Went to Shinigori's profile, but his inbox is disabled. Oh! And I'm finally signed up on Meebo! However, I'm not sure what a Meebo Me Widget is, or quite what to do when it asks me to make one. Any help on that? I tried the forum, but in the time I searched, I didn't find what I was looking for. Maybe I just didn't look in the right place? Thanks....
The computer issues? Well... still procrastinating, as usual. And I had a change in work schedual, so I need to either find a suplimentary, part time employ, or make the decision to get a new job. So, till that's settled, even $18 is too much to spend, right now. Until my entire database is saved off-system, I won't risk loosing all those years of work, no way, uh-uh!
Edit: Oops... okay, I'll hold off on any more dauntiness. Promise!
Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=roosehurro>Roose] at: 12/20/06 3:30