want them to interfere. However, the tightness with which he had bound them had made them feel uncomfortable.

Silverblade continued hacking through the brush, uneasiness easily visible from a mile away - visible, that is, if the brush weren't obscuring it. He was brave, but, despite his nearly eight-foot-tall body, he was by NO means fearless - he was aware, however barely, that he did not know the nature of the beast he was after.

(OOC: Silverblade's that dragon I've been describing.)

Maki Diamond Fang

Unread postPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 5:54 pm
by CaptainCommando
A young cat-like demi-human moved silently and deftly through the forest, avoiding tripping roots and vines, ignoring grasping branches, and softly singing a song in his own language that sounded like a cat being dragged through a cheese grater.

Maki, the demi-human in question, was only 5'1" covered in a short sandy blonde fur all along his body, and wearing a dull blue tunic and a pair of baggy white pants, both of which were still clean looking despite Maki moving through the forest. He wore several pieces of silver jewelry on his body, many bracelets, armbands, anklets, earrings, and even a collar made of pure silver and set with a blue stone.

Across his back hung what could be described as a four and a half foot long steel bat with a deadly, six inch spike on the end. A cascade of long, well groomed, brown hair fell to his shoulders. His long his cat-like ears poked out from the side.

Maki stopped his 'singing' and thought of what he could buy with the reward. In his mind, a chibi version of him happily sat at a huge banquet table covered in the most delicious food he could think of. His jewelry was now all gold, and a pure diamond was set in his collar. He laughs quietly to himself and his tail twitches happily... before he hits the ground face first. In his daydreaming he had forgot all about being careful and had tripped on one of the aforementioned tripping roots. He sniffled as small tears sprung to his eyes and he reached up and rubbed his nose, making an offended meowing noise.

"Ouchies." He said quietly. Maki stood, carefully brushing himself off, and frowning at his now muddy clothes before continuing on.

<This all better be worth it.> He thought grumpily.

Edited by: [url=>CaptainCommando</A] at: 8/11/02 3:23:28 pm


Unread postPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 6:49 pm
by RPGWWer ChronoCatfish
A hawkman glided through the forest. He was largely unremarkable by hawkman standards, with the standard wings, perpetually yourthful features, etc. Two of the easiest ways by which he could be told from another hawkman by a bystander were that he carried a halberd, and the fact that he had just crash-landed in a tree.
"Curses!" said Skyth, but it was in his usual relatively jovial tone. This did not mean he wasn't stuck for the moment, it just meant that he only considered this a temporary setback, and it would, of course, be a good anecdote for later. It wasn't as if the monster would be in a hurry to be hunted down and killed, after all. Skyth quickly began to attempt to remove himself from the tree, failing miserably
"Um... I could use a bit of help here!" he called out. "Anyone?"

How strange.

Unread postPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 10:11 pm
by Just Damn Evil
Elyn looked up at the Hawkman in the tree. "Well, Gobu, there's a gentlemen in need of help. Lucky for him, I have my Tree Evaporator!"

So saying, Elyn took a device which appeared to be made of sticks and mud, and pointed it at the Hawkman. He was thrown back as the device launched a glowing red sphere, and upon hitting the Hawkman, exploded into a flashing array of colors.

The hawkman was completely unaffected. The tree, however, had been near disintegrated. The remaining pieces of it were slowly breaking apart and evaporating into the air.

Elyn laughed out loud. "See? I make the right thing every now and then. ... Hey! That rock hardener thing was mostly your idea." He turned to face the Hawkman. "Hey-YO! I am the genius Elyn. And this," he said as he motioned towards his left shoulder, "is my buddy Gobu."

Re: How strange.

Unread postPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 11:40 pm
"What the hell?" Growled Rouden as he saw a tree...disingrate?

"The hell?" Clyde echoed, flip-flapping his wings a bit. "You wanna check that out, Fuzzybum?"

Rouden grumbled. "Not if you talk to me like that I don't..."

"Wuss," the dragonling muttered as he zipped about. The inujin sniffed with an injured air.

"My bum is in no way overly fuzzy...."


Meanwhile, on the other side of the forest, the monster was doing its toenails.

I love my work. I also type too much.

Unread postPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 12:38 am
by E Mouse
Still elsewhere in the forest, serenity reigned as a female squirrel hopped from branch to branch, carrying a mouthful of nuts to one of her many storages. She paused a moment on one of the branches and perked up her ears; she'd heard something coming, much larger than she was.

Cautious, like most of her species, the squirrel crouched down near the start of the branch and waited patiently for whatever had interrupted her to pass by. She shuffled to the side slightly to hide in shadows, rather than the rare shaft of sunlight that filtered through the trees nearby.

The source of the noise that sent the squirrel into hiding came slowly nearer, accompanied by the soft thud of what seemed to be a smaller third leg whatever it was had, but used only occasionally. The squirrel watched carefully as he came into sight; a somewhat short elf - or was it half-elf? - young man, wearing a small, plain brown cap, apparently fur of some kind, rather baggy green pants with easily a dozen seperate fair-sized pockets, and a padded red vest. He carried only a long, straight, undecorated, apparently wooden staff of sorts, that he was currently using as a walking stick.

The elven stranger stopped below the tree the squirrel was hiding in, and raised one hand to help shield his eyes as he looked up through the shaft of sunlight peeking through the treetops. The female squirrel glanced down at him in curiosity, and immediately lost all sense of reality, getting caught up in his small, sincere smile, gorgeous green eyes, the way the two ponytails peeking out of the back of his cap swayed in the wind (spontaneously filled with the petals of cherry blossoms), how handsome he looked surrounded by those shiny little bubbles around him, how-

The squirrel's thoughts were thoroughly interruped by small brown blur charging out of the elf's headwear, screeching loudly and attacking the bubbles that had surrounded its origin. The squirrel yelped and ran off in the treetops, leaving the brown blur causing loud popping noises by destroying the bubbles.

The blur stopped after the last of the bubbles popped, dropping a small quantity of water onto the already-muddy ground. It seemed to be a small brown creature, twitching invoulantarily as it tried to calm down.

"Must... kill... shoujo... bubbles..." it said.

"Oh, hello, Iyachu!" the unnamed elf(?) replied, turning away from the sunlight to look at his apparent companion.

Iyachu kept still, snarling quietly, for a moment more, then seemed to regain its composure and sit up to face the elf(?). "Yeah, yeah, same to you, Nokato." It glanced around for a moment, then continued, "Why the heck are you wasting time here?"

"I'm just enjoying the calm of the forest, little hamster." Nokato replied, still with his characteristic smile.

"Iyachu," the rodent replied, almost automatically, then asked, "Do you actually remember why we agreed to come here?"

"Because the forest is beautiful!" Nokato replied promptly, striking a cheerful pose.

A vein on Iyachu's forehead throbbed as he replied, "No, we're here to defeat a monster so we can get a cash reward! We need it 'cause you've been living on my nut hoards for the past week!"

Nokato frowned slightly at this and said, "That reminds me. I'm hungry. I wonder if there's something in my pocket..."

Nokato followed this up by digging around in one of the many pockets on his outfit, bringing up a handful of walnuts. He smiled and began snacking on them.

Iyachu stared at this for a moment, crying silently. "My... my walnuts..." he stammered, tears streaming from his eyes. He then jumped onto Nokato's face (unnoticed) and began yelling at him.

"Don't eat my walnuts unless I tell you you have permission!! Those are MY hoards! Leave them alone! HEY! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME?!"

Nokato paused for a moment, a walnut halfway to his mouth, and crossed his eyes to look at Iyachu, who was currently hanging onto his nose, glaring at the elven glutton.

"Iyachu!" he said cheerfully, as he absent-mindedly put the rest of the walnuts back into one of his pockets, "When did you get here?"

A loud thud accompanied the rodent's forceful fall back to the ground.

"Hamster-chan?" Nokato continued.

"I give up..." Iyachu muttered, slowly standing back up before scurrying back to his apparent home in Nokato's hat.

Nokato sat still as his pet (one might assume) returned to its hiding place of choice, then smiled. "Iyachu's having a friend over!" he said, then fiddled with his weapon, "I'll play some music for them to listen to!"

Nokato's hat seemed to sweatdrop as he carefully took his weapon apart at the middle, revealing a hollow inside, where a flute was hidden. Nokato took the flute in one hand, storing the two halves of his weapon in a pair of designated holders for them on his back, and played a few notes to warm up.

" Final Fantasy is an RPG..." he sang.

"Where the hell do you get those lyrics?" Iyachu asked.

"They just come to me, mister talking hat." Nokato replied, smiling, before starting to play his flute.

Said hat seemed to sweatdrop.

(OOC notes - Nokato is INSANELY charismatic. Anyone who can actively hate him would have to be colder than cold, or at least really, really intolerant of idiots. Because that's his biggest disadvantage. Iyachu's smarter, but shy and rarely gets respected {more of a jinx than 'in most circumstances'}. He also goes berzerk at the sight of shoujo bubbles, as seen earlier. Also, since it isn't very clear here, Nokato is HALF elf.

... yeah. That a long enough introductory post, people?)

Re: I love my work. I also type too much.

Unread postPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 10:59 am
by CaptainCommando
Maki was happily walking along, having forgotten all about falling flat on his face earlier, and singing the song he had started earlier. Suddenly he stopped, his ears perking and his tail lashing, he heard music. At that time, a thought occurred to Maki.

<I wonder if the creature plays music?> He asked himself excitedly.

Wasting little time, Maki scrambled up a tree and began to jump from tree to tree following the music and making barely a sound. He stopped suddenly, looking down from his leafy perch to see a elven, no wait, a half-elven man, playing a song on a flute.

<Oh, no monster here.> Maki thought unhappily, then he got caught up in the music and he began to hum along, his tail lashing happily back and forth.

<I really shouldn't be wasting time like this...> he thought, but his next action didn't match his thoughts. He found a more comfortable position, and pulled some fresh fruit from one of the pouches hidden under his tunic and began to snack as he listened to the music.

Edited by: [url=>CaptainCommando</A] at: 7/31/02 3:00:54 pm

Re: I love my work. I also type too much.

Unread postPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 2:33 pm
"Ghaa!" Rouden groaned. "What the hell is that NOISE?!!"

Clyde sweatdropped. "Well I'm gonna track it down an stab its source through the throat!!" the inujin roared, despite the fact he owned nothing pointy to speak of.

"I don't think it's the monster!!" Clyde howled. "WHAT IF IT'S NOT THE MONSTER?!!"

"Do you think I give a crap?!! MAKE IT SHUT THE HELL UP!!"

Clyde watched Rouden burst through the clearing, a creature perched on a elven figure playing a flute at its center.

"Oh crap..."

Re: I love my work. I also type too much.

Unread postPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 3:59 pm
by Divinegon2130
Silverblade was still cutting his way through the forest when he heard something. He thought it was unusual, for it sounded like music. Music? In a forest like this?

Could it be his "quarry"? The monster he was after? Or could it be something else?

Curious to see what was going on, the dragon put away his swords and walked towards the source of the music.

(OOC: Up to E Mouse (who has the character playing that music) and/or XIIIRedXIII (the apparent GM here) to determine how long it takes for Silverblade to get to the music's source.)

Here we go... sorry for the delay...

Unread postPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 8:52 pm
by E Mouse
(OOC: Since I'm not sure Red has it right, Iyachu is hiding in Nokato's hat and not easily seen, while Nokato himself is the one playing the flute. With that out of the way...)

Iyachu sat inside Nokato's hat, rearranging his pale blue hair into yet another of his temporary nap nests. At least, he was until he heard pounding footsteps coming from - he assumed - behind Nokato. Iyachu poked his head out just as whoever it was stopped nearby and yelled, "STOP THE BLOODY MUSIC!"

Nokato played on, oblivious, as Maki silently stared out, unnoticed, from the branches at the newly arrived Inujin, and what seemed to be its miniature lizard(dragon?)-like companion.

Iyachu silently contemplated the two as well, listening to the dog-man snarl at Nokato, with his smaller companion attempting to calm him down. Iyachu pulled back, unnoticed, after a moment, deciding that Nokato could handle this.

Speaking of the half-elf, his music was slowing down now, and growing quieter. He played a final long, low note, then lowered his flute.

A cool breeze blew through the clearing, bringing with it a faint smell of cherries.

Nokato sighed happily and opened his eyes for a moment. He then sighed happily, closed them again, and spun around to face Rouden, saying, "The forest is so beautiful!"

Rouden and Clyde both stared for a moment, apparently confused somehow. They said nothing as Nokato opened his eyes and noticed them. He blinked.

"Oh, hello! I didn't think anyone else would be here..." he began, nodding to the two.

Except for the fact that they might be rivals about beating up that monster we're here to kill... Iyachu thought with a silent sigh.

When neither responded, Nokato continued. "My name's Nokato. What's your name, mister tree?"

It was at this time that Rouden and Clyde noticed that Nokato was looking past them, at a fallen tree behind the two. Both facefaulted.

Maki nearly failed at stifling a chuckle.

Iyachu's ears perked up at hearing another voice from nearby. He peeked out again and caught sight of Maki hiding in the trees.

Iyachu ducked back into Nokato's hat in a sudden panic and sat still, quivering and whimpering "Nokato can handle it... Nokato can handle it..."

Maki was the only one who noticed the hat's movement. Is he hiding something in there? the nekojin thought, but continued to stand by and wait.

Rouden finally seemed to recover and adressed Nokato. "R-right. I'm NOT the talking tree, but my name's Rouden, and I'm here to get rid of a monster-"

"Monster?" Nokato asked, bringing a hand to his face in an expression of thoughtfulness, "I think Iyachu mentioned something about that..."

"Who?" Clyde asked.

You have to remember the WORST details at the WORST time, you know that?! The rodent in question thought angrily, standing up.

Nokato nodded at the two who were standing near him. "Yep! He's really smart! He should meet you..." the half-elf said, reaching into his hat and blindly reaching for his(one might assume) hamster.

After a long moment where Iyachu dove around in a panic trying to avoid Nokato's roving hand and Rouden, Clyde, and Maki all stared at his actions, the rodent was caught, and Nokato took his fist out, showing his small pet to the inujin and his companion.

"H.. hello." Iyachu muttered, uncomfortable at being held upside-down.

"Hello..." Rouden and Clyde both replied, sweatdropping.

After a moment of especially awkward silence, Iyachu suddenly squirmed out of Nokato's grip, scurried up his arm, and stopped for a moment by his right ear to whisper "You take it from here." With that, the rodent scrambled back into his home.

Nokato pointed at his hat. "Talking hat-san."

Clyde and Rouden facefaulted again.

Re: Here we go... sorry for the delay...

Unread postPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 9:15 pm
by Divinegon2130
Silverblade was still searching for the source of the music when it stopped. He scratched his head for a moment. "Am I dreaming?"

Unbeknownst to him, however, Nokato, Rouden, Clyde, Maki, and Iyachu heard him, however faintly - it seemed that Rouden and Clyde heard him best. The five of them then heard a loud noise, like some sort of thud.

Silverblade had bent down to his knees, clutching his head, his voice sounding like cursing. "Damned low branches. Can't tell them from the rest of the scenery."

This the small "group" (if it can really be called that) heard as well.


Unread postPosted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 9:43 pm
by CaptainCommando
Maki pondered the current turn of events. There were now more people, an Inujin and a dragony thing, and the guy that was playing music was talking to inanimate objects, like a tree and his hat. Remembering the last part Maki couldn't contain himself anymore and burst out laughing, which made him fall from his perch.

The young Nekojin let out a loud meow, and barely caught onto the branch with his clawed hands as he fell. He was now hanging from the tree, in plain sight, and everyone was staring at him. Maki let go with one hand and waved, a toothy smile on his face, "Uh, hello..." he said nervously.

Suddenly there was a loud thump, and a voice said, "Damned low branches. Can't tell them from the rest of the scenery."

Maki's eyes widened and he pointed towards the sound, "Hey, what was that!" He yelled, trying to avert everyones attention away from him, and towards the sound.

Edited by: [url=>CaptainCommando</A] at: 8/2/02 2:25:38 pm

Re: The Monster of Really Muddy Forst (Silly RP)

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 1:06 pm
((OOC: Thanks Emouse j00 > me))

Dragging himself off of the earthen floor, Rouden muttered angrily. Nothing could be worse than this...

"Ahaa," Clyde stuttered. "Pleasure to meet you...all...." He coughed. "I'm Clyde, and this is the idiot--"



Everyone turned to watch as the mighty Inujin scrambled up a tree, whimpering, and tucking his tail between his legs once he reached the top.

"'scuse me a sec," Clyde sweatdropped as he darted to the top of the tree. "ROUDEN!!" He yelled.

The Inujin in question was covering his head with his paused, crouched, and shivering like a ninny. "What the hell is WRONG with you?!!"

Rouden's breathing quickened. "I...I think I'm ready to tell you my secret now..."

Clyde arched an eyebrow. Yes, dragons have eyebrows. Shut up.

"I... I smell nekojins..." Smoke rose from Rouden's mouth as he shivered, pulling his cloak over him.


"You MORON!!" Clyde yelled. "It's just a NEKOJIN~!! My GOD what can it do to you?!!"

"It...can bite me..."

*sweatdrop* " won't hurt you if you're nice.... So come down?" Clyde was losing his patience. "PLEASE?"

A long pause ensued. No one and nothing moved, save for the flapping of Clyde's little wings. No sound...nothing until...

A terrified Rouden just barely shook his head 'no'.

Mumbling many thinks I don't really feel comfortable retyping, Clyde flew out from among the branches -the dragon was sweatdropping like crazy.

"Could I, uhm, have some help here...?"

Re: The Monster of Really Muddy Forst (Silly RP)

Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 02, 2002 8:52 pm
by E Mouse
Iyachu watched silently as Maki showed up and Rouden reacted like most rodents would.

He thought only one thing.

I am SO spooned.

Nokato, on the other hand, was completely ignoring the Inujin and its small dragon partner, instead greeting Maki.

"Hello, good sir," he began, "my name's Nokato."

Maki stuttered a bit. Why doesn't he just leave me ALONE?! he thought.

"What's your name?" Nokato asked, opening his eyes and giving Maki a painfully innocent look.

Maki almost had difficulty in replying by pointing at his own face and muttering his name.

"Maki-chan? What a cute name!" Nokato said, digging in his pocket. He took out a walnut. "Does Maki-chan want a kitty treat?"

"... that's a walnut." Maki pointed out, sweatdropping.

Nokato looked carefully at the object in his hand. "So it is..." he said, almost wondering, then shrugged and tossed it into his mouth.

Iyachu muttered quietly.

Re: The Monster of Really Muddy Forst (Silly RP)

Unread postPosted: Sat Aug 10, 2002 11:19 am
by CaptainCommando
Maki dropped from the branch he was hanging from, landing lightly on his feet. He looked from the strange bard who had some serious mental issues and a tasty looking talking rodent, to the tree that the Inujin had scampered up.

I really didn't want to be noticed... wait, these guys are probably after my monster! Maki thought unhappily as he tried to find something proper to say when greeting potential competitors.He hurriedly put on a wide smile and nodded to Nokato.

"So... what are you and your little friend doing out here in this nasty forest?" He asked conversationally. As he was waiting for the answer to his question, the Nekojin turned around and walked over to the tree that the one called Rouden had climbed to get away from him.

Someone afraid of me? This could be fun! He thought with a smile and looked up the tree, "What's wrong with you? You're not afraid of me are you Mr. Inujin?" Maki asked with a quizzical meow, his smile becoming broader and broader as he spoke.

Edited by: [url=>CaptainCommando</A] at: 8/11/02 3:20:43 am

Re: The Monster of Really Muddy Forst (Silly RP)

Unread postPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 1:53 pm

In utter terror, Rouden fell from the tree, at the mercy of the nekojin, laying at its paws.

"Oh p-p-please don't eat MWPH!" He was silenced as Clyde struck him on the head -hard.

"How d'ye do, sir?" Clyde asked the new arrival, sweatdropping. "My name's Clyde, and this is my, erm, companion, Rouden..."

Re: The Monster of Really Muddy Forst (Silly RP)

Unread postPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2002 8:05 pm
by Divinegon2130
Silverblade then stood up, brushed himself off, and put his hand to his head again in semi-pain.

He could have sworn he was hearing voices from several others in the forest. But, looking around, he couldn't tell who the voices were. They certainly weren't familiar....

He walked in the direction of the voices. But as he started to see the "shadow" (it was hard to tell WHAT it was in the darkness) of the owner of one of the voices, he hit another low tree branch with his head.

This time, said tree branch, being flimsy, broke off completely, crashing to the ground as Silverblade also bent to his knees for the second time, clutching his head.

(OOC: Any member of the makeshift "group" is who's seen. You guys decide who. Also, if you look in the direction of the noise, Silverblade's extremely easy to see.

*bump* Is anyone still posting to this?)

Edited by: [url=>Divinegon2130</A]&nbsp; Image at: 8/22/02 2:52:25 am