Rain_Fox wrote:Edit: Spleen, what is this CIRP you speak of? I've sometimes felt that characters seem to be reduced to nothing but their stats, or tools for the GM to tell their story. ( and to be killed off sooner or later. )
I don't agree with this, and this idea seems to be a glimmer of hope that it's not always true.
Why halo thar, you do seem to be in the right place! Welcome!
Rain_Fox wrote:But, first I'd need a character right? I am probably going to need a bit of help with that. I mean, I don't have too much experience and it has been awhile, too bad there's no kind of de-rustifier or maybe training-wheels.
Our Spleen brings up CIRPs, which are something I've always considered to be a good way to break in/de-rustify a character and adapt to or learn the setting. CIRPs are most easy to come across and very malleable--when something comes up that contradicts canon in a bad way, or if you decide later to minorly tweak the character, it's not so hard to say "Oops, my bad, scratch that?"
Of course, you've still got to get the character, but the fine tuning you don't need to do alone. How much
reading up you do on that before hand is up to you--when you have a concept, you can talk it out to someone on AIM or post the char in the
Character Closet for multiple feedback.
What it comes down to is--we likes us some RPers, and if you're ready to work to get in on the RPing goods we have going on here, then we're willing to help you.