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Unread postby Kelne » Tue Apr 24, 2007 11:46 pm

And indeed the zombie was down, sliced in half. The halves twitched for a few moments, before the animating energies simply gave out. Scratch one zombie.

Kenner, following on from his success earlier, reloaded and took careful aim at the zombie he'd struck earlier. This time, however, the bolt went wide, a consequence of having overcompensated to avoid the risk of hitting Orson.

(Driscoll is up. The lower zombie is out of the fight, otherwise the map remains unchanged.)

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:48 pm

Driscoll, seeing no real need to waste spells on a heavily damaged corpse such as this zombie, instead steps forward slightly, drawing a small dagger from his belt. It's always been a useful last-ditch weapon to him--more often if he had no spells left to use, but in this case, it would be useful as a missile of sorts...

How irritating that these things don't simply lay down and die like they're supposed to. I guess it can't be quite helped, what with the fact that they simply are reanimated corpses

Holding it as if ready to slash, he instead flicks his wrist, sending the bladed weapon flying, spinning end over end, at the heavily damaged zombie...

[Attack roll = 3+4=MISS. I HATE YOU STUPID DICE]

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:50 pm

Alas, Driscoll's dagger wound up clattering off the wall. Possibly not the most productive use of his time.

One can't accuse zombies of learning from experience. Still, Gillet's zombie seemed almost desperate, launching itself at the gnome in a frenzied effort to take a chunk out of him. An attempt which Gillet was able to meet with a dagger to the eye. Removing the head or destroying the brain is, after all, the approved way of disposing of zombies.

Nor did Orson's zombie seem to have learned anything, making another attempt to clutch at him which was easily fended off.

As Tristan and Safiyeh reached the final corner in the passage, they could see two downed zombies, with Orson engaging a third. Unfortunately, far from being over, things were about to heat up.

Under the everpresent moaning, Gillet caught the slap of approaching footsteps. Footsteps coming from behind. Driscoll caught the sound soon after, and was able to turn to meet the rush of another trio of zombies. It was just as well he'd heard them, really. Otherwise he could well have been in deep trouble. As it was, he was barely managing to fend off two of the ravening creatures with his shield.

(Round 3. Gillet is up, map is updated.

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Unread postby Spleen » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:13 pm

Gillet swore under his breath and spun toward the approaching undead, dagger in hand, before craning his head to look at Orson over his shoulder. "Orson, finish that one up quick, there's three more that just came in!"

Checking to make sure his rapier was safe where he dropped it, Gillet took a short hop forward to meet the new menace with a sweeping slash at the midsection of the zombie directly across from him. Possibly a little bit too sweeping; the slash went out, wide and clumsy. Shit! Don't get cocky, Gillet, the gnome thought. He got into a fighter's stance, watching in particular the movements of the zombie he struck.

(A move one space to the right, followed by a miss. Gillet is taking as his Dodge target the zombie on the bottom.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:20 pm

(And with that, we move on to Orson. The new arrivals may act if they wish, and will be slotted into the initiative order at the appropriate place.)

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Unread postby Nakibe » Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:29 pm

How the hell didn't I notice those doors over there? Orson wondered. Either way, this had to be finished quickly so that he could get over to help out his teammates. But either way, he had to deal with this formerly dead thing looming in front of him. When I find out who did this, I'm gonna have to break their fucking hands. he thought sourly as he brought his sword around for what he hoped would be a finishing blow against the zombie.

(Attacking the zombie nearest to Orson. AT+Roll = 20, damage is 7. IF this downs the zombie, I would like for Orson to go two squares right. It probably WON'T, but eh.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:47 pm

The zombie took a nasty cut to the side, but remained standing, its dead flesh noticing no pain.Hopefully, if he could get one more hit in, that ought to finish it.

Kenner, meanwhile, was torn between the original zombie and the new arrivals. In the end, he went for the easier shot, though again without success.

(Initiative rolls around to Driscoll.)

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:33 pm

Driscoll, noticing the massive influx of new zombies, Gillet in the way of one of them, and himself in a massive bit of trouble were he to stay here long, quickly hatched a plan. The hallway seemed to be as much an ally as an enemy here, and it showed in this case--the zombies could barely get past each other as they tried to snack on the still very alive people here...and could barely spread out, at that.

At the same time, he still had one of those handy pieces of jade--typically a pain to obtain, but very useful nonetheless in such a case--such as this. The warmage steps quickly back--maneuvering himself behind the gnome that had moved into place to attack one of the zombies. Gripping a piece of jade in his shield hand, it began to crack as light emitted from his hand--the other performing the necessary movements in the meantime...

"Stone of pure green, heed my call. Batter and assail those who are undeserving of life! Solid Rain!"

Upon that, Driscoll threw the cracked piece of jade into the air, where it shattered into sparkling green dust...

...which flashed for a second, disappeared...and then was immediately followed by a torrent of...particularly large pieces of green stone--presumably also jade--falling upon the zombies, beating and battering the animated corpses like no tomorrow...not to mention making a very loud racket for those who could hear.

(5-foot step (ignores AoOs) behind Gillet, and then casting Hail of Stone on the new zombies. Who are thusly dealt 7, 6, and 9 damage, pending on how you would like to split that up. No save.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:57 pm

The stones rained down on the zombies, causing them to reel under the onslaught. Unfortunately, none went down. It seemed more effort than that would be necessary to finish them off.

Meanwhile, Gillet was left to face the zombies on his own. Granted, they were injured, but there were still three of the hungry dead. Gillet successfully stabbed one and dodged the clutching arms of the other two.

(Round 4. Gillet is up.)

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Unread postby Spleen » Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:10 pm

Not one to ruin something that was working and thoroughly appreciating the luck he was having, Gillet swung his dagger at the zombie he had struck away when he was being reached for, wishing his luck would carry over to living opponents, as well.

He missed, but only just, tracing a thin line on the zombie's chest that wouldn't have slowed down a human, either. Still, between Driscoll's spell and Gillet's defensive attack, he figured this was the one he'd have the best chance of sending to its eternal rest, so he turned his attention to it.

(Setting new Dodge opponent to the one Gillet AoO'd.)

(EDIT: I was thinking "Orson's turn is next" while trying to type "Driscoll's spell" and got my elves mixed up.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:13 pm

(And with that, we move on to Orson.)

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Unread postby Nakibe » Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:59 am

"STAY. DOWN!" Orson snarled, bringing another crushing blow down on the zombie with intent to grind its remaining bones to a fine powder. With luck, the power behind said strike would convince the dead thing to stay dead.

(Lets try this AGAIN. AT+Roll = 15, Damage = 7. Moving east 2 squares to support the others afterwards.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:15 pm

Orson managed to finally put the zombie down, before moving as close to the front line as he could get.

Kenner, meanwhile, moved to watch the doors, in case of more marrauding zombies.

(Driscoll is up, map is updated.)

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:24 pm

The gray elf assessed the current situation. The short one was busy fending off zombies, and the taller one had finished off his own personal zombie, and had joined in on the ensuing melee. Unfortunately...the zombies in question had overflowed in such a way that killing the remainder--or seriously damaging them--in one shot would be harmful for either of his allies; Gillet has finally started to be halfway USEFUL at this point, even. Though he could go and get his knife, getting in melee is clearly not his modus operandi at all...

Really, so far these zombies had been as effective as they are frightening. That is to say, not at all...not that you'd really expect a bunch of simple slow animated corpses to be either scary to get much of anywhere...

Driscoll leapt back quickly, making swift hand-motions and then once again gathering light into a palm, before firing it off as, once again, a faint beam of light--positive energy, firing once again at the zombies.

(5-Foot Step back (Avoids AoO), Disrupt Undead again. Hits for 7 damage Firing at the zombie that Orson is next to.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Sat Apr 28, 2007 8:57 pm

Again, the zombie reeled, its arm coming off at the shoulder as the magics hit home. Nevertheless, it still stood, relentlessly trying to get at the people before it. Now down an arm, the zombie simply lunged and bit at Orson, though it came up well short. The other two continued to clutch at Gillet, mindless in their determination to feast upon his flesh.

Gillet managed to put his dagger in line with this one's neck as it bent down, and no doubt to the surprise of everyone nearby, the head came off. The body continued to stagger about for a few moments before collapsing.

In line with expectations, Gillet easily managed to dodge the other zombie.

(New round, Gillet is up.)

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Unread postby Spleen » Sat Apr 28, 2007 9:17 pm

Spinning from the zombie he just dispatched, Gillet turned to the zombie who had just been dismembered by Driscoll's spell and gashed it from the shoulder down with his dagger, feeling flesh held together by magic part under the small blade.

(16 + 3 = 19 attack roll
2 + 2 = 4 damage)

"It looks like I'm doing better against these than against anything we fought before, wouldn't you say?" Gillet called to his companions above the noises of the battle. "Odd, considering I had to switch to my backup weapon."

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Unread postby Kai » Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:12 pm

Safiyeh rounded the corner with Sel on one shoulder and Tristan at her side. With a sigh she noted that the others were already fighting. She'd have helped them if she could, but it was going to be difficult to fight while ensuring that someone kept an eye on Sel.

Thankfully, Kenner had gone ahead and was doing his part.

Excellent, she thought. At this rate, it's important for us to attempt to keep their opinion of us fairly high. They seem as though they have the situation fairly under control but...

"Tristan," she said quietly. "I think that, if we are to show our new allies that they can depend on us, one of the two of us should join Kenner in assisting them. If you wish to stay with Sel, I will go. Otherwise, it would be very helpful if you could go ...pitch in."

Those are the options. He will pick one, or I will have serious problems keeping this group together. We need to help them or they'll have little reason to trust us. As it stands, they'll have seen us caring for our allies to some degree of personal inconvenience. If we can just convince them that they are our allies, they may expect similar treatment of us, and that will make working with them much easier.

"Which do you want to do?"

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Unread postby Kai » Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:17 pm

"I'll go. Stay here and keep an eye on him. I promise I will return as quickly as I can." Tristan unslung the light crossbow from his waist and moved in the general direction of combat.

(I'm not sure how you're handling initiative, but if he can get a clear shot at a zombie, he'll take one. If he has no other option than to shoot into melee, he'll try it. Total ranged attack bonus is +1, 1d8 piercing damage on a hit. Given that it seems everyone is engaged in ye ole melee, so he'll just take a shot at any target within range, which means he's shooting at -3.)

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Unread postby Spleen » Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:25 pm

(Fute said you'd be acting on whatever initiative you happened to act on first, so I believe that makes Tristan the second to act in a round. No clear shots here, as well; both remaining zombies are firmly embroiled in melee.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:06 am

Gillet's target, already weakened, dropped as a result of the attack. This left a single zombie, though the echoing moans from elsewhere in the tunnels continued.

Although he took aim as well as he could, Tristan's shot went wide. There was simply too much confusion to draw a clear bead on the zombie.

(Initiative rolls around to Orson. One zombie remains, which can be reached easily.)

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Unread postby Nakibe » Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:13 pm

Orson looked around for his next target, and LUNGED at it with a strike that sliced THROUGH the zombie and sent sparks crashing down onto the stones, leaving bits of its dessicated innards in two piles of disgusting matter. And suddenly... it was all over. The thunder and noise of battle was gone, leaving Orson feeling... strangely upbeat once more. He could never quite understand it, either. His brethren never understood the fierce joy that he felt during a battle, and he was taught to subsume it, to control it. Even now, with the blood rushing through his veins still, it was hard to do. The silent whispers of it... and perhaps something more.

Too soon Orson realized he was just standing there grinning like a madman.... and he tried to compose himself as he turned to the others. He couldn't go back to his customary half-scowl. Not just yet. "I suppose we need to find ourselves another way out, and quickly." As he sheathed his sword and waited to hear any good ideas, the thing that always irked him most came back to him. Dammit, why does my hand itch again? What the hell IS it with that?

(Final Zombie was smacked with 12 HP of damage, and thusly we are officially out of zombies to kill. >:{ )

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Unread postby Spleen » Sun Apr 29, 2007 7:32 pm

"We still have a new room to search ahead of us and some water to examine in the room over there," Gillet pointed out as he retrieved his dropped rapier. He busied himself with a rag he took from his belt, using it to wipe his rapier blade clean first and then to try to get all the stubborn zombie ichor off the knife he'd been fighting with as he waited for a response.

The gnome was quietly pretending to be nonchalant about the way he'd fought, but he couldn't help but be excited. He'd felled the same number of zombies as Orson had and hadn't even gotten a scratch on him. It was as unlike the experience with the vault guardian as he could have hoped to have, and it felt good. Better than good, even; it felt great. And that wasn't even with my rapier, Gillet thought. Nor could I use any of the other tricks I learned to use against the living.

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Unread postby Kai » Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:14 pm

Safiyeh brought Sel further into the room with a nod to Tristan. They'd arrived in time to make the gesture, and that was the most important thing at the moment. Perhaps another time they would be in a better position to prove themselves, but they'd done the best with what they had been handed. As it stood, Sel was the only one seriously hurt, and everybody else was... on their feet at least.

Safiyeh did feel some small amount of guilt that she wasn't able to be of more assistance to them. She was seldom thrilled by the prospect of battle, but neither did she particularly appreciate sending others to fight on her behalf. Somehow no matter what she did she always ended up using someone else to accomplish her own goals.

So far the other group didn't seem too disturbed by the fight, though. At least, not to a degree that she felt should concern her. Safiyeh noted that Orson seemed fairly pleased with recent events. So he was more unpredictable than she'd even anticipated. Not only did he not seem to trust her, but the alarm he'd shown at her appearance would gain her even less than she'd hoped. Fear would not be enough to hold a man like this in check, and she suspected from his joy after the battle that pressure from his friends would not be sufficient, either.

Gillet also seemed pleased, but there was a note of relief to it that, coupled with his response to her courtesy earlier, suggested to her once again that he wasn't used to being rewarded for his efforts. This had been a positive experience for him, and it would be wise of her to reinforce this impression. She wanted things to get better for him instead of worse with the introduction of new allies. She, Tristan, and Sel would be safer that way.

Driscoll... did not seem particularly surprised by his performance. Even more self-assured than she'd anticipated. Praise would do her little good with him, but he hadn't seemed inclined to cause her serious problems anyway. So far the two had kept one another at a polite distance, and this was something of a comfort for the moment.

Under other circumstances she could have gotten to know these others better, but survival was first on her mind at the moment. If that meant using them until she could trust them, that's what she would do.

"Gentlemen, thank you for going ahead without us. I am sorry that you had to deal with so much without us, and perhaps the situation will improve once Sel is taken care of," she finished with a nod toward the unfortunate mercenary. "I agree with Orson, if only for Sel's sake. I cannot do any more for him here, and I can imagine that the rest of you have other business to attend to as well."

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Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:33 pm

Well, well, well. It's amazing that Gillet was not totally ineffectual this time after all. Maybe we won't have to get Vanthus on our side after all., the elf thought as he looked about nonchalantly. The large group of zombies was gone--at least for now, but it appeared as if there were more of those insipid corpses walking around out there, as judging from the echoes.

This was going to be, for lack of a better word, irritating; their quarry had decided to trap them in an underground shaft with no real hope of getting out; it goes to say that for all his prodigous talents, Driscoll had nothing that could blow open such a door on such short notice. There was, however, the junction in the corridor; the room where the first zombies had come from, and the door on the end where the "reinforcements" had barged in on their perfectly good fight.

Looking forth between the two possible routes, Driscoll quickly decided, and stated his orders...

"Orson, Kenner. Both of you watch the door the newer zombies came through, and give us a signal if anything attacks. Gillet, you're coming with me to have a look at the first room, and see if there's anything there besides animated corpses. Safiyeh, Tristan, I'll leave you two to do what you feel is necessary--you know each other's capabilities more than I do, so I believe I can trust you on this."

Before heading off for the first room, however, the warmage went over to pick up his thrown knife, and clean the cave slime off of it as much as possible before sheathing it. After all, it IS rather unbecoming to have a weapon covered in some unidentifiable substance that gathered on the floor of an abandoned smuggler tunnel...that brings to mind something else of importance...

...Was it possible that the drow had left these zombies behind after their takeover of Parrot Island?

(Knowledge(History) check at Driscoll's typical (I think it's +6 total, after INT) bonus. Oh, and of course, picking the knife back up.)

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Unread postby Spleen » Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:46 pm

"Gillet, you're coming with me to have a look at the first room, and see if there's anything there besides animated corpses."

Gillet bristled the slightest bit at Driscoll's orders again - to be perfectly serious, who made him the leader? However, Gillet knew that challenging Driscoll's assumed authority would be the same as saying Gillet himself would be a better leader, and that was something that could only end in tragedy. Hopefully someone else would straighten him out, but he had a feeling Orson wouldn't volunteer and Safiyeh and Tristan obviously didn't consider themselves part of the group. So he'd put up with an imperious warmage, for now at least.

Besides, the plan would work, and that was important, although suggesting that Gillet would follow Driscoll into the darkness was laughable to the gnome. "All right," Gillet said, sheathing his weapons and moving toward the door, not exactly waiting for Driscoll, who he knew would have to contend with finding a light source to use.

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Unread postby Kelne » Tue May 01, 2007 9:55 pm

Since Kenner had the lantern, and was standing by the door in question, light was not a problem for the moment.

Further investigation of the room to the left confirmed Gillet's first impressions - Large room, sagging ceiling, and the remains of what seemed to have once been a pier extending into the water. While there didn't seem to be any undead here, they did see something Gillet had missed the first time around - a body floating face-down in the water.

Driscoll simply hadn't read up enough on the history of Parrot Island to know where the zombies might have come from. It was certainly possible the drow could have left them here after their takeover, and no alternative explanations had presented themselves just yet.

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Unread postby Spleen » Tue May 01, 2007 10:04 pm

Gillet walked to the edge of the water and squatted down on his haunches, looking around with his darkvision before calling out to his allies. "There's a dead body in the water. As least I assume it's properly dead. And I don't think this is a way out, it looks like there was a cave-in here a long time back. We'll have to find another way out. Still some doors left to try in here, and there's definitely sloshing coming from that one on the far side." Fucked if I'm gonna touch a dead body, Gillet vowed silently. Thing could be a zombie ready to eat me while I'm treading water.

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Unread postby Nakibe » Thu May 03, 2007 2:14 am

"Ain't this just fucking wonderful", Orson growled. "Ah, well. I suppose that bastard wouldn't've thought he could trap us here if the damn entrance was next door." The elf scratched his head for a moment as he tried to figure out what to do next. Damn old dock's fucking caved in. And even if it wasn't, I doubt any of the others are really the swimming types. Damn. I suppose we have to case this place. With a heavy sigh and a shrug, he declared "I suppose we need to listen at these doors or something to make sure nothing jumps out at us. Dead OR alive. " A quick shrug of the shoulders followed this: Orson really wasn't sure of any better way to go about this idea, though he was SURE that there was one.

"Eh. I guess we could, you know, split up and listen at these doors, maybe get someone else to double check behind em. Just 'cause we're stuck down here for now don't mean we need to be wandering into any old zombie's goddamned party. Unless one of you folks.." He merely eyed Safiyeh, Tristan, and the others for a moment before continuing. "...has a much better idea of how to do this crap."

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Unread postby Spleen » Thu May 03, 2007 10:25 am

"No objections here," Gillet said, standing up and brushing off his leather greaves. "Anyone got a rope or a big pole or something we can use to pull this body in, though? It bears examining, if only so we can make sure it's not a zombie. I could swim out and look at it, but then if it's a zombie it has me at an advantage in the water."

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Unread postby Kai » Thu May 03, 2007 10:33 am

It seemed important to her that she go with Gillet. The gnome wasn't particularly pleased with his lot, and he might appreciate having someone along who could offer a little encouragement. It apparently did not take much to be the nicest person Gillet knew, and for now it seemed like a good idea to attempt the task. She felt fairly comfortable around Driscoll as well at this point, so she lost little by choosing to go with them.

Tristan would also have to do his part in making sure that they fit smoothly into these people's way of doing things. They would never really be one group if she and Tristan always kept to themselves. It was time to split up.

Safiyeh shook her head at Orson. "No, I believe that you are correct. We will come with you, Tristan with you and I with Gillet and Driscoll."

"I will suggest... if it has not come to mind yet... that if these do not prove to be safe exits, we can go back." She swallowed with another glance at Sel.

"The trap door has been blocked from outside, which is only a terrible problem if we needed to open it outward to escape. However, if anyone here specialized in... something more destructive than I do..." She nodded toward Driscoll. "As a last resort we could blow the trapdoor in and make ourselves an opening."

She took a deep breath and bit her lower lip. It wasn't the safest plan, but she wanted to make sure that it was suggested just in case. "In that case we would be hoping for a cave-in, and if we are very lucky, it will not go out of our control."

With another deep breath she continued. "So if we feel like we are out of options here, we could always try something more desperate."

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Unread postby Nakibe » Sat May 05, 2007 10:56 pm

"Huh?" was Orson's sort of distracted reply to Safiyeh's assessment. Certainly, her idea didn't bother him so much, and it sounded rather well thought out too. And, although his estimate of her skills at leadership increased, there was one thing that bothered him, more than anything. "I dunno. I mean, we've just gotten attacked by dead things. Who knows who the hell summoned em here. Or how many MORE of the bastards there might be. What I'm sayin is, I don't think we should do all that splitting up just yet. Don't wanna suddenly find I'm in one of those godsdamned fireside tales folks scare kids with." The whole while he was making this speech, Orson approached the dead body in the water, and with a grunt began the work of dragging it back to shore. This damn thing had better not be a zombie or any crap like that, he angrily thought. I'll be fucking pissed if it tries to bite into my arm or some shit like that.

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Unread postby Spleen » Sun May 06, 2007 1:02 am

Gillet watched Orson drag the body, wishing he himself was tall enough to wade through that water; after all, thigh-deep water for Orson was chest-deep water for Gillet, if not higher. "Is it really dead?"

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Unread postby Kelne » Sun May 06, 2007 5:40 am

Indeed the body was dead, and rather thoroughly waterlogged. It showed no signs of returning to a hideous mockery of life and attempting to devour Orson, which was probably a good thing.

On hauling it to shore, those interested were able to make a more detailed examination. It seemed the man had been dead for some weeks, judging from the state of decay he was in, and there were the telltale ragged bite marks that suggested he'd been in a fight with the zombies. None of the wounds looked as if they would have been immediately fatal in and of themselves, but combined, it would have been a different story.

In terms of clothing, it seemed typical enough of any common dockhand, with the addition of some basic leather armour. Not that said armour seemed to have done him much good.

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Unread postby Spleen » Mon May 07, 2007 4:12 pm

Gillet made the aforementioned examinations. "Just as long as it's not Vanthus or going to eat us, I say we leave it where it is," Gillet said. "We can't do much about it right now anyway; when we get back - if we get back - we can notify the authorities." He noted the leather armor, as well, silently glad he was a smaller and most likely faster target than the human had likely been, and stood up. "I'll go check that door," he said, pointing to the one on the far side from the open door, through which he had heard the sound of water.

Not one to take chances, Gillet made a thorough examination of the door for visible traps.

(Taking 20 on a Search check for a total 23; Gillet has Trapfinding.)

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Unread postby Kelne » Mon May 07, 2007 7:57 pm

Not finding any traps, Gillet felt confident in opening the door. This took a bit of effort, as the wood had apparently swollen, causing the door to stick.

Beyond lay the churning waters of a sea cave, with a sandy slope leading down to the water. The water lapped against the walls of this twisting natural cavern, which led to the west. Sea urchins were a major feature, from what Gillet could tell, covering much of the ground and lower walls that Gillet could see.

The water seemed to be shallow, at least for as far into the cave as Gillet could see. They were probably lucky that it wasn't too long after low tide. Even so, there seemed to be strong currents at work, leading to frequent surges of water. This at least boded well that there was an exit somewhere through here.

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Unread postby Spleen » Wed May 09, 2007 11:08 pm

"Hey," Gillet called back through the door. "This is a way out, but it looks like we're going to need someone who can swim well, and maybe rig up some rope so they don't get taken by the current if we want to use it to try and escape. Maybe someone can swim out and get back onto the beach and take the stones off the trapdoor." He knew, of course, that he was the best swimmer among his two friends, but wondered if possibly Tristan, Safiyeh, or Kenner had some swimming capability, too.

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Unread postby Kai » Thu May 10, 2007 11:26 am

Safiyeh looked more than a little alarmed at the prospect of swimming out. Considering her general tendency to grossly overthink all displays of emotion or communication of any kind, this should have been an adequate indication of how freaked out she really was.

"I... even without Sel to care for I could... not swim that far. Or at... at all, really. I am very sorry I cannot help you more with that but I... have... not..."

She stared out over at the water surging forward and then sucking back into the darkness. The prospect of being in it and potentially drowning there --dying! Submerged in water!-- brought her own foreigness and comparative strangeness to the front of her mind. This place was very different, and she was very different from everyone in it. She felt like she had in the city. Very small. Very strange.

"...that is a lot of water."

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Unread postby Spleen » Thu May 10, 2007 2:33 pm

Gillet shrugged absentmindedly, not looking at Safiyeh and thus missing her expression. "It's the sea, of course there's a lot of water here."

He looked at Safiyeh over his shoulder and gave her a look of confusion, noticing her expression. "Is everything okay?" He checked his rapier in its sheath and climbed the slope up to where she was.

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Unread postby Kai » Thu May 10, 2007 10:08 pm

Part of her mind was gratified to note Gillet's concern, but not because she was flattered. It was the best and final sign that she'd done her job. She hadn't meant to test it this soon, but the result was a good one anyway.

Of course, the risk was that any of the others would begin to view her as Gillet's ally and not necessarily theirs, but that could be dealt with. For now the most important thing she could do was reply graciously. After all, he'd responded to an involuntarily-genuine sentiment from her, and this was the best damage control available to her.

Besides that, it never hurt to return a courteous gesture in the spirit it was given.

"Oh, no," she said, lifting her free hand to head him off. She did her best to smile reassuringly, since she didn't need him worrying about her that much. "I am fine. I just... am not... I did not grow up with so much water. I am afraid I do not know what to do with it all."

She gave an apologetic half-shrug. "Try not to worry about me. If I do not have to swim, I will be fine."

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Unread postby Spleen » Fri May 11, 2007 6:33 am

"Oh," Gillet said simply, unable to seriously imagine how his childhood would have been if he couldn't sea the beach from his window, never mind living so far away as to be completely unfamiliar with the sea. He shrugged and looked past her, through the door. "Are the others having any luck yet? Do you know?"


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