The Mercenary RP.

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Dark Xia

Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Sun Mar 14, 2004 5:18 pm

"Mhh.. deterring eh? Meh, I guess no real fun for me this time." Saen sighed disappointedly and spoke quietly to herself "Mhh.. let's see.. what do we have here..." Her face seemed to brighten a bit. "Ooooh, a priest? That mean you're a virgin? well if you ever want to get made into a man, just ask, I'm sure I could help ya. I don't bite." She said with a wink.

... I whip, claw, crush, hang you from ropes, bind all your limbs, and bite. Wait... well ya... I gues I do bite after all, oh well, he'll be the firs to find out, unless I decide to go after that poor(meaning both moneywise and luck wise) guy. Of course I would have some fun with either o them, or both of them, but the other part's a whole different story... that comes right after the nice one, or actually I think I would prefer to combine em... mhh.. meh, whatever.

"Oh, I'm Saen by the way. Welcome, both of you." She gave him a polite bow, her tongue instantly changing from seductive and playful to proper and polite, something that might come out of a chast lady maybe even. Her white wings flapped a little as she lowered herself forward.

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 3/14/04 5:21 pm

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun Mar 14, 2004 6:53 pm

Valia had been silent as she was introduced, merely inclining her head in acknowledgment. Now that a conversation seemed to have started, though, she felt able to speak.

'Greetings, I look forward to working with you all.'


Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:50 am

Ree's attention was mainly on his employer still, as he felt compelled to remain in the roll of chief strategist. "I think Saen, myself, and Carlton would do best in the front, if Ratch, Larak, and the lady have no objections to keeping watch on the back?"

Less chance of attack in the front. I'll probably be safer there. Besides, Ratch should be able to spot anything coming, and Larak's good for several hits. Let's just hope these healers are all they're cracked up to be.

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Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Mar 15, 2004 4:30 pm

"That'd be fine, chief." said Ratch, stepping up behind Ree. He turned to the newcomers. He performed a slight, distinctly arrogant bow, moreso to Valia than Carlton. "Hello there! I am Ratch Farrel, expert marksman. I'll be you're ranged support for the trip to Doma City."

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Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:24 pm

Pedro liked the sound of Ree's plan. The caravan set out a short while later, the merchant describing the exact route to Ree, who's position as leader seemed cemented now. After reconsideration they'd be heading South to Chaucer and staying there a day. Upon inspection of the map Ree noticed what caused the change of route; the hellmouth. Formed years ago by some arch demon or another (they seemed to be a common sight in Doma) it was inactive right now. Still, the inustani weren't as used to the supernatural, and Ree guessed that's why Pedro was steering clear of it. After their initial stop they'd continue with the original plan, heading West to Nivea, then on into Doma City after a few days.

The journey South was, thankfully, free of bandit attacks. In fact, it was almost completely uneventful, except for the party of inujin and nekojin that passed them. They were heading North, with a scruffy looking nekojin man in a kimono arguing fiercely with a small inujin lady who was dressed much like a thieving gypsy. The group figured that they were adventurers or mercenaries, and they didn't stop to check.

Days later, the caravan rumbled into the town of Chaucer, it's guards having finished off their mid-day meal a few hours ago. It was a bustling town, merchants coming and going North to Riva, West to Doma, and East to Kohlingen. The sun told all that it was mid afternoon, and the streets were still bustling.

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Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:15 pm

Larak looked about with some interest. It wouldn't be long before the group split up until the next leg of their journey. Then he could go wandering the city. See the sights, maybe restock his supply of explosives.

In the meantime, he kept an eye out for any points of interest to investigate later.


Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:24 pm

Ree took one look around the place, and instantly realized two things.

One: This place was crawling with people who would just love the chance to blow some cash on a little gambling. Provided, of course, that the idea was presented to them properly.

Two: He would need a fair amount of money to cover any losses he might take before he was able to che- that is, turn a profit from his gambling endeavors. Unfortunately, he had lost a fair portion of what would have been a decent stake due to bad luck already. Therefore, he'd have to resort to more... unorthadox methods to make it up. This was the perfect place, too.

He was about to head off, when another thought caught up to him. With a sigh, he remembered his 'job'. The drow sought out Pedro, and asked him pleasently, "Do you want some of us to stay with the caravan while you're in town? If not, I believe we'll take a look around town while you conduct your buisness."

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Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:40 pm

"I'll be staying with my wares for now," he began, "although when the night you'll need to appoint a watch. My uncle has told me of this town; many passing merchants draw thieves like bees to honey."

While Pedro and Ree talked, Larak noted a general store a bit down the road to his left. There was a number of other shops as well, with wares encompassing most mundane goods. This being Doma, however, he wouldn't be surprised if a little hunting turned up a shop that dealt in more exotic goods.

Dark Xia

Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Mar 18, 2004 5:56 pm

Mhhh... finally, a place to blow some of my cash... I swear though ,if a SINGLE PICKPOCKET tries to get his hands on me...

And thus a more colorful picture than what happened to the drow she interrogated before, flew through her mind. Not a picture went by without a sigh of happiness and longing. However she needed to get down to business and not dream the day away.

"Mhh... hey Larak? Care to come with me shopping? I promise not to go anywhere too disturbing, or take too long... besides, I doubt there's a place that's THAT disturbing around here..." She glanced up at the sky again briefly, and a longing to fly came to her. It was quickly shoved away into some dark corner of her mind. "So what da ya say? We can look out for each other, I mean two sets of eyes are better than one when watching out for pick pockets."

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Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:24 pm

"Aye, makes sense, lass," Larak said amicably. Not that he was too worried about pickpockets. Anybody mad enough to attempt to steal a dwarf's money deserved the painful fate which awaited him.

Still, it would be less obvious that a far worse fate would befall anyone who went after Saen's money. Having someone who presented a more obvious threat along might prevent considerable unpleasantness.

Dark Xia

Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:08 pm

"Aww, you're sweet..." Saen Gives the dwarf another brief hug, the side of her head rubbing against the side of his neck. "Shall we? Anything else we should know before we leave?"

If there's nothing more and they depart, Saen stiscks fairly close to Larak in a rather happy-go-lucky mood, skipping now and then. Her wings flutter too as they look through the shops.

She will also be looking for stores that sell fashionable leather armor that could possibly provide some protection too, preferrably black in colour. She also keeps an eye out for any portable instruments of pain, well, made SPECIFICALLY for pain, aka torutre devices, such as certain needles, and shakels with small sharp pins on the inside (doesn't know if they exist, but she's dreamt of em.. don't ask).

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: The Mercenary RP.

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:00 pm

Valia had herself very little she wanted to do while in town, as she'd rather save what money she had than impulse-buy some trinket. She did decide that she'd like to go for a walk, however.

'When shall we meet to organise the watch?' She asked before leaving.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Fri Mar 19, 2004 7:26 pm

Ratch merely waited quietly for the rest of their group to finish discussing things, and disband till the evening. He had no intention of leaving at the moment, as he needed to discuss some things with the merchant...

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Mar 19, 2004 8:02 pm

As Larak and Saen wondered for a bit they soon came across one of the shops the taller of the duo was looking for; a tanner, and one who advertised the crafting of various sorts of leather armor. Sadly, though, the other sort of shop she was looking for hadn't presented itself yet. She doubted she'd find anything that "exotic" outside of Doma City, although it was possible that she was wrong.

Larak, who was more along for the walk than anything else, noticed something else; he and Saen were drawing the odd glance here and there. While a dwarf was not an uncommon sight in Doma, one who was accompanied by a strange, winged creature was a first in this town.


Re: Confused

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Mar 22, 2004 5:24 pm

"About half an hour before dusk would be a good time to be back, I think." Ree said with decision. Of course, he'd have to remember that now. As his small group began to break up, Ree weighed his options. He would like to frisk a few people with his bones (the ones that would favor him this time) but again, he needed a stake. There were two places he was likely to get a good one from. 1) Hanging around the caravan he was travelling with, or 2) Hanging around the local market. He didn't really like either idea.

After giving it a moment of thought, he finally decided he favored option 3: Hanging around the caravan he was travelling with, and watching for others of his own craft. Once a thief has nailed a mark, he himself becomes a target. Admittedly, it would be more difficult to take from one of his own kind, but it would be decidedly easier to avoid the heat from being caught. All he had to do was claim to be a dutiful guard doing his job. If it worked, he was that much richer, if it didn't his reputation would go up. A win-win situation.

With this plan of action in mind, Ree stuck with the caravan, watching the crowd casually, looking for any of the telltale signs that would mark another of his own profession.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Mar 24, 2004 3:01 am

For a time after Saen had..."Introduced" herself, Carlton had stood with a strange look on his face. Now, snapping out of it, he decided the best thing he could do for himself was take a short walk until it was time to meet up again.

There's something just...Ugh, WRONG about a woman offering herself like that. I'll have to avoid her, if possible.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Mar 24, 2004 2:20 pm

It didn't take more than a few minutes for Boreas to spot a mark. A short and lanky woman, who seemed to be going about her daily business to the casual observer, was doing a good job of casing a jovial, plump couple who were heading toward the center of town. He couldn't spy any sort weapon on her, not even a small blade for slicing purse strings. While he first assumed that she was either inexperienced or very good, it may also be that she'd simply concealed a blade very well. Either way, the couple she was tailing rounded a corner, meaning that Ree would need to move quickly if he wanted to capitalize on this particular opportunity.


Carlton, making a point of not walking in the same direction as Larak and Saen, headed off into town down another street. As he walked along he observed a single failed attempt at pickpocketing a wealthy looking merchant, who promptly had his bodyguard chase down and pummel the would-be thief into the cobblestone before a pair of guards showed up to arrest the thief and having words with the merchant and his hired help about "excessive force."

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Re: Confused

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:56 pm

Seeing that everyone was going about their business, Ratch turned to the merchant.

"Well then..." he began, speaking in Inustani. "...I'm looking for an item. Now, it isn't one that you'd likely stock on a regular basis, but I was hoping you could t least direct me to where I could find one."

"The item I'm looking for..." the gunman continued. " a box, enchanted so that it can 'remember' a song it hears, and play it back later. Naturally, it isn't something that most shops carry. Do you know where I could find one of these?"

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:24 pm

Somehow, Larak wasn't terribly surprised that Saen was the center of attention even without saying anything. It was probably, he decided upon reflection, the wings. They seemed an almost immaterial reason to watch Saen when compared to the possibility that she might be plotting something nasty. Then again, these people had no experience with her somewhat... unusual personality.

Shrugging off the gazes, Larak absently turned his attention to keeping an eye out for any store which might sell explosives or the components to make them.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:40 pm

Pedro was surprised, and he showed it. It was uncommon to encounter a human who spoke his language, and almost unheard of when the human was from Valth. He didn't reply immediately, instead trying to remember if he'd heard of the strange magical item before.

"Only once have I heard of such a thing. When in Doma City some months ago I saw a Baronian merchant what you just described on market day. While it was a time ago, a few may have found their ways into the numerous curio shops in the city."


Larak remembered the general store he'd passed a short while back, remembering another similar store that'd sold explosives. While that'd been in a mining town it couldn't hurt to take a look.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Confused

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:31 pm

Having her answer, Valia set out on her walk. The half elf had no particular route in mind, and just ambled up and down the streets, keeping alert for pickpockets.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:58 pm

As Valia wandered about the town she was witness the aftermath of the crime Carlton had observed. A man, beaten black and blue, was being carted away by two guards and a successful looking merchant and his hired goon were left behind, the former holding a scrap of paper and staring at it with a mixture of disbelief and anger.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Mar 25, 2004 4:45 pm

Carlton simply watched the merchant for a minute. Although he felt it a bit wrong to use such force against a pickpocket, he decided not to say anything- He didn't want to get beaten down, himself.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Mar 25, 2004 6:43 pm

As Carlton watched the seething man he felt a light tug at his belt. Spinning around he saw a child, no older than 10 years old, making a beeline for the nearest alley. Any doubt in his mind as to what had just happened was washed away when he noted that his money pouch was missing.


Valia, not that far away from her fellow mercenary, got a much better view of what had happened, noticing the child a split second before he snatched Carlton's money and legged it, causing the man to spin around.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Confused

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:02 pm

And so Valia broke into a run to chase the little pickpocket. Carlton seemed like he might be a nice enough person to make helping him worth it, and besides, helping one of the team was helping all of the team, and therefore onesself also.


Sorry for the long delay... see OOC board for reasons

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Mar 28, 2004 1:32 am

Ree kept pace with his prospective mark, doing his best to blend with the crowd- something he was exceedingly good at. He estimated about twenty feet was enough room to pull of his decided plan. Absently, he wondered just how good this woman was. She seemed fairly self confident at the moment...

Naturally, the unfolding drama with the younger pickpocket back at the camp went completely unnoticed by the drow.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Mar 29, 2004 8:49 pm

"Mind takin' a look in yonder store, lass?" Larak asked, indicating the general store they'd passed. "I'm thinkin' to replenish my stores o' dynamite." There was a certain look of satisfaction upon his face at the manner in which his stores had been used up.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Mar 30, 2004 2:55 pm

Valia rushed into the alley just in time to see the young rogue round the corner. The kid was fast, that much was for sure. Carlton, who had just stood there, shocked, would need to move quickly if he was to join the chase.


Ree tailed the lady, watching her for a few minutes before she made her move. The couple had made a stop to window shop in front of a market stall selling various shiny trinkets, baubles and jewelry. With practiced ease she glided past the man and, in her wake left an empty space where his coin purse had been. Of course she was now a loaded mark for the him.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Confused

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Apr 09, 2004 10:29 am

Well, of course Valia was going to keep chasing the little bastard, that much was for sure. Noone else, including Carlton, appeared like they intended to, so it seemed like it was up to her to stand up for her associate.

Edited by: Blaze Yamato Spirit at: 4/9/04 10:30 am


Re: Confused

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Apr 09, 2004 8:45 pm

Ree frowned. She was good. Such a person would be just has hard to steal from as it would be to hang onto one's own purse if she were around. After several moments of consideration, he sighed and decided on the easiest route. Well, that would have been doing nothing. As it was, he decided to just follow her for a little while longer. It would be better to make an attempt in a more crowded area, and this was not it. He kept tailing her for a while longer.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Apr 18, 2004 3:59 pm

Carlton stood, indeed shocked. Then, he broke out of his stupor, and gave chase, intending on catching the child and getting his money back...

...Although part of him did want to allow the kid to keep a bit of it.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Apr 18, 2004 4:34 pm

Valia and Carlton didn't have to go far. They'd both set off fast and ran far faster than the little thief had expected them to. The kid cast a panicked glance over his shoulder as he rounded another corner, disappearing from the sight of his pursuers. Who, a split second later, heard a mighty crash. Rounding the corner they found the child buried under a pile of small wooden boxes, which had been stacked next to a door in the alley he'd turned into. He appeared to be stunned, but not seriously injured.

Just then a red haired, freckled woman emerged from the door they stood near to, obviously having heard the child plowing into the crates. And, judging from the expression she wore on her face when she saw what'd happened, the two healers figured that the crates belonged to her.

"What the hell is going on here?!" she demanded, immediately turning her attention to Carlton, who instantly felt the full weight of a piercing glare.


Ree didn't have to tail her far. The lady thief, oblivious to the fact that someone had observed her crime, casually made her way down a few streets, turned a few corners and eventually ended up ducking down a side alley, out of Ree's sight.


Re: Confused

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Apr 19, 2004 10:26 am

With the casual stride of someone just meandering down the street, Ree walked on past the side alley, throwing a glance down it as he passed, more out of curiosity and respect for a fellow tradesman than from any continuing desire to rob the woman. It would most likely be too much trouble to be worth it.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Apr 19, 2004 11:40 pm

Carlton's look turned from anger to surprise- He wasn't used to being looked at like that at all. And he didn't like it.

"Well, er, uh, madam, the child there, uh, took my...Coin pouch and...Er...We were...Erm, running to catch him, you see, when it appears he, uh, ran into those boxes there.."

By now, he had already begun to scramble to clean the boxes up, and make absolutly sure the child wasn't hurt in any way while making sure his coin pouch was still there.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Apr 20, 2004 9:13 am

Ree watched as the lady rounded the corner of the alley, popping out of sight. Before he could decide if he'd enter the alley or not he heard voices coming from just around the same corner. One of which sounded a little bit familiar to him.


As he moved the crates aside Carlton noted the child had taken a fair knock to the head from one of the crates. A lump was forming, along with the accompanying bruise. Fortunately he'd caught the flat side of the crate, and it'd been too small to cause any severe damage. As for his coin purse, it still clutched in the child's hand, although the grip on it was now loose.

Valia, who'd remained standing, noted the angry woman's gaze had snapped off of Carlton and onto the child as the priest had explained what had occurred. And boy, did she look pissed. However, her anger quickly faded from her expression as she went about picking the crates, muttering a curse as she did. She looked well suited to the task, too. She was certainly a league ahead of most Doman women in terms of strength, a pair of toned arms easily moving both the small and the large crates. Then came a softly spoken and feminine voice from behind the Valia.

"What's goin' on here, then?"


Re: Confused

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Apr 20, 2004 12:25 pm

Hm... it seems that things are getting more and more interesting...

Ree had little doubt that part of his group of temporary allies had run into the pickpocket he had been trailing. He certainly heard the aggrivated voice of some lady he knew... for even he did not easily forget the face and voice of an attractive lady (even if it was such a dangerous seeming lady as Saen.) He turned down the alley and picked up his pace, seeing some potential ammusement in the future, if nothing else.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Apr 20, 2004 3:25 pm

Glancing at the woman who was now helping him move the boxes, Carlton redoubled his efforts- A woman like that could likely snap him in half, if she wanted. And he wasn't about to find out. Once he was done, though, he intended to simply take his money back from the childs hands, and he toyed with the idea of healing the child a bit- As an aspiring priest, was it not his obligation? On the other hand, the child should likely be left with a reminder of how Ishtar punished thieves.

Deciding against it for now, he continued putting the boxes back up.

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Re: Confused

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Apr 20, 2004 3:57 pm

The ginger haired lady looked up at the newcomer and shrugged before grabbing another crate.

"Little pickpocket got chased into into my crates." she explained, and the new arrival nodded and chuckled to herself. Anyone who looked would note she was short in stature and slight in frame, with tidy light blond hair and slightly pointed ears which suggested that some elven blood ran through her veins.

Once the crates were stacked again the owner of the building nodded at Carlton, that being the only thanks he'd get for his help. However, he had retrieved his money, meaning he could once again sleep in a warm bed tonight.


Boreas, poking his head around the corner, watched this scene without being noticed just yet. The fact that there'd been a load of crates in this back alley was rather odd, considering that he'd wandered into the residential part of town. Perhaps the owner of the house was a practitioner of an art such as alchemy, or an artist?


Re: Confused

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Apr 20, 2004 7:17 pm

No point stealing in front of "allies"...

Abandoning the thought of theiving from thieves, Ree turned his attention to those crates. They looked potentially interesting. He decided it might be worth his while to lounge around and investigate them some, just for the fun of it. At the least, he could kill time until he had to be back at the caravan. He leaned back and leaned against the corner, waiting for the alley to empty out.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Confused

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Apr 21, 2004 6:35 am

Valia had remained silent throughout the exchange, letting the priest do the talking, since he had been able to cope with the conversation perfectly well on his own. After, she turned to the half-elf to ask a question.

'Are you to do with the local law enforcement, then?'


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