Fall of Solasia

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Fall of Solasia

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon Apr 22, 2002 11:57 pm

Chapter 1 - Illusion of Yutopia

It was a council of 13 elders. Chosen by all within the Solasian borders, trusted and honored, the Council of the Clothe was to maintain peace in the grand kingdom of Ryuugami.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There was Denn Marr, a short dwarf with a rusty beard spiked in numerous twists capped in colored wax. He had but one hand, having lost it in a mining accident as a boy, but this handicap did not prevent him from becoming a great rider and a wise elder.
There was F'oehn Rah, an elderly green dragon, his scaled softened through time 545 years he lived, 100 of those dedicated to a council. He was well over his time, once sharp daggers lace his maw in a permanent smile, he only owned 20 now. Eyes fogged with blindness, his mind only became more clearly.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There was the mighty and boisterous storm dragon Kaiar Kai. His sapphire scales rippling with electricity his claws and eyes like liquid ink. Kaiar Kai was an unlikely candidate for Elder but 252 years, he had more the proven his impeccable judgment.
Baen D'arr, the only female currently on the council. He white hair was tied tightly in a bun, her thin lips unsmiling, her will unmoving. Baen D'arr was unfriendly but none denied her wisdom. A top graduate of Gunnir Academy, many wondered how much she really knew...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There were these four of the thirteen seated on a large platform in the axis town of Yutopia. The Festival of Peace was taking place. Peoples from all over Igala came to attend. Many merchants to sell their wares, many customers to by the wares but also many thieves to steal those wares. For whatever reason on had to come, the purpose was to celebrate the end of the war between the dwarves and the humans. It was this day that the peace treaty was signed.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Baen stood her robes of white and silver making her look like gaunt moth. She raised her hand and the people turned to gaze their eyes on her. She searched over the crowd, grasping the strings of attention and turning all heads to her.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "My Solasians, this is a great day for us all. So many people have come here today to celebrate the wonders of peace," her voice rang in the warm spring air. "Today, we mush give thanks to our goddess for blessing us with the power to look past our differences and prevail." A chorus of cheers raised in the air. Dragons and griffons trumpeted their approval. Baen nodded.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Foolishness," spat the angry words. A black griffon narrowed his eyes more at the words than at Baen from the shadows of an alley. The human that had rasped such hatred, leaned on his foreleg staring with great hatred at Baen and her words. "Foolish bitch. What makes her think that the goddess of the dragons gives a damn about her. Ryuu blinks and her life is over before she opens her eye"
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Ryuuma created the griffons," noted the black creature. He looked down at the human, his vulture-like countenance inquisitive.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Ryuuma," he snorted. "It was the goddess of cat's that blesses you. Nothing that lizard queen creates bares the grace and intelligence of the griffons. Ryuuma gave you wings to fly. Nekoma gave you lives worthy living." The human sighed and pushed off of the griffon's leg, turning a disgruntled back on the lecturing old woman. "Come on, Mappa. I think if I listen to anymore of this my ears will bleed."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Mappa stood slowly. He stretched his dark grey leonine hindside one leg at a time. The human that he served was much like him, serious, unobtrusive, powerful, manipulative. Mappa liked these traits and felt as bitter as the human when he was turned down for nomination to general.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "San'fah," Mappa crooned affectionately. The human turned. Mappa bent his forelegs to let the human ride. "San'fah will ride the great Mappa and together Sandy Milar and Mappa Balraun will make the foolish see the light."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sandy laughed and hopped up onto the griffon. "Let the fools have their parade. Let the Clothe cover their eyes. You and I Mappa will go to our celebration." Mappa's beak parted slightly in a griffonic smile. He didn't like the dragons, he didn't like the Council. He liked to be in control and he liked to be feared.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Clink! Clank! The sounds of two swords meeting in combat sounded across the Battlegrounds, a stadium used for war games and training. Standing opposed to one another was the tall, broad-chested Sharda L'Sarithe and the lithe, slight Telteth Yumi.
Telteth circled Sharda with fluid grace his round yellow eyes locked tightly on every muscle on his opponent. If Sharda moved even a bit, he would know it. Telteth's sword traced a circle in the sands as he circled. Sharda did not move nor would he until Telteth let him. Sharda was strong and skilled but not nearly as fast.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sharda stood poised. He didn't even bother to watch the smaller man. If he remained patient, the agitated Telteth would attack giving him the opportunity to counter and put the second general in his place. Besides, he didn't like to lose, especially when his wife was watching. Sharda could feel the intense stare of Kryse on him. If he lost she would ridicule him until he won and she would still ridicule him. He had no idea why he loved her so.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "HEY! I'm not getting younger you two," called Kryse from the side. She glared at them, giving Telteth a pause and Sharda a reason to look at her. Kryse L'Sarithe was small, even in her griffon form. Sharda dwarfed her even further so the feisty Kryse insulted him every chance she got. Her boyish short cropped hair spiked out in random directions like white flame with black tips. Loud and boisterous, she was often called 'Squawker' behind her back. But only behind her back...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "And the little hummingbird squeaks," Sharda mocked. "What's the matter? Ran out of nectar?" Kryse growled.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Telteth took the lovers' quarrel as an chance to attack. He slice is rapier upward, Sharda barely leaning back in time.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Shit! He cursed internally as he did his best to evade the rapid slashing of Telteth. Suddenly, Telteth stopped.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A confused Sharda blinked a few times. "What's wrong?"
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Telteth rested his rapier on his shoulder. "You've lost. Look, you stepped out of the ring."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sharda looked down. His left foot was planted firmly out of the ring of red clay bricks that marked the boundary of the training circle.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "KISAMA! KRYSE!!!" He bellowed casting an angry glare at the small woman.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Kryse grinned and stuck her tongue out at him. Telteth laughed. "You should really be nicer to my sister, Shar'fah..."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sharda snorted and stalked over to Kryse. Kryse grinned broadly. " You lost. And not only did you lose....you lost like a hatchling!" She laughed purposefully in his face, long and hard.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sharda sighed and grabbed her by the shirt hefting her off the ground. She screamed and began cursing him. Sharda ignored her protests and with a grin carried her over to the a trough that the dragons and griffons drank from when the were not in human form.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Only geese squawk so you must be a goose." He smiled with wickedness. "And all geese like the wa~te~r!" he sang. With that he dropped her in the trough.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Kryse screamed as she splashed into the icy water. As soon as she gained her footing she climbed out of the trough and jumped on Sharda's retreating back.
She beat him with her fist, cursing with angry abandon.
Telteth sighed. "This is why griffons and dragons should never marry."


"WAIT! TESSEI!" called out a tiny boy with spiky white and black tipped hair. He plopped down on the ground, watching the retreating backs of his cousin and his cousin's friends. It always seemed as though Tessei left him on purpose, but then again the older boy always came back and apologized.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A large dragon shadow cast over him. "V'Raptre, why do you always follow that boy?," rumbled Kaiar Kai. Raptre fell backwards onto his back while trying to see Kai's massive head.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "He's my cousin, El'Kai. Why wouldn't I?" Raptre held up his arm to shield his eyes from a bright glare coming from Kai. "El'Kai, what's that light? You're making me blind."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Kai laughed. "My ceremonial armor. Perhaps the pages shined it too well. We do not want our little L'Sarithe going blind. How else will he become a great knight like We'Sharda?"
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre put down his arm and groaned. "I'll never be as good a knight as my father. He's too good." Raptre rolled over and began to assume his true form. His body first grew larger and fatter. Clothes melted away as feathers and scales took their place. He grew first a tail, then wings. His face elongated into a muzzle. All of this happened in a short time. Raptre, once an elvish boy, became a squat and awkward dracogriff.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Kai leaned his neck down and groomed the cub with his tongue. The action was a show of affection among both dragons and griffons. "V'Raptre is a smart boy. A little too kind, methinks, but honorable beyond compare. Much unlike Me'Kryse." Kai tilted his head. "How is Me'griffon?"
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Fine. She and dad got into another fight but this time Dad won. They went home shortly after."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Kai chuckled knowingly and nuzzled Raptre. "Take care, V'Raptre. I must parade around some more. I would suggest staying away from home for a while. Go play, hm?" Kai chuckled as he walked off.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Anyone watching the grand Kai marching the streets would truly see the grandeur of Solasian cities. Enormous streets to accompany the griffons and dragons, as wells as the numerous other people. There were "Crossers", carriages pulled by griffies, chocobos, or, even, sometimes people, that were designed specifically to help the lower races cross the busy streets.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Many buildings were tremendously large able to hold at least a dozen of the small forest dragons at least. Though out of courtesy, the griffons and dragons assumed their human forms when entering buildings.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Every building had a flat, well-supported roof so the griffons and dragons could land. Most buildings were made of stone, carved into beautiful habitats by the Shuuman dwarves. Yutopia was easily ranked among the most beautiful cities in Igala.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre did not have time to squawk as a heavy weight pressed on him. He could smell perfume and the coldness of scales and cold blood.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "SIZER!! Getoffofme,youbigdumbCOW!" He yelled as loud as he could, though it was difficult and less threatening since the red drageen was crushing his lungs.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sizer hopped off briefly but proceeded to rub against him, giving off a dragonic purr that sounded like a squeaky Valthi motor.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "We'Raptre, will you marry me?" She began licking his face. "Please? I'll be a good wife."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre tried to push her away but Sizer was bigger than him and stronger. "NO! A million bazillion times no! Grah! Sizer, cut it out!"
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Attempting to dash off, Sizer managed to hold his hindside down and drag him back. "We'Raptre, but Sizer loves you." Again she began licking him.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Suddenly, she stopped and the weight lifted. Raptre looked back to see the inky black Tessei circling Sizer. Tessei had black spots on his black coat but pure white forelegs and hind paws, like he had jumped into a sack of flour. His thick eagle beak made him, even as a young griffon, look dangerous.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "What is a red drageen doing here," he whispered icily. "Attacking my cousin, is what." The other three griffons with Tessei growled softly. Sizer crunched down.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tessei prowled over to Raptre and began circling him. "Even though Ra'fah is weak and imperfect, he is still my cousin. I cannot let you harm him," he said coldly. Tessei stopped and glared at Sizer.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The drageen shivered fearfully and darted her eyes from one griffon to the next, her maw bearing her small,though sharp,teeth at each. She was still too young to make fire. Realizing that even though she might be able to take Tessei she could not take them all, she gave a final hiss and took off.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre sighed relief and playfully pounced on Tessei's back. "Thank you, Tessei!" Raptre nuzzled him and bit him lightly. Tessei shoook him off like a leaf and walked away wordlessly. His companions followed without acknowledging Raptre at all.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre blinked. Tessei was always so cold when he was around his friends but always so nice when he wasn't. Raptre lamented. "It's because I'm imperfect..."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Dragons beget dragons, griffons beget griffons, humans beget humans, and so on. But what does a human and dragon beget? A griffon and dwarf? A dragon and a griffon? To some, they are simply two halves that make a whole new person. To others they are abominations. Griffons were especially haughty. Extremely proud that naturally they were created of two halves but ordained by the gods. They viewed themselves as the ultimate halfbreed.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Some would argue that halfbreeds were especially unique and possibly ordained by the gods since they were so rare and difficult to create. Others would argue that such difficulty was a sign that they were not meant to be. No matter what side of the coin, it was the halfbreeds that suffered the most.


Mappa stood perched above the crevasse. Below him were gathered almost one hundred humans. Their clothes were as ragged and dirty as their faces. At first Mappa question San'fah's purpose for such a filthy lot but as he heard the human's powerful words and saw the other's blind belief, he realized it was like a regal griffon giving orders to the mindless griffies.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "The Clothe preaches to us that Ryuugami protects us. All of us! But where was that protection for the last three winters when only those who licked the feet of dragons had warm food in their bellies? Where was her protection when the Rivan summers were dry and crops failed? She is the goddess of the scaley bastards, not of us! The only way she will pay us heed is through POWER!" Sandy paused in his speech to allow for applause. Mappa looked around to be sure that no one heard.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "HERE!" Sandy held up a thick book over his head. "Here is the evidence of our elevation...

'And I watched as the warrior lamented over her fallen mount. The blood of the dragon poured like wine from this gaping wound at his neck. I watched as with a might bellow the warrior whet his lips with the blood of the dragon and was reborn! I assumed the mighty powers of the storm dragon Teil Bilan and defeated 20 foes with the power he had assumed.'

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sandy dropped the book at the feet of one of the others. A thick looking man looked at the book. Several pages had been marked with ribbon. The man opened to one of the marked pages and read silently to himself, while others read over his shoulder. He read three more passages before handing it over to another man.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "So you say we need the power of the dragons to appease Ryuugami? Will the dragons really let us drink their blood?" he inquired.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sandy laughed softly, pacing a few steps. "No. This is not appeasement! This. Is. CONQUERING! Fuck the Dragon Queen. Fuck her blessing! What we want is retribution for being ignored. The war fought between the human and dwarves was meant to be a war fought between humans and dwarves, but the mighty dragons stepped in. Forced us to denounce our religions and worship the goddess of dragons !" He gave a short laugh. "What did that do? Where are the humans now? Those who survive in the fields, those that work hard to feed their children and don't give a damn what god blesses them are the ones that suffer. So kill the damn dragons. If Ryuugami does not want to give her blessing, Than. We. As. Moral, sacrificing humans. Should be awarded..." He paused to let his words sink into their minds.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Mappa shifted nervously. What could he do? He hated the dragons as much as Sandy but it he could not deny the fact that Ryuugami had a hand in the creation of his race. He could do nothing but listen and pray that Ryuugami would not ignore the plea of his people.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The griffons were beginning to suffer weak broods and higher infant mortality, while the dragons were as strong as ever. Not only that, griffons were forced to burrow more as the larger dragons took up more and more space. The tensions from the two megabeasts was growing but almost certainly the dragons would win out.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "So what should we do?" came a voice from the back of the crowd. "We can't possibly kill dragons and even with griffons, what can we do?"
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sandy nodded thoughtfully. "What, indeed?" He nodded again and walked over to a large sack in a large bowl most often used for watch fires. He pulled off the heavy sack and revealed a shiny, greyish speckled dragon's egg. "Now, starts the Bloody Brood. We will first take the power from the young then once our power is undeniable we will take the power from the strong." He unsheathed his sword and struck the egg.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A tiny sqeak emitted with great fear. Sandy ripped away the remaining shell, leaving a writhing Storm dragon drakeen to shriek to it's unaware parent.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sandy gave a grave look at the crowd of humans. He looked deep into the shocked, the numb,the confused, he looked at all these emotions as he stabbed the drakeen fatally through the heart.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Mappa gave a soft keen in his throat. To kill an adult is one thing, but a helpless infant was a powerful step. A part of him wanted to swoop down and save the child, but a greater part of him thought it had to be done. This was the first step.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sandy reached bathed his hand in the thick almost black blood of the baby Storm dragon and licked it clean. He could here a few wretching in the back of the crowd.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Licking his lips as though he had feasted on ambrosia, he asked, "Who is with me?"


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre climbed the path to the level of caverns at which he lived. While the mountains are several miles outside of Yutopia it was still possible to see the city from even the lowest level of caves.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The L'Sarithe Family had moved briefly to lower levels until Raptre was able to fly. Still awkward in flight, the L'Sarithes decided that Raptre knew enough to return to the upper levels, with the other elite military families.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Inside, he found his father curled around Kryse. Neither were awake. The walls were ridged from Sharda's careful clawing. Tiny little holes dotted the walls from when a younger Raptre took to burrowing. Now he was too big to burrow, too small to play with Tessei, and too depressed to care.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre sat at the edge of the ledge and looked at Yutopia. With his keen hearing, the music and occasional cheers from Yutopia reached the caverns. The sky was blue with large, slightly grey clouds. A little rain wouldn't stop the celebration but it would slow it down. Nothing short of tragedy ever stopped the Solasians.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Again a shadow overtook him. It wasn't a cloud, it was Kryse. "Ra'fah, you look down..."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "I'm fine just tired. I've been playing with Tessei all day," he lied. Kryse snorted because she detested her sister,Halde, the mother of Tessei. She and Halde were of the same brood but of different minds.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Halde was a Purist. She didn't believe in the mixing of races or social classes. She reveled in the well-defined lines of a black and white society. She found comfort in knowing where everyone stood. People were easier to control that way.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Kryse believed that the lines were unimportant. The merits of one's actions should determine their rank in society, she believed. So while Halde grew fat from the labors of others, Kryse fought to maintain her status through her own actions.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Telteth was caught in the middle but shared more views with Kryse than with Halde. He happened to like Sharda and felt that the dragon earned the right to take Kryse as his mate. Although, Telteth tested the white dragon constantly.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So there sat Kryse, motherly over her only cub, Raptre. She lamented that of a brood of 4, a healthy number, only Raptre survived. There were rumors of dragons causing the problems of griffon broods but Sharda was no more saddened than she by the loss of so many young lives.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp From the distance, the heard a cry ring from Yutopia. Kryse smiled. "Well, it's good to see so many people having fun. Only three days left then it's back to the ho and hum." She bent her neck down and gave Raptre a little nuzzle.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "That's fine. I miss going to classes with my friends. When we get back the instructor said that we start flying. Won't that be fun?" He looked up for conformation. Kryse wasn't paying attention. She was staring at Yutopia with an intensity that sent chills down his spine. Her ears were flat on her head, her crest straight up. It was the posture of alarm, and very little alarmed Kryse.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Sharda!", she called, abandoning Raptre at the ledge. "Sharda something is wrong. Wake up."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The enormous white dragon opened an eye. The black pupil swam in a sea of gold lazily. What is it? , he telepathed to Kryse.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "There are cries from Yutopia. They are not of celebration. We must return." Her tone was solemn and commanding. Sharda with suprising speed, leapt to his feet. "I'll go ahead," she said finally, nodding a bit to Raptre. With that she was galloping off downt the path. When the reached the lower levels, she took to the sky.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sharda looked down at Raptre. "We'Raptre, I have to go but I want you to stay here. If you see anything dangerous hide inside."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre nodded. Sharda licked him briefly before dropping of the legde. When he spread his wings, he looked like a giant white kite over emerald green trees and pastures. He was truly a "King of the North".
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre watched until he could no longer make out Sharda's silhouette from the other flying dragons. As he stood to make his way inside, he heard panting and galloping coming up the path his way.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It was Tessei. Tessei stopped, breathing hard, at Raptre's feet. Raptre waited until his cousin had gotten his breath before asking questions. "What happened? Were you in the city? Why have you come running like that?"
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Shut up and I'll tell you. F'oehn is dead. He was walking in the parade and I noticed he was looking a little under the weather. The other Elders kept asking him if he was alright but..."Tessei gulped air. "He just fell all of a sudden. Flat out dead. He started bleeding at the mouth and eyes and...." He puffed out the feathers on his neck and shook. "It was disgusting. Then all of a sudden somebody started screaming 'Murder! Murder!' Then all the rumors started flying about poison and and corruption. The city's in chaos."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre simply stared at him. It was one thing for F'oehn to have simply died but it was entirely different from him being murdered. No Elder had ever been murdered while in office and only one out of office. The implications of the whole thing was enormous. If people stopped trusting the Council then Solasia would be seriously weakened. Something would have to be done.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "One more thing," Tessei piped. "You have to come home with me. Uncle Tel'fah said you shouldn't be left alone." More than the death of F'oehn, Raptre felt his heart sink lower. He would have to face Halde.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre followed Tessei sullenly. Halde hated him so much, he couldn't understand how Telteth could have thought that he'd be safer with her than at home by himself. He felt like he had done something wrong to have to deserves this, but the bonds of family are tight and make little sense.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Halde lived far off from Raptre's cave. She detested the dragons so much she didn't want to share space with them. So she designed and elaborate warren some ways off.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Halde's warren was farther from the mountains but closer to the city. So as they neared, Raptre could her the cacophony of cries and peacekeeping efforts. The last thing Yutopia needed was a riot.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tessei slipped into one of his back entrances to the warren, Raptre not too close behind him. The smell of earth and perfume filled the tunnels. Raptre almost wretched. It was Halde's favorite perfume, a smell that should have been as sweet as the peach blossoms but was a bitter as her face. Raptre tried to slink off into Tessei's room but the older griffon called out to his mother:
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Mama! I've returned with Ra'fah!" he called in what he thought was the direction of his mother.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre felt the black leech from his feathers in fear. He could hear her feathery mass shifting and beginning to slither its way towards them. Like a white rose, Halde's mass bloomed before them.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Halde wasn't particularly fat but she was large. She had a kind of owly-face that enhanced her stuck up look. She also dropped feathers constantly but that was her only virtue. Halde's feathers were very soft and very comfortable but, of course, they smelled like peach blossoms.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She glared at Raptre for a moment then hissed and snapped at him. " Let's get one thing straight, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. Don't think that because you are my nephew that I care about you anymore than my stool." She hissed again. "A utter one word of this to your idiot mother and I'll eat you."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Then I guess that means I can tell my idiot father...who's much bigger than you... Raptre thought angrily. Halde struck him hard against the wall.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Stupid beast, I can tell you're thinking something rotten and coarse. I hope you bleed like that idiot Foeh'n." She spat at Raptre and angrily retreated back into the room she came from.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tessei walked off to Raptre and licked him about the face. " You shouldn't anger mother so, you know how she gets."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre hopped away and wanted to yell at Tessei but the large griffon mother would certainly hear him and knock him against another wall. So instead he settled with nodding, the consent bitter on his mind. He was always so powerless. It made him sick to his core. This embarrassment only compounded his depression.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tessei walked towards his room silently demanding that Raptre follow. Of course, anything was better then sitting in the hall just waiting for Halde to stomp him, but somehow he still felt resentful at being lead around. He followed Tessei, with his warring thoughts still screaming in his head.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tessei plopped down on a pile of Halde's feathers that he had gathered. He had piles of odds and ends that he had collected through his life scattered here and there. Some in piles, some not, some in chest, some in sacks. Tessei loved to collect things. In this way, Raptre noted, he was almost dragonic.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Ra'fah, you're bleeding," Tessei said with a suppressed yawn. He lied his head down and looked at Raptre.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Raptre lied down, too, but on the cold, hard floor. "I don't care," he responded curtly.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tessie was silent for a few moments, still looking intently at Raptre, though he felt a little sleepy.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Ra'fah," he began, "I know that you do not like it here. I know you do not like my mother, but try to make the best of it, dear cousin."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Again, Tessei was being a paradox. He defended Raptre but not always, he cared for Raptre then he didn't, he was gentle then he was harsh. There were times where Raptre couldn't stand being around Tessei, then there were times that there was no one he'd rather be with.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "I'm tired.I'm going to take a nap,"Raptre sighed. He closed his eyes and let the terrible pain in his mind put him to sleep.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Foeh'n's enormous body was carried to a secured location. Healers, doctors, scholars all milled around him poking, murmuring, arguing.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Kryse sat by Sharda watching the dead be treated like a science experiment. Sharda rumbled deep in his throat as he looked around. The voices of the people still hovered on the air, filled with suspicion and doubt. It's subtle drone grated on everyone's nerves.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Finally, after hours of doubts and theories, the intellectuals managed to come to the conclusion that indeed Foeh'n was poisoned but they did not know with what, by whom, or when.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It was a frustrating blow. They now knew what everyone suspected. At least, their knowledge was official, not that it helped much.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "The council members are not safe...Who knows what could happen next," said one intellectual to the remaining twelve council members. Several others agreed.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Yes, we must find a secure location for the Council until this can be resolved."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "But where to put them?"
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Rook Lok."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "No, no, Markaans."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Riva." This one made the talking stop. Fret Milar-Danne, council member, had said it. He nodded slowly. "The safest place is a place outside of Solasia. In a strange land, our soldiers will not so easily fall into a lie of false security. Only with out our borders can safety be found."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Again people talked amongst themselves. The suggestion was not unfounded and made much since. The Solasians were on good terms with the Rivans. Surely, they would help them in this time of need. It was a fine suggestion and no one could see reason to contend it.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp "Riva it is," said Baen. "I guess we should start packing."

<table border = 1><tr><td>ImageMmm, Mechage RPGWW style!
I'm the Neko. I'm the Neko. I'm the Neko. Meow meow Me Ow. 2 Sugoi!</td></tr></table></p>

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Fall of Solasia Chapter 2

Unread postby Nekogami » Tue Apr 23, 2002 12:05 am

Chapter 2
Bloody Broods and Hands

Dwell Griftor, Denn Marr, Hel Vicht. The three dwarven Council elders grumbled among themselves as the saddled and tacked their griffies.

"Aye, this is a funny smelling affair. I dun like how good Foeh'n died, I don't. Not like he was healthy but an ancient dragon don't drop like he did," Hel said bitterly.

Dwell growled as he tighted the girth on the saddle. "Aye aye. An' Foeh'n was no dummy. How'd he get poison'd and all it beyon' me."

"Aye! An' not knowin' a blasted thing about it?!" Hel spit into some hay. He shooke his wholly head and gave his grey dappled griffy a hefty pat. "Let's just get out of here before we're next."

Denn sighed wearily and climbed his mount. "Aye, an' let's not forget: This is our home. These are out friends and allies. We'll nay give up until our bodies are crushed, our blood is spilt til empty, and are breath is useless."

"AYE!" came their cry in unison. They spurred their griffies and trotted from the stables.

A stablehand hastily dropped the bucket of feed he had been carrying and took off out the back door. He was met by a human down an adjacent alley. He spoke feverishly. When he was done, the other human nodded and gave him a red medallion made of wax. The stablehand looked around suspiciously then bowed to the other human. Shortly after both quickly parted ways.


Baen D'arr, a very dwarven name from her very dwarven husband. She washed her arms and feet in the bathroom. Her husband slept soundly in the bedroom, masking his worry and pain in sleep and beer. She didn't mind. It was his way and she had come to understand it and live with it.

She could hear him snoring loudly, even with the door closed. That was something she often wondered how she managed to tolerate. It took many years but eventually she learned to sleep without hearing his 'dragon's roar'.

The path was decided last night in secret. The dwarves had come up with a passage way through the Shuumans that was hardly used by anyone other than the dwarves and relatively safe. They would arrive on the other side of the Shuumans in four days if they made good time. They would leave at different times and no one, not even other council members, were to know when. There was much fear of corruption in the Council and no one was taking any chances.

Baen was leaving sometime today. She had decided that she wanted to meet with a lord that she knew in Riva. Perhaps, he could lend some troops for support. They used to be good friends before their duties as leader tore their communication apart but they still had fond memories.

She stood up and slipped on her robe. The dwarf in her bed had stopped snoring. He probably noticed that she was gone and was listening for her. She smiled softly and started humming so that he knew where she was. Baen stared into the mirror and brushed out her hair still humming.

She had rumors of the dragon's losing eggs. It had been a long time since they had a serious egg snatching problem but they would be dealt with immediately by the guards. She was sure it was nothing serious. Though there were accusations raised by some dragons that the griffons were involved. Of course the proud griffons took it to heart and the two sides were now drifting farther apart.

The thought made her frown. Solasia depended on it's unity. For hundreds of years, the country had maintained an era of peace. For all of these things to suddenly happen made her wonder if perhapst the problem always existed but was never adequately addressed.

Attendance to the temples as slowly dropping. Something she took personally, having been a priestess for the better part of her young life. She felt suddenly ill as she recalled her latest visit to the Yutopian temple. She remembered how empty it was and how dead it was. Even though she had been in an empty temple many times, even ruins of temples, it had never felt dead. It was as though something was horribly wrong and missing.

Baen shook her head of the dark thoughts and put down her brush. Still her husband slept silently. She decided that she needed his comfort and walked from the bathroom. The bedroom was large, white, and decorated with flowers and statuettes. It was much like a temple room, Baen's influence, but the statues and surrounding flowers were the artistic ideas of her husband who was a sculptor and naturalist. He picked out the stone himself and grew his own flowers. A perfectionist through and through, she thought.

She crept silently to the bed. A brief wind swept through the open windows. She wiggled her nose. There was a displeasing scent carried with the wind but she attributed it to the restaurant down the street that specialized in Nekonian and Inustani dishes. There was many a scent from the restaurant that she did not care much for but like, snoring, had learn to ignore.

Baen grasped the heavy curtains and began pulling them back on the rods. The yellow sunlight illuminated the tiny corner.

"Good morning, darling. Wake up the sun is shining and the birds-" he cheery salutation ended in a terrible screem. A heavy spear jutted out from the body of the dead dwarf.

Baen screamed and screamed. Her whole body shook with horror as she fell to the ground. She never thought that perhaps the killer would still be inside. So as she screamed she never noticed the dark shadow slipping out from her door.


Raptre opened his eyes. He could smell warm blood and hear the noises of griffons at feast. His empty stomach shouted at him to join in but Raptre sighed and layed his head down on his paws. Chances were that if he tried to get a bite, Halde would take a bite out of him. It was a risk wasn't willing to take. He didn't want to hear her shrill complaints so early in the morning anyway.

Tessei came in, licking his beak clean. "Rah-fah, mother has caught a lovely dinner for us. You should come eat."

Rapre gave him a look. "I'd rather sit here."

Tessei sat down and began grooming. Raptre watched him. Tessei carefully smoothed his feathers and flattened his fur. He picked dead skin from his forefeet and sharpened his claws with his beak.

The feathers on Raptre's wings were superficial for the most part. They supposedly made his wingbeats quieter but still so green in flying, he doubted that it would make much difference. His wings were functionally dragonic. He had feathers on his neck, whiskers, ears, a slightly agiline snout, and his hind legs were feline and but not very furry. For the rest of his body he was dragonic. He felt so awkward.

Raptre closed his eyes again. He heard Telteth's voice from in the den. It was solemn and quiet. Raptre strained to hear what he was saying, Tessei did the same.

"Another member of the council is dead...Kaiar Kai...his cavern...."

"Dead?! That oaf! How could you kill that great beast??"

"....missing parts...murder...immediately..."

"I don't like the dragons but this is serious! They'll becoming after the griffon's next!"


"D'arr! Baen must be a wreck. Tel'fah, what's going on? Do you know?"


"I see."


"They'll kill him."

Raptre shot up and dashed for the den. Telteth looked at him solemnly. Raptre stared back. There was silence.
<table border = 1><tr><td>ImageMmm, Mechage RPGWW style!
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Re: Fall of Solasia Chapter 2

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Tue Apr 23, 2002 12:06 pm


Thank the lord I've already read them!
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Re: Fall of Solasia Chapter 2

Unread postby Nekogami » Sun Apr 28, 2002 10:06 am

GOOD GOD! ........o.o I forgot I posted the story here! I was just thinking I need to work the Solasia fic but I'll have to save it and bring it over...BAKA! ^_^;;;; I'm "write" on it...*lurks to compose* <p>
<table border = 1><tr><td>ImageMmm, Mechage RPGWW style!
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Re: Fall of Solasia Chapter 2

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Apr 28, 2002 11:55 am

Wootles! More writing! ^_^ <p>
<table><tr><td>Image</td><td>Quotes of the moment:
-=- "And then the pixies of doom ate her brain. It was very tragic." -- White Knight
-=- "Spammers are people too." -- SuperRube
-=- "Look hun, it's...uh...raining... ...frogs...O_o;;;" -- Aya, Queen of Doma</td></tr></table></p>

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Re: Fall of Solasia Chapter 2

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon May 06, 2002 11:54 pm

*bump* <p>
<table><tr><td>Image</td><td><small><small>Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Weeee!!! Super fun happy plot advancement!!! :D" -- FF Fanatic, GM
-=- "How the HELL do you get a critical booze pour???" -- Archmage
-=- "For my next trick, I shall be crushing the hopes and dreams of the innocent!" -- SuperRube</td></tr></table></p>

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Re: Fall of Solasia Chapter 2

Unread postby Nakibe » Thu May 09, 2002 9:17 am


Warning: The previous was a work of Chaos. Anything said above was written by a certified nut. Caution is advised

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Re: Fall of Solasia Chapter 2

Unread postby Nekogami » Sun Jun 23, 2002 9:09 pm

Death, Fear, and Failure
Sharda L’Sarithe was voted into the Council of Elders within the year. A few years later, Kryse was also inducted. Much to Raptre’s chagrin. Not only were his parent’s in mortal danger but now he was force to live permanently with Halde.

For 4 years, the dragoons of Riva gained great power. Their numbers increased, their goddess was Ishtar, though many wondered and speculated if Nikumu, god of Hate, was their supporter. No matter who they worshipped, the brood of dragon and griffons were dwindling dangerously.

Within the four years, even the council had fallen from a might 13 to an ineffective 5. Baen commited suicide shortly after the murder of her husband. She was found swinging from the window of Lord Waldorff, a Rivan supporter of Solasia. In a terrible arson , the dwarves members Dwell Griftor, Denn Marr, Hel Vicht were burned alive in a bar. The entire structure falling in, trapping them in a fiery death. All together twenty-three passed away in that fire. The Rivans were growing wary of being associated with the Solasians. So the remaining Council members took to hiding. Though on the road, the human Greynard was lead away from the main party and murdered. The elven woman, Yanni was found ripped in two and floating in a lake, slaughtered as she bathed. Sharda, Kryse, Wes and Rylie, human mages, and Pavo, a dwarf were all the remained. They were currently hiding in a barn on the outskirts of Doma. The morning they would head to Doma for asylum and help.

Sandy Milar knew this. It was his business to know where the council members were at all times. He raised his hand and made a sharp movement. Five of his loyal dragoons dispatched to the nearby village, the remaining for with him.

He waited calmly outside the barn. Mappa was not with him. None of the griffons survived the attack on Szelze. It was the last stand and their numbers had dwindled all ready. He almost missed the loyal beast but he loved his power and status more. The griffon begged to be saved from the battlefield but his terrible keen was distracting, so Sandy, himself, lanced the griffon in the head, killing him instantly. Oddly, the griffon had a little power in him that Sandy immediately absorbed. Thus, he ordered his dragoons to kill their griffon partners. It was the ultimate betrayal but they were not human so their lives were not as valuable.

Sharda sniffed the air. “Is something burning?”

Something was burning. A village was burning. The dragoons with deadly precision had set the sleepy town aflame. Those that ran from their burning homes, man, child, elder, or woman, were cut down like weeds. Blood and brimstone was the scent that was read by all.

Kryse looked at Sharda in a way that broke the figid dragon’s heart. He leaned down and gave her a kiss. The others stood up with a grimness that expected the worse. Five against the odds, and the odds had been winning.

“This might be the end,” Wes said, adjusting his bandaged arm.

“Yes, it might…..Have we failed?” Rylie asked choking back tears.

Pavo said nothing but simply stepped out of the barn and headed towards the village a mile or so away. Sharda ran after him, grabbing the dwarf by the shoulders. “Pavo! Come now, where is that dwarves courage?”

Pavos old face was streaked with tears and his beard was salty with the fresh and old weariness of too many fallen friends. “It’s gone. Don’t you see wherever we go, people will die…until we can go no further.” The rubbed his face with his dirty sleeve. “Ryuumah isn’t here Sharda….we’re mortals without a prayer. Even if we did pray, no one would hear it. Let’s just end this turmoil.”

Sharda could say nothing at first so in time he just nodded
“It can’t end that way!”

Sharda stood up and turned to face Halde, Telteth, and Raptre. Halde was wearing armor and so was Telteth. Sharda stood, looking at them. It was a sight to see Halde again and his old friend Telteth.

“So you’re ready?”

Telteth nodded. “Halde’s taking the boys to Doma. She’ll return to help us.”

Sharda nodded and leaned down. He hadn’t see his only child it what seemed like forever. Seeing him now, he realized the Raptre was the happiest thing in his life. He hugged him tightly and smelled his hair. It was his scent he wanted to remember. Raptre’s look would change throughout the years but his scent wouldn’t change. It was a sweet smell, the sweetest smell he ever sensed. Even through the pain, the burning, and blood it was sweet and innocent.

Sharda looked deep into Raptre’s eyes. “Don’t forget me. Don’t forget your mother. Don’t forget you family because they will always be there for you.” Sharda spun Raptre around. “Look. Look at Halde. I know you never would have thought she’d be here but she is ready to die with us.”

“Die?” Raptre repeated breathlessly. It was like a terrible dream for him.

“Yes, We’Raptre….we’re going to die. But don’t forget that no matter where I go, where you mother goes, where any of us go, we will still and eternally love you.” Sharda kissed Raptre and hugged him again.

“Rah’fah,” came the singsong voice of his mother. She smiled broadly and put a hand on his head. “Don’t forget home. Don’t forget faith. Don’t forget who you are.” She kissed him and cast a sleep spell on the boy. “Don’t forget we love you…” she managed as he slumped in her arms.

Halde stepped forward and scooped him up. “I know where to leave him, so don’t worry. Ryuumah and Nekomah willing, this boy will grow up, happy, healthy, and strong.” She spread her wings and took off.

Sharda suppressed tears and sadness. “Let’s go.” He and the others head to the village. A village that embodied the carnage and failure of the Solasian Council but soon all of that would end, or so they hoped. Dragon and griffons assumed their natural forms. Mages prepared their spells, and dwarf swung his hammer.

Raptre since the spell had been cast tried to fight it’s affects and managed to open an eye and look back. What he saw and heard would remain forever imprinted in his mind. A flaming ballista struck Kyrse from the sky. Her cry mingled with the rage of Sharda, the great white dragon, ignoring the two arrows in his side, he went into a rage, but fell to another ballista arrow.

Then there was silence.
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Re: Fall of Solasia Chapter 2

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Jun 23, 2002 9:57 pm

Good stuff, good stuff. -.-

Inspiring, too...needa get off my ass and write the Riva BG finally... <p><hr width="47%"><small>Quotes of the moment – Advice:
-=- "Cuteness is CUTE!" -- SALSAlys
-=- "Alcohol is good for everything." -- Banjooie
-=- "Sanity is where the pants go on your legs, not your head." -- Crawling Reshiki
-=- "Love is when 72 billion monkeys steal a porsche and drive it off a cliff." -- SuperRube
-=- "Remember, kids, skulk 3 times a day so you can grow up and be a big and STRONG demon." -- Nakibe</p>

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*Sob* poor Raptre, hell, poor Solasia ,-.-,

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Jun 24, 2002 10:29 am

The thing that scares me the most about your fic Neko (and it's a good thing, btw ^.^; ) is how true it is to the real world. It's sad how willing people (any kind of people, in the rpgww sense) are to go along with things like this. Then again, I guess when things seem hopeless, you might cling to ANYTHING, even slaughtering an entire race, if there's a chance at making your own life better.


>.< Gah... it's times like this I hate being so open minded...

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Re: *Sob* poor Raptre, hell, poor Solasia ,-.-,

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jun 24, 2002 1:46 pm

Any child could tell you (if he or she had the mental capacity and maturity to realize it) how mindless hate and persecution --either of one person or many-- can help him or her justify his or her own faults and failings, and ultimately make them feel better through another's pain.

Some kids grow up to find out that they don't need to make others feel like @#%$ in order in order to feel good about themselves.

Some don't.

Image <p><hr width="47%"><small>Quotes of the moment – Advice:
-=- "Cuteness is CUTE!" -- SALSAlys
-=- "Alcohol is good for everything." -- Banjooie
-=- "Sanity is where the pants go on your legs, not your head." -- Crawling Reshiki
-=- "Love is when 72 billion monkeys steal a porsche and drive it off a cliff." -- SuperRube
-=- "Remember, kids, skulk 3 times a day so you can grow up and be a big and STRONG demon." -- Nakibe</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/8/05 20:53

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