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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Sep 06, 2003 2:44 pm

IM: Hmm. First time that spell actually came in handy.

Idran tries his best to move closer to the front of his wagon, avoiding the cargo as he does so. He leans forward, motioning to the two mercenaries in the next wagon. Keeping his voice low, he informs them of his discovery.

"Hey, could you let Siolen know I just detected a pair of portals opening on those two hills? We might be heading into an...ow...ambush."

IM: ...Oh, great, this is the worst possible time.

He reaches into his satchel, and takes out a small vial, opening it and drinking the contents.

IM: This better work, I don't want to pass out in the middle of a surprise attack.

Edited by: [url=>Idran1701</A] at: 9/6/03 2:48 pm

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Sep 06, 2003 3:51 pm

Jaeko nodded quickly and tried to make the way to the front of his wagon to get the message passed along to the boss lady. Although he was almost positive she'd be watching from the front, he could always pass the message along to anyone else on the wagon to be passed onto her, and thats exactly what his plan was.

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Sep 06, 2003 7:13 pm

"Wait, wait. Ga'es? You sure about t'at?"

Petlamin had his doubts. If he remember the little schooling he'd had in the arts correctly, a gate was high end magic, and more than simple bandits would use. Of course, if there were gates out there, his guess was that this caravan was in for a royal fucking over.

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Sep 07, 2003 12:08 pm

Idran returns the empty vial to his satchel, still hoping for it to have the desired effect, although it has not so far.

"Yes, I'm sure. One on each hill. If it was anything else, I wouldn't be able to detect it at all. Believe me, I'm as surprised as you are."

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Sep 07, 2003 12:14 pm

Glancing up at each hill, Petty slowly eased the bow off his back. He wasn't one to object to a little excitement every now and then, but he'd prefer to think the odds were on his side.

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Sep 07, 2003 10:50 pm

Word spread quickly through the caravan, people placing their crossbows to hand and nervously watching the woods on either side. The potion seemed to be having its desired effect, returning Idran's magical reserves to their peak.

"Look alive, people," the driver of their wagon murmered back to Assassin and Andre, "Seems we've got company." As the only mercenary without ranged weaponry, or spells, Assassin was offered a crossbow.

The lead wagon picked up its pace, each of the others following suit. With luck, they'd be able to get free of the ambush before the bandits had time to set themselves up properly. For a time, it seemed they might get away with it, but then a cry went up from the trees, swiftly followed by a shower of arrows.

Between the speed of the moving wagons and the hasty nature of the volley, few of the arrows found targets. A couple of people in the lead wagon were hit, though not seriously, and Petty was saved from being hit by the wooden sideboard of the wagon. Hit or not, the passengers took aim at the bandits visible at the woods' edge.

(OOC: No initiative order just yet. Let me know what actions you'll be taking, and I'll resolve it all when everyone's posted.)

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Sep 07, 2003 11:15 pm

Unfortunately for Idran, his potion does little to help with his sudden headache. Doing his best to ignore the pain, he looks for the largest concentration of bandits, intending to hit them with a Bomb 2.

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Sep 08, 2003 12:20 am

Jaeko simply maneuvered himself to get into a good position to see the bandits, drawing a pair of his guns and preparing to fire at will.

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Sep 08, 2003 8:31 am

Clearly a little shaken by his near encounter with a sharp pointy bit of metal, Petty scanned the hills for the shooter, keeping as low as he could without compromising his archery.

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Sep 08, 2003 9:56 pm

Assassin blankly looked over the crossbow before taking it into hand and studying it. Apparently he would have to take it into hand and use it, even though he had little expertise with ranged weaponry.

With a slight sigh, and a bit of resentment, he shifted into a position by the nearest opening in the caravan, waiting to fire.

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Sep 10, 2003 9:37 pm

The return volley was somewhat ragged, as each person fired at a target as they saw it. But it was undeniably effective, three bandits falling to crossbow bolts.

Idran's bomb spell caught two bandits in its blast, a third one managing to duck behind a tree. They emerged looking battered, but still ready to put up a fight.

Petty wasn't able to pick out the exact person who'd fired at him, so he had to settle for a random bandit who'd gotten a bit far from any cover. His arrow hit right in the chest, plucking the man off his feet. He might survive, if he was lucky, but he wouldn't be getting up for a while...

Assassin found his shot foiled by a fallen treetrunk his target was using as cover, whilst Jaeko hit his chosen target with both guns, sending him down in a heap.

Andre held off for a few moments, waiting for people to start reloading. Assuming that their foes wouldn't be shooting for a while, a group of bandits stood up for better shots, and got a fireball for their troubles. Those three, at least, would think twice about sticking their heads out of cover again.

Andre dropped quickly to the floor of the wagon, as three arrows zipped through the space his body had occupied. Idran was less lucky, receiving an arrow in the arm. It seemed that somebody had picked the mages out as targets.

Arrows continued to fall on the caravan, One striking Petty in the side. So far, the exchange seemed to be in their favour, despite the bandits' advantage of numbers. As long as the fight kept going like this, they'd be alright. All they needed to do was keep going, and they'd soon be clear of the ambush.

Things soon took a turn for the worse, when a pair of large creatures emerged from the woods to the left. Each half again as tall as the bandits around them, they were basically humanoid in appearance, heaving muscled and with wings sprouting from their backs. They resembled nothing so much as the gargoyles which adorned some of Doma's more elaborate buildings.

The pair took to the air as one, making for the lead wagon.

(OOC: Idran and Petty have taken 22 and 17 damage respectively.)

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 10, 2003 10:00 pm

With a short cry of pain, Petty grabbed the arrow from his side, yanking it out quickly. It'd make the wound worse, but it was nothing a quick spell wouldn't fix. As for the monsters, well, he wasn't on the front caravan, was he?

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Heal on himself, as soon as he can.)</span>

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Sep 10, 2003 10:05 pm

IM: ...Ow. Well, at least this'll distract me from my headache.

As he thinks this, Idran spies the two...creatures flying towards the caravan.

IM: Fliers, eh? Well, this seems to work well against them.

Idran gestures towards the gargoyles, casting Gravity Well at them, hoping to do so before their soon-to-be dive would bring them into the wagon.

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Sep 10, 2003 10:38 pm

Jaeko also noticed the pair of fliers, and seeing as how his bullets traveled faster and more accurately (In his oppinion anyway) than the clumsy arrows the others where using, he took aim at the closest one, compensated for it being a moving target by aiming where it was likely headed, and pulled the triggers on both guns.

(Firing on whichever gargoyle is closer.)


Okay, okay, I'm REALLY SORRY for being late.

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Sep 11, 2003 9:41 am

Silvanus, meanwhile, was still in the middle of scouting ahead. He had kept looking for what could cause trouble to the caravan, and decided to check in for a report.

It wasn't until then that he saw the caravan being attacked.

Aw, f*ck.
Whaddya mean? This is perfect, just the situation we needed.
Oh, shove it, Fabelia.
No, I mean it. This is exactly what they meant by hazard pay - they must have guessed this was going to happen.
........whatever. Just leave me alone.

Silvanus rushed back to assist the caravans. More specifically, he planned to get those gargoyles before they got the wagon.

(OOC: If the GM permits, Silvanus intends to slash the gargoyle that's closer to him. With the nonmagical sword, mind you.)

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Re: Okay, okay, I'm REALLY SORRY for being late.

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Sep 12, 2003 10:41 pm

Assassin drew back his crossbow for a moment, ducking into safer quarters within.

He saw a trace of the creatures overhead.. flying to a wagon. The main one, perhaps? He pondered taking the fight to one or both of them, but weighed that against the bow-equipped bandits outside..

... he turned to the mage, Andre, whom he remained with. "Will you be able to hold up? I am going to see if I can do something about those flying creatures."

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:41 pm

"I'll manage," Andre said, "Don't want those things reaching us." So saying, he went back to preparing another spell for the bandits.

Idran's gravity well struck first, bringing one of the gargoyles crashing to the ground. The other seemed to stagger mid-flight, but was out of the spell's radius before it could take hold.

Petty's healing spell worked fairly well, closing up the arrow wound in short order. As this was happening, Silvanus dived at the still airborne gargoyle. Despite the element of surprise, the creature spotted him coming at the last moment, and managed to bank out of the way. Right into the path of Assassin's crossbow bolt. Several others seemed to have the same idea, and a shower of bolts lashed out, striking the pair. One of these, unfortunately, flew wide and hit Silvanus, striking him in the shoulder. Getting close to the creatures just as they were being shot at had not, in hindsight, been a good idea.

Jaeko's bullets both struck home, inflicting still more damage on the lead gargoyle, which was now beginning to resemble a flying pincushion. Nevertheless, it seemed built to withstand considerable damage, and remained airborne, bearing down on the lead wagon with single-minded determination.

As the gargoyle came in, it made a grab for one of the occupants, but overshot, landing heavily on the opposite side of the wagon.

Meanwhile, the exchange of bowfire continued, a couple of people falling on either side. Andre's fireball was equally effective this time, incinerating a pair of bandits.

Taking advantage of the distraction, a group of bandits on the right broke cover, running to intercept the wagons. As yet, it was too early to tell whether they'd be able to reach them before they escaped, though the gargoyle on the lead wagon certainly wouldn't speed the escape.

(OOC: Petty heals 19 HP, and is now on 62. Silvanus has taken 30 damage. The gargoyle on the wagon can be shot at by Jaeko and Petty, but you run the risk of hitting allies if you miss.)

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Endesu » Sun Sep 14, 2003 8:51 pm

Assassin placed his crossbow aside after a moment's consideration and readied his blade, swiftly leaping out of the opening that he and Andre had used to range attack the bandits. Upon landing, he swiftly leapt up onto the side of the wagon and dematerialized, rematerializing on the very top of the wagon (2 TP).

He looked around for the gargoyles, gripping his blade tightly.
Where were they, precisely, in reflection to his present location?..

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Sep 14, 2003 9:03 pm

Petlamin muttered a curse when he noted where Silvanus was.

"Get outta t'way!" he yelled, notching an arrow, charging it quickly with holy mana, and letting it fly. He knew he wouldn't miss, of course, but if he pretended he was concerned it'd make him look all the better.


Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Sep 14, 2003 9:09 pm

"GODDAMMIT!!" Silvanus roared as he got struck. He was completely caught off guard with the crossbow bolt, and his instincts told him that it was the bandits' doing.

And they meant business. Which meant Silvanus would have to mean it as well.

Silvanus put his sword away, gripping Fabelia's hilt and focusing....

I call upon thee, Fabelia. Our bond must be put to use. Sword, bring me your swiftness.
THERE we go.

With this, Silvanus's eyes glowed black as he hefted Fabelia and flew slightly into the air. He then cut his flight and dropped quickly, planning to put the weight of his blade into a hard strike.

(Sparrow Strike, and assuming Silvanus gets an actual attack, he's using Ponderous Strike on the gargoyle near the lead wagon. Remember, each round while Silvanus is wielding Fabelia, he takes damage. I believe it's 3+1d6 each round for this tech.)

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Sep 14, 2003 11:19 pm

Jaeko looked at the gargoyle from behind his glasses. Although he didn't doubt his ability to hit, he also didn't doubt the creatures ability to move out of the way as he aimed. So rather then risk a potentially fatal shot to an ally, he aimed both revolvers at the creatures legs and squeezed the triggers.

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Sep 15, 2003 12:25 am

IM: That gargoyle isn't a danger. The one on the wagon, however...too many people around for any of my attack spells, so...

Idran casts Hold at the gargoyle on the wagon, hoping to restrain it from either attacking or flying off out of range of the various melee fighters.

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Sep 16, 2003 10:25 pm

Once again, the gargoyle managed to evade Silvanus's strike. It managed to swing itself to one side as Fabelia chopped through the space it had previously occupied. Between the wagon in front and Silvanus's proximity, Idran found that getting a clear view of the gargoyle was practically impossible. He'd have to wait for a good moment.

Petty's shot at the grounded gargoyle struck home, as did several crossbow bolts. The creature was still trying gamely to get out of Idran's gravity well, but in the meantime, it was a sitting duck. In the end, it simply collapsed into a heap.

Amazingly, both Jaeko's shots missed, though thankfully, they didn't hit any of the wagon's occupants.

From Assassin's elevated position, he could see the gargoyle fall, taking it out of the picture. The other one was located on the side of the lead wagon, a considerable distance ahead of him. He had a good view of the ensuing combat.

Apparently deciding that Silvanus could be trouble, the gargoyle lashed out at him with a foot, missing narrowly. By now, the covering over the top of the wagon had been largely ruined.

The occupants of the lead wagon weren't taking things lying down. Siolen gathered herself and leapt, punching the gargoyle in the chest. It rocked back, apparently surprised at the power of the blow. There was a sharp crack from the front of the wagon, and one of the occupants tumbled off. The wagon swerved to the right, heading to meet the charging group of bandits, whose numbers had been thinned by two. Orlan had seized the reins, and was fending off stabs from one of the other occupants with his quarterstaff.

With a clear line of sight now, Idran cast his holding spell. Ropes of invisible energy enwrapped the gargoyle, locking it in place.

There might be time for one more volley before the lead wagon reached the attacking bandits. As it stood, the second wagon was already passing it by, the driver apparently unsure what to do in light of this sudden turn of events.


Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Sep 16, 2003 10:36 pm

Silvanus's rage was only building from this missed strike. In the end, he decided to ditch the gargoyle in favor of the bandits.

Silvanus flew in the air for a moment, trying to find a bandit that was both within sight and unlikely to be the one aimed at....

(OOC: If he can find such a bandit, he slashes said bandit. Sparrow Strike is still in effect, and for the damage Fabelia deals to Silvanus each round, could I ask that you relay the information to us?)

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Sep 16, 2003 11:04 pm

(Sorry about that, Div. 4 damage.)

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Re: Timelapse

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Sep 17, 2003 12:00 am

IM: Hmm...still shouldn't risk any offensive spells...who'd be the best target...

Idran looks around, while thinking back on the interview process. Coming to a quick decision, he sights Jaeko, casting Haste on him, as he seems to be the best one to take out the bandits.

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The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Sep 17, 2003 1:13 am

Silvanus' foes seemed to have an annoying habit of seeing him coming. That and being fast enough to do something about it. In the case of the man he'd selected, a bandit off on the edge of the advancing group, this took the form of ducking sideways at the last minute. He struck out at Silvanus with a sword as he passed, but missed cleanly.

Meanwhile, Idran cast his haste spell at Jaeko, infusing the gunman with speed. This action promised a lot more lead flying through the air in the immediate future.

(Silvanus takes 9 damage from Fabelia, putting him at 27HP. Jaeko will get two actions per round for the next five rounds.)

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Sep 17, 2003 1:45 am

Jaeko, suddenly finding himself sped up from the effects of the Haste spell, decided he should act quickly (No pun intended.). Aiming his guns at the nearest group of bandits, he aimed at the ones furthest out, firing, and made his way inwards, firing randomly at anyone in the specific area. After running out of ammo with his starting pair of guns, he simply dropped them to the floor, grabbed another pair, and started the same process over, unloading that pair at the group, starting from the center of the group and making his way out, unloading that pair of guns aswell, and moving on to his third pair.


(Sweep shot, then gun-grab when he's out of ammo (3 bullets left per current gun), then another sweep shot to unload the new pair, then gun-grab again. 18 shots total into the nearest group of clustered bandits.)

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 9/17/03 2:58 am


Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Sep 17, 2003 8:58 am

Silvanus was getting pissed. Rather than the bandits always getting out of the way, it was in his mind that his sword was jinxing him.

You're being worthless on me, Fabelia. Away you go.

Silvanus concentrated for a moment where he was....

(Relinquish Darkness, which admittedly takes up his whole action at such a critical moment, but......)

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 17, 2003 4:32 pm

"Need to learn that spell, that I do."

Not wanting to be outdone by the magically enhanced Jaeko, Petty took careful aim at the nearest bandit, intending to plant an arrow right between the eyes. He couldn't compete with how fast the man was shooting, but he could beat him in the quality of the shot.

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:36 pm

Assassin unsheathed his blade and went into a crouched position, swiftly closing the gap with a single demateralize - rematerlaize [2 TP], landing softly on the main wagon, weapon readied.

Aiming directly and swiftly for the gargoyle, Assassin slashed at the monster.

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Sep 18, 2003 11:35 pm

Jaeko's hail of bullets tore through the bandits, though something less than half of them actually hit. One zipped past Silvanus who should, by all rights, have been safe. Common sense dictated he get the hell out of the vicinity of the indiscriminate gunfire, which he did. The bandits didn't have that option. Two bandits crumpled at the impacts, out of the fight. Three others were struck, staying upright for the time being.

Petty, by contrast, nailed his target right between the eyes, dropping him instantly.

The other passengers, unfortunately, failed to follow up, missing the now severely nervous looking bandits entirely.

Assassin, meanwhile, materialised right in front of the gargoyle. Unable to dodge, due to Idran's holding spell, it received a deep slash to the chest. Its eyes glazed into unconsciousness, though it was still held upright.

From off to the side, there was another crack as Orlan knocked another passenger unconscious, easily fending off Siolen's attempts to hit him.

Unfortunately for Jaeko, every bandit with line of sight and a bow took a shot at him, apparently fearful that he'd start shooting at them next. With his improved speed, he managed to avoid the first few, but three arrows thudded into his midsection, punching him off his feet. If not for the famed Barian armoured coat, he might have been killed.

The bandits who'd been shot at jumped for the wagon as it rumbled past. This wasn't so much bravery as it was a hell of a lot safer than staying out in the open. Three of them made it, scrambling up the sides, while one got crushed beneath the wheels for his troubles. The other, having missed entirely, looked about frantically and dropped to the ground, apparently hoping to play dead.

The continuing duel of bow fire was beginning to look like something of a sideshow, though the bandits on the left seemed to be losing, thanks to Andre's efforts to tip the scales.

(Jaeko takes a whopping 51 damage, and is at -4/-4 AT/PA. He also gets the 'I got shot at by practically everybody and all I got were these lousy holes in my t-shirt' award.

At this point, the bandits on the wagon can be targeted by anybody, but you run the risk of hitting allies if you miss. Admittedly, the risks are reduced with only two allies remaining.

Div, it looks like you've already decided on an action for this round, but feel free to post a reaction, or even change the action.)

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Sep 19, 2003 2:38 pm

Seeing How his previous choice of spell backfired somewhat, Idran decides to cast Lesser Regen on Jaeko, hopefully making up for the earlier mistake.

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Sep 19, 2003 5:55 pm

Jaeko let off a quick string of profanity, cursing his luck for managing to attract that much attention with what he though was just a simple little display of gunmanship. He gathered himself as well as possible with his injuries, and deciding he should put survival above shooting at things, he took one of the minor healing potions he purchased earlier out of his coat and applied it, then turned his attention to the nearest bandit, aiming as well as possible and letting him have it from both guns.

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Sep 19, 2003 10:39 pm

Assassin turned from the gargoyle, now, to the bandits, sensing them out within a few moments' time. A quick hop, a dematerialization.. and a rematerialization to the wall just facing one of the bandits. [2 TP]

His weapon still readied, he shifted off of the land onto a surface closer to land.. and performed a quick thrusting attack at the bandit he was closest to.

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Sep 20, 2003 4:31 pm

Resisting the urge to cry out in celebration of his perfect shot, Petty crouched low and moved over to Jeako. While he'd certainly make a mocking comment about the Barian's luck later, he wouldn't be able to if he wasn't alive.

"Keep low." he said, following up his command with a quick chant, his hands glowing white for a few moments as the heal spell took effect.

(Heal on Jaeko)

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Sep 21, 2003 10:55 pm

Getting Fabelia into her sheath proved surprisingly easy for Silvanus, leaving him free to fight the rest of the battle without the insidious draining effects of the sword.

Between his own healing potion, Idran's regenerative spell, and Petty's efforts, Jaeko was soon feeling much better, almost as good as new. Unfortunately, the flesh had closed up around the arrows, which was going to make them a lot harder to remove later on.

Lining up for the nearest bandit, one of those on the wagon, Jaeko fired with both pistols. The results were... mixed. On the one hand, one of the bandits (Not, it should be noted, his actual target) was blasted off the side of the wagon to lie unmoving on the ground. On the other hand, he managed to shoot his employer in the back.

Orlan was quick to take advantage of Siolen's distraction, delivering a sharp crack to her ribs with his quarterstaff. Though dizzy with the pain, she drew in a sharp breath and exhaled a blast of fire at her opponent. The fire rolled over Orlan with no apparent effect other than causing his clothing to smoulder. Orlan closed in for the kill.

By this point, the lead wagon was jolting around quite a bit, as it had gotten a fair distance off the beaten track. It was actually getting pretty close to the treeline. Nevertheless, Assassin was able to keep his footing quite well, stabbing a bandit who hadn't quite made it up the side of the wagon. Too surprised by the Assassin's sudden shift in location to effectively respond, revenge was left to his surviving comrade.

The bandit managed to get through Assassin's defenses easily, driving his sword into his shoulder. Not, thankfully, his sword arm, but still painful.

Once again, Jaeko attracted a certain amount of bowfire, seeing as he hadn't stayed down, with another arrow embedding itself in his chest. On the plus side, this meant less shots taken at anyone else...

(Jaeko recovers 51 HP, only to lose another 36. He'll have to do something about those arrows in the long run, as well.
26 damage to Assassin. Also, damn that's a lot of crits. Time to rummage up new dice...)

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Sep 22, 2003 12:18 am

Noticing the change in course of the lead wagon, Idran's attention is drawn to the events within that wagon.

IM: ...Wait a minute, what's he doing? He's trying to kill...Hold spells aren't guaranteed, he might shrug it off too. Wait, this should...

With that, Idran casts Phase Shift, trying to teleport to a position about a foot and a half above...well, where Orlan will be by the time he falls, at least.

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Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Sep 22, 2003 2:19 am

Jaeko, noticing that he was now full of arrows, and a little less for luck as far as his guns where concerned, decided it was time to do more then just randomly shoot. Bracing himself for quite a bit of pain, he quickly pulled as many arrows out as quickly and straightly as possible, trying not to make any unnessessary pain for himself. Taking a moment to remove the arrows, he then took aim at the next closest bandit, thinking maybe aiming would prevent him from shooting someone in the back.

(First action is pulling out any arrows he can safely remove, being as careful as possible while still hurrying, second action is Take Aim, aiming at the nearest bandit, wherever they may be.)

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 9/22/03 2:22 am


Re: The dice don't seem to like Silvanus...

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Sep 22, 2003 3:17 pm

Now that he had his darker sword put away, Silvanus started to take his chances with his nonmagical sword.

From where he was, he floated up a bit and then dove toward the nearest bandit that he could, sword forward.

(Thrust to the nearest bandit, with nonmagical 'bastard sword' out. I'm going to have to make a tech sooner or later to take advantage of diving from the air......)


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