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"Wind Fang" - start of fanfic

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 11:30 am
by Choark

- Beware Spelling Nazi's and such. . . you'll probably find things in here that'll make your hair curl -

Through the mountain the sound of the howl was carried by the wind, bouncing off of the tall snow covered peaks, rebounding through the empty rocky valleys and trapped within the dark unexplored caves. The hunting party had returned. The city Apa'kee waited, standing strong within the mountains dangerous grip, for the group to finallly return to it, hopefully bringing enough food to be stored within its cold temples.

Soon the first member of the party walked within view, he was a young man and had been kept out of most of the action. He shouted to his family who had waited to see how well the young man's training had prepaired him. As he ran forward it showed it had prepaired him well as he dragged a carcous of a dead animal behind him.

After that the city became an uproar of "Welcome Home"'s and embracing as families welcomed back the hunters and saw what they had brought back.

"It was a good hunt, was it not Fang?" The question came from what seemed like a large wolf, its fur pink in colour and its speech was a strange mix of pig sounds and barking. His name was Stone Claw, he held himself strong and voice was confident and kind. Only the scar across his long nose told tales of his hard past.

Wolf Fang turned his head towards his friend. His fur was unkept and long dried blood stained his yellow and pink coat. His mucles twitched under the strain of keeping him up and his breathing was hard and iratic. Only his eyes showed how strong this Wolf-Pig was.

"We lost two men Claw." His voice was not sad, it stated this fact as cold and hard as the dead bodies were that were carried to the village. "They shouldn't have died."

"Two is nothing to feel bad about old friend, it would have been more if not for your actions!" Claw tried hard to smile and cheer up his old friend.

"Prehaps. But it was my actions that also led them to their death. . . who is to say my actions helped any."

Claw shook his head, Wind Fang had been getting more and more depressed as his years ticked by and soon he feared the day to find his old friend not here anymore, but away in self banishment.

The two walked slowly towards Apa'kee and the humans allowed them to pass, bowing respecfully. As the two reached the City Children stopped in there games and stood silent, old men nodded there heads and the few priests preformed sacred hand motions.

Pig barely paid them any mind, his thoughts were lost. There was a time when I could have hunted and returned with a catch this big. When he was alive. . .

( I'll finish this later eheheheeheheh . . . its big though >.> so it'll take ages. . . I'm doing this between when my mates are using the comp )

Edit - this what you mean Rydia O_O?? <p><table border="2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td>Image</td> <td> Number One Spaz!</td> <td>Image</td> </tr> </table> </p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/8/05 20:54

Re: "Wind Fang" - start of fanfic

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 12:11 pm
by pd Rydia
I'll read that just as soon as you put in some line breaks, boy... ¬_¬ No, really...I want to read it, but the (lack of) line breaks kill me. I'd edit your post myself, but I don't want to get all abusive of adminny like powers and stuff...<.< <p>
<table><tr><td>Image</td><td>Quotes of the moment:
-=- "And then the pixies of doom ate her brain. It was very tragic." -- White Knight
-=- "Spammers are people too." -- SuperRube
-=- "Look hun, it's...uh...raining... ...frogs...O_o;;;" -- Aya, Queen of Doma</td></tr></table></p>

"Wind Fang" - start of fanfic

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 12:21 pm
by Choark
Time had ways of playing tricks on people, when what seems to be a gift, can soon turn into a curse as the wheels of time spins slowly round. The long age of the Wolf-Pigs was looked upon as a gift by many, there years of life could well go over 300 years, but even this has a horrible taint to it. While they lived onwards, they soon left there human friends behind in a faded memory, where recalling even the most basic details became a strain to an already tired mind.

Fang gasped for breath when his lungs suddenly had forgotten the job they had been doing for well over 320 years. Had they forgotten, or were they just tired? Wanting to end there long life of work. Wind Fang felt as if the ground beneath him lost all its texture and he was floating. No, he was drifting upwards, breaking away from his body and the earth leaving everything behind him, he no longer needed to worry about his tribe, his pups and his humans.

The moment past and Fang found his breath again, reality pounded itself back onto him and he struggled onwards, as every muscle in his body groaned and complained with every step and breath.

Living a long life also meant spending more time as an old man, and Fangs life has been espically long.


"Prehaps you need some help old man?" The sneering face of Black Claw welcomed Fang to his home. Black Claw was young by Wind Fangs standards but to others he was old and strong, the perfect candidate for the new head of the tribe. His mother couldn't have picked a less suiting name for the Wolf-Pig, who's fur was a strange grey and yellow and who's claws and teeth were pure white and very sharp. Head strong and arrogent, Black Claws simple hatred was completely directed towards Fang.

"The time i need your help to walk is the time I walk away from the tribe!" Fang growled back.
The smile on Black claws face only grew longer, "So I repeat the question, do you need some help old man?"

The two suddenly locked in gaze and were circling each other, growling and bearing fangs, rage and lust of power taking over them. Fang knew he had little chance of winning after such a hard hunt and it angered him even more knowing that Black Claw knew this and had set it up.

"Enough!" Stone Claw put himself between Fang and Black claw and baired his teeth at the insulant "pup". "Show the proper respect young fool! This is your leader! Have you been brought up by Dragons!? There is a time and place for such matters as this to be resolved, or would you like to take on the will of the tribe?"

Black Claw looked angered by the interuption and looked ready to attack and kill the two old "men", which Fang feared he might be able to do, but the young one put down his head and started walking backwards.

"Of course, I was mearly concerned for my leader, that is all. I look forward to the time of the birth and the meeting of the tribes, where I'm sure such matters will be offically resolved. . ."

It wasn't until after they were sure Black Claw was out of sight and hearing range did the two speak to each other.

"You had best be more weary of him Fang, I don't like the way he looks at you."

"Nor I. But one such as him will never run this tribe, espically as long as I'm alive."

"We are old Fang, our time is long past. You should think of who is to take your place, we won't be going on these hunts for much longer. The Spirits know I won't! The tribe needs a new strong leader and if the matter is left unresolved Black will become leader."

"He will not and I have more years left in me before I give it away to just anybody." With that Fang walked into his home and fell asleep quickly, his body and mind ready for the rest. Stone Claw shook his head and returned to his pups.

Stupid old fool. Our time has long gone. . . what is he waiting for. . . no one will replace Krone and he knows it. If only he could just let go. <p><table border="2" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td>Image</td> <td> Number One Spaz!</td> <td>Image</td> </tr> </table> </p>Edited by: [url=>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/28/02 4:23:59 pm

Re: "Wind Fang" - start of fanfic

Unread postPosted: Sun Apr 28, 2002 1:29 pm
by pd Rydia
Nice job, Cho (and yes, those line breaks were exactly what I was referring to). This is really good...I'd like to read more. *nods* <p>
<table><tr><td>Image</td><td>Quotes of the moment:
-=- "And then the pixies of doom ate her brain. It was very tragic." -- White Knight
-=- "Spammers are people too." -- SuperRube
-=- "Look hun, it's...uh...raining... ...frogs...O_o;;;" -- Aya, Queen of Doma</td></tr></table></p>

Re: "Wind Fang" - start of fanfic

Unread postPosted: Mon Apr 29, 2002 5:18 pm
by FF Fanatic 80
(O.o Woah... this is looking to be a good fic man.

<.< *Wonders ( and fears ) who Krone is* )

Wing Fang - a little bump

Unread postPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 6:39 am
by Choark
OOC: Bet ya all thought I forgot about this huh? Well.. nope I didn't! >> Just waiting for my computer to return to me . . . as it is, I'll just use this as an interlude until I get everything straight into my head again

- - - - - -

The time of birth was one of the most special occasions in the life of a Wolf-Pig. Wind-Fang had been apart of several such occasions and had viewed even more.

Now, Gre'Par'Th humans are exactly the same as normal humans expect one important difference. They give birth to an Egg. This is, according to science, an unnatural and pointless evolution turn of events.

No mammal sound do this. However, these people do, be either cause of magic, or some other design behind them.

One egg from the Gre'Par'Th humans is chosen, for reasons only the Wolf-Pigs understand and placed into a warm chamber, that the wolf-pigs guard with all there might.

Once this egg hatches, the chosen few approach the baby in a hope to join with the child. This joining is a sharing of the mind, where senses join into one. From that point on, the child will be forever joined with the Wolf-Pig.

It is a special privilege to be one of these joined. For they will always have company, there minds shall always be linked with that of the wolf-pig, they will never fell the anguish of loneliness. As long as they both live on.

A high price has to be paid though. Only the young are chosen to join with the baby, for if a Wolf-Pig is to die before the child, then it will forever know only sorrow. Though the wolf-pigs also feel this sorrow, it is believed there minds are more in-tune with the spirits, and so the grief is lessened.

Wind-Fang was once joined with a man named Krone, believed to be the greatest warrior that had ever lived. The stories of his adventures and battles still are told to every child and adult alike.

When the man had died, Wind-Fang had felt sorrow over a death for the first time in his life. It was a bitter horrible lingering feeling and it hadn't lifted itself from his heart.

He could still see the mans daft smile as he fought he way through the dragons. Seen the tears of the man as he lost his love. Feel Krone's touch as he had hugged and patted his fur.

Wind-Fang had lived on but it felt like half a life, a shadow, where things happened in a blur and the only thing he could see clearly was the memory of that strong, trusting, powerful man.

Now he was to choose a successor? For what? For a tribe that was too afraid to do things by themselves? For a tribe that would follow someone who only cared for power? For a bleak miserable existence that he'd rather be spared?

Wind-Fang turned in his sleep, rubbing against his mate. She watched her "husband" toss and turn. He had loved her once, as he had loved them all once. Now? Now he didn't speak unless spoken too and his heart had grown a hard shell over it.

Wind-Fang was the tale the Wolf-Pigs spoke of, the great protector of the tribes. He was a living legend, he had done more to build the strength of the tribes then any other.

She shook her head and rested once more. She too was old and she too had the heavy pulling of sorrow upon her heart.

- - - - -

OOC : Well thats that then >>;; Sheesh.. talk about a depressing tone 9_9 gah... And it won't improve for a while either ~_~ What happened to super fun happy plot developments?

Re: Wing Fang - a little bump

Unread postPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 1:20 pm
by FF Fanatic 80
Not much to say, other than mucho niftyness. And poor Pig, of course. And since I can't do so myself...

Image*sets pig up the chibi huggle*

Re: Wing Fang - a little bump

Unread postPosted: Thu Jul 04, 2002 7:34 pm
by pd Rydia
o.o Miao. *gives Cho the niftiness award and waits for more* <p><hr width="47%"><small>Quotes of the moment (RP quotes):
-=- "I FOUND A CORNER! I found a corner, I found a corner! See, right here! Stuck on the wall! It's a corner! Woo hoo! Now, to stare at it!" -- Daenj'r Tymisonn KingOfDoma)
-=- "Alright then. Now we're one big happy band of happy adventurers, maybe we should get back to the killing, hmm?" -- Jak Snide (Jak Snide)
-=- "Look hun, it's...uh...raining... ...frogs...O_o;;;" -- Aya, Queen of Doma (LDC)
-=- "MEAN HORSIES DON'T GET BISCUITS!!!" -- Solis Darylshield (Nakibe)</p>