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.. even better then a Senzu Bean!

Unread postPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2002 8:57 pm
by Endesu
Okan coughed slightly, getting up onto his feet a bit unsteadily. He regarded Seph for a moment, nodding. "Thank you.."

.. it was as he was standing there that he realized he was missing part of his armor, and he looked to Molo with a bit of curiosity. "Ah.. what are you doing with.."


Unread postPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2002 1:53 am
by Molokidan
Molo left Okan's armor on the ground and walked over to him. "You're alive!" he shouted. "Good! Never do that again!" he smirked. "I couldn't bear to lose a friend. . ."

He looked down at the dragoon's chest, which seemed to be perfectly healed. "You needed to breath. . .let off of the armor for a while. I mean. . ." Molo scratched his head, confused. "I was worried!" ^_^;

Re: *whackum!*

Unread postPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2002 8:48 pm
by Red Seph
Seph grinned and relaxed for the first time since his first encounter with the dragoons. He was free.

"Don't overexert yourself," he said quietly. The same goes for me, he conceded, realizing his own breathe was slightly labored. Bringing Okan back from Death's clutches wasn't the only magic he had woven lately, and he was beginning to feel the effects of the day. Physical bodies had limits, after all.

.. ow.

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 1:16 am
by Endesu
"Yeah, yeah." Okan sighed slightly, somewhat embarrassed for having a mage save him. A freaking FRAIL Mage, who could barely lift up a hollow log.

Perhaps Mages were more useful then he first thought, but only time would tell. He regarded Molo for a moment oddly before walking over to his armor. "I... see. Thank you, I suppose."

As he reapplied it, he began to speak up again, as a slight rush of cold wind began to bring in the inevitable evening. "As we were plummeting towards the cold ground, thanks to our mysterious golden dragoon friend, I noticed The Tower in the distance from here, just over the town boundaries of Blargh."

As he stated this, he stretched slightly, allowing the limberness of his body to flow back into place. "We can set up camp and discuss our plans, if you would like. We may as well try to organize our thoughts.. and, to tell the truth, I'm beginning to feel a bit drained.."

Re: .. ow.

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 1:20 am
by Molokidan
"Drained. . .is that another word for hungry?" Molo said, rubbing his stomach. "Because I'm hunnnnnnnnngry!"


Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 1:21 am
by Endesu
"Molo.. I mean -tired-. As in, willing to rest and sleep. To regain energy. .. I don't know where we would find food around here, anyway."

Re: >_>

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 1:23 am
by Molokidan
"I want foooooood. . ." Molo moaned, looking around. "Preferably fish. . ." he eyed the houses warily.

Re: >_>

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 1:26 am
by Endesu
"... Molokidan. Don't even THINK about looting people's houses for FISH. We've had enough trouble with the Rivans without upsetting their civilians.

.. why not try asking the Red Mage here for a handout? I'm sure he'll be willing to give a bit of himself.. eh.. magic dusts and whatnot?"


Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 6:20 pm
by Molokidan
"What's a handout?" Molo scratched his head. "Is that a kind of fish?"

Re: -_-;

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 7:01 pm
by Red Seph
"Magic dusts?" Seph asked inquisitively. "No, I eat the same way you do. Do you have money, Okan?"

Re: -_-;

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:07 pm
by Endesu
"Of course." Okan nodded. "I have 2000 Doman coins, due to my standing as a Dragoon in the service of Blargh and all Riva. Well, that was BEFORE, anyway.. <_<"

Re: -_-;

Unread postPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2002 11:59 pm
by Red Seph
"Well, those coins will conjure up a meal before far quicker than any of my spells," Seph said dryly. "We shouldn't stay long in town though, they might come looking for us." He waved his hand, gesturing toward the sky.

"After that, I'm not sure yet."

Re: -_-;

Unread postPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2002 12:33 am
by Molokidan
"Oooohh. . .food time!" Molo said, dancing down the street after them. . .

Re: -_-;

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 12:17 am
by Endesu
"Now, Molokidan.. we haven't committed to anything yet. You two apparently still have this job to work out, and I have a few personal issues of my own to deal with, soon enough. Regardless of our future plans, all guards are going to be aware of our escape, so we must tread lightly.

Which MEANS, Molokidan, don't be an idiot. Please."

Re: -_-;

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 1:06 am
by Molokidan
"An idiot? Man, where have I heard that before. . ." he scratched his head, actually seriously thinking about the topic. . .

Re: -_-;

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 1:07 am
by Endesu
"Don't think too hard, you may hurt yourself.."

Re: -_-;

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 7:27 pm
by Red Seph
Seph flashed a disgusted look at Molo, then decided to ignore his comment. "Yes, the job," he said. "Unless our employer's betrayed us, of course. We still haven't worked that one out."

Re: -_-;

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 7:30 pm
by Endesu
"Evidently not," Okan commented, "But I doubt you have very good access to him at this point, being that you're miles away from your starting point.

.. my task, on the other hand.. is a bit more immediate.."

Re: -_-;

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 7:41 pm
by Red Seph
"...You sound as if you want to talk about it. Perhaps I can help, I still owe you one. Why you stay in this place I can only guess."

Okan's story, summarised.

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 8:21 pm
by Endesu
(Take note that, in this case, the Rivan moniker has split into several subfactions. Okan is in one of them.)

With a bit of awkwardness, Okan explained his situation. He had been selected, as he had stated before in the prison, to seek out The Tower and challenge its defenses. He had been intended to be the proof of his faction's strength, and why it should be superior over the others. Instead, during his trek, he had been assaulted by a few Rivans of other factions, and attacked. This had been the first time that the factions had really attacked other, and as Okan was defeated, he remembered the mocking words of one of his attackers..

"If you really must know.. it's been decided that your little split in the entire Riva faction isn't necessary to our expansion across this world. All of you are expendable. And since you were sent out first, you will be the first of them to die!"

"... it is because of that.." Okan murmured. "That I must attempt to find my faction. I am only staying with you two for now to assure that you don't die just yet.. but I cannot stay with you for long."

Re: Okan's story, summarised.

Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 29, 2002 9:07 pm
by Molokidan
"I see. . ." Molo said sagely, causing Okan and Seph both to spin around, surprised.

Instead, they found him eagerly picking a lock on the front of what looked like a bar. "So THIS is how they keep doors shut like that!"

Re: Okan's story, summarised.

Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 5:05 am
by Endesu
"MOLOKIDAN!" Okan nearly yelled, his lance raised at Molo's head. "DO NOT DO THAT!! Haven't you heard ANYTHING I've said? About our being in trouble here to begin with?! We do not need you to help start an incident! "

Re: Okan's story, summarised.

Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 01, 2002 11:58 pm
by Molokidan
Molo scratched his head. "You did? Oh. . .hehe. Sorry!"


Unread postPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:54 am
by Endesu
Okan sighed, his fist shaking with anger, but he turned away. "Come on, let's keep moving. An inn should be just ahead of us, so hopefully you two can find some rest there."

Re: -_o;;

Unread postPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2002 11:23 pm
by Red Seph
Seph silently marched along towards the inn, digesting Okan's plight and his role within it. He grimaced at the conclusion of his story, staying with them to ensure their safety? Seph could take care of himself. Okan though... faction wars tended to be extremely bloody, and if Okan continued with stunts like the one that landed him in jail then he wouldn't last long. His head angled toward the ground slightly. What to do next could be decided in the inn.


Unread postPosted: Tue Sep 03, 2002 6:02 pm
by Molokidan

Molokidan knocked on the door of the inn. "hullo?"

The Inn

Unread postPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 12:18 am
by Endesu
The Inn that Molo had come upon was a slightly ramshackle one, but it was fairly well-established, with a solid wooden base framing its structure. Overhead its door was a simple sign with the words "The Bloody Claw" etched onto it.

As the door was knocked, it swung open, revealing a main bar hall with several drunken and rowdy Rivan Dragoons raising trouble and singing Rivan songs rather idotically. Each of the Dragoons had slung their lances over the counter, having replaced their weapons with mugs of ale.

None of them took notice of the three newcomers at the doors to the Inn, which perhaps would work to their benefit.

Yet another Rivan Dragoon, but one of slightly taller and older stature then the others in the hall, stood firmly behind the bar counter, passing out drinks and keeping up a firm lip. His eyes scanned the entire room, having not yet come across the door.

Re: The Inn

Unread postPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 7:17 pm
by Molokidan
"Errr. . ." Molo stepped back and hid behind Okan and Seph. "Guys. . .I don't feel so hungry anymore!"

Re: The Inn

Unread postPosted: Tue Sep 10, 2002 9:12 pm
by Red Seph
Seph took a step backward at the sight of the mass of dragoons, noting in particular the one behind the counter. "Is it possible our descriptions have circulated here already?" he wondered aloud wearily.


Unread postPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2002 1:53 am
by Endesu
At the sound of Seph's voice, all of the members of the bar immediately went silent and stared dead at the trio for several tense moments.

They then proceeded with their drunken revelry once more.

Re: Hmm..

Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 4:19 am
by Molokidan
"Alright! Food time!" Molo said, blindly running forward.

MOLO! Again!

Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2002 10:11 pm
by Endesu
Okan snarled and gripped Molo's shoulder harshly. "Idiot! Don't just run in there half-cocked!" Okan jerked Molokidan back to where he and Seph were standing, and coolly regarded the Sushi-jin for a moment before speaking.

"Listen, whether or not they have heard of us yet, does not mean that they won't be hostile towards us! Take note that they are all drunken - drunken Rivans usually aren't the most friendly to be around within a 20" perimeter, especially if you are NOT a Dragoon.

So if we do go in there, you must do as I say."

Re: MOLO! Again!

Unread postPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2002 12:01 am
by Red Seph
"I say we leave him outside," Seph sneered, stepping forward to the inn.

"I am going inside, however. They're too drunk to recognize us anyway."

Inside we are!

Unread postPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2002 1:07 am
by Endesu
(Sorry for not postering.. again >_>;;)

Okan looked from Seph to Molo with indecision and a bit of frustration. "Molokidan.. if you do decide to come in.. stay close to me. I am your best chance of survival in these lands."

As Seph stepped into the inn, he immediately could note the rank smell of what was apparently locally produced Rivan ale. The somewhat fetid scent was put off a bit by the smell of the locals, who seemed to ignore their somewhat sweaty composure by way of the foul-smelling brew.

Speaking of the Dragoons, they continued to raise havoc, but none approached Seph, obviously seeing him as a stranger and thus not one they would want to approach. It was a lucky stroke that they did not decide to attack.

The rest of the inn was fairly basic in structure - nothing special in decoration, wood finishings, or anything visual like that. The Rivan insignia and the Rivan flag decorated the walls with seemingly gleeful abandon. That was about as much as could be detailed as notable.

One man did seem to notice the Red Mage: the Dragoon behind the counter. His somewhat more mature nature bled into his voice, one refined by a process of authority and training.

"Good day to you. Do you want a drink?"

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 9/29/02 2:15:10 am

Re: Inside we are!

Unread postPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2002 11:38 pm
by Red Seph
Seph tried to hide his slight surprise at the tone of the dragoon. Apparently not all of them were as drunk as he had assumed. Leaving now would be suspicious, however, so he put on his most winning smile and answered.

"I would take some red wine, if you have it."

Okay then..

Unread postPosted: Mon Sep 30, 2002 1:14 pm
by Endesu
The bartender nodded, pulling out a tall, thin bottle from the third shelf behind him, along with a thin, crystalline glass, and began to pour.

"So, stranger, what business brings you here? Not many outsiders arrive in these parts, and even fewer stay.."

Re: Okay then..

Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2002 9:01 pm
by Red Seph
"Oh, I'm not staying," Seph answered easily. "Just passing through, really." He left it at that, hoping the bartender would take the hint and leave him be. As he waited for his drink his fingers began to tap on the edge of the bar. Maybe I should have just stayed outside...

The man in the black.. oh, wait, never mind.

Unread postPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2002 3:02 pm
by Endesu
The bartender finished pouring his drink and shoved the glass to Seph with a nod. "Very well, then.. I'd warn you, though.. I've heard about some escaped convicts somewhere around here.. they could be a threat, especially to those who aren't natural citizens around here."

As the bartender said this, a Dragoon began strolling out of a room to Seph's right. The Red Mage could most likely see the Dragoon out of the corner of his eye..

And from what he could tell.. the Dragoon wore golden armor.


Unread postPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2002 1:34 pm
by Endesu
Okan looked at Molokidan with a bit of impatience in his eye. "Are you planning on doing anything? You're not.. paralyzed with hunger or something like that, are you?" The Dragoon was obviously a bit fed up with the situation, and Molo wasn't exactly helping..

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 10/6/02 5:34:11 pm

Re: Meanwhile..

Unread postPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2002 11:05 pm
by Red Seph
(Sorry, I've been without a computer the last couple days.)

Seph noted the new dragoon apprehensively. Startled by the gold shine of the newcomers armor, he turned away from him and attempted to blend in with the crowd.