Long Journey Home - Again ^_^

For all RPs taking place in the world Gaera Main.

Long Journey Home - Again ^_^

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jul 04, 2002 4:26 am

( OOC : This is just the prelude before the RP starts NO replying to it yet as I'll post something new so it can be started properly. If you wish to make a comment on it, there is my Concerning my RP's thread in the OOC forum, just post it in there ^_^ )

(The plot has been redone a bit and hopefully a bit better thought out... anywho.. here we go! )


- - - - - - -

The north was a frozen wasteland, where bitter hard winds blew away all but the hardest of life and the harsh climate made "boys" into "men" at a much earlier age.

Man had managed to grow and build even in this land, though the price of such recklessness was high as the towns and cities had a history of death behind them and the walls, if they told tales, would tell how many bones had broken in them being made.

It is these people who used to be the only ones who knew of them. They are feared and respected, even by these hard people.

To the West, in a large collection of mountains, home to some of the most feared of monsters, is where they wonder. There way is that of survival and honour. Only the strongest live to a good age, only the lucky make it past that.

Living together with the Honourable Wolf-Pigs, the Barbarian Ninja's have had a hard simple life, were wars are pointless, but fighting is life.

No Barbarian Ninja has left the collection of mountains they call Gre'Par'th 'The Spirit Hills'.

Not one? Well. . . perhaps one has.

Banished from the homeland for a crime against everything they believe in, Ark, a boy of 12, gifted, or cursed, with a strength inhuman, marked by the spirits with blue hair, is the only one of them to have left this land.

With him went the great leader Wind Fang, leader of the Wolf-Pigs who was once linked with the mighty Krone, the strongest and bravest of all the Barbarian Ninja's. Wind Fangs tale is a long one, filled with death and betrayal, life and death, but that is for another time. Now linked with the boy, his heart in turmoil over all he has lost yet his love for the child, wonders the unexplored world, Ark in tow.

- - - - -

Time passed, and the already long lived Wind Fang grew older and the boy grew up to the age of 17. Free from his home and his people, the boy grew into a free spirit, carefree and kind but his strength grew also and he left a trail of accidents and deaths. His curse could not be lifted.

The boy chose to rename himself, believing being bigger meant he should have a bigger name. He took on the name of Choark .

The boy had long ago renamed Wind-Fang to Pig, who had taken the name without complaint. He held it like a badge of death. Wind-Fang was no more.

- - - - -

Through the mountains of Gre'Par'th a silent figure crept out of the town. Her sandals on her feet made no sound as they hit each rock. Her hair was tied into a long pony tail that flapped in the chilly breeze, the moonlight showed her hair was a strange pink colour, with yellow streaks in it.

The the figure tripped and fell, falling from rock to rock until she landed on iher head. The figure laid still for a few seconds before flipping back up. Rubbing her head she said,

"I have a owie. . ."

Carrying on with her important mission, the figure crept into the second temple of Apa'kee, holding a scroll.

- - - - - -

"This is impossible" Said the typically shadowed important figure, who's face could not be made out in the dimly lit room.

"Yet, it is so." Said the other shadow like figure.

The room was square and very boring in design. It had no pillars, it had no holy symbols and, most importantly, it had no where anyone could sneak into with without the people in the room knowing. It was a room in a temple where important discussions were made.

The figure that had brought the scroll sat in the light of the room, two candles at her feet, listening in on the masters talk.

At least 10 other people were in the room, yet none of there faces could be made out, and there voices had been trained so each one sounded exactly the same, barring a few differences to the trained ear.

"Such things, it is against the spirits!"

"That is not what is important. What is important is how we act!" Was that the first figure who spoke, or the second?

"To act? What can we do? The purpose of the Wolf-Pigs is to guard the humans. This is beyond human, this is beyond our control." This was said after a series of weird sounds that was obviously the sound of a Wolf-Pig speaking. The man who spoke had learned there language, which was as complex as the humans. This was a very big feat to achieve, as most people who have ever spoke the language of the Wolf-Pigs had been joined to them.

"It is beyond all of us! We are but men and have the strength of men!"

The sitting figure with pink and yellow hair, felt the eyes of everyone turn to her. She looked up. Her age was 14. Small, some would decribe her as cute. Others would describe her a dangerously perky and interested in things that weren't hers, or more often, "thief!".

Her strength was well known as well. It was inhuman, more so then "his".

"She could fight such a menace!"

"On her own? Impossible!"

"I'm saying it is possible! Her strength is that of ten of our strongest!" Which figure was this again? It could be a new one or. . .

"Do not argue with me with blithering old Goat! Why my hands were snapping the necks of my enemies while yours were training to pick up a sword!"

The trouble with Barbarian Ninja's was that secret meetings were not common place and few knew how to hold there tongue and be, well, secret. They preferred the honouable fight. That of sneaking up on the enemy, clubbing a few in the back, then shouting charge and beating to death the rest. Other tactics were beyond them. Strength and skill was everything.

As the fight calmed, the remaining figures spoke.

"She could not do it on her own. For, she is an idiot!"

The girl sat there and nodded her head. It was true, she was an idiot, she never deigned it. Why bother?

"We need a powerful fighter! A warror!"

"None have been as great as Krone and Wind-Fang." This voice had a whimsical sound to its voice, like if it remembering something while saying it.

"But Wind-Fang is DEAD!!" It was snapped out and it was obvious that it was a lie. For one, everyone in the room knew he was alive, expect the girl, and two, he only pointed out the fact Wind-Fang was dead and made no mention of Krone, who was dead and eaten.

"I MEAN that none of our warriors, no matter how great, have been near the strength of those two. And I believe only those two ever had a chance against this."

The room fell silent.

- - - - - -

Time passed until the next day came and the girl was summoned again. She walked through the temple until she came to the front. It was a large open area where most of the Barbarian Ninja's trained in there more complex skills. At the front of the yard there was a small temple that was raised, looking over all of the yard.

Walking over to this temple, the girl walked inside and found the room she was summoned to. It was decorated in many statues of past warriors, both fiction and not. Bowing to the figures, who now hid themselves behind a paper wall so only there outline could be made out.

"You have a mission Cursed one. It will be long and tough and you will perhaps not survive. But you must, for it important to the safety of everything we know. . ."

The girl sat quietly but didn't bother listening, the introduction to these missions were always long and boring. Humming a tune in her head, she counted down until. . .

" . . . So here is your mission.

" You are to leave the land of the Spirit Hills and venture through the dark lands until you find a Wolf-Pig by the name of Wind-Fang . You will give him the scroll in front of you." The girl looked down and sure enough a scroll that had previously not been there, was.

"eheheeh That's Coo!" The girl chirped.

"SILENCE!" The figures sighed and continued. "You will then return to the Spirit Hills and battle the enemy. That is your mission."

"Aye Aye your honourable Sir!" The girl said with a spin and a bow, as she whisked up the scroll and placed it in her pants pockets. She began to race off but a sudden "HALT!" stopped her in her tracks.

"S'up old man?" The girl asked.

"The prized sword of the spirits, the one that was said to have defeated the dark lords, the one that's shines darkness and the hilt is made from the frozen blood of the fallen . . ."

"I can have it!?" The girl excitedly asked, wide eyed.

"No! I want you to return it to the statue from where you took it!" The voice of the old man had lost its secrecy.

The girl shrugged and place the sword in the statue.

". . . very good. Now, if you please, can you return the statue?"

- - - - - -

"Get to go outside! Get to go outside! Get to go outside!" The girl happily skipped through the town as she sang out the words. She was finally leaving this boring land and going out to see the "dark world", that place beyond the mountains!

Her heart was pounding with excitement. All her life she had wanted to see the world beyond this one, and now those silly old geezers were sending her off on a mission there. She chuckled at her luck. The spirits were smiling on her.

Her route took her away from the town and up a worn path, that climbed the mountain side to a small stone house that stood away from all the others.

She stopped at a small rock with a smiley face carved on it and bowed.

"Guess what Bro!? I'm finally getting to see the world outside! I know I promised to see it with ya and all, but with you being dead and all it won't be possible. So, like, I'll bring back a little something and put it on ya grave! I hope it'll make you happy and all. Well, see ya" The girl kneeled down and kissed the smiley face and skipped to the stone house.

"Gramps! I'm home!" She flung herself into the room, her face a picture of happiness.

A old man, with long silver hair growing out of his nose and ears, turned around and looked at his grand daughter. His face was hard and worn, but showed signs of a happy life, and a life with sorrow as well.

"Welcome Child!" He got up and hugged her, and she returned the favour. Gasping for air the old man had to hit her on the head several time until she let go.

"Sorry Gramps!" she said, sweat dropping. "I didn't mean to do that."

"It' okay Pia, just. . . be careful on these old bones." The old man sat down again. "So, what brings you here?"

"Well, I won't be getting to see ya for. . ." she had a quick think ". . . a couple of years or something."

The old man fell silent, suddenly deep in thought. When he spoke, he spoke carefully. "They have sent you on a mission?"

Pia nodded.

"To retrieve someone?" Pia nodded again, beaming a smile at him.

The old man fell silent again. He knew who it would be but he couldn't believe they would try this. For all they knew, he was dead. The Wolf-Pigs age had been nearly impossible when he left all those years ago. Now? now he would guess his heart would have given out.

However. He had linked with the boy and that had made him strong again.

"Gramps?" Pia was upset she wasn't getting all the attention from him.

"Sorry sorry... old man.. mind wondering." If she went then he would meet him . Would either of them be ready for that? Would this old man?

"So, you're going off to find the great Wind-Fang then?"

The girl went wide eyed and stomped her foot, nearly cracking the tone beneath it. "That's not fair! I didn't get to say it! How DO you do that!?"

He chuckled. "This old man still has a good head! And age has its benefits."

The two went silent. Both knew what would happen now. She would go and it would be likely they would never see each other again. The old man might not even live past the next day and she was going into the unknown. Both had grown used to death, even in her young age. She had lost her parents when she was just a baby, and lost her older brother at the age of 9.

"so ummm. . I guess. . . that's that then Gramps. I gotta go and . . ." However, the two had a strong relationship and neither wanted to lose the other. They were all they had.

The two embraced in a hug and left it at that. Long good byes were pointless. Let the heart tell its love, not the words.

- - - - - -

Pia, the second cursed child. Her strength was even greater then that of her brothers and her ability for fun and trouble was even more. Though both had the same mother, the father had been different and as such she, unlike her brother, had not been linked with the Wold-Pigs.

A thief in her spare time, though she would hit anyone who called her that, she enjoys looking through other peoples items and belongings. Anyone silly enough to leave there things around for them to be picked up had it coming to them. How this applies to things "dropped" in pockets is anyones guess.

Her life had been more controlled then her brothers, as once her brother had been banished they did not want a repeated mistake. Brought up away from most people, she had been trained from dust till dawn everyday of her life and left out of the hunts.

To her knowledge, her brother died 5 years ago, in the temple accident which had caused Wind-Fang so much inner pain he left this land.

Now she would go and find Wind-Fang and bring him back to her dead brother, and to the temples.

- - - - -

"So, like, why am I here?" Pia tapped her foot impatiently. The Wolf-Pig answered back in its own language, as that was all they could manage.

"Really? Well that's great. . . ." She turned to the man standing next to her. ". . what he'd say?"

"HE is a She, and she said they are locating him for you so you don't have to wonder round aimlessly and get lost" The man eyed Pia who was scratching the back of her head and sniggering.

'Darn. There goes me losing my way and seeing all the world'

The sound of the howls lifted itself up through the cold air of the mountains. Long and soulful, the howl had a tint of sorrow edging into its tone.

Then the wind answered the call. A sudden burst of the powerful wind blew across the homes of the Gre'Par'th land, collecting the howls of all the Wolf-Pigs and carrying them across the world. . .

- - - - -

. . . and into the ears of Pig.

Sitting up, he twitched his nose, thinking he had been woken by the smell of prey nearby yet he could smell nothing. Looking around he saw Choark laying next to him, snoring, hugging his warhammer which sparked of with lighten magic, that fizzled out on his hair.

A peaceful smile was on the boys face. The land of Doma has been good to him and the boy was learning a lot and making new friends. Not all of them Pig approved of but it was better then the lonely existence he might of had.

Thinking maybe he had simply got far too old Pig went to rest again, until the wind blew anew. This time Pig shot straight up and his ears twitched.

He heard the calls of his people and smelt the magic in the wind. They needed him it seemed and they were waiting for him to answer back.

His people, his home. He had nearly forgotten about them, about his responsibilities, about his past. Was he to have no peace?

The boy twitched in his sleep and gave off a small cry for food. Grabbing out for some invisible animal, he caught it and chopped it down then returned to his still slumber.

The wind blew again, waiting and expecting an answer. It received none. Pig laid down and slept once more. It was no longer his concern.

- - - - -

The magic had been strong, so much so that it needed not the answer of Wind-fang. The wind carried the sent and the land and of Wind-Fang back to the land of Gre'Par'th.

"He is far to the South-East. In a land unlike our own, home to many beasts with unfamiliar scents. We can not give any more details, it seemed he answered our all not." The wolf-pigs looked at one another, worried. Wind-Fang has changed a lot in his last years before he left, what if he had changed too much?

"Well, least its vague enough to have some fun with!" Pia chirped out. She gave of a small giggle. Okay, so now she had to head in a direction, but at least she'll still get to look around somewhat.

Turning around she gave a wave to everyone there. "Well see ya then!"

She jumped and ran away. heading out of the mountains and into her first real adventure.

The Wolf-Pigs sighed and chanted out a new spell. Lifting her from where she was, the wind carried her over the mountains and past the land that surrounded them. The land around the mountains were home to the Sand Worms, giant killers that few have ever managed to kill.

Landing with a thud beyond the Sand Worms "home" she rubbed her backside and shouted out to the wind. "What was that for!?" The answer was a simple "Idiot!"

Shrugging, she turned and headed south-east, kind of, and started out on her first great adventure. . . again.

- - - - - -

End of prelude

Yeah.. so its long but now you know the back story of what's going on. All very mysterious and all eh? *laughs* Anywho, I hope ya enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Anywho.. again it was written in the morning.. so sentances might trail off.. if its really bad.. >> I'll edit this again with fixes.. eheheheeheh ^^;;

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uchoark.showPublicProfile?language=EN>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/4/02 3:33:53 pm


Re: Long Journey Home - Again ^_^

Unread postby Choark » Mon Jul 22, 2002 6:37 am

OOC : And away we GO!! Right, I know the 4 original people are part of this... though Molo might be away on holiday at the moment.. but that won't be hard to fix. . . >> If anyone else, other then the 4 preordained ones want to join, just ask in the OOC forum and i talk about it.

Chapter 1 : Image

- - - - - -

The morning gave away to afternoon and all ws peaceful as the sun hung over the city of Doma. Birds sang, children laughed and all of that. It seemed to be the perfect day for once.

"WOLF! Wolf in the city!!"

The scream went out and the streets went wild with panic

- - - - - - -

Stevens walked down the corridor of doma castle, while sractching himself. He had lost once again and had been forced to wear the old armour.

Ther armour was a horrible brown colour, with years of rust eating away at it and it smelled of... something. The smell was the worst part actually, with it causing his eyes to tear up and his nose to twitch with pain every other second.

"It's just not my day at all."

It was then he found Kalmun, another guard at the castle.

He was looking well still, in his fully shining body armour and well kept body., muscles all over it. The bastard always went on about the time he beat 50 men in a bar at armwestling.

So it was almost pleasant seeing him on the floor knocked out.

A while later Stevens let out the call that an intruder was in the castle. He also wasn't scratching himself anymore.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Jul 24, 2002 4:14 am

(OOC: Before I post, two things:

1) WOOO!!! Journey home is back on!!! Image

2) Since this is taking place a year from now... I'll be assuming a few things have already taken place, so don't be surprised if you see any of my characters acting differently... or possible new ones... >Image *Cackles*

Now... on with the RP!!!)

***Out in the Streets of Doma***

The sounds of panic and confusion spread like a shockwave down the roads, various townspeople scurrying away from the commotion taking place. As some struggled to carry their belongings, and others dragged along loved ones behind them, one person in paticular stood his ground as the masses fled past. The man was wearing blue armor with a lighter blue trim along the outsides, as well as matching boots with the same colors and trim. His arms and legs were covered in dark shirt and pants, a long Blue cape hanging from his back that split near the end into three pieces. The man ran a hand along the blue headband in his hair, brushing aside a few stray locks of his short brown hair. To an outsider of Doma, he probably appeared to be a Knight of somekind. A few from Baron would likely think he was a Mystic Knight, one skilled in combining magic and swordplay, as his armor design matching those of the Baronian forces.

How shocked some individuals would be from a year ago, if they realized who this was.

<.<? "...Wild animal on the loose, eh? I know what THAT means..." the Knight thought, his green eyes burning with intensity as he drew a shining blade from its sheath.

^_^ "...GUILT FREE STABBING!!!" The Knight shouted with glee, excited at the prospect of battle. Nearby, his companion sighed, facepalming under the shadow of a large yellow mage's hat.

-_-;;; "You know Stephan... I am fairly certain a 'Knight' should not speak that way..." the other man sighed, getting a raised eyebrow in response from the swordsman.

>.>? "...Well, uh... Why the hell not Mid? I mean, if it's gonna maim and kill sh@#, I should probably stop it, right?" Stephan argued, a small smile creeping onto his face as he added, "Besides, there's nothing wrong with enjoying a little 'friendly' combat...right? ^_^"

<.<;; "I... suppose not... I... guess...?" the magic user conceeded.

>.> "Ok then..." he told his companion, turning around and pointing his blade up the street.

<\/< "...BATTLE TIME!!!" he shouted, running up the street with a determined grin.

As the man in the yellow hat watched the Knight charging up the street, he found he couldn't help smiling a bit, even if his companions behavior was bothering him slightly. Midoku took his hat off for a moment, wiping away the sweat developing on his forehead's blue skin. The rush of people running down the street sent the man's green robes and dark red hair flapping in the fast moving air, the wizard skillfully grabbing at his hair and fixing it back under the hat as he placed it back on.

<.< How strange... he's so different... yet still the same... the wizard thought to himself, starting down the street after the knight, His determination still burns like a roaring fire... but... it's not anger that fuels it anymore...

-_- ...and to think... I almost lost him...

Putting thoughts of past events aside, he continued on to do something he's become adept at after so many years. Keeping the love of his life out of trouble...

***Meanwhile, in Doma Castle***

A familiar man walked the halls of the Royal Castle, a place he had grown quite accustomed to by now. An occasional guard, recognising the frequent visitor, would tip a helmet slightly and address the man with a short "Hello." The man would return with, in a slightly worn-sounding voice:

e.e "...hello..."

The man's face seemed strained, dark circles and bags visible around and under his eyes. His pace while walking was slower than normal, almost like gravity was the only thing moving him foreward. Few people spoke him in the castle anymore, as the man tended to either ignore them, or blatantly tell them to stop talking to him in a harsh voice. How different the man was now... his mood ranged for tired to extremely irritated, making him seem to be many years over his actual age. He seemed bitter about something... bitter and angry...

Those who had not seen the man in awhile, perhaps old friends and distant aquaintences, would find a hard time believing that this man was actually Daniel Hyral, Knight of Doma from the Kingdom of Baron. He no longer seemed to be the upbeat, cheerful person he was when he first arrived in the land a few years ago. He hardly spoke to anyone anymore, not even his wife, Kyra Ryujin Hyral. Daniel spent a lot of time now in meditation, trying to find any place where he could remain alone.

....mornin Dan... ^-^ a familiar voice spoke in the Pseudo-Paladin. Daniel did what he'd come into the habit of doing the past few months, and let out a low growl at the sound of the voice.

e.e ...f*&k off Dante... he thought to other presence in his head. Stepping into a small hallway, he closed his eyes, visualizing himself inside his own mind...

...Dan found himself standing within a barren landscape of dark grey dirt... the sky only visible by small crackles of purple thunder. A few feet away, another man stood by a withered looking brown tree, smiling smugly back at him. The man wore armor similar in shape to the Pseudo-Paladin's, only it had shades of black instead of blue. The only color in his armor were dark blue leggings, the same color as the man's short hair. He kept it in the same style as the Pseudo-Paladin's, save for a pair of dark grey horns which peeked out of it from the sides. His bright blue eyes stared back into Dan's, his cat-like irises narrowing slighty as he smiled wider, revealing sharp fangs. A bright purple aura surrounded the man and his dark grey dragonic wings, which billowed slightly as if a small breeze were blowing by the pair.

"What's wrong, Dan? Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning again? XP" Dante taunted and laughed, Daniel letting out another low growl, "Seriously... you look like you could use a good rest... ^-^

e.e++ "...if it wasn't for you, I *COULD* rest..." Daniel spat at the dragonic man.

"Me? Oh, that's not true at all... >.>" Dante answere back, holding his hands behind himself and kicking at some dirt, "Just because I get to be out and about while you sleep is no reason to deprive yourself of that sleep. ^-^"

e.e "...It is when someone like YOU is the one in charge..." Daniel answered, his anger rising another notch.

"o.o? Just because I have a 'little' fun while you're unconcious?" Dante asked innocently, wiggling from side to side as if he were a small child, "I don't see why you care, it's not like you'll remember anyway... XD"

e.e "...I'll care when it hurts the people I care about..." Daniel growled.

"Well, in that case... I don't see why *I* should care then, I don't give a rat's ass about anyone but myself anyway. ^-^" Dante answered back smugly, "You should try it sometime Dan, it makes life SO much easier..."

e\/e+++ "I'LL NEVER BE LIKE YOU, YOU BASTARD..." Daniel snarled at his darker half, getting nothing but a brief chuckle for an answer.

e.e+++ "What's so damn funny?!?!" Daniel demanded, his darker self grinning triumphantly before he answered.

"Oh please... you don't have to TRY and be like me... After all..."

^-^ "...I was made from you, remember? I *AM* you..."

>.< "...shuttup..." Daniel demanded.

"And with each passing day, this part of you is getting stronger... feeding off the Darkness and Pain in this vast land..." Dante sneered, flapping his wings a bit as he levitated off the ground, "It's only a matter of time before I'm finally in control... ^-^"

e.e++ "I...won't... let y..." Daniel started to say.

e\/e "Spare me the bullshit, you've been saying that for over a year now, you pathetic excuse for a human... I'm sick of hearing it..." Dante growled, floating over until he was face to face with Daniel, "You need to get a reality check, Danny-boy, you're LOSING this battle now..."

e.e;; "..you..you're wr...wrong..." Daniel chocked out, trying to back off a bit. The Mazoku Dragon, however, was having none of that, floating forward into Daniel's face again.

"Then explain why you keep sleeping less and less, Dan. Explain why you're afraid to close your eyes... Dante said, the Pseudo-Paladin growing more nervous, "Explain why when you DO f*&k up and I get control, it takes you longer and longer to gain that control back? Like last night..."

Dante blushed a big, giggling like a small child.

^-^ "That sexy lady with the blue dress in the red lantern district... man... I almost had her nekkid before you finally woke up and..."

>.<;;; "STOP IT, DAMMIT!!! JUST... STOP IT..." Daniel screamed, covering his head with his arms. The Mazoku Dragon cackled again, getting nose to nose with the Pseudo-Paladin. Dante's blue eyes seemed to be glowing with a slight purple around his irises, Daniel gulping slightly as his darker self addressed him one more time.

e.e "I *WON'T* stop Dan. You have something I want badly..."

"...and I'll NEVER stop until I get what I want... ^-^

Dante tossed his head back and cackled, the surrounding darkness reflecting and intensifying the sound. Just when it seemed Dan couldn't take the noise anymore, he blinked his eyes, finding himself back in the small corridor of Doma castle. He looked around, finding no one watching his actions from a moment ago.

...you can't keep this up forever Dan... the voice in his mind said, and would continue to say, ...one of these days you'll simply give up... you might as well do it now...^-^

e.e Daniel tried to ignore Dante's taunting, as he always did every waking moment of his life as of late. Today however, something seemed to give, the Pseudo-Paladin's hands shaking slightly. Dan turned toward the nearby wall, resting his forehead against the cold stone...

...and sobbed into the nearby wall... ,>.<,

(OOC: Er... sorry about starting things off with an angstfest here... heh... >.>;;; If it's a problem just say so and I'll rewrite it ^.^;;; Figured this would be a good way to deal with Dante too if that's alright. )


*high fives*

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jul 24, 2002 9:43 am

OOC : First of all... its fine and dandy O_o Manly because that was some of the best written erm.. writing I've read in a long time o_O I should beat you with a stick for out doing the GM... but then I enjoyed it too much for that.

Secondanly.. Damn man >> O_o surprise after surprise .. anyway.. on with the story (other RPer's should have no trouble joining in)

*forces self to try and write as well as Dave*

- - - - - - - - -
*In the streets of Doma*

It wasn't hard for the two to follow the flow of people who ran away from the source of all the trouble. The trouble was to stop themselves being knocked over and trampled on. Steven had an easier time of it, as few wanted to knock into a man in armour, Midoku however was being beaten and bruised.

As they neared there distination the wind suddenly dropped in the street, and everything was very still. The street stretched out before the two, empty, and, even though screams could be heard from behind them, it gave the feeling that all was quiet.

It almost felt like the street was some preditor, watching silently, ready to pounce on them when they drop there guard.

Suddenly a large rush of air came soaring towards them, lifting the two off there feet, even though Stevens armour is as heavy as it is, and sent them flying backwards.

Landing with a painful thud against the stone pebbled streets, the two laid still for a moment. That wind had not been natural.

Bushing off the dust as the two sat up, they instintly making themselves combat ready. Looking down the street they saw a figure of a huge wolf jumping and running from place to place.

Unable to tell clearly from this distance but it seemed as if the creature was trying to attack a street lamb.

It was clearly maddened then. Prehaps it was a berserked beast of some mages?

- - - - - - -
*With Doma Castle*

While Daniel had been fighting with the darkness within him, the castle of Doma had become a center of activity. Guards were running down the halls, checking rooms, used and those that had been blocked off for years.

Coming across Daniel, a old guard had tightened his grip and his Spear and walked up to him. Daniels face was out of view and the guard had been unable to reconnise him.

"Sir? Please state your name and your buiseness in Doma castle"

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It's almost like the twilight zone... O_o

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Jul 28, 2002 2:18 pm

>.>; "...you alright, Mid?" Stephan asked with a quick glance, lending a hand to help him up as he kept an eye on their unknown foe.

-_-;; "...Ye...yes, just had the... wind knocked out of me..." Midoku answered, letting out a small laugh at the unintended pun as he got back up.

<\/< "Well, whatever the hell it is, it's gonna lose a LOT more then some @$#%ing air when I see it..." Stephan growled, watching the shadowy creature move closer and closer to their location. Midoku let out a small yelp, distracting the Mystic Knight for a moment as he turned to see what was the matter.

>.>? "Mid? What's wrong?!" Stephan asked, watching Midoku pat the top of his now hatless head with his hands.

<.>;;; "My hat?!?! Where is it?!?!" the Blue Wizard panicked, looking around frantically. Stephan sighed, but showed the kind of restraint he could only muster for Midoku.

-_-;; "Mid... we'll look for it later, Ok?" he said to the Blue Wizard, looking back once again at their shadowy adversary, "Let's worry about staying alive for now..."

"...alright... sorry..." Midoku apologised, feeling a bit silly for making such a fuss over it. Holding back another sigh, Stephan reached over and gave Mid's shoulder a brief squeeze, looking into his bright green eyes.

>.> "Hey, no need to apologise to me... " Stephan said, smiling to the Wizard, "I know that hat means a lot to you." Midoku blushed a bit at the sign of affection, smiling back.

*^.^*; "Thanks... I know it seems silly..." Midoku started to say, lookin down nervously, "...it's just... I'm so used to it... you know...? Help me stay focused..."

>.> "Nah, I think I understand..." the Mystic Knight told him. He started to blush and look away, adding:

*<.<*; "...kinda how I feel without you around..."

ó.ò "Stephan..." Midoku said, starting to reach over to him, "I..."

Before he could, however, another large gust of wind blasted down the road, nearly throwing the Blue Wizard down to the ground. Stephan reached over in time to grab his waist, trying hard to keep the two of them standing. The wind proved to strong though, Stephan buckling under the power and falling backward to the ground with Midoku.

>.<;;; "@#$@#$@#..." Stephan cursed, once again helping Midoku to his feet as the pair got back up.

<.>;; "...I...I think you were correct...w..we should focus on the matter at hand...staying alive..." Midoku stammered, fwipping some hair in his face back over his shoulder.

e.e+++ "...yes, let's..." Stephan growled, getting his sword back out and glaring up the road, "YOU HEAR THAT YOU @#$@#!? WE'LL TEACH YA TO #$@#$@ US UP!!!" he looked back over to Midoku, smiling mischievously and confidently, "Shall we? >:-]"

<\/<;; "...lead the way..." Midoku answered, glaring up the road.

And so, the determined Knight and Wizard started up the road, still not sure what they were in store for...

***Meanwhile, back in Doma Castle***

".......*sniff*......" Dan chocked out again into the wall.

"Sir, please state your business NOW." the guard commanded, trying to sound as confident as possible. Dan's head suddenly snapped up and glared back at the guard, nearly snarling as he let out a growl.


The guard nearly staggered back into the wall, his eyes blinking a few times. For a moment, he could've sworn the familiar man before him had feral eyes...

o_O;; "..M..Mr. Hyral?" The guard stammered. Dan blinked a few times, shaking his head and attempting to dry his face quickly.

é.è "...s..sorry... bout that..." Dan told the guard, clutching his own forehead tight for a second. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down before he looked up to speak with the guard again.

"...w..what's going on?" he asked.

Vampire Jester Jinx

Enter the elf.......siren........thing......whoo!

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Sun Jul 28, 2002 3:47 pm

A very slight figure was making her way down the doman streets, a few blocks over from the commotion.
Her long sensitive ears were drowning in the sound of the screams, trampling feet, and all the various noises of the paniced mob to understand what was going on, other than something having to do with a wolf.

The girl was could easily be considered pretty, her elven features making her seem rather delicate. Coupled with how insanely small the woman was it was almost funny to see her easily carrying a large weighted fighting staff like it was nothing. Her clothes were tattered and worn, a pair of old green pants, and a black top that showed her tummy. Her bright black hair had been cut off insanely short, and was worn a bit spikey in the front. Her large blue eyes watched the people who were now spilling onto the street she was on, in confusion.

Frowning a little, she began to sing. Lifting her voice higher and higher until most of the people in the immediate crowd could hear. It was a calming and soothing song...... Jaede Slyth hated all this panic and knew someone would get hurt if it kept up the way it was.

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Not to be forgotten of course...

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Jul 28, 2002 5:42 pm

Deep within the barracks knelt a figure clothed in a beautiful white robe which spread out evenly around the being. A red triangle pattern marked the edge of the robe, clearly identifying it as the traditional dressings of a white mage. Long dirty blond hair tumbled down the back of the kneeling one, hair long enough to reach the floor, smooth and silken, yet carelessly unkept.

The woman was completely motionless, her head bowed as she kneeled before a small altar dedicated to Ishtar, eyes shut tight, hands clasped before her chest. Slowly, she lifted her head upwards to the ceiling, opening her violet eyes, which seem to sparkle. The sparkle, however, disappeared as a tear rolled down her delicate cheek, a deep sadness engraved upon her face.

"Dear Ishtar..." she pleaded softly, "I beg of you...please...give me the power to wrent the darkness from the one I love...from my husband..." more tears filled her eyes as she struggled to choke out the words, "Please help me...help me find the way!" she shouted upwards, allowing her words to echo throughout the room, eyes still turned skywards, waiting....

She remained with him, regardless of what had happened, regardless of when he begged her to leave him and be happy. No, her husband was still there, the monster within could not devour him whole. She loved him and she had vowed to never leave him.

She had loved him so, and had continued to, even through the attacks, the possessions, the appearances of that evil demon that had taken residence within her husband's head. At first, she tried to ignore it, tried to pretend that it never happened. You're just imagining things! But still, it persisted. Immense joy had rushed through her heart in the past; when he proposed, when they finally were married, but over time, it had begun to fade. She wondered, was she married to the same man that had captured her heart? Was this another one of his twisted plans? She hated it, she hated the lonely nights; a married woman should never have to be alone. The arguements; such harsh words that stung worse than the reaper's scythe. Living day after day of watching her husband slowly fall to pieces, and there was nothing she could do. Nothing but pray for the strength she needed to fight it.

After what felt like an eternity of stillness and silence, Kyra Hyral collapsed to the floor, sobbing, as her prayer once again, went unanswered.


*woo's for posts! woo's for quality!*

Unread postby Choark » Mon Jul 29, 2002 5:11 am

Jaede Slyth

The crowds noise grew quiet as her song filled the air with a calming tone. Strange smiles grew on people's faces as there mind wondered out of the panic they felt and into a magical trance, were all there worries were lifted from them as only magic can do.

Now the street Jaede was on was still and quiet, as everyone stood still, or even sat down, in there own peaceful world.

Jaede sences suddenly jumped with alarm as she felt the force of a powerful magic being used nearby, past the crowds on the abandoned streets.

- - - - - - -

Kyra Hyral

A priest watched the pain of the white mage as she sobbed her heart out to Lord Ishtar. While in all his faith he knew that all must be tested in this world and that all tests are to strengthen the soul for all trails to be faced in this world and the next, he found himself wanting to confront the Lord about a few trails he made for some.

He was prehaps a simple priest, his faith had not always be sturdy, he has faultered from time to time but even so, he found the lord again and again and the faith had kept him strong.

Walking upto the sobbing woman, he placed a drink of water beside her and sat nearby. He could not say anything to her but he did what he could.

The door suddenly burst open as a group of soldiers came in, spears ready, and searched the room, without explaination.

"What is the meaning of this!?" The preist shouted out, as he stood up in anger.

An officer walked towards the two. He face, while not evil looking, was certainly not any comfort to the uneasiness in the priests mind.

"Quiet down Father. We are but doing out job!" The guard looked down at Kyra and frowned. "Stand up woman and show your face."

- - - - - -

Daniel - and GM Choark feels like collasping

The guard had been shaken. One second Daniel had looked ready to kill him, the next he seemed weak and apoligetic. These Hyrals always seemed a odd bunch but lately this one had been walking on the edge on maddness.

However, he was a supierior, and years of training kicked in. Saluting, the guard pipped ot his orders.

"Doma castle is under attack sir! Every single guard has been ordered to search every room and find a girl with pink and yellow hair. She has been attacking random guards and many items have been missing!"

Breathing is, the guard calmed down and relaxed a little. The old guard leaned a little on his spear and his voice went down a few tones as he continued on. This was obviously extra information he had simple decided to share.

"Also, sir, entire teams have been found attacked. The ones that have been able to talk all said that just one girl had done it. What's worse is, her movements seem random and she has back tracked and ran around and, quiet simple sir, made a fool of us all day."

- - - - - -

Stephan and Midoku - and GM Cho is nearly done! ^_^ - and finally states how big Pig is - sort of ^^;;

As they got closer to the wolf, they saw just how big it was. It stood a size just under that of a horse, its fur, a strange mix of pink? and yellow? Not standing still, it seemed to find almost every inanimate object on the street offensive and would attack them, with either teeth or claw.

A laugh sounded out, a human laugh.

Stephan had little time to consider this as the huge wolf had turned and noticed the two. Showing his fangs, it let off a long growl. Even with all his courage and strength, Stephan found the hairs on his neck standing on end as this huge beast faced him down.

Midoku stopped however. The laugh had a ring of familuarity to it. Images of nights at bars crept into his mind. A laugh that came often and in large suppiles. A laugh that his memory was searching for a face. For an odd reason, pictures of eaten mice kept creeping up . . .

- - - - -

and GM Cho collapses - - - I'd like to thank everyone though. . . O_o those posts were all of high quality and such... so erm... Thanks put putting so much effort in ^_^

And please forgive spelling errors and whatnot... its early in the morning. I'll recheck the post later today

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Angstfest 2002 yo!

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Jul 29, 2002 11:35 am

Kyra yelped loudly as the guards burst in, a shock jolting through her body, accidently knocking over the glass of water the priest had kindly brought to her. Shivering, she lifted herself slightly, turning her herself to stare at the soldier that had demanded her attention. Her face was red and rather puffy from all her sobbing, and was certainly not very attractive to look at.

"Y-yes...sir...?" she studdered meekly, staring at the soldier through her tear-filled eyes.


"GAAAH! What the hell do you mean you lost here?! Find her damnit, get that little theif out of the castle NOW!" Guards that appeared to be at least one foot taller than the figure that was ranting at them cowered in fear, scattering off quickly.

"I can't believe this..." her long golden tail gave an annoyed twitch, "It's just one stupid kid and they can't take care of that..." a dull reddish aura flared around the being, "Why I should go get that little thief rat myself, I'll te--"

"Mommymommymommy!!!" a small tan figure rushed up to the larger one and glomped her leg, "Mommy! I saw the silly pink lady again! She's fuuuuny!"

"What the-- How did you get out of your room Elle? You need to stay put until this nutcase is caught, it's dangerous!"

The little dragonhalf blinked her bright green eyes, "Soooo?"

Aya sighed and scooped up her daughter into her arms, "Y'know kiddo, you almost remind me as a kid..." 'cept I was stupider... She shook her head and shuffled back into her room.

(Aya, as last time, is just a cameo...I just wanted to RP an older Elle ^-^ )


*pokes all with a happy stick*

Unread postby Choark » Mon Jul 29, 2002 7:07 pm

The guard, not shaken by the sorrow of Kyra, walked forward and put his hand under her chin and forced her to face up at her. His stared at her for some time.

The priest had had enough and strode forward and pushed the guard off of her.

"I don't know what this is about but I have little care to find out. Leave this child alone, her grief needs not your company." The priest nearly shook with rage, so much so his speech had become structured like the books he read.

The guards eyes narrowed. He almost looked ready to strike the priest when another guard hurried next to him. "She's not here sir, nor does it look like she has been."

Giving no explantion, the guard gave the order to move out of the room.

The two were left alone in the room and all was quiet.

"Well that guy certainly needs to lighten up huh? Too much coffee when a child my bet!" A young voice chirped out.

The priest gave out a quick start and fell to the floor as a girl suddenly appeared in his view hanging upsidedown.

She gave a short wave as she hung there.
^_^ "Hey there!"

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Hey, even angsty stories can have some comedy... ^.^;;;

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Jul 29, 2002 10:00 pm

*Inside Doma Castle*

Dan listened to the guard, trying hard to appear as if he was listening intently. The truth was, he was doing everything in his power to not snap at the guard again. He wanted to get the hell away from the guard, the castle, all the noise. Maybe he just wanted to get away from everything...

"What's worse is, her movements seem random and she has back tracked and ran around..." the guard told Dan, the Pseudo-Paladin busy rubbing at his temples with his right hand, "...quiet simple sir, made a fool of us all day."

Like that's anything new... Dan thought.
Like that's anything new... another voice thought aloud in his head at the same time.


^-^ Wow, we're becoming so much alike Dan! Dante taunted in his mind, as Daniel rubbed harder at his temples, I'll have you spouting 'many guards' jokes in no time too... XD

o.o? "...Sir Daniel?" the guard inquired.

-_-;; "...w..where is the Queen at?" Daniel asked, trying to ignore the taunting in his mind, "...h..her safety should b..be top priority..."

**In the Doman Streets**

As the Knight and Wizard drew nearer to the chaos ahead of them, Midoku's sensitive ears caught the sound of someone laughing. Not just any laugh, mind you, a laugh full of pure joy and ecstacy. Almost child-like, like a small boy playing with his pet puppy, or a small girl playing with her friends. Listening to the sound a few times, Midoku realized who the laugh was from, his jaw nearly falling down past his neck in shock.

O_O;;; ...it couldn't be... could it? Midoku thought, suspecting who the source of the laughter was. He thought back to the other times in the past, previous occasions where he had heard this same laugh...

...and remembered that at some of them, disaster was also quick to follow.

<.<;; "Stephan..." Midoku started to say to the Mystic Knight, "I think I know who that is..."

o.o? "...really?!" he answered back, glancing once at the cloud of debris and smoke before facing Midoku, "...then who the hell is doing all this?"

o.o;;;"Well, I think it's..." Midoku started to say. Then his ears flicked a small bit under his hair, catching the sound of something else. It was singing of some kind...

Something... calming and soothing...

o.o?? "...Midoku?" Stephan asked, waving a hand in front of the Blue Wizard. The Wizard turned to face Stephan, only instead of his normally plain expression, he had a big, fangy grin on his face.

^__^ "Hmmm....?" Midoku asked, his eyes looking dazed as he seemed to sway back and forth on his feet.

o_O? "Uh, you had something to tell me? What's gotten into you?" He asked.

^__^ "Oh, nooooothing..." Midoku answered, somehow managing to grin even more. Before Stephan realized what was going on, the Wizard pounced him, glomping him around the shoulders and giving him a big kiss.

*>.0*;;; "MMMPHPH!!?!?" Stephan tried to say through said kiss, the Wizard's grip unusually tight. After a few moments, Midoku pulled away, resting his head on Stephan's shoulder and rubbing up against his neck.

*6.6*;;; "W..what the hell are you doing?" he asked, as Midoku glomped him around the waist and continued snuggling.

^__^ "I just realized how much I love being with you... you make me feel so warm and special..." Midoku sighed, starting to make a low 'mrr'-like noise from his throat. Almost like purring.

*<.>*;; ...goddammit... Stephan thought, trying to figure out what the hell was going on with Mid. Before the chaos up the road caught up to them.

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 7/30/02 2:06:05 am

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Poor Kyra

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Jul 29, 2002 10:06 pm

The current events with the guards did not help her, strangely she found herself torn. Part of her wanted to shrink back and sob more, yet the other part wanted to chase down the guard and bludgeon him with her staff for having handled her in such a rough manner. Kyra shuddered and glanced over to their new visitor, staring at her quietly for a moment....

"Who...who are you?" she finally asked quietly after a long awkward pause of silence.


This is NOT an angust story! XP

Unread postby Choark » Mon Jul 29, 2002 10:43 pm

*Kyra Hyral*

The girl hung upsidedown for a few moments more, holding onto a rope that was tide to the ceiling, then she twisted and turned until she had spun herself round so she was the right way up and could let go of the rope.

"Names Pia Lady!" She chirped out, giving a huge smile. She was dressed in some sort of odd clothing, a t-shirt made of two fabrics, joined together across the chest and held in place by a leather belt that sat above her breasts. Her waist had three similar belts around it, though they seemed to serve no purpose other then for style. Her pants were made of some odd fabric, which was very lose and baggy.

Pia done a odd little hop over to Kyra and pulled her off of the floor, without even straining herself, despite her smallish frame. Pia looked about 16 years old, give or take a year or so.

Her skin was pale and smooth and seemed to have seen little sunlight in its time. Her hair was the oddest sight though. On one side it was bright yellow, sticking out in random spikes over her right eye, while on the other side, it fell into a long pony tail. It was also a bright pink.

"Won't do you no good crying on the floor like this and all. If ya got time to pray to ya God for help, then ya got time to be doing something for ya man right?"

She had obiously heard everything Kyra had said out in prayer.

- - - - - -

*Daniel Hyral*

"The Queen, King and Princess are guarded safely sir!" Though the guards guarding them might not be from her highness v.v;;;

The old guard looked concerned at Daniel. He had been here for some time, and had seen many things but Daniels decent into maddness and depression had been one of the worst he had witnessed.

He gave off a short cough.

"Sir. . . prehaps. . . You. . . coul help with the search." Being slightly unhinged or not, Daniel was still one of the strongest knights in the castle.

Vampire Jester Jinx

jaede= eVe *angst angst too much coffee*

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Mon Jul 29, 2002 11:53 pm

The ex-thief's mind momentarily considered reaping the goodies that were on the mellow peasants. But then she thought about what Daien would have to say, and how hideously grumpy he got about little things like that and decided to keep behaving.

Besides, all that magic she felt was a tad more interesting to her. Jaede has always been a bit scared of magic but ten times more curious about it. This is mainly because the most magic she could manage was a bit of telepathy.

So she started in a sprint towards where she felt the magical disturbance, humming rather loudly to keep a small level of calm around her.


*On the streets on Doma*

Unread postby Choark » Tue Jul 30, 2002 7:45 am

Jaede see's one end

As Jaede sprinted down the street she spotted a figure of a young man in the middle of the street, watching some animal jump about in the street. He was laughing whole heartidly.

As she neared the man it was easy to reconsise who it was.

His blue hair stood out, growing in all sort of directions, with only a single bandana keeping it in some sort of order. Two large pony tails came down by his side and ended by his waist. His hair was his one vanity. He loved it and had had many styles since he had come to Doma.

In the year he had been in Doma, Choark had changed in appearance quiet considerabily. He had grown in size, at least 2 to 3 inchs in height and his body had started showing the strength he was famour for. His muscles had grown around his arms and chest and he was starting to look like your A-class typical barbarian.

His skin had also tanned under Doma's sun and he showed no sign of the pale skin he had once.

Choark suddenly stopped laughing as he seemed to notice something. Turning, his face split into a huge as he saw who was running towards him.

A split second afterwards and Choark had suddenly charged towards her, his giant twohanded Warhammer being swung at Jaede.

^_^ "JAEDE!!"

*And Stephans and Midoku's end*

The giant wolf didn't seem to care about the love scene that was happening and had taken the moment to charge. Its huge body came charging towards them.

Before Stephan could even react, the animal was next to them. Swiping its paw at them Stephan managed to turn himself so he took the blow instead of Midoku.

With surprising strength, Stephan and Midoku were knocked to the ground (again). This time, as Stephan got ready to get up, he was greeted by a large wolf head, growling at him, only an inch away from his head.

Vampire Jester Jinx

On the road again.......do doo de dooo de do do do........

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Jul 30, 2002 11:01 am

The singing instantly stopped, and a large grin formed across the girls face. "CHOARK!"

With this happy greeting, Jaede swung her large weighted staff around and held it in a protective way in front of her body. To block her friends joyous greeting. Her leg muscled tensed, so that if she had to, she could pounce.

It's mister choark! Does he use magic? I don't know. Oh well! We can practice together!

Her scattered and happy thoughts bounded through her head instantly.


*quick action reply*

Unread postby Choark » Tue Jul 30, 2002 12:19 pm

Choark swung his Warhammer so it connected to Jaede's, though he didn't put quiet as much power into it as he could, she still was knocked back a little. Through the locked weapons, Choark grinned at his friend.

"How are ya!?" Not waiting for an answer he spun and kneeled down, kicking at her feet.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uchoark.showPublicProfile?language=EN>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/30/02 4:20:57 pm

Vampire Jester Jinx

wai wai happy friend greeting! let's hurt eachother!

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Jul 30, 2002 12:51 pm

Choark's kick managed to knock Jaede back onto the flat of her back. Quickly bringing her foot up and trying to place a sound kick to his stomach, she pressed upwards with her staff trying to get gravity to kick in, and make her friend fall as well.

She smiled in a happy way from her perch on the ground, "I'm good! Haven't seen you in a while! ^__^"

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Tue Jul 30, 2002 12:58 pm

The white mage yelped as she was lifted off the ground so effortlessly by someone who was clearly younger than she was. A dark look crossed her face for a moment, "What makes you think I haven't tried?? I've tried everything to help him! It keeps failing, he keeps pushing me away..." she lowered her head, turning away.

"What does it matter to you anyways..." she said bitterly, glancing at Pia again for a moment before her eyes widened, "You....you must be that person the guards are looking for!" She began to back away, eyes narrowed.

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*smacks self for bad writing*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Jul 30, 2002 2:51 pm

**Inside Doma castle**

Still noticibly irritated, Daniel tried not to snap at the young guard.

-_-; "Very w..well... lead the way." He said to him.

**Outside in the Streets**

Two thoughts immediately ran through Stephan's mind as he layed pinned down.

o_o;; Holy sh#$, some big @$#@$ing thing's gonna rip my throat out...

Of course then, the more important thought kicked in.

e\/e+ Hey, that @$#@$ son of a @$#@ knocked him down!!! *GRRR*

9\/9 "You just signed your deathwish, ya f*&king..." Stephan started to say. Before he could, though, a large jet of flames slammed into the creature, knocking it off of Stephan. The former Dark Knight immediately got up to his feet, Midoku quickly by his side.

<.<;;; "...thanks." Stephan told the Wizard, who blushed a little as he gazed back.

*>.>*;; "Anytime... and sorry for earlier... *v.v*;;;" Midoku apoligised to him.

"Hey, it's not like I hated it or anything >.>; ^.^;" Stephan stammered, coughing a bit, "Anyway... back to this bastard..."

He turned to their oddly colored adversary, glaring at it before he closed his eyes.

-\/- "...Hot enough for ya? Let's turn the heat up a bit..." Stephan sneered, starting to chant.

-_- ...flames deep within the planet, consume my foe in your tremendous heat...

Stephan's eyes went wide, glaring at the furry creature as he thrust his hands toward it.

o\/o "FIRAGA!!!" Stephan cried, causing a circle of hot flames to surround their enemy...


*whee - only post of the day so far..*

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jul 31, 2002 7:27 pm

***Choark and Jaede***

Choark had taken Jaede's surprising counter attack full force and had been knocked to the ground. Sitting up, he smiled at her like a goof.

"Yeah, I've been going for walks and searching around. Getting into a few fun fights as well. What 'bout you?"

***Stephan and Midoku***

The Flames spun around the large wolf who growled. The flame light gave the wolf a menaching orange glow.The flames spun ever closer to the wolf, closing in.

Stephan, Midoku and Jaede could feel some powerful magic suddenly build up. The amount of magic suddenly twirling around them in the astral plain was jaw dropping. any compantant magic user would have felt it, and any advanced user would have questioned how how much built up so quickly.

Back in the material plain, the Wolf had lifted its head and howled. A huge surge of wind erupted around it and carried the flames up, creating a colum of fire that reached up into the sky.

Th Wolf then leapt at the two again.

***Back with Choark and Jaede***

Choark had turned to see the flames rise into the air.

"Oh boy... seems like Pigs got a little excited again" Quickly turning to Jaede he gave a little apologetic smile and wave. "Erm, I'll just be a second"

Choark threw his Warhammer into the air, sending it towards Pid spinning round and round.

***and back to Stephan and Midoku***

The wolf was just about to jump them both when a Warhammer smashed into the ground in front of them. A sudden spark of lightening shot out from it and zapped the three.

The wolf landed on all fours and looked very surprised. All of its fur was standing on end and it looked like one giant furball.

The sound of loud laughter suddenly erupted from down the street.


The guard nodded and saluted and started to lead Daniel around the castle.

GM Note : You can choose were ya end up next 1) Castle Libary 2) Castle dungeon block or 3) Head to the Castles Barracks


Pia seemed to ignor most of what Kyra had said and choose what she anwered. "It only matters to me cause you were crying there and that guy had been so mean ta ya." She brought her hands up to the back of her head and let her head rest on her hands.

"Course if you're going to get upset I'll just leave"

The priest, who had picked himself, tapped the girl on the shoulders and pointed up to the roof where the rope was hanging from.

9_9 "huh? Oh thanks man!" The girl slapped the guy on the back, which sent him to the ground again. She tugged the rope hard and a few things fell down with a crash onto the floor.

One was a huge bag that seemed full, though it was closde up and impossible to tell whatof.

The others were asortments of large weapons. A giant two-handed one-bladed Axe, and a odd, double handled weapon, that sort of looked like a giant can opener.

Pia, seemily forgetting about Kyra, attened to her things.

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Jul 31, 2002 9:32 pm

Kyra wiped her tears from her eyes, muttering softly to herself, "You don't know what I've had to endure miss..." and looked back to Pia, watching the entire spectacle. The priest falling onto his face, Pia yanking down her rope, bag, weapon, and what appeared to be a small piece of plaster from the ceiling, and the extremely large weapons.

Extremely. Large. Weapons.


Naturally, Kyra fainted.

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: *whee - only post of the day so far..*

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Wed Jul 31, 2002 11:42 pm

Jaede sat bolt upright, both of her long ears sticking straight out from her head.

EEEE! Too much magic! Too much!

>.< o.o "MAKE IT STOP!", cried the disgruntled half elf.


*being evil - messes with time line.. wha ha ha*

Unread postby Choark » Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:45 am

Kyra woke up to find herself somewhere completely different. Where ever she was, it was dark and cold, and what little light there was was coming from below her.

"Welcome back sleeping beauty!" A chirpy girls voice welcomed her.

Sitting up, Kyra knocked the back of her head on something. Looking to see what it was, she saw it was a large plank of wood. The ones that help hold the roofs up in rooms.

Gulping down some air, and afraid of what she might see, she felt what she was sitting on. Sure enough, it was wood as well.

Kyra had woken up on the rafters of some room.

She saw the priest, who was with them it seemed, looking down at the room that was below her with a worried expression on his face.

The girl, Pia, grinned at her. "Ya might want to make sure ya don't scream, you don't want the guards finding us" She then winked at her. . .

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<--- Ebil GM

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Thu Aug 01, 2002 12:01 pm

Naturally Kyra almost yelped, but quickly covered her mouth with her hand, sitting up boltright. However, at this point, she nearly lost her balance and fell off the rafter, quickly grasping out with her free hand to hold onto the beam and steady herself. After taking a deep breath and calming down, Kyra moved her other hand away from her mouth and held onto the beam with her other hand as well.

"W-what are you doing? Why am I up in the rafters!?" she whispered at Pia, her eyes wide, "And what do you mean guards?? Those guards were looking for you??" Kyra glanced to the equally surprised priest, worried.


<-- Bish evil GM >XD

Unread postby Choark » Thu Aug 01, 2002 1:14 pm

The girl gave off a quite laugh and totally blew off Kyra's questions and hopped to another rafter and watched below them.

The priest however noticed that Kyra was up and was a little more helpful.

"It was horrible young one. The guards returned after you passed out and mistook the circumstances. We we're accused of harbouring the crinimal. . . her" The priest pointed to the young girl "And they were about to arrest us. Lord knows what he was thinking, with you unconsious and all. . .

". . well . . the Girl didn't even seem to notice them at all. As soon as the guards laid hands on us though the girl spun round and. . ." The priest blinked a bit, lost in memory. " Honestly, i'm not sure what happend. Next thing after that though I'm being chased by some guards and this young one was carry you."

The priest looked down again. "They seemed very angry. And I'm afraid they even shot arrows at us. We may have to hide until they calm down."

To add to the fact, stray arrows were caught in the mans robes.

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*Last post of the posting marathon* ^.^;

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Aug 01, 2002 7:36 pm

...eenie meenie miney moe... Dante sang in Daniel mind, causing the Pseudo-Paladin to facefault slightly in front of the guard.

...what the hell are you doing now? Daniel thought.

Just giving you the appropriate music for deciding. It's not like you're actually SMART enough to make a good decision. ^-^ Dante said, causing Dan to grab for his forehead again in real life. To the guard, it probably looked like he had a mild headache.

-_-;; "...well, the Queen is obviously taken care of, as are the searches in the upper areas of the castle. We should go looking somewhere in the lower sections."

Dan thought for a moment, trying to decide where to go.

THE DUNGEON!! ^-^ Dante shouted, cause Dan to growl slightly.

No... why the hell would a thief stealing things go to the castle dungeon? Dan thought.

Maybe they wanna say hi to some friends of theirs, you know? Catch up on old times? Maybe even break out a serial killer or two. ^-^ Dante half chuckled

e\/e++ Will you just shut up and let me think?! You're not helping with your BS, Dante... Dan thought.

XP Hey now, I have just as much right to think as you do, Danny-boy. Dante thought, smiling to himself as Dan reacted predicably.

>.< ...stop calling me that dammit! Dan thought angrily, only getting a light chuckling in his mind as an answer.

o.o; "Uh...Sir? Where should we go?" the guard asked Dan, the Pseudo-Paladin's face holding an angry grimace.

-\/-++ "...I don't care, Ok? Why not... the Barracks, for now..." Dan growled, still rubbing at his forehead.

...eeenie meenie miney moe, Dan... Dante taunted, causing Daniel to let out another low growl.

>.>; "...alright then, er... this way." the guard told him, trying to keep his distance as he led the angry man down the hall...

(OOC: I'll post the Stephan/Mid part later )

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 8/2/02 12:40:59 am


*as such decides to reply and think of ebilness*

Unread postby Choark » Thu Aug 01, 2002 8:46 pm

Daniel's "headache" continued to bother him all the way round the castle until they reached the area leading to the barracks. Activity in the castle was very high, with many worried looking guards running around.

When the two neared the barracks they were both caught up in a huge rush of soldiers, lead by a man angry looking soldier. Upon coming up to the two he quickly reconisied Daniel as a man of importance and saluted, though in fact him and Daniel had never met.

"Sir! We have the theif on the run! Some Priest and Cleric were helping her hoard her goods! We nearly had them but they overpowered us!" The huge dent in his helmet showed exactly how he was overpowered. "We're doing a search of every room around the area!"

More GM madness :- You have a choice of 5 rooms before you (making it small so you don't spend ages here Image )

1) is immedantly in front of you to the right. Door looks well used but is not in bad condition.
2) Another door further down that was once bared down but had recently been broken
3) The room Kyra and the Priest was in.
4) A storage room in the barracks, with a broken door.
5) The weapons room.
GM Cho - putting pressure on his RPer's since 2002 Image

Or ya can talk to the guard Image -options stay open until you find Pia and co.

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Poor Kyra once again

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Thu Aug 01, 2002 10:08 pm

Kyra seemed pretty shocked after hearing what exactly she had been through, while unconscious no less. I faint and suddenly I become a criminal...Ishtar forgive me...

The white mage shuddered, suddenly noticing the various arrows stuck in the priest, "Oh my, sir do you need any help? I can cure you easily...um...." she glanced down to the floor, "Just...um..give me a second to get over there...yes..." she laughed nervously and began to edge her way through the rafters precariously,both hands firmly clamped to some wooden beam at all times, "Okay here I come...almost there..." She edge herself downwards and sat next to the priest.

"Okay...hold still, I'm going to pull out the arrows...." she took ahold of one right at the entry point where the shaft met the man's body, "Just relax...I'll...try to do this quick..." she winced and gave the arrow a yank.


*while waiting for fffan's next post.. plots evil!*

Unread postby Choark » Fri Aug 02, 2002 12:24 am

The arrow came out with no resistance at all, which totally surprised and shocked Kyra, and completely off balanced her. Feeling herself fall she reached out and grabbed hold of the priest, who struggled as best he could to keep her up.

Hanging like that for a few moments, the two said nothing, totally in shock.

Pia, who suddenly laughed, though not too loudly, came over and pulled the Cleric up and made sure she sat down properly.

"That's a close one huh mrs?" The young girl looked down at the floor annoyed. "Ya know, we can't hang here all day, things to do and all that."

The girl went into thought, and came out of it a second later with a huge grin.

"Don't you worry, I've got a really good idea! Just hang around here okay?" Without another word, the young girl jumped down and speeded off out of the room.

The two "crinimal's" looked at each other. The priest looked meek as he relised all the arrows had not in fact hit him, but all of them were lucky enough to have only hit his robe.

"Praise Ishtar. . ." ^^;;

(GM note : Jumping to the floor yourself will probably hurt you badly (unless ya trained in jumping around and stuff) and erm... I can't wait to show you her idae *cackles* )

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Fri Aug 02, 2002 12:33 am

Kyra looked to her "partner in crime" and smiled weakly, "Y-yes, praise Ishtar that you weren't hit..." she eyed the arrow in her hand, twirling it idilly as she stared at the floor, a few moments of awkward silence stinging the air.

"Um...so..." Kyra studdered, "Uh...read any good books lately?" ^_^;;;


*ebil laugh*

Unread postby Choark » Fri Aug 02, 2002 12:44 am

As time past for the two in the rafters, the two talked about abolsutely nothing of importance, just passing the time as one does when stuck with someone.

"Hello!? You still there!?" Looking down they saw the girl again. She was laughing to herself. "Bet ya didn't reconise me! It's me Pia! I relised its better to move through the castle in disguise!"

Pia's Disguise (saves me writing a full blown discribtion)


From the bucket on the head to the bags on her legs, the priest had never seen such a sight before, and wondered weither to be horrified, or burst into laughter.

"Don't worry, I got you some too!" Sure enough, she had brought two extra buckets, a couple of guarden utilites with spear written on them and all the other nessusary "equipment".

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Fri Aug 02, 2002 1:01 am

Upon seeing this sight, Kyra nearly facepalmed clear out of the rafters, but managed to catch herself with one hand, hanging on a beam, bewildered. However, she remained relieved, having missed taking a 20 or so foot nosedive into the floor.

"You....you're serious?" O_o;;;;;;

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*tries in vain to keep from laughing at Pia* XD

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Aug 04, 2002 3:38 am

Dan looked around himself for a moment, trying to decide where to go first. Just as he had suspected, the barracks were a mess, random pieces of furniture and broken weaponry lying everywhere. A few guards lay against the walls, nursing various injuries. Whatever being had made it into the castle was no ordinary thief.

...wow... look at all those hurt soldiers... laying around in pain from their little skirmish with the thief... Dante said to Dan, chuckling a little as he added, ...This guy/girl/thing should stop by more often... ^-^

Ignoring the mental commentary, Daniel turned back to the guard, half growling out his words.

-_-; "Let's try to be as quick as possible. You go check the weapons room over there, make sure nothing too dangerous was taken. I'll look in this room here. Once we're both done, we'll meet out here and check more of the rooms."

Without waiting for a responce, Daniel started toward the room to his immediate right.

(AKA Option 1)

**Meanwhile** (OOC: It's about time ^.^;; )

Stephan coughed a few times, struggling to get up as his muscles flexed and spasmed on their own, due to the electricity still present from the familiar magical weapon. Finally on his feet, his ears recognising that familiar laugh in the distance, causing his eyebrow to twitch rapidly. A stranger would have assumed the mild electrical current in Stephan's body was causing it. His friends knew much better.

>.<++ Gods... that moronic little @#$#er... Stephan cursed to himself. He turned around, rubbing at his forehead beneath the headband.

-_-;; "...Mid, are you alrig..." Stephan started to ask. He looked up to continue speaking to Midoku, figuring if he survived the magical attack, his companion was guaranteed to be alright.


o.0; What Stephan saw, however, was far from alright.

Midoku's cheeks were bright purple, the Wizard staring at the ground wide-eyed and embarrased. The source of said embarassment was obvious not only to Stephan, and the overly fluffed wolf creature, but anyone within viewing distance of the trio. His long, red hair was no longer hanging from his shoulders, but standing fully erect. It seemed to defy gravity itself, standing up nearly 4 feet tall, small crackles of electricity passing between some strands. It was a hairdo that would put Akira Toriyama's creations to shame.

>.<;; Must... not... laugh... at... *snicker*... him... Stephan told himself over and over, trying to remain composed as Midoku covered his face in embarrasement.

(OOC: Normally, I *hate* referencing stuff from real-life like this, but this was just too good to pass up XD)

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 8/4/02 7:40:35 am


Prehaps at times... I'm too evil.. ..NAAAH

Unread postby Choark » Sun Aug 04, 2002 10:06 am

*GM cho collaspses just thinking of all hes gots to do* >> oh well. I'll get us all together eventually*

*Cho, Jaede, Pig, Stephan and Mid*

Choark was no where as controlled as Stephan was when it came to laughter and while dragging Jaede down the street to the group, after seeing Midoku burst into another round of giggles and fits.

Managing to control himself enough to pick up his Warhammer, he walked over to the still shocked ball of fluff and kneeled next to him.

"Calm down Pig. . . These are friends" The fluff ball didn't react much but it made some sort f noise, like a bark but also with a touch of pig sounds to it, and sat still.

Turning to his "friends" Choark smiled at them all.

"Sorry 'bout all this."


The room was mostly empty, expect two bunk beds and four foot lockers of some sort, all open and checked through it seemed.

The bed's were a mess, even missing some sheets. Also a wardrobe had been opened and the spears inside them had fallen to the floor.

It was hard to tell if anything of importance had been taken from here but Daniel had a feeling it wasn't likely as there wasn't much here to take, as this was probably some soldiers room.

As he stepped forward, he heard a *snap* looking down, he saw he had stepped on a pen with a knocked down ink pot nearby.


Pia nodded and grabbed the buckets. Running toward the wall, she jumped and planted her foot on the wall, which almost seemed to shake from the blow.

Bracing herself against it, she pushed hard and flipped. Twirling in mid air, she grabbed out and caught a rafter and spun herself up, so she was sitting next to Kyra and the priest.

"Course I'm serious" She offered them the two buckets.

The priest, who had been awake to see what she had done to the soldiers, took the bucket and put it on his head. He looked to Kyra and pleaded with his eyes for her to do the same.

**The soldier** Image GM attatchment syndrom

Follow orders... Follow orders He repeated to himself as he crept down the corridor.

A *CRASH* happened neaby and the soldier nearly jumped out of his skin. It had come from the room he was going to.

O_o;; "WHAT!? What was that?" He shouted out to himself.

Relising he'd probably just gave his location away to whomever it was, he decided he had no choice to carry on

-_-;; I thought I'd lucked out when I found Sir Hyrul. . .instead he told us to split up! What is it with leaders always wanting to split with the main troops?

The spear in his hand shook as he opened the weapons room door.

Another *CRASH* and the soldier jumped backwards screaming, holding out his spear in front of him, hoping the attacker would impale itself on it.





Feeling like a complete idiot the guard saw what had scared him so much. A small grey mouse was by his feet, scared itself as it had nkocked down some weapons on some selves.

Don't see many mice around any more. . . its like someones been eating them all up

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*Pities Pig* >:D

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Aug 04, 2002 2:15 pm

**With Stephan and Co.**

At the sight of Choark, Stephan instantly facepalmed. Figures he'd be involved in that big thing trying to trash the city... he growled, deciding to help Midoku with his current hair problem. As he cast some fire and ice spells to make some water, he wasn't aware of the situation going on behind him.

Nearby the large Wolf-like creature, a small sniffing sound could be heard. When the creature turned down to look, an odd sight met his eyes. A tiny creature appeared to be sniffing at one of his front paws, which from above appeared to be a small pup with blonde-colored fur, it's tiny furry tail wagging back and forth. What made the creature odd was that it appeared to be wearing a dark blue shirt, as well as a small diaper. When the creature looked up, however, the reason for the clothing became obvious. The creature had a human face, tiny fangs peaking out from his small mouth, his blue eyes gazing up into the larger creature's eyes. He sniffed at him a few more times, his wolf-like ears flicking a little during each sniff. His sniffing satisfied, he suddenly pushed himself up, resting his tiny hands up against the creature's leg, much like a dog when raising it's front paws to a human's chest.

^.^ "ARF!" the little wolf-boy yelped, tail wagging as he looked up at the creature.

(OOC: *Cackles*)


*uses as excuse to explain Pigs actions*

Unread postby Choark » Sun Aug 04, 2002 5:58 pm

Pig, the wolf-like creature, looked at the small human-pup.

-_- I should have known coming to a festering pile of garbage of a human city was a bad idea! First all these things attacked me! Then all the smells mixed into one foul stench. Now I can't tell left from right from down. . . and now. . .

The grumpy wolf-pig looked down at the human-pup thing again.

-_-;; Now, by the spirits, I've gone mad! If I wasn't feeling so worn down I'd cast another spell and level this entire city

Ovo;; Nothings stopping me doing it!! Yes destroy the foul stain!!

-_-;;; ARRRGHH! Pig shook his head and moaned a little. Thinking straight was hard when all his sences had been messed up.

He lowered his head to the ground and put his paws on top of his head, hoping the city would dissapear or he'd stop imagining things . . .

OOC : *cackles* Poor poor Pig >Image

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Excuses excuses...

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Aug 04, 2002 6:27 pm

Kyra struggled to keep her composure, though it seemed more like she was trying to keep her balance. Silently, she accepted the bucket and placed it on her head. "Um...okay, do we get "armour" too?" she lifted an eyebrow at Pia.

Meanwhile, another cameo...

"RAWR!" before the solider could even respond to the sudden yell, a small brown blur streaked through his legs and pounced the mouse. Triumphantly, a small golden-furred nekojin held up the mouse by the tail, smiling, "Yay! I finally caught one!"

She paused and looked up at the soldier, blinking. "Herro!"

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*Uses Kawaiiness LV3*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Aug 09, 2002 3:10 am


"...what in the world?" Daniel thought, looking down at the spilled over ink well and the pen he snapped. He crouched over a little more to get a better look...

**Stephan and Midoku**

Satisfied that Midoku was once again alright, Stephan turned and started toward the familiar figure, determined to figure out what was going on. Taking a deep breaht, he looked Cho straight in the eyes, considering his words carefully before he spoke.

o\/o" Cho.... what the hell are you doing?!" Stephan asked the Barbarian Ninja.

Midoku, finished wringing out his hair, looked over and noticed another individual nearby. Due to the residing dust still haning in the air, he couldn't get a good look at the person.

o.o? Who is that? he wondered, looking over in elven girl's direction...

**And... The Puppy XD**

The small pup watched the large wolf-pig. He wasn't sure who this was, but he smelled the most familiar out of everything nearby, much more like his dad then anyone else nearby. His tiny ears perked at Pig's low moans and growls, the small pup letting out a tiny whine of sympathy. Closing his eyes, he started to rub his cheek up against Pig's leg, trying to help him feel better.

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 8/9/02 7:11:21 am


e_e;; Cute >:D Now you must DIE!

Unread postby Choark » Sat Aug 10, 2002 7:39 am

**Kyra, Priest and Pia**

The young woman gave a huge smile and nodded "Of course! Its down there, wait a sec"

Without another word, Pia poked Kyra.

O.o;; Too surprised to even scream, Kyra fell from the rafters, completely caught off balance.

And landed right into Pia's arms.

^_^ "Right! Lets get you dressed!"

Putting Kyra down on the floor Pia looked up at the priest.

9_9 "You! Be sure to close ya eyes!"

o.o?? The priest was in shock and wondered why, but followed her orders, still rather afraid for his life.

"Right then Mrs! Lets get you out of that dress and into some armour!" Pia said, with full intentions of stripping Kyra bare.


GM OOC : For some reason Daniel jut reminded me of Barry from Resident Evil O.o;;

On further inspection, this was high quality ink, that had been spilt over the floor. The fact that the pen has ink over the tip meant it had been used quite recently to write something.

Putting his finger ip into the ink, he felt it was still wet. Licking his finger tip, he relised that no matter how much he inspected it, it was still black ink.

"It's INK!" He said out loud, for no apprent reason. He couldn't help but feel his voice went deeper when he said that.

**Stephan, Mid, Jaede and Choark**

"Hey Stephan!" The young man said, giving the angry looking knight a slap on the back, nearly knocking Stephan off his feet and into the floor. Even with the armour on, that had Hurt!

"Honestly I'm not to sure" Choark explained, not really paying attention to any damage he done. "Pig went on about She's Here! or something, saying The Wind told him! and to my surprise he said that we had to come into the city.

"Well Pig normally hates going into cities, I mean, this is the first time he's ever been in one and from what I can ell, its probably the last too!

"At first it was alright, Pig was just a little out of place but then, suddenly, he totally freaked out and started attacking buildings and stuff, saying They're attacking! He even used magic, which he hates doing for no reason!

"I guess thats what he gets for coming into a city huh?" The man grinned at Stephan. He had said all that in almost one breath.

On the street, the dust settled and Midoku could she the half elvin girl clearly.

Jaede also saw a blue skinned and red haired man looking right at her, with a confused look on his face.

**and Pig and Chris**

At first Pig batted the small child away but every time he did so, the child came back and started rubbing its face against his paw again.

It wasn't long before Pig relised that this pup was, in fact, real.

-_-;; IM : By the spirits, what sort of animal is this?

Pig gave the small pup a sniff. Though he once had good sences, what hadn't been mucked up by the city, had been lost through old age and he couldn't tell anything from smelling the pup.

Trying to watch his tone, Pig gave out his strange sort of barking again, at the child. "What do you want, young. . . pup?" His voice was hard and stern, though not without some kindness to it.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uchoark.showPublicProfile?language=EN>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 8/10/02 11:46:15 am


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