The Hit, take two

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The Hit, take two

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:24 pm

<ul><font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:07:16 PM): You said yesterday you had ideas about turning The Hit into a fic....would you like any help?
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:07:22 PM): you mind? I'm having a tantrum here?
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:07:32 PM): =P
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:08:52 PM): anyway, Molo, I'm interested in doing this, but first I'mma needa dig up the canon stuff, get the motivation, and stuffs. I'm thinking along the lines of writing up a rough draft, passing it along to someone to add their
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:09:07 PM): embellishments, to pass along to someone else to add theirs, and so on...
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:09:14 PM): what are your thoughts?
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:09:24 PM): I think, that it could work if we rearrange a few things.
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:09:54 PM): I mean, I was involved in it alot, but there is a lot of stuff I need to change if we make it a fic to make it fit with the character <font color=purple>Molokidan</font> eventually came to be.
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:10:01 PM): Yeah, that's what I thought about finding out what's canon. First item of business is laying out the events all in order and planning and outline in a thread or somesuch
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:10:07 PM): There's also the fact of it started focused on End Reshiki, but then Darkblade came in and fucked a lot of stuff up.
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:10:18 PM): Yeah.
<font color="#dd0000">OverlordMegatron</font> (9:10:18 PM): Darkblade seems to like doing that.
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:10:31 PM): We should get a few people who are interested and have a discussion some night or something.
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:10:42 PM): also, the rough draft could be changed a lot--you would write a whole passage out of mine, or add another in, for instance
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:10:56 PM): Yeah, I like that idea.
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:12:06 PM): I like the idea of starting off with a full work and passing it on to someone else, rather than having lots of people write individual segments...I think the latter might lead to the story being a bit disjointed in style
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:12:13 PM): Yeah, that's a good idea.
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:12:20 PM): First we need to just edit it all to make it flow like a single story.
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:12:26 PM): *nods*
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:12:30 PM): We need to introduce all the characters properly, have some buildup, etc.
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:12:38 PM): aye, aye
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:12:50 PM): And edit the ridiculous fight scenes >_<
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:12:54 PM): *laughs*
OverlordMegatron (9:13:06 PM): *throws glu_glu at a blimp* Grappling hook!
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:13:11 PM): Seriously, I was shuddering looking back at this. I don't know what I was thinking.
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:13:18 PM): Haha.
<font color=purple>Molokidan</font> (9:13:31 PM): I think my worst was when I had Molo summoning Leviathan at the end XD
<font color="#dd0000">OverlordMegatron</font> (9:13:55 PM): Not when he randomly turned into a demon for no good reason?
<font color=teal>Ryuugami</font> (9:14:15 PM): Hm, I think I may C&P some of these ideas into the fic forum</ul>
YES! This idea is revived. Slightly different idea about how to go about it. I actually have some intent to go through with it, this time.

So! Firstly, who's interested? Secondly, what's feedback on the above mentioned ideas, and what modifications, additions, or whatever might you have to suggest? Thirdly, what happened if the Gaeran goddess of pineapples was, in fact, a hyper-intelligent ladpragon who ascended to godhood? <p>
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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:32 pm

As stated above, I'm definitely interested.

For the plotline, using Idran's timeline writeup is a very good idea to make things sensical again. We'll just have to add all the details back in. It's going to be a lot of work. @_@ But I'm willing to help as much as possible.

I obviously have to make a bunch of edits on my character personally, as everyone else probably does. But first we need to make this all into one working story. <p>---------------

"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"</p>Edited by: [url=>Molokidan</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/26/04 9:36 pm

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:47 pm

Everything from the timeline relevant to The Hit:<ul>c. 1700 BT -- Jonas’s estimate for the date of the construction of the mirrors within the floating castle. The designs within these mirrors are similar to those used by an ancient magical society from around this time. (The Hit)

1286 -- Daniel Hyral is born (20 in The Hit)

1287 -- Stephan Hyral is born (19 in The Hit)

1291 -- Kadina is born (15 in The Hit)

<s>Molokidan Tunksuu is born to a mermaid and a demon in the village of Sushiana (Age: The Hit; Last Name: From Hell to High Water; Parents: Not What It Seems)</s>

1297 -- Some form of Moogle Rebellion may or may not have occurred (The Hit)

1298-1302 -- The father of Daniel and Stephan Hyral dies sometime during this time period. Stephan begins studying the way of the Dark Blade soon after. (The Hit, Daniel’s Char Sheet)

1301 -- Cantor returns to Kira after a journey, the details of which are not given (The Hit)

Unknown --Stephan meets Midoku while both are imprisoned: Midoku for being a “spawn of the devil,” and Stephan for general evil actions. They escape together a few days later. (The Hit)

1306 -- The Cult of Broomada hires Stephan and Midoku to steal an artifact, the Obake Spear, from Doma Castle. In exchange, they agree to give the secret to creating Blue Mage drones. Unbeknownst to Stephan and Midoku, the elder of the cult is actually Dark Fanrico in disguise, who plans to use the spear as a step to his eventual godhood. (The Hit)

The Hit Day 1: Stephan and Midoku successfully steal the Obake Spear from Doma Castle. An incident occurs within Doma, involving the King and End Reshiki. During the incident, Daniel is captured by Stephan and Midoku. End is captured by DarkShark, a Doman guard, and arrested. He escapes the dungeon through the use of magic, and receives aid in recovering from his wounds and repairing his armor. Ash is gifted with a powerful weapon. Unfortunately, this weapon has the side effect of drawing the attention of Ash’s evil counterpart, the demon-kopii Dark Fanrico. Daniel escapes from Stephan’s barrier, and begins fighting him. Ash, Christydia, Kadina, Peach, and Kelan join the fight against Stephan and Midoku, while Jak and Kotoki begin fighting a group of Doman guards on the ground. An attack by Kotoki randomly teleports her and Jak to the airship. End wakes up, and returns to the castle. Rico appears on the airship, and attacks both groups. He takes the Obake Spear from Stephan, and reveals himself as the Elder of the Cult of Broomada. Midoku seemingly sacrifices himself for Stephan. Ash is able to defeat Rico with the help of his new weapon. That night, everyone involved in the battle is tormented by vivid nightmares, the results of which carry over into the waking world. Folx, Kira, and Cantor arrive at Doma Castle, and begin discussing End. Lance joins the group at Doma Castle. Rico escapes from Limbo using the Obake Spear. End arrives at the castle. Folx’s group leaves for Doma. (The Hit – Date conjecture)

The Hit Day 2: Peach tells the rest of the group at the Inn about End’s amulet, and his possible importance in the future. Stephan leaves to get End. After a brief discussion, Daniel and Kadina follow after Stephan. Stephan is attacked by a group of WynnWolves, and Daniel and Kadina arrive to help him fight them off. Folx’s group arrives in Doma. Peach meets up with Daniel’s group, to bring them back to the inn, when another group of WynnWolves attacks. Ash is convinced to stay with the group, despite the effects of his transformation. Folx’s group enters the inn. End leaves Folx’s group, to find and kill the DemonBeast. Daniel’s group successfully fights off the wolves, and returns to the inn. End reaches the Oracle within some unnamed mountains. He continues up the mountain range soon after. The group leaves the inn to find End, using Peach and Kelan’s ability to track End’s amulet. Jonas Kilmett comes across the airship wreckage from the previous day’s battle, while he and Gina were returning home, and finds Midoku’s body. Midoku shows signs of life upon being removed from the wreckage. Jonas takes Midoku to his house to rest up, against Lisa’s wishes. Midoku wakes up, and introduces himself to the Kilmetts. (The Hit – Date conjecture)

The Hit Day 3: Midoku wakes up at the Kilmetts’ house, and has breakfast. Jonas leaves with Gina and Midoku to sell his crafts in a nearby village, while Lisa stays at home. Molokidan joins Rico as his henchman. Stephan warns Daniel about the change he sensed in Molokidan, although not knowing who specifically was affected. End reaches another oracle’s cave, only to find this oracle had been recently killed. He returns to the previous cave, and discovers this oracle had also been killed. Cantor reaches Daniel and Stephan, and brings them back up to the group. Jonas, Midoku, and Gina come across a village recently razed by Rico. Upon hearing his description, Midoku tells Jonas about Rico, and he agrees to help Midoku track him down. The group comes across a wild chocobo herd, and some members attempt to tame some for mounts. End reaches a forest. While attempting to catch a chocobo, some of the group finds Dr. Birkley. While Birkley tells the group about his new invention, the motorbike, the group receives a set of tame flying chocobos. Ash’s transformation starts to take hold of his mind, and he temporarily loses control, but is contained within a block of ice by Jak. Rico appears with Dark Molokidan at Birkley’s cabin, just as Midoku, Jonas, and Gina reach the group. Cantor temporarily splits into his good and evil halves, before being recombined by Kira. Astrynax encounters End while he is wandering through the forest. Christydia melts the ice encasing Ash, and the effects of his transformation subside. While fighting Astrynax, End loses his amulet. Astrynax teleports the two to the ruins of the fortress of the Reshiki Dragoon clan. (End’s plotline continued in Astrynax Saga Day 1) Dark Molokidan resummons the DemonBeast. Rico kidnaps Christydia while Dark Molokidan kidnaps Gina, and the two escape on the DemonBeast to the Helluva Temple. Ash takes Birkley’s motorbike, to use in chasing Rico and Dark Molokidan, while Jonas changes into his werewolf form over losing Gina. Rico and Dark Molokidan stop for water; meanwhile, Gina finds End’s amulet on the ground. The Helluva Temple is destroyed, as well as the Book of Drendar, a book of dark magic not meant to be used by man. Folx succeeds in calming Jonas down, keeping him from continuing to attack the group. Cantor, Kira, and Peach bring Ash back to the group. The group continues on in the direction of Rico and Dark Molokidan. Dark Molokidan and Rico find a set of controls within the ruins of the temple. They activate the controls, releasing a floating castle from underneath them. (The Hit – Date conjecture)

Note: This night is a full moon. This could aid in dating the night later.

The Hit Day 4: The group sees the castle, and Jak opens a portal to its top for the rest of the group. Dark Molokidan creates a maze for them to pass through before reaching him and Rico. While passing through an area filled with ancient mirrors, copies of the members of the group appear and fight them, attempting to break their spirits in the process. Jak and Kelan continue through the maze while the rest of the group continues to fight. They find Christydia and Gina tied up in a room near Rico. The castle arrives over the Hellmouth where Rico was created. Rico enters the Hellmouth, to regain his full powers. When there, an unknown figure makes Rico much more powerful. Dark Molokidan taps into the power source of the floating castle, and becomes even more powerful. Kelan leaves to warn the rest of the group, while Kotoki and Ash find Jak. Christydia and Gina are teleported away, preventing the transformed Dark Molokidan from killing them. Meanwhile, the group continues to fight, defeating the last remaining mirror clone. This clone, the Dark Paladin Staniel, is teleported away before his destruction. However, he is altered and begins aiding the group in fighting Hell Molokidan. The land around the tower begins to crumble, due to the overload of power from Hell Molokidan. The group attacks Hell Molokidan, reverting him back to normal Molokidan. Staniel is killed in the battle with Hell Molokidan. The amulet triggers, enveloping Ash, Christydia, Cantor, Kotoki, Daniel, and Molokidan in a light of unknown powers. The group begins attacking Rico. Molokidan discovers he can take his demon form at will without becoming evil again. Rico removes Molokidan’s demonic powers, using the same artifact he used to create Dark Molokidan. While the fight continues on the floating tower, Jak, Daniel, and Stephan are on the ground attempting to seal the Hellmouth and cut off Rico’s power. Daniel and Stephan are pulled into the pit. However, they escape after a brief incident, and succeed in sealing it. They fall unconscious immediately after. Ash deals the final blow to Rico, defeating him again. Cantor’s dark and light halves split from his body, and leave for another dimension to fight. The various members of Folx’s group leave for their homes, except for Cantor and Kira, who return to Doma. Jak and Kotoki head north for an undisclosed reason. The amulet falls off of Gina’s neck as she passes through the portal to the ground with Jonas, Midoku, and Kadina. Stephan and Daniel wake up just as Midoku’s group reaches them. Kadina leaves to find the Obake Spear, lost during the fight with Rico. Jonas and Gina return home. Stephan and Midoku leave to find another quest. Ash and Christydia leave, and encounter Dr. Birkley. (The Hit – Date conjecture)</ul> <p>
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pd Rydia
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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:48 pm


I still got it. :P <p>
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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:54 pm

Yeah, Molo's birthdate in there should just read that he is born in Sushiana. I don't know what I was thinking with the mermaid stuff.

Anyway, it's good that we have all the posts still logged. We'll have to go through everything and work it into dialogue, adding transitions when needed, etc. It'll be a lot of work, but it should be pretty cool in the end.

Also notice in Idran's timeline that he cut out DarkBlade alltogether. If everyone thinks that is a good idea, then I mean, by all means, do it. However, some of his interaction between himself and Dark Fanrico is pretty entertaining. If we changed (a lot of) his actions around and turned him more into an NPC Demonlord, it could still work. Dark Fanrico fights him in the end, if I remember correctly. . .I still need to read through it all one more time.

But hey, this is a good start, we'll get to this. . .eventually. <p>---------------

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Nov 02, 2004 3:46 am

Just a brief update, as of 11/02, after getting Dia's OK, I've started working on the rough draft of this baby. Don't know when I'll be done, but just putting this up in case someone spies this thread later down the line. Hopefully, I'll update this with the finished rough draft soon~! <p>---------------

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Nov 03, 2004 9:56 am

11/05 -- Status Report -- FINISHED!!


After staying up very very late two nights in a row, and shirking all my duties. . .I have finished the rough draft of the hit. It's 29 chapters, 375 pages (in Word), and 80,549 words. Holy crap, this thing is one big mother.

But the best part is, it all flows and makes sense now. At least, I really like it. I put a lot of work into it, and I think it's good stuff.

Anyway, it's too huge to just post on one huge post. This is still just the rough draft, everyone still needs to add stuff, there needs to be some more detail added in some areas, and maybe some things switched around depending on what everyone thinks.

Anyway, should I post this by chapter in here? In another thread? or does someone want to host the .txt file? I can't let this thing go unread!!! <p>---------------

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:41 am

Holy fucking shit.

Well, um. Wow. I would say post it up chapter by chapter in the forum. People could do edits for technical stuff along the way (any grammar and such you may have missed, and add anything that may add to the scene, flow and such). I'm not sure how much people could mess around with the actual events until the whole story is posted, or at least a synopsis--but if something cropped up that someone wanted to move around, it could always be talked about, I suppose. Do you think that would work? <p>
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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:36 pm

Molo, you are now officially my hero.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">Now go GM the Twel-::shot DEAD::</span>

PS: Serriously, if he title wasn't so groovy, it should be changed to "Hardcore RP Editor" or somesuch. <p>

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</p>Edited by: [url=>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 11/3/04 4:37 pm

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:29 pm You just like, wrote a novel.

I suggest turning it in to an RTF file (as they're smaller than Word files, yay!) and sending it to someone to host somewhere. Y'know, cause there is a message length limit, so you can't exactly just post the thing. :O <p>
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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:30 pm

...there IS? o_O <p>
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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:33 pm

Yes. It's pretty long though. Just not 300+ pages long. <p>
<hr width="70%"><center>This month's "Transformer of the Month" is Cyclonus! He turns into a severely evil looking jet thing, and his primary function is badassery.</center></p>

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:43 pm

I believe we have now established that Molo is officially insane.

But in a good way. <p>KnightsofSquare: DarkLordKelne is a tomboy bunnygirl, jealous of the business successes of her 37 older brothers, she is pursuing her own business degree in hopes of someday initiating a hostile takeover against her brothers' corporations.</p>

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:36 pm

Is it too late to change End's role a bit in the later parts? ;_;

I always did screw up his role later on. It's still set that he leaves without doing anything about Mr. DemonBeast, but... yeah. Sorry I didn't get to saying something earlier, but there's that whole sporadic absence thing.

Also, Dia, how does the idea of putting WTHRIC, or the Astrynax Saga, into a cohesive fic of some sort strike you? Could finally put some issues to rest... <p>

<span style="font-size:x-small;">Bebi Vegita: I made everyone into glorious Tsufurujin, but you're the exception, damned Saiyajin. You're going to be killed by my hands!
Goku: I like that better! I'd rather die than be your servant.
Bebi Vegita: Then, DIE!!</span></p>

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:41 pm

"Is it too late to change End's role a bit in the later parts?"

I don't think so, no. As we get to editting those chapters, just hop into the editting. For that matter, if you want to spiffy up any of End's dialogue, actions, etc., in the first chapter, it's up in another thread.

"Also, Dia, how does the idea of putting WTHRIC, or the Astrynax Saga, into a cohesive fic of some sort strike you? Could finally put some issues to rest..."

I dunno. I don't feel comfortable writing for Dragan, myself--Lance, between you and I, we could wing. However, if Phil wanted to collaborate with us in the writing--he's still on AIM under the screenname DogshamanPhil, if you want to ask him sometime later on--then perhaps indeed. <p>
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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:52 pm

End, I was hoping you would say that!

Technically, End's storyline "ends" at the beginning of Chapter 17, far before the story ends.

However, later, we find that the amulet End was holding somehow gets in the hands of Gina and aids to the fall of Dark Fanrico.

If you're willing to write some more stuff to tie up End's storyline, it would be great. I didn't touch it, because I know you continued it somewhere else.

Likewise, on the doman front, I never added anything as to what becomes of Doma Castle, the King, or Smartz, because I figured those two would like a say in it. That's two big "holes" in the story that I haven't touched yet. <p>---------------

"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"</p>

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Nov 05, 2004 10:59 am

Dia: Yes, Mr. Phil must be contacted, given that Dragan is one of his characters. Of course, given my status on the Net at the moment, being online at all might be a little difficult.
Not that this necessarily has to be done just now, or anysuch crazy thing...

Molo: Oh yeah. As soon as the different chapters come up, I'll suggest how to do thangs differently. End's 'story' continues on into the Asty saga, which is... well, another story entirely. :p

As far as the King and Smartz go, yeah. Those two need to get their butts in here. Someone bother them to look at this stuff, yeah? <p>

<span style="font-size:x-small;">Bebi Vegita: I made everyone into glorious Tsufurujin, but you're the exception, damned Saiyajin. You're going to be killed by my hands!
Goku: I like that better! I'd rather die than be your servant.
Bebi Vegita: Then, DIE!!</span></p>

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:35 pm

Oh and... could you try and edit or take out completely, that whole "Darkblade turns Ash into a God" thing? That was... kinda... lame and stupid. e_e <p>"Uh-Huh... hate to break this to you... but gratuitus panty shots aren't considered a weapon!" --Deadpool to Sailor Moon, "Deadpool vs. Sailor Moon"</p>

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Nov 23, 2004 6:33 pm

I already did some editing, and only made it temporary until the sun came up. (So, in the time of the story, it only lasted about 10 minutes total - long enough for him to kill DF.)

But if you want to change the ending blow between Ash anD DF around, it pretty much is all yours, if you want to write something. This goes for any other parts involving Ash, of course.

Edit: Also, I like the whole "Afterword" you added to the end of the rough draft. I'll definitely put that in the final version, if I ever finish with the editing. 9_9 <p>---------------

"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"</p>Edited by: [url=>Molokidan</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/23/04 6:37 pm

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Re: The Hit, take two

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:37 am

Thanks for the info.

It's nice being able to read the Hit without all those bump posts, spam posts, and OOC comments.

Like I said in the rough draft thread... it's been fun going down this road again, and seeing how things began and how much they've changed.

Good luck Molo. Image <p>"Uh-Huh... hate to break this to you... but gratuitus panty shots aren't considered a weapon!" --Deadpool to Sailor Moon, "Deadpool vs. Sailor Moon"</p>

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