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Re: Posties

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 4:21 am
by Uncle Pervy
=Sara,= Enlil says after a moment of silent though, =Would you try the spell that Hakaril showed you once more? I would like to view something=

In truth, the angel wanted to see how her aura reacted to the spell, especially the abnormalities in the young woman's astral signiture.

Re: Posties

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 10:03 am
by Squintz Altec
Bob took the swimsuit, and walked into the room. He emerged a moment later, wearing it.

He had taken off his jacket, but he had left his shirt on underneath it. It was dark blue, and didn't go well with the swimsuit too well. He was not scrawny, but he was a lot thinner than normal people should be. He wasn't muscular, he was a scientist, not a fighter. He just looked embarassed.

"This okay?" He couldn't even open his eyes.

Re: Posties

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 4:41 pm
by LadyDragonClawsEDW
Sara smiled warmly at Karis, a faint blush on her cheeks.

"Uh...kay I try again." she repeated the spell on herself, her appearance changing. As Enlil viewed her aura, she noticed the alien orange pieces on it waving about, extending lightly and soaking up the flow of mana generated by the polymorph spell. In addition, the tendrils seemed to grow slightly longer and sprout more little endings, like roots pushing through soil.

Reyla laughed, "Ya supposed to take off yer shirt sugah, afterall it clashes with those trunks..." Not too bad looking, but a little on the scrawny side... She mused.

Re: Posties

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 4:54 pm
by Uncle Pervy
"Hmmmm..." Enlil says, observing the phemonia." =Sara, has Hakaril mentioned the oddities in your astral signiture to you? I cannot imagine he would have overlooked it="

Re: Posties

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 4:56 pm
by Squintz Altec
"Is it okay if I leave it on? I mean, I don't like to take it off..." Bob trailed off. His face must have permanently absorbed the blush, at least by now.

Re: Posties

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 5:47 pm
by LadyDragonClawsEDW
=Hakaril tried to explain it to me....I think...I'm not sure...He rambles a lot and uses all sorts of big complicated words I don't know yet and I can never understand him.= Sara scratched the back of her head, looking embarrased =But um...yeah I kinda know that there's something weird about this aura thing of mine...=

"Hun..." Reyla shook her head and put a hand on Bob's shoulder, "Ya gonna enter the contest right? You'll have to take that shirt off of course or else people'll never vote for ya...ya don't got somethin' embarrasin' that yer hidin' do ya?"

Re: Posties

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 6:45 pm
by Uncle Pervy
"=Well,=" Enlil says, ="That spell that failed made the abnormal spots in your aura expand a little. And, they are responsible for the changes you are undergoing. However, I know not exactly what kinds of magic trigger it. So, I suggest that you not use magic on youself if it is not absolutely necessary."=

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 4/13/03 8:39:37 pm

Re: Posties

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 13, 2003 9:20 pm
by Squintz Altec
"What? I enter contest?" This was a shock to Bob. "When I say that?"

Re: Posties

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:38 am
by Nekogami
Nekoko led Midoku to a small semi-abandoned building with boarded up windows behind a bakery. The inside was cleaned up and fancied many different odds and ends from Nekoko's many endeavors across Nekonia, including pictures.

She hopped over to a trunk and started rummaging around. Tonbo settled down for a nap on top of some old curtains. "Make yourself at home, Midoku-san. I'll be right with you!"

She rummaged for nearly ten minutes before meowing excitedly. She stood up and held up what looked like a loincloth made of spotted fur. "This will do ya! It's from a play done in the castle long ago. It's clean so don't worry but everyone will go wild for this!" She tossed it to him. "Try it on!"


Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2003 12:09 pm
by FF Fanatic 80
Midoku simply stared at said loincloth a moment, holding it between his hands. goodness... it appears it would just barely cover my netherregions... he thought to himself, gulping loudly and turning to Nekoko.

"Um... actually, would it be possible for me to simply wear some shorts?


...or perhaps a full body swimsuit?


...actually could I just wear my robes?" Midoku babbled, his shyness in full force at the moment.

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80  Image at: 4/14/03 12:09:35 pm


Unread postPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2003 10:17 pm
by Nekogami
Nekoko scowled. "Certainly not! You want to win and bail out your friend, don't you?" She pushed Midoku over to a bathroom that had hardly anything but a hole in the ground an a metal tub. "Try it on and we'll see if it suits you."

Oh lord XD

Unread postPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 12:56 pm
by LadyDragonClawsEDW
Sara stared blankly at Enlil for a moment =You know you sound a lot like Hakaril when he's trying to explain something, the only thing I got out of that was "Don't use magic" which sounds like really good advice...." Probably a good thing too, as casting the polymorph spell on herself had made the blue spots grow slightly larger.

"Well why else wouldya be buyin' a bathin' suit sugah! All the bettah to show off that gorgeous body of yers..." she winked at Bob.

*Waiting for the Broom now*

Unread postPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 7:54 pm
by Uncle Pervy
"The process didn't seem to hurt you," Enlil adds. "You've done it twice just recently, and it did not seem to hurt you. I don't understand what is happening, but that seems to be a good enough reason not to fear it."

...and my huge posts strike again @_@;;;

Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 9:54 pm
by FF Fanatic 80
Midoku found himself standing alone in what barely passed for a bathroom, with nothing more than a small piece of fabric (in his eyes at least) to try on.

" goodness... I cannot believe I am doing this..." he thought verbally, as he removed his robes and folded them neatly in the nearest (close to) clean spot he could find. He then removed his hat, placing on top of the clothes.

"...with something so... small... I may as well prance about the city naked." he commented to himself, sweating a bit at the though of walking about in nothing but the tiny garment. As he looked about the room, he noticed something hanging on the wall nearby. It was a full length mirror, apparently very old from the numerous cracks and numerous splotches of dirt and grime. He turned toward it, coming face to face with his mirror image.

The mage did not look at his own appearance very often, for truth be told he was not very fond of it. His physique was lean, mostly lacking in muscle tone on his arms and legs, giving him an almost-effeminate looking body. Every inch of skin on his body was a dark shade of blue, slightly darker than that found on drow. Various parts of his body were covered in thick patches of blood-red hair, resemling fur in those places. Said places included the back of his hands, his feet, portions of his arms and legs, and a T shaped patched that went up the middle of his chest and across his pecks. The only other patch of hair was located, oddly enough, where his lower back met his backside. It formed a small round shape, almost appearing to hide a tail of somesort beneath it, though all one would find under it was more blue skin. Midoku brought his fingers along his face, pulling back his long hair with his fingers. Pulling it behind his shoulders revealed his oddly shaped, mildly pointed ears, with tufts of red hair along the outer edges. As he brought his hands back, he noted his fingernails, which were a deep amber color. They were short now, but when he had allowed them to grow longer, they almost resembled the claws of an animal, much sharper and stronger than a normal human's nails. He glanced at his face, noting his lack of facial hair at all, as well as his bright green eyes with deep teal pupils.

"...I am... such.. a... freak..." he stuttered out to himself, clenching his fists tightly around the small garment in his hand, tearing up a bit. His mind wandered to times past, the few memories he had before encountering Stephan so long ago. Many he wished he could forget.Midoku sniffled to himself, a few tears falling from his eyes as those painful memories came back to him. "The half demon/half drow" he had been 'marketed' as by one individual for several months, "The rare etherial creature" another had decided to try with him. He turned from his reflection, leaning back against the worn silver wallpiece.

"...T..this body has...b..brough me so m..much p..pain... and... I...I am e..exploiting it m..myself... like this..." he though, still tearing up as he rested against the mirror. Outside, for a brief moment, his ears picked up on an outsider to Nekonia speaking, cursing wildly in common at one of the local merchants, something about overcharging him for tuna. The cursing made him think of Stephan for a moment, the painful memories leaving his mind for now. He thought of their early days together, and of the one promise he had made the day they finally admitted their feelings for one another.

...I'll always be there to protect you Midoku, no matter what...

"...I suppose he...*sniff*...did not count on his getting inc..carcerated... hehe..." Midoku smiled to himself, sniffling out a few last tears, wiping them away with a free hand.

"...perhaps it is time I made the same promise to him..."

He turned back toward the mirror, looking himself over with a determined face.

"...Even if I... must resort to... 'this'... I will do whatever may be necessary to protect you as well... my love..."

He brought the 'clothing' down, carefully stepping into it and sliding it up until he was fairly certain it was on securely. He gave himself one more look over, still surprised at how little the garment was actually covering his body.

"...I only hope I am not driven out of the city..." he thought, gulping at his reflection before he turned and headed toward the door. With a deep breath, Midoku turned the knob, opening it and stepping out for the waiting Nekoko to see.

" um.... do I...look?" he asked the nekojin nervously.


Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:04 pm
by Nekogami
Nekeko gave Midoku a thoroughy thrice over. The nekonjin prided herself on being meticulous. Midoku's appearance in her trained eye changed drastically as she regarded him.

"It won't do....We need something harder. Something more commanding." Suddenly she perked up you. Her ears flattened menacingly and if her mouth wasn't covered in a cowl, he's she her lips curl into a wicked smile. Nekoko had a positively brilliant idea.

"I'll be right back Midoku." With that she zipped out of the hovel and disappeared from some time. After about an hour and a half she returned with a brown paper bag and shoved it at Midoku.

"Put THIS on. You're guaranteed 100% with this one. Heheheheh....."


Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:40 pm
by FF Fanatic 80
Midoku gulped nervously a moment, before giving Nekoko a slightly nervous "Ok." in response. He returned to restroom once more, opening the bag to see what she had picked out.

...*knows he'll regret this*

Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 10:49 pm
by FF Fanatic 80 say that Midoku was surprised would be an understatement. Total horror and disbelief would be a more appropriate one, as he let out a muffled "WAAAAAAH!" from the bathroom.

...SHE CANNOT BE SERIOUS!?! he thought, starting nervously at the clothing Nekoko had chosen. Unfortunately, she seemed the type who would insist that he at least try said clothing on, not taking no for an answer. After a few minutes, Midoku emerged once more, blushing heavily as he turned to Nekoko.

"W....w..what...a..about this..?" he asked.

Re: ...*knows he'll regret this*

Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2003 11:13 pm
by Squintz Altec
Bob blinked. Then he decided to blink again. Feeling the gravity of the situation was not thoroughly conveyed, he ventured a third blink.

"...I not enter. I no have good body." He grunted, his signature "uga" that got him his name from Dia.

Should I color this? :D

Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 1:27 am
by Nekogami
Nekoko's eyes lit up and she couldn't help but to laugh and do a twirl.



Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 1:41 am
by FF Fanatic 80
Midoku just stood there a moment, the image he had seen in the mirror earlier still replaying endlessly in his mind He couldn't bring himself to do or say anything, the shock still setting in.

And Nekoko's declaration of "SUGOI" only served to make the situation worse, Midoku's cheeks and parts of his chest and arms blushing a dark purple.


Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 12:01 pm
by Nekogami
Nekoko shook her head vehemently. "CHIGAUUU! You're attitude is all wrong! You have be confident. You have to say to the judges, "I'm totemo SEKUSHII and you know it!" She went over to him and started to try and whip him into shape. "Back straight, head up, big smile, look confident!"


Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 12:02 pm
by LadyDragonClawsEDW
Reyla looked crestfallen, giving Bob a once over Well 'e is kinda scrawny but he has such sexy wings...rar...
"Oh...Ah see...'ey sugah ya don't need ta be 'shamed of yer body, Ah'm bein' honest when Ah say Ah like what Ah see...'course you probably think Ah'm a bit biased..."

"Karis!" Sara gave him a small shove, "You pick out =bathingsuit= If I in contest, so are you!"

Edited by: [url=>LadyDragonClawsEDW</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/18/03 12:03:32 pm


Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 18, 2003 12:19 pm
by Squintz Altec
Bob twitched his wings. "Fine. I do it then. I better get money..." he added, realizing that his funds were soon reaching empty, and that he would need more.

*Posts, yay*

Unread postPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 10:39 am
by FF Fanatic 80
Midoku, for reasons he wasn't completely sure to himself, did exactly as the nekojin asked. He bent and stretched and posed, some of the positions reminding him of things he'd normally only consider doing privately... with a certain someone that is.

" mu..much longer must w..we do this...Miss...?" Midoku asked, realizing that during all this time, he had yet to ask the nekojin her own name.

Re: *Posts, yay*

Unread postPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 1:01 pm
by Archmage144
Karis held up a silvery pair of swimming trunks with greenish stripes that ran down each leg that he had found earlier on a rack. "I've got mine picked out already," he noted with a grin, and stepped into the nearest available changing booth. After a few minutes, the mediator emerged wearing far less clothing--no more tunic, pants, or jacket, only the bathing suit he had pulled off the shelf.

He spread his arms, palms up, shrugging as he posed the obvious question to his audience:

"Well, how do I look?"

Re: *Posts, yay*

Unread postPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 3:19 pm
by Nekogami
Nekoko checked him over and did meowed, clasping her hands together. "Yatta! I think you've got it! Tonbo, Kite nasai!" The griffy lifted his head and walked on over to Nekoko. "Hop on, Midoku-san. We've got a competition to win!" She mounted Tonbo and held her hand out to Midoku.

Re: *Posts, yay*

Unread postPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2003 3:49 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Enlil watched the two and smiled. Sara was a strong woman, she knew. Whatever might happen to her, Enlil had faith that Sara could endure.

The Angel waited for the contest to begin. As she did, she looked around, and saw another familiar Face, from a brief encounter some time ago. Smiling still, the rather briefly clad Angel walks toward Bob, and asks "=Are you going to be entering the contest, as well?="

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 4/19/03 3:51:39 pm

Re: *Posts, yay*

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2003 7:01 pm
by FF Fanatic 80
Midoku took her hand, quickly hopping onto the Chocobo behind her. He made sure to get a good grasp around Nekoko's waist... then realized something.

"...wait... I am to ride about in THIS?" he asked in shock.

Broomin' it up!

Unread postPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 12:51 am
by LadyDragonClawsEDW
Reyla was a good saleswoman, she had pretty much gotten not only a sale out of that boney looking dragonhalf, but that weird blue cow spotted girl, that kid...and well the angel was Varnus's work. At the urging of Reyla and Varnus they hurried along to the contest, which was about to begin in mere minutes.

"Get backstage and wait your turn...." a rather disenchanted sounding nekojin muttered, ushering everyone backstage.

Midoku got many stares as he rode down the street with Nekoko on her griffy, for all sorts of reasons, most of which Midoku could easily guess. The backstage nekojin quickly shooed Midoku to the back, leaving Nekoko to possibly watch the contest if she so wished to.

Quite a crowd had gathered for the event full of both nejokin and gaijin alike. A panel of judges sat off to the side, comprised of three nekojin, a lizardman, and two humans. One of the nekojin stood and addressed the crowd, "Welcome to the Kitiwai festival annual swimsuit contest, gaijin division!" A bit of laughter from the nekojin in the crowd followed. "Now sit back, relax, and BRING ON THE SKIN! Take it away Ayisha!"

A calcio nekojin wearing a bikini smiled and shouted out to the crowd, "He's sweet, he's sexy, and he has a big gun just for "negotiating", presenting KARISUMA HERU!"

And struttin' his stuff...

Unread postPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 7:26 pm
by Archmage144
Karis, eager to show off, and more importantly, have a good time, stridently walked out onto the stage, turning to face the audience, waving to onlookers, and whirling around on a heel before bowing respectfully. With a confident grin and an almost flirtatious wink, the mediator waved yet again before casually taking his place on the stage, arms crossed. The boy exuded not arrogance, but a friendly sort of self-assurance that was remarkably comforting, and despite not being the most built fellow, Karis was a decidedly handsome young man.

Still grinning, he gazed out into the audience, hoping he could win their favor.

Re: And struttin' his stuff...

Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 12:17 am
by LadyDragonClawsEDW
The announcer beamed "OW OW OW! Look at that hot stuff! Now who wouldn't want to mediate with THAT body! Work it babe! Niiiiiiiiice niiiiiiiiiiice!" The crowd responded nicely to Karis with much clapping and whistling from both females...and males....alike.

"Next up...well...ask her if she fell from heaven, and she'll tell you YES! The pacifist angel of...." Ayisha paused, frowning at the information card on Enlil, ".....EARTH!" She continued, "A voice beyond comparison and the body to match...ENLIL PURVIS!"

Inverse would seriously try to buy those cards. o_o

Unread postPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2003 3:15 am
by Uncle Pervy
Enlil emerges from backstage, with a demeanor entirely different than that of her predecessor. She walked with a solemn sort of calmness, greeting the crowd with a warm smile. Her wings are loosely folded, open enough to show their plumage. There is none of the flirting or playfulness that Karis; it does not occur to her to even try it, let alone apppeal to her.

As she reaches the end of the Platform, Enlil stops. She gazes over the crowd, then draws her hands to her heart. Folding them, she takes a single deep breath, and takes Estyn's advice to heart.

Show them the inner you...

And she begins to sing, speaking in the language that Bob and Sara had spoke most of their lives.

="I've been wa~tching you awhile..
Since you wa~lked into my life.
Monday mo~rning, when first.. I heard you speak to me

I was too shy... to let you know
Much too scared... to let my feelings show
But you shielded me
And that... was the beginning"=

Her voice carrys calmly over the crowd, conveying a slight melancholy. As she sings, a slight breeze begins to blow, tossing her ponytail about a little. The shadows seem to draw away from the angel, as though she were raiding light.

Enlil's own shadow moves away from her, breaking from her as though it possessed a will of its own. It flows across the stage, and projects itself across the curtain. Other shadows gather near Enlil's silhuoette, coming from nearby people and objects. They merge, and change, forming into another angel, this one with long hair, a masculine build, and what appears to be the outline of a cuirass on his chest.

Enlil's shadow and the other angel's just watch each other from the distance. Then, Enlil's shadow walks away, her head hanging low and

="Now at last... we can talk
In ano~ther wa~y
And though I try...
I love you... Is just so ha~rd to say
If I on~ly could be strong
And say... the words... I feel"=

The male angel's shadow vanishes. It appears before Enlil's, and they seem to watch each other, as though expecting one another to act.

="My bleeding heart... begins to race
When I turn to see your face
I remem~ber that sweet dream
Which you told to me.
I wa~nted just to be with you
So we could ma~ke the dream come true
And you smiled at me... and that... was the begin~ning"=

The male angel's shadow vanishes again, as Enlil's shadow begins to walk onwards, alone again. He appears behind her, and Enlil's shadow turns in response. From the way her shadows starts, it seems surprised. Then she moves toward the other angel.

="Now at last... we can talk
In ano~ther wa~y
And though I try...
I love you... Is just so ha~rd to say
If I on~ly could be strong
And say... the words... I feel"=

The Shadows come together, merging as they embrace warmly. It is a solemn moment, they simply seem to enjoy each other's presence.

="Tell me what you're thin~king of
Tell me if you love me no~t
I have so mu~ch I long to a~sk you
But now the chance has go~ne
When your picture fades each da~y
In my heart the memory sta~ys
Though we rant, you're always smil~ing
And I will hold it lo~ng"=

The two part, holding each other's hands. Gazing longingly in each other's eyes, they seem to share a quiet moment. Then, the male angel's shadow fades away. Enlil's shadow sighs, and looks downward forlornly. Then, as the final notes of the song echo, she resumes walking onward; alone once more. Then, she too fades away...

(OOC: Shadow Song, backed by Aura Image The Song is Kokoru, from Xenosaga.
Get it, for it is suggested listening as the singer sounds much like how I imagine Enlil sounds.)

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 4/24/03 3:55:05 am

Filler, OMG?

Unread postPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:44 am
by FF Fanatic 80
Midoku found himself sniffling ever so slightly offstage, moved by the angel's performance onstage.

...the way she sang that song... have you known such hearache Enlil...? he thought.

Glancing around while drying his eyes a moment, he realized that it would shortly be his turn to head onstage. Midoku shuddered a bit, wishing someone was backstage with him to ease his fears. Unfortunately, the female contestants were on the opposite of the stage, so Miss Sara was out. Nekoko, the nekojin who had been kind enough to assist him thus far, had not been allowed backstage. Sara's two friends, Bob and Karis, were not really familiar enough for Midoku to feel comfortable speaking with them.

...I.... I hope... I can do this... Midoku thought, shuddering a little more in fear of the stage.

Re: Filler, OMG?

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 11:36 am
by Nekogami
"GANBATTE KUDASAI, MIDOOOOKUUU SAAAAAAAAN!" Nekoko yelled from the crowd. This incited other to cheer encouragement too. Tonbo even seemed to smile.

Re: Filler, OMG?

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 6:07 pm
by pd Rydia
Kawa paced a figure eight around Sara's feet, mewing nervously. 'Pleeease...!' he begged, shooting an image to her of him riding on her shoulders. He was uncomfortable around so many strangers, and was afraid someone might step on him by mistake.


Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 7:47 pm
by LadyDragonClawsEDW
The crowd just stared in stunned silence, although they didn't understand a word Enlil said, something about the song had struck them deep within their souls. After about a minute, people slowly began to clap and cheer, the judges standing from their seats in the process.

"W....well..." Ayisha, rubbed her eyes, "That...that was truely very inspiring...t...thank you Enlil I need to take a break...for just...a minute...." She stepped down from the announcers spot and shuffled backstage, very faintly people could hear the nekojin bawling.

Sara was similarily struck, scooping up Kawa and sighing quietly. =I miss Earth so much...=

"O...okay!" the nekojin climbed back up into her spot, "...moving we have a mysterious blue mage from...Doma it seems! Presenting MIDOKU TORNIAS!"


Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 7:52 pm
by FF Fanatic 80
Midoku heard the mispronunciation of his name... which under normal circumstances would vex him greatly. Part of him wanted to march out on that stage, and tell the judge his proper name.

....sadly his all consuming fear of public viewing kept him rooted in place.

O_@;; "...a.....a....." Midoku babbled, looking absolutely petrified.


Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 7:59 pm
by pd Rydia
"Myu!" Kawa chirped, stretching up on his hind legs to bump and nuzzle Sara's chin. Picking up on her emotions, a rickety little purr began to well up from inside him, intended to comfort Sara.

'Happy! Friend.' he telepathed her.

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 5/25/03 4:55:55 pm

Re: OHNO JES!? >:D

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2003 8:08 pm
by Uncle Pervy
Enlil heart swells with joy as she hears the applause. It feels so good toknow that her music can bring them happiness, that others can appreciate the purpose she was made for.

Smiling, she returns backstage, and sees Mid quite nervous. Her smile falls a bit at his obvious distress. Quietly, the walks over toward the blue-skinned man, and places a hand of his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Mid," she says, "They just want to see you. If it helps, I'll come with out and walk with you, alright?"

Midoku is very handsome.

Unread postPosted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 9:40 am
by Nekogami
"MIDOKU WA TOOOOOTEEEEMOOOOO HAAAANSAMUUUUU DEEEEEESUUUUUUUUUUUU!!" Nekoko screamed postively a the top of her lungs. A few nearby nekojin shied away for fear of going deaf.