Treachery Part 2: A Man of Many Guises

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Reako Somner
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Treachery Part 2: A Man of Many Guises

Unread postby Reako Somner » Tue Nov 05, 2002 11:21 pm

(ok, this is the continuation of a chat RP, and continuing a story I've had written up for awhile now. It'll happen in Doma and it's castle, so it likely concerns anyone within the castle itself. Well here goes)

It was a fine, sunny day in the town of Doma, not a cloud in the sky, birds were singing, people were going about there business, you could say it was a rather good day by most standards. Calm, and somewhat peaceful, the citizens of Doma were feeling more secure since the downfall of Malachias.

Not the enchanters in thier shops, nor the healers at work, or even the few skilled mages that may have been walking the streets at the time, could see the evil that strode right before thier eyes. A man, who appeared to be in his 20s, clad in a brownish hooded cloak, was calmly and slowly making his way towards the castle, smiling as he went. No one realized just what this man was; a lich. A Lich, undetectable, silent, and deadly...

The guards at the gate were shuffling around a bit uneasily ever since Captain Pervy and Sir Hamilton had informed the lot of them of the possibility of a lich, heading straight for them. Fortunately for them, they feared Pervy more than any lich, thus gladly, though unwillingly, held thier post. Thier shift at the gates was nearly over, and they made a sigh of relief, considering the current danger of the job. However, things can happen within a short amount of time, and a robed man came walking towards them, no more than a few yards off.

Squintz Altec
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Re: Treachery Part 2: A Man of Many Guises

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Nov 06, 2002 12:07 am

Squintz Altec was walking toward the gates of the castle. His shift was nearly begining, and he wanted to be ready, unlike some of the other guards. He knew that Pervy was training the guards really well, but there was still the odd soldier that didn't...respond...well to training. Squintz was one of them, as he basically ignored everything his Captian said. He was competant enough, without knowing how to use a crossbow or whatever else Pervy wanted to teach him. Besides, swordfighting was all Squintz used, save his magic. The twin swords, Wraithslayer and Redemption, swung at his belt as he walked. He hadn't changed into his normal uniform, wearing his shirt, cape, and pants that he favored. So much so, that Kaelick had sewn up several copies of them, rather than have him wear the same thing day after day. Squintz sighed as he walked. He knew that knitting wasn't bad, but even that worried him. His wife was getting close, and he didn't want her to do much more than eat and sleep. He chuckled as he realized that he was going to be the most overprotective parent ever. Seeing the gates rise up into his vision, Squintz speeded up, seeing someone else approach.

Another visitor... Squintz thought. Another typical day.

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Re: Treachery Part 2: A Man of Many Guises

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Nov 06, 2002 2:41 pm

"And then and then I tried to cast my fuzzy spell on him but it didn't work! Then Miss Enlil went all nutso and broke the barrier but nearly killed all of us!" Ayra pouted, folding her arms over her chest, looking up at her older sister, none other than the Queen of Doma.

"You're not making this up right..?" the ryuuzoku lifted an eyebrow at the nekojin, "This sounds like something really serious.."

"No Oneeane! I'm telling the truth! A big mean lich person thingy is looking for someone here!"

Aya sighed Well the extra security isn't so bad, looks like she managed to already convince Pervy that this happened "Who is this guy looking for?"

"He said a boy." Ayra nodded.

"Well not me then, that's good, but still this guy's dangerous, keep on your toes Ayra and get ready to take this guy's soul back to where it belongs...crazy liches..." she shook her head.

Edited by: [url=>LadyDragonClawsEDW</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/6/02 1:43:27 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Treachery Part 2: A Man of Many Guises

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Nov 06, 2002 4:31 pm

Zemekis, Archer first class and permanent gate guard, looked at the Newcomer appraisingly. "Morris," he whispers to another guard, "Keep an astral view on this one."

Morris, an older guard, nods once as the stranger approaches.

The archer takes a breath, then says, "'lo there! What business have you at Doma Castle this day?"

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*Insert title here*

Unread postby Reako Somner » Wed Nov 06, 2002 8:53 pm

The man nodded. "Yes, I am Salith Bradshire, and I wish to see the guard captain of this castle, perhaps for a job. I heard there was a lich in the area, and thought I'd lend my services as a mage."

hmmm, it's a bit silly to use the name of an old nemesis of mine, but I'd rather not start a one-man war

Valzar mentally chuckled to himself, and smiled to the guards rather innocently.

"So, are there any positions free?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: *Insert title here*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Nov 06, 2002 9:19 pm

"Salith, is it?" Zemekis asks, "Well, General Silvar did turn the whole Lich situation over to the Guard Captain... So I'll guess you want to talk with him. Let me send in a page to be certain he's not busy."

Squintz Altec
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Re: *Insert title here*

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Nov 06, 2002 11:09 pm

At around this time, Squintz had reached the gates. He waited until the conversation ebbed, brushing his hair absentmindedly. It was a compromise. His mother wanted his hair down and back to its original color, but Squintz wanted it up and orange. So, he decided to leave it down, but keep it his color, and it seemed to work.

After they were done, Squintz went to attention. It wasn't really something he needed to do, but he did it out of habit for his own military background. "Lieutenent Squintz Altec, reporting for duty." He then shifted his gaze to the side, looking at the newcomer. "Hello, sir. What is your wish?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: *Insert title here*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Nov 06, 2002 11:22 pm

Zemekis returns the salute, and says, "The Captain should be waiting for you. Let me see your Palace ID papers, and you can go right in."

Squintz Altec
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Re: *Insert title here*

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Nov 06, 2002 11:26 pm

Squintz nodded, and reached into his shirt pocket, withdrawing the papers. He always forgot about them. "Here you go, sir," he said as he handed them over.

Uncle Pervy

Re: *Insert title here*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 07, 2002 7:31 pm

As Zemekis looks over Squintz's papers, the page returns and whispers something to the Archer.

The blonde man nods, then says, "Salith, the Captain wishes to meet with you in the courtyard. Squintz, your orders are to escort Salith there."

Squintz Altec
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Re: *Insert title here*

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Thu Nov 07, 2002 8:54 pm

Squintz nodded, then looked at Salith. "Okay, sir. If you are ready, I'll take you there."

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Reako Somner
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Re: *Insert title here*

Unread postby Reako Somner » Thu Nov 07, 2002 9:00 pm

'Salith' nodded and smiled. "alright, I'm ready. I've always wanted to meet Doma's infamous new guard captain... I've heard he's quite a hardass, pardoning my common"

Valzar nodded, and followed Squintz to the courtyard.

Uncle Pervy

Re: *Insert title here*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 07, 2002 9:34 pm

Today was what was known as an easy day for the guard. No one was being trained today, nor were their any special manuevers to preform for the Monarchs or the generals.

The reason that Pervy was in the courtyard was surprisingly simple. He hated working indoors. Whenever weathr permted,and today it did, he had a table moved into the courtyard, and worked there.

Currently, he is reviewing the record of a water mage in the castle dungeon, one Johanan Verinen, when Squintz and Salith find him.

The Guard Captain looks up, and gives them both a grin. "'Bout time ye hied yer arse in here, Squintz." he says. Thenhe looked at the other man and asks, "What can I do fer ye t'day, eh?"

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Re: *Insert title here*

Unread postby Reako Somner » Thu Nov 07, 2002 9:55 pm

"ah, so you're captain Pervy. I came looking for a job, noticing a help ad about some new danger or something. Do you have a position free for a.... electricity mage? I could show you some of what I can do, if that helps."

Valzar continued to act in good spirits like any niave new recruit, being rather good at such an act.

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