Beyond Time and Space

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Beyond Time and Space

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu May 01, 2008 6:52 pm

In many ways, Idran Casmosis is a lucky man. He has a family that cares for him, he wants for little, and he's done much good in his life. He's performed many wonderous accomplishments, helped a good number of people, created a good reputation for himself in the field of cartography, and made a few friends across Doma. In these respects, he's quite lucky.

In others, though, he's quite unlucky. Through nothing but an accident of birth, a quirk of his aura that quite literally is one in a trillion, his life is to be cut short. Through a special sensitivity to those magics of space and time, he will quite literally burn to death, if in an astral fashion, with little to no chance of averting it. A remaining lifespan that could have been counted in years not long ago, but whose pace has recently quickened, shortening what time he has left immensely. And for all the luck he's had in his life, this one bit of misfortune casts a pall over all else.

Yet neither he nor his family is ready to sell him short just yet. With nowhere else to turn, Annie Armstrong, Idran's fiance, headed to Doma City, to meet with some of those friends he'd made, gathering the troops to face Idran's malady head on and seek out a cure. She met with some success, gathering a trio of past allies and colleagues of his: Spob Nueva, Richard Storm, and Kelne. And further, though he found himself unable to depart personally to join in the quest, special aid was given by Griff Amanziani. Lieutenant Jeridan Arvina and Lady Deeum Dawnstrike, members of the guard of Doma, have been specially assigned indefinitely, rounding out the troupe.

Two days have passed since Annie first tracked them down, informing them of the nature of the trip, as well as revealing Idran's current state; the first time any of the three had heard word of it. As careful as he'd been of keeping it under wraps, it was a surprise to each of the three, regardless of how much or how often each had been in contact. And to find a potential cure, they are to depart to her home world, where a powerful mage, an acquaintance of hers well suited for finding ways of dealing with magical oddities such as Idran's, still lives today. Given the last two days to prepare for the trip, the length of which she couldn't assure them, she asked that they meet her at the Jade Dragon this day when ready. And it's there that she waits now, eager to return to Kohlingen and, from there, the world of Krynus, hoping that when they return, their family can be at ease once more.

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Unread postby Kelne » Thu May 01, 2008 10:09 pm

Kelne had spent the past couple of days arranging matters for his absence. Ordinarily a simple enough affair, he now found himself delegating a few ongoing projects. Yet another recent clash with the goons of the Infinity Corporation had convinced him that he would never be rid of them, and that being the case, it was time to take the war to them. He was depressingly certain that the work would not be done in his lifetime, but by damn, one day there would be an end to it.

Still, important or not, the work would continue without him. Indeed, it would be interesting to see who kept to the spirit of it and who fell back into their old ways without him there to glare at them. When all was said and done, his friends came before what was, in the end, a mission born out of a desire for vengeance.

The news that Idran was dying was sobering indeed. The news that he had been, albeit on a slower timetable, since long before they had met was more so. Even as the pieces had fallen into place, he could think of only one clue Idran had given; a collapse passed off as a momentary weakness following transit of a portal.

Knowing that their search for a cure would take them offworld, Kelne had taken the time to see to his packing. If all went well, they would simply be consulting experts and perhaps running down necessary equipment (either magical or technological). In Kelne's experience, things never went well. Witness the Thelahasan debacle.

Despite the familiarity of the setting, he gave the common room of the Jade Dragon a full sweep before making his way over to join Annie at her table. Aside from the ubiquitous blue coat, featuring numerous pockets containing who knew what, he was sporting a dull silvery glove on one hand and carrying a pack with a carpet strapped to the side.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu May 01, 2008 11:11 pm

Annie Armstrong had never been a particularly strong woman. For most of her life, she suffered fainting spells for unknown reasons. Despite her career as an engineer, a rather good one at that, she had very little confidance.

Though for right now, she's trying to put on a strong face. Sitting at the table, alone, she awaits the others who will acompany her. Her skin, or the litte bit that can be seen, is a pale, with light colored skin. Over her eyes, she wears a set of darkly colored goggles, preventing her eyes from being seen.

From the neck down, she's clad in a rather formfitting black and white suit, made of something many of the group have never seen before. The suit extends down into gloves that cover her hands completely, though don't seem to effect dexterity at all.

The suit is tucked into- Or perhaps worn under- Light brown baggy pants with a number of pockets, containing various items for her own use. On her feet, she wears big clunky boots.

Her hair was worn short, tied back with..Something.

She nodded to Kelne as he sits, giving him a quiet "Hello."
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Unread postby Deeum » Fri May 02, 2008 12:25 am

Deeum, hardly seen these days in Doma since she's almost always out on missions a far. Once news of Idran's condition, and a special request of Griff, she was more than ready to help out. Idran and her might not have been the closest of friends, but he is still a good friend of hers and just couldn't say no.

She heads into the Jade Dragon with her eyes alert for Annie and her soon-to-be traveling companions.

As usual, Deeum is in her bright blue armor with black-plate shoulders, black cloak that wraps around to the front, and her sword and shield strapped to her back. Quite heavily geared, but with the quest she has ahead of her, it seems like it's more than needed.

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Unread postby Kelne » Fri May 02, 2008 1:04 am

Aside from a murmured 'hello' to Annie and a nod to Deeum upon her arrival, Kelne was content to remain quiet for the time being, waiting on the arrival of the others to get down to business.

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Fri May 02, 2008 3:02 am

Somebody to watch over the store? Check. Somebody to watch over the kid? Check. Bags packed and ready to go? Double check.

Time to roll.

Spob strode into the Jade Dragon, with a rucksack in one hand and his trademark white mage robes flowing behind him. As soon as he heard the news about Idran, he immediately started to get his affairs in order. While the two men hadn't really kept in touch as much as Idran's other friends had, they'd been through too much for Spob to leave him high and dry.

...not to mention the fact that, no matter how rare and unusual his condition was, Spob still felt that he should have seen this sooner. Even if he couldn't recognize the exact problem, he should have at least known that something was wrong. He was a healer, dam nit (alright, maybe not an official one - nasty thing about never graduating from that school - but he wore the robes and had the magic and that was close enough), he should know these things.

Well, the past was the past. Time to make up for it.

As soon as he spotted Annie, he made a beeline for her table. "Hello," he said, and offered a shaky smile to everyone gathered as he grabbed for a spare chair.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Fri May 02, 2008 12:06 pm

When he thought about it, it was kind of weird going along with this. Not because he was doing it for a friend, because you don't just leave friends hanging like that. Not because he was going to be riding along with one of the guard, either, because he was actually on friendly terms with most of the guards. They came to the bar (a posessive part of him said "HIS"; best not say that aloud) fairly often, helped keep the drunks from getting TOO crazy, and made for a few interesting stories.

No, thought Richard, it was probably that he was going out on the road again for the first time in a while. Gotten rather comfy here, huh? he thinks. For the first time in a long time, putting on his distinctive purple and somewhat-spiky armor for the purpose of actually HELPING someone for the first time in a while. He made sure that the now-empty spot where his family crest used to stand remained shiny. He hadn't managed to get around to getting that proper training in the end, but, he figured, it was probably just as well. Finally, with the last greave in place, Richard headed down the stairs, and towards the slowly gathering group. He could recognize Deeum and the (rather paranoid) Kelne, but not the other two right away. "'m not too late, am I?"

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Unread postby Kelne » Fri May 02, 2008 7:01 pm

"Not yet," Kelne replied, though he'd have been terribly disappointed if Richard was late, given that he lived on site, "We're still waiting on a couple of people yet, I believe."

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Technically, he's not late. Just his player is.

Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri May 02, 2008 8:39 pm

A garoujin walked into a bar. That was the joke, right? No? It's about a man? Well, this time it was a garoujin, and he really did wish this was a joke, but he knew it wasn't. He didn't know Idran, though he'd met him once. He didn't even know he'd met the man; The man had called him a lover of Vaniyakna for not letting him start a fight with Nezetta Coradino, who was technically a refugee in Doma at the time. It was doubly irritating. If he'd been off duty, he could have just looked the other way. That would have been so easy. Oh well. Jeridan wasn't thinking about that right now.

What he was thinking about was that Griff had asked him to go on a mission to help save one of his friends, who was dying. A mission off world. Jeridan didn't particularly want to leave Phyllias behind for an "indefinite period of time", but he also knew this was important to Griff. It was also his job, and he could be ordered there if he refused. He didn't suspect Griff would actually do that, but he didn't care to test it either. So here he was at the Jade Dragon Inn, looking for a woman who matched Annie's description... but honestly it was easier to pick out Deeum, Kelne and Spob than it was to spot Annie.

Kelne was a good fellow. They didn't share a particularly excellent rapport with one another, and they weren't overly friendly or particularly hostile to one another, but Jeridan did respect the man's no nonsense attitude towards his work, and the man seemed to respect that even when he screwed up, Jeridan was trying to keep things moving in the right direction. That or he was very very patient, considering their last meeting...

Deeum and Jeridan had met briefly during the Mallian war. Before he was kidnapped, he'd made some less than sensitive comments about how she smelled after she'd exited a sewer. She hadn't appreciated it, and had smacked him. He couldn't help having a sensitive nose, but in retrospect he had to wonder why he couldn't stop his tongue wagging about it. Hopefully she wouldn't hold it against him too much now...

Spob he knew a little better than Kelne or Deeum. He'd had to bring home Tareen a few times for them, and had helped the Nueva family in general more than once when less wholesome sorts had grabbed the goo girl. It was a relief to see that she wasn't present, and that Will was apparently no longer stalking the Neko/Usagijin. Either one would have made an already difficult trip almost unbearable.

Jeridan was still a chocolate brown furred garoujin, though he kept the shaggy fur/hair more closely trimmed now, giving him a somewhat cleaner look. His eyes were still deep green, though they were normal now; The last any of them had seen, they'd been cat's slits. He'd also lost that damned awkward horn that he used to bump into the tops of doorways with before. He must have purged his demonic affliction at some point. He wore nondescript black pants and boots, a white shirt, and a heavy looking blue topcoat with a tall collar, folded down at his jaw line. It clinked now and then as he walked... chain mail lined. An elegant solution to the problem of chain mail on a furred body. It was currently worn open. He kept a sword on his belt now, hand-and-a-half from the look of it. It wasn't anything special, though.

He took a seat at the table, and waited for things to begin, or for someone to say something anyway. He'd never been particularly good at initiating conversation while he was sober. It was easier to slide into after someone else started.

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Unread postby Deeum » Fri May 02, 2008 8:51 pm

Adjusting her equipment, Deeum places her sword and shield to the side of the table and takes a seat with the others.

"Heya" she says while looking for a waitress to flag down.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri May 02, 2008 9:45 pm

"Well..." Annie began quietly, her voice trembling a bit. "If everyone's ready, I'll be able to get us to Kohlingen. Selene...That's..Um, a friend of ours...She's working on getting a boat for us. We're heading to Krynus..That's where I'm from. It'll be a little shocking for you guys, because there's no magic, and a lot of machines...And nothing but humans. But we'll deal with that when we get there."

Meanwhile, a somewhat newer waitress stops at the table. "What can I getch'all?"

Annie looks up, startled momentarily, before mumbling something about salad..Though the waitress gets it.

"...We don't have much time, but I don't know when we'll get a chance to eat anything that's not travel food again...So quick?"
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Unread postby Besyanteo » Fri May 02, 2008 11:01 pm

Actually, Jeridan had already eaten on the way over, expecting to depart as soon as they'd gathered. But, since they had a little bit of time, apparently...

"Just some mint tea."

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Fri May 02, 2008 11:24 pm

Spob sat down just in time to see Jeridan walk into the tavern. He smiled and waved at him, glad to see another familiar face besides Annie. Now, it wasn't like everybody else at the table was a complete stranger. While he didn't know the other guard that came in, he did recall Deeum and Kelne from his time with Griff's group during the Malachian occupation. (Kelne he knew a bit better, if only by reputation...and from the way his sister cursed his name for weeks on end. So one of his employees destroyed an heirloom hourglass. So what? That blasted thing always gave him the chills, ever since he was a child; if anything, he hoped Kelne gave the man a raise) However, he hadn't seen either former freedom fighter for quite some time. Jeridan, at least, showed up more constantly in his day to day life.

"If it helps any," he said to Annie, "I ate before heading out, so I'm good." It wasn't like he had a choice, since Loraine practically force fed him before he left, and made sure he left with a full stock of trail rations afterwards.

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Unread postby Deeum » Sat May 03, 2008 12:37 am

"I'll just have some coffee", she asks the waitress before looking to Annie with a apologetic eyes
"Sorry, I just wanted something to drink while we get ready".

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat May 03, 2008 1:50 am

Annie shakes her head. "It's okay...I realized I haven't actually eaten in..."

She pauses a minute to think.

"Two days."
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Unread postby Kelne » Sat May 03, 2008 5:55 am

"I can see how you might want to do something about that," Kelne remarked idly, "Tea, please."

From the description, Krynus sounded like Valth writ large. Wonderful prospect. He had thus far managed to avoid visiting Valth; he didn't think he'd like the place. And that was the least disturbing of his points of comparison. Still, maybe he'd be pleasantly surprised. Gods knew, it would be difficult to unpleasantly surprise him.

Nor, from his knowledge of the others, were they the types to be easily frightened by a bit of technology. Sea monsters, in one case, yes. Technology, no. He doubted the trip was going to be a particularly pleasant experience, but it ought to be manageable.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Sat May 03, 2008 12:29 pm

"No magic, huh?" Richard says as he settled into a seat with nary a clank. "Don't mind that so much ,although it sounds weird as hell." A waitress looks over at Richard and he just waves her off. "No no, ate earlier. Anyway, anything else we need to know about there before we go? Weird magic problems or somethin' like that?" The man shrugged, seemingly unconcerned with the thought of facing unknown troubles. But then, for Richard it didn't matter anyway. He just prayed a silent prayer to Ryuugami that this mission didn't get them into any serious trouble.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat May 03, 2008 5:13 pm

The waitress, having gotten the nessessary information from everyone, hurries off, as Annie speaks again.

"No, there's no problem with magic there. It's just that only a few people actually have the capacity for it...And those that do are very powerful with it. It'll be best for those of you who do use magic to try and keep it to a minimum when we're around people there, but there are a couple of safe places for it."

The waitress returns rather quickly, probably sensing that the group, Annie especially, was in a bit of a hurry. Deeum's coffee is okay, not great, as is Jeridan's tea.

Annie's Salad barely has a chance to see the light of day, however, as she basically stuffs the whole thing in her mouth over the course of a few forkfulls, then seems to swallow it all at once without any trouble at all.

"...Um..Is there any other questions?"
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Unread postby Kelne » Sat May 03, 2008 7:12 pm

"Let me guess," Kelne said, "People are going to view plate armour, swords and suchlike as anachronistic at best." the parallels with Valth seemed strong enough that he felt comfortable making such an assumption. He could disguise Jeridan if need be, but the use of that would be limited if the rest of them drew stares for simply wearing their typical gear.

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun May 04, 2008 2:02 am

"Pretty much," Spob said. "...well, except for the armor. Maybe. There's some stuff there that's sort of like plate, but not quite." He shrugged, and continued. "But I'm nitpicking. Really, it's not that bad, it's just...a bit difficult to get used to."

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun May 04, 2008 3:03 am

Annie nods with what Spob is saying. "We'll get you some different clothes when we get there, if we need to."
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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon May 05, 2008 8:59 am

Jeridan didn't take long to finish his tea. Part of that was because he stopped drinking it half way through, and part of that was because he was fairly used to drinking things that hot by now. Unless Annie stopped him, he'd pay for his part of the order and wait for the others to be ready to be off.

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Unread postby Deeum » Mon May 05, 2008 3:35 pm

"I see.. Well, I'm sure we can handle things when we get there." She commented while looking at her coffee which she had barely drank.

"Lets be off then?"

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon May 05, 2008 5:30 pm

With their questions settled and their bills paid, the five of them depart, letting Annie lead them to the outskirts of the city. It's a solemn trip, as the group travels through the streets of Doma towards its gates and beyond. Annie doesn't lead them strictly along the road to Kohlingen, however, instead heading just off of it, where an...odd-looking device waits for her and the rest.

It looks vaguely like some sort of carriage, they can at least tell that much, although there's no chocobo nor horse in sight; not even reins or a yoke for them. Instead, attached to the body is some strange device, vaguely reminiscent of airship machinery to those that have had the pleasure of flying aboard one. At points, pipes of some sort peek out from the body or underneath it, their purpose unidentifiable. Although some may be able to guess at it, especially those with a good deal of experience outside Doma, for most it's an utter cipher of a contraption, like no vehicle they'd ever imagined.

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Unread postby Kelne » Mon May 05, 2008 6:43 pm

An enigma or not, Kelne was certain that he'd traveled in less safe vehicles. Some of them, after all, had crashed. All things considered, not exactly a ringing endorsement. Nevertheless, he climbed in, taking one of the rear seats and tracking down the expected safety straps.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon May 05, 2008 9:52 pm

Jeridan didn't know precisely how an airship worked, and he'd been convinced to ride on one of those. It wasn't much to ask of him to give this one a try as well. And hell, Kelne had gotten in. He advertised his paranoia now and again, and he didn't even pause for comment. Still, he couldn't help but ask as he got in:

"So... what is that?"

He was looking at the network of tubes and metal and... little ropes? What the hell...

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Unread postby Deeum » Mon May 05, 2008 10:33 pm

Deeum just slightly kicked the side of it with her boot to make sure this huge heap of metal and ropes wasn't going to just fall apart. She had seen similar elsewhere, but never really thought such a thing would catch on. I mean, why fly any other way other than with magic or giant dragons?psh

"Well, we can't be picky with what we use. It's all for Idran, right?", Shes aid aloud and looked for a way inside.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue May 06, 2008 12:56 am

Those looking at the seats would indeed find safety straps. Annie took her position behind the large hunk of metal, not bothering to strap herself in.

"It's called a motor, it makes something else move through converting power from another source. In this case...Steam."

She began to fiddle with the device, waiting for everyone to get strapped in.
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Unread postby Nakibe » Tue May 06, 2008 4:27 am

Richard looked upon the dubious mode of transport before him and had to truly wonder at its workings. No magic that he could see involved, nor summoned beasts or otherwise to pull it where it needed to go. It looked even foreign to a guy who occasionally looked at airships if he could manage a peek. As such, his mind fills with questions. How does it run? Does it fly, or do something else strange? Perhaps this thing could, properly (or improperly) tuned take him to the very stars themselves.

"You sure this thing won't, you know, blow up on us or something?" After all, any introspection on how it might work, or what problems the inventor might face mean nothing when you don't know the technology involved, and you only care that it works. Somehow. At least, Richard HOPED that it worked, because otherwise it would be a horrible trip right from the start.

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Unread postby Kelne » Tue May 06, 2008 6:50 am

"Well, I assume it got here from Kohlingen," Kelne remarked, "Which suggests it's capable of getting back in one piece. I can provide alternative transportation if people aren't comfortable with it, but I doubt that's going to be an inconspicuous option on Krynus." With his commentary done, he raised an eyebrow at Annie, inviting her to elaborate.

Thus far, of all the horrible things that had happened to him, none had involved exploding steam engines. So long as they weren't obviously dangerous prototypes, Kelne was prepared to give them the benefit of the doubt. If all else failed, he assumed there'd be ample time to bail out.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu May 08, 2008 2:15 am

With everyone settled, Annie starts up the vehicle, heading off back for Kohlingen, the vast port town of Doma. The trip's loud, very bumpy, and kicking up clouds of dust all about them, but it's fast. Impressively so, the terrain whipping by them far faster than any mount they've ever ridden, the wind blowing in their faces and the dirt clinging to their skin or fur. The hours tick by, and they start to settle into it as best they can.

Some mere four hours later, easily half of the time a good mount would normally take them, they reach their destination; a small house about a half-hours' walk from the main gates of Kohlingen, a two story affair not far off the road, a vast field surrounding it, dotted by a couple of sheds and a handful of boulders. The signs of recent ongoing expansion and housework evidence themselves all about the building to those who know what to look for, and the roof shines, reflective and metallic in the sunlight. But overall, it's not an especially ostentatious house; the sort most people would just pass on by as they head to the city proper. Yet this seems to be their stop, as Annie turns the vehicle off, the loud racket finally quieting itself, but bringing with it a heavy, somber silence over the travelers.

Kelne and Spob would recognize this place as Idran's house, from past dinner visits and whatnot, but none of the rest have ever been here before.

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Unread postby Deeum » Thu May 08, 2008 4:15 am

"Could that thing get any louder?" Deeum yelled while her ears still rang from the rattling and clinking of the airship. Ahwell, atleast it was over... She unbuckled herself and hopped off.

"Where are we now?" she asked more so to Annie while taking in the sights.

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu May 08, 2008 10:03 am

Jeridan had not enjoyed the trip over. He has a terrible headache from the steam engine, and he could barely hear anything now. He got out of the cart slowly, and kept to himself for the moment.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu May 08, 2008 4:39 pm

"This is our house." Annie half shouts. "We'll be off again in a second, just need to pick up a couple of things...And Idran."
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Unread postby Kelne » Thu May 08, 2008 7:56 pm

Kelne took the opportunity to get out and stretch. It was a noisy form of transportation, but he could see it catching on for sheer speed alone. He wasn't sure about bringing Idran along; transiting a portal right now could not be good for him. But then, he was sure the pair of them had weighed the risks.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Thu May 08, 2008 11:00 pm

Richard told himself that he WASN'T going to be sick. He just wasn't. Not while all these people were around him. His PRIDE was at stake, after all, and that same pride would never let him show that much weakness around the others... no matter how much it felt like his stomach wanted to disagree. "Ugh. Can't say I cared much for that... but it WAS fast...."

He looked out at the rather plain-looking place. Huh. I expected more strangeness for my first real magician's house. Some sort of trail of black smoke and explosions or something. "Your place looks pretty nice from the outside." he says. Richard wanted to hedge his bets in case the calm mage... oh, I don't know, kept weirdo zombies in his lab or something.

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Unread postby Deeum » Fri May 09, 2008 4:02 pm

"Ah" she replied, "Nice area in anycase.. Lets see how Idran is doing. But do you think he's able to make this trip in his current state? I mean, it's gonna be hard on him."

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun May 11, 2008 9:08 pm

"I've handled worse experiences before. I'll be fine, but I appreciate the concern."

At the front door, now standing open, exits Idran, slowly making his way off the porch and towards the vehicle. He's not looking in the best of shape at the moment, his skin pale and a slight, constant wince across his face, but he presses forward anyway, smiling to the assembled group. "It's good to see you here, by the way. Spob, Kelne, I'm glad you could come. And...I didn't expect to see you here, Richard; Annie managed to pull you back out of retirement, eh? And I'm glad Griff let you get away, Deeum." With a small, forced chuckle, he turns towards the two guards, flushing a little and giving another more self-effacing laugh as he recognizes Jeridan. " wasn't expecting to see you either, I've got to admit. I...never caught your name at our last meeting, did I?"

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Unread postby Besyanteo » Mon May 12, 2008 12:47 pm

Jeridan looked hard at this man for a moment. Not some kind of silent condemnation, nothing so self righteous. Rather, the event Idran was thinking of was now a year or so past... a lot of time for plenty of citizens to be plenty insulting, easily out pacing what he'd done. If Nezetta were here, bringing the event up, he'd have a better chance at recalling it; He hated Nezetta and knew a good deal about her from Griff. Having to defend her was particularly loathsome. Idran... was a guy. A guy that Griff wanted him to help.

"Jeridan. Have we met before...?"

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Unread postby Nakibe » Mon May 12, 2008 6:21 pm

Richard did his best to stand there and look confident and reassured. No mean feat for a man who just a moment ago was a little more green than normal. Stupid crazy flying contraption. How can people STAND that?

"Yeah, I've been kinda bored lately anyway" he manages, slowly coming back to a more normal state of stomach. "You sure you'll be alright for a while, though?"


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