Jenna Tymisonn, the Hero?

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Jenna Tymisonn, the Hero?

Unread postby Choark » Fri Feb 21, 2003 10:19 am

Okay this is just a little look into the Jenna Tymisonn that is 25 years old that I RPed last night. Blame mostly on the fact I'm an Angel series fan o.o. Oh, and bad grammer and spelling will be throughout.


As the sun finally started to rise, washing the street with a yellow dime glow, a hunched figure was slowly making its way across the pepples.

The figures long black hair was greasey and dirty with parts just sticking out all over the place, and nearly scrapped across the ground. It wore some amour, beaten and battered, with huge bite marks all over it and looked like it had lost its shine years ago. Dragging a huge axe, that made a horrible sound as the blade actually cut through floor, leaving a clear trail of where this figure had been walking, the figure could be eard muttering to itself, if you listened hard enough.

"Damn inferal slug demons with there seven brains. I swear if I have to crush any more brain matter today i'll scream..."

As the figure walked slowly a concerned citizen of Doma who wasn't keen on people walking down the street with weapons like that, came up to hunched walker.

"Are you alright... madam?" The citisen inquired, trying to keep as polite as possible.

With a sudden hiss the figure looked up with pure red glowing eyes and showed two white sharp fangs. Her face almost took the look of a bat like shape as her large pointed ears into view. "Do I look alright!?"

Not hearing the question the citizen screamed and ran off, taken quite surprise by the monster he just saw in front of him.

Jenna Tymisonn rolled her eyes and walked on. Then, as always these days, that feeling came over her. hat horrible soul piercing feeling that forced her to live a life of contanst bravery and herosium. To always put other lives in front of her own, to be a "Do-gooder". Guilt. Pure, unbridled guilt.

"Its not like i even tasted him..."


With a huge arc of a throw, Jenna flung her Axe into the wall just outside the door of the huge apartment and walked in. As the axe imbedded itself there, the wood cracked all the way up to a small sign.

Jenna, Vampire Hero

Stepping into the apartment, the whole area suddenly went into a darkness not natural. The light never dissapeared but it was almost as if the shadows just got a whole lot darker and the contrast made the light seem weak.

Around Jenna the floor slowly started to bleed and groans and screams could be heard. Yooooou shouldn't be heeeere! The darkness crept all around Jenna and the whole scene had a horrible sence of terror to it.

Except Jenna was tapping her foot.

With a click of her fingers the room suddenly went back to normal and in front of Jenna a small well built man was standing there blinking. floating there sorry, s his feet were several inches above the ground.

"Not now Rudy!" Jenna said pushing past, or through in this case, and headed to a small office.

You could have let me know you'd be early! I don't even have the place cleaned up

"I'm sorry but it seemed the all terrible powerful evil today was all that terrible and powerful!" She snapped s she threw herself onto her nice big chair and leaned as far back as the chair would allow.

Well you at least got paid, right?

The slience that followed was horrible, least the the phantom named Rudy's mind. He had once haunted this place all alone, then suddenly this lady sotrms into this place five years ago and sets up a buiseness. What was worse was she was terrible at it.

So now Rudy doesn't worry about who's soul he shall cast into the enternal tourments of the black and purple swirly void in his room to feed his master and keeper, but more of worries over the rent bills.


<span style="font-size:xx-small;"> "Theydidn'thaveanymoney" </span>

What was that?

<span style="font-size:x-small;">"Theydidn'thaveanymoney!"</span>

I can't hear you!

"They didn't have any money okay!?!? They had nothing excet some evil slugs, that I had to fight alone I might add, feasting upon there neibours and friends! Do you relise how icky it is ripping out all of there brains?" The half vampire shouted.

So you're saying you felt guilty again and decided not to charge them?

Jenna didn't even bother to answer. She didn't like the way it sounded either but she didn' like a lot of things that turned out to happen so she just had to deal with it.

She rubbed her cheeks as it suddenly zapped her with some pain.

From the slugs?

"No. Kae." Was all she answered. She was feeling guilty over that too. She heard what father had done to him and instead of happily jumping and singing around, she felt sorry for the little twirp. It had been only a couple of days sine then.

The trouble was she could have easily taken him. Least she once could of easily taken him, being a half vampire gave you certain advantages after all but she just had no way of winning without actualy hurting the bastard badly.

"Leave me alone for a bit"

Why? So you can go all self pity again and wallow around in the shadows?

"It wasn't a request!" She said with a glare and a pop of blac magic in the air. Rudy shrugged and dissapeared.

"I so hate you!" A small voice said with intent. Jenna Tymisonn sighed in her chair as she turned around to face Jenna Tymisonn.

"I thought you were coming..." She groaned as she looked into the mirror. Instead of no reflection, or just a faded one, there was herself glaring at her all sulky and 10 years old. That was a good time to be alive.

"What the hell happened to me anyway!? Why did I turn out to be some blasted hero who spends half her time moaping about in some haunted apartment!?" The younger version of her, though you couldn't see it, was stapping her feet.

"Just shut up okay? You have NO idea what I went through! If you did you'd already be like me!" The olderone said, almost pulling the same sulky face.

"I didn't spend my early days having so much fun to become smoe do-goodie in the future! People should be worshipping me! Damn it! I'm meant to be Queen of the world! And another-" The young reflection went on and the elder just switched off.

It had been fifthteen years since she casted that spell on the mirror so she could always keep an eye on herself and comment on how she was growing up. It had been three years too early for it to be of any conicequence. The ten year old had no idea what was laying in wait for her.


Jenna stood in the room as the monk chanted some weird vodoo song, or whatever it was they did. A huge circle was drawn in the room, which was meant to be some force to empower the soul. Jenna thought is look like a big hoola hoop.

The monk was feeling up some beeds as he chanted. He'd do this for days some times, or mere minutes others. Whenever he spoke though it was always with some quest that Jenna had to sort out. She was onkly glad he didn't do it all the time so she at least had a chance to refuse being paid for doing her job.

Oh yes, her job, she thought with a sarcastic grin. Starting up the Hero buiseness was perhaps the most stupiest thing she ever had to do but it was apprently the best way to keep in touch with "the people".

As time went on, well it only took three years, she almost became famous. Least around cetain circles. Jenna looked around the room. Chris wasn't here nor was Gina but Jenna didn't like involving them. They were for her "normal" time, as normal as it is for werewolves and half vampires.

Here instead was a bunch of strange outsiders for other reasons other then they were "magical creatures". Jenna thought it was funny that most of the outsiders to the humans were actually the most intelligent ones she had ever met. It said something about the race as a whole she thought.

As she mused, Jenna slowly began to relise the chanting had stopped. "Oh goody! Here it comes!" she thought, oozying with sarcasum.

"The TIME! has come my friENDS!" The monk said, shouting the odd parts of words now and then. "The DEMons called cat'cathcues are aRISEN!"

"Ooooh cool!" Jenna suddenly said with a smile. "I know those, they're so cute! Got little pointy sucked that attch themselves to peoples guts and suck out there intestitin-" She stopped as she relised that everyone ws starring at her.

"I once summoned a few as pets when I was younger! Okay?" They all kept starring.

"Sorry. hose terrible creatures, lets us stop them before they wreak havok upon mankind again. Woo!" She paused and looked around at her team. "I call the Bloodaxe and Soul Blade!"


The girl ran screaming through the alley. She had already seen her friends get killed by that.. thing It had ripped out there throat and laughed. It was so horrible.

Even with the fear pounding her onwards, the girl was too tired to make any real getaway, she felt like the shadows were trying to pull her off her feet and pin her down.

Suddenly in front of her the creature was there, starring with two horrible eyes and licking it lips, as Mat's blood dripped down its face. The girl stood frozen, unable to move. Tears ran down her face as she cried.

"Why? Why God why?" was all she could manage.

The creature hopped over, smiling all he way, singing "Tra La La La LAA"

"Tell me WHY!" The girl screamed, still unable to move her legs. This was crazy, it didn't make any sence at all. Things like this never happen. Never.

"Cause its only a game." Was the answer as the girl suddenly felt her kneel down. The creatures eyes burned bright into the night, a horrible unnatural red colour. "Cause you're only human."

With a sudden snarl the creature opened its mouth and dug its two fangs into the girls face and ripped...

"NOOOO!" Jenna screamed out from her bed, sweating.

Looking around, she saw she was in her small room, hidden from the light of the sun with some cheap blinds.

She could still feel all of the dream dream, the feeling of exisileration, the sweet smell of the girls sweat and tears. The feeling of her blood flowing into hers. It had felt so good.

"I hate you!" Came the familure cry of her ten year old self, looking at herself from the mirror across the bed. "I never wanted to become like you!"

But she didn't know anything. She was still too young. She didn't know what it felt to do what she did then look back at it all. She didn't know what made Jenna Tymisonn the hero.

All over her it cut deep, causing each breath she made to be bitter, each moment tainted with some deep heavy pull downwards. Guilt.


Well there ya go. Far too serious for my liking but suits whats going on and all. So yeah. Least it was fun to type out ^_^;;

Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/21/03 9:24:04 am

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Re: Jenna Tymisonn, the Hero?

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Fri Feb 21, 2003 1:58 pm

*does Cho a favor and strains this sucker through a spell checker*

As the sun finally started to rise, washing the street with a yellow dime glow, a hunched figure was slowly making its way across the pebbles.

The figures long black hair was greasy and dirty with parts just sticking out all over the place, and nearly scrapped across the ground. It wore some amour, beaten and battered, with huge bite marks all over it and looked like it had lost its shine years ago. Dragging a huge axe, that made a horrible sound as the blade actually cut through floor, leaving a clear trail of where this figure had been walking, the figure could be heard muttering to itself, if you listened hard enough.

"Damn infernal slug demons with there seven brains. I swear if I have to crush any more brain matter today I'll scream..."

As the figure walked slowly a concerned citizen of Doma who wasn't keen on people walking down the street with weapons like that, came up to hunched walker.

"Are you alright... madam?" The citizen inquired, trying to keep as polite as possible.

With a sudden hiss the figure looked up with pure red glowing eyes and showed two white sharp fangs. Her face almost took the look of a bat like shape as her large pointed ears into view. "Do I look alright!?"

Not hearing the question the citizen screamed and ran off, taken quite surprise by the monster he just saw in front of him.

Jenna Tymisonn rolled her eyes and walked on. Then, as always these days, that feeling came over her. hat horrible soul piercing feeling that forced her to live a life of constant bravery and heroism. To always put other lives in front of her own, to be a "Do-gooder". Guilt. Pure, unbridled guilt.

"Its not like I even tasted him..."


With a huge arc of a throw, Jenna flung her Axe into the wall just outside the door of the huge apartment and walked in. As the axe imbedded itself there, the wood cracked all the way up to a small sign.

Jenna, Vampire Hero

Stepping into the apartment, the whole area suddenly went into a darkness not natural. The light never disappeared but it was almost as if the shadows just got a whole lot darker and the contrast made the light seem weak.

Around Jenna the floor slowly started to bleed and groans and screams could be heard. Yooooou shouldn't be heeeere! The darkness crept all around Jenna and the whole scene had a horrible sense of terror to it.

Except Jenna was tapping her foot.

With a click of her fingers the room suddenly went back to normal and in front of Jenna a small well built man was standing there blinking. floating there sorry, s his feet were several inches above the ground.

"Not now Rudy!" Jenna said pushing past, or through in this case, and headed to a small office.

You could have let me know you'd be early! I don't even have the place cleaned up

"I'm sorry but it seemed the all terrible powerful evil today was all that terrible and powerful!" She snapped s she threw herself onto her nice big chair and leaned as far back as the chair would allow.

Well you at least got paid, right?

The silence that followed was horrible, least in the phantom named Rudy's mind. He had once haunted this place all alone, then suddenly this lady storms into this place five years ago and sets up a business. What was worse was she was terrible at it.

So now Rudy doesn't worry about who's soul he shall cast into the eternal torments of the black and purple swirly void in his room to feed his master and keeper, but more of worries over the rent bills.



What was that?


I can't hear you!

"They didn't have any money okay!?!? They had nothing except some evil slugs, that I had to fight alone I might add, feasting upon there neighbours and friends! Do you realize how icky it is ripping out all of there brains?" The half vampire shouted.

So you're saying you felt guilty again and decided not to charge them?

Jenna didn't even bother to answer. She didn't like the way it sounded either but she didn't like a lot of things that turned out to happen so she just had to deal with it.

She rubbed her cheeks as it suddenly zapped her with some pain.

From the slugs?

"No. Kae." Was all she answered. She was feeling guilty over that too. She heard what father had done to him and instead of happily jumping and singing around, she felt sorry for the little twerp. It had been only a couple of days sine then.

The trouble was she could have easily taken him. Least she once could of easily taken him, being a half vampire gave you certain advantages after all but she just had no way of winning without actually hurting the bastard badly.

"Leave me alone for a bit"

Why? So you can go all self pity again and wallow around in the shadows?

"It wasn't a request!" She said with a glare and a pop of black magic in the air. Rudy shrugged and disappeared.

"I so hate you!" A small voice said with intent. Jenna Tymisonn sighed in her chair as she turned around to face Jenna Tymisonn.

"I thought you were coming..." She groaned as she looked into the mirror. Instead of no reflection, or just a faded one, there was herself glaring at her all sulky and 10 years old. That was a good time to be alive.

"What the hell happened to me anyway!? Why did I turn out to be some blasted hero who spends half her time moping about in some haunted apartment!?" The younger version of her, though you couldn't see it, was tapping her feet.

"Just shut up okay? You have NO idea what I went through! If you did you'd already be like me!" The older one said, almost pulling the same sulky face.

"I didn't spend my early days having so much fun to become some do-goodie in the future! People should be worshipping me! Damn it! I'm meant to be Queen of the world! And another-" The young reflection went on and the elder just switched off.

It had been fifteen years since she cast that spell on the mirror so she could always keep an eye on herself and comment on how she was growing up. It had been three years too early for it to be of any consequence. The ten year old had no idea what was laying in wait for her.


Jenna stood in the room as the monk chanted some weird voodoo song, or whatever it was they did. A huge circle was drawn in the room, which was meant to be some force to empower the soul. Jenna thought is look like a big hula hoop.

The monk was feeling up some beads as he chanted. He'd do this for days some times, or mere minutes others. Whenever he spoke though it was always with some quest that Jenna had to sort out. She was only glad he didn't do it all the time so she at least had a chance to refuse being paid for doing her job.

Oh yes, her job, she thought with a sarcastic grin. Starting up the Hero business was perhaps the most stupidest thing she ever had to do but it was apparently the best way to keep in touch with "the people".

As time went on, well it only took three years, she almost became famous. Least around certain circles. Jenna looked around the room. Chris wasn't here nor was Gina but Jenna didn't like involving them. They were for her "normal" time, as normal as it is for werewolves and half vampires.

Here instead was a bunch of strange outsiders for other reasons other then they were "magical creatures". Jenna thought it was funny that most of the outsiders to the humans were actually the most intelligent ones she had ever met. It said something about the race as a whole she thought.

As she mused, Jenna slowly began to realize the chanting had stopped. "Oh goody! Here it comes!" she thought, oozing with sarcasm.

"The TIME! has come my friENDS!" The monk said, shouting the odd parts of words now and then. "The DEMons called cat'cathcues are aRISEN!"

"Ooooh cool!" Jenna suddenly said with a smile. "I know those, they're so cute! Got little pointy sucked that attach themselves to peoples guts and suck out there intestin-" She stopped as she realized that everyone was starring at her.

"I once summoned a few as pets when I was younger! Okay?" They all kept starring.

"Sorry. hose terrible creatures, lets us stop them before they wreak havoc upon mankind again. Woo!" She paused and looked around at her team. "I call the Bloodaxe and Soul Blade!"


The girl ran screaming through the alley. She had already seen her friends get killed by that.. thing It had ripped out there throat and laughed. It was so horrible.

Even with the fear pounding her onwards, the girl was too tired to make any real getaway, she felt like the shadows were trying to pull her off her feet and pin her down.

Suddenly in front of her the creature was there, starring with two horrible eyes and licking it lips, as Mat's blood dripped down its face. The girl stood frozen, unable to move. Tears ran down her face as she cried.

"Why? Why God why?" was all she could manage.

The creature hopped over, smiling all he way, singing "Tra La La La LAA"

"Tell me WHY!" The girl screamed, still unable to move her legs. This was crazy, it didn't make any sense at all. Things like this never happen. Never.

"Cause its only a game." Was the answer as the girl suddenly felt her kneel down. The creatures eyes burned bright into the night, a horrible unnatural red colour. "Cause you're only human."

With a sudden snarl the creature opened its mouth and dug its two fangs into the girls face and ripped...

"NOOOO!" Jenna screamed out from her bed, sweating.

Looking around, she saw she was in her small room, hidden from the light of the sun with some cheap blinds.

She could still feel all of the dream, the feeling of exhilaration, the sweet smell of the girls sweat and tears. The feeling of her blood flowing into hers. It had felt so good.

"I hate you!" Came the familiar cry of her ten year old self, looking at herself from the mirror across the bed. "I never wanted to become like you!"

But she didn't know anything. She was still too young. She didn't know what it felt to do what she did then look back at it all. She didn't know what made Jenna Tymisonn the hero.

All over her it cut deep, causing each breath she made to be bitter, each moment tainted with some deep heavy pull downwards. Guilt.

Ah... that's better. Honestly, Cho, there were so many errors it made it very hard to read. But know this... I left all the grammatical stuff in. And there are still words that the spell checker didn't catch.

I mean, Rydia's got to do something, right? XP

Anyhoo, this fic is pure Tymisonn goodness. It seems the whole "being a hero thing" for the family has to have some grave repercussions, and this is no different. It's just as true to the Tymisonn Family tradition as anyone's. Well done. <p>--------------------
"The only thing that makes the daily tedium bearable is knowing that I have power over life and death." -Chancellor Usurper, 8BT</p>


Re: Jenna Tymisonn, the Hero?

Unread postby Choark » Fri Feb 21, 2003 2:14 pm

Whee for writing stories while ya heads feeling like it'll explode! =D!

Thanks Kingy!

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Re: Jenna Tymisonn, the Hero?

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Feb 21, 2003 9:28 pm

Some grammatical errors, but readable and entertaining none the less. Interesting to see how Jenna turned out.

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pd Rydia
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Re: Jenna Tymisonn, the Hero?

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 24, 2003 11:21 pm

Very interesting. o.o Good job, Cho-man. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Why must my flaming debris be so delicious and edible? ;_;" -- FlamingDeth
-=- "oye KoD! tu griego me rockearia, si fuera griego de verdad..." -- ikozaedro
-=- "Seriously. The undead just don't stop. Great, aren't they?" -- Dirk (Skull Dragon)
-=- "Kelne's a natural magnet for everything, from lovers to planetary destroyers to carrots." -- End Reshiki</span></p>

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: Jenna Tymisonn, the Hero?

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Wed Feb 26, 2003 1:26 am

wai my daughter was all evil but hey she turned out ok! *poses and does victory sign*

good job cho! ^-^ <p>
<div style="text-align:center">
BALL BALL BALL BALL! *chase skitter attack pinball machine*


Uncle Pervy

Re: Jenna Tymisonn, the Hero?

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:37 pm


I wonder what exactly made her change? Was it that bit of rampaging? Or something more?

Enlil would be proud of her; had she not left Gaera for other dimensions before the 2nd Generation stuff came to pass. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>Edited by: [url=>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 2/26/03 1:40:29 pm


Re: Jenna Tymisonn, the Hero?

Unread postby Choark » Wed Feb 26, 2003 2:48 pm

And I will add more one day =P *heard this before*

Thank you for the comments everyone ^^ Glad I'm not the only guy who gets enjoyment from it.


Edited by: [url=>pd]&nbsp; Image at: 6/11/05 17:35

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