That Was Now (beginning fic)

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RPGWWer ChronoCatfish

That Was Now (beginning fic)

Unread postby RPGWWer ChronoCatfish » Mon Jul 08, 2002 9:12 am

<C>That Was Now</C>
As told by <strike>Devon Ralning, Legendary Outlaw</strike> <strike>Devon Ralning, Mercenary</strike> <strike>Devon Ralning, Wanderer</strike> Anonymous

Okay, before we start this I want to make one thing clear. This is my story. Devon Ralning’s story. No one else’s. I didn’t go through everything just for some ballad to be written about someone else when I die. Not that I went through everything just for a ballad. But if I get one (which I should, if there’s any justice) I had better be the prot- progani- main character-person. And Keriann… She’s gone now. Not… not as in... that, but somewhere. Someplace away. Prob’ly someplace better. It’s not like I’d expect Keriann to stick around here, what with just about everything. But what I’m going to talk about is what happened before.

I’m going to explain how it all started. If you want to get -what’s that word again?- about it you could say it all started when the new king, may-his-rotted-carcass-be-found-floating-in-a-swamp-like-the-scum-he-is, ascended the throne before his coronation even happened. Uncoronated, or something. This’ll be how it all started for me. I don’t think I’ll refer to it as ‘then’ because at that time it was ‘now’. Just like the now happening right… now! Damn, missed it. But anyhow, I figure I’d better not start at the beginning. Every story seems to make that mistake. I ‘spose if anyone’s going to be able to make any sense out of this, I’m going to have to start before my story did. The now before the other now. Here goes.

It was a small town. I’m not sure I remember what it was called though. That’s a lie - it was called home, no matter what your maps say about it. You’d probably know it as Onnwall, or Offal, or something stupid like that. You’ve probably seen the like. One-room school-house, enclosed sort of place, farms in the general area, informal -vulnerable. Dunno when I started adding that last part on, it just sort of came with everything else. I was fourteen before I even found out it was part of Doma. It didn’t deserve what happened to it. But anyway, that’s where I lived. Or was it me? Seems like it was someone else now. Someone better off, that’s for sure. Hope whoever actually lived there doesn’t get the ballad. Unless it was me, which I’m beginning to doubt. I’ll just assume it was, to save time. So anyway, there I (or possibly someone else whose memories I somehow got) was. Nothing like I am today. Sure, I had a sword. But all the weapons were useful for was to look suitably threatening whenever some wandering orc or goblin passed through or some such. It was of the disarming sort, which must have been hindsight, or sidesight, or something like that. And the law- I was all for it. Sure, I avoided lessons. Sometimes stuff appeared in my pack on the subject of which I always explained I had no idea it belonged to someone else. The usual. But then, I’m pretty sure I said I was going to start here, not just recap. So I will. Starting now. I mean the current now, not any of the others.


How was that? Feedback, anyone? Should I continue? The one thing about it that I'm sort of worrying about is that Devon will become more of a serious character. But anyway, opinions, suggestions or comments? <p>RPG World's the webcomic with ME in it!...and a bunch of other, more popular RPGWWers. But mostly me.</p>Edited by: RPGWWer ChronoCatfish at: 7/13/02 8:49:35 pm


Re: That Was Now (beginning fic)

Unread postby RebelKitsune » Mon Jul 08, 2002 10:44 am

*pops in* since you asked me to give my opinion, C_C... Ill give it. >.> though im unsure if its accurate... ^^; anyway...

I like the way Devon is writing about himself like that, it gives it a bit of a more authentic feel about it. the vocabulary is also quite good. The way he addresses the reader directly is nice too... though there's not enough material to scrape off some bad points... the way I see it, anyways... <p>
<font size="1">
<center>Don't fight the system... Just bite it on the kneecaps and run like hell!

People who who shout out any of the words; "wai," "kitty," "puppy," "cute," "bunny," "fuzzy," "cabbit," (and many others related to these) in an insanely loud voice, on a regular basis, are respectable people and you should love them. *nods*</center></p>


Re: That Was Now (beginning fic)

Unread postby Kotoki » Mon Jul 08, 2002 2:39 pm

Very waii. And very, very Devon. ^_^

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pd Rydia
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Re: That Was Now (beginning fic)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jul 08, 2002 4:29 pm

More. ^_^ <p><hr width="47%"><small>Quotes of the moment (RP quotes):
-=- "I FOUND A CORNER! I found a corner, I found a corner! See, right here! Stuck on the wall! It's a corner! Woo hoo! Now, to stare at it!" -- Daenj'r Tymisonn KingOfDoma)
-=- "Alright then. Now we're one big happy band of happy adventurers, maybe we should get back to the killing, hmm?" -- Jak Snide (Jak Snide)
-=- "Look hun, it's...uh...raining... ...frogs...O_o;;;" -- Aya, Queen of Doma (LDC)
-=- "MEAN HORSIES DON'T GET BISCUITS!!!" -- Solis Darylshield (Nakibe)</p>

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Jak Snide
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Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Jul 11, 2002 2:00 pm

More, Indeed!

*puts on a "I like that Blundering Idiot Devon." badge, and grins*

RPGWWer ChronoCatfish

Re: Weee!

Unread postby RPGWWer ChronoCatfish » Fri Jul 12, 2002 11:04 am

There, I added some more to it. I need to get into more of an authory routine. <p>RPG World's the webcomic with ME in it!...and a bunch of other, more popular RPGWWers. But mostly me.</p>

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Jak Snide
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*nod nod*

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Jul 12, 2002 12:10 pm

And I'll assume the role I normally take when reading a fic I like.


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pd Rydia
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Re: That Was Now (beginning fic)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Jul 12, 2002 3:55 pm

I'd say...don't use paragraphs so seldomly, especially with Devon's rambling manner. And you repeated the last paragraph by mistake. o_o

Oh, and more.

Image <p><hr width="47%"><small>Quotes of the moment (RP quotes):
-=- "I FOUND A CORNER! I found a corner, I found a corner! See, right here! Stuck on the wall! It's a corner! Woo hoo! Now, to stare at it!" -- Daenj'r Tymisonn KingOfDoma)
-=- "Alright then. Now we're one big happy band of happy adventurers, maybe we should get back to the killing, hmm?" -- Jak Snide (Jak Snide)
-=- "Look hun, it's...uh...raining... ...frogs...O_o;;;" -- Aya, Queen of Doma (LDC)
-=- "MEAN HORSIES DON'T GET BISCUITS!!!" -- Solis Darylshield (Nakibe)</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/8/05 20:56

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