A Hero Meets a Girl (A Backstory Fic)

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Ash Fanrico
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A Hero Meets a Girl (A Backstory Fic)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Jun 03, 2002 4:14 pm

(How Ash met ChristyDia this is a bit before the Hit, so Ash is not a major player in the turn of things and is not a general yet. He's basically just been revived.)

Part 1: After the Awakening

I wondered for many days... still reeling from my reawakening. I was in a world I had not made. I was a forgotten warrior of the past. It would take some time to get used to this place.

Ash wandered across the open field, the nice morning air filled his lungs. The tall grass of the open field was glistening with the morning dew. But Ash did not care for this, he was more concerned about other things. Things more important to him.

Where am I going to go? This world is so different from the one I left. I need a weapon, or at least something to defend myself till I can obtain a better weapon later. Also some armor... I need some armor.

Ash looked down at his garb, whoever revived him at least gave him some clothes. A Black Sleeveless Shirt, and some Dark Green pants. The pants looked familiar, they might have been the ones he wore when he had fought Merr. His mind was still a bit hazy from being dormant for so long. He looked at his tattooed arms, it had been a while since he saw them.

Definately get some armor, not going to be able to do much with a worker's shirt, some pants and tattoos.

In the distance, he saw some smoke... there was obviously a town not too far from his current position. He walked in the direction from which the smoke was coming from.

Hope this isn't some Ork Camp or a Dragon. Hate to fight when I'm practically defenseless.

About an hour or so later of trudging through grassy fields and a small forest, Ash arrived upon a town. It was a good sized one, had some rows of houses, a marketplace, and a few other assorted structures. He looked over at a sign on a store, it read: Rivendell Items.

Well might as well get started somewhere.

End of Part 1

(How'd I do?) <p>>"Frying Pan of Love!"--- Yang's Wife.<</p>Edited by: Ash Fanrico at: 6/3/02 8:17:15 pm


Re: A Hero Meets a Girl (A Backstory Fic)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jun 03, 2002 8:06 pm

Good. Me wants the next episode! Although not sure about the capitalization on "Ork Camp" and "Dragon". Unless it's a specific dragon or camp that's CALLED Ork Camp, I think it should be lowercase.

I'm the nit-picky grammar person. Sowwy!

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pd Rydia
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Re: A Hero Meets a Girl (A Backstory Fic)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jun 06, 2002 7:13 am

Nice. Keep writing. <p>
<table><tr><td>Image</td><td><small>Quotes of the moment:
-=- "Milk does a neko good!" -- Hayako (Nekogami)
-=- "Magic. As in, big flashy dink!" -- El Bob (Squintz)
-=- "Alas, pants. I knew them well." -- Kotoki</td></tr></table></p>

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Jak Snide
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<_< I can't believe I put off reading this for so long

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Jun 06, 2002 2:01 pm

Keep going man! That was a good read!

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: <_< I can't believe I put off reading this for so

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:09 pm

(Thanks all for the compliments. Time to type part 2)

Part 2: Wishing for Something More

At the Rivendell Academy of the Magic Arts, where many good upstanding mages have been trained and tutored over the years. Here apprentices can study all the possible scrolls and literature on the magiks they are being taught in.

In the library where most of the students spend their time in, there was a young student, a girl, who was well skilled in the ways of the Red Wizard. She was one of the top students of Rivendell. The young lady was garbed in dark red robes and had a dark Blue-Green skirt on. She is easy to spot, for her hair was dyed Black and White. A strange and interesting color mixture. She was reading from a well known document of literature at the Academy...

Magic, in many forms, has existed in the world of Gaera for longer than Gaera itself has existed. Paradoxical, perhaps, but creation is often a paradoxical event within its own devices, forcing the great scholars of each era to debate the existence of the previous eras, which of the eras came first, which organisms gave rise to which and from where, from whence they all came, and how to disprove each other without looking very silly....

She looked up from her reading, the library was quite old, she heard it had started about 2 or more centuries ago. There were many other students milling around and looking for their desired books or scrolls.

Tis always busy this time of day.

She got up and returned the document she was reading to it's spot in the archives. She spun around and walked down the aisles of chairs and tables. The Library of Rivendell Academy was one of the best places for Magic Texts, apparently second only to Gunnir.

Hope I put it back where it was supposed to go.

The girl decided to leave. She walked over to the sheet of paper she had checked in on. The young Red Wizard wrote down her name in plain eligible writing:

ChristyDia Roa Tulmos

ChristyDia finished and exited the Library. She walked down the hallway towards the Main Hall. The hallway was adorned with various wall decorations and the windows had long dark blue curtains. But the young mage had other things on her mind...

Constant learning... constant reading... hope things are as exciting as they say they are outside this place.

She entered the Main Hall, and went straight out the Academy. Students were allowed only to go out into town. The Masters felt that they still weren't ready for a field test of their abilities.

I would love to get out for once. To see the world. To go places I've only read about.

Then like always reality would catch up to the poor girl...

But I got to finish my studies and my training. But soon, I will be out of here. Then nobody will be able to stand in my way, I'll be able to go travel the world...

End of Part 2

(Hope this one was good.) <p>>"Frying Pan of Love!"--- Yang's Wife.<</p>Edited by: Ash Fanrico at: 6/6/02 8:23:57 pm

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Jak Snide
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*nods respectfully*

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Jun 06, 2002 4:23 pm

Nice stuff there. I've already pointed out a thing or two over AIM.


Re: A Hero Meets a Girl (A Backstory Fic)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Jun 06, 2002 6:48 pm

I like the writing and everything, it's good. *nods* However, you have an interesting habit of capitalizing things which aren't proper nouns--they're usually adjectives, in fact, like "Blue-Green skirt" and "White and Black" and "some Dark Green pants." Adjectives and such forth are not capitalized in this sense. *nods*

Image <p>
<center><table border=4><tr><td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4><tr><td>Image</td><td><center>Archmage Kirby:
Powers HAL Labs wishes they'd thought up first.
RPGWW! Beware of GM!</center></td><td>Image</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></center></p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/8/05 20:45

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