The Next Crisis

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Jan 19, 2004 10:40 am

"Well, I don't much care," Xiao Long said as she strung her bow, took aim at a tree branch, and fired. The arrow missed by a millimeter, and she cursed under her breath.

Edited by: [url=>darkknight61189</A] at: 2/28/04 5:01 pm


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:29 pm

"I'm too old to sit up all hours of the night," hollered the lazy mage from inside the tent.

"I thought you said you weren't old," replied Lisha.

A moment of silence passed.

"I'm not old!" came a shout from the tent. "Just too old to sit up all night."

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 1/19/04 6:21 pm

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:32 pm

"I'll take the first one. You," he said turning towards Seryntas, "get to argue with her about who I'm waking up. Since she asked for it Lisha gets the last watch."

- Blackwind.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Jan 19, 2004 4:39 pm

"What about the old man? Who says he doesn't have to sit a watch?"

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Jan 19, 2004 5:05 pm

Xiao Long strung another arrow to her bow and listened as Da Jia Huo argued with the scholar. Xiao Long had come to call Seryntas Da Jia Huo, just for her own amusement. She pulled back, and finally, after much aim, fired. This time the arrow hit the branch with such force it shattered the branch. She then said, "I'll take the second watch," unstrung her bow, climbed the tree, which had every limb shot off save for a few that she used to climb up the tree, settled down on one branch, and promptly fell asleep, smiling and humming to herself.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Tue Jan 20, 2004 8:05 pm

Jessie ignored the exchange between Jeshua and Lisha before answering the question. "It occurs to me that Mr. LaVonton is the one who has hired us. As such, I think it only fair that we afford him the luxury of letting him get whatever sleep he needs. Besides, even with the current rotation we have each been alloted nine hours of sleep a night, there is no reason to add another person to the mix."

Having said his peace Jessie turned away, his grey eyes scanning the landscape.

- Blackwind.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Tue Jan 20, 2004 8:26 pm

Xiao Long sat up I the tree, trying to fall asleep, but could only think about what might happen on this adventure. As long as I don't have to trudge through the sewers again, I'll be happy., she thought. Then she sarted to think about her father. He had been such a nice and happy person, always thinking of her. He had taught her how to fight, and to defend herself. I swear, whoever killed my father will pay. Then, her eyes slowly started to fall over, and she fell into a restless sleep, thinking about her father.

(OOC:Hey, I'm hoping to advance my character a little bit. Is it possible for her to somehow along the way meet up with someone who knows her father's killer or hear something about her father's murderer? Thanks, that would really help.)

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Jan 20, 2004 10:54 pm

(OOC: Not in this RP, no. Seethe probably has a plan for what they do and do not come across, and I seriously doubt he put in anything about the murderer of Xiao Long's father. You generally need to start your own RP to do things like this. Or write a fanfic. Plus, you need to turn HTML on if you're going to try to use it. The button is above where you put text.)

Edited by: [url=>SpleenInfinity13</A]&nbsp; Image at: 1/21/04 7:17 am

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Jan 21, 2004 4:17 pm

(OOC:Oops, I for got to turn on html, hehe sorry about that. And also, yeah about the whole father thing, sorry about that as well.)


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Thu Jan 22, 2004 1:32 am

Kilisha sat under her tree for a while, and finally grew sleepy. She laid over onto her side and curled up into a ball, closed her eyes, and went to sleep.

Jessie and Xiao Long's watches passed without any problems. Near the end of Xiao Long's watch, the wind picked up, making the forest fairly noisy. Then, about halfway through Seryntas's watch, an arrow sailed from the trees and flew just past his head. It missed by just enough that no injury was caused, but he felt the wind from it blow against his face.

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 1/22/04 1:34 am

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:42 pm

Xiao Long had woken up when she had heard Da Jia Huo's yelling. Her eyes flew open as she saw him plunge into the brush. She turned and looked over the rest of the group. Jessie had moved to protect Jeshua, so she got up, grabbed her bow and quickly ran off, jumping from tree to tree, in pursuit of Da Jia Huo, still unclear of what had happened though.

(OOC: Oh yeah, thrill of the hunt : D)

Edited by: [url=>darkknight61189</A] at: 1/22/04 6:42 pm

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Thu Jan 22, 2004 6:45 pm

"What the hell?!"
Seryntas jumped to his feet and unsheathed his blade. He called for the others to wake up quick and plunged into the brush in the direction the arrow came from.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Thu Jan 22, 2004 7:23 pm

'What the hell?!'

Jessie broke his reverie at the exclamation and absently rubbed the sleep out of his eyes before looking arround the camp. It wasn't long before he spotted Seryntas with is blade drawn and charging into the brush.

Still uncertain as to the situation at hand and fearing an ambush on Lavonton should he go charging off behind the warrior, Jessie moved to protect the archmage's tent.

- Blackwind.


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Jan 23, 2004 7:41 pm

Kilisha woke at the sound of Seryntas' shout. The first thing she happened to see was the arrow that had flown past him stuck into the trunk of a tree. She then sprang to her feet and looked around. Seryntas and Xiao Long had taken off in pursuit of someone and Jessie was moving to guard the tent.

Suddenly, Kilisha heard a rough voice shout, "Rush!"

Five figures sprang from a patch of thick shrubbery on the opposite side of the camp from where the arrow had come. They were men. They wore no armor, clad only in common travelling clothes, but they all wielded shortswords, about a foot and a half long each and sharpened quite well. Their faces were rough and scarred and were all set into a fearsome scowl.

These men rushed forward as the voice had commanded- Lisha supposed that the voice had come from the one particularly large man who was leading three of them straight towards the tent. One of the two men who weren't following him was headed towards Jessie and the other towards the succubus.

The man charging Lisha raised his sword and swung at her. She dodged to the side and smashed him in the temple with a hook punch, knocking him off balance. The man stumbled forward a few steps and Lisha shattered his spine with a sidekick.

Meanwhile, Seryntas caught sight of the man who had shot the arrow. He was much like the others, but he was carrying a bow.

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 1/23/04 7:47 pm

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Re:The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Jan 23, 2004 9:50 pm

Xiao Long rushed through the treetops, all the while keeping an eye on Da Jia Huo. She saw him running toward a man with a bow and quickly put two and two together. She quickly fired off two shots, both of which missed, and kept moving, trying to throw the man off target. An arrow whizzed past her face, and she quickly dropped down to the floor, hiding in a brush. She drew her two Jians, and waited for Seryntas to make the first move. Why make the first move when you can have a bigger, heavier, more armored man do it instead?

Splen Is Not Logged In

Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Splen Is Not Logged In » Sat Jan 24, 2004 12:27 am

Seryntas heard the shout and the ensuing noises of a battle beginning, and made haste to deal with his current target. He twisted his body a bit just before the archer released an arrow at him, the projectile skimming the plate (instead of hitting dead on) and chipping off a little bit of the enamel coating. The bounty hunter balled his right hand into a fist and punched the archer, purposely letting the blow miss left. Predictably, the man tried to dodge left (Seryntas' right), giving the warrior more than enough room to lay the man out with a swift gauntletted backhand. Seryntas turned, leaving the unconscious man slumped on the forest floor, and charged back to the camp, sword in hand.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Sat Jan 24, 2004 5:10 am

Jessie swore under his breath as the men charged; 5 on 2 weren't good odds no matter what the situation was. With no mind for the man sent to engage him Jessie ran for the archmage's tent, praying the noise would wake him.

Having no time to survey the area and with four men rushing him, Jessie did what came naturally; hands spread and thumbs interlocked he focused his thoughts on the astral plane, forcing his aura to expand. The spell manifested instantly covering the men in shadow energy.

(OOC: Cast Lesser Cone of Midnight)

- Blackwind.

Edited by: Blackwind Isao at: 1/24/04 11:15 am

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Jan 24, 2004 1:08 pm

Seryntas reentered the camp with just enough time to see Jessie's spell. "Don't kill them, now," he reminded the scholar, "Because then we don't know who they are and why they're after us."

(OOC: I'm gonna be away this weekend. There's a note in the spam forum. I've already made arrangements with Darkknight to handle Seryntas.)

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby White Charisma » Sat Jan 24, 2004 1:33 pm

"Considering how the odds were looking it was the best things were going to get until he woke up." Jessie shot back at the warrior while jerking his head towards LaVonton's tent. "I suppose now that you've gotten back the tactics might be able to accomodate such a suggestion. I'd certainly feel better if I had some help though, I'm not meant for playing with swords."

It was apparent that his spell had caused some damage to the men, but they were far from out of it and the odds were still stacked against them. Prepared for the worst, Jessie knew that until the warrior or either of his two other companions entered the fray he was the only thing standing between these men and his employer; it wasn't a position he relished.

Forced into trying to subdual these men, Jessie fought dirty. Sidestepping a lunge from one of the swordsmen he brought out his own blade and neatly hamstrung the man. The move was elementary, almost second nature by now and it was only after Jessie executed it that he realized that he was behind the remaining men, leaving nothing to prevent them from getting to LaVonton's tent.

- Blackwind.

Edited by: White Charisma at: 1/24/04 5:13 pm

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sat Jan 24, 2004 5:46 pm

Xiao Long rushed out of the brush, eager to get back to the fighting. She saw what Jessie had done, and knew his mistake. She Quickly ran as fast as she could in front of the men, and pulled out her bow/quarterstaff. She quickly unstrung the bow, and was ready as the first of th men came at her. She jumped up, smacked the first in th back of the neck, rendering him unconscious, then threw the bow at the next fighter in line, bringing him down as well. She pulled out her two jians and fought off the next two easily. Then, another came at her, which made it a little harder for her.

Meanwhile, Seryntas had gotten into the fray as well, working from the back forward, smacking people with the flat of his sword, and punching them with his huge fists. soon he was next to Xiao Long, who had fought off her three fighters as well.

"These people are like nothing, they are not even fit to be called swordsman," Seryntas said arrogantly.

"Yeah, well just try and keep up," Xiao Long said, playfully.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Sat Jan 24, 2004 6:21 pm

(OOC: I am happy to note that we have disabled/crippled/knocked out 8 of the 6 enemies that we have run across.)


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sat Jan 24, 2004 8:06 pm

(OOC: Have to fix that.)

During the fray, six more men had charged from the shrubbery after the initial five. While her companions were dealing with the ones attacking the tent, three of the men had rushed Lisha at once. Seeing them coming, she grabbed the man whose back she had just broken and slung him at the closest of her three attackers, knocking him down. She then dashed forward and slashed the second one's throat open with her claws, being more worried about her own life than the lives of her attackers. The final man slashed at Lisha, but she pushed the man whose throat she had just opened into the path of his sword, letting it bury itself in him instead of her. Before the man could retrieve it, Lisha came forward with an uppercut to his jaw, knocking his head back and causing his brain to rush forward and lacerate itself against the front of his skull, resulting in unconsiousness. She then grabbed him an slammed him down onto the first man before he could get back to his feet.

Lisha looked around. All of the men who were attacking had been taken out... except for one! The large man, the leader, had slipped past the mercenaries while they had been busy with his men. Lisha felt her heart pounding as she ran towards him, but he had already slashed the tent open and was climbing in. She knew that she wouldn't make it in time. The man disappeared into the tent and Lisha heard nothing but silence for a moment that seemed like an hour...

Then, suddenly, the man flew out of the tent. Literally flew. He moved through the air, as fast as an arrow. His arms and legs were flailing wildly and a look of terror covered his face. He moved in circles around the camp for a moment, gaining speed as he did so, then finally came straight down into the ground, headfirst. His body drove into the dirt all the way to the waste, so that all Lisha could see of him were two legs sticking out of the ground. She would have thought that it looked funny, except that the legs simply hung there, lifeless.

Jeshua emerged from the tent and looked around.

"I see..." he said.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sat Jan 24, 2004 8:22 pm

(OOC: wow... harsh...)

Xiao Long walked over, out of breath, and looked at the Big man that had been the leader. She chuckled, finding the humor that Lisha did not.

"Wow," she said, "Jeshua's got some defense in that there tent. Remind me to knock before going in."

"That was just a waste of time," Seryntas said, looking quite discouraged and wiping some blood off of his sword onto one of the dead men in that pile next to Lisha. "Now, if you will excuse me, I will be going to sleep." He promptly sat down and closed his eyes.

Xiao Long walked over and looked at the pile of dead people on the floor. "You're really brutal. He looks dead..."

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Sat Jan 24, 2004 8:54 pm

If Jessie found any comedy in the death of the leader of the rabble he found even less in the thought that someome was going to have to keep an eye on the men they hadn't killed while the rest of them slept. True, two of them would never walk again for different reasons but there were others that had simply been taken out with a well placed blow. Despite the recent asurances he had just witnessed he realized that the enemy still had to many able fighters left should they regain conciousness to overwhelm a one person watch.

With the options firmly in mind Jessie turned to face LaVonton. "You weren't injured were you?"

- Blackwind.

Spleen In Maryland

Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen In Maryland » Sun Jan 25, 2004 4:23 am

(OOC: Look at me, I'm posting from a college dorm :D. Also, nice job getting Seryntas involved with the fight, Darkknight. I owe you one, dude.

Also, pretend Seryntas didn't fall asleep. He couldn't have, anyway, with all the adrenaline still pumping through his blood, and unconscious men that could be waking up any minute to kill him in his sleep.)

Seryntas had plunged into the forest to find the first casualty, and came back just after Jessie's question, the archer's unconscious form slung over the bounty hunter's broad shoulders. He deposited the man on the ground rather unceremoniously and began to move the rest of the attackers - the ones who were breathing, anyway - near the man so he, Xiao Long, Kilisha, and Jessie could keep watch over them. The dead ones Seryntas left as they were; after all, the warrior was nothing if not pragmatic, and dealing with the dead now would be useless until the living were spoken for.

As he tended to, Seryntas counted the men who looked like they bore the signs of his attacks. His number was closer to the others' than he thought it'd be (as usual, he hadn't watched his new allies fight, concentrating as he was on his own prey). A less arrogant man would have taken that to be proof of his fellow mercenaries' skill, but Seryntas took it as a sign of he himself getting weaker. Once I get done with this job, I'm working on my swordfighting again, he thought. He did, however, appear to have a much easier time with stunning enemies than Lisha did - almost all the corpses had claw marks on them somewhere, proof that the succubus had thrown caution and self-control to the winds and gutted most of her enemies like fish.


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon Jan 26, 2004 6:35 pm

After the attackers were rounded up, Kilisha looked over the corpses. Only two. She would have felt a lot better if there had been twelve. Now they were going to have to watch the survivors for the rest of the night... And after that, she didn't know what they were going to do with them. But, there was nothing she could do about it now.

As the men regained consiousness, they were questioned, but none of them would say very much that was useful. All that the group did learn was that there would be "more where that came from."

Day finally came. The camp was taken down and the fire put out. The group began their journey again, and the prisoners were taken with them, slowing down their travel. After another six hours, they arrived at the town of Chaucer. Jeshua had intended to completely bypass this town and go straight to Kohlingen, but the events of the previous night had forced him to change his plans.

The group began by depositing their prisoners at the local jail. This turned out not to be a major problem, as the prisoners were quickly recognized as wanted highwaymen. The group recieved 250 gil for their trouble. Divided five ways, this turned into 50 gil for each member.

After that, Jeshua booked a night for the group in the Common Room of the local inn.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Mon Jan 26, 2004 9:21 pm

Xiao Long sat in the common room tossing the little pouch of gil in the air.

"Wow, after this job, I'll have 15,050 gil. Not a bad haul, I think I'll stay a mercenary," then after thinking about what had happened last night she added, "and it's fun," and smiled.

She pulled out her two jians and looked at them in the light, admiring their beauty. Father had done well to get these pieces of fine craftsmanship. she then looked over at Da Jia Huo to see what he was doing. She seemed to like the way he was, even though he was arrogant, stubborn, mean, and all around nasty. Still, she couldn't help but feel that there was a little bit of nice in him. Daddy always said that there was a little bit of good in everyone, even crooks, and people like Seryntas, and she giggled.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Jan 27, 2004 3:47 pm

(OOC: Kohlingen? That may be a problem. In Storm's Surge, Kohlingen has been taken over by Barius, and thus they wouldn't be permitted to enter the city. However, Storm's Surge is supposed to be taking place during Malachias' coup, so maybe they're supposed to lose it before now, I don't know. I'll check with Shinigori.

EDIT: Yeah, it's supposed to be back in Doman hands by now.)

Edited by: [url=>SpleenInfinity13</A]&nbsp; Image at: 1/27/04 5:26 pm

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Jan 31, 2004 1:37 am

Seryntas grunted. "Fun. Hmph. You won't think it's fun when you can just about see the ghosts of everyone you've ever injured circle around your bed at night, seeking revenge on you. Fun indeed."

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Sat Jan 31, 2004 7:07 am

"Doubt visits us all at some time, Seryntas. The true measure of any man is in how they deal with it; if they fall into the abyss of despair and second guessing or if they can steel themselves with the knowledge that they cannot change the past, no matter how hard they try."

Jessie's face was inscroutable as he responded to the warrior's statement, his grey eyes focused on some time in his own past.

"We should keep our watches despite being in town. If those others were even hinting at something close to the truth I wouldn't trust the safty of the common room of an inn.'

- Blackwind.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Jan 31, 2004 1:13 pm

"I don't mean doubt, I mean when they actually come back as wraiths and haunt you. It's happened to me more than once."

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Sat Jan 31, 2004 6:02 pm

"Does that really happen? I've never believed in ghosts, but you say you've seen them before, and they've hunted you down?" Xiao Long remarked, looking a little freaked, and sort of cowering in a corner. "But, if that's true, that there really are ghosts, then I'm sure that my dad is at my side, helping me along. Still, I think Seryntas has a point in wanting to keep watches. How about we keep the same ones we had in the forest?"

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Feb 01, 2004 1:10 am

(OOC: That wasn't Ser's suggestion, it was Jesiah's.)

Seryntas nodded. "Of course ghosts are real. But I doubt your father would be helping you out. The dead rarely stay in this world unless they have an unfinished score to settle or someone forces them to stay, like a necromancer. And I guess I already sat my watch."


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:12 pm

"Well, let's just... hope no ghosts come... here tonight," said Lisha.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu Feb 12, 2004 4:52 pm

OOC:Um.. does anyone plan on posting at all? iIhave nothing to say to that...

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Thu Feb 12, 2004 5:33 pm

OOC: No comment from me either... just waiting to move this on.

- Blackwind.


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:08 am

It was agreed that the group would sit watches again. With that, Kilisha found an empty bunk and went to sleep. She soon found herself entering a dream, but it quickly revealed itself to be a rather unpleasant one.

The dream began with only darkness. Kilisha could feel her own body, but it seemed to be floating in a void. There was no light. There was no sound but the beating of her own heart.

Then, she began to feel a dull pain in her head. Slowly, the eyes of her dream self opened and she found herself in a dimly candle lit cavern. Occasional droplets of water fell from stalactites on the ceiling. Beneath her, she could now feel a cold stone floor. She could not see the floor, as her face was turned straight up towards the ceiling, her eyes fixed on the end of a stalactite several feet directly above her.

After a moment, Lisha tried to sit up. She had, until now, felt a chilling feeling of fear in the pit of her stomach. But as soon as she moved, that feeling exploded into a sudden panic. She didn't know why, but she let out a terrified scream, then curled up into a ball and began to cry softly.

Suddenly, she heard a voice chanting. The voice was harsh and rasping, and spoke words that she did not understand. She knew what language it was speaking, though. For many years, words of this language had been the only ones she had heard, although she had not heard them enough to learn them. They were the words of the demonic tongue.

That was when Kilisha woke up. At the very least, her awakening had been timed well. Her turn to watch was just beginning, and that saved the person before her from having to wake her up.

As she sat her watch, she couldn't stop thinking about the dream. It bothered her. She didn't know why it bothered her, as she had dreamt far worse nightmares, and had been put through things in her waking life that were worse yet. Still, it bothered her.

Kilisha had wound up with the last watch again, so when it was over, it was time for the group to set out.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Fri Feb 13, 2004 3:24 pm

The night had been without any interferences, especially from ghosts, which had worried Xiao Long. As the others packed up their stuff, she put away her two Jians, packed her things back into her pack,and slung it over her back. It was a messenger bag given to her by her father, and it was a little big on her, coming down to her thighs. She then strapped on the two sheaths, one vertically over her left shoulder, and the other horizontally by her waist on her left side. She took the ribbon, which was also given to her by her father, and put her hair up in a ponytail.

Edited by: [url=>darkknight61189</A] at: 2/17/04 7:27 pm


Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:20 am

Lisha went into the washroom and cleaned up before she left the inn. Not only did she need to take her mind off of that dream, but the fact that she hadn't had a chance to clean up for a few days had been weighing on her mind already. She took great pride in her personal appearance.

Once Lisha was finished, the group left the inn and resumed its march towards Kohlingen. Kilisha thought that her spirits were going to be unusually high at first. The sky was cloudless and the sun was shining warmly, presenting a picturesque scene of the country road which they traveled. Strangely, Lisha almost smiled at it. Then Jeshua suddenly started complaining of his back and handed his luggage off to her.

Just as they had on the way from Doma City to Chaucer, the group camped at about the halfway point. This time, however they weren't bothered. It wasn't until near the end of the next day, when they were in sight of Kohlingen, that the group had any more problems.

As they drew within a mile of the city gate, something suddenly sprang up out of the ground below Kilisha's feet with blinding speed, sending her sprawling out on her back. Looking up at it with wide eyes, she realized that it looked something like the large man who she had seen driven into the ground two nights earlier. His appearance had, of course, been altered by that event.

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Re: The Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Fri Feb 20, 2004 11:48 pm

Seryntas yanked his sword out of its sheath and pointed the blade toward the apparition in front of him. "What is it?!"


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