Darker Truths (7P prequel)

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Darker Truths (7P prequel)

Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:47 pm

(As requested by Idran, the 'prequel' to Seven Plagues, which itself branched away from the thankfully dead Astyanax Saga. Further detail on the actual events prior to this point will be further elaborated on in the future. This will be posted in chunks, in order to alternate between my replies (in the form of Stephen and certain *other* characters) and Becca-An's (an outsider from another RP forum! Gasp!). Thus I will also mark off the beginning of each post to identify who had typed what, etc etc this is getting overly complicated etc)
(Helpful notes may or may not be added along the way.

Stephen and Becca had ever so recently just survived a dangerous trip through an apparently abandoned Infinity base, which had been filled with machines and an infested version of their old friend (or begrudged ally in Stephen's case). The battle was split off in favor of an escape from the now-self-destructing base, but not before they managed to grab what was apparently an Elemental Crystal!

They both managed to escape to a small, empty island for safe retreat, and after a moment of reserved silence, Stephen began speaking. He held the crystal reservedly in his palms.

"Well, then." He said, looking around. "Any suggestions on where we start? I can't quite 'sense' people, to whit. I do know that some of my newer, Gaeran companions are about these parts somewhere, but as I said, I cannot sense any of them out. And I'm not about to waste time trying any of that 'telepathy'. I cannot quite remember if I'm capable of it or not."

He set the crystal onto the ground after being sure the surrounding area wasn't filled with explosions. "You wouldn't, by any chance, have any expendable friends on a contactual basis, do you? We could always use another body around..."

(As noted, this branched from the Astyanax Saga, where other characters were lurking about on this other world. Since the Astyanax Saga, for the most part, is null and void, this would seem to be a plot hole of sorts. Not to worry! This will be resolved due to my cunning craftiness as a GM!)

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:50 pm

The Echidna tucked her hands up into her sleaves and stared off and up at the sky as she thought.

(..Who the heck would want to come help?) xx; (Wedge is probably still mad at me for crashing his ship, most other people who'd help me are gone, dead or simply not around..gaah)

.."'expendable ' freinds?" She asked, "Hope that don' mean what I think it does."

She sighed faintly having come to the concusion in her thoughts."Eh, i don't know anyone quite as daft as me with letting themselves get dragged off to other worlds. So we're alone in that..but i could have a go in tryin' to sence your freinds if you like." She grinned then slightly. "I'm not compleately useless in that kind of thing."

(To note: Wedge is Becca's boyfriend/husband of sorts. And yes, that may be a Star Wars reference in there.)

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:51 pm

"Expendable can mean many things. I only say this, because in these situations nowadays, death is almost a certainty for someone. In any case, these people on Gaera can revive others rather well, from what I've heard... nothing to worry about, unless they share my state." He smiled a bit coldly as he said this, looking around a bit.

"If you could try to sense around, it would certainly be helpful. There are a number of them here already, of that I'm fairly certain. Three notables ones, if you can pick up on them, are Enlil, some sort of angel, Janda, a smaller angel, and Astrynax, a Mage. There's also a bitchy dragon queen by the name of Aya. All are rather powerful, so they may be fairly easy to pick up on...

Or not, as the case may be. Let's get on with this, shall we?"

Stephen's cape shook a bit in a slight breeze as he returned to a somewhat stoic pose, possibly in thought, or trying to pass the time by striking a stance. Whichever!

(See first post in regards to plot holes concerning the presence of others.)

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:57 pm

"What's yer state then? ..There's no need to worry about me, I've died an' come back times then i can remeber. Managed to make my own arrangements some time ago about that."

Finished with that slightly odd statement, she listened to his description and nodded.

"If they're powerful that jus' makes it easier! Give me a sec here, gotta focus.."

She folded her arms within her sleeves, closed her eyes and concentraited..trying to sense large sources of power and life forces.

She's usually isn't so bad at this, so if anyone was nearby she'd pick them up right away.

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 10:59 pm

"My state... if you don't already know... I'm undead. Boo." He flicked his hands out in a zombie-like way. "Though I'm only undead in the sense of 'not living'. I don't hunger for your flesh or hate humanity or anything like that." He seemed a bit irritated to have to explain this. "I do know you don't seem to have... the best of luck. Believe me... the End that lives on Gaera... the Moogle? I've heard he has some rather bad luck himself. He may outclass you in terms of that.

But let's get back on topic. See if you can find anyone."

And when Becca sensed, she found herself picking up people spread out all in different directions. There were around five to six significant levels of power, as well as a number of smaller ones. As far as life forces went... there was a smaller amount around the planet then there should've been. And if Becca attempted another check for lifeforms, she'd find that the number had slightly dropped from before. Something was going on...

"So, any luck? If you can find any of the significant powers that don't happen to be some evil scourge-type, we'll head straight for it...

... unless you have any better ideas."

(The plot of the Astyanax Saga also concerned folk dropping dead on this foreign world due to Astyanax's insidious work, as well as the efforts of some of his shadowy allies. This will, eventually, be attributed to another source. Read on.)

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:00 pm

She mumbled along the lines that she couldn't think of anyone with wierder luck then her as she focussed. Picking up on the life forces she did another quick cheak..then opened her eyes.

"Wierd, each time i cheak there's less living things on this world.. either there's widespread killin' going on or people are 'portin' from this place."

She turned to face where one of the higher levels of power was coming from. "It didn' feel so bad over here..an' if people are gettin' killed we should cheak it out.
if we get into trouble i'll jus' have to fight them or talk my way out of it." "lets go!"

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:01 pm

"Have you ever died from being THROWN?" Stephen replied, before he regressed to waiting. He kept wondering about what had happened to the End of their world, and why he had suddenly decided to become evil. If he was forced to kill him, Stephen wouldn't necessarily mind, but it would be an inconvenience to be sure.

Enlil also had a good chance of grousing at him about it, as well. He got the feeling that the angel was the overly moral type from their chats before. He could think about that later, though.

This thought passing from mind, he listened to what Becca had to say. "I see. Then it must be worse than I thought. This... Astyanax or one of his cronies are likely doing something. Even now, things are beginning to feel ominous."

He slowly lifted the Crystal into the air. "I suppose we should go, then, but if we run into any trouble, I'm feeling free to blame you. There IS one other issue." He seemed to be a bit embarassed at this point... "I was able to levitate a bit from a little application of what I believe to be the elemental power in the crystal...

... but at a much longer distance, I don't think I'll be able to follow suit. I'll, er, need assistance in getting there..."

(The evil 'End' here is a supposedly darker version of an End Reshiki from another world, who is not really connected to the End of Gaera at all. Becca and Stephen were familiar with him, though, as he was a former ally of theirs. For unknown reasons (most likely pertaining to Astyanax), this other End fought both Becca and Stephen to a standstill. Just as with everything else, this will be further elaborated on later, in a non-plotholish manner.)

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:01 pm

"Got thrown into a wall once an' it collapsed on me, didn't quite kill me however."

She as well was wondering about End, but not as much and he obviously was..her thoughts were more on how she could get though this alive and unmauled.

"Yeah, there's a bad feelin' in the air..think we might end up in trouble no matter where we go." Oh yes, she'll feel right at home on this world xx; "So try an' avoid blamin' me."

The echidna grinned and floated off the ground slightly, shaking her hands free and looking at Stephen as she tested her powers carefully.

"I can carry you or make you float along behind me. either way won' be compleate digified for you..but i think you can cope with it, hm?"

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:05 pm

Stephen was silent, evidently still thinking... about stuff, lots of stuff. He seemed oddly bitter about it. From what Becca could see, he was thinking about End, but not in the sense of a lost friend. He and Mr. Reshiki had never been friends, really...

"I'm sure we have plenty of people to blame for anything that may come. Particularly the mage named Astrynax. Try not to think too much about it."

He paused again, as what could be considered as a slight frown crossed his face. "I've... had to deal with less dignified positions before. Let's just get on with this, shall we?"

Stephen honestly hoped they could get this over with soon, as he was finding the act of reacquainting himself with one of his old 'friends' to be somewhat painful...

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:05 pm

'I'll avoid worryin' then' ^^ And with that, she held out a hand to Stephen. He gets a odd sensation of weightlessness with the feeling that something is pulling him upwards.

'Let's get goin' then!' She flew towards the energy source quickly, keeping lowish to the ground to avoid being seen, Stephen being pulled along behind her through the air.

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:06 pm

Stephen yelped slightly and swaddled the crystal tightly as he was pulled along.

There was a nice breeze in the air, and the weather was relatively nice... however, there's always a downside, and in this case, it was the fact that Stephen was rather loudly cursing just below her.

Other than that, the trip proved uneventful for the most part until Becca found herself drawing closer and closer to the source of power from before. But this source of power was not a person... no sir. This source of power turned out to be some sort of gunship, loaded over with cannons and other nasty-looking artillery. The Infinity logo was emblazoned on the side, and the ship seemed to take rather quick notice of the two.

"Lovely! We've flown right into an engagement." Stephen groused as the guns began to heat up...

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:06 pm

"I knew my luck wouldn't last that long!" x.x; The echidna quickly grabbed onto the back of his clothing to help direct him as she turned and flew to the left of the ship suddenly, circling around the ship.

"'Least we're not all that big a target?" A shield of energy flickered into life around them as they flew, she seemed to be considering the odds of them actually attacking the ship.

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:07 pm

The ship seemed to pause and turned towards them readily. The frontal nose of the ship began to hum... and it opened as well, revealing a rather large cannon with what appeared to be a shard of an elemental crystal directly within the core.

Stephen cursed further as they were directed around. "I'm sure it helps that we're still carrying one of these bloody crystals! They might be using it to keep a bead on us!"

The ship continued to hum, and the frontal nose was filling with light...
As far as attack opportunities went, Becca could try to observe the pattern of the weapons... or see if she could outmanuever the speed of the ship's turning. If she was really daring, she could try to directly attack the central cannon...!

But scant few moments remained, so she would have to decide quickly!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:07 pm

Considering how she simply wouldn't have the time to sit around and look for attack patterns, she was slower with Sephen in tow so trying to out-fly it was out of the question..she went for the only option left to her other then running away.

Letting go of Stephen's clothing to let him float beside her, she swung one hand out behind her slightly. energy swirling out of the air about her and gathering into a orb of darkness above her hand. Becca then quickly swung her hand around and threw it at the central cannon, hoping to hit it before it gets a chance to shoot anything at them!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:07 pm

"I do detest being useless..." Stephen mumbled as he floated alongside Becca.

Her direct attack on the cannon caused a rather noisy explosion as the cannon splintered into pieces that showered all over the two in a hail of debris, most likely causing a few nasty cuts and bruises!

The energy that had been contained at the center of the cannon was now haywire, and it swiftly arced towards them!

And so, Becca was zapped! It was painful, to say the least! She would have to move quickly or else the zapping would continue...

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:08 pm

"Quit whinin'.." Her energy shield held up long enough to ward off the larger chunks debris, but most of it had been channeled into her attack so it quickly weakened and failed.

"Methinks this would be a good time t'get out of here, don't you.. -"

She gave a cry of pain as the energy hit her, the zap making her loose contentration into the bargin. Naturally as her flying needed more then alittle focus to keep her in the air, she and Stephen started to fall. There might now be the added danger of them hitting the ground, but at the least they're moving quickly now!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:09 pm

Stephen cursed louder than before and went about focusing on the Crystal yet again! Within a moment, he managed to stop their descent with a bit of levitation. "Well... that... is better... than a plunge..." The web of electricity managed to shock the two of them a bit more during this time, but Stephen swiftly managed to train some of the energy from the levitation into a new shield, one that managed to hold the electricity at bay.

This was indeed better than plummeting, though! Given that if Becca had remained off flight for long, the two would have crashed into a seemingly endless ocean below.

Stephen strained tremendously with the Crystal as he glared at the ship. "We don't have all... day... regain your damned composure..."

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:09 pm

"S-sorry, it caught me off guard there.." Becca maanged to grab a hold of his arm with both of her hands and closed her eyes. The wieghtless feeling slowly came back as she brought her powers back under control, but doesn't let go of him as she doesn't seem to fully trust them.

"So what's the plan now? i wouldn't mind admittin' that i'd like to take that ship down..if there's a way t'do that without hurtin' anyone inside."

She gave the ship a bit of a glare as well, looking up at it.

"I could give absorbin' that energy a go.."

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:10 pm

The ship paused and stuttered in its flight, obviously due to the attack on the central cannon. In an almost water-like fashion, the cannon submerged into the front of the ship.

It was almost immediately replaced by a series of what appeared to be missile launchers. There were two on each side of the former cannon area. Each were small and appeared somewhat frail in contrast to the larger cannon that had been there just then. It would be a simple matter of attacking one, or two, at a time... however, during that time, the other two launchers would be able to fire upon her back! If she were to attack two of the launchers, she could see if Stephen would take care of the other two...

Stephen muttered. "Well, seems they won't even give us the time to think about it. Do you want to attempt this attack, or should we try to swing about the ship, see if we can possibly get inside?"

So many decisions to make, and so little time!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:10 pm

With no time to make any massively informed decisions, she goes for plan B, total madness! Flies right at the ship, and flings him at two of the launchers before charging through the air at the other pair, sword raised!

"We'll jus' have t' take 'em down at the same time!"

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:11 pm

Now, Stephen was typically a calm, polite individual. While he had been known to make cruel statements and insults in the past, he generally kept his tone and choice of words civil.

Not so here.

"SHIT!" The dragon shouted as he was heaved headlong at one of the launchers. His trajectory placed him directly into one of the launchers, and with a single slash of the sword, he was free, if a little worse for the wear.

He angrily turned his attention to the other launcher and similarly destroyed it. While Becca's ploy worked as far as taking care of the other two launchers, she could tell he clearly wasn't happy with her choice!

The other two launchers, meanwhile, opened fire on Becca! Two missiles careened through the air towards her! And while she managed to dodge one due to her movement... the other caught a part of her clothing and immediately jerked her in the opposite direction, attempting to take her down to the ground to make her explode, apparently!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:11 pm

The echidna let out a triamphant "Ha! ^^" as she saw him successfully destroy the launchers, no matter how mad he looks, which changed to a "Gyaah!" as the missile suddenly caught her clothing and dragged her away at high speed.

"I have.." She twisted as best she could and started hacking at her cloak. "..such terrible.." She finally managed to tear herself free, morning the loss of her cloak like an old freind. "..luck! ><;"

Rubbing her neck, having been dragged along by her cloak had made it rather sore, she quickly flew back towards the ship. With any luck, she can get there in time to break the launchers before they can fire again!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:12 pm

Her cloak (and missile) flew towards the ground and shortly thereafter exploded in a terrific fashion. Goodbye, cloak! We knew you well. Or at least Becca did.

The launchers had paused for the meantime, and were now preparing to fire once again.

Stephen had drawn his blade and was swiftly moving towards the launchers, as well...

When, suddenly, the ship took a nose dive upwards, diverting Becca from her current path and possibly causing her to crash into the belly of the ship, depending upon how fast she was going.

Stephen was currently cursing frantically and scrabbling to stay on both feet!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:13 pm

Alas poor cloaky, she knew it well!

She let out a gasp as the ship suddenly moved unexpectedly, managing to slow and turn herself about to land against it for a moment, hands and feet first!

"Th' heck are they up to?!"

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:14 pm

She had only a moment to pause before the ship... while mid-air, I might note... drove into the air a bit further, then flipped downwards and aimed right at her.

The moment was made even more ridiculous as Stephen was flipped off the damn ship and sent crashing into Becca. Pain ensued.

From what Becca could see before/during the pain, the two launchers still remained. If she could somehow get to them...!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:15 pm

She'd yell about how unfair it was to use the ship as a sort of baseball bat against them, but Stephen hitting her had knocked half the breath out of her and she was keeping the rest for keeping concious!

Gathering up her reserves, she quickly sent several orbs of energy at the two remaining launchers, then grabbed Step before he could fall.

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:16 pm

After what seemed a ridiculously long amount of time spent attempting and failing to destroy the second pair of launchers, success was finally had, as they both exploded spectacularly in a rain of metal and debris that rained down on Becca and Stephen, causing a few painful bumps.

Stephen, for the record, was cursing, growling, and screaming up a storm, but managed to calm himself shortly after Becca caught him and regarded her with a brief 'Thanks'.

The ship had lost some of its prime armaments thus far, and so it backed off once again. Now, a hatch opened up on the roof, and out of said roof flew what appeared to be a cattish type being of some sort. It was dressed in a slim, robe-like outfit and appeared to be carrying a ridiculously large, almost phallic-sized staff with a fine point at an end. It turned to the pair swiftly, a moon tattooed on her head sparkling briefly.

"Takes a lot to kill you two, doesn't it?" It was difficult to tell before, but the voice coming out of the being was a female one. A very low and hostile one.

"Another flunky of either Infinity or Astyanax, I take it." Stephen grumbled.

"You can refer to me as Shamash." The cat being announced simply, and so she began to approach the two with staff readied. She was approaching slowly, so Becca was given a window of choice...

(Yes, this is the same Shamash seen in The Seven Plagues. Also, re: plothole concerning Astyanax, and how it'll be fixed later. You know the drill.)

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:19 pm

She brushed the bits of metal and so forth off herself as best she could with a sword in her hand, keeping a firm grip on Stephen's clothes with her other hand.

Then gave the newcomer a hopeful smile as she slowly floated over.

"So, y' ever heard negociating? peace talks?" nn; "No?"

She started to float back a bit, pulling her sword back, ready for any sudden attacks!

And yes, it's possible that she's missed any opertunities to gain an advantage.. but the echidna is more of a defensive fighter.

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:20 pm

Shamash's eyes flickered and, in a series of movements that defied the speed of Becca's eyes, moved behind her, staff poking into her back.

"A common pitfall: assuming that the enemy will use conventional fighting tactics." She hissed as she poked the staff in deeper before almost effortlessly dashing backwards.

Her movements, from what Becca could see, were very precise, very streamlined, and very practiced. Had she encountered a ninja?!

She was still behind Becca, too, which wasn't good at all.

Stephen appeared to be thinking... he had a hand on a blade (the other on the crystal) and appeared to be ready to battle, though he wasn't in a good position to do such...

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:20 pm

"Sadly, I don' know many people who bother t' fight conventionally."

Great..another person much faster then her. But Becca grinned slightly, she hadn't been married to a ninja for over three years without picking up a few things. But that wouldn't give her much of an advantage.

And Stephen was a problem, keeping him as well as herself in the air was draining her energy .. she betted he wouldn't be able to fight so easily up here in the air. hmm~

Sure, dropping him was an option as he could levitate for a short while, but she didn't want to risk her chances of making him go splat, no matter how 'undead' he was. >>

Making her choice, she flickered and vanished as she teleported the both of them down onto a clear patch of ground below.

(Yes, her husband, Wedge, is a ninja. Shut up.)

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:21 pm

Stephen was taken by surprise. Yet again. He cursed somewhat loudly as Becca managed to pick out a very small island sticking out amidst the water like a sore thumb.

"Could warn me before you do such things..."

And, unsurprisingly, Shamash followed, appearing before the two of them within a few seconds.

She looked around the island briefly, which, as noted, was small and wouldn't provide much room for manuevering long distances. She then looked towards the two and began walking forward, staff readied. "Ah, trying to gain better grounding. Respectable choice. Not that it'll help either of you..."

Stephen looked on. "A good idea to bring us down here, but do you have any sort of an idea as to how to attack her? She seems a bit fast..."

Shamash's mouth cracked into a chill smile as she continued to approach them...

Becca could launch an attack and see what would happen... or ask Stephen to do such, but given her speed, it may not be a good idea. Or, she could wait and see what Shamash's attack will be. Or, she may do something else altogether! Oh, what to do!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:21 pm

"Sorry, but I needed to get you to someplace where you could fight more easily. I'll give ya warnings before I try sudden things that include you again. nn; "

She held her sword in her right hand now, the tip pointing downwards.. flicking the tip of her long tail as she watched the girl get closer once again.

"I could possibly match her speed, but only fer a short while. You got any plans fer yourself..?"

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:21 pm

Stephen grunted. "That would be nice, and would inspire me less to accidentally stab you. Now..."

Stephen, too, was watching her approach. The way he had been holding the crystal suggested that he planned to do something with it!

"I do have a plan. It'll require you holding her attention for a while. If I can manage to bring out some of the crystal's energy, and provided you don't get in the way of the attack and completely ruin it, I should be able to knock her off balance. Provided we can do this, we should be able to kill her."

Shamash continued to approach, eyes narrowing into slits. She began to speed up, and was soon charging right at them...

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:22 pm

"Such a negative way of speakin', heh.."

The plan seemed good enough for her, and so she started to run forwards, speeding up to nearly the same pace as the approaching woman.. her dreads and hair flowing out behind her.

'C'mon then!'

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:22 pm

Shamash smiled as Becca came forward and eagerly swung her staff towards the echidna, aiming for a frontal swing towards the forehead.

Stephen, meanwhile, seemed to be focusing on the crystal and (frustratedly) trying to get it to work...

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:22 pm

Becca-An didn't pause, but jumped up into the air to let the staff swing just under the tip of her tail. She swung her sword down now from over her head, blade first, then twisting it at the last moment to hit at the girl's head with the flat of the blade. this would slow it's movement slightly, but it'd still have a heavy impact if it hit!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:23 pm

Since the movement of the blade was slowed, Shamash had plenty of time to block it with her staff, and so she did. With a quick series of thrusting smashes against Becca's blade, she quickly forced the echidna out of the air and came to charge at her again, gathering a number of overly large shuriken in her hand and flinging them at Becca. A few of them seemed to be aimed towards Becca's head, a few towards her feet, and a few towards her arms/midsection. Now what?

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:23 pm

Pushed backwards and down to the ground again, there was little time for Becca to dodge the oversized throwing stars. So she didn't. The echidna jumped and landed on the first one flung at her foot and used it to push herself forwards and upwards again, landing and using the others as footholds as she moved. But ideas like this are never without mistakes, and those origionally aimed at her head slashed along her legs.
She aimed a wide slash at Shamash as soon as she was in range!

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:23 pm

Becca's attack landed... partially. At the last moment, Shamash thrusted herself back and away from Becca, going into a cartwheel motion before flipping upwards and landing back on her feet.

She glared at the slash that she had been dealt and turned to Becca, hissing slightly. "So you managed to get in a small hit. Not bad..."

She threw herself into a dramatic pose and thrusted her hands into a triangle shape, linking the sides with her fingers. "However... let us see how you deal... with this!"

The moon on Shamash's forehead glowed ever so brightly, and Becca would feel a momentary shock course through her body. Following this shock, her very shadow noticeably ripped itself away from Becca's stead and made a quick stride away from her, before turning back and readying a weapon similar in shape and size to the echidna's own. It was her shadow, after all...

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Unread postby Endesu » Sat Feb 10, 2007 11:24 pm

"What're you so mad about..? I got hit too. nn;" The echidna landed on the floor too, but not so comfortably due to the slashes on her legs reminding her that they're there by aching painfully.
She inwardly told herself off for letting herself get injured there, this would slow her down quite a bit.

Staring at the strange shadow copy, she wondered just what powers her opponant had if she could do things like this..

"Tryin' t' distract me with tricks now, while you recover? Too scared t'face me on your own?" ^^


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