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Unread postPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:12 pm
by anime_girl
Hello peoples!

I actually discovered this on another site and upon learning this place moved, I clicked a link and found myself here.

After reading some of the things here, I'm very impressed and excited. This place seems advanced and I think it'll be lots of fun.

So's here wishing me luck!

Unread postPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:20 pm
by Kai
Welcome! Feel free to get ahold of me or someone else if there's anything you need.

Hope to see you around!

Unread postPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:37 pm
by Christian
Welcome welcome!

There's a whole lot of RPs going on and around and some might allow for people to jump in, others might not. Best way is always to ask.

if you're going to participate in a Gaera-setting campaign, it'd be a good idea to go to the wiki and check some things up, as well as joining in on the AIM Chat-room (last time I checked, people still went there... 'though I could be wrong. ;) ) and ask if anyone'd like to bring you up to date with it.

All in all, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.