Hey all

A haven of general sanity and simplicity--this is the place for all ye new posters, chatters, and RPers to post your introductions, questions, and general whatnot. Come in and break the ice!

Moderator: pd Rydia


Hey all

Unread postby khojane1 » Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:13 am

Hi, I'm an Rper from Lycos Chat (six yearz ago) n Ezboard (last four years), and can't seem to find a good place to roleplay anymore except for Sithlore @ yuku. hoping to find good roleplay here... ^_^

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Fighting the Iron Law of Oligarchy Since 2006
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Location: Indianapolis

Unread postby Kai » Thu Jun 26, 2008 10:21 am

Welcome! If you're looking for board-based or chat-based RPs, feel free to look for a thread in the OOC forum to join, and post to request a spot. Or, you could always go ahead and start one yourself.

Gaera is the main setting here, but there are plenty of others in use. Some threads are freeform and some use numbers (oftentimes using PhilSys, the homebrewed system we've got around here that you should feel free to ask for help with should it become a pain).

Message anyone you like if you've got any questions or would like to get into an RP. Best of luck, and hope to see you around!

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