A semi-"Morning After"

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A semi-"Morning After"

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Jun 09, 2002 1:32 pm

Kali opened her eyes, then wished she hadn't. The dim lighting made her head hurt, although she was still able to recognize the room she was in.

Mm? I don't remember coming here last night... Just drinking with Dhargun... kinda fuzzy after that... something about him... something sweet...

"Awake now, love?" asked a soft feminine voice.

"Think so," groaned Kali. "Got anything for a pounding headache, Shika?"

The succubus shook her head. Today her hair was ice-blue, and her features were as pale as snow, with dark, bottomless eyes. She was also wearing clothing; a simple white shift, slightly transluscent or opalescent in places, but more elegant than anything else.

Gone for the solemn ice-queen look today, I see.

"Yes." Shikhaela placed a gentle hand on the redhead's temples, and Kali felt waves of healing flowing through her, spreading from the forehead on down.

"Thanks," said Kali gratefully.

"First time drunk, I presume?"

"I was drunk?" Kali said in surprise. "Although it would make sense, I guess... but I asked Dhargun to watch out for me."

"Apparently, he had other things on his mind." Shikhaela's voice was serious, as was her face. "Involving you and him sharing a room for the night." Her eyes met Kali's green ones.

"Hell no. He's a nice guy," the fire mage said defensively. "And I appreciate you watching out for me, but I'm NOT a little girl anymore."

"Maybe so, but we worry."

"What, who else was involved in dragging me out of whatever last night? Magmar?"


Kali swore under her breath. "Did I sleep with anybody, or was I hauled out before anything happened?"

"Before, fortunately."

"Thank the gods for that at least," she muttered, turning away from her friend. Shikhaela, knowing better than to try and get close to the sometimes prickly woman, didn't attempt to close the distance.

"Can you watch yourself around him, next time?" asked the succubus. "As long as you're concious, I think you can handle yourself. But don't get drunk, please, love?"

"I don't plan on getting drunk again. Stupid headache. Anything I have to watch out for from Fireblaze? Snide comments about last night?"

"Not really on your part... but he's vowed to castrate your friend."


Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/usalsalys.showPublicProfile?language=EN>SALSAlys</A] at: 6/9/02 5:34:24 pm

Squintz Altec
Posts: 1056
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Re: A semi-"Morning After"

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sun Jun 09, 2002 1:56 pm

This is the chat that happened before this, just for reference. God, I love Dhargun. If there's anyone not normally there, (ie. Fireblaze, Mac) I'll say so.

AdamSquint: *looks over* Kali!
ChibiUrusai: *waves to Dhargun again, but looks slightly annoyed. Then goes to the bartender* Got a juice?
Mac: What kinda juice?
ChibiUrusai: Mmm... Orange, please.
Mac: Orange juice? Sure.
Mac: *pours it*
ChibiUrusai: *pays, drinking her juice* Thanks.
Mac: no problem.
ChibiUrusai: *leans on the bar, sighing*
ChibiUrusai: IM: Fireblaze is getting on my nerves more and more...
AdamSquint: o.o
AdamSquint: IM: Hmmm..
AdamSquint: *walks over and sits next to Kali*
AdamSquint: Hello again...been a while..
ChibiUrusai: *smiles wanly* Yes. How's it going?
AdamSquint: Fine...
ChibiUrusai: That's good.
ChibiUrusai: *finishes the juice, then looks into the mug contemptatively*
AdamSquint: I heard that you went to get an Ice crystal..
ChibiUrusai: *nod* Been talking with Fireblaze?
ChibiUrusai: *mentally debates whether to get an alcoholic drink and risk getting drunk, or get another drink and feel unsatisfied*
AdamSquint: *nods* Yeah...
AdamSquint: We had a little talk..
ChibiUrusai: Anything in particular that you talked about?
AdamSquint: Nah...not really..
ChibiUrusai: Mm.
AdamSquint: just...stuff.
ChibiUrusai: *decides to get an alcoholic drink* Any drinks you recommend?
AdamSquint: I suggest beer.
AdamSquint: Stay away from the Dragonale..that stuff's strong.
ChibiUrusai: *nod* I'll remember that. *calls to Mac* A beer, please.
Mac: *nods, and hands her a bottle*
AdamSquint: Mac..make that two beers.
ChibiUrusai: *blinks* A whole bottle?
Mac: Sure thing, Dhargun.
AdamSquint: *hands Dhargun one too*
AdamSquint: Yeah...a whole bottle.
AdamSquint: It ain't bad.
ChibiUrusai: *nods slowly* I don't drink that often, though... unsure if i can handle it all.
AdamSquint: IM: Really? Score!
AdamSquint: Eh...I'm sure you can.
AdamSquint: IM: I hope she can't..
ChibiUrusai: *stares at the bottle* OK... if I start acting drunk or something though, tell me, all right?
AdamSquint: Okay.
AdamSquint: IM: No.
ChibiUrusai: *carefully opens the bottle and takes a cautious sip*
AdamSquint: *has almost finished his*
ChibiUrusai: Mm... *sips again*
AdamSquint: You like?
ChibiUrusai: It's... different. *sips yet again* I think I do.
AdamSquint: Good! ^_^
AdamSquint: *starts to get into his groove*
AdamSquint: I missed you..
ChibiUrusai: IM: I have the sudden urge to get a nightshade and put it on my head while dancing...
ChibiUrusai: *isn't noticing that her words are slightly slurred* That's okay... I missed you too.
AdamSquint: *puts his arm around her*
AdamSquint: No...I mean..REALLY missed you.
ChibiUrusai: *leans on Dhargun's shoulder*
ChibiUrusai: Mm?
AdamSquint: *brushes her hair*
AdamSquint: You know, you are a beautiful lady...
T3chn0Namagomi: *sends a small shock through Dhargun*
AdamSquint: *shocked*
ChibiUrusai: *snuggles against Dhargun* You're sweet... *feels him be shocked* You okay?
AdamSquint: Ah..I'll be fine.
AdamSquint: It's just your sweet touch.
AdamSquint: It's like a Bolt spell on my skin..
ChibiUrusai: Mm... *turns to him, more than slightly tiddly now* *kisses him on the cheek*
AdamSquint: *kissed*
AdamSquint: IM: Move in for the kill...
ChibiUrusai: IM: How come Fireblaze can't be this sweet? He should take lessons... although that'd be a bit strange...
AdamSquint: *kisses her on the lips*
AdamSquint: IM: It's a win-win!
Fireblaze: *Fireblaze feels a sudden funny jerk at his heart, while in the elemental plane* Gwah?
ChibiUrusai: *smiles, sort of, and kisses back*
AdamSquint: You..wanna get a room?
ChibiUrusai: *nods vaguely, but seems more than a bit out of it. Less than half of the beer in her bottle is gone, though*
AdamSquint: *helps her up*
AdamSquint: Mac. Room. Now.
Fireblaze: Now I have a REALLY bad feeling for some reason...
Fireblaze: *is still in the elemental plane*
Mac: *nods..reluctantly*
Mac: *gives Dhargun a key*
ChibiUrusai: *leans against Dhargun contentedly*
AdamSquint: *huggles her*
AdamSquint: Come on... just follow me..
Fireblaze: A feeling like... I need to help Kali. Soon.
AdamSquint: *is following his head..*
AdamSquint: *just the wrong one*
Fireblaze: In fact, more than soon... RIGHT NOW!
AdamSquint: ^_^
AdamSquint: *gives her another kiss*
Fireblaze: *appears in the tavern in a blaze of fire*
ChibiUrusai: Mm?
AdamSquint: <_<
AdamSquint: IM: F#$@.
Fireblaze: What in BLAZES?!
ChibiUrusai: Don't yell... it makes the room spin...
AdamSquint: *goes into a neutral position*
AdamSquint: She got a little drunk...
AdamSquint: So I'm helping her.
ChibiUrusai: Yes... he's nice. Said he missed me... *hiccups*
Fireblaze: Uh-huh. *gives Dhargun a hairy eyeball*
AdamSquint: ..But I am helping her..
Fireblaze: That's nice. But I think I'll take her home now, to sleep it off.
AdamSquint: She'd be falling over if it wasn't for me.
AdamSquint: Really?
AdamSquint: Okay then...
ChibiUrusai: *nods, not really paying much attention to anything*
Fireblaze: I'll take Kali... RIGHT NOW. *his voice is serious and angry*
ChibiUrusai: Please don't... it makes the room spin...

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pd Rydia
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Re: A semi-"Morning After"

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Jun 09, 2002 2:11 pm

Woo, funny stuff, Lys. XD

*gives Fireblaze a cheese grater, with love*

*cackle* <p>
<table><tr><td>Image</td><td><small>Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "I say we should all sing...and get totally sloshed! w00t, b00ze!" -- Archmage
-=- "'Keeeeeep! More booze, please! ~_~ I can still think straight!" -- Rai Dia
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</td></tr></table></p>

Squintz Altec
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Re: A semi-"Morning After"

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sun Jun 09, 2002 2:12 pm



Re: A semi-"Morning After"

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Jun 09, 2002 2:21 pm


Can't wait until Ash finishes the Kali sprites. ^_^


Re: A semi-"Morning After"

Unread postby Kotoki » Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:31 pm

... Yatta! It involves sex, so I like it on general principal. And seeing Dhargun castrated would make me very happy.

Squintz Altec
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Re: A semi-"Morning After"

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:55 pm


Well...anyway...I think that Dhargun might do something rash. And not in a bad way.

Squintz Altec
Posts: 1056
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Re: A semi-"Morning After"

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sun Jun 09, 2002 7:39 pm

Oh yes...


I got up off my ass and edited an arpee! THere it is, in all its..um..glory?


Re: A semi-"Morning After"

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jun 10, 2002 9:54 am

Now I wonder whether I should put up what Fireblaze and Shikhaela argue about, in light of Dhargun's proposal... ^_^


Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/8/05 20:47

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